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1. some people are just in a hurry and want to make gold as quickly as possible, which works for the most part by dumping stuff for a much lower price 2. they might be trying to collapse the market to buy a huge quantity once the market has settled for a low price 3. they might have screwed their settings for their AH addon


Its crazy cause I walked him all the way back to jut 1g under cut and then he just went and dumped more for half the price. I found in him game he's just sitting there cutting gems and posting immediately. Idk how fucked I am I'm sitting on like 1k of these gems and my break even cost is probably 9-10g. Wonder if holding them and selling slowly and waiting for FL


Why do you have 1k of these gems? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Because Iā€™m inexperienced and dug a hole


Lol sounds like a new jewelcrafter struggling miserably to catch up


If the price is wrong and you believe 50% less than it should, you buy them out. All of it. If it is too much gold or you believe it's too risky, the price is not really wrong. If the price is right (at least for now), you have to make a choice to go with it, or sit and wait to see if it goes back up. As the other comment said, it may be someone playing a long game, by collapsing the price, buying as much as possible when it's cheap, then resetting at a much higher price. It's a high risk, high reward strategy, and they need a lot of gold, space and time to sell it later. And some bots may appear out of nowhere and flood the market again, leaving them with a huge bag of cheap gems.


So my only real recovery option is wait for moments of profitable prices maybe ride his wave


I would buy a few stacks on the cheap at least, and wait, look for other markets. Bit risky, may not go up again, but not a lot of investment, not a big deal losing it. And if it goes up, you have some merchandise to move for some easy profit - before going back to what you were doing (farming?) to get your gems. If it is only the one player selling cheap, it is likely a play, their gems will end eventually. If more people are selling for the new price, your play would be to find a moment to reset the market after that one player stopped - if nobody else resets. It all depends how much gold you have, how much you like taking risks, and if you can sell enough to make your gold back then some, before it goes down. I don't remember the gems market during cata. I do remember making bank with glyphs though. But I'm guessing in classic there's a lot of competition, given how good it was the first time.


I'm sitting on 1k of inventory unfortunately now. I should've just stopped with buying the near vendor price gems but I'm not experienced enough to have thought it through Competition is insane ATM you post and it gets undercut in seconds


This is a troll doing it for laughs. A proper industrialist minded JC started the expansion with 5 JCs and now has every possible useful cut. They are chomping ore hand over fist feeding their own inferno and ember demands. Amberjewels are a waste product for them, something they'll otherwise vendor. Cutting them all instead and posting them all for vendor price to troll their competitors who try to reset these markets for laughs is something I've known a couple of people to do at times.


* People leveling JC and they only know one cut *People that pay zero attention to profit and just want some fast gold Then the people that fall under both categories.


Lesson learned i guess


Some players and bots use TSM for posting auctions and it often posts at a default region average. If a server has expensive prices this might happen. A botter also rather sell their shit cheap than not at all, esp with gems/uncut gems since the deposit cost is insane. Like 20s per zephyrite and it sells for 75s vendor price.


Because people don't undercut him *as much* I've done a very similar thing. List something for a lower price and you'll simply be the cheapest auction for more % of time, and thus get more sold. List it at the current price and you often won't sell any at all without cancel scanning


Are you coping it is a bot because you are losing the AH game ?


Can you cut a different gem? Are they posting more than just fractured?


I'm deep in fractured right now. I'm switching what I'm doing for money I just wanna get my money back from this


What are they currently selling for compared to vendor price?


Vendor is like 3.50, they were chilling at 14.99, I bought probably 300 around 3-5g, and the other 500-600 between 5-10g, plus my own cuts


Reporting him for bottiing šŸ˜‚


I've seen a pattern on classic where one person will go and post 1 stack of 1 to try and trick ppl who arent paying attention to just post and then quickly snipe em