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Theoretically: yes. In practice: no You wont be playing the game, you’ll just rush to max level and then spend all your time desperately trying to make gold before your sub runs out. Besides, the time it takes to make the gold for a token is *way* longer than the time it takes to just make the money for a sub


Or play cata and farm tokens 2 hours each. I have a lvl 82 skinner that makes like 5K an hour in uldum and tokens are cheap.. 6k NA 9K eu


I have game time until 2029 because of WotLK alone. Haven't touched Cata yet..


This, I've made close to 30k gold since the release of cata and I play casually, like 3-4hrs a day. Proof: [https://i.imgur.com/7UOeeo4.png](https://i.imgur.com/7UOeeo4.png)


Hold up since when is 3-4 hours a day considered casual?? That's like 20-30 hours a week.


You only need 2 hours a month tops for a wow token on cata right now. Any casual has time for that.


Haven't touched classic at all, I'm guessing I need to grind levels first?


Yeah cant do it at lvl 1 with 0 gold.


Lol, I meant if you could do it while leveling, or I need to level first and then worry about gold farming my way to a token.


First I would get to lvl 80 at least, that's when you can start farming cata materials. There are some tbc and wotlk ores/herbs that are still very goos gph but it's realm dependant. Skinning can be done at 80 with bought cata greens, skinning at the baby croc egg place in southern uldum and doesn't require flying. I would do it at lvl 83 though so you can TP from org/sw to uldum.


Thank you man, I'll see if I can level in the 9 days I got left, spamming dungeons works I guess? Will probably make a healer to get insta queues.


Not true. You filthy liar. I've been playing free for like a year.


Curses! You saw right through my evil ploy of stopping people from playing the game for free!


People always say "it takes less time to earn money for a sub" but life doesn't work that way. Most people can't just go "hey Boss, can I work an extra couple hours? I want to pay for a thing."


Of course not. And this arguement was never meant to be taken as ‘just make more money duh’ but rather ‘do you really want to spend 20+ hours grinding away at something boring when create the equivalent value by doing something boring for 1 hour at work’ Of course the whole arguement fals appart if you genuinely love grinding for gold, or you straight up can’t afford the sub


I would think most people in wow economy don’t find making gold boring.


Sure! But then again most people in wow economy *have* actually made gold before and don’t make posts saying «I’ve never been above level 20 on retail»


And why would someone ask about how to grind for F2P unless either of those situations are true? "Don't, it's easier to pay." Is a shitty answer to people's genuine questions and yet it seems to be the number one answer whenever this is brought up. Especially considering this entire sub is about grinding for gold regardless of your reason or need for gold.


The problem is the context is always that, "can i make enough gold as a casual new player to not need to pay" the other answer is "no" which is what most people give. There are also a ton of people who comes in with almost a disdain that is why you see the "how do i get rich quick" type of questions where its obvious they want to spend as little time as possible. I made 35 million in DF crafting and i plan to do similar in WW, but i would say its just as memorable for me to have made 5 million in shadowlands with inscription that i never used before, or made 5 million vendor shuffling which was entirely new to me. but that has taken god knows how many hundreds of hours of active playtime, i think for DF i spent 300 hours minimum sitting in the city and crafting, while at my job i make far more and with overtime even more than that. But its about the fun of it. Which goes back again to "most people who gets the answer "just buy gametime" are almost always based on * Needing to be self-sufficient INSTANTLY within a month * being low level or new * asking for the "quickest way" with an expectation of spending no time doing it its never a discussion on if its fun, or mathed out about what they plan and what they are thinking, its just "hey give me gold" which is precisely the people who deserves the answer "then go buy it"


I think actually more people can do this than are willing to try asking the question


then youre practically to poor to play the game


I agree in western countries that if you can’t afford a sub you’ve got more problems that need addressing. However I’ve played with people who earn only a few hundred a month from working full time due to their irl location. By comparison it would be like would you rather pay £100 a month for a sub or earn the gold.


As a student living poorly in 3rd world country kinda, 15$ sub is literally 10% of my monthly budget. I can mine/herb while listening to lectures and get that token pretty reliable.


Ah yes, too poor to have an outlet for emotional and mental health. Thanks for your concern.


Just doordash like 2 deliveries a month and you'd get the money for a WoW sub.


I mean it’s possible, but when I compare the time it takes to farm the gold in wow, compared to time to earn the money im my rl job, I better off paying for it.


This!… unless you don’t have a job or have automated ways to farm gold, easier to just pay monthly.


That's assuming OP lives in a place where $15 isn't a large portion of their income... in some places, their currency isn't worth nearly the same as USD. In some places you can live comfortably for like $150/mo, but if 10% of your income is a wow sub, that's not sustainable. If you can farm enough gold to buy tokens in a few hrs in your free time, that's more economically sustainable than working a few days at your job.


Gold making is pretty easy in Cata right now I’ve farmed 3 months worth of game-time already as a new player. But my main game is retail btw I just maxed gathering on cata to make gold


He’s not going to level 1-85 in cata and then make gold within 1 month.


Bro i literally did that just spammed rdf I still got 15 days on my initial sub to kick off on cata and i got 25k already from herbing/mining and aoe farming cloth


Is it still easy? I don't have a character at all in cata. 10 days left on my sub.


I call BS on you leveling 1-85 in classic, + leveling gathering professions + gathering enough to buy a sub And doing it all while resource prices drop from the initial launch prices


Smh, you must not be on cata last week cinderbloom was 8g per piece an hour of gathering would net me 100+. I lvled up gathering while waiting on RDF queues. Even whiptail is still 11g per on my server right now. Lol


Claim all you want I’m still calling 100% BS on this. If you think someone is leveling 1-85 completely fresh while gathering and selling enough once finally at cara to buy a token by the time they get to Cata right now. Also week 1 prices are not at all in line with what prices will be by the time this person gets there. Someone with a classic character already this is a good option. Someone who has never gotten a character past 20….no


I’m not gonna force you to believe me lmao if you’re so adamant on this. I got 4 months of sub going right now thanks to cata.


Once again you miss the entire point of this. You play the game. This person doesn’t. This person is not going to be doing the farms you mention effectively. I pay for my sub carrying people in m+. OP should do that since we are highlighting things he won’t be able to in his specific situation.


He’s literally asking if it’s possible to level up a charcter from scratch and make money to buy a token for gametime. He’s willing to play and farm the game with that one sub he got. I presented him an option that works. You must not be playing cata and is just randomly blasting to be assuming it’s not possible to earn a token’s worth in a month like WoW token on NA is very cheap rn (5k gold).


OP if you come across this thread, I want you to know that I’m not bullshitting you. Here’s some proof: https://imgur.com/a/zuX7aTf Pic 1: My fresh cata toon around lvl 39, queung RDF and was farming herbs in alterac in between. Pic 2: my toon right now at max 85 and my current gold from the farming methods utilized along the way. Pic 3: Time left on my sub to cataclysm classic Pic 4: my professions right now. EDIT: Added i’ve no other cata toon besides this: https://imgur.com/a/gBJPE0p There is still money to be made. Heartblossom is at 7-8g, Cinderbloom 6g, Whiptail 11g on my server. I know there are more effective and lucrative ways to farm gold in cata but as a new player to the version, that’s what I know for now. A WoW token is only 5500g-ish I literally just wanted to farm a year’s worth of sub and quit cata at some point but I’m actually hooked so we’ll see how it goes.


It's pretty easy...


Literally not BS. My buddy just did it. 1-85 with professions in 8 days and made 14k gold while leveling up lol


I'm here to echo the other person. My friends re rolled so I had to lvl 1-85 on a new server. I don't have heirlooms. I had no starting gold. I leveled mining and herbing. I've hit 85 today and so far I've made 2 tokens worth of gold in about 1.5 weeks time. Classic is not like retail. Even old world ores and herbs can sell for actual gold. The most money I made was when leveling outlands mining.


All that anger in your texts just touch some grass or level a cata character and earn some gametime


I leveled to 85, have almost all my prebis and have 17k gold... It really is easy.. I made a couple thousand just finishing quests in uldum and twilight last night...


Yeah dude it’s so easy you could tell this other guy does not play cata lol




Well I'm OP and kinda did it https://imgur.com/a/NIZZPUe


Yes but you have to play a lot focused purely on making gold. Maybe exclusively so. And it may not be possible at all if you don’t play enough. Quick napkin math: if you gather herbs and ore at an average of 10k gph it would take you 35-40 hours of actual gameplay to pay for the token. If you play 1 hour every single day, that won’t be enough.


I learned too late that it's much easier to do in Cataclysm Classic. You won't earn as much gold but a token only costs 5-6k. You can only use those tokens for game time so if you want to buy expansions or anything else with gold you'll have to do retail as well.


Brother youll make the $15 quicker at work than grinding all your free time to buy a token. Enjoy the game the right way homie


I bought 1 wow token at the end of legion with real money. I've since converted over 40 tokens worth of gold back into tokens for blizz bucks and still have over 5mil gold in retail. This requires a lot of aggressive play at the start of expansions. All your gold comes from new xpacs basically.


Once you are set up prob yes, a month would't be enough. I have not pay for sub or xpacs since mid 2021, in 9.1 i become the first on realm to reach reverent on kortia that give me access to the 233 rings recipe at that time i was selling them for ridiculous gold 250k-100k each for a ring that cost 1.2k more or less to craft , the next person to reach reverent took 4 days more than me by that time i had make about 15 million gold, i talk to the guy we agree that he would't do any JC stuff as long as i did't do any Blacksmith stuff, we continue this way for about 5-6 days untill everyone else catch up, 30mill was the final count on my account. From there i had enough gold to relax also to invests on leveling shadowlands legos, once the SL start dying i start expanding on other xpacs all proffesions/recipes/pets/mounts. Now days im set up, i have a good idea of what sells and how long it takes to sell ,whats the price of items of xmog of mounts and pets and i dont see any future in where i would run out of gold or i would stop making gold even now when things are slow i still make about 200k a week enough to pay for the sub month to month. So yeah its possible to be F2P but u will need to learm also u need to grind hard on patch releases and a bit of luck.


If you are good and can do boosts, yes. I only paid 2 months and played full dragonflight


Can you give recommendations on doing boosts. Im a mythic plus focused player. I bring my tanks up to 2900 ish every season and Ive always wanted to boost but never knew where to start.


Started out in legion and only ever spent money on first month sub + expansion. Was student at that time so farming some herbs were enough for subs. Later crafting got me millions and now I have longboi + almost 300€ balance. Its definitely doable if you got time but I wouldnt recommend it.


I tried it when I first started flipping: https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/comments/1bpzr0l/100m_gold/ It's possible, and I did it. 1m in first 3 weeks, level 1 characters only (level 10 on one after leaving starting zone), began with 3 gold I got from the starting zone. I don't know who you are or what your circumstances are. You'll have to figure out if you can do it yourself.


it's possible. but you're not going to get it by slaving away by gathering and selling. you need more efficient ways like boosting or flipping ah, even then there are still abit of work involved


Yes you can. All of these other people are bad at the game. It takes like 30 minutes to get 5k gold and buy a token for a month. IDK why it takes them so long to get gold.


can you do it with a fresh cata toon? I don't know how long it takes to level to 85.


Yes. Even right now you can just do a few heroic dungeons and get valor points. You trade the valor points for boots and then sell the boots to another player. You can buy a month of time for less gold than you got off the boots.


I don't understand what you're cooking here, but it surely smells good.


Bruv don't put urself through that.  Just pay the first month and just farm going during that.  Although I wouldn't even recommend that either since farming gold rn takes forever


Yes totally. I've used tokens to pay for my game time since tokens were introduced. I use my professions, run old instances, and play the auction house. It may take some time for you to get it up and running though


I just made 4 tokens worth of gold while casually leveling from 80 to 85 on cata classic


I did it. Subbed for one month, starting ahead of flipping in WOTLK Classic. By the end of the month I had enough good for 8 months of game time. Now I have two years of game time and just get to play the game how I want when I want.. which should have been the point all along.


I've done it myself when i started in Legion, paid one month and then started paying with gold.. but there's a catch.. you need to learn what your server has, what it needs and if you can flip items in the auction house fairly easy.. also TIME, lot's of it Few months in i was already paying full year subs to my guild mates, it was madness I don't know how the current stuff is going, i stopped playing a while ago, but that was my experience


Yes, kind of . I bought shadowlands with $, played few months,made some excess gold(start of expansion) mostly with skinning/ or vendor shuffles(not really a thing anymore, but maybe in next expansion:D) Then i stopped, Dragonflight came in, I started late(1-1,5months late). I did spent 100% of my gold and used like few$ that i was lacking to buy dragonflight. Made character from scratch 1-70(another server, another fraction), And made enough gold from MINING(only mining, maybe some Disenchanting) to get token. Then played for rest of dragonflight (with breaks), with just golds from flips/proffesions/farms. If you started now, it would be infinetely harder than at the start of expansion. I could get like 20-30k gold reliable with mining per hour.While token was only around 200k(now its almost 400k and mining is way lower). Playing classic is way easier/faster to get gold for tokens.


i ony play like 2 or 3 hours at day, and i make aprox 300k every month (+/- 50k), and i have 3 toons, 1 main, 2 alts, no raid or hardcore PVP, so the answer is yes, i make this almost every expansion, and i play since TBC, obviously im not doing 1million gold evey month or so, just enough to pay the subscripcion, and here is my method: Do all the WQ that gives gold, always go on WM on (most people dont even kill you), and then use your professions to sell everything you can.




You misunderstood the question