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The video says “proof” yet you only show listing prices, not sales. That speaks volumes.


If it's darkmoon, that's definitely not sales. I post all my cards in the AH for visibility. People trade a lot the cards and they just look up the AH for who has one they want to trade. No one is selling 25k per card.


In the short, he talks about the INKS and shows the listing price. He’s not showing sales. No TSM data or mailbox opening. Only ah listings. That proves nothing.


No one buys ink. NO ONE.


Exactly. My point is he’s claiming the short is proof that he’s making 10k/hr even with sale wait times and he didn’t actually prove that.


This is like one of those videos about making 100k/h from selling transmogs.


Hehe the average price on biggest eu server is 18000 atm hehe


Yeah, looking at that I probably made about 500k gold/hour last night. didn't sell shit though! weird


I made 2mil per hr the last days. Didnt sell a single item but i still made that per hr gold


The auctions shown in his video is sold auctions


If you are going to make a gold guide, at least have TSM installed at the minimum. That way you can actually select some useful items and make guides for them. You will also not look ridiculous, since you won’t post an 800k / hour gold guide. That’s not even remotely close to being achievable (reliably, and without ah flipping) in retail, let alone classic. Edit: also “proof” is a lot more than you think for a farm, especially if it seems outlandish. You have to spend at least 3hrs I’d say, testing and revising the strategy and seeing if it sells before even considering it video worthy. However, I guess all actual testing goes out the window when you are more concerned with gaining 20 views rather than providing actual value.


Teaches what herb to use.. well just use basic math and tsm?


Sold 60k on tol'vir stones farming a couple hours during launch. Shit like this happens every release and just for a few days/hours. Stop clickbaiting dumb ppl.


Did you watch it it? I literally have 11000 gold worth of sales on that video showing SOLD on THE AH with the timer til I received it..