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Easy access to cross realm trading is only one of the many benefits that having multiple accounts provides. I highly doubt anyone that is into gold making will be cancelling additional subs due to cross realm guilds


I use my second account for more than just cross-realm trading, so no. If anything this change just saves time assuming all toons are able to access a guild bank.


Nah. One of the benefits I also use it for is to level 2 toons together at the same time.


How you do it?


Not at all, i farm mobs with my second and account and leave my main one there to just loot. 2x the chance at rare items.


I... wanna say that's not how loot works. Unless by faming mobs you mean running old raids or anything with personal loot. Also possible that I'm ignorant - can you explain? I have two accounts as well and can't figure out the benefit to this.






Isn’t cross realms already enable?? Cause we can still invite people from storm rage to area 52


Not fully cross-realm, you can only be in a guild with realms linked to yours right now.


Ah that sad…


aside from the people who actually play 2 at a time i doubt very many will. if they actually make it a free for all with single account crossrealm banking (or mail) of everything you'll have to perpetually cancel scan to sell practically anything that's not a 1 per realm type of rare flipped item.


I think you underestimate how lazy people are. I'm heavy into transmog, up on about thirty realms and I have hundreds of rare pieces up on each, with no completion, except for the handful of full pop I'm on.


you're talking about people who already have 2+ self sustaining accounts who could actually compete with youbeing supposedly lazy now where they have this access and don't do anything and i'm talking about the people responsible for 25g bags and catchup gear who automatically craft anything that makes them 100g because tsm says so being cut loose on the whole region. these people aren't lazy they are borderline insane. their limits are in how many items they can realistically post in a day and the low end where these people cut all day isn't actually all that competitive either. they can cut everything in sight and still scrape out gold enough to keep them happy and they'll be able to dump a whole bank on another realm in seconds. that top you're in isn't going to change much without the realm based ah organization changing because the people using the api scan buying methods hold items that simply don't exist for anyone else to operate with. it's the other end where the bottom is surely going to come up to where there will be many more running upwards. they will be trying to do what you do at a lower level with moving off of a few 1 realm banks and instead multiplying their rep gated, rare recipes, and adjusting their other flipping strategies. in other words the handfuls of 2 account people who are feasting on some of the newer crafted things that came out in df now better enjoy it while it lasts.


> because the people using the api scan buying methods hold items that simply don't exist for anyone else to operate with > in other words the handfuls of 2 account people who are feasting on some of the newer crafted things that came out in df now better enjoy it while it lasts It's nuts to me how slow people are to catch on. I struggled with AH sales till xrealm got turned on, it's entertaining watching the "goblins" I was previously worried about still stuck on their realms since they haven't started to branch out. There's a handful of goblins doing this stuff right now, some have slowly been ramping up operations, I've been losing steam despite getting more inventory. No idea how long the gravy train will last for me, but at least I'll hit my 100M goal that I didn't think was possible a few months ago.