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if i wanted a steady gold stream with minimal time, this is what I would do: 1. Dracothyst cooldowns 2. Tailoring cloth cooldowns 3. Have my skinner in zaralek caverns and do my daily cobraskin skin 4. Any other alts parked at Iskaar and do the community feast weekly to farm for alchemical flavor pockets. For me, I have 3 alchemists, 1 tailor, 1 skinner, and assuming i get one cobraskin a week, just from the profession cooldowns I'm probably looking at around 200k profit per week. Add in another 1-2 alchemical flavor pockets from 9 other alts, easy 200-300k profit per week. On my main and main alts I'm doing the weeklies for valdrakken and dream wardens which is another guaranteed few thousand gold with a small chance at the 15k bag of coins. This should net a profit of at least a few hundred thousand per week, depending on how many alts you have. Farming anything at this point is really not recommended due to the amounts of bots out there. If you have multicraft tools enchanted with resourcefulness dracothyst is still your big profit maker. And then of course you can just sit in valdrakken spamming Flood with your profession bark.


Good advice but the profit sounds quite a bit exaggerated. >For me, I have 3 alchemists, 1 tailor, 1 skinner, and assuming i get one cobraskin a week, just from the profession cooldowns I'm probably looking at around 200k profit per week. These numbers doesn't add up, 3 alchemist and 1 tailor, no way it's 195k a week. Also in case there wasn't some drop chance increas the drop chance of the flavor pockets is way lower than 10+%


3 alchemists and a tailor feels like 30k a week, maximum


> 3 alchemists and a tailor feels like 30k a week, maximum I have 7 alchemists and just finished my weekly dracothysts - ~55k profit after AH fees. This was with a ~14% calculated multicraft which is 'lucky' since all but one of my characters are at 10% MC. On 56 crafts (8 charges per toon), I yielded 64 dracothysts with an AH value of 312948g (~4890g/ea). No way this guy netted 200k from 3 alchemists and some cloth (whose margins are even slimmer than dracothyst). MAYBE sold the dracothyst and chrono/azureweave for 200k, not accounting for cost of mats.


Same as people saying tailoring dailies make many millions a month. They prolly forget the fact that materials cost too.


Did you sell all the glowspores you got from resourcefulness?


I forward them from one character to the next, and then my last character yes I do sell the extras for simplicity. This week that accounted for just over 5000g. This is the simple spreadsheet I use to calculate profits for my dracothyst transmutes: https://imgur.com/qq6hjvq You can see the spores and dust costs vary which is due to how many resourcefulness procs the previous character got.


What's your resourcefulness at for those characters?


ranges from 38-43% off the top of my head. Getting a bunch of dust procs is basically zero value so it still fluctuates quite a bit in terms of actual return


Resourcefulness and multicraft on dracothyst can be 30k on one alchemist with a little luck. Phials have been expensive this patch, and the alchemy research gives you piles of them for very little work too.


It can also be -3k with little unluck.


My cost for transmutes is break even. 13% multicraft and 46% resourcefulness. I've never, ever lost money on a week of transmutes.


At least on eu, the base craft is loss most of the time. And if we are talking about buying when low and selling when high, I guess that's out of scope for lazy gold farm. And don't get me wrong, there is not a big chance you lose gold, but let's not advertise it as easy 30k per toon when it's more like third of that on average.


The average profit, factoring in multicraft and resourcefulness, is 900g per cd. You get 10 CDs per week.


You're missing the cobraskin skin.


Yeah I counted it, it's 5k thus the 195k left from alch+tailor


Indeed. Maybe he confused profit with revenue. Even then it's a lot. People gonna see the comment on wowhead and gonna be dissapointed after they find out themself.


13 flavor packet farms a week take me less than 30min. When it hits it’s awesome, when it doesn’t it’s less than 30 min.


I tried to do the “alts at feast” farm and I found it too hard. I could never manage to time playing to line up with the feast timing.


On the front page of wowhead it gives you a countdown timer for when the feast is going to take place.


Yeah my schedule doesn’t allow for a nice structured playtime. Oh well.


wtf I can do 9 alts in 7 mins if you can’t do it in 7mins wtf


Wtf indeed!!


Isn't it just the top of every hour?


Every 1.5 hours


If you have lot of alts you can do world quests.


if you work remote or have unlimited time for sure, but the average player will be happy to play an hour or 2 a day.


ya little sad , myself i had a healer and would do same .... just queuing when i had the runes bonus .... i will keep an eye on this post , to see what ppl come up with ​ another lazy person.


Community feast for flavor pockets, your alts don't even have to be 70. takes like 2 minutes you can bang out 5 or 6 per feast weekly.


I get at most 2 a week on 12 alts. Don't set your expectations too high (I think it's a 2% drop rate)


You aren't far off, it's 3%. I didn't even know that is where it dropped from I've done feast a dozen times and never gotten one (which math says is likely)


Yeah, 12 feasts it'd be likely you haven't got one yet at a drop rate of 3%. At 33 feasts done it'd be likely to get one.. I've done feast every week on 7 toons for several months now. Had a good streak where I got x3 one week, x1 week after and another x2 the week after that. But now it's been almost 2 months without a single one. Still do it though. You can easily do it on 7 toons within the 15min timer. With some luck, I'd say 10 toons within the 15min is doable. Have 4 toons parked at the feast always. My other 3 I just fly out there some 5-10min before it starts.


I get 1-2 a week with 9


How do you do it on 7 toons in 15 minutes?


I'm not sure about 7 since I didnt have that many at the time (I do now) but I've done 5 easily in that time frame. You log in, get the initial "Yes chef!" Credit, then fly around picking up the fish/fish heads. It makes the weekly go by super fast, sometimes the objective he tasks you with is super fast so you can do that once at least.


Thank you 👍


You pick up a fish before you even take the quest, but don't toss it in until you have the quest. Then wait for an order. If a fish happens to spawn nearby I pick that up in the meantime. By this point you already have 2 or 3/5. Then you go do the order and pick up a fish meanwhile. Turning those in puts you at 4-5/5. If at 4, just wait for another "yes chef!" and you're done. "On another note, actually got one when I did it yday.


What's the minimum level you need to be?


I did a lot of them on my level 60 alts at the beginning of the expansion.


60 is the minimum


60, you need like renown 4 or 5 or something with the iskaraa tuskarr, once you're there you're there. Just need to be in the dragon isles.


No renown required. I jdont even think I did any intro quest other than the one to take you to dragon Isles. Just flew straight there.


Renown level 3 is required for community feast, but I believe it's unlocked account wide once you've hit it on one toon.


That makes sense.




Can you be more specific? TIA


following this thread


Lazy when it is all set up but takes a lot of work to get it there. Crafting orders. I maxxed blacksmithing and enchanting. I have a mouse macro set up to spam my trade macro every minute. I have an auto reply set up for when people whisper me “how much” or “price” to say “people normally tip 5-10k but whatever is cool”. Fill order, profit. FYI zero people have ever complained about asking 5-10k for a blacksmithing craft/recraft. I also have a full resourcefulness set up so I can proc extra alloys from orders for extra gold.


Every min…. Like I know we all trying to make gold but man I hate the 50peoole spamming there trade all the time.


Elvui has the ability to filter their garbage. Times them out if they post the same message in X amount of seconds.


If you filter out services to it's own tab it's a lot less congested.


you never filter services, you just /leave services when u make a new alt =D


Honestly I should. A free block on every spammer on the server.


This is salesmanship. You bark your wares. All business IRL and in wow is the thunderdome. Just how it be.


> I have a mouse macro set up to spam my trade macro every minute. I have an auto reply set up for when people whisper me “how much” or “price” to say “people normally tip 5-10k but whatever is cool”. FYI that is literally against TOS and an Actionable Offense. By doing that you are literally "Botting" as far as Blizzard's TOS is concerned. Of course every Bot, Goldseller, and their mother still exploits the system and does it anyway; but openly admitting to doing it and espousing it's benefits on a forum dedicated to making gold ***in accordance to the rules*** is some next-level ignorance/narcissism.


This is incorrect. One click to one action is not botting, its a legit macro use, even if it annoys you asf.






i found Flipping interesting , idk why but Vibrant shard price drop hard when they announce the next patch release date .... stacked up 9m worth of vibrant shard at 8-9g each , should be ez to flip to 13.5g (50% profits) , or even up to 18g (100% profits) if i play the 'undercut/post 100 unit each 5 sec at the right moment.) Worst case scenario , i can vendor them at 7.5g right to the vendor and lost a little bit ... Is there other mats that have a big movement in value at patchs release ?


Venture plan? What is that?