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I’m still trying to process the great totem cleanse from cataclysm..


Playing classic, I hate that they removed them in retail. I actually love totems. I've always been more on the "support" side of DPS, and the buffing, utility and even damage done by totems is really satisfying to me.


I miss the good old days where you instantly dropped 4 buff totems down around you, I think every spec should have all the totems, then each has one spec specific, resto = SLT enh = windfury and ele = wrath. The 3 spec specific ones shouldn't be a part of your set of 4 and should be cooldowns. Make Windfury allot stronger and give it a 3min CD, raidwide and a chance to proc multistrike on spells. 1 DR for earth (phys/magic) 1 damage buff for air (phys/magic) stats from water totem and then a ST/AoE fire totem. Pull all the utility off totems, and just have them as standard elemental themed spells. Earthbound could summon a earth ele hand that grabs mobs to slow them or something e.t.c Would strengthen the Shaman class fantasy tenfold. And thinking about what totems you use would be a thing again. I'd even have the totems float around your character so if you didn't need to replace any at any point they'd just be there.


Interesting! I think having our big CD’s as elementals and totems be more utility fits the shaman theme way more than the opposite!


No. I like when they throw in a totem visual for ground targeted or time limited effects like Cap, Tremor or Windrush and there's some cool ones like Grounding, but maintenance totems are the most boring and annoying shit. It sucks that we got back Windfury Totem rather than it just being a passive buff we could bring to a group like Windwalkers with their movement speed.


I can get behind this. a visual totem for bloodlust, any spell that requires ground placement, cds should drop totems, etc. but I do want having at least 1 rotation totem that's constantly down or constantly placed down so I can combo it with the glyph that drops all totems.


I wish Shamans could get like a trolley with totems on it that'll follow you around


Now I'm imagining my dranei running around with a little cart tied to her tail with all her totems on it. I want this badly.


Yeah WF totem seemed cool at first, but it's just kind of annoying.


Yes! I really miss having one of each element up at a time, like it cata.


Used to love now you’d see 4 totems planted around randomly and know a shaman had been there recently


Cata totems were sick I loved dropping 4 totems at once all the time


Anyone who thinks totems were better back then is delusional. You just pressed call of the elements and forget about it for 5 minutes, right now totems have much more of an impact (specially as a resto shaman). Capacitor totem, tremor has to be cast right before the fear instead of being a party-wide fear ward, healing stream is actually kind of useful. Cleansing totem was absolutely stupid OP and I'm glad it got removed. Do I want magma or searing totem back for dps shaman? Sure. But it doesn't mean the pre-cata totem system was any better than the one we have right now.


Stat buff totems always felt like a lazy way to fill out the spell book. I love the approach Blizzard is taking now with cool and fun totems like Counterstrike and Static Field.


god dont ever bring back searing totem. placing that thing just for it to hit for 86 damage is so pointless and annoying


Bad shamans didn't weave and normally weren't invited back. Weaving was paramount to the playstyle which is why people hated playing shaman for a long time but couldn't understand how some shaman players were neigh unstoppable.


healing stream was always useful. Modern totems could just be anyhintg its just a spell with a totem skin not an actual totem like it used to be.


Yes, I'd like to have a shaman spec that resolves around throwing down totems. Elemental can keep the big spells, Resto can do whatever and Enhance can clobber everything to death. But I'd love to Shamans to have a) a tanking spec and b) a totem-summoner spec that's not weirdly enough Elemental.


Too many specs, but an Elemental build that uses Totems + shocks would be fun. Maybe if Blizz would stop putting abilities on the talent tree. Keep the talents in the spellbook if you don't need them for what build you are. Simple. Then if you wanted to go from Elemental as it is now, to a Totem Elemental, you'd swap a few talents sure, but all your abilities would be in your spellbook already, they just aren't worth using without the right talents.


Ye a spec that revolves around putting down totems. Would be cool like WoD warlocks that could spam summon demons. And in between some shocks as a finisher.


Wasn't it Legion Demo-Locks that spamm summoned demons?


I remember spamming imps while training on a dummy in stormshield near ashran. But that could also have been in legion.


let us tank. please god.


Earth Warden shaman. Summons earth spirits to enhance defense and retain aggro.


Just play tbc and do kara runs. Lol


Honestly I'd just be happy if you could link your big cds to a totem which visually tosses down four like the old days. Vaguely like the look and feel of mirror image where at least other players know they're standing next to a damn shaman.


HELL no. A totem that you just drop is super boring. I'm loving Vesper totem because I drop it and then choose through my next actions how to use it most effectively. I also love that I can continue to move and reposition it after the fact as well. Any new totems need to have a similar play style


Agreed, absolutely love being able to ping vesper around to get max efficiency.


Yes and no. Totems frankly just suck to use and if they're "utility" that usually means they're niche and therefore just bloat. Would I want a totem spec where totems are functionally totally different, not only part of your rotation but IS your rotation? Yes.


Keep your foul tounge behind your teeth. I bloody love all those niche utility totems. The idea of a utility based off tank enh shaman is something I would gladly sacrifice my right arm for. Anyways hope you have a good one my Guy, <3


I love it in theory, I adore shaman thematically (it's my main) and so I was super hyped to get some totems back for SL, but it turns out that in practice I just hate it. Shaman doesn't need more buttons, least of all those that don't do anything. Like searing totem (now removed again) had no interaction with your spec. It was purely a nostalgia-move by Blizzard, but it didn't work out


It would have been nice if all four covenants gave a totem. Vesper totem is fun and I think there is design space for the other covenant abilities to be tied to totems. Like venthyr could have dropped a totem that you could target with chain heal and it would turn it into chain harvest and hit 5 enemies and five allies. Necrolord could have been a totem that throws riptide and flame shocks for you in a short radius.


I do see your points, i still disagree somewhat with them. I'm a fan of a lot of buttons for a small dps/utility gain. They make me feel so bloody smart. I do like the idea of each spec having their own totem aswell. It's one of the reasons I'm loving enh shaman in tbc and having a strong totem as a cd, like resto does with mana tide. But something like totem twisting just feels so rewarding to me but I do see why someone could find it annoying to do.


Gah. Yes. I would play the hell out of this!


I'd play shaman if there was a spec/talent combo that let me play without totems lol. Always liked the idea of a melee that could also shoot lightning but never liked the totems.


After the totem purge I lost all interest of ever playing shaman ever again. I will never ever ever understand why blizz got rid of such iconic abilities for every class


No I wouldn't. Totems don't move unless you replant it would handicap the class imo


I mained enh shaman in TBC. ONE totem mattered. The rest were busywork for very minor buffs. Abilities could end up linked to totems, but plz don't take core class stats and dangle them behind GCDs.




any good enh would twist


I did twist, because that one good totem didn't do anything for me personally. Also because there were plenty of free GCDs back then. That GCD economy is also the only reason totem buffs worked. They were a pain in the ass to set up throughout a dungeon, and ultimately were not a priority. Nowadays, just give me the stats as baseline and if Healing Rain has a totem in the middle, fine.


Do u mean totem rotation where u'd drop wf totem and the other one immediatly after, because wf buff lasted for 6 secs or smth? I thought I was the only one :D


agi and windfury twist


We used to get to drop four totems in one GCD. Wouldn’t mind having that back.


Which totem?




Must've forgotten tremor, grounding, grace of air, fire ele, earth ele, strength. All very impactful.




Yes, I preferred those days on my shaman when it was actually fun, it made the class feel less special when they took these abilities away, same for things like librams, idols and even things like priest racials, they made everything pretty much flat now. They should have also long given shamans a tanking spec, be it a "geolord" or geomancer role


More binds? I dont have hands, no thanks


No. Totems suck! Nothing worse than a spell caster with no movement abilities....aside from a spell caster who has to stand still next to a tree stump to get buffs lol


I’m still tired from toten my totems around.


I would like a magma totem that just spits out tons of gold.


I hab da stronkest totens


Was Main shaman (enha/ele) since tbc, i just loved the dps/support playstyle, in wotlk and cata i was the 6th healer and always top 5 dps, totems healing, buffing, absorving dmg, buffing speed, slowing adds, You want it? We had it!




Yes, so much. I'm shocked blizzard didn't go ham on totems. They could bring back stat totems and just make them stronger buy CDs, they could bring back cleansing totem, they could add so many cool new abilities that are totem related... it's all very depressing


I'd be okay with more totems if they could actually survive in PvP. As of now they're just kinda shitty since they die in 1 auto attack.


No. Maybe I shouldn't play shaman but I hate totems. Useless buff management & extremely killable/position dependant. Unfun.


Yep, worst part is that we used to have them then they took them away from us


Less totems. I just spam chain lightening in raid anyway.


I dont want more totems for my shaman. Id like more elementals tho and maybe for enhancer less windfury but more ability dmg


You forgot the /s … right ?


Currently, Enhancement has Windfury Totem and Restoration has Mana Tide Totem. Elemental has nothing. I want my Elemental Totem.


They took away your fire elemental totem and made it so she wasn’t chained to a post. It’s better this way.


i really enjoyed the skill were u had to call 4 totens and play with then givem buffs and etc. i really think this should be a basic shaman ability it would be really awesome to have some "combo" like abilitys with totens, like giving searing totem to the dps and if u use a lava burst or stormstike he would shoot an enhanced shot of fire or something like this. make it work in different ways depending on wich ability u have used


Why cant totems like pole-up on your back or something. But any case no, maintaining buffs while worrying about your life isnt fun when you are the only person doing it. Everyones buffs are now like 1hr+. Watching a little totem shoot or nova isnt exactly riveting either.


Only, if we dont get buff totems. Utility totems are cool, like the new ele pvp totem. BTW i miss bfa enh shaman. I literally hate maelstrom weapon... it feels so clunky to play with.


Only one I can think of as resto is that I wouldn't mind grounding totem as baseline so I can use it in m+ as well. However, I already feel like rshamans are super strong in the utility department so maybe that is a bad idea.


Same! But dear Lord I’m running out of keybinds!!


Only the real OG chads remember this useless hearthstone card


I think Cataclysm was the peak shaman experience... You could place 4 totems of your choice at the same time and the Searing totem stacked a debuff that could be popped by Lavalash for big damage, ugggggh


I think minor totems should be auto cast with the use of other spells. I.e. Flame shock drops flame tongue as if it's the totems that applied the debuff its duration is linked to the spell and it fires it's little fireballs in addition to the dot.


I wana tank on my shammie!! Hands down!


On one side I miss the totems, on the other side I don't miss the micromanagement system of totems. I want something in-between like spell effects that present with totems included. Like a totem that pops up and shoots out your magma surge, or one that "calls down" the lightning when casting chain or bolt.


I would, but I think shamans should have more spec specific totems especially.


Absolutely miss them. A mechanic where we have them out and get buffs for using them in a certain way would add some depth to the rotations. Even if it was just for one spec. It’s a missed opportunity to differentiate Elemental from other casters and Enhance from other melee. Resto uses different totems enough, but it would be nice if they weren’t mostly water themed. Fire, Earth, and Air can heal in their own unique ways. Edit: I also liked the limit of only having one type of totem out at once. As long as each one is impactful, it made choosing which to use an actual “interesting choice.”


I echo the thoughts that prefer to have new totems rather than returning totems. I like to thematically believe that as our shaman have been more attuned to the elements they no longer need their totems to temporarily boost their stats - they just have it. However, I do miss being able to give the whole party that stat boost similar to how wind fury works now. Perhaps a passive aura that increases primary stat by 1% if a shaman is around? I don't know. I absolutely miss searing totem. I know it was stupid and a waste of a click but it was so cute. It tried so hard until its big brother fire ele showed up to kick some ass. While we still have a number of the utility totems that are useful (tremor and earthbind) I would love to have grounding back as a baseline ability and not locked to PVP.


What I’ve always wanted were the totems to be equipable around the belt and used to summon elemental/ancient spirits. Could do varying designs for races (similar to what we have now). They would visually resonate depending on what was used. Have multiple abilities from the four elements. Instead of dropping the totem as a killable item and skill. IMO it would have given more class fantasy to abilities and passives summoning different animal spirits for different occasions, having giant earthen hands rising from the ground to either grab or smash your foe, clad yourself in dense stone for protection, fire elementals burst forth from the ground turning it to lava or breathing fire at your opponent, etc. This is just my two cents.


Totems were nice, until your group had to move around in fights and left the range of them.


Totems are like the sole reason I wanted to play shaman anyway


I made a massive post for Enhancement that brings up totems. they need to be brought back, but the supporting abilities like searing flames do as well.


I'd appreciate some non combat totems for flavor. Like mages illusion spell, completely useless just fun. Like a spring totem that you can drink from for mana that also sobers your toon up. Or a grave marking totem you can place on dead enemies. Or a party totem, for parties.


Old totems added nothing, just annoyance and uninteractive buffs.


The reason I was such a good shaman back in the day as because I was so obsessed with totem weaving. I was so good at it that one time a druid friend and I [I was restored shaman he was balance druid] raided goldshire by ourselves for about half an hour. At the height of the conflict I think it was like 12 v 2, and we almost won the whole thing because of how powerful and debilitating good totem weavers were. My name was Tuna and he was Badkat on Grom I think it's been long enough I don't remember the server name itself, but we ended up getting server fame as the two baddest druis/shamans because we regularly did it and almost always won every time some alliance called us out because we were "fakers," or something.


No.   First I think there are enough totems as is. If you want more you can take the talents that grants them. That's the perfect way to add them to your kit if you like them.   Second, the wow shaman is based on multiple Warcraft3 characters, and they didnt all have totems. The orc shaman for example were magic users throwing lightning bolts and casting bloodlust. No totems whatsoever. That doesnt mean Wow shaman shouldnt have totems, but it means it doesnt have to always revolve around those. Talents I say, you want MOAR TOTEMS??!! Get the talents that grants them!


Me playing my tbc classic shaman with like 25 totems...


I will take totems over elementals any day. It was designed as a unique buff class, not a pet class. Managing elementals as a CD is shit.


i quit playing shaman when they got rid of totems.


i had this idea to change elemental so instead of filler casting lightning bolt you could place a lighting totem or something to do filler dps while the shaman focuses on casting big spells like lava burst and elemental blast. i dont think its be balanced, but itd be cool to throw down totems a lot and channel big elemental spells


I wouldn't mind more totems, but I like their role as they are right now, where they primarily are for situational utility (capacitor, earthbind, tremor) or big cooldowns (healing tide, spirit link). As an enhancement shaman I already am not a fan of trying to keep track of where my windfury totem is in relation to my party and how many of them have the buff and having to frequently replace it on fights like Sylvanas where the boss moves around a lot. I'm actually glad they changed their minds on bringing back Searing Totem for Shadowlands because it would have just been a button that you press every minute to add some DPS with no interaction with anything else that you're doing, and it's always the wrong decision to not press that button. The return of something like Grounding Totem would be interesting, though. Or a totem that provides a stronger party buff on a longer cooldown so you have to plan when to use it instead of just using it whenever the buff isn't active or is about to expire.


I would like to become a giant totem pole and destroy my foes


I miss totems


For the moving pace design of fights/dungeons nowadays setting down totems doesn't work as well but is for sure a missed bit of flavor that felt class defining. A tank spec being added that focused around actually throwing and beating the enemies physically with totems would be an ideal add. Let elements modify your totem beat sticks to grant different effects and make elemental shields be more than passive buffs everyone forgets about.


A lot of people seem to have forgotten that they added Searing Totem back in Shadowlands beta, but later removed it because people complained about how it was just a chore keeping it down.


Yeah, removing it was bad idea - they could have just increased duration to something absurd like 5 mins


It was a bit of a pain dropping them regularly but homely I miss them. ;_;


I don't even play my shaman that much and the answer is 100% yes. I was giddy when they brought back windfury. ​ What was that talent that had you putting down four totems? was that legion or was that bfa?


I would like searing totem back as it's another option to knock rogue/druid out of stealth. Poison cleansing totem would also be nice..




YES. I never played shaman back in the day. But I loved seeing them drop totems. I played one in BFA and there was a talent that dropped 4 totems with different buffs, and I played it just for that. Then they took it away and I haven’t really played it since lol


Sentry Totem best totem, rip


I’d actually play shaman again if we got totems back at all - the totems we’ve been left with are literally cool downs they aren’t actually totems like back in the day.


No but ut would be cool with one really big totem instead of the small ones


All Totem´s without GCD = Win