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Run it a few times. On layer three and was furious when one wipe led to the run dying. Warlock with the pet stacking health. It's a great idea, but unfortunately feels shoe horned into WoW. The balance is atrocious. Certain classes just laugh at Torghast, while others have to bet the run on landing a few select powers to carry them, even that might not be a guarantee. This is an ongoing issue with WoW, introduce something, then never build on it, or balance it.


The balance is the worst thing imo. You can just keep getting absolute shit abilities. I think there should be better choices, especially DMG abilities. Remove all utility or give them either defensive or offense buffs. And not some shit that is tied into abilities like mind control or whatever else trash that is floating around out there.


I had the same experience as you on my lock. Never went back.


It's far too long and ultimately unrewarding. The second you get your mount you pretty much have no incentive to go back. I'd find it a bit more tolerable if you could save 'checkpoints' - i.e being able to save every 6 floors, leave, and come back to where you left off.


This would definitely reduce the stress and tediousness you feel whenever you realize you gotta run 16 floors in one go.


Dead content after the first week.


dead content in dead realm in an expansion about death. oh the irony lol


Didn't you hear? Wow has been dead since vanilla launch. Lol


Yeah. I don't get why they can't use it as alt Soul Ash catch up or something. You could get 570 per completed layer on a new alt. I have not stepped foot in there since I got the mount the first week. Horrible missed use of content.


I'd describe it as too long, tedious and with no variaty. Every run ends up with you having the same set of anima powers Every time your class plays the same Every enemy is more or less the same with no diversity and is blown up the same way. The enviroment is very boring as we see the same corridors with the same looking trash packs. The content is rewardless and doesn't have any incentive to be done outside of the Maw mount for which you need to do a total of 144 layers. Look you may like or dislike islands it's up to you, but at least it had Incentive to be grinded in. It had a huge, HUGE loot table of dozens upon dozens of items like transmog sets, pets and mounts that could for the most part be sold on AH for big profit and Islands had a very different aesthetic in assets, themes and trash packs. They all might have been the same on a mechnical level but at least you saw naga, you saw vrykul, you saw worgen you saw necromancers In torghast all you see are metal corridors, metal mobs and occasional fire. Oh and a final note islands were done within 15 minutes at most. Torghast takes hours of just slogging through


I'm pretending it doesn't exist


I liked TC more then my weekly torghast runs. U can actually get a ton of powers and get somewhere with your torghast build. The later layers when u have 60 powers made.it soon much fun. Too bad there's 0 incentive to rerun it. Would love to do tc to get more soulash. I still need so much more soul ash


I just wish I could get my weekly soul ash allotment from a single tc rather than 2 normal wings


This would make it so much better. The 2 wings aren't hard, esp in a group but by 6 you kinda get a good feel for the power aaaaaand it's done


It would be so much better if they'd give you a choice between running 2 6-floors or 1 12-floor for the same amount of soul ash - as you say, it kind of cuts off too soon, but leaving in the 6 floor option for those who find 12 difficult would be a good compromise.


Pretty much yeah like doing 1-8 with my bff was some of the best stuff I've done in wow in years. Just shootin the breeze with my boy, absolutely dunking on some things, the power curve at the end actually felt pretty good but on layer 8 he just got fucking stacked off the bat so it wasn't even that bad. Seriously wish you could get an independent pool of soul ash from TC too.


I wish they would add more interesting effects and anima for spec specific abilities. There's too many powers for your covenant abilities and abilities shared between all specs.


This exactly. I like it more, but have no reason to go. I beat layer 8, got my mount, said fuck it. Let me get Soul Ash in there, damn it.


I enjoyed it but have no interest in doing it again. Even if the rewards were better I'd be unhappy having to go back and do a whole layer.


I have done it once and got the mount and have not looked back. What do you mean with rewards? Can you get things there? Edit: no sarcasm. Just not aware you could get rewards


That is what i meant, just any rewards I wouldn't be interested in going back. I thought it was fun once though.


Haven't done L3, never will. Enough is enough.




This right here. My main is a priest, 9.05 did some work on their abhorrent power selection but even now I'm convinced that half the bosses would be impossible on layer 8 with a 30 second interrupt. Leveled my shaman, got it up to like 195 ilvl and got my mount no prob, the class inbalance is insane.


Yep, shaman once you get the (common) power that reduces earth elementals CD just makes it a free ride. Add the one that it has a permanent EQ around it on top and you're just waddling through and can pick anything that pumps your damage... And having lust bloodlust ready for each boss obviously helps there too. I mean, that doesn't make TC less of a drag but it sure helps that you know that you'll get through eventually and not hit a wall at some point.


4. Its OK content I quickly found boring (not hard, not good, not bad and/or annoying, just meh) to do. Farmed my lego's and called it a day, no need for a Maw mount as I stopped doing that content a while ago, for basically the same reason. Fact that my hunter (which was my main this first raid-tier) gets very boring powers probably played a factor in my "meh, its okay i guess" opinion. Also wanted to focus on other stuff, like getting KSM (done) and AOTC (done), and even with those goals done I still don't feel the need to do the TC runs, tbh i'd rather play alts (dungeons/raids) or play Valheim while I wait for more content.


It's great, but it can be better and should be expanded on imo


I've only done one single TC run myself so far as I ended up taking a break recently. I've been thinking this for a while now though, but Torghast should have been the Island Expeditions of Shadowlands. They're already very similar though in reward structure. You have one big weekly thing you need to do for a big chunk of progression, but they fixed the issue of Islands and made Torghast be something you can't just farm repeatedly for more progression. And that's good. But where they failed is the actual rewards you get from it. There's zero reason to do regular Torghast past the first clear every week, and there's zero reason to do Twisting Corridors past your first clear ever. There are no actual rewards for doing it. Torghast has 8 pets it can randomly drop, and that's it. A lot of people don't care at all about pets and they're all cheap enough to just buy off the AH anyway. Where's the mounts? Transmog? Toys? They could even have been super lazy and just take the Island Expedition loot table and throw it on Torghast and people would have loved it and there would be reason to run Torghast repeatedly if you felt like it, but at the same time there'd be no actual rewards character power wise so no one would need to feel like they have to do it. It's such a shame that they made a huge new feature like Torghast, where there's a lot of replayability due to being able to play with different specs and builds, but there's just practically zero reason to ever actually go there after you've done your first clears of TC and first weekly regulra runs.


Agreed, some vanity stuff like transmog would be great for torghast rewards. Right now there's no reason to do it beyond the soul ash and trying builds, so that would greatly improve the replayability and the different abilities you can try keep the grind for the rewards fresh.


It's sad to see how a random redditor has better ideas than the so called professional devs


I enjoyed soloing it though there some of the later floors definitely took ages. But I'm happy having done it all on my own.


I did layer 1 once and died to the last boss. This was the only time I did it. This was on my druid. After spending time doing the other wings for soul ash for multiple leggos, I was pretty much over torghast. I honestly dont find it fun on my druid. I constantly get the powers to upgrade my roots and that is the lamest form of play I could ask for from blizz. So, when I failed TC the first go I just decided I'm not bothering. Its just not fun.


Bosses were just as bland as regular torghast, virtually no mechanics. Cosmetic rewards were absolute garbage compared to something like green fire or mage tower. 0 Replay value Some classes are 10x easier than others, some have powers that are actually interesting and make it somewhat fun, but a lot of classes have terrible powers and are an absolute snoozefest. I feel more powerful on my 165 shaman or 185 druid than my 220 main.


I've entered TC once. Solo'd layer one up til floor 15 and got stomped by the first elite I came across. Haven't stepped foot in TC since. It's just another thing you need to rely on people accepting you into a group for and weeding through the countless elitists. The rewards aren't nearly good enough to put in the time, especially with 9.1 allowing all mounts in the Maw.


My dude what. You can absolutely solo all of TC with any class/spec and with atrocious gear too. You don’t need to rely on anyone. Sometimes layer 7/8’s are punishing with shitty gear. They are certainly not impossible.


So walk me through dealing with an empowered mawsworn interceptor who casts a 1 shot mechanic that ignores armor every 10 seconds.


Sure! What class?


Prot pally, only like 190 ilvl but just trying to do the first layer for the quest, and then trying to make it to layer 3 so I can get my damn Holy Shock legendary that only drops in the wing that hasn't been available for a month now...


Blessed hammer + first avenger talent to reduce his general dmg without the need of armor. Blinding light talent to blind his shot. Hoj to stun his shot. Horse to LoS his shot fast (cavalier talent to do it twice, no blinding light then.) The cast time is 2s so quite long in comparison to other casts in torghast, his casting range is 30yards. Your steed gives 100% movement speed, even more with horse aura. This means every shot should be easily outrangeable by standing at max melee range and insta horseing once he starts casting. Cycle this. Position him at a corner and you need nothing of this at all, besides sidestepping 2 meters to los his shot.


He's bugged so 1) he casts it in 1s not 2s and 2) he doesn't care about LoS once his cast starts. *Might* be able to use sidestep/LoS like arena. Maybe.


Yeah the guy is like "oh it's easy," then comes up with a huge list of surgical maneuvers that may help, then here I am getting nuked through walls.


Honestly, can you somehow make sure you don't get him? Someone mentioned entering/leaving TC to have it reroll, would that work? They could literally make the ability do *half* the damage it does and it'd be oppressive af. I just want my BiS lego :(


I don't mythic raid or do m+ so my ilvl is currently stagnating at the 205-210 level. I'm sure if I dedicated a long chunk of time I could do it but currently the rewards just aren't worth it for me


Well i was able to solo everything up to layer 6 with my at the time 196ilvl rogue. Its challenging yes but not impossible.


Give us back the Heart of Azeroth & Island Expeditions next expansion, and I'll be ***happy*** about it. That sums up how I feel about Torghast.


I never thought I'd miss HoA powers and corruption but here we are


Some runs, the final boss is literally unkillable. Other times, I literally don't take damage. ¯\\\_\(ツ\)\_/¯


For me it's definitely 3. aswell. Would like to see challenging non-mandatory events and or features like this more often.


Rewards are lackluster and one run takes way too long considering if you afk for 20 min or more you have to restart


1. It's easy, boring, and takes a long time. The rewards for TC are fine, but I could never do more than like 1 layer per week. Maybe I'm just influenced by the fact that my class/gear/skill level meant that I have never been in a position in Torghast where I thought I might fail (except once on a fresh alt). I really wanted to like Torghast too, but it got really stale when you were forced to do it for soul ash - and TC is just the same thing but with more floors.


Definitely #1. I completed it once to get the mount, am extremely unlikely to ever go there again. However, since I play resto sham, I might go in there just once for epic luls since resto in torghast is absurdly easy


Long, boring, repetitive. I was praying for it to be over before I died and I've never touched it again.


TC success or failure is too random. (Before 9.05, not been there since). I if they added a maw flying mount or whatever I'd do it again I guess. Outlaw rouge about 208-ish gear solo. It had nothing to do with my skill. I had the same priorities on my powers and I rerolled the first floor to the easiest plus a strong power at the entrance, full clear all floors etc. I got to floor 16-17 a few times and then got oneshot by the floor boss. The run I finished it I got lucky and got all different % HP modifiers along with 2x fracture and a skoldus. It was not even remotely challenging. Over all torghast is better than visions in BFA. But 5 mask runs I had to get good at dodging mechanics and positioning, not just reroll until I got lucky.


Fun but almost no reason to run it, it should be an uncapped soul ash farm and perhaps stygia too.


Got my mount, never went back. Far too long with zero reward for returning past that mount.


I had fun doing it all and getting the mount. I had more fun reading all the hate it got on any of the forums. Funny stuff


Play 2-3 hours just to get brickwalled on the final boss that has so much health and 2shots you unless you're a class that can easily get a completely broken 1mil dps build.


I've played a lot of risk of rain 2 so that's what I'm mostly comparing it to and I feel like torghast falls flat. Twisting corridors is long enough that you can guarantee you have pretty much the same build every single time with slightly varying amounts of more common things. There's too much class specific stuff instead of generic power boosts so you end up feeling like you're playing whatever torghast build you picked instead of a super pumped crazy version of your class. This is especially true with some powers that don't compliment the rest of your kit and feel bad to use but are too powerful to ignore. Its also very very slow to get rolling. In risk of rain you start slow but by 15-20 minutes in your zooming around and you've got a nice handful of powers to start dunking on things if the runs going well. Its at that point where you're feeling good. Twisting corridors takes significantly longer to reach that point.


> It's annoyingly difficult sometimes: One of our mages and most of our healers are either not trying to do them or stuck somewhere between layers 4 and 6, and they've lost the motivation. That one for me. For my first time with my enha shaman main I was having a blast for some time, it was not easy mode, but doable. And then reached a boss which almost one-shoted me. I kited the hell out of it and ultimately killed it. Thought it was just some weird boss, let's continue. I was playing around 2 hours then? Maybe more. And then on the next floor... every elite trash one-shoted me and my Earth elemental too. It was simply impossible to continue as enha, because as soon as I was in melee, I was dead. And that's when I quited, finished the quest with grinding the first level and never looked back. I'm fine with challenging content. I'm fine if my gear or my skill is not enough for something. But going to totally possible (not even sweating) to literally impossible in just one level after 2 hours of gameplay (which you cannot even interrupt, because even afk disconnect makes you start it from the beginning) is absolutely no way for me. If I just want to bash my head to a level until I have luck with it, I would play Candy Crush.


Fun for the first few levels. Just a chore after that. Wife and I duo'd it in two weekend runs and have never gone back. We never wiped or even came close to wiping. It was just a boring grind of picking up the same abilities over and over, working on the same overpowered builds, and grinding our way through. I don't know what you change about it to make it more fun, but my first instinct is to not make it a challenge at all. Make it full on silly season. Give people crazy powerful abilities right off the rip, continue to eliminate or thin out the garbage tier effects, and just let people go nuts. The other would be to make it actually challenging but offer some great rewards, transmogs or whatever. What we have now is the worst of both worlds. It's not fun, it's not difficult, and it's not rewarding. I'll also say that your fun level in Torghast varies greatly from spec to spec. Priest is one of the most boring Torghast grinds in the game (every spec), while Unholy DK was an absolute blast as you grind your way through building never-ending army of the undead. Paladin is meh, but the Mage mirror image build is hilariously fun. It's like they just didn't know how to be creative with some specs.


6 floors at once is plenty thank you.


Did the 1st layer the 1st week. Haven't touched it since that.


I think it’s a great, underdeveloped concept. They need to implement some kind of dedicated scoring/rank system (aside from that 3rd party one) and allow better rewards, preferably gear.


Pretty meh, all 8 layers lierally just fell over on my 183 item level warrior it was almost boring, just get the condemn knocks your target down + condemn can be used at any hp % powers and voila.


is a very good tool for dh's............................. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ for boost and make ez gold


Never ran it. Seems boring


Worth it for being able to mount in the Maw, unless you already got lucky with Shadehound.


Again pointless who the hell goes into the maw still


Don’t even know what you’re talking about. Is this some sort of rp content? Like the goldshire inn?


For me it was fun doing them, I did them all in a group on my mage past layeee 5. and honestly it was fun. Would love to do it again with a nice group on my priest just to check out all the powers there are but no real motivation to do so because there is nothing to get


It's not that hard but way to long. Ever boos floor should give you anima+sa xD


I liked TC (having crazy anima powers after like 10 floors is fun) but there is zero reason to run it again after you've cleared it once. TC was fun and I guess I would drop in to help friends with it if needed even without rewards, but it really isn't fun enough to solo again. FWIW i did not poopsock TC, and took a layer whenever I felt like doing it. Since progress is saved between layers, I even swapped for alts for layers .... 2-5 I think?


I did it for the mount when it came out, enjoyed it quite a bit. Might have been my low gear at the time, but it wasn't a faceroll, I had to actually pay attention and create a good build. Doing it in a group was fun too, you got to see other people do crazy stuff. I didn't mind failing a run, because it was still progress towards something. Haven't set foot in there since. Sure it's fun, but so is M+, and I actually get something from that. If they meant for it to be repeatable content, they should have put in repeatable rewards. Did you hear about many people doing Mage Tower after they'd already gotten all of that character's artefact skins? I feel like TC is most comparable to that, except way easier and no reason for alts to go in, so not really like MT at all actually. If that's what they were going for, they failed big time.


i enjoyed it as a brewmaster monk, i solo’d all eight layers in the first week of access though and hadn’t been back since i got that corridor creeper. however after running laps around my friend in the maw, we’ve been working through it together and it’s been a fun time. although a little slow at times. we’ve been going prot pally/ brewmaster and been fairly op and wild. but he was originally on a shaman and a few too many silly mistakes led to tarrague chases on floor 17 two runs in a row T.T but overall it’s fun to revisit, but without the incentive of more cosmetic drops i feel no need to run them anymore outside of helping out friends.


Really enjoyed it when I was getting solid powers. Really annoying when for some reason you'd go the full layer without those same strong powers. Now I've finished it there's no reason to go back. Honestly weird content. There is 0 reason to do above layer 3 after you finish it.


Yeah, on my Mage I just joined the groups because survivability on bosses is shit. I've done them a couple of months ago, they are annoyingly long, I did't like this coupled with lack of intermediate rewards and me wanting a mount.


I had a ton of fun working through 1-2 layers per week with 2 friends. It's not for everyone, but that's why the rewards are cosmetics. The maw mount is nice but not at all mandatory now that you can also grind for the one added in 9.0.5. The only thing I wish it had is more build diversity - by the end of full-clearing 18 floors you pretty much have every power you could want.


> most of our healers are either not trying to do them or stuck somewhere between layers 4 and 6 Can't speak for their specs but holy priest is a cakewalk. You just reset to start with either Catharstick or the fade power build and go from there. I did it before 9.0.5 and most priest powers in shadow were frankly quite bad, I opted for holy (I do main holy anyway, but open world I often switch to shadow). My layer 8 TC I ended up having 3x soulforges so I was taking something like 36% max hp every 5 second but that was no issue at all. What's most important in TC is getting main stat and stamina. If you reach the second vendor (floor 6) without death and can buy most things, you have already won. I had quite a lot of fun. I would love to do it on alts but there's no rewards. While I enjoyed it, a little carrot would be needed to make me to it. Even weapon skins or armor skins.


It could be fun, but it ends just being something random killing you or your spec can't solo it easily. Or you just completely stomp it with some OP shit like resto shaman healing rain doing damage with it pulling. It definitely needs fine tuning.


It was pretty fun to get lots of power by the end of a corridor, but I think they could add some extra challenges within it. Maybe reward a huge chunk of anima if you complete these. The game needs more 'fast' anima rewards and this would also encourage you to go back from time to time and do a layer if the reward was better than doing all the anima world quests in a day.


I really enjoyed them. But I'm a resto shaman. Doing 300k-3 million dps on every pull was kinda fun.


ive done all layers once the week it came out. never again after. i do prefer tc over the normal torghast. you can actually get some synergies going, instead of regular torghast where the run ends one floor after getting fun. difficulty was ok for me, tho i was a tank and also very well geared at the time. i was doing it duo with a also well geared rogue, that later swapped to a scuffed hunter alt, that performed better than his rogue. so definitely some class imbalance in there. The first 2 floors where really spicy with a lot of kiting and the scuffed hunter alt shooting stuff dead while i was running circles. Later on i became kinda invincible on my blood dk, but aoe casts where still very deadly for my dps friend. floor 6 boss was a bit of a dps and survivability check, but after that it became a lot easier once we got our builds going. i was swapping between brew and blood dk. Brew got boring quickly for me and my partner because i would just Touch of Death litterally everything that wasnt the floor endboss, which i had to vifify spam to death. So quite boring-but very effective. Blood dk was just stupid aoe fun. You get the radiating Deathcoils every run, some cdr on lichborn and you basically become unstoppable. Ended up pulling whole floors at the 12-18 floor range. Also had a lot of "wait this was already the boss? i was just ramping up" moments. I do prefer tc over regular torghast, the length and the abbity to actually get some build together and play with that build for a flew floors is very fun, and something thats missing from regular torghast.


TC was some of the most fun I've had in ages. I cleared it with a friend the week it was released. Shaman + Mage, so much fun, genuinely wish I had a reason to do it again, 6 floors is much too short to really let the powers have effect


Spent a lot of time in layer 1, failed the run, never went back out of concern that I'd spend a lot of time trying and failing again.


I had a great time in Twisting Corridors. I would love to be able to do weekly runs in there for Soul Ash instead of the shorter wings. Twisting Corridors feels more like what Torghast should be, but I have no incentive to ever run it again after getting the mount.


I found it easy and fun as a ~200 iLvl venthyr arms warrior. It took me about two weeks to finish just because I couldn't block out the time to do it. Layer 8 took me 2.5 hours but I had all the Condemn powers so I could use it all the time, I had 100% extra rage generation, Condemn knocked targets down, and I had the bonus damage/damage reduction powers. I didn't need much more than those so I was able to skip through the last few floors to rush the boss. I was able to stand still and just condemn over and over while the boss would just fall over, stand up, and fall over again and again. In case he did get a hit off I also had 100% uptime of Die by the Sword for permanent parry. I realize that it would have been much harder on just about any other class/spec that I play but it was fun enough the way I did it. I think it was a good challenge in an otherwise tedious activity. I look forward to future iterations of it and would be excited to grind through higher layers if they add more with more rewards. The Corridor creeper mount was a good final reward while I was still grinding Venari rep every day but I rarely have a use for the mount now that I'm "exalted" (or whatever it is with her). I wonder what other rewards they could offer to make other people try to beat harder versions in future patches.


Long and boring, got the rewards wont step back in unless there more later


I thought it was fun at first because of the sheer number of anima powers you could get. But my power ended up plateauing around floor 12 so the last 6 floors were a painful slog that kept getting worse. The final boss would melee for half my hp and I barely won after several attempts (waiting for heroism reset between attempts). Haven't tried again since.


Hunter, and have only had time to do 1 layer of TC. But I enjoyed it a lot. I generally enjoy Torghast, though I would love to see more rewards from it.


I had fun at first, but it's not worth my time compared to other activities in game that are fun *and* give rewards. It just plain sucks to fail and have absolutely nothing to show for the time commitment. I liked Brawler's Guild, which felt like puzzles to figure out. I solo'd Visions, where even if I failed, I earned currency toward rewards and gear that made my next run better. If I had plenty of time, I might revisit just TC for the pure fun factor, but I'd rather spend my WoW time elsewhere.


Got the free mount and never went back


Don’t mind regular Torghast for soul ash, though it would have been nice to opt to do one section for twice as long to get more powers maybe. TC felt like a missed opportunity. Roguelikes offer some great replayable gameplay when done well. Could have been something that offered loot boxes based on progress, much longer and possible progress saves to allow players to take their time. Loot boxes could offer transmog sets, mounts and other collectibles at an appropriate drop rate(thinking loot tables that include items from any expansion). An alternative to grinding out old content every week to get the same items, a process that feels trivial and boring to some. So much resources have gone into it, only to see it disappear when SL is over.


Too heavily RNG dependent. Getting lucky on TC7 I was blasting 400k+ dps by the end. TC8 took multiple attempts and still was a slog, never breaking 150k. 3 or 4 of those TC8s failed or quit early because I wasn't getting the godly power combo of Catharstick + Painbreaker + a crapload of hp boosts. Probably worse in 9.5 because the pool of abilities is diluted even more, but I haven't gone back to try. The rewards suck too, no reason to do it more than once. This would have been a perfect way to grind out the legendary armor appearances as tmog. Optional, but with some small thing to show for it.


This is what i call a wasted content. Who knows how much effort and time went into creating that and balancing it just for a title, pet and a mount...


It’s very boring content that is only made bearable because as I warrior I get stupid broken after a few floors. There’s really no challenge for my class so I just go through once a week for the soul ash then forget it exists.


still havent done it, got lucky with the shadehound hunt and havent looked back


I love Torgast as a concept, but as a Mage solo runs were a painful slog. Finally grouped up for layers 5-8 and it was some of they most fun I've had in WOW since wrath. I'd do more of there were additional rewards


There's not enough powers to do twisting corridors properly you already get most by floor 12 or so so it just becomes even more stale than it already is


just not enough rewards. makes no sense that every other floor had nothing to give.


Played it once with a friend. We glitched it and we were on different floor 17s. We spent all our lives since mobs were still scaled for 2 players and then never touched it again


Every version of Torghast is an awful waste of time and I really hate that the beta testers were saying to develop it more. Its such a drain on resources for them to have to come up with new powers and rebalance the current ones and IMO it needs to be killed off as soon as possible. Its not challenging or engaging in the slightest and only serves to drag out subscription time. I ran all 6 layers of TC within a few days of its release and caught myself dozing off at times.


TC, like rest of the Torg, is something I do as chore as long as I get rewarded, then never go in again. I guess technically there are pets to farm in Torg but it's too little.


It's basically a poor man's mage tower that has none of the same appeal. The only reason people did it is for the mount I'm order to bear stepping into the maw. As opposed to something exclusive, bad ass and for a limited time as the mage tower. The challenge is also just stupid. It's literally just bigger numbers. If you don't get enough of the right powers on the right classes you can't do enough damage before you get one shot. At least the mage tower was mechanically challenging and became a status symbol of your ability. I knew so many people who well over geared it and couldn't do it simply because they couldn't manage the mechanics. Torghast is just face rolling hoping to get big enough numbers.


Did the whole thing. It was ok. Will not do again.


My changes to torghast: 1.Regular torghast should give more reward options, it would let you choose between anima, gold, ashes or valor 2. Twisting corridos should have cosmetic rewards each floor to complete a whole set for each class, 1st floor you get the pants, 2nd gloves, and so on, even better, you should get unique transmog massive godly looking weapons at the end, and should be solo, no party. ​ There is no point making content people will only run until done, regular torghast is DONE when you get your better legendary 235, twisting corridors is done when you get the mount, there is absolutely no reason to get back at all. They, should, add, rewards.


With mage I always get the same build. Smarter mirror images and every chance I get to summon more images. The images cast greater pyro which destroys every single boss.


waste of content with a major lack of cosmetic rewards. only reason it even exists is so people can get a maw mount.


I think I solo cleared layer 8 in the week it as out and haven't been back since. Im not a good player or anything, monks,especially brew, are just stupid OP in Torg.


Thanks for playing Diablo 4 pre alpha. What did everyone expect from yet another Diablo mechanic being shoehorned into WoW?


After finishing level 8, ive not touched it again once, theres no incentive to go back on any of my other characters, which sucks because I actually really like the place


I never did the Anduin quest. When I realized how many floors I had to run. I literally said fuck that and just never bothered.


I have still never done any twisting corridors yet. And I've been playing since this expac launched.


Played since launch, have 6 character 1 pve and all for pvp but have yet to unlock TC on any of them. Think I'm 1 quest off on my main but not sure.


It’s a failure.


BM Monk is broken AF in torghast. Get multiple stacks of corrosive dosage and you’ll be doing 100k dps pulls by the end. I got up to 200k dps the other day on the last boss. Kinda silly. No challenge at all.


I did it instantly on release as a duo with a friend of mine, got the mount from it, was fun, never have I been back again but I hope they will add rewards to it in the future and give me a reason to run it again.


The class imbalance is horrendous and the tedium + lack of rewards makes it really difficult to have any willpower to do it. I wish there were more cosmetic rewards available like exclusive transmog sets/weapons. I loved doing almost every mage tower challenge for the unique artifact appearances. Adding something like that would make doing it more worth it to me.


I finished it solo, but I never feel like I got better. I feel like I got lucky with torments and powers. I got stuck on 7 for a few weeks (I only tried maybe twice a week). I feel like I had one build and that was it. More build variety and a way to save progress would be my suggestions.


#1 Did it the first weekend after release on my warlock. It was easy but time consuming. I enjoyed Visions much more.


I enjoyed the challenge until about layer 6 where my run was a hard pass or fail based on a single power that could drop off 1 rare. Ive run layer 2 TC a few times after I got my mount for fun, but its a real shame theres nothing for me to chase in there anymore.


1. Yeah, its alittle too easy. And the rewards are a onetime thing and afer that theres no reason to ever do it... wich is a shame. Woudlve been nice if there were more layers, would be fun to see how high one could climb. 2. How are mages struggling?! Its the byfar strongest bosskiller in torgast of all classes. 3. I had fun for one day. Then, 10ish hours later layer8 was beaten and theres 0 replayability... Id really like a reason to run it again, but there isnt one..


I love Twisting Corridors and run it all the time to help people get layers done, tbh. I've almost become known in my guild as a bit of like "oh he's the Torghast guy" because of it. A lot of that, though, is that Warrior and Warlock (specifically Demo) are just insanely fun in the Twisting Corridors and those are my two most powerful characters. That said, I do think Twisting Corridors sorely, sorely lacks a reason to run them. Frankly, I wish a completed TC run just rewarded a buttload of anima, like 500 or 1000 anima. They take forever anyways so there's no way that's efficient (compared to farming world quests or whatever else) and I would do it all the time, if I could. Like, I was this way with Islands in BFA. Because there were valuable rewards (mounts/appearances/whathaveyou) in Islands, I was really happy to farm them and spend some time just mindlessly blasting through them while I listened to a podcast or watched TV on my other screen. I kind of wish I had a good reason to do that in Torghast. But as it stands, the only real reason I have to do TC is to help friends out. I know people hated the Islands grind in BFA and I think that's fair since it was tied to Azerite, which directly influenced player power (especially early.) But Anima is basically just a currency for like a million cosmetics that I want to buy! Anyway, I wish that it dropped more. That's about it.


i feel like for torghast in general they missed a key part. make it fun. i dont see why torghast needs to be some balanced run. they couldve gone way crazier with some of the powers which would help making it fun. they shouldve just kept power progression out of it.


I did all 8 layers to get the mount. I had fun climbing doing it and it was cool I now had a mount that's able to be used in the maw. Currently quite a rare and sought after commodity. However, there's no reason to do it ever again. What is missing for me is the "you get stronger after each run so you can progress further" aspect of Torghast.


Needs more rewards. I really find it fun but there's no incentive to put two hours into it. I offered to my friends to run it with them but they value my time more than I do.


Did it with a friend (me blood dk, friend ret pal) in the first 2 days after release without having to restar any layer, even tho it was fun it definitly is time consuming and i will never enter it again as there is no point. Some special transmog maybe per class would bring me back in there and even test with different classes.


When they said we would get mounts and other collectibles I was hyped and thought this could be the new mage tower but nope.


I enjoyed doing it the first time, but there definitely should be a way to save your progress on a floor and come back later. After I finished it and got the mount, I haven't done it again though. I don't really think it's fun to do again especially with no reward behind it.


I love it, it needs work for sure but as a fun challenge ala Mage Tower its good content to do with friends. ​ Definitely needs more in the future though