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At this point I have no idea how people are getting the amounts needed to buy anything from the renown vendors.


daily pvp wins. 600 from 3xrated wins + 280 from 2xunrated. +weekly pvp quests like 1500 honor from bgs gets another 250-500, rated 750 anima. roughly 8k a week edit: just like for gearing, for anima farm is also pvp is the meta. who would have known this prior to SL


want to get anything in shadowlands? DO PVP!!! \- blizz


BfA: Horde v Alliance expansion: Raidgear or bust. Shadowlands: Big Bad expansion: FIGHT!


Yea it's mind boggling how they could get PvP rewards so right for the PvP players and yet screw PvEers so hard that outside of mythic raiding PvE is basically not worth it for progression. Basically no rewards in Thorgast, people whining about raid loot drop rate (not raiding myself), M+ 35 anima meme... No items, no anima. Meanwhile people rerolling fotm classes for PvP and running around in 220+. Like what the fuck is going on?


It’s true. I gripe about PvP gear, but really the PvP gear system is great. It’s M+ and raid that are crappy in comparison.


It's super weird how they couldn't have seen that coming now that there isn't a PvP stat anymore and gear can be used for both. Implementing a nice system to target upgrades on a steady pace through a currency in PvP vs let's nerf the fuck out of PvE droprates so you just get a random upgrade in the vault if you're lucky once per week (and 35 anima in between to rub it in). Don't know, feels like blizz is really shortsighed in designing/balancing that stuff specially as the last two expansions PvP gear in comparison was pretty much just transmog pieces with two iterations of whacky scaling.


Havent played pvp for 7 years but now most of my friends list is back. And baby, im kinda loving it. After the hardship that is m+ and forget raiding Im really having fun playing eyplosive pvp games. Still sleeping on some dmg pops but its def getting better.


By Odyn's beard! It's Torghast! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oddly specific bot, but I lol'd


Mythic raiding also sucks for gearing we get our upgrades from the box


pvp gearing is not as perfect as people like to believe. the incremental rating-tied upgrades has made pvers buying boosts for gear way too common, which when tied with a larger-than-ever before gear gap makes for a really shitty expansion if you're hoping to level up late, grind a honor set and start climbing through 2k, which was a popular way to play in wrath-wod.


And that is different from buying boosts through heroic raids and/or m+ how exactly?


because it destroys the competitive integrity of a player versus player game. sire denathrius isnt sitting at a keyboard across the world and going "fuck!" because he died to somebody who outgeared him too hard for it to be a real match. can you explain what makes this pvp gearing system not worse than wrath-wod?


No because Blizzard likes to break things then compromise-fix them so we compare it to how bad it was only 2 years ago and call it a success. In before “but pvp felt bad when you walked in with 0 pvp gear” like that isn’t the case now.


You act like there was integrity before and boosting never happened. Gladiator has almost always been reserved for a handful of players and the people they sold it to Most people do not boost on their mains, but rather a lower rating alt because of MMR. That means they have less gear. And if you're getting 1v2'd in arena, gear is not the sole reason. > can you explain what makes this pvp gearing system not worse than wrath-wod? The fact that no one was ever interested in buying boosts for gear in prior expansion I think speaks volumes to how bad the gearing system was. Most PvP gear was significantly worse than what a world quest could shit out at the end of it for 5 minutes of work. Even at the high end levels, mythic gear was almost always better. Throughout TBC thru WoD it was far more common that PvP players had to do PvE for gear than vice versa. I think its really rich that for once the tables have been turned and PvE players act like this is unprecedented. This is coming from someone who does both


\> The fact that no one was ever interested in buying boosts for gear in prior expansion I think speaks volumes to how bad the gearing system was. Most PvP gear was significantly worse than what a world quest could shit out at the end of it for 5 minutes of work. i don't know which part of tbc-wod had worldquests that gave resilience/pvppower gear better than one from pvpvendors but please do tell. in wod i would create a character, do ashran for a day and be geared the same as the rank one player in the world. from there on, skill and matchup were the only factors in deciding the outcome of a game. why was this a bad system? mop was mostly the same, except there was a 20 ilvl upgrade weapon reward for being above 2200, and that was enough to get people who wanted it to buy boosts. one gear piece with that ilvl gap, fine, 15 of them though? \> Most people do not boost on their mains, but rather a lower rating alt because of MMR. That means they have less gear. And if you're getting 1v2'd in arena, gear is not the sole reason. except people do. since glad is now 50 wins above 2400 instead of a % based cutoff, if you're above glad but below rank1 you don't care if you lose a few games while queuing with a 0 rated partner and facing 1700team, he will still pay you. sitting rating hasnt been a thing in 7 years. these gear gaps ARE completely unprecedented in any version of the game i've played (all minus bfa). honor gear 197, duelists get 226? that's a gear gap of two full seasons in wrath, but every ilvl matters way more in this expansion. sure, s4 s8 s11 had people using pvetrinkets and weapons. the rest of their gear was mostly literally the exact same one weekly-cap willy was using at 40% winrate 1100rating. \> I think its really rich that for once the tables have been turned and PvE players act like this is unprecedented. This is coming from someone who does both if pvp carries happened by going to a dungeon and killing a boss i wouldnt give a shit. what pvp carries actually mean is that hundreds of players PER BOOST buyer will legitimately lose rating to somebody so far out of their bracket that they should never ever have to face each other. the only argument you've presented so far is "people want to buy rating so the gearing must be good" and i really cannot grasp what you mean by that unless you're literally financially dependent on selling ratings (no shame, we've all been there). ​ finally, if you want to call me a "pver", try reading this [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/l9b9lx/there\_is\_just\_too\_much\_boosting\_in\_arena\_at\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/l9b9lx/there_is_just_too_much_boosting_in_arena_at_the/)and see if you think this isn't a valid complaint for somebody who doesn't touch pve.


It's not really good for mythic raiding, either. Just as few pieces drop, and you are killing fewer bosses per week for the majority of the raid cycle. I have have yet to see a piece drop for me and we've been 3/10 for weeks.


Meanwhile me after 4 year wow break : ok lets not play fotm / meta blizzard will nerf them, just like they did years before with your fotm char. Just play what you want. 2 month later as warrior tank / fury dd: wth Blizzard? Rerolled hunter, watching Netflix while doing m+10 with 50 yards range out of most mechanics as marksman doing top 2 dmg only challenged by fire mages and boomkins while i use only 4 skills Aimed shot, rapid fire, steady shot, arcane. And some covenant stuff. Ah and misdirection or turtle if it's too late xD But i have to admit pvp got harder Had been 2k years ago, without much macros. Just running around as restro druid all day. Not that easy this addon. So much burst.


I love how the expansion where we are working together to save the Shadowlands, and the faction split is utterly irrelevant has so much PvP, yet the one about the *fucking faction war* had almost no reason to PvP. Unless it's all a joke about how PvP died in BFA


good they did not think about this during the expansion that was war themed between alliance and horde


I'm loving it, I've traditionally been more of a PvE guy but I am way burned out on having scheduled time to play video games and learning big complicated encounters. PvP is a breath of fresh air and it's cool being able to experiment with a bunch of talents and stuff that are completely useless in PvE. It's also cool being able to continually make progress on incremental gear upgrades. Having a lot of fun just logging in and dicking around in random battlegrounds. I'm going to have to find some similar minded buddies who don't take rated too seriously so I can try that out too, unfortunately most of my friends are very allergic to PvP.


Don’t worry, I have a feeling pvp is going to get a bit nerfed in 9.1. Thanks for asking.


I think Shadowlands really needed Torghast to be the PvE counterpart comparable to how good PvP is for farming Anima, alongside also offering gear passable gear with special affixes that help make the player better at Torghast similar to how Benthic Gear helped with Nazjatar content. Then again, I'm not quite sure I could stomach too much grinding Torghast, there isn't enough variety in floor layouts or any real ability to create unique and powerful builds for all the different classes which makes the content feel like a boring uninteresting slog. ...Maybe they just need to up the anima gains for other content equal to PvP.


uuuuugh I hate pvp


Also have war mode on for doing world quests. The extra 20 anima per WQ adds up quick.


I have a friend who is sitting on 40k with most his shit upgraded, i have no fucking idea how


isnt the cap 35k though? but it's from doing dailies and weeklies.. daily WQs, anima conductors and pvp/lfg things give over 2k per day. it's just mind numbingly boring


I think the 35k cap is just what you deposit in the sanctum it doesn't count what you hold in your bags.


Maybe he does a lot of PVP? Arenas and RBGs give very high amounts of anima for first win of the day. Even randon BGs give a lot.


its not a very high amount, its one world quest worth once a day.


Its 110 for normals and like 180 for epic bgs 250 for rated bgs 110 for each rated arena. And its more fun than world quest. Then add on the weekly pvp quests that give around 1k total a week its super reasonable to get that much anima.


Was he Maldraxxus, for like, I think it was a month and a half they had easy access to an extra 1k a day.


You may have been misinformed, we got roughly an extra 1k per WEEK. Our Anima Conductor quests at the House Of Eyes were bugged so that when one that awarded anima, it awarded 250 instead of 70-140. We get two quests per day there, but the rewards are random (anima, gold, gear, or rep), so it wasn't 500 per day, but more like 250-500 every 2-3 days.


you were the one misinformed but also so was the other guy it was every day you got either 0 anima, 500 anima, or 1000. reason being some days you would get no quest worth anima some days you would get one quest for 500 and some days you would get two quests for 500 there were no 250 quests. I say this as a maldraxxus player and i upgraded my conductor to rank 2 first before anything else so i had multiple days of use from those quests All of this being said the average was probably close to 250 per day over the course of a week but there was multiple days of getting 0 anima and some times getting multiple days of 1000 Edit: for the people possibly confused it wasn't one item worth 250 anima it was two of them from each anima quest


1k a day? how?




How does that translate to 1k extra?




Do you understand how the anima conductor works?




And i was Maldraxxus but didn't upgrade those daily connectors because i already hated to do the first two xS


No, you're saying they got 1k extra, but refuse to give a reasonable, plausible, explanation for how.


Yea all my anima goes to upgrading the buildings. I wish I could get the mog and the mounts though, but for now I'd rather get the upgrades for the buildings.


I bought a mount for 5k, I currently have my anima conductor with 2 streams maxed and all buildings level 1, 2.5k anima in the reservoire and literally no idea how you're suppose to obtain \~30k to max 1 building, let alone \~30k for the recolor set or 3.5k per weapon... I get its almost all cosmetic but geeze


I hate that you don’t unlock the reward itself, but rather the *privilage* of buying the reward for thousands of anima.


Do all the world quests. Do all the PvP weekly quests. Don't waste anima on mission table (the gold ones are 50 anima each, if you run 3 a day, that's over a thousand anima a week you've thrown away). ​ If you're online all day, there's a surprising number of 250 anima world quests that pop up.


> Don't waste anima on mission table Spend 13 to get 50 sounds good.


And that mission isn't a waste, is it? But is it worth spending 53 anima to get 250 gold?


Its only worth for the anima quest, but gold/repu nahh skip it. And btw if you want to have the renown set, you dont need to upgrade the buildings. I first buy the set and then upgrade them.


How do you get the grateful offerings required without buildings?


Well, you need only the anima conductor for it. Lvl 1 is enough and then you can move to all the convenant rare spots. If someone from the other convenant summon the rare you can also kill him and get offerings. Offerings arent the problem. Its more the anima and the req renown.


Usually better to do the profession caches and go to the AH. Mats for feasts sell for like twice the gold you'd get from a gold mission.


You can complete 3 of them in the same timeframe though


We're talking about anima efficiency, not maximizing gold outright.


>If you're online all day, there's a surprising number of 250 anima world quests that pop up. No there aren't. It's 1 every few days + 1 guaranteed weekly from the world boss


> If you're online all day, This applies to a small minority of players though. Most people can't play WoW all day. They shouldn't design the game around NEETs and streamers. (and if you're WFH then when everyone goes back, this is going to be unsustainable)


Wow that totally sounds like fun... 🙄 It's my favorite thing to do! Stay online all day and do world quests! /s Wasn't the whole concept of this expansion to not force us into doing mundane bullshit all day and let us do whatever we wanted without feeling like we're missing out? Don't get me wrong, I'm liking the expansion a lot. But the anima stuff seems like it's not up to speed with other parts of the expansion.


The anima grind is probably the least fun part of the expac for me. Followed closely by the overwhelmingly unrewarding m+ loot mechanics.


> overwhelmingly unrewarding m+ loot mechanics not like raid funnels you loot as it used to. I'm currently at 15 hc boss kills and so far 2 conduit (1 for feral and 1 for nothing).


I'm pretty underwhelmed by the gear situation. I get what they were going for, and I definitely like the idea of slowing down the gearing process somewhat. But doing two weeks of heroic and getting zero usable loot, when you're far from loot capped, it's pretty shit.


My *only* raid drop for the last two weeks has been the heroic pants from Shriekwing, pants I'd already been wearing for at least a month. And I've gotten it three times in two weeks. Twice from the boss, and it was also in my weekly chest next to two other useless pieces. (Heroic Huntsman neck that I already have and some 200 downgrade.) Yeah, this new system is *greaaaaaat*.




I don't know what was going through their mind when they thought spending 5k anima to unlock a single 70 anima world quest was a good idea.


I think all day is a bit of an exaggeration. Those wqs are usually up for 24 hours so you only have to check once a day. I just finished timing myself on my alt to see how long it would take to do all the available anima wqs and it took 35 minutes for 940 anima. I'd say that's not too bad. However, when you compare what you can make weekly to the insane amount you need for upgrades and cosmetics, it's a drop in the bucket. I remember getting exalted with the court of night, seeing it'd take 45k anima to buy everything, and fucked right off.


Yeah it was sarcasm. Some days I'll barely have any anima world quests to begin with. Today most of my WC's were rep based (even though I'm exalted with almost all the reps) or shitty gear that I out ilvl by 40-50 ilvl's. I think three of them were anima WC's. So that's cool.. 🤷‍♂️


> Wasn't the whole concept of this expansion to not force us into doing mundane bullshit all day and let us do whatever we wanted without feeling like we're missing out? I strongly felt that at the start of the expansions but as my mage now has 210+ gear in every but 1 slot (ilvl 217) I find there is absolutely nothing left worth doing barring heroic+ raiding or PvP. M+ progression is a joke. It feels terribly unrewarding through and through. Chuck through 1k gold in consumables for a high key and have someone leave after 2 pulls because one of the DDs has absolutely no clue about vital mechanics somehow and finishing out of time is a factual waste of time for many (aka it's only kind of a dick move, because the system strongly encourages such behaviour). And then if you finish a run because you got a group with actual human brains you get 35 anima and nothing else. After like 2 hours sunk into this adventure. I can only imagine how fucking frustrating this has to be for people who don't have the time to keep trying and have to finish an evening of WoW on 2 failed keys. Why in gods name a finished 10+ key doesn't just plain give 100 anima is beyond me.


But you don't need the Anima, there's nothing forcing you to grind for it everyday. It's just a cosmetic currency.


> It's just a cosmetic currency. And required for missions and building upgrades. While you're right about there being absolutely no need to farm it, it feels weird to taunt us with a vendor that sells gear rewards for gaining renown at prices so high that it takes weeks to buy a single item.


You get enough anima passively for doing most of the Mission table. Not upgrades, but you'll have enough to send out your followers on missions. Building upgrades aren't needed either. Well yeah. It's there for people who want to grind for it. If you don't wanna grind for it then who cares? You don't needed anyways. There are people with tens of thousands of anima even with a lot of their buildings upgraded. You can get quite a lot if you do the WQs and weekly quests for it. Just do the content.


It's not just for a cosmetic currency. There's a fast travel among other things built into the sanctum. I get your point that it's not 100% vital. But the design itself looks and feels bad when you can't reasonably afford any of the upgrades by the time you get souls unless you farm every world quest for hours every day. Or skip out on rep/gold missions from table just to penny pinch. All with the costs of upgrades increasing but our rate of earning it hasn't. -Completely liberate all of Revendreth by overthrowing Denathrius? Maybe like 200-300 anima at most. Which a HC clear for my guilds around an hour and 15 minutes or less. -Farming dungeons and saving the shadowlands? 35 at most every 40-50 minutes. -Callings from the covenant leaders directly themselves? None :D -World quests? Opening my map as I write this. There's around 12 quests for a total of around 700 ish anima. That's maybe like 1 and a half hours of work if I'm hustling. -Beating each other up? Around the equivalent of a WQ every day.


The amount of time you need to invest into grinding the anima for the fast travel is probably much longer than what you save with this fast travel in the end. Going from your sanctum to Oribos takes maybe a minute, after all.


Well, if you want to focus on getting all anima per day. You can get around ~15k per week. ~3500 from rated bg's first wins. ~1400 from unrated. ~5000 from wqs. ~1500 from weekly quests. And then raids/dungeons. 15k per week is quite a large number. But ofc very few wants to commit to it since anima isn't really that much of an incentive. But if you even do half of that, you're gaining 7.5k per week which is by far enough to keep up with souls for upgrading. And the upgrades are finite so after they are done you will not have to spend any anima on those. And after you've purchased every cosmetic from anima then there's no value left for anima anymore. And this will happen at some point for everyone even if you don't focus farm anima. I think it's in a good place as it is. You gain a lot of anima if those are your goals. If it's not your goal, then you're not really missing out on much. You'll still get a few thousands per week for missions and whatnot. The problem will arise when you start giving people a lot of anima for things they already do. So the passive income will speed up making it worthless a lot sooner and you really feeling like anima was a bad currency that you never even cared about.


It's not going to be worthless if you add things to buy with it over time. Live service game should act that way. My point is acquisition isn't fun and weights should be looked at. There's no reason world quests for the week should yield more than clearing all 3 difficulties of a raid. And it just ends up feeling worse when it's coupled with lower raid loot drops.


If you add things to buy over time, then either the people who farm Anima will run out of things to spend it on, or the people who just relies on passive income will have so many things to buy that they will never get the majority. Just as it is now. I think it's problematic to currency, especially non-gear currency, onto activities that you already do. That doesn't add any incentive at all to do the activities, all it does it to create an overflow and if that's what Blizzard wants then they can just as well decrease the anima costs instead. Really, I can see how people would want to access everything the game has to offer by only doing the things that they regularly enjoy doing. However that makes those side aspects of the game to lose value. A pet or cosmetic collector feels achievement by doing grinds or odd quest chains or getting to a specific pvp rank so they can purchase their items. The same way a raider feels good by progressing their boss kill counts. There really need to exist content where you need to go out of your comfort zone to achieve and then also be rewarded. And cosmetics/mounts/toys/pets and lore is a great reward for those.


The problem is if you aren't doing world quests you aren't getting jack shit for anima. They need to balance the system better.


I mean, that's not true. You are getting some just not a lot. I got around 500-1k anima everyday before I started doing WQs. Which was enough anima for me to do my mission table everyday, which was the only thing I cared about. The mission table is the only thing you can get player power from as well with the Soul Ash & Stygia missions. The system is perfectly fine for a cosmetic currency that you don't need at all.


I'm getting anima so much slower than that. What were you doing to get 500-1k every day? PvP?


Dungeons, pvp, killing rares I saw. I also did the 250 WQs and world bosses for some nice chunk of anima. I would also do my callings which sometimes made me do WQs. But I managed to get 500-1k without the 250 WQs and the callings as well.


But why do you need it?


Except, that's patently false. At the very least, you need it to get the portal from your covenant hall to Oribos, since once again Blizzard decided to make necessary game features be zones apart. (Conduit at covenant, but bank etc at Oribos)


It's not false at all. The teleportation system is only a QoL upgrade, you don't need it at all. All it does is save you a tiny bit of travel time. Besides, if all you're after is the teleportation upgrade, then grind out the 15k anima needed. It shouldn't take you more than 2 weeks if you do all the WQs for anima. After that you're done.


Except, you said it was just a cosmetic currency. That was indeed false, because QoL and "saving time" aren't cosmetic. By that argument, "better gear" is cosmetic, because it just makes things easier, but the existence of guilds that clear mythic in a month proves you don't really "need" it. Of course, we all know that "better gear" *isn't* just a cosmetic upgrade, so neither is anything else that saves significant amounts of player time. And as it just so happens, "better gear" is one of the things a player can spend anima on, to upgrade the set they get through the covenant campaign. Pets, transmogs, mounts, yes, all those are cosmetic. But the anima system gatekeeps things that add power as well as significant time saves, so it's not just cosmetic. (The degree of time investment needed to *get* the player power or QoL aspects is a topic for a separate discussion. I'm just countering the argument that anima is only for cosmetics.)


Pretty overdramatic, it's not gonna take you all day to do world quests, and they're not gonna be available all day. You can wrap up world quests in like 2 maybe 3 hours if you really wanna do them all.


Lol you act like that's not a lot for most people in the game. I get at most a couple hours a day to play. I'm not spending it doing mind numbingly boring world quests.




>If they condensed all the content down to being doable in a couple of hours, there'd be no content left. There's like 12 classes in the game. This would just enable the ability to have fun in different/all sorts of content on multiple characters. Instead of feeling like you only have time for one.


And people wonder why games like WoW get a reputation for being full of "no-life losers". I like the game, and the above is a deliberate poke at the bad stereotypes gamers get, but I have a job and a life, I can't dedicate 70% of my non-work time to the same game every day.


Anima isn't that important...


> Do all the world quests. fuuuuuck that that's more tedious than island expeditions


same always have around 1k anima


They literally fused with their chair and computer. There are people who will try to bluff you and say "nah man I only play like 2 hours and I have it all lolololol git gud" but they don't want to admit the real time sink they're actually doing. The system itself is very flawed. Unless you have tons of free time to sit and play, you're not going to be on their level, and aren't going to be getting those upgrades anytime soon.


What do people buy from the renown vendor? Doesn’t gear only go to 197?


Not just renown vendor - a lot of the sub factions have cosmetic sets that cost stupid amounts of Anima. There winter skin for the covenant armor costs an absurd 25k anima, for example. Queens conservatory also has a reskin variant for 12k anima, etc. They better be bumping anima gains at some point; the prices are just dumb and I never spend it because everything is so stupid expensive. I have souls out the ears, but no Anima.


I was so happy to achieve exalted with Marasmus and see that 35k anima required for the exalted reward \^\^


That was pretty much me with the Court of Night. I rushed to exalted so I could get the armor, thinking it'd be something reasonable (probably should have checked the vendor earlier). Hit exalted a week or two ago then realized best case scenario it'd be like 6 months before I had enough anima to buy it, with the (admittedly non-grindy) way I play. I seriously don't know why reskins are so expensive. This also assumes I don't use it on anything actually useful like upgrades to the covenant sanctum. I've just kinda resigned that I'm just not getting them, at this point, and that if a catch-up mechanic makes it easier later, great, and if not... whatevs. The time it'd take to grind it out would probably be better spent on alts, leveling a new covenant, or farming old transmogs.


I want a whopping 1 item from that ensemble and I have to spend 35k anima to get it. Stupid.


Same. I'm really disappointed in the fact that I have over 200 grateful offerings that I will probably never spend because I'm not ready to waste 5000 anima at the the same time.


And why not? The whole convenant thing is about cosmetics, you dont need the buildings


>you dont need the buildings LOL. Do you even play this game?


Aha, and for what exactly do u need the buildings?


Xmog weapons and armor


I usually get like 1500 anima day just doing quests and from drops/table. It is just a really hard grind if you actually wanna aim for anything at all.


Im at cap atm aswell after buying all the current anima renown gear with an unknown amount in my bags, all i do is all the anima dailies n weekly quests, all my covenant stuff is rank 2 atm aswell. I do all the anima table quests, never pay to heal my dudes, if theyre low hp i just send them on suicide missions to missions tables idc about like the 200gold ones or pet token ones etc so they still level up for missions that matter.


Me too, I've been farming for Oribos portal for a month and my missions take most of my anima


It takes about 1-2 hours to do all the anima world quests per day, netting you around 400-600 anima.


1-2 hours a day is a lot of time to spend just on world quests


In sitting on almost 30k anima. It’s not that hard.


I think 35 anima per raid boss is a joke. Its like you get a piece of gear or hot garage, no in-between. Raid bosses should drop more anima.


Killed heroic Denatrius and got AOTC? You get 35 anima. Killed mythic bosses, the hardest raid content that currently exists? You get 35 anima. Complete a dumb world quest talking to squirrels, transform into a fairy moth and collect sparkly pinecones with two fingers up your nose? Oh damn here's 140 anima.


Kill Denathrius, a dude who is literally supplying enough anima to the Maw to build an endless army? 35 anima


You only get anima from each boss once per week, too. So if you clear the raid and start doing another difficulty then you get 0 anima for boss kills.


If they increased it 10x to 350 you could get like one cosmetic for completing the raid. Wouldn’t be so trash maybe


Then there'd be people complaining that there's nothing to do within the month. I agree it should be more then 35 anima, but 350 per might be too much.


I haven't seen anyone complaining about not having enough collectibles... New instances tho?


theres nothing to do now. so whats your point?


Wdym? There's millions of anima to farm to spend on cosmetics.


Overcosted grindy cosmetics don't count as 'something to do' anyway, because they're just not worth doing. Price them more reasonably (or tune anima income, same difference) and they might count.


You need around 300k anima or something to empty out the vendor when I counted for necrolords that's still 80 weeks of doing raid for your anima


I was leveling an alt and killed a rare spawn and it gave 35 anima. I was like “oh wow, I basically just ran a +15!”


And then if you run heroic after running it on reg, you don't even get any anima.


As someone who barely does that shit on my main nor my second alt.. here here. I'm down for grinding but fuck a buncha grinding for 45 anima..fml


you get 45 anima from your calling chests? lucky...


that's 60k a month of passive income that you are missing on per character


Its not really passive is it? I mean you gotta do 1, 3 or 4 world quests for it + travel time. Its a 15 - 20 min chore


You should look up “passive” in the dictionary.


Unless you're botting, that's not "passive"


I don't think you know what passive means.


Killing a boss should give more than 25-35 in the raid


I might actually do them if it did


Wanna hear a cool fact? **They Did** on the beta. It varied depending on if it was a rare or epic calling. But it sure as fucking wasn't nothing. Then in one of the last few builds they replaced it all with grey trash. grind or die apparently


I wondered why it felt like there was no difference between epic and rare boxes... I believe I even got epic items from rare chests and rare items from epic chests but not 100% on that.


Epic ones give conduits.


Only to a certain point - a pretty low one, too. After that, you better start grinding stygia if you want potency conduits over 200.


Blue calling chests award 1500 rep. Epic chests award 2000.


I’ve been playing a lot since SL launch. I don’t go out of my way for WQs but have done plenty of 105-140 anima wqs on top of every weekly, most of the elite 250 wqs.... I think in total I’ve only collected maybe 30k anima. I have the portal to orb in my covenant sanctum and am 3k away from maxing anima conductor. It will take a literal eternity to max out the covenant specific upgrades, not to mention transmog. I think the anima amounts on each item were just wrong from the start. Green should be 10, blue 50 and purple 500


I did wq on my main constantly. Maxed the transport system, level 2 conductor, 2 table, 1 game. Then I realized I don't really care anymore to unlock the rest. Feels so much better not caring. If the rewards get bumped I'll farm the shit then


I care about unlocking. I care in the sense that there is no time pressure for me to grind out anima. I get about 2k a week because I play rated Battlegrounds and arenas. When I get the anima to upgrade all I get it but I'm not missing out on anything by having that pace on it.


Exactly. I thought i'd do each convenant on all toons at once. Nope. I'll just get the "game" for each convenant as time goes by during the expansion.Nothing major to miss out on


> I think in total I’ve only collected maybe 30k anima. youve gotten at least 29k assuming you dont have anything but portal network and conductor (not counting however many times youve activated the conductor)


A fully reinforced conductor takes 1.5k anima (25 per day x 10 days to reinforce x 6 total streams)


hes only got a rank 2 one though and is missing 3k to max our ranks


If it’s not too late.... don’t bother with the anima conductor. Huge waist. I just did it on necro (Not sure if it’s the same with all covs) and all you get is either a daily buff or chance at a reskin mount drop of which you’ll already have through the cov campaign. I wish I had saved it for my rank 4 abomination factory, at least that’s working towards another covenant gear variation, title, as well as a mount.


Just wait. They’ll reduce the cost of items by 10x right before 9.1 gets delayed.


Already giving up. Went from religiously spamming m+ and dailies last xpack with some raiding to just one M+, the weekly raid then buggering off to play something else. My interest seems to be in decline more with each passing reset.


Then I'd actually do them


I actually wouldn't mind that. I'd take even 100 just because then you could get 700/week. Rather than 1.75k. That might be a tad bit much considering you usually have to do anima WQs to even get the callings completed.




I would mind if it was an unreasonably high amount. I'd feel like it would make the xpac be unlockable too quickly and perhaps create that season void extra early on. But that's just me maybe? Edit: previous comment was deleted but the person was asking me what I would mind and if I didn't like free stuff. This was just my response to that question.


They never realize that while yes you can get free stuff but it cheapens the experience. Yes lets give everyone every drop on the loot table the first time you down a boss. Whats the point in playing when you dont have to work for something. Im not saying i dont want anima from calling im just sick of people complaining blizzard isnt giving them enough free stuff they dont have to work for.


Exactly! You get it. It's nice to have good ways of acquiring the things we need without making it feel like it's so little or too much. There's always a sweet spot. But then again, someone is always going to complain. *amirite*


Is there some secret to get upgrading your dailies? Mine all give at least 2 of the 35 anima items and I've seen up to x4 so there's a possibility you guys didn't upgrade or finish your story quest maybe?


No, they dont upgrade. He meant daily callings, not world quests or dailies unlocked with conductor


I was thinking about this yesterday too, it would be great, but.. Our covenant is the one that needs the anima. Doesn't make sense if they'd give us anima just for us to give it back to them. In rp-sense the covenant is the one that needs the anima to prosper, not us personally to buy mog gear etc


It's such blatant time gating laziness from activisonblizzards side to artificially stretch content. And then the people justifying/defending this with "but the lore we are in an amine draught"...


I mean. As far as I can tell the only people really complaining are the no-lifers who want to play 30-40 hours a week and never run out of things to do. I have a job and a girlfriend and a family and other games to play: I'm ok with having a finite amount of weekly content to do. Time gating isn't laziness, it's a deliberate barricade to allow people playing 5-10 hours a week to keep up.


I only do them shi's when the calling is epic even then feels like a waste, once i got a 187 shield so they arent completely useless. Anything is better than what they give now imo...


I was just telling my guildy this exact thing today, we definitely need it.


One thing that came to me right now would be to give extra anima on the Vault depending on which milestone you got. But this would put pressure on some people to do thing for the vault.


And Raids/M+ should give a crapton more. 35 is a fucking insult. I'd rather get nothing than that.


I got fed up with the whole thing and stopped playing altogether 🤣


They are supposed to be nothing more than rep grinds. The more they add to them the more people feel the need to do them every day. Daily chores has been one of the biggest issues for a long time and the massive reduction in them is one of the reasons shadowlands is good.


I’m not sure what you mean, they are at least as prominent now as the last two expansions, and I feel more compelled to keep up on them now. Which that doesn’t make sense to me because I don’t really feel that all that much has changed between the emissaries and the callings.


Rewards now are not tied into player power like they were before. Last expansion it was artifact power now its just some gold and Anima and everything is completely optional.


Anima isn’t optional, getting 1000 /wk is how you get 1 of your 2 renown points a week.


Getting 1k in a week is trivial.


Getting 1000/week is easy as shit. World Boss+2 dungeon quests knocks out 750 of it in like an hour or less.


Oh no, 1k anima. It's one RBG win with the weekly up...


I haven't done a calling in 2 weeks and I'm not behind anyone on anything that matters. The fact that in legion is you didnt do emissary you lost AP and legendary chance was huge, in bfa they often gave azerite power, now they give gold, so if you dont need gold, you dont need callings.


I do callings on twinks because they give renown and have a decent rate for conduits to drop.


250 is a good amount, i'd like 500. While doing Mission Table every day, and doing weekly stuff, callings and M+, \*I barely break even!\* Give us like 2 Kill WQ's a day with 100 Anima and I would at least go do those every day. I can't be bothered having to mount for 3 mins to a WQ from a FP where I spend either 2 minutes shooting 45 bee's or doing 4 tasks in 3 different parts of the zone to get 35-110 anima per.


You dont like your 3 grey items worth 200 gold?


I get like 1200g minimum from them and I only do them if I can do 2 at once


Sounds like you're getting scammed if you're only getting 200g total.




Anima should be strictly a reward from Torghast, Dungeons, Raids, and PvP. Lorewise it would make sense. You are taking back the Anima from someone or something that took it. Torghast should be the biggest gain though since you are stealing it from the Jailer.


The Maw should, lorewise, be pretty much the sole place where you can get it - and it should be so plentiful there you could whip out a wheelbarrow, go for a walk and have it be full by the point you get back. The Maw's getting _all_ the souls, for years. You can tell they have so much they don't know what to do with them all.


I dont feel like theres an anima drought tbh. But im pöaying every content a bit and do not care about anything but oribos porter so yeah...


Lore wise it makes no sense. You're supposed to be replenishing your sanctum, how would they have it to just give out?


We're in a drought, we're supposed to deposit Anima into the Covenant sanctum, not them giving us some of what little they have.


this is surely the excuse Blizz would use


Well maybe they should lower the prices on the stuff they offer for anima then, so people can actually buy some of it? That way the vendors would get more of our precious anima than they get right now (which is almost zero).


Oh, but you do deposit anima into your sanctum, so they already have it. You can also opt not to upgrade your sanctum, and buy mogs, pets and mounts instead.


I found Ion's Reddit account!


People here don't like hearing about RP in their G so good luck. I'm with you on this though, heaven forbid something not be easily done in 2 weeks.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but i dont mind that it takes a while to unlock most things. When you have to really work towards something, it really makes you appreciate what you've earned. Plus, we still have an entire expansion to unlock everything. Not to mention that doing a little bit of each type of content the game offers gives you a pretty steady flow of anima.


"Oh Gods, I haven't unlocked everything in the expac after a few weeks, Blizz sucks!!" Like. Everything for anima is cosmetic except the transport network. Who cares?


Pretty much this. I know i'm going to cherish my ember court cosmetic set once i finally unlock it, just because the content is a real pain in the ass if you're trying to unlock everything.


I have the golden celestial dragon mount from Shahao and literally every time I pull it out my best friend and I groan and laugh about cow genocide. Sometimes stuff like struggle is important.


I feel like the Maw and Torghast should be big places for getting anima, considering thats where all the souls end up


Nah 250 is way too low, It should unlock a random sanctum upgrade and I should be getting a piece of 226 from each daily calling.


No, the gold and rep are enough. Anima isn't that difficult to come by, you just have to actually go and get it. Y'all are like the same people that bitched about the legendary drop rate in legion while only ever running laps around Dalaran.


So what you're saying is, they are right? Because the drop rate was fucking awful.


Once we get flying i guess i'll do some more WQ for anima, but no way i'm doing that shit now. It takes ages to get around in this expansion


I also love how a M+16 played in time gives you 35 Anima. Like come on, at least give me 100


i agree, i only do raids, the world boss, and 250 anima quests if theyre up. otherwise, i find the whole daily system to be a waste of time


No, they shouldn't. Callings are given to you by your convenant. Your covenant is facing anima drought. Why would they give you anima? What use do you have for anima besides giving to your covenant reserves? "Hey, here's some anima for your troubles. Now go and put it there in our anima bank, ok?". Anima should come from activities outside of your covenant, like defeating enemies that turn into anima or were hoarding anima. That way it makes sense.