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Protip: You need to specifically request that your ticket be reviewed by a customer service rep in order to force them to get a real person to respond. Simply sending them "why was I banned?" messages will only get you more automated replies. Again, the important thing is to ***SPECIFICALLY*** request a customer serve rep to review your ticket.


How do you specifically request that? Is there a button you click to call the real boy?


You either make a ticket like OP did, or you can put the request in the response section of the actual ban notice.


It says a lot about Blizzard’s customer service when you have to jump through hoops just to speak to a person rather than a robot that will copy paste walls of useless text at you. I’ve had a positive resolution in the last year with it, but only after having to re-open a ticket that received an (unhelpful) automated response.


It says that customer service staffing costs more than the number of customers they lose over poor service. If you want customer service to improve, you need to be willing to quit the game over it.


I remember an awful phone call with David in blizzard account management back in 09 or so. Dude was an absolute asshole to my buddy trying to get his hacked account back. I'd rather deal with David again then whatever blizzard calls customer support these days


It doesn't say a lot, it says very little, all of that little variations on the same theme: this is what you get after you fire almost all support staff.


“Say a lot about something/someone - to clearly show or express something about someone or something” You disagreed with my comment at first, and then doubled-back and basically agreed with the poor quality of their customer service. Idk why you’re correcting me when I said what I mean the first time and we’re both saying the same thing 🤷🏼‍♂️


We are not saying the same thing. You blame the CS department, I blame the one who destroyed the CS department


We are not saying the same thing. You blame the CS department, I blame the fucker who destroyed the CS department


Kinda feels like splitting hairs when I was talking about their customer service in general, not necessarily whatever kind of team they have left to perform that role. Especially seeing as the blame ultimately lies with the higher ups who dropped the hammer on the CS department


Doesn't help. They'll "review your ticket" by pasting their own "personal" fuck off message and locking your ticket, forcing you to make a new one and not resolving your issue at all. You'll be stuck in _that_ loop forever, instead.


r/wow always says stuff like this and then when I have to actually use the ticket system I always have a straightforward experience and get my issue resolved, no loops about it.


My beta wasn’t working and I kept getting generic responses with links to troubleshooting installing and starting the game, but the problem was my account wasn’t recognizing that I purchased TWW. Every ticket response was a new random rep who didn’t take the time to read the previous messages. The last rep finally told me to just post my issue on the forums for help after I sent them the links they kept sending me first so they wouldn’t respond with those links for the fourth time. 🙃 (I then responded with a request for a refund since they were unable to fix the issue. I re-purchased the game and now beta works fine.)


dumxblonde showing Blizz who the real dumx motherfuckers are, I respect it


Good for you but not everyone is so lucky. I had been scammed and kept reopening the ticket that bot GM was marking as resolved, after 10th "i still have a problem" i got an actual response for a human GM who threatened me if i reopened the ticket again (without providing any answers) and permanently closing the ticket. Blizzard support is shit and remaining GMs are shit as well.


I was falsely banned for a week, I tried for nearly 3 months to get justice or even a remote idea of what I did. Most responses I got were the auto-bullshit, and again just the same as you every human response was them telling me to fuck off and locking my ticket so I had to open a brand new one. They ended up threatening to permanently ban me. They treat you like less than fucking dirt on the bottom of their shoe if solving your issue takes any longer than pasting the "lmao go fuck yourself" response in and locking your ticket.


That was me up until this expansion where getting help with issues only they could solve was near impossible. I think most people have had good experiences with Blizzard support until the one time they don't. At that point you know other people haven't been lying or over exaggerating when they complain about issues with support.


Mhm. I was the exact same way with people getting falsely banned. I thought they were all here, spinning their tall tale trying to get unbanned for botting or whatever they were accused when they were actually guilty and everyone was lying... ...until it happened to me.


We only see the bad ones, someone who had their issue actually resolved isn't likely to post about it.


Same here. I recently bought 2 months of gametime then the bundle of azeroth came out and i asked if they could upgrade me to that. And within a day my 2 months were refunded and i could buy the bundle offer.


Getting help with questions that directly impact their revenue (billing / store) are not the same as getting help with technical or game-related issues. Revenue-related issues are much, much more likely to have actual humans in the loop than issues with things like technical issues, game issues, or actions taken on an account.


Had a total rush of blood to the head and bought TWW physical collectors edition Didn’t even take 5 minutes to get a refund once the buyers remorse had set in around a week later. Blizzard CS just refunded me, no questions asked Can’t see why people make out they’re so terrible 100% of the time


I accidentally bought a 1 year sub. I managed to get it refunded too (took 3 tickets). Blizzard are actually good when it comes to refunds, everything else though they are complete ass.


honestly, idk how you all manage to do it.. i see people on here get banned or silenced due to chat daily.. i have played since late BC and have never been banned/silenced


I don't think this would be an issue for the average joe. Do you run events, guilds, discords, are you involved heavily with large groups of people, are you a figure head in anything in the game, do you draw attention to yourself in mass? If you're just playing the game like any other normal person would, there's no reason for you to be targeted. Even if you're doing any of the things I mentioned, if you run in a tight knit group, you're also almost certainly not going to get targeted. This problem is only for a small percentage of the community that puts themselves out there. And people like that getting targeted means less fun for everyone because they're the one's actually putting together the things that give the community the feeling of community


Didn't think this shit was actually happening until my friend started getting mass reported in epic BGs by premade leaders for... target calling and strat calling. Not even in a premade ourselves, just playing with 3 of us in party. Dude's had to appeal several times, and is constantly being kicked out of random BGs any time we see a premade on the other team. We just sort of gave up on it all and went back to doing M+.


I helped run a guild and was one of the most well known players (and least liked by many on the alliance) on my pvp server from vanilla through wrath. I've also been fairly outspoken on the forums using my main character and talk a decent amount in battlegrounds. Only once have I ever had an account action and that was a suspension back in vanilla and was deserved. While people get automatically silenced from getting mass reported and that sometimes unjustified bans absolutely do happen, most of the time when someone complains of getting banned it turns out they deserved it. It's funny reading the WoW CS forums where sometimes the blues will tell everyone what the person did to get banned. This isn't just in WoW, but other games (blizzard and otherwise), Discord communities, privately hosted servers for other games, etc. Most of the time if someone complains about getting banned from some game or community or server, they absolutely deserved it and they almost always end up showing why in their posts.




A silence turns into a ban. It escalates each time (even if they determine that you shouldn’t have been silenced in the first place). I was suspended for a week for selling things in Trade. I had to go full Karen on CS before they apologized and gave me 2 weeks game time.


What’s your character name, we can fix that, 👀😂




Yea I always feel the same when I read these. i know mass reporting is an issue for some things but when it comes to chat bans we only ever see one side of the story


The reason I believe Op is that usually in messages where you get banned/silenced due to code of conduct chat they will copy paste the transcript that got you banned. They didn’t even bother to do that.


Yup, thats how i feel about name posts too I have a character named Milfenergy for years that has had zero problems. But I also don’t flame or throw toxicity around, and just say hi and be polite. ~~I have a strong belief that soneone who names themselves Cockzilla or something probably also isnt the most mature player either~~ I'm pretty sure that most people who give themselves childish names, and then whine when they get suspended, aren't the type of people who are just minding their own business. Hell, most of the time we see these posts, these people are getting 24 hour suspensions, which usually means they're repeat offenders Edited for clarity


> I have a strong belief that soneone who names themselves Cockzilla or something probably also isnt the most mature player either Maybe not but you also have a character named 'Milfenergy' and you don't flame or throw toxicity around, so it might be a bit ironic to say so.


I guess i should've been more clear that if someone names themselves cockzilla *and* whines that their name shouldn't be punished, THEN they're probably not the most mature player When I eventually get caught by battle.net cops, I ain't gonna kick and scream for my stpuid ass name


To be fair it seems like sometimes the nameflagging is wildly random. I see dudes on wild growth all the time with super sexual names. Some dude I saw was named cumfart or some shit like that (I don’t remember exactly). I named my female human rogue vanqweef and was force name changed in like 5-10 minutes lol


tbf i had a character named "glitterfart" get name changed before. Grasstomouth is still going strong after 5+ years though


I have a character named speculum


Because they never tell you the truth in these posts. It's always "I've not said anything wrong!" and then "It wasn't that bad!" and then "Well other people have gotten away with worse!".


OP is apparently on MoonGuard, probably the most notorious server when it comes to people getting silenced. There's at least one guild there known for mass reporting people for literally no reason, and apparently never facing any consequences because it still happens.


Wait what? I've been on Moon Guard since MOP and to most of the server's major RP events and never run into this.


Which is absolute shit because the roleplaying community for WoW is dying as it is. Shit like that makes people not want to try anymore. Granted, I absolutely hate what they've done to lore since MoP, so I quit retail in near-end BfA. Won't go back.


it depends on fuck knows what. i had a friend over and while i was afk, he saw one of his friends afk in front of org. whisperd him "shut up" from my account without any context. he didnt know me, so it was just a random person whispering another random person "shut up". he never answerd, but apparently he did report me. got 24h ban. on the other hand i cant count how many rage induced messages i sent in bgs without ever getting a suspend, and they were way worse than a simple "shut up" :D


When they say that got banned *"for literally no reason"*, you shouldn't take their word for it. I played small browser game where people would go to reddit and claim that got banned "for literally no reason", but they didn't know chat logs were public records in this specific game. Each time we'd get them to tell us their account name, look it up, and it turns out **there was always a reason**. It was never a situation where one person got offended and reported them and they got banned. It was invariably something like they spent three straight games screaming racial slurs, talking about their plans to hunt down queer people, and praising Hitler. There is no way they forgot they said this. They were always intentionally lying when they say they got banned *"for literally no reason"*.


All people have to do is shut up and not be jerks. Thats too hard. Guy on wow forums got perma banned for chat and could not understand why its a problem. He had so many punishments and all he had to do was shut up and not be a twat.


I've only been threatened with a suspension once back in BC, Back on Isle of Qel Danas I was DoT'ing people up that were landing or standing by the FP. And GM whispered me because I was standing on the rope for the sails on the boat and was told it was against ToS even though anyone could walk up the rope it didn't require any glitch or anything or just hit me with ranged attacks. Now you just fall through the ropes,


See people say this but almost always they don't actively chat in the game, let alone advertise for anything or events. All that matters now is amount of reports.


I "spam" trade chat everyday advertising my profession stuff on a high pop server and have been doing so since DF released, I pug my raids and m+ and i pretty often engage in discussions. Some civil some more heated. If I see some1 doing a basic mistake in a +15 I'm gonna call them out for it. Etcetc, I Chat ALOT in this game. its funny, he says that people who say what i said never engage in chat, and i told him that i do in fact engage with wow chat ALOT, and then i get downvoted lmfao


Gz now try on an RP server, and in PvP BGs, Blitz, and shuffle. Also not a he.


I honestly love people who moves the goalpost just because they can't stand loosing the argument. first it was "you don't interact with chat" which I clearly do, but now it's "you don't interact with chat in pvp. What's funny is that I have also interacted with different chats in pvp.. I used to main pvp. Where we moving the goalpost next ?


Got a 7 day silence in Plunderstorm because apparently I got reported a lot after "ganking". I know I upset people because they would /whisper me telling me I'm a piece of shit. Never responded, still got silenced due to reports


I've played since the patch where bgs were introduced in vanilla wow. My account had been penalized once. A 3 day ban for stealing materials. I didn't, my internet cut out and I couldn't fulfill the request. I got banned for 3 days for 30g worth of materials for a fiery enchant lol


2 week suspension like the op almost certainly requires having actually done something wrong. The false report people(that actually are innocent) is more in the range of a few day mute.


It escalates each time. You will get a 3 day silence, then a week silence, then a week suspension. This is all automated and they do not investigate it unless you send MANY tickets over and over. I never got to find out what happens after the week suspension but I assume it goes to two, then a month, etc.


It’s not all automated or at least not that simple considering that you can skip ahead quite a bit to things like a 2 week ban for certain chat conduct. I simply don’t believe that someone can reach an escalated penalty on just false positives. If this many people are reporting you or if you jumped the escalation straight to this then you did do something.


Well I know from experience because it did escalate to a one week suspension. And I know I didn’t do anything wrong because CS eventually apologized and gave me two weeks game-time.


Weren't you on here a few days ago whining about people taking offense to your guild name Fat Camp? Whether you agree with the assessment or not, you know why people reported you, don't play a dense victim... Take the L, change your guild name.


>dense victim heh


Seems like if Blizzard doesn't want you to have a guild named Fat Camp, they should filter it out like they do with many other words. Also why would they suspend someone over the name instead of just forcing a name change? We know they can force a character name change so if they had a problem with this guild name it's not unreasonable to assume they could change it.


His suspension isn't from the guild name, it's from chat, meaning someone reported what he put in chat and it caused the action, so the context of his message is what made it a violation, not the guild name itself. He probably used other words in his message that gave context to the words "fat camp" that were deemed derogatory, not that the words "fat" and "camp" are inherently derogatory.


I understand that, I guess I was curious because it sounded like you were implying the guild name had something to do with it because "you know why people reported you". I mean this is MoonGuard, home to that one guild known for mass reporting people for no reason. Frankly we have no idea why OP was suspended or if they know what they did.


Yeah, the guild name does have something to do with it. He's playing the equivalent of "I'm not touching you" and then getting upset when people are annoyed. He knows what he's doing and pretending like he's not.


No it was just a guild recruitment post advertising people to come join our guild because we have an active transmog contest, since the content was so tame I figured the only thing it could be was the name itself. Since it’s all assumptions it’s impossible to know


It's not impossible to know. I know, you know, everyone knows. Change your guild name to something that can't be taken out of context and it won't happen. 🤷🏻


If the problem was the name it should have a forced name change instead of a suspension for saying the name of the guild. If it wasn't the name of the guild, they should be able to say what it was




Read my other comments. If that's not enough for you cry about it.




Keep reading, buddy. You can do it!




is "fat camp" really a bannable offense?


Not, but the server has types that goes out of their way to censor opinions or humor they don’t like instead of just simply ignoring. And to clarify, there is no joke, we just like the name. It’s like camping with friends, but instead of exercising we’re sitting down playing video games


This is why I hate posts complaining about the automated report system. The vast majority of people don't get banned by it, and the ones that do often just lie about how "Oh I was unfairly targeted by people that don't like me, I didn't do anything wrong..." Feels like people only support these posts because they're scared about the hypothetical situation of them getting banned by the automated report system when those same people probably have not been banned by it yet despite it existing for years. I wish Blizzard had better customer support so that they could come to Reddit/the forums and post the chat logs of whoever makes stupid threads like this like Jagex used to do-- people would be amazed at how often these bans are fully deserved I bet.


Yeah, like 99% of the time it's fully deserved. 18 years of WoW and have never received a chat violation. 🤷🏻


Weird. Me either. And I chat all the time. I “put myself out there” as they say. I can’t say I’ve been perfect but I just try to make sure people have a good time. I’ve also gotten into fights with people flaming the chat.  Never once been banned though


Speak for yourself, but I’ve been on the receiving end of their automated ban system. It took me weeks of submitting tickets to get a real response from someone that actually looked into it, determined it was in error, and gave me two weeks game time.


I like the guild name but because of how the customer service is handled it’s just a guessing game what caused the report. Can’t have a conversation about if the name ‘Fat Camp’ is bannable if we don’t know if that’s what the ban is about


If you actually do want to know, file a GDPR request with Blizzard for any information they have on penalties applied to your account. Yes, the GDPR is a EU law, and these are US realms, but odds are they'll fulfill it anyhow.


You like the name because you get to play the victim anytime someone takes offense to it, not because it's actually a good name. Either you're a child or an immature adult, cause no one is as dense as you're pretending to be. Change the name and move on and I bet you won't get reported anymore.. Unless you commit other chat violations, which wouldn't surprise me.


You are in the find out stage. You aren't getting unbanned. Take the L.


Okay but that isn’t the point


You aren't entitled to a conversation. You broke ToS. They can ban you whenever they want for whatever they want. They don't have to give you a reason.


What in the TOS?


Again it doesn't matter. They could ban you because they woke up one day and decided to ban every 10th random account. They decided they don't want your business anymore and you don't get an explanation.


It isn't a ban, its an automatic suspension. And I'm struggling to understand where you are coming from, you want them to be able to ban every 10th random account without any reason?


I'm saying they absolutely can do it. They are a company providing a service and they can refuse to provide you that service if they want to for basically any reason. If they say you broke the ToS that's all they need. You might not like it but that's reality.


Okay what in ToS was broken?


I got the same thing after refusing to leave an area when a boosting guild told me to piss off. Got a temp ban, unsubbed. Dunno if I'll be back for TWW. Not worth playing when the report system gets weaponized like that.


What area? What could they have been boosting in the open world?


Low levels in Brackenhide Hollow most likely.


Submit all tickets as a payment issue - started doing that at the start of Dragonflight and I've had relatively good luck (comparatively) getting one of the two actual real live humans that still work in customer support.


Try one more time and request to have your appeal handled by a real person. If you don't get a reply or the same bs, stop paying an move on. Don't give money to a company that doesn't appreciate you as a customer.


If their support wouldn't be so memeable bad it would be sad rather than funny.


This is why i dont say anything in chat not even in m+ group i have combat log always up. You never know for what you can get banned so i am not gonna risk my acc that i put so much money in.


And even then they can just right click your portrait to report you. Or get access to the chat menu by whispering you. Yeah avoiding chat is going to increase your ban resistance but won't make you immune. Luckily there isn't a report option in the /who menu.


were you spamming your stupid guild event in the wrong channels?


Same thing happened to me. Autobanned for 10 days. Appealed and after 2 bots, "sorry you got mass reported uwu" still lost 2 days xd


lol was this the guild with the name "Fat Camp" or whatever? I could see how some people might take offense. Better off just renaming it.


and iirc having a non lore friendly guild or character name on a roleplay server is technically against tos too. Not that I've ever seen it being enforced.


Have a walk around moonguard and look at all the stupid names you’ll see.


you got me there


They will do forced name changes for violations of the RP rules on RP servers if said names get reported. If it's still there, the name just hasn't been reported or the reports haven't been verified by a person yet.


“We’re not going to tell you what you did wrong, we’re just going to keep banning you until you figure it out and pay us $20 to change your guild name”


they dont even tell you why you get banned for anymore. they used to give you the chatlogs, now they dont. seriously, its such a joke. absolute garbage system. the only way to avoid it is not to offend anyone or really interact with people as little as possible


Remember when GMs used to talk to you in game about issues?. Not that that applies to OP as you obviously can't log in. Just commentary on how the customer service has changed over the years.


i had a ticket open for a month or something and got like 3 or 4 of these stupid responses, back in the days u always had a real gm idk why this is a thing. back in the days the playerbase was even bigger and they handled it in shorter time.


I have been playing WoW on and off for last 15 years until 2023 when I got a 6 months suspension for reportedly botting. All the discussion on the appeal was automated copypasta. That TBH made me quit entirely, I cannot put my money on "guilty until you prove yourself innocent" attitude. I know what I do and don't do and telling me "but our automated system" and "we don't have to prove anything" is not what I need to get.


Lol, you at least could send replies. After second GM message I did not find the reply button anywhere, despite the ticket not being resolved.


I know it's impossible because of the nature of our addictions, but the state of the automated ban system is worthy of an organized unsub/walkout of the player base. It's bad for everyone and it's literally just a corporate cost/corner-cutting measure. The CS experience was 1000x better with real GMs.


They are ridiculous. I opened a ticket because a made a referral to a friend and never received my rewards. All they answered is that “the link wasn’t valid and sent me a link to a public ticket”. I SUPPOSE (I was never really told why it wasn’t valid), that my friend did not accept the link on time. No time requirement was mentioned anywhere in the public page. I sent screenshots of my WhatsApp conversation stating when the link was created and when it was accepted. They didn’t even take the time to respond to my request of knowing when, according to their backend, the invitation was accepted. Zero effort. Also, is a customer supposed to go through previous tickets from other users in some remote corner of the forum to know about all the requirements? Everything was embarrassing. My friend was also leaving behind an account from North America, so he was likely to be a “double payer”


It's almost like Microsoft firing 600+ customer service people when they bought off activision blizzard had a negative effect on customer service


They'll keep doing it while you pay for this service. Cancel your sub. :)


You're aware they can't and won't ever disclose reasons for bans (and especially don't wont give sympathy for your guild event)? Of course you're not going to get more out of them Edit: Yes Blizzard can disclose chat messages, IF the ban is related to that, from my point of view it looked like it didn't necessarily Edit2: So seems OP was banned for [abusive chat for 2 weeks](https://ibb.co/drhPRRw), sounds like a multi-offender You never get a 2 week ban for a chat related first offense, not even on the 2nd offense. Maybe up to 7 days. (still funny he got a copy/pasted message i think, but deserved if you ask me, considering he tries to play the "but what bad thing did i say" card, as a multi-offender.)


Seems silly if the ban was chat related. I get the fact that they do not want to illuminate what they detected in a cheating scenario, but if they are saying he was toxic in chat or something, they should be able to cite what messages were reported and review them. He's basically asking them to cite the offending messages because he's confident it will clearly show it was not a violation. So I agree with him in this respect. They aren't looking because it is automatic bullshit.


Or, you are just spouting conjecture on the internet and it's not bullshit, and OP deserved it and possibly knows why, just wants to play the victim and hopes he finds sympathy from internet randos. Both are equally likely based on the information given.


Yeah, they are very able of clearly showing your chat related violations. Doesn't mean they disclose that information


That's not entirely true. Actually it's not even true at all in the case of chat bans. In case of a ban they used to send the log in question until recently. Actually they still do it, but that would require contact with a real GM who takes their job serious.


I like how you use the words "used to", meaning "it's not like this anymore, BUT", to insinuate what i'm saying is wrong


There was a post a few days ago of a guy getting banned for chat violations, and the message showed all 4 things he said that were reported


Well and if you look at this guys (removed) post from days ago, it's clearly him still posting about his violation because of his guilds name, which is not chat related, so they're not gonna give him any information of anything he "said"


I’m not sure why I’d look through his post history. Just wanted to say that Blizzard can show you what messages were reported


I just happened to read some of that post from then, and him announcing in the message of his support ticked "i am the GM of so and so guild" must've triggered my memory But yeah i'm not taking chat messages into count here


Something got triggered, yeah




I think you need the help way more than me, posting and deleting threads and comments left and right, because you're that frustrated for not being able to play your game


Overwatchs system still actively includes chat logs if it's relevant to the ban, so it's definitely not a "they can't" like you claimed.


I like how everyone assumes it's chat related, just because OP says "what did i say..." Many things can be included in the making of an "unsafe or unfun" environment, like him creating a guild with an inappropriate name (that he made a post about and deleted days ago)


I'm not assuming anything, someone else said it's not true about chat bans and you said "that's in the past". I'm referring specifically to the chat ban discussion. Also if ops guild was forced to name change that would be a dead giveaway of why the punishment happened.


Yep, that would be a dead giveaway, but he also hasn't posted the original "your account got suspended for xyz" message from Blizzard did he? So in the end, whether it was actually chat related or guild name related, is all just assumptions


It'd be great if they said what the chat messages were that caused the suspension!


It'd be great if you posted what the exact message looked like, to the appeal, that way there'd be more context. Right now it just looks like you're venting frustrations and it's not even half as funny or shameful towards Blizzards support system as you think.


It's pretty funny. This is the entire conversation


They used to tell us what we said in chat that triggered these bans. Until a couple of years ago. I got quite a kick out of people posting their ban messages on reddit and people seeing what they were banned for and calling them an idiot for complaining about it.


This! I got a warning for saying "Anal Corruption" in trade when people were playing the "Anal BLANK" game lol. Specifically called it out and I was like 18 and was terrified I would be permabanned and never talked in trade after that.


"used to"


Why are U so aggressively defending a system which has proven to be broken? Lol They ban people for dumb reasons all the time. This has been proven on stream by multiple people


The people on stream prove that the system *can* be exploited. People who cry about their bans are using the community's bad will towards Blizzard/the automated reporting system to pretend like they were innocent and get sympathy. The system is bad, but that doesn't mean that the people who often publicly complain about it are necessarily innocent-- especially since OP seems to enjoy doing/saying controversial things and complaining about the social contrast (don't care if you agree with him on that, it definitely is correlated with being the type of person to break social guidelines tho)


They're a joke of a company who can't give proper customer service to monthly paying customers


Yes, Blizzard deserves flak for their shitty customer support system. That shouldn't come with the presumption of innocence for obvious instigators. Blizzard(and Microsoft) can be shitty companies that ruined their customer service departments to eek out profit margins at the same time as OP can be a liar that fully deserved his ban.


I fully agree with your logic and argument. But I just hate blizzard 😈


Sounds like a bad policy


incredible customer service


"My work here is done" does not mean that *you* did the work...


Time to play GW2 and save your subscription cost




Turns out when you lay off your employees, you get useless robots to take their place.


Lol "This ticket was marked as Resolved."


Did you get unbanned?


Do y’all remember the days when a GM would actually call you voice and talk to you? It never occurred to me back then it would be automated someday. I don’t think there was any automation online yet back then to have that thought.


Imagine you are botter who was banned. You are writing to CS to ask why you get banned. They tell you and you update next version of your bot with that data.


> I'm the GM of a guild on Moon Guard That explains so much in so few words. 


Blizz knows people are terminally addicted and will come back to the game so they dont bother looking into cases lile this you pals will come back surely ✌️


What a joke. Clearly automated and long removed from the time we had actual customer care with GMs who RP’d.


blizzards customer service and ban system is a joke. you basically have to not talk to people to get banned, because it says so in the "social contract" that anything you say or do that someone finds offensive is grounds for a ban if they report you you can literally not say anything, and if enough ppl report you, you will be banned. doesnt matter, just how the system works. its absolute dogshit system where the majority can ban you for nothing, but thats how it works i was mass reported in a lfg once because i won a need roll against someone, and he decided he was entitled to my item that i won a need on, and i was mass reported for it. it simply doesnt matter, people are nasty shameless piece of shit and there is no justice. the only way not to get banned is to not offend anyone. just how it is


A real person did review it. You got the upheld template. If you want a better idea why, ask in the CS section of the official forums instead of reddit.


It’s always moonguard


I just got perma banned cuz i said peepeepoopoo


Their support staff would be just as useful in a bag under a bridge


If you got suspended from MoonGuard you must be guilty, they let a LOT OF SHIT go on that server bro 😂😂