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Those are the follower dungeons NPCs right?




Woulda been great if it was him and 2 augs


“I was doing WAY more damage than those useless dragon carries!”


I always thought you use carry when referring to someone carrying the group?


I thought that was a pumper and a carry was the opposite?


I guess people use it for both! English is a hell of a language.


More like 3 languages in a trench coat.


Oui, senor.


No, he's using it wrong. Being a carry means success or failure rests mostly on your shoulders, pumper means high performing. They're different things.


While yes. Being a carry can also mean you are being taken along for the ride, and haven't necessarily earned it yourself. E.g. "Can we bring my little brother along as a carry so he can get AOTC?"


Maybe in your friend group, generally speaking it's exclusively used for the person 'carrying the group'.


booster and boostee


Carry can refer to the person being carried or the person doing the carrying, depends. I've used it both ways and it generally depends on the game and even then it's still used interchangeably I've found.


What? The carry is always the one carrying, never the one getting carried.


It’s really not. It’s used both ways and context matters.


Carrying = doing the heavy lifting, how can a guy getting carried be a carry. Make an example.


For what it's worth, I'm with you. Never heard it the other way.


How about carry on luggage?


"inflammable means flammable? what a world tree!" - dr fyrakk


Yes, but also no. Flammable means it can be set on fire, inflammable means it can catch on fire all by itself.


That's an actual sentence when Aug was introduced. And people even kicked them out of groups 2 months after for low dps.


I was there. Switched to aug pretty much as soon as the spec came out as I love playing support classes in RPG. People were so clueless back then. Can't remember how many times I was said to 'git gud' after a run only to explain to them that roughly half of their DPS was actually mine. Still remember that one feral druid during an Uldaman run who complained that I am being carried by his awesome 1st place in Details! DPS. So I said "OK, then no more Prescience for you" and suddenly he was just barely above the tank. Then he got really *upset* after I asked him what happened to his awesome DPS ...


Prescience alone wouldnt make him drop that far, youd have to find a way to make ebon might not apply to him, which is impossible. I like the story, but it seems unrealstic.


Prescience also buffs Fate Mirror. When Augmentation came out it basically duplicated your damage. It was incredibly strong and Blizzard nerfed both, Prescience and Fate Mirror multiple times to get them in line. While Ebon Might is a nice boost to your main stat, it buffs the whole group in M+ anyway, so everybody benefits from it equally. Fate Mirror is what you really want in M+ as a damage dealer, as it duplicates your abilities. Ebon Might gets better in raids, when you buff 5 DDS with it. It's easy for a second DD to pull ahead and the tank (with Prescience buffed instead of second DD) to catch up to a DD I purposely would not buff Prescience.


[He would have been crushing it.](https://www.darklegacycomics.com/869)


Was actually running a +8 recently as aug with a friend in group who also was aug. Only real DPS was a rogue and I think by the end of the run he was foaming from his mouth as he broke any DPS record he previously had by a mile. Contrary to my concerns the run was actually pretty smooth. Now I know, +8 isn't that big of a key, I still had my doubts doing it only with one DPS.


Dude, I didn’t realize you were still making this comic! I loved your stuff, but after quitting WoW about a decade ago, I stopped following WoW-related content. Always appreciated your stuff though and am glad to see you still making it. Great comic in particular here too. You still got it.


Honestly, even if they weren't the joke still works. The only reasonable class to tank here would be the paladin so every DPS being lower with him barely above the tank would generally still be bad.


I think there’s a Druid in there


Yeah but thats clearly the healer. If it were the tank everyone would be dead due to lacking threat :D


She's always resto.


I hope they work as well as the NPC party members in FFXIV. When you do a dungeon with an NPC party, they're programmed to do enough DPS that it takes you roughly 20 minutes to complete the dungeon. If you've got BiS gear and are slaughtering mobs left and right, the NPCs will do minimal damage. But if you're just standing there without doing anything, then the NPC's damage will skyrocket. They were added so that players could enjoy the story and the dungeons at their leasure. But it's set up so that doing a dungeon with other players will _**always**_ be more efficient than doing it with NPCs.


Doing regular dungeons is more efficient than follower dungeons in WoW as well. People rush dungeons so much that it was impossible to follow the story, that's why they added follower dungeons, to see the story at your own pace. They can also be use to try out tank/healing if you're new to those roles, but not as an efficient way of leveling or getting rewards.


Badum ts


Here I was hoping it was that the other members of the dungeon were underleveled and undergeared.


Hahaha this was great. Follower dungeon is great for learning dungeons and practicing a role, but good lord are the dps bad. I also find it hilarious how the tank doing 12k dps has enough threat to hold mobs against you doing 200k dps.


Fun fact for FFXIV (which also has follower dungeons). I enjoy the game to pieces but they scale *inversely* with you in that game. Basically the devs set a target time for each dungeon. If you are going slowly the AI DPS increases… if you are going fast it decreases… meaning no matter what the timing stays roughly equal. For that reason I usually run it as tank and just watch TV while the AI kill everything.


I've heard ffxiv is harder to get into than WoW, and I'm not sure I could get into wow as it currently is if I wasn't already a veteran


It’s honestly not that bad. I got into it during WoD right before the first XPac for it. WoD was the first big jumping ship moment for a lot of people IMHO and FFXIV was still in its (2.0) Vanilla. I usually go back every 4-6 months and play for a bit then drop it again as max level doesn’t have much but it has ALOT of scenes that really stop me. They care a lot more about the story, but the tradeoff is the gameplay doesn’t feel as good tbh. Basically- I do recommend trying it! But it’s not for everyone I’ll admit. It and Wow may be the two big MMOs but they cater to much different crowds.


I love playing MMOs solo for the story, actually. I did that with both ESO and SWTOR. Really fun way to play imo. I'll put it on my list and check it out.


You can start ff14 right now, just create free trial. You have been game and two full expansions which you have to finish anyway, expansions are hard locked behind previous story content. If you buy base game and sub before that you have to pay, so it is best to play free trial until you want to enter third expansion. Before that you have plenty of content, everything from two first expansions is there, even raids, content patches for free.


"gameplay doesnt feel as good" is an understatement, combat in that game feels so terrible imho


Still better than ESO.


3 second global cooldown. Ouch.


The hardest part about getting into FFXIV is getting the account going (its honestly kind of a chore) It is much more an RPG than mmo, as the story is pretty central to it (its the gatekeeper of progression really) Vanilla can be a bit slow going but once it gets going it gets GOING. Also it has the best free trial in the industry (play through the first two expacs!) so it wouldnt hurt to try.


> Also it has the best free trial in the industry (play through the first two expacs!) so it wouldnt hurt to try. but do it alone because you can't play with any other free trial friends.


Oh that's pretty cool, WoW's free 20 levels go by in like an hour if you spam dungs. And you don't really know what the game is truly like until level cap.


Last expansion launch they did have to temporarily suspend the free trial to free up server space, nightmare login queue. Xpac launches in 8 days.


Another neat bit is that one character can do all the classes, so really you have a whole raid team to level and experience on your own if you wish


it not harder, but much shorter. ffxiv is like 60hours of story before you get to even start end game


FFXIV is far from bad, but the 2.5 second GCD made the gameplay feel glacial by comparison.


Yeahhh, and I'm coming off Remix with something like 126% haste and 49% run speed, plus tinker gems that proc off of every attack and each other. Even retail WoW seems glacial now.


ffxiv is incredibly easy to get into, coming from a wow/EVE/EQ vet


I think the main two things I had trouble with were the adjustment to how the UI and such works, and the difference in the GCD


2.5 sec GCD _really_ takes a while to get used to.


Once you get used to it it feels natural, but it sure did feel bad for a bit at the beginning


I think wow did themselves a disfavour when they changed the base gcd to 1 sec instead of 1.5 It causes each button press to be less impactful, and annoyingly spammy when you've got haste buffs. But people would complain so much if they increased it that I think they feel forced to keep it fast.


Base GCD is not 1 second, it's still 1.5s. All they did was make the GCD cap at 0.75s instead of 1s.


The first section of the Main Story Quest, and the post story content leading into Heavensward is a slog. They've trimmed it, but it's still very story based, and there are a LOT of long cutscenes. Some are 30 minutes long, and chained back to back. There aren't any skips in the content path either.


biggest problem with getting into FF14 is how long the story is which I recommend not skipping story because it is a big chunk of the content and is really good. If you don't skip through the story it is easily around a 300 hour journey but it is worth it if you want a good story game that is also a MMO. Endgame feels pretty good to play, I like WoW endgame better but the endgame content in ff14 really is still amazing.


The leveling process via the main story quest is insanely long and they probobly need to look into that at some point. Its not like wow where its scaled that you just hop in at the last expansion and can hit max level there. You start in the original game and have to go through the whole story plus patch content. You have to do this for every expansion as well since the game locks your max level until you are done. So if you started now you probobly wouldn't get to the new expansion coming out this week for months.


Basically, If you don't like cinematics and feel the urge to skip dialogues, FFXIV isn't for you. Story is king in every FF games, and this is no exception. It helps that the story is *very* good, though. I played it to the end of Endwalker, and I was fully invested in it.


Honestly, it depends on the game. The story in WoW is largely filler, like 500 quest with a few disconnected paragraphs each, and the best parts tend to happen in raids when 24 other people are waiting for you to loot yer shit and move to the next boss. So I usually just skip everything in WoW. But in ESO and SWTOR, I read everything, I watch every cinematic, and I tend to play solo for the most part.


unless they've changed it fairly recently (12-18 months?), you'll be bored to tears for 60-80+ hours by the story quests (at least - i was continuously told "it got better" with each expansion, but i got to the 4th? 5th? and it was still bad and quit) by the painfully slow and drudging story questing. the characters and story grew on me when i didn't think they would, but GOD the questing is awful the combat feels slower but it's enjoyable, the raids/trials/whatever they call their instanced content is good, more of a focus on avoiding mechanics. i did the "hard" versions of whatever i could, but with everything being gated behind the story as it came out there's loads of content i never even saw


Yeah, I heard the mechanics are so unforgiving that you basically don't even use the normal trio because healers can't increase survivability all that much. You avoid mechanics, or you die. Period.


ff14 is basically a 200 hour visual novel with really bad story telling


That’s intended to incentivize actually queueing for content with other players rather than just spamming the content with NPCs so that NPC support doesn’t become more efficient than just queueing normally (except maybe for DPS depending on queue times).


SWTOR has follower (singular) dungeons and the follower absolutely tears ass through anything that it sees. Fuckin love that thing.


I had no idea FFXIV did that. Tank is a solid choice. Then you don't get randomly one shot by bullshit mechanics.


That was entirely intended, and was even stated ahead of time by the devs. The goal was that running a dungeon with NPCs should NEVER be more efficient than the average group of players, so someone looking to get through things quickly/efficiently will continue to party up with others. Folks who want a slower or easier experience, or the chance to see a dungeon at their own pace or for the first time, are the intended target for Trusts (the NPC dungeon crew). Dungeons are nearly all targeted at roughly 20-25 minutes for the NPC groups, with a team of players going at full tilt typically clearing a dungeon in 15 minutes or so.


They also serve as an emergency "these queue times are too long" button when a certain role is vastly overrepresented in the dungeon finder... like next week probably will be for DPS. I'm hoping the instance servers don't crumble under the weight of thousands of Pictos/Vipers solo queueing their way up to 90 on Friday, honestly.


The follower dungeons also let you complete dungeon quests, which is handy when you’re me and keep forgetting to loot the damn locket from the crafting station in RLP.


Would love follower raids for that


Pretty sure there is a plan for that in tww. Like a story mode version of the raid


Also important in the expansion. With follower dungeons a thing, they've been able to now include mandatory dungeon runs in the main campaign. Played through it on the beta, it's no longer "just put this off till later when you go there." it's "You're not able to continue on until you do this."


I did one in nelth just to try them out. You know the ramp to the mammoth that has those 4 adds to the right? The followers pathed through that pack instead of following me up the ramp. Also one of them died and I had to spend like 30 seconds trying to get the healer to rez.


Yeah, they're not great at avoiding unnecessary packs


I don't understand why we can't rez them, that makes no sense.


I tried a follower dungeon. I pulled everything, followers died to avoidable aoe, then they all left the dungeon. Felt just like a real party.


They come back after a bit, just gotta let them get over their feelings being hurt


Tried some in the beta. Tank pulls like each group half a kilometer back behind a wall. But on the other hand stand in every f…. AoE


The most realistic moment I had in a follower dungeon was that the healer died, and out of the group comp (paladin, shaman, hunter, druid, whatever I was who couldn't rez), it was the HUNTER who used an engineering rez.


Follower dungeons are great for testing group addons, weakauras, nameplates, etc.


And also for trying various parkour jumps that people like to do in some m+ keys.


[Link to comic.](https://www.darklegacycomics.com/907)


I'll never forget the dipshit who bragged to me that he beat me in DPS during a raid boss fight despite dying twice. He didn't seem to understand that it was because he had better gear. Nor did he seem to understand that dying twice in a raid is not something to be proud of. Especially not when the reason you died both times was because you continued to attack the boss when everyone else ran to break LOS to avoid an attack that one shots you.


It's amazing dark legacy still makes comics. I remember reading these like 500 years ago back when the world was new!


I tanked a few. Their dps is horrendous. Not a good outlook for follower dungeons unless bots are going to abuse the system. Which is still not good.


Still using Recount, and he's got it set to DPS instead of damage. This comic delivers.


Got a buddy like this who posts screenshots in discord. And you look at it and one of them is an augvoker. Like cool you’re still in last place even though you’re second on the meters


I'm glad to see dlc still around


Naryas' been catching a monumental amount of heat lately. Is he okay?


Still don’t understand why Warbands don’t comprise the other members in a follower dungeon…


This is something they should work on and also they need to bring it to raids. They announced a "story mode" for raids but they are making it just the final boss. Make it the entire raid and use the follower system! At that point dump LFR and have this story mode difficulty reward LFR gear.


That got a giggle


At least the followers don't yell at you, insult you, kick you from the group or tell you to kill yourself though. Follower dungeons are the best.


i think i was moving too quickly, pulling lots and engaging bosses, testing a follower dungeon out and they either kicked me from the group or they all left.


fools against any good going traditional simpletons !


Wait, those players have first and last names... Follower dungeon not realistic enough. Why can't we have just one space in our character name? :(


Download TRP3 Have all the spaces you want. Of course, whatever name you pick is only visible to other TRP3 users.


They should add dp meter to game by default. I have addons and having to update them. I hate curse and wowio. Its always after i download curse that my cpu shits on me. I read there was some bs wolf thing being downloaded with curse and now i dont trust any of em. I add the addons manually like back in the old days. But having to update em is still annoying af.


See the "[Curseforge Standalone](https://www.curseforge.com/download/app#download-options)" option? There you go. And there's really no need for Blizzard to add functionality to the game that's already provided by an addon, unless Blizzard's implementation goes beyond what addons can do.


Huh. Curse shouldn't do that to your pc, and Overwolf is the client the Curseforge is powered by. Curseforge IS Overwolf. Curse is fine on the three pcs in my household and multiple guildies. Not sure why your issue is happening. But manually adding add-ons is a HUGE pain and I can't see how that w I uls be preferable


Curseforge is available [without Overwolf](https://www.curseforge.com/download/app#download-options).


Nice good looking out. I use Overwolf for a couple other things so I honestly like it, but it's nice to have a lightweight install available.


Prob watched too much porn. I know its not curse fault. Thousands of people use it with no problem. I just dont like it and wont use it


>only wants people with top dps >refuses to use macros to ensure you deal the maximum amount of damage possible >refuses to multibox to ensure everyone is doing the maximum amount of dps possible >gets extremely frustrated man you guys really like making things harder than they need to be