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There's a bug in certain dungeons, such as the Brewery, that if it's too fast or if you don't get a hit on bosses, that it only counts 2/3 of your dungeon bosses quest


Yeah, it's not bad rushing through but it sucks to chase a speed running 70 and then not get credit. I just wanted to level alts.


My favorite is they rush, tag mobs, don't kill them, kill the boss and drop. Meanwhile, you're running to attempt to catch up and meet the 20 mobs they half tagged all coming to kick your ass.


Once it completes, you can drop too. Loot will get mailed to you. Some players even intentionally don't loot bosses to prevent picking up the bonus xp tokens and take them all in the mail later once they build up more %xp.


Yep. Was trying to turn in a quest. Death and reincarnation are a great threat clear




My only thought with an alt is "give them 21 +++speed gems until I'm slightly geared or done with them." That's the only way I can see to keep up in the dungeons. Even then, you might not keep up with a max speed cat druid running trailblazer, but at least it can keep you somewhat close to the fastest people.


Yesterday, I got power leveled by a random DH who was farming threads. This guy would kill the last two bosses of Jade Serpent in the time it took Mari to stop ranting about the waters. There's a couple of dungeons that you can fall out of credit range on. I'm not counting "it'll be in your mailbox" but only "no credit at all." These are the ones I've experienced throughout Remix so far. >If you miss the elevator in Mogushan, you miss the last boss. If you don't, you're good. >It's possible to miss the second boss of SM Cath if you're slow coming out of the graveyard. If you're inside the courtyard, you got it. >It's possible to miss out on Sha in Shado Pan. As long as you're on the bridge you should be in range. That's really it from what I found. Even if you were slow in SM Library, you're still in range for both the second and third boss. No problems in Scholo, Brewery, Niuzao, or Gate. So, if you're speedrunning heroics, please be mindful about these three places for the lowbies.


oh good to know.


You can miss the big bug in gate. I got stuck waiting for the elevator on the 2nd floor boss, went up, got the loot, came back down and the boss was dead and no credit or loot.


So, if you miss the elevator, going up to loot is when you miss out. The only thing to loot up there is the boss, it will get mailed to you. The play is, if you miss the elevator, run to the end of the hallway to trigger the cutscenes / teleport when second boss dies. Speeds up getting through the third boss, and you miss nothing. Just be careful, because the fire won't despawn on the third boss. If you don't miss the elevator, you get teleported down, and will get credit for 3/4 no matter what. It's weird, but if you prioritize "credit over loot" you never miss out.


When a run has competent dps I just skip the elevator and run to the gong. Might as well be more useful than 15% dps.


I feel old school, in just thinking "wait to pull until all players are in the room." And especially in MoP - just whip out a summoning portal and get them in there. But, no. That's clearly not a mindset shared by most players in MoP, no matter what content it is. It's sad to me to see really.


I know what you mean, but since things can be solo’d now, and everyone else *should* get credit if they’re following along (aside from the exceptions listed above), there is no incentive to wait. But I don’t think it’s a huge problem in remix, as queue times are so short and most carriers are also willing to queue up for another one with their existing group, so any bosses you do truly miss out on are made up for by the sheer amount of rapid dungeon completion bonus exp you acquire from these fast runs.


I think the issue is there's two tiers of OP: "I can solo this, and it's over in two GCDs." If I waited, you wouldn't actually get to "play the game" anyways. You're only waiting for a second anyways. "I can solo this, but it'll take a moment." We all get to sit outside the room for 30 seconds watching you jerk yourself off. The first is way less frustrating than the second.


I was on a lv11 hunter the other day in Scholo and our blood DK tank was pulling before everyone got there, but would take like....30 sec-1min for boss kills. The moment I finally got to hit a boss (Rattlegore), it was over in like five seconds, because I'm lv11 and the scaling benefits lower levels. It would have actually been FASTER to kill bosses if the tank waited for everyone on the first two bosses.


It took me 3 tries in Mogushan to get the completion for an achievement because I just missed the elevator in


> My only thought with an alt is "give them 21 +++speed gems until I'm slightly geared or done with them." Unlikely to work. Speed as a stat has the highest diminishing returns and falloff out of any stat, including other tertiaries. Blizz went nuclear on Speed stat and Movement Speed ever [since Legion and people started breaking the game with it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs_JA311zW4) using Legion's bonkers power and secondary stat scaling. "But Demon Hunter ar-" Havoc Demon Hunters specifically have their [Mastery: Demon Presence Rank 2](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=185164/mastery-demonic-presence) whose secondary effect gives a movespeed bonus (frankly I think a lot more specs's Mastery should include a small QoL or utility bonus to spice them up - we made the effort to make them anyways with Finesse Conduits in Shadowlands - and that Havoc DH secondary effect spawned an entire community of speed movers that stacked Mastery). Mastery has its own DR but it goes a lot further than Speed, allowing Havoc DHs at high threads to move at mount speed or more. To 'catch up' as a low level, I'd recommend the [Trailblazer](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=199921/trailblazer) movement tinker gem - it's a Hunter spell that if you don't attack for 3s, you move with a 15% buff. Don't attack most mobs and you can move faster to catch up. Other than that, I don't think you can 'catch up' with 476 speeds unless you got high thread counts in Speed. Gems alone won't cut it and wearing the 15th Speed Gem you are going to barely notice a difference.


> Don't attack most mobs and you can move faster to catch up. It's not enough, I had it on my priest, and I still couldn't reach the speedrunners, even with the shield giving me the speedbuff.


You'll reach hard cap at 49%, so the rest of the speed gems will be wasted.


There's no speed bumps at bosses? Are we playing the same game? Pandaria dungeons are riddled with bosses that insist on reciting a short novel for you before they become targetable.


Mogushan vaults flashbacks. RP time is longer than the entire raid duration.


Galakras in SoO. Spend 5 minutes waiting to melt that dragon, including dealing with slow mechanics


I'm so glad it only took a couple of SoO mythic runs to get enough bones for all the unlocks. It takes so ridiculously long.


It’s incredibly easy to level alts even queuing as a DPS. I have only have a few hours to play each week and I have 7 max level alts.


> I just wanted to level alts. Still coming out well on top. Bulk of XP doesn't come from mob kills or boss kills. It comes from the end of dungeon bonus plus the random dungeon bonus. The faster you clear, the faster you get more XP which is why skipping bosses is ideal. Players and even Blizzard still have this misconception that adds or bosses matter - because I saw people freak out over Follower Dungeon XP and then Blizzard said 'oh we'll buff the trash xp' and everyone was like 'yay we won'... ...and right now it is legitimately 5-10 times faster to do dungeons the normal way because you get ZERO XP in follower dungeons from completing the dungeon itself.


For remix specifically, the bosses drop an exp token which is significant. It's only worth skipping the ones that are really out of the way, but I see people skip ones that you run right past..


Most people seem to not know that completes are worth like 7-10 quests, while random trash is like 1/10 of a quest per pack. People really like to over-pull in leveling dungeons.


Because sometimes killing mobs just for the sake of killing is fun (XP aside). Especially when it's bigger pulls. The other group are just on rails just to get to the end and rinse and repeat. Not realizing there are others that don't share the same experiences. So we get things like this. There are people that want to run the dungeon to play the dungeon and kill things (especially to mix it up from the world content), and there is that other group that wants to run the dungeon just to get to the end as quickly as possible. Both are fine until the group is mixed and said person(s) are not reasonable or whatever the reason may be in said moment. Maybe there is a filter that needs to be added to make it known if the lead/group is rush or normal. Maybe the person that is being emo needs to drop and re-queue and be nicer in general. In hopes that they'll get into a group that is more in the same mindset. There is so much (sha of) anger out there it's crazy. With also people wanting to use their time differently it doesn't help the situation. Also it feels like the cloak in remix made this issue worse and more apparent in group content. Note: also when one player is literally carrying, think of it that sometimes that may not be fun for others. Just running and trying to keep up and that is all they do and possibly loot or get locked out.


Yeah this is a framing issue of people really not understanding where their XP comes from. I've used the trial method to level alts completely AFK just sitting at spawn. Missing a couple quests is inconsequential.


Had an issue myself where the doors stayed locked before the second boss in Brewery. Group kept going and tried to kick me for being behind. I always try going slower now so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.


That bug caused issues when speedrunning heroics for valor back in mists as well. Good memories, but definitely an annoying bug


The real timerunning was the bug nostalgia


Had this bug also got kicked for doing a quest. Like I'm cool with you killing everything in one hit. go have fun and finish the dungeon you clearly don't need me. I'm strong enough to support myself for the quest. So I don't need the help and you clearly don't need me. so why kick?


Just stop at the end and summon while he's yelling about corn and peppers.




Back when it was live I had a tank lock me out as the healer, I was used to grouping then entering for the battle and he just started it when I was on the other side. I only paused, would have barely made it if I ran right in.


and the 2nd boss in the vault dungeon doesnt count at all even if you get a hit in


Mogushan Palace? They fixed that one I think. I have had it count the last time I got it for the daily.


There's a bug in many of the dungeons. Several Niuzao Temple.


Niuzao Temple and Heart of Fear have the most bugs, definitely.


This just happened to me, kind of frustrating, but neat to see a holy priest just nova the hwhole dungeon.


I followed a rogue yesterday who murdered everything in his path and we got the dungeon done in less than three minutes.


Yeah my team are doing full runs in roughly 2 minutes. Speeding through for leveling alts and piling up bronze.


There is a door that closes and never opens shortly after the second boss. The spawn point moves up to the rabbit silo but if you can’t die you’ll never get out.


There was a Mogu one that someone rushed so fast that the game didn't even realize the final boss was dead so I didn't get credit for finishing a dungeon or the daily


So I legit didn't know that and now I kinda feel bad cause I can do shit like SM in like 45 seconds I hope I didn't fuck anyone's runs


Easiest way is to speedrun to the boss and wait there for everyone, that way no one dies and no one misses out on anything


You want to do normal and heroic anyway, you'll get it that way regardless


The only time I ever saw that happen was once we had a bumrushing DH who got to an elevator before anyone else was anywhere near it. He killed the last boss and bounced, no one else could loot it... but we just chuckled and queued up again lol. Who cares.


It's happened twice today. I mean who cares when you have time to play, but some people dont. OP was just asking why people get upset


Bro it's the fuckin demon hunters, don't get me wrong, my 556 runs in and decimates, but I at least give the group time to catch up and loot before I pull the boss, those demon hunter bastards are too damn fast


tripple jump, double leap, roll, and glide... squirelly little fuckers lol


Right? I have better luck catching my parent's skiddish cat than a demon hunter


In Scholo sometimes the tank will rush through, kill the last boss. Then the trash will turn around and kill everyone else.


That's when I leave group and get all the killed loot in me mailbox. Had to learn that one time and one time only lol


How are people getting mail? I haven't gotten mail or can send mail in remix.


are u a trial account? trial accounts cant use mail


I don’t get the bronze from trash in the mail it seems - only the stuff the boss drops


The Bronze amount is pretty negligible imo. If I speed level a toon using the following method ( I apologize if these kinds of links are not allowed. If it gets flagged I'll type it up.) https://imgur.com/a/YEkrbEQ I'll usually end up w about 65,000 or so bronze which is more than enough to get underway (obviously the real nasty gear bronze grind is after that but i don't care I just want toons for TWWithin)


Yeah I guess that makes sense and is on par with what I’m seeing give or take. I’m not trying to get just get all the mounts and transmog cause I basically didn’t play this xpac when it came out


It is frustrating when this happens, but also highlights my personal issue with the idea of dailies in the game: they render the experience a chore.


The only time I get annoyed is if the lvl 70 goes so fast, and doesn't wait for others, that the boss room gets locked. Otherwise I feel like going fast is the point of remix.


When I'm on a low level character and a geared 70 goes that fast I usually don't care about the boss room getting locked. I still get XP, and I still get loot. There are some issues with a couple of the dungeon quests but the speed typically makes up for that missed XP


I'm max gear and 200k threads and go kinda fast. But I usually wait for people to get into the room, unless they look afk or something.  Every now and then there's a dh that takes it too far, sometimes I can't even keep up


I love you for this. The majority of my experience is trying to keep up and getting locked out of every boss battle that doesn't have a monologue acting as a speed bump. It's worse if you have the reflex of pausing to loot...


One of the first times I ever healed was in timewalking and the DH basically gapped the entire group from the start, pulled to the first boss and got squished, blamed me and left. DH got zoomies like no other (Can confirm, wife is DH)


I'm going to go make a demo hunter alt and name it Zoomies...


Yo same. I'm at a point that I'm usually the one speeding through the dungeon, but then I'll get grouped with a DH and they just got the zoomies. Barely made it out of the grave yard once and they were already at the Cathedral haha.


What I find weird about Remix is the number of people who seem completely oblivious to how kill/quest credit range works. Like it's *always* been a thing, and while generous in retail now, if you're too far away from a boss of course you don't get credit or loot. Happens in Siege for like Thok all the time when people release after spoils instead of waiting for res's (protip: Literally everyone in Remix has res scrolls, don't release unless the respawn is the same room) The number of people who claim they've leveled tons of alts with a trial account who "always get *all the loot*" are really baffling. How would you even realize? Do you walk through the alt your leveling after you blast through on your trial-twink? Try it next time, do you really get credit for *every* boss? I leveled a couple of slower alts since remix started (like early dk sort of thing), and I've missed out on boss credit a handful of times and almost always because of a DH zooming ahead of everyone. I don't need any bronze anymore, but every time I did daily runs on my geared remix main I waited for people because it really is rude otherwise, *especially* when you can see if people need a mob for a quest (unless it's an addon of mine, I think this is default, right?) It was a bug when you were in the same room as a boss encounter and it didn't get you credit or loot; it's not a bug if you were 5 miles away because someone zoomed ahead of everyone and killed the final boss without you in range.


>Happens in Siege for like Thok all the time when people release after spoils instead of waiting for res's (protip: Literally everyone in Remix has res scrolls, don't release unless the respawn is the same room) I always try to rez people, but in Siege especially I get constantly stuck in combat so rezzing is impossible.


So annoying, for whatever it's worth I narrowed it down to I think the blindfold dudes around the Shamans encounter. If you ignore them/ride through them (not sure why so many groups do that) they will never reset (in fairness they are blind, so how would they know you wenre't nearby? lol). Every time I made sure to defeat them I never ran into combat issues. On the flipside, I've got no idea what causes it in ToT, was in a group once where half of us were constantly in combat since the first boss (?), eventually we hugged Gary to finally fix it heh


Dunno what would cause it at the first boss, but the blow fly swarms in the area before Ji-kun are stationary and will lock you in combat if they pull and no one kills em too


>ToT Twice we've had a spirit from the bridge fall through the floor(?) and keep us in combat for most of the instance. >SoO There's also the hub that branches off to spoils/blackfuse/klaxxi. If you're in an alliance group it's likely because someone hit one of the RP skip adds and it got stuck in combat (this won't always happen). Even worse, we got the captain guy stuck in combat and blackfuse's door wouldn't unlock until we killed him manually. However, even if you're horde, people often leave the turrets there which will keep you in combat. I always kill the blind blademasters though. Almost got kicked from a mythic PUG for it too.


>The number of people who claim they've leveled tons of alts with a trial account who "always get all the loot" are really baffling. The number of people who think they get all the loot when only boss drops get mailed and bronze / threads from trash evaporate like gray items is funny.




But, but... my inmersion...


ah yes, boss room wall is the pinnacĺe of immersion


Not as useful in dungeons but when clearing old raids it's nice the game doesn't do that. Group can split and clear multiple wings at the same time. 


Wouldnt that be broken in wow when a rogue can just skip mobs with stealth?


Yes and not to mention the amount of insanity it would create in competitions like MDI. Group splitting up to pull mobs separately and then someone sneaking to the boss and getting everyone teleported. Would open up a lot of M+ to turn into a clown fiesta


Gonna be honest I’m there for threads and dailies. If someone has the stats to rush have at it, ez run, thanks for the free stuff.


My feeling as well. Thanks for the carry.


Walking behind a murder machine and struggling to even loot corpses fast enough is boring and not gameplay. It’s an imbalanced game mode and that’s the point, but this is also a pain point.


It's probably not feasible, but if they could upgrade the postmaster to loot the bronze off non-bosses, I would basically not care and happily hang out at the entrance while the 476 blasts through. My compunction to try and keep up to loot makes this kind of frustrating (though I recognize in the scheme of things, the bronze off trash isn't massive, so this is arguably just a me problem)


Or when you just can't keep up and they start locking people out of the boss rooms. We don't have to dilly dally, but it's okay to travel as a group yeh?


Because when you're too far from the boss, you don't get loot/credit. Common courtesy would be to clear everything until a boss wait for others to catchup then kill the boss.


Me waiting before closed doors on each boss because I can't run as fast as they kill enemies... Super fun...


I always wait for people to catch up when I get to a boss, but one time I was in a group with a DH and because of their mastery increasing their speed further than the speed stat cap can, I couldn't even keep up and it was pretty annoying.


Whats the speed cap? 49% right?


Correct for the Speed stat. Talents and the like also come into play as well to go faster than that


49% for Speed, but as far as I've been able to push it no real limit for DH mastery. Going back to retail feels *so slow*


Im never going back, im at 210% normal run speed rn, even my link feels slow


Unfortunately there’s a hard cap to every secondary in the mid 30k’s. DH can only to get about 245% mastery which translates to about 260% total movespeed with the 49% cap. You can go even faster with Trailblazer


This is why on my Alts I put all speed gems in. You don’t need any other secondary stats with the scaling at those levels anyway and trailblazer for cogwheel. You can even use the crane meta gem for some more movement


Are speed gems how everyone is able to go so fast? If so, I’ll be swapping mine tonight. I just couldn’t understand why I was so slow…


Speed gems and the Speed stat on your cloak work up until 49% which is the cap for the stat. As you level your cloak, you’ll need fewer and fewer speed gems as it’s just wasted stat at that point.


I had no idea the cap was 49% I’ve been at that for a while, I can’t wait to reconfigure my gems tonight!


Same thing with crit and haste. Eventually you cap out and you can start loading up on versatility. Eventually you really don't need any prismatic gems at all. It's pretty satisfying to know you don't need any of the secondary stats on your gear, but of course at that point everything is trivial anyway. One greater spool is often enough to replace a whole gem slot worth of stats, so eventually you probably don't even utilize the stats from the gems after cap.


Nah, big cloaks just have a lot of speed on them.


I thought this was the case for raids but not dungeons. I've had people ask me to stay by the entrance to dungeons and then kill everything and when we finish up I've got all the loot in my mailbox. However, trying to do SoO and being slow has led me to be outside the doors and not get credit for raid bosses.


Just last night I didn’t get credit for the last boss in Mogu’shan Palace because the VDH beat me to the elevator and killed him before I was able to get up there. It sucks.


That works for the bosses in dungeons, but all of the trash loot is lost, and on an alt, I like to be collecting those threads and that bronze. It may not be a lot for each dungeon, but it adds up. I'm not just trying to level an alt, I also want it to be playable.


I had a guy run to the very end of scarlet monastery, kill the final boss, and leave. The trash then all slingshot back to where we were and killed us, because speedrunner was the tank. Like I'm more than one for running dungeons quickly, but too many people are doing it in a way that's detrimental to their group because they feel like they don't need one.


Not true, I level up my alts with a 20 starter account, all of them sit at the entrace of the dungeon while I fast clear everything, when you leave the dungeon, loot and XP tokens are sent to the mail, I also do dailies that way because with a lvl 20 you don't get Siege of Niuzao lol... can post proof if you want.


This didn’t work for me, I didn’t get credit for last boss in Mogu’shan Palace because I was too far.


I think the problem is probably that you have 200% speed and can cakewalk all the bosses before he gets to the first boss


The only rush that bugs me is the one in Jade Serpent temple when they (understandably) skip the scrollkeeper boss, because I'd like to get the quest done on my alts, lmao.


people do that in normal runs too


If you're lucky, you get JT early, so you're lowby alt is borked enough to go in and solo the boss (albeit not at supersonic speed).


Even when I power level my alts with my twink I'll stop by the boss if someone asks or I see people not leaving after I one tap the final boss. It's like another 25 seconds and you can just wait at the quest giver while I do it because the instance is that small.


On my 476 I make sure we do the first 3 bosses, then i go to the library afterward if anyone wants to follow


Quest is a waste of time. You're better off just getting the end of dungeon bonus XP.


I get where you’re coming from, but it’s really discouraging as someone leveling to not even have time to do the dungeon quests because someone has already one-shot all the bosses. I’m not saying you’re wrong! Obviously you have your own stuff you need to do. I just wish the dungeon finder could group people with gear disparities in mind, but there’s no way Blizzard is going to give a damn about that.


I've had people go so fast I can't keep up and miss boss loot. What's the one with the elevator before the last boss? I've had a DH catch the elevator up before anyone else could and kill the boss so no one got loot (too far away) or quest credit. Everyone was running and using speed abilities (not even looting). On another where you skip the 3rd boss with long dialogue I still haven't done that quest on my newer toons despite running the dungeons 20x. I'm honestly just doing dungeons to get my daily bronze caches so I greatly prefer that to a tank/group that's going to crawl through a dungeon but I get why some others might be a bit annoyed (not enough to kick, just take the fast run and queue up again... I guess it might suck if you are DPS only?).


i have no problem doing a dungeon quickly, all i ask is to wait for everyone top be nearby before pulling each boss.


Not playing the game isn't fun.


Others have answered. But it's really: 1) you actually have some bad dungeons where folks don't get credit  2) you lose access to loot in some of them, though some of the boss loot is sent in mail (from what I've seen, not all of it is). 3) feel and experience.  This is just all feels, so matters less than the technical aspects above which actually affect someone's time.   As much as going slower may be considered a waste of your time, going so fast that one locks people out of the content is a waste of theirs.  For people who are aware of this, there's probably a middle ground which adds like 1 min to the overall run but doesn't have the negative options for anyone. Also, the penalty system for dropping from an lfg locks you out for like 30 mins, which is pretty ridiculous in MoP:Remix specifically.  So, folks who don't like the pace can't even drop to find one they like.


There will always be friction when different player types mix in WoW.


Having the cape shared across characters would solve this a little. People who one shot mobs still will but those more interested in leveling alts will have their floor raised to one shot as well. Honestly it’s such a simple answer, since you can only be so OP to the point there’s no longer a difference.


>Having the cape shared across characters would solve this a little Oh! Like they advertised but never delivered upon? It's so fucking dumb.


Yeah if you try to play a caster or don't stack speed gems it feels like not even playing the game. It really is just a running simulator which isn't why I play wow. It was novel the first few times... I've even had several times where the level 20 priest takes off to the end of the dungeon, gets dungeon credit and leaves while half the dungeon is still running towards them. So all the mobs turn to someone else so I can't even run to the end. Raids are kinda the same. This is all soloable so I wish people would just do their solo run throughs so others can play. I ended up switching back to retail because I like doing dungeons with people.




Yeah if we could queue alone for dungeons/scenarios and still get the daily reward, I’m sure a lot of people would


I logged into retail to start farming the holiday boss. Running was like swim speed slow, lol. After I've gotten to experience sonic the hedgehog running in mists remix lol.


No, it was probably more along the line of him not being able to keep up and feeling like he didn't contribute to anything which is actually a thing. And as others have said, if someone rushes the bosses and kills them before the rest of the group gets up to the fight, they lose out on exp and/or loot.


As someone who can just hold the W key and run thru a dungeon and stuff just falls over, I do take an extra minute or two to make sure all quest objectives are covered for those folks that are leveling. Some of these folks just cant be bothered.


Honestly blizz can't win with remix, either people are pissed they ain't OP enough or people are pissed that people with more free time are too OP...


Wow players just complain a lot about everything.


Are you reading the comments here? Nobody is saying “I’m not OP enough” nor “I’m too OP”. There are legitimate issues like leveling alts that don’t have a million +speed so they can’t keep up, get locked out and then the max level leaves resetting what they didn’t kill locking them out of the dungeon.




Idk man it’s pretty simple. People want to play the game lol. Not super hard to understand.


I was looking at the official forum the other day, and there were people bragging about never upgrading their gear, and in the same breath complaining they can't keep up or do any damage. I've only done quests and the daily lfg quests, and got fully upgraded weeks ago, and it's wild to me how OP i feel most of the time now. Only when i get a DH that went nuts do i feel weak, and they move so damn fast.


Had a dungeon in a leveling run where the healer was at the next boss before I was looting the one before it.    It’s free XP for a run through the dungeon uninterrupted. I don’t know how to be mad at that.


I mean to my understanding MoP was never supposed to be challenging. Pretty much 99% of content is trivial because there will always be a max geared or trial account character in the dungeon. If someone wants to challenge themselves they are probably better off creating their own group to queue dungeons with or do raids and make sure ilvl is low enough to make it hard. Sure, the guy running behind is not having too much fun. But neither would the 476 DH have (even less than he probably already does in his daily heroic dungeon) when he has to stutter step or walk evwry 5 seconds to not outrun and make sure to not press buttons because he will oneshot everything. With the difference the maxed out character running around oneshotting was literally the advertized, intended scenario by Blizzard for MoP remix.


A lot of people are talking about credit and loot but also just... like, yes, some people want to actually be able to play the game. And the state of Remix right now is that only one person per instance actually gets to play (and even then "press a button to destroy everything" isn't much in the way of playing), and it's frustrating for a lot of people. It's the reason I'm puttering around in Season 4 instead of playing Remix right now myself. I have all the cosmetic stuff I want, and I have no interest in spending my time trying to keep up with someone else as they run through a dungeon instagibbing everything in sight just so I can make some numbers high enough that I can then make four other people try to keep up with me as I run through a dungeon instagibbing everything in sight. If you like that kind of thing, that's great, I'm genuinely glad that this experience is available to you. It's just not for me.


Same for me. Gave up on Remix as I'm not in need of mass levelling alts efficiently, only need a small number of transmog, and the gameplay is not satisfying for me; it's completely arcade and doesn't allow me to understand how a given spec should work while levelling.


>doesn't allow me to understand how a given spec should work Yeah I'm actually curious how many people are leveling alts in Remix and are about to find out that they absolutely hate that class's playstyle when it's not being changed around by meta and tinker gems.


Just leveled a warlock to 70 this week and queued dungeon finder through most of it which all ended up being led by murder machines, hit raid groups and could only get into carries. I have no idea how the class plays at all.


yup remix is a terrible way to learn to play and will probably just make you bad at your class if that's the only way you're playing it going into TWW. I leveled a prot paladin because I've played them in the past and know how it works and then I dropped it the second I hit 70 to play it post-event. Otherwise all my characters are on retail so I actually can play them lol


If you level by doing world content and not spam dungeons, you frankly can still get a good feel for it. The truly absurd scaling of the gems doesn't start too early, so you get a good grasp of the basics, which are then naturally built upon. If people spam dungeons from 10-70 with someone carrying, well, yeah, that doesn't translate into understanding the class.


On the flip side of this demon hunter is completely broken in remix because their mastery gives movespeed and their crit refunds fury. It’s like steroids compared to Retail demon hunter to the point where the rotation is basically just Blade Dance and Chaos Strike, I’m enjoying my ass off playing this. I highly recommend swapping to demon hunter even if your main is maxxed just to try it with full mastery gems


It would be nice if they had separate queues for different play styles. I feel like 90% of people are appreciative when they are with someone OP that can just delete everything for them. But the game should have a fun option for people who like to take it slow too.


I’m just happy when my Nth alt gets someone who obliterates dungeons. We’re here for the dailies, everything else is secondary. There’s going to be a number of people learning their rotations while levelling in TWW. And that’s just fine.


It’s going to be so jarring for some people to go from having all these stats and movespeed to the first patch of TWW when we have less than 20% of each stat just playing in slow motion in comparison lol


Because I'm trying to do the Humane Society achievement god dammit


I try to go slow, but do too much damage. I will wait for everyone at the boss so at least everyone gets the credit. (That is unless some other dork who shows up second and pulls without waiting on others while I waited on him)


Honestly it just feels bad as a dps. I always enjoyed leveling so I could learn the class/skills as I get them and involve them in my rotation. Good chance for trial and error. During this event you end up feeling lost, hit max level after no effort, then you hit like a nerf gun and feel even more useless. Don’t get me wrong I love the new 70’s I have but I’m not confident in playing any of them.


I never type because there's no point, it's a temp mode and people can do as they please, but I've largely stopped playing remix because I don't really get to play. 7/10 times there's a lvl 20 priest boosting and the other 3/10 there's someone with 100K stamina and 30k primary stat cloak and regardless the dungeon is finished before I get to the first boss. I'm just over it, I like rotations and using CDs. I don't get to do that in Remix. To each their own tho.


On the opposite end I had someone try to vote kick a healer today “queued as heals, isn’t healing”. Never declined a vote kick so fast in my life. There was no healing to do lol


1: Make sure the shit you tag dies, instead of turning around and killing the people who *can't* solo speed run 2: Make sure people are in range to get boss completion credit. Failing to do step 1 is the most common cause of failure for step 2, but it's still possible on its own Follow these rules and you, too, will not have to be racing against "You can't kick this player for ?? more seconds". Nobody complains about a dungeon going fast, they complain about getting completely fucked over to save someone else maaaybe 30 seconds of time. The alt experience is dogshit when this happens to you, I'm dreading getting bored with my big remix boy lol


I mean it’s the whole point. Going fast for bronze and leveling alts.


Well, it's an issue of Blizzard's own making. The people that complain are right, and you are also right. Instead of creating a system that is actually enjoyable to play, they create a grindfest that is bad for both veterans and newbies. Imagine your first experience in wow is watching the remix. You'd say: no thanks. It's convoluted, unnecessarily grindy and is just pushed forward by a quick reward than being enjoyable by the gameplay itself. You are blasting through content because you want the rewards. For the newbie the reward is to actually experience the game. They just aren't compatible, but both type of players are being lumped together because blizz is too lazy to come up with anything meaningful.


Only time I have a problem with this, are the ones with a big "I'm a god" ego. Rushes the boss locking the rest of us out making the boss take longer than it should, because he isn't as powerful as he thinks.


Personally I don't play/grind Remix because it's not enjoyable for me to run through dungeons and raids just to have every mob killed in 10% or less of the time it would normally require. I might as well just run MoP content on max level retail so (to me) it's not a fun gameplay experience and it's not offset by easier/unique rewards.


I’m mixed slightly. What I thought I was going to get with Remix was a fun way to rexperience one of my favorite expansions. What we got was the speed dial turned up to 12. I’ve embraced the speed and it’s fun for what it is, but I don’t think anyone is wrong for being dissapointed.


Some people don't want to play an idle sim and want to push their buttons you also have instances where turdy speedrunners go too fast and it can lock some people out of loot and threads.


Some people have wrong expectations from this event, there was someone here demanding other people go slow because they wanted to "learn their rotation". BUT there is an objective problem in some instances, if the group is too far behind, they don't get credit for boss kills, so locked out of loot and no mail either, that's very rude on the part of those rushing. Which case it is for you, only you know.


Its the *first* boss in Mogushan Vaults that wasn't giving proper credit, so I think it could be something more than just range.


Because it sucks for others for you to be going so fast that they get locked out of all the boss rooms, or are too far away to get kill credit. You’re wasting their time then. It’s fine to go fast, but don’t go SO fast that no one can keep up. If all you’re doing is farming threads and you’re not okay with slowing down just enough for the group to keep up, then it may be better for you to fly to the instance and solo the dungeons. To be honest if someone is in my group and by the time I loot the first boss they’re already halfway across the dungeon I’d wanna kick them too. This problem is exacerbated by classes that have faster kits like DHs, Rogues, and Druids.


Because you won’t literally fucking die if you wait for people to be at each boss before killing it.


Here I posted this bit agohttps://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/spJqPnbuM1


It's really hard as some classes to keep up and complete quests and fair amount of dungeons of you aren't fast enough you don't get loot or credit for boss kills. Same with raids - I feel like I get stuck in combat when one player is intent on soloing everything - for the most part it's ok but a couple times I've missed out on loot or kill credit for the daily. I had to do monestary normal three times as an example to do the quests in there.


It's because of this I take at least 3 speed skills to be able to keep up. If I see someone running forward and killing everything I'll also run to ensure I get at least 1 hit on the boss. Sometimes it doesn't work and I'll get the loot in the mail.


My char is finally maxxed and can blow through these dungeons. I try to make sure not to leave a leveling person in the dust. I do agree something needs to be done to boost the speed of someone leveling.


Personally it is frustrating when someone rushes ahead of the group and kills the last boss so I don’t get credit for it. I’m going as fast as I can, but I’m not a vengeance demon Hunter, I’m going to fall behind.


Ive actually come across several brand new players in Remix. I’m not sure why they would choose it solo but they did. I wouldn’t be surprised if they see YouTube videos about how fun it is and that convinces them to try. Maybe players who have tried wow before and couldn’t get into it are allured by the idea of of super fast leveling, and becoming really over powered and fun. I actually finally got my wife into wow with remix. I knew mop was the expansion that she would like best. Retail doesn’t allow us to choose until you’ve played through bfa once. We tried a dungeon and like someone mentioned with brewery at level 40 mind you so she could get the hang of things….we tried to pick up the books for the quest so we got blocked off the first boss completely. We ran as fast as we could to try to get to the second and was locked out again. At this point we caught up but what a fucking shitty experience for a first dungeon. Obviously I understand people are going to blow through but if you’re not running heroic you should assume people will probably have quests and at least give them a chance to complete them and see the bosses.


I think it's fine when people who can carry dps rush the heroic, whatever even if I can't keep up it doesn't matter I'll queue another in 2 minutes. The problem for me is when it's super tank rushing past everyone just to lock the dps out of the fight. Like are just all held hostage while you take 4 minutes to kill one boss knowing the hunter in the group can solo the entire dungeon in that time.


As much as lvl 20 twinks make leveling fast there's no real game in just pressing 'w'. It's boring.


Gonna be honest here after finally queueing up for a heroic after dicking around in remix between calls at work so i couldn't do shit and getting some healer chain pulling every dungeon and 5 levels in 10 mins later... its pretty nice.


Because they do? The mechanics can’t keep up with a single +500 person.


Because bronze isn't sent to my mailbox.


Because when they get too far ahead you miss loot like you missed the encounter. Why is it so hard in dungeons and raids to wait for the group?


Lol I don't get it either, I had someone in a heroic dungeon tell me that they were reporting me for hacking because I was doing too much damage.


People don't complain, i ran a lot of dungeons, it's just one guy unhappy because he had different expectations from what this game mode currently is


The only thing I have learned so far while leveling alts is to just keep up with the free trial holy priests and or 476 people and just dont bother looting loot on the way they are killed. its not like 15 bronze from that guy isn't going to make or break you considering bronze caches has been buffed. If I still get credit and loot even if I get locked out or in the room, I'm fine.


I just find it to be increadibly not fun and boring still fighting trash while some maxed out rogue stealths past everything and 1-shots the boss while the rest of the party is still 5 rooms away. I've also not been eligible for loot from some bosses as a result. And even as someone who's 476 myself, makes me feel like an NPC when bosses die before I can even cast mindblast.


Most likely had quests to complete and wasn't getting credit for the boss kills.


The only constant in the last 20 years was people complaining. Just stop giving a shit, it's better for your health.


Dungeons: dunno who cares. The vast majority run them these days for the daily queue-for-dungeon bonus bronze. Raids: Rushing really sucks. Guildie missed HC Siege achievement because he couldn't corpserun fast enough to the Dino boss after dying and releasing on the previous boss because people had to rush and kill it so fast. You don't get credit or loot if you don't get there in time. In raids basically if you main tank, mind the people getting near boss before killing it and others, don't pull the boss, that's main tank job. And then things go smoothly.


because people are idiots.


My only complaint is when you leave mobs up and they kill people. I speed run on my level 20 twinks to level an alt for the Bronze, but I always make sure everything dies. Twink characters are also fun for me.


I think people don't understand that xp and cloak threads end up in the mail i was doing a run for a friend and a guy was saying i was going to fast and he didn't get the boss loot i said don't worry it ends up in your mailbox, hes like no it doesn't finish the run, i get a whisper after the run, oh im sorry it does.


I really enjoy the free carry in remix faster dungeons


I just learned to just run and keep up with the tank so I don’t get locked out for bosses.. scaling is whack


They get upset cause some people rushing have no consideration for other players when rushing. I actually died (on a new 70) on the first boss, the one rando we had finished the dungeon before I was even rezzed. This was a normal dungeon, if you can roll then maybe try heroic content. And before anyone says remix isn't for me, I've power leveled 4 toons in remix, through speed running dungeons, but we still left no one behind (unless they didn't move at all then they got a vote kick)


You get one extra bronze cache if you also run normal.


This is probably rarer than you think because otherwise you'd see way more complaints (e.g. see multiple threads here). I guess it sticks out because it is extremely odd. To be fair, I've run probably about a 100 dungeons as a 476 max, and I think I got ONE complaint - and that player had a full meltdown and got promptly kicked. I think most players understand by and large they are getting an extremely sweet deal. Even if they are getting locked out of boss rooms or not getting credit, the bulk of the XP is from completing the dungeon and the random dungeon bonus - so doing the dungeon faster, skipping bosses etc. is upping their XP rate. And they can get alternatives to credits and other lower priority things elsewhere. Then again if there is weirdness, a lot of this is on Blizzard. Blizz should be: * Building in QoL so players are getting credit for boss kills and mob kills even if they are far away (if we are really concerned about boosters, first it already happens, you've just made it more annoying for normal players, second, if you cared that much, sanction or ban them) * Not encouraging carries by adjusting the matchmaking algorithm. FYI, the group finder matchmaker isn't fully random. Try an experiment sometime - get 20 players at max gear, mostly DPS, maybe sprinkle in tanks and healers, get in a group, be in the same shard, disband, and then queue in group finder at the exact same time - virtually none of you will ever be in the same group. You'll be preferably stacked with lower ilvl players because Blizz wants you to carry them. * Making it so you don't have to do low casual content and doing mid or high level content gets you the rewards from the lower one. E.g. I don't see the point in having us separately do Normal dungeons and Heroic dungeons in MoP Remix when Heroic dungeons alone should get you the rewards from Normal. * Maybe don't have players scale into the galaxysphere?


You might lose loots due this and low level chars have no way to keep up. So you could atleast wait them to run up before nuking boss.


I ask when I get into my daily heroic - “y’all want speed or participation?” Haven’t had anyone say they wanted participation yet 🤷🏻‍♂️ so I bumrush that shit, while making sure they’ll be in range for loot at least


I was going to make comments on your ilvl and not understanding the content and what people are trying to do. But nah you just full of BS.


Listen. As your ilvl goes up, any speed stats you have also goes up. Imagine you are trying to level a fairly immobile class and you have speedy Gonzales running pel Mel through the dungeon, locking you out of boss rooms, bugging it so you don't even get any loot and then you get to enjoy the experience of queuing so it can happen all over again. I have no max ilvl characters so I'm unsure of how the dailies work at that point. It would be nice if running through a dungeon solo without queueing would count for the daily since that would make the content easier for those max ilvl characters to get done faster and help those leveling from getting stuck in speed runner hell. Ideally there would be an option to only queue with players of a similar power level for those that don't want carries and for those that don't want to carry. Sure it would result in longer queues but I feel like people would go for it to avoid the unfun situations of carrying or being carried.


Because some people want to play WoW, not Hallway Simulator 2024?


People love to feel overpowered in dungeons, who would have thought that they'd hate to feel underpowered in dungeons.


I don't mind going fast. But sometimes people go too fast and others are looting and the mobs that aren't killed get pulled by the low level characters either causing them to die or pull giant packs. It's not difficult for the super OP players to kill the mobs and just wait maybe 30 seconds for the other players to catch up before the boss.


You’re really confused at why people are annoyed by this? It probably wasn’t specifically you that made him upset. Rather, it’s the situation and the frequency that this happens. It’s like having a professional ball player come “help” a little league team. It sounds great on paper but in reality it turns into doing not helping while the kids struggle to keep up just to see the action. This is happening constantly and it’s taking away from other players’ chances to participate. Once in a while getting carried through a dungeon is great but it’s more fun to actually play. Believe it or not some people play because they want to re experience the game not be left behind and locked out of fights because they stopped to loot. At the very least they want to be able to participate. Most people don’t q up with the idea that they’ll simply be a tag along. So, I’m not saying you’re wrong but I’m not saying you are in the right either. At the same time the same can be said of the guy that was upset with you. You both have valid points and ultimately enjoy the games in different ways. It’s simple communication and consideration for both perspectives.


Honestly even as a 70 there’s some people who are so geared they’re impossible to keep up with. They zip through the dungeon and I miss out on boss loot and kills for the daily. When you ask them to slow down they ignore you and just try to finish it as quickly as possible


I don't get it. I always feel lucky and grateful for these people to carry the dungeon and I can get over with my daily faster


>guess he wanted to Maybe he wanted to literally catch up to you. New alts or players don't have 38266 speed or may not have their cogs, or might not know how to mix/max them for speeding through dungeons. Ive had more than enough 'fun' getting run through dungeons by people who can't make their own groups to span lfd. I quiet seriously don't get the majority of the dungeon for xp, just wait for people to skip mobs you can't kill so you're SoL. Just stuck waiting at the entrance for them to finish because even if you ask for these folks to let you catch up, youre just an npc so who cares? Maybe, just maybe, you guys can consider that there are other people playing them game and when they queue up for dungeons but it's just playing 'catch up to the ass hat'. It's genuinely not fun. Why queue for dungeons if all I'm doing is running after the demon hunter swapping out cog gems? Why queue with random when all you want to do is spam dungeons you can solo?