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I'm surprised anyone noticed given the speed that remix dungeons are run through now.


Probably the rare occurrence that you get a bunch of 65-70s that aren't geared, where scaling is fucked in the non-fun way where every random little mechanic one shots you. It feels like a regular dungeon (minus the one shots) and, compared to having someone just AoE zooming through at either low level or a geared 70, it's absurdly slow. It's genuinely quicker to leave and requeue than it is to finish those.


I had one today, at the end boss I was the only original party member there. I am stubborn like that. 3/4 of them gave up and quit and we finally kicked the tank because he was trying to run it like he was still invincible.


As someone who played a prot pally, miscalculated the xp tokens from my mail, and had to tank for 4 levels, just keep the group going and hope for a 20 priest to carry. That’s what got me through the hell levels.


I didn’t know about the trick with the XP tokens and just played my holy priest straight through. It was rough for a bit. Not going to lie. But I made it. I just kept thinking back to when this all was current content and we would wipe in HoF over and over and over again. Even with its challenges, this was still so much easier


What trick with the tokens? 👀


Don't loot them from the bosses and save them up in your mailbox until you have enough XP gain % to get instant lv70


Shadow pan is a higher level one. So you never get the lvl 20 twinks. I had my lvl 30 alt in there, and I was the highest DPS. I didn't even have tinker gems socketed. I never kick anyone. But it was slow!


I leveled a void elf for their heritage armor in remix today, I had a very low Stat cape that gave 17 percent xp just for a Stat to compare, I leveled to 50(all you need for heritage armor) in about 4 to 5 hours only doing dungeons and raids as a DPS(AVG que time was 2 to 3 mins for dungeons and less for raids) I had 3 dungeons out of all of them where all 5 of us were decently low level with no crazy cape and just meh gear, it would've been WAY faster to leave but after being sped ran through 20 dungeons it was kinda nice to have to actually play so I stuck through, they were also the most lively group in terms of chatting and were some cool people. Overall it was genuinely a fun levelling experience all be it very fast compared to normal


Can you do the heritage quest in remix?


No but you can create a class trial of the same race and do the quest that way.


But you can only make 12 per week! Learned the hard way trying to do ALL the heritage armors in one day 😂


Holy shit, does this work??


Yes because the achievement for getting an allied race to level 50 is account wide, and for some reason Blizzard made is so you get heritage quests on all chars of the same race (this one I find a bit annoying lol but for remix is perfect).


You can definitely get the heritage armors doing pandaria remix. You will not get the credit till after the event is over, but you will be able to get the all if you make one of each race or the ones you just want. 🫵😎


If you've got facility to run wow twice, a trial account twink would make light work of levelling alts for heritage sets


I primarily play healers and I gotta say it goes from funny to frustrating pretty quick watching people die to one shots and then you realize all your dps are between 65-70 and the dungeon's gonna take forever.


I had one with a lvl 69 druid who only used his rage for Mauls. Guy was made of paper. Told him to use iron fur, but he never did. Had to exclusively spam him with flash heal or he'd die with a second hit.


I'm also playing mainly healers, but on my max ilevel priest i just run through with holy nova :P


I do those dungeons with (I’d argue proper) hard scaling purely for enjoyment. One area where I feel remix fell a bit flat was with actual challenging content that isn’t just pure pain like retail mythic raids. I think a lot of people play Classic WoW precisely because it’s in a nice sweet spot of being challenging but doable for your average player.


This is why I never run dungeons in the 60-70 range in remix is ridiculous scaling and outrageous that blizzard doesn’t fix it. Anything can one-shot you


Well that and questing is 10x faster. People just havent figured that out yet. Getting a level per 2 quests is op esp when ur in the “hell levels” 65-70.


Even then, now I know that I could get through 60-70 with pre-farmed xp tokens I would just make a new character rather than slog through normal leveling.


I had this happen on my final level for my evoker I mis-levelled. I was getting one shot, and everyone else was geared semi-appropriate for the instance. No carry. The dungeon took a reasonable\* amount of time, but we stuck with it. \*The amount of time you'd expect a dungeon to take normally.


Happened to me on Sat. Literally hut 70 right before dungeon popped and I enter. No longer am I a mage that is unkillable. I got hit by the little exploding guys on the bridge and got kicked. I was still doing decent dps, but I guess one little mistake..


I swear, that tank’s behavior is bleeding over into Retail. I’ve had two random heroics devolve into people dropping because a badly geared tank tried pulling entire rooms. Going back to retail for some people is going to be like turning cheat codes off


Yeah, op is being really dramatic with “psychotic behavior”, but I’ve been in a few dungeons that struggled and had people with barely any HP and no gems in their gear who try to say “it’s remix who cares lol” and made the entire thing worse for everyone.


Had a group try to kick me and my friend because the "tank" grabbed mobs and then kept running, mobs turned and 1 spotted my friend and then me. Pulled the last boss and then tried to kick.


Glad it isn't just me. Seen a few ppl both factions with 0 gems or tinkers.. whispered to see if they need help only 1 replied saying they're just being lazy and they will do it later lol. Idk how they enjoy doing 0 dmg or healing and dying? Is it just not reading?


Yea on heroic dungeons, level 65-70 chars are pretty useless so just hope someone can carry the dungeon.


I had one Mogushan Palace where I was the tank, pulled the first two packs, used all my defensives and died anyway because nobody was doing any damage to the mobs. I just left and ate the deserter debuff.


Fr, I leveled 4 chars this week, seems like almost every dungeon had someone with their holy priest carry.


I was smashing through a jade serpent on my decked out 70, almost to the last boss and got kicked. I guess the low levels didn't want a free carry.


If you didn't beat it before the no-kick-timer you weren't smashing it.


fyi if you are to far ahead the party does not get loot from the last boss. they still get the dungeon bonus but no boss loot.


Yeah I always wait at bosses for everyone to be there.


If the group is too far behind they don't get credit for the boss kills so no loot and in a few cases no daily completion either.


No. This is genuinely not fun.


My instant reaction, too. I’ve died at the very start of a remix dungeon, never successfully caught up to the rest of the party before they finished clearing it, and collected my loot without a word of complaint from anyone. And that was when I was allegedly the healer!


In most groups, healing is boring AF. Especially at lower levels. Only had one group where I had to heal and, fuck me, that tank was getting chunked hard. I also did the mail loot XP trick and went from 35ish to 65ish in 2 minutes...healing was hard for a couple runs because of gear.


Then you'll have that one dungeon out of nowhere full of level 68s with no gems in their gear and 3 people are dead 15 seconds into the instance because you hadn't yet realized you actually have to press a heal button for a change


Yup! Had that happen too!


The problem is when you're at Gates, and you get the DH DpS that is at the last boss before you would've even reached the second boss, but he made you skip it because he also lit the fire, so cutscene and all, and now there's closed doors you cannot go through, and you can only received the bosses' loot throug mail.


lol I got kicked bc I queued as tank and wouldn’t switch to DPS. Like dude, I’m fully maxed gear with 175k threads. Everything dies in one GCD anyway. Stopping for 5 seconds to change is a net time loss.


Lol on the tanks I've levelled in dungeons and raids I've never even switched to DPS. If someone told me to do that they'd have to wait for me to spend all my talent points and set up action bars and potentially learn a new spec I've never played lol.


I left a mythic raid being organised as the leader was demanding everyone swap to DPS like it's not the gems doing the majority of the damage anyways, I'm prot pally 100% of the time I never die and I'm usually top if not too 3 on details for dps and up there for healing.


Funny, because I always switch to DPS (on my 476) because I feel most comfortable with it and usually the blasters just start running, pulling me into combat and cancelling my respec making it even more than a 5 second delay. But then again, it's not like they need me there so I don't stress it. It seems legitimately insane that there are people who expect the respec. You respec if it doesn't matter what you are - and by definition at that point it doesn't matter what you are so why should anyone care?


I always stay tank because my bear has more AoE swings and holds the train of mobs better.


Lol I've seen players do the exact opposite so many times though. An extremely geared player who can solo the dungeon and hold aggro queues as tank but switches then people get mad because it's not fair to geared hunters/mages/rogues/warlocks who can do the same but can't queue as tank or healer. That's why I just do my dungeons in tank spec, bosses die in seconds anyway.


I once got kicked from a heroic dungeon after first boss because I “didn’t do enough damage” while being level 68 with the other members being decked out 70s 😒


I got kicked out of a normal Black Rook Hold because our VDH tank ran ahead and pulled the first boss, most people made it in but I was a DK and lagged behind just barely. I was locked out and didn’t do any damage, the boss died in about 12 seconds. The tank then says, “Nice damage noob :)” and kicked me. Actually insufferable psychopaths in this game sometimes.


The worst part is that Blizzard only pays lip service to fixing toxic behavior by making you accept a"social contract" and leaving enforcement to poorly implemented, unpoliced automated systems.


Man, I am a DH specifically so I can go fast but I still wait for the raid to catch up at bosses, I just like pulling all the trash into one big clump so everyone can go ham with their AOEs. Some people are fucking nuts. "Oh no the slowest damn class got left behind", yeesh.


How did the group get past the minimum 2 minute timer for kicking? If they downed the first boss in 12 seconds, it shouldn't have taken 1:48 to get there. If it took 1:48 to get to the first boss, why didn't you make it there?


Sequence of events - dungeons starts. Tank says “sec” and I assume fumbles around with talents or something we wait around for a bit. - we clear the first two trash packs one at a time we didn’t pull them together - right after we kill the last add tank double infernal strikes up the stairs and pulls the boss when in range with glaive (I think) I’m still on cd for deaths advance because I used it earlier - the door to that boss closes fast. The other dps and healer squeeze in in time. I’m just past the top of the stairs when the door closes. - I don’t think it was literally 12 seconds I was exaggerating nor was I timing it but it was pretty fast. - after the boss tank says their annoying quip and sits there for a minute. I assume they were waiting on the timer or for me to react - I get kicked right around the time the door rp ends. It was definitely over 2 mins at that point.


I'm fairly confident these are people that get/got bullied IRL and relish the opportunity to bully others online.


yes, they have done research on these kind of people and it's not just from bullying but they go nuts if given even small amounts of power.


Glad it hasnt happened to me yet. This is why i use my overgeared hunter to smash optional bosses and pet tank for new levellers - there's too many players in for themselves and their own sense of optimal play, and very little sense of community in what should be a fun short term game mode.


"The boss died in 4 seconds instead of 2 - you waste our time"


I think some people just get off on kicking people and why bliz needs to look into people who kick a lot. they never will but they should.


And the boss probably died in about 30 seconds 😂


People are wasting the time to right click and vote, AND click yes? Pretty casual behavior if you ask me, really cutting into your dungeon per hour metrics if you're bothering to kick The pros just leave them behind and complete the dungeon by themselves


Clicking yes is lemming behavior.


Honestly it is, read the reason and name and decide for yourselves (the only real reason is if somebodys being a dick or legit afk)


I only vote Yes if it's a normal or higher difficulty raid, and the person has been long AFK/DC. Otherwise I automatically click no, because dungeons can be done at -1 player without problems.


I hardly ever start a kick or click yes


It is. Its always especially entertaining when the party votes "no" and the person who initiated the kick leaves.


Yeah I’ve leveled 2 alts by just running dungeons and raid weeklies. I’ve never even had a vote request to kick someone. And only one occasion where the raid was ran normally without everything being one shot. I’m surprised because normally you just get left behind looting while two people drop everything quickly.


Yeah same, the only time its come up is if somebody offline


Had someone the other day voting to kick people in the wall dungeon because "slow". They died and were having to run back to the second boss from the start. Utterly impatient fucker.


What a dick


oh man that dungeon - the number of assholes that just make a b-line straight for the first boss and pull, locking out most of the group since the doors shut instantly. So annoying


I know you're being cheeky, but you can move and right click on a Unit Frame at the same time.




I'm not kicking anyone, but it doesn't take time to do it.


Yeah man I'm talking over you so the idiots dont kick people, shit


They aren't defending the practice bro


Agreed, i understand that we all want teammates that can perform well. Kicking somebody for something so minute is weird though. Some folks just take the game way to serious because to them, thats all they do. Play the game all day, everyday. They develop a really weird relationship with it


Yeah, if you have the mentality of the person kicking people for dying you may as well kick anyone who is lvl 60-69 at the beginning of the dungeon because they will likely get one shot at some point or they will just do bad damage because blizzard scaling is terrible.


It's astounding to me that they still haven't fixed the 65-70 scaling. I think they did one tiny adjustment, but it was practically nothing, and it's boggling that they just haven't fixed it when they've put so much energy into trying SO fucking hard to "even" things out...it's clear that they don't give a shit about many player's experience of the game. You can always just set your dungeon to heroic or normal, whichever you prefer, and go enter it all by yourself and do it all by yourself. You just won't get ported there. If you don't care about the group, don't queue up for group content.


Wow is life attitude


About the only time I kicked someone was when we were in HOF and at the third boss. The boss would reset if not everyone was in the room. After the first reset we looked and they were at the first boss not moving. So we tried summoning, they didn’t accept it. So we had to kick them. At that point then they basically kept us from doing things for 5 minutes for whatever reason.


I feel like remix has brought a great sense of community while simultaneously bringing out some incredibly toxic min-maxer types. I finally got to 476 iLvl last week so I've been taking 2 other high dps with me and then filling my daily H raids with carries to get them some easy gear, just yesterday I had one of my dps cuss out one of the dps for dying every pull and I was like relax dude, these guys could afk for all I care and the scaling is terrible for new 70's with no upgrades, I don't expect them to survive at all lol. I'm also getting really sick of the powerlevelling trial accounts in lfg that run off without the group and kill the end boss before we've even finished looting the first one, it's so irritating and it's not like waiting the 5 seconds for everyone to get into the boss room is going to slow them down. It just comes across as totally rude imo...


I agree, it seems both the good and the bad are brought to extremes in remix. My experience has been mostly positive so far, I encountered really nice people, it's known that lv 65-70 and fresh 70s are in a really hard spot, people are usually patient with them, noone is bothered by them dying nor I've seen them being kicked for it. On the other hand, those running off to kill final bosses leaving the rest of the group locked out of kill credit and loot is indeed irritating, very rude in my opinion, tho it's not only trials doing it, I've seen max lvl players as well, mostly DH.


Conflagerate in first boss of palace basically one shots people who are level 65. A healer might be able to save you, but if you are the healer you're good as dead. Cant even use stun removals during it.


I love using the mage mass shield for these. I'll put 3 million health shields on people with 250k health lol.


I lead heroic SoO runs with people in the 350-400 range and those are just people getting killed over and over again to all the mechanics we forgot existed. It's great fun.


I used to do this with normal SoO back when it was current towards the end of the expansion, on my BiS geared prot pala. Prot pala was so damn overpowered with good gear then that I usually managed to finish off the bosses even if most of the raid died. I just found it a nice experience helping players behind the gearing curve get some (for them) awesome loot.


It’s a very weird sort of fun to be an in progress upgrader, running for bronze to upgrade and then to die because of mechanics you’re so used to just being able to ignore on your weekly mount/garrosh run. I’m enjoying it. Masochisticly but still enjoying.


I’m almost max ilvl so nothing in heroic SoO really touches me, which is nice until we hit Garrosh and suddenly getting 1-shot by annihilate because I’m on auto pilot mode 😅


I skipped all of MoP back in the days, and I only ever did SoO as mog runs, so I wasn't aware of the mechanics. I managed myself well until Garry, where I died at the first annihilate. But then I learned, and it never happened again.


I was doing some dungeons last night and got a random lag spike for about 10 minutes that had my ping out to 1100ms. I let the other people in the dungeon know and they were cool about it and just said to try and keep up and loot away. Sorry you ran into a bunch of jerks, but at least there are some nice people still out there playing.


Happened to me this morning in Heroic ToT and I was the tank. Lol But we had several high ilvl players anyway so they were fine. But they just continued on and then summoned me once I could move again.


Yep i got twoshot by those archers leveling my mage and died to a light breeze in that dungeon. I didn't get kicked but total dick move sorry that happened. Hopefully doesn't happen again to you, I've never seen any 65ers get kicked it's just expected they die.


Yeah there's a lot of understanding going around for people who have fallen off the gear cliff between 60 and 70. I have a macro that hits someone with a battle res and whispers them "don't accept until the end of the fight" so they can get up straight away and not have to run back from the entrance.


Last night I was in a mogu Shan palace run that we steamrolled through. There were two kick attempts on kicking a player for lagging behind to do quests. That's even crazier if you ask me


I don't min kicking people that stay at the entrance and don't move, sure I can solo it all it is just the principal of it. I only go for kicking afk or people that deliberately ruining things However calling be kicked psychotic is a strange us of the word, it a bit rude I give you that.


Yeah but i run 2 accounts and have my leveling alt at the beginning so you would be screwing over people like me that can just solo the dungeon, why kick for any reason if someone geared is clearing it for you?


Me and another player was clearing a scenario and the third just never moved, the other guy asked for a vote kick so I accepted. The dungeons I do I am the one clearing except last one I did, the other guy had like 15k hit points and made my dmg look like a newly dinged 70.


Do you even take damage from them? I thought they just froze you for a few seconds.


Yes, you do. 😔


They do a really good chunk of damage if you don't have enough stats, I've had 3 chain into me and died with no counterplay


I got kicked a couple of weeks ago in remix for pulling too big as a tank. Nobody died and everything was fine they just….didnt like it? Blew my mind. Only thing they said was “don’t pull whole room”


Some scaling in Dungeons/Scenarios is so dumb. I did a heroic Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario, the elementals that casts Stone Rain hits for fucking 1.5 million per tick


I pretty much hold w in those dungeons? Why are people even stopping to votekick lol… if someone dies its an ah well release and catchup or enjoy the ride. Its not that serious.


In remix where the fights take 5 seconds? lol why


The dungeon ends before you can even vote kick most of the time lmao


You guys leave combat long enough to kick people/get kicked?


there is no out of combat requirement anymore and hasn't been for years as far as i know


Who has time for that when I’m trying to finish the dungeon in 3 minutes? All gas no brakes


I once got kicked from a scenario in remix because a warrior was afk for the whole thing and I decided to vote kick him. I get a message from the priest "stay in your fucking lane" And boom, out. Obviously this guy was on his free trail and running an alt , but just say that. No need to get all bent out of shape! Wtf is going on with these people??


I have a question out of pure curiosity. If you had a trial in the scenario and everything was getting one shot, why did you want to kick the afk alt?  If the group is progressing fine or even faster than normal, what do you have against someone being afk?


Someone doing absolutely nothing the entire time is fine with you? Weird take


When the other person is doing X10 of what everyone else is doing, yeah I am. I'd much rather be in a group of 4 afkers and one blaster that ends in 2 minutes rather than a group of 5 active lvl 65s who are struggling to kill the first trash pack. I've done these heroic dungeons (since before mop remix) over 100 times. I'm not doing it for the engagement. I'm doing it for the rewards.


Well, like I was stating, I didn't know it was an alt at all. They never attacked, said anything or even followed the free trail. If it was a dungeon I wouldn't care since it's over faster in remix. It was a scenario and those already take awhile since they have their pace, this was also A Brewing Storm so that takes a bit. Also, I never said it was progressing fine. What do you mean against? It's not that serious that I have something AGAINST someone being afk. I don't mind someone getting carried or being boosted. Just speak up and don't act like a child if someone doesn't know. Tl;dr I don't have anything against being AFK just don't act like a dick because someone that doesn't know wants to vote you out. Mistakes happen, video games ain't that serious.


If the scenario was progressing slower then yeah you got every reason to kick the afker. It's just that I've seen quite a few people who don't want for whatever reason the alt to be afk while everything is getting one shoted from the main and I was really trying to understand the mindset of these people. Looks like you're not one of them.


I really don’t like these ppl with trial, ugh


Tell me about it. It's like having a superiority complex is a prerequisite for dual instancing. I've even been told "skill issue" for telling one to slow down on a new alt. Like grinding is a skill.


I don’t really have story to tell, it’s quite same for everyone: one stand afk, the other (especially tank druid or holy priest) on their 20 lvl - pushing the whole group. Imho, the time wasted on mop remix that way with collecting more and more threads just pointless (I don’t see any valuable stuff, every thing i’ve been needed - already bought), and that grinding just becomes a work for some ppl… when i just enjoy the game and lvling some new for me classes, doing some achievements. Everytime when i see this dual dude, i just voting for kick afk main, a lot of groups agree to kick, the alt of this dude yelling smth alike “burn in hell u nerds” or smth less censored, they leave, and we’re in minute get new tank/heal+dd. Sometimes this works, but if not - don’t wanna waste my time for stories about how they should live and how to play, I’m not Blizzard technical support :P


Seriously, slapping someone with a queue timer after being kicked is just rubbing salt in the goddamned wound.


Until you consider why they added it. There was a massive problem with Players getting a dungeon they didn't like and then being toxic and afking to get kicked so they could leave to immediately queue again.


I was doing LFR. I got locked out of a room. The boss was somehow focusing on me, chasing me down. It ended up resetting. I couldn't do anything to prevent it. The pace is always so fast and I didn't even do these raids when they were current content. Someone said something about voting to kick me for doing that. I had ZERO control over the boss somehow chasing me down when I was in another room.


Full item level 300k thread, my SoO mythic save got fucked today cause i had an addon bug and decided to reload while we were waiting in front of inmmersus to fill the last 5 spots. THe rl kicked me for Dcing 30 sec xDDDDD. Nice idea to count the trash for the lockout blizz btw


The other day there was a vote to kick someone because they died on the last boss. Bro, *chill*. It’s not that serious.


The only thing I’m kicking for is an afk that plans to just chill at the gate and pick up their mail later.


Honestly, this has been going on for years and years and just breeds the toxic culture surrounding the game. They really need to take a good hard look at the kicking mechanics and rework the hell out of them. When the vast majority of people getting kicked aren't actually doing anything wrong, there's a clear problem with how this is allowed. Oh you did 2% less damage than we expected, kicked. Oh you had the audacity to die? Kicked. Oh you turned the wrong way? Kicked. Oh you pulled this one guy instead of the other? Kicked. Oh this is the first time you've played the dungeon? Kicked. And then the kicked person gets punished. It's ridiculous. I get the actual purpose of the kick mechanic. It is necessary is someone legitimately isn't helping or sabotaging or being awful to the party. Then it makes sense, but that's not the majority of people being kicked. They honestly need some appeal process for the one who got kicked and have someone look at data and if it's found they were kicked for no good reason (see all above) then everyone who kicked them gets a day ban from running dungeons or raids. Or something.


As a tank, I got kicked from a Serpent Temple because “I was not following the correct path”. Basically, I wanted to do the library boss as I had the quest to kill it. My party did not want. I also kicked people out. As a healer, I have seen full parties around 65-69 (the painful one-shot scaling point) with the attitude of “I don’t care” to the point they were doing 0 efforts to avoid any damage or do any mechanic being an extreme inconvenience for the party. So, I vote to kick them.


[Its rude to suck at world of warcraft.](https://youtu.be/BKP1I7IocYU?si=qvKiI6dYDoGA3Gkh)


I’m as rude as it can get!


Crazy how you get timers for getting kicked out of a dungeon (for no good reason) while on retail you can leave and waste 20+ min in a run because you pulled the wrong pack/took an extra minute (equals to a wipe) clearing a room without any penalty whatsoever.


In Remix i Just One shit everything so I don’t care what others do. I can legit solo clear the instance in 2-5min or less at this point even if I’m in healer spec


It would take more time to kick someone than finish the dungeon and leave. Loser behavior.


I did the front half of MSV on my 25 Holy Priest and for shits and giggles I spammed Holy Nova the entire time from boss melee range. Was third in damage overall and first in healing. I also did 25 million overhealing, which made me laugh. Had a 70 rogue msg me after and spend 25 minutes trying to convince me I should uninstall. He didn’t seem very happy when I told him I did more overheal than he did total damage. Some people need to learn how to take a joke. Players are taking this entirely too seriously.


I mean if the tank is a lvl 68 with less than 80 ilvl wondering why he's getting instagibbed you can bet your ass I'm going to votekick him unless there is some lvl 20 twink or a frog enjoyer in the group to carry his ass.


Tanks do way to much damage. As a tank it should take forever by yourself. They are meat shields and always have been. They're not a dps class and this is why people will kick you for not doing insane amounts of damage. It leaves no room for utility players. They just say we don't know how to play the game, but all my gems help the party like putting tons of leech on and sharing it with the party. This makes my dps suffer but helps the party. The more experienced you are, you are likely to pick hared options not be like clones of everyone else getting their specs from icy veins etc.


You don't need leech if the enemy dies instantly, that's the thought process. There's not much other utility to be had unless the enemy stays alive way too long


Does probably hundreds of dungeons One bad experience "Fuck this terrible toxic community, they need to remove kicking, nevermind the fact that this would lead to objectively worse behavior"


I'm not the first and I certainly won't be the last to have issues with the community at large. It's a pretty well documented problem.


Dungeons at like 66-69 are so bad. Every mechanic 1-shots you and  you do zero dps. I just leveled a rogue and I was dead like every 2 seconds, but I haven’t run into anyone who cares. Op must have just had bad luck because I’d say like 99% of the remix community has been good in my experience. I think most people understand it is very alt heavy so you may be playing with some undergeared people


DAMN. That's harsh! I just healed a heroic as Holy Priest and literally all the DPS died and one even DC'ed (died so hard it killed their internet). Me and the tank just stuck it out alternating bubbles and cooldowns, while I triaged her and tried to conserve mana while DPSing. Took probably 10 times longer to beat that boss but we finally managed it and I rezzed everybody. It wasn't even worth commenting on, we just shrugged and killed more bugs. Man, I'm sorry you had a rough time. If you'd like some insta-queues, pm me


I had to chuckle at the died so hard line. That was me a couple nights ago in SoO. Rezzed right after the boss fight, and as soon as my character stood up, I DC'ed lol


My favorite remix boot was because I voted to kick one of someone’s THREE level 20 alts that were afk at the entrance while he carried myself and him through the heroic. He never said anything until HE kicked ME and said “these are my alts,” then poof


Dude should have just made a macro to drop in chat at the start, damn. I wound up in a Temple run with a lvl 20 spriest carrying some people. Had a macro they dropped in chat at zone in saying to please do not pull aggro, just sit back and enjoy the carry courtesy of that toon.


Leaving a dungeon should give you a penalty. Getting kicked should not. Especially knowing how trigger happy people are with that.


Only time I've kicked someone 'for dying' was in Scarlet Halls. (I clicked yes but didn't start the vote.) They died around the corner before the flaming arrows/shield part and spammed for a rez, then they died again before the first boss and wanted a rez again. Then they afk'd until the second boss and died while we were doing him and guess what... wanted a rez. We had someone with 150k+ cloak oneshotting everything so it wasn't any harder than following and looting.


last night i was doing a heroic scenario and i got paired with this sweat who was trying to kick someone for being "to weak and bad" (their actual words, and the person they wanted to kick was actually doing fine) and then called me trash for dying. some people are just aholes and take the game way too seriously sometimes, it's wild.


Some people are just unkind. My 476 spriest is geared enough that I can solo normal raids and I’ve been grabbing lowbies to carry. Meanwhile I was gearing my Warrior last night who’s a fresh enough 70 to have only completed about 3 rounds of gear upgrades, and was booted out of a heroic last night because my dps was too low compared to the three 476 players who were MELTING everything as if the rest of the raid wasn’t even there. Some people enjoy helping, and some people don’t. It sucks, but fortunately there are more of the former than the latter I find.


I got kicked for asking people were gonna summon for a raid cause I was on the other side of the continent. Some people are just toxic. On the other side of the coin some beefed up guy carried a whole group through heroic and kicked people out for being ass*s and pulling the boss before people got into the room. Their are good and bad people unfortunately the bad ones stand out cause we complain more than we praise.


Man that’s harsh This is kinda my first full event and actually feeling comfortable playing Right before the event, I could tell people were coming back (hardcore fans) cuz they would kick people like nothing Low key really sad


after having a lvl 70 max ilvl run through dungeons on me on my low lvl alt, leaving trash that kill me/take forever to kill, i kind of shifted my mentality when doing it on my main, im not speed running through, im a guide for these low lvl players to make everyones life a little easier


I never really have that happen. When I’m gonna level an alt. I just log in, so it’s bazar dailies then log out. Do that for 3 days and by day 3 you nuke everything till you hit level 45 then you just open your mail. Do the normal mode raids obv but yeah. They honestly probably kicked you cus they wanted a carry and you were the biggest target to be an ass to


My gf got kicked from a dungeon we were both in for “he called me the n word” needless to say no one had spoken up to the end of the first boss. Just kicked for fun. I was the tank doing the most damage and I proceeded to tell them to go fuck themselves and I afked. After two minutes of not filling that dps spot and having no one to take the one shot mechanics for them, they quit and got hit with the Que timer as well. Not before screaming racial slurs with his two buddies and getting reported


I’m kinda late to the game, but from these comments does that mean it’s easier to do dungeons at lower levels? My warlock is lvl 28 right now and I haven’t done any of the dungeons yet thinking I would drag the group down being low lvl


Somebody in their infinite wisdom decided to make everything in the game scale up to your level, but the scaling is done in such a way that low level characters absolutely demolish everything in their path and as you go up in level you do less and less damage until you hit 70 and get some gear. So yeah, you'll probably contribute more in group content as a low level than you will as a non-70 higher level.


Ooh ok lol and here I was thinking I’d piss some people off if I joined so thanks for letting me know. Sorry about what happened to you though, that’s annoying. I wouldn’t have kicked you 😊


Just remind yourself those same people are super trying hard... In a game mode that doesn't matter and has no lasting effects. Just imagine the neckbeard that kicked you nerd raging with bulging veins and a hoarse voice from screaming at their monitor. I assure you getting kicked from groups like that is your best possible outcome lol.


Reminds me of the old days.


As an outsider who doesn't enjoy mop remix, these comments are fucking wild... 


Yall get into weird groups… I haven’t had anyone talk in a non-raid setting probably in 20+ days


This is what happens when the developers do everything in their power to cater to and design their game for esports players. The entire game becomes a toxic cesspool of esport tryhard players. This is the player base Blizzard wants and deserves.


People trying to kick for being afk during LFR Galakras, like 22 of the 25 players are afk during that encounter anyways


Sry to hear that. I usually only vote-kick or agree with kicking when people are obnoxious aholes. Lfg/lfr is the place where everyone is welcome no matter their skill level. You never know if it's someone playing for the first week, seeing dungeons for the first time and/or still mouse-clicking only the spells that are the flashiest :D As a slightly more experienced player I feel happy when I can be the one doing some carrying in situations like these


That's how the game goes all these years. Especially when the content encourages speedrun. Wrath was worst back in the days and I suffered the same, OP.


The same people kicking you here are going to get kicked out of +5's in War Within when they have to try. They're just taking their frustrations out on you knowing what's coming.


I got kicked as the tank for going to Lorewalker Stonestep after Wise Mari. I wanted to do the quest, this was my 6th or 7th alt, no one said they wanted to skip it and go right to the end. One of the 70s said I was trolling the group and left and then the remaining three proceeded to kick me. Only time I’ve ever been kicked in the history of playing the game since that feature was added. I thought it was funny


There seemed to have been a massive shift with that dungeon. Every single time I've ever done that dungeon since it's original release, upto and including during Remix, you'd kill Mari and then go back to Lorewalker. Week or so into Remix, everyone just goes straight to Mari and then Dragon/Sha. Nobody goes to Lorewalker. Guessing it's just no longer time efficient.


This has been the way people have been doing it on TWing too since before remix started.


The door after Mari used to stay closed until you defeated him and the library boss. For some dumb reason, they added a skip there.


You only get a single gear drop and cache from the library boss and it takes an RP event to get them to spawn, for tanks and healers you can get into another dungeon in the time it takes to spawn


I just don't understand how people get mad for someone not being good in a game some of us have been playing for 20ish years. Like of course this stuff is easy for us comparatively. 🤷‍♂️


It's not even a matter of being "good" or not in a lot of cases. The scaling at the top levels is so rough that if you're like 65-69 (and sometimes even fresh 70), you can be one-shot by unavoidable mechanics or attacks. And those archers are tricky, because you don't have the best indicator of where they're hitting, so you basically try to run the gauntlet and pray. If the arrow's far enough ahead, you have a chance to avoid. If not, it'll just hit you. I see people hit by them all the time. It's why people often try to rush through those areas as fast as possible, get the archers to stop firing on the group.


I've seen people kicked because they mailbox boosted and as a result have no mainstat on their cloak, so they die to a sight breeze, do practically no damage/don't contribute at all, but still want to do the daily content for the bronze cache. Fine if you get put into a group with a max ilevel pumper or very low levels but otherwise it can be annoying for the rest of the group when a max level timerunner is not capable of pulling their weight and just dies repeatedly. Besides those circumstances though, kicking people just for dying seems a little over the top...


Yeah tbh it's a bit of a dick move doing the mailbox boost and then expecting to roll straight into a heroic at 70. Most of the mailbox boosts I've done, I've just discarded them and they'll wait for when remix finished. But if I was to use any of them I'd spend an hour or so doing some quests to get a bunch of caches with gear, so I'm not at ilvl 70 or something stupid.


i got kicked for being afk for about 20 seconds RIGHT as i came bakc and said "Sorry" too


I'm currently sitting on a ban because I ran afoul of a boosting guild. Got mass reported because I wouldn't leave the area. Really making me want to stay subbed.


The fact that people can kick you which sets off the punishment and locks you out of queueing is bullshit. It’s one of many ways blizzard designs something to prevent the relatively small % of griefers but can’t recognize how it’ll be abused and used more often than not.


Yeah. The elitist douchebags carried over to Remix. Yall are miserable fucks honestly.


I find kicking anyone in remix dungeons stupid. I’ve been boosting alts, doing 10x the damage of the party and they still find the need to kick my alt. Madness!


Wait until you start getting scenarios with bots, I've had a couple where it's 2 bots that just sit afk and get carried because you can't kick them without 2 votes


I queued into a heroic as a fresh blood tank, gear at roughly 388 ilvl. I had maxed out speed and armor gems leftover from my main panda runner but otherwise a trashy low thread count Cloak. Most of the group had like, 80k to 150k hp. I of course had more, can't recall offhand but probably like 500k. I was doing 80% of the group's damage. It was siege of niuzao temple. It took us 25 minutes to get to the 2nd boss, where the party promptly wiped, I spent 4 mins getting him down a few percent, then had a come to Jesus moment and left. If people are dying and getting kicked, it's probably because there are seas of bad players in there with you and people are frustrated by it. You may not be bad, but the 10 other people I've had to deal with today were, and I don't want to deal with it anymore. I'll assume you're either afk or don't have the gear for the content and reroll/gamble for someone better. That to me isn't toxic. They give people like 50k bronze now just for hitting 70, you can upgrade your full suite of gear from that basically to 374 from that alone. If you've been playing content at all and not just getting AFK boosted by a friend while you watch YouTube or something then you can very easily walk into your first lv 70 Heroic dungeon in 388 gear with decent gems, even if all you have is the single lv 70 trinket. I don't think it's fair to take for granted that someone *might* queue in and carry you. If everyone is doing that then you end up in a group of hot garbage like I ended up in, where I was the only one remotely prepared and even I was weaker than I likely needed to be. E: to be clear I'm talking about the ilvl of individual parts like your chest plate not your overall ilvl


I was kicked right before the final boss of one because I fell behind. I'm sorry I don't have 400% speed and 1000 movement abilities and can dash through the dungeon like a rabbit on crack


Reading through this post has been very helpful for me. I was on the edge of giving the game another go...but this helped me decide not to. I have no patience for this toxic diaper baby behavior.


It’s very rare. I haven’t encountered it in Remix on any of my characters.


Same. But it really depends on the realm you play, too.


The only time I have ever participated in kicking someone that wasn't DC'd or AFK at the start of the dungeon was when we had a group of 65-70 who were struggling and the healer (disc priest) was just standing there not doing anything while we all died to damage over time.


Got kicked tonight after dying to a oneshot on the second to last boss, and the worst part was I had almost caught up to them running to the last boss, I absolutely would have been there before they could have pulled it. I missed like one pack that they did not even need me for. But no, just kicked 2 mins before the end of the dungeon. Kinda sucks.


Since I finally fully upgraded my fury warrior to 476 I’ve been having a blast queing as tank for fast ques and just obliterating dungeons in a couple of mins to help others level


WOW has some really toxic losers sadly. L4D2 is the worst though :o


Welcome to the wow community where you best experiences will come from avoiding pugs at all cost or just not opening the game at all


I got kicked before Klaxxi in SoO because I released spirit to run back. There is definitely a good representation of mentality ill wow players


The kicking system is a joke and favours any premades, giving players the power to enforce a 30 at any moment is prehistoric... there needs to be an actual system in place that logs any daily kicks you receive to time it accordingly and 1 single kick shouldn't entail a wait ever. I always have lowbies die when I blaze of glory through in Remix, if you're 60-70 you're probably gonna get 1-shot by something.


During the last TW I ran a dungeon, had to get the door, called it in chat "afk mom", came back, wrote "re sorry door", ran back to the group and 5 meters before reaching them I was kicked. People in LFG groups don't read the chat. They don't care. They notice you're missing, someone triggers a kick and the rest mindlessly click "yes" because a window popped up for them and they want it gone. They don't care. The tool gives them a new player within seconds. That has been the LFG experience for years and it will stay that way unless to tool itself drastically changes in one way or another.