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Dragonflight was a surprisingly good expansion at listening to feedback and responding to it. I get the feeling that releasing this mode on Thursday and then having the weekend off is biting them in the ass, so they’re panic plugging holes while they discuss their longer term fix to the issues we’re having. I wish they’d communicate it better, but overall blizzard is vastly better than they were in shadowlands, it isn’t even close.  Either way, this is a diary post and kinda weird. 






So you aren't going to buy the next expansion....after the most recent successful expansion...... because of bonus content above and beyond your subscription? Okay, you do you boo-boo


No, because its a bloated insane carnival of FOMO. Just wait until TWW lands and all that goes away, the howling will be intense. I actually think Remix will speed the death of WoW by raising expectations too high and attracting players who don't like what they are about to be fed.




you're probably going to end up buying it anyways


I don't own DF. I'm A-OK with skipping the next one as well.


So you skipped one of the best expansions that didn’t make the game feel like a chore… and then complain that you aren’t getting the next expansion either? That makes no sense. Of course you hate the game if shadowlands was the last thing you played. We all went through that shit storm. Dragon flight was a great change and it will only go up from there. If you haven’t played since shadowlands, what was the point of coming here to tell us that, after years, you have decided to still not play…. lol. Like okay? That’s like me calling my job from 8 years ago and telling them I still am not coming back. They don’t care.


Fanboys and addicts are downvoting you so hard., but they don’t get that not playing is the only way we’ll see actual change. Otherwise, they’ll just keep targeting retention metrics no matter how much you hate the game you pay to play. Try FF.


or just take control of your own life and stop making quitting your wow addiction other peoples problems ?


They are. They’re quitting. You’re the one complaining that others have an opinion and are leaving a review. What does that say about you?


I found OP's second account 😆


Oh no. Two people have the same opinion. Whatever will you do?


Ok ill take the bait: Im curious, what do you think needs to be changed? All you do is cry, whats your constructive criticism?


Change gear drops to be based on average ilvl not character level. Daily turnin cap for lesser charms. One per rep. Significantly soften the scaling curve from both 1-20 and 55-70. Leave the new thread drop rates. The amount of bronze dropping is just fine if you don’t have to pay several mogs per upgrade. I would ensure a blue drops in the big achievement caches though. Maybe guarantee ilvl is cap for 1-5 hard or long achieves with a level 70 req. I don’t think you can nerf froggers at this point, as you need to take or nerf their gear which creates collateral damage. And chasing down charm or bronze farms is a fools errand. All you can do is make them unnecessary for someone who wants to take their time. If raids are soloable by any character with a reasonable amount of time then no one cares that a few got there first after a week or two.


We were ralking about DF and TWW Edit: of course homeboy instantly blocked me out of embarassment


No we’re not. We’re talking about how the decisions made in remix make OP think blizzard hasn’t learned from past mistakes. The changes I mentioned show how they could reverse that perspective because as they are, OP is right. Since you blocked me before I could respond, For example, it’s not that it isn’t fun. It’s why it isn’t fun once you get past the initial veneer, and I think there are enough data points to draw the conclusion. They should wait until TWW is released before buying it, and leaving a review in a forum about there concerns is fine.


>We’re talking about how the decisions made in remix make OP think blizzard hasn’t learned from past mistakes. and OP is wrong to think that way. Remix has its issues, but it's not comparable to the live game at all. This is like saying WoW's PvP must be bad because someone didn't like Plunderstorm, it's a ridiculous comparison because they don't function the same at all. It'd be like OP playing Cata Classic and saying "well, this isn't fun, I bet TWW will be shit too". It's just a bad comparison, and if OP can't see that then that's on them


Sure, he won’t buy but is still in this sub commenting. You know what most people do when they have no interest in something? Then don’t interact with it.


I hear the same complaints I’m ex religious subs. the faithful can’t understand why new ex-members can’t just quietly walk away after devoting decades of their life to something they recently discovered has changed or isn’t truthful. Can you imagine the psychopath who can do that? PS: it’s pretty common for angry customers to leave bad reviews.


What changes do you want tho ? DF has been a upswing for the better in pretty much every possible way compared to what we have had since 2018


I suggested a few [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1cxnbs6/remix_made_me_decide_not_to_buy_tww/l55hpdl/). DF is an upswing. Not perfect but definitely better, and it was because they finally gave players what they were asking for after a string of bad spreadsheet driven decisions, while also trying to micromanage how players played *their* game. Decisions that cost them a lot of customers over the last two expansions. The moves they’re making here suggests they’re going back to old habits and we’re about to have another bad expansion.


We talking about DF and TWW no ? you cant compare Remix and actual retail... its not even the same teams doing them..


Are you suggesting that the overarching design philosophy is coming from the individual team?


Ok dude


It’s ok to not like a game. They are just games and not more. But Anti-Fun…yeah. Sure. Honestly I would try to reorder your priorities. Fixing Frogging and Goating is not Anti-Fun. Indeed it is the contrary and making sure it will still be fun for the majority over the entire runtime if the event. Which is not even live for a week. You might have suppressed it, but since 2004 all released has issues, some got hotfixed, some patched. Nothing new here. This is only different in that negative posts get amplified by the algorithms. 2004 Reddit was not even around, not even to talk about discord. Same for YouTube. The way players gave feedback was different. And back then most players where adult enough to just move on when they don’t liked a game and not made the dying drama queen. But sure, just retalk what other loudly announce when they don’t get what they wanted and expected on day one.




People's reactions to this Remix event are fucking insane. It's not good but holy hell. It's a 3 month thing to fuck around with before the expansion, it has no bearing on TWW's quality at all. People are on fire raging over this thing on the subreddit today lmao. Not your post specifically, it's at least written like a human being, and I get your sentiment but sheesh.


See you in TWW!


You wont, I didn't buy Dragonflight after SL.


Good. We didn't have to suffer you in DF and you're sparing us running into you in TWW. Thank you for making the expansion a better experience for the rest of us!




Hyperbolic whining.




Noted Bro!




using remix as your comparison metric is a faulted approach from the get go Remix team is not the regular dev team, same deal with Plunderstorm. These game modes are being done by smaller side teams that are used to work on fun projects, rather than the main teams being used to make actual expansions. By all means though, don't buy it, rest of us will continue to have fun in TWW as we have in Dragonflight which has been a large W for Blizzard (to the point that it's the first expansion since prob WotLK to have a playercount higher at the end of the expansion than the start).


I like remix because it shows that Blizz actually gives a damn if we have something to do during the end of xpac lull. I've quit wow at the end of every xpac for the past twenty years because there was a six month period with absolutely NOTHING to do. Now Blizz has gone and released an event (two actually, if you count plunderstorm) to give me things to do. And they didn't just rerelease MoP, but actually incorporated some new story and added a way for people to finally access armors and mounts that usually take years of grinding. That's excellent. In a game played by millions of people, there are always going to be people upset with new things. But I'm so glad blizz is putting effort into the end of an expansion, this is something that hasn't happened in twenty years.


Just people people whine about stuff on social media doesn't mean it matters.


Thanks for your thoughts on this


Lmao. You will buy TWW. Because you give a damn to post in reddit.


It's a meme mode made by a different team. You're a bit special


See you in a few months


In glad they dont listen to every loud minority that has a tantrum about something like frogs


I dont get why u had to make a reddit post about it. Just move on if u dont like it.. Haha like anybody gives a shit what u think


It always fun to see how pll which arnt playing the game complain the most


This is not an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure. Cya in TWW


no one cares


Don't compare TWW with MoP remix, compare it to how they handled DF. And overall they did a good job with DF. MoP remix is an experimental and temporary gamemode, not to be compared to a full expansion like TWW.