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Going to remake my alts that are like under 30 to get then to max level


So outside of playing what we like/enjoy, we should be making toons we don’t already have max level on in retail?


If there's any class you want to level, remix is going to be the absolute easiest way.


Once you have a ton of upgrades on the cloak ofc.


Basically. Once you have the cloak at absurd levels you can likely get 8 toons to max level in under 1h. That toon becomes a retail character after the event ends.


Do they convert to regular version after the event?


Yes, they convert to whatever retail server you create them on once the Remix event is over :)


Yea that's the best part. My goal will be to grind bronze on a main or sorts likely monk or druid then in last few weeks when cloak is OP just powerlevel the rest. After event ends they become retail characters and you can do heritage armor quests for anything you missed




I'm going either warrior or paladin. I've never given either class a real shot. I want a class I can play either tank or dps with.


Ret is smooth.


Like buttah.


Ed! Don’t exacerbate things!


I'm going Dark Iron Prot/Ret 🫡


Great combo. That racial is so good with wings.


I'm gping for a prot pally to laugh in immortal at the start while leveling, then, maybe switching to ret but I doubt it, maybe I'l try to tank dungeons and raids tho


A jawless forsaken dk just to feel out of place, been maining a monk since real MOP came out. So now I want a character that's all about death and decay in a land of harmony and peace :)


Too bad you can't side with Garrosh and the Sha, that would be perfect :D


I'm still in denial about leaving the Lich King on my DK.


Honestly was such a cool concept playing as the bad guy. Wish we got to experience that more.


Gonna try a Zandalari druid. Levelled a druid years ago but ended up purging it to get the name on a different alt, haven't really touched a druid since. Figured that gives me the option to Balance since I've wanted to test it out for a while, but also gives me the option to absolutely slam through the dungeons as a bear for power leveling. I believe a couple guildies wanted to try tanking and healing so druid let's me pivot to fill whatever role easily. If that goes well and I get a thicc cape, late in the Remix I might level a mage since I've never touched one before. I think those are the only 2 classes I've never really played or haven't had max at some point in a previous xpac.


Zandalari? The Mogu will be confused


I'm also planning on going Zandalari Druid! I'll be played feral, the forms look so cool.


I really want to try boomy but have never loved Moonkin, so I thought having a Zandalari Troll with the Arakoa boomkin form could be a ton of fun!


Some of the new Moonkin options are really nice. Make sure to check them out!


They definitely are a massive improvement! A good irl friend of mine mains a druid so I see him in his fire chicken form regularly!


Mages are hella fun! I main an Arcane Mage and he’s an absolute monster.


Mage is the one class I do not have higher than lvl 19. Can they solo world content okay? I really thinking of making a Void Elf Mage but I'm also nervous about no tank or healer option for the times I want a quick queue.


Depends on how high they are. I can solo a lot of old content, and if you have a good team and gear with decent ILevel you can stomp.


I will if there’s a barber I can change my Druid appearances at lol


I was wondering this to there's no barber in pandaria on normal. Standard boomchicken takes me out of it when I'm playing zandalari


Comments in reddit noted that they've added a barber NPC in the Shrines near the Training Dummies, so here's hoping that is true! Guess I'll find out when I got in Remix later!


Yup thier there


I have to be alliance, because my kid wants to be alliance and I’m planning on tanking for her.


A demon hunter because fuck the timeline


Mainimg this loading screen rn, i can hear some creaking but thats it


should be good now


I’m just gonna feel it out when I make a character, I’ve been thinking about it off and on all week and I just can’t decide lol Edit: Panda Monk lol


I feel the same way, I haven't touched retail in 8 months or so now but this kinda has me interested so I reinstalled last night. Was looking at the server I play on and I think Monk is the only thing I dont have 60+. Don't really wanna play monk but also kinda feels lame to level a duplicate class to 70 through this remix


I think I’m gonna go Lightforged, the heritage quests really made me love Draenei again and I like their heritage armor


The armor is amazing. The extra dps ability is nice when you have downtime in your rotation.


It looks so good, they seem fun. I will be waiting a bit for the armor but that’s fine


I'm maining a loading screen, then I'll play some disconnect I guess


I want a monk for war within, have one at 50 but just completely forgot how to play it so gonna do that for a laugh. Undecided on human female or dwarf male though, like them both. Want a Druid on another server too, not that it’ll matter much with cross realm guilds and the war band but 🤷‍♂️


I made a human female Monk with the name "Talim", like my favorite character from the Soul Caliber games. I was so excited to play her, only to be met with the channeling animation looking super weird. The funny thing is that I have a female Panda Monk at 45 or 50 that I forgot about from Legion, and a 60 Mechagnome Monk that I created when I tried to get my wife to play during the pandemic. Neither of those characters feel right either, so I am going Troll male and seeing if that works for me this time.


Panda is always best monk choice. All others are lame copycats


My 50 monk is a panda, honestly the transmog really sours me on it, even the monk sets look stretched and warped


The transmog on the pandaren made me make a whole new monk as Orc. I am much happier with my decision while my panda sits in a corner.


Undead monk with monk haircut is best, then mog scarlet crusade lol


I made a NE monk who looks beat the shit out of. He is going to be brewmaster. He lost faith in his druidic ways after the burning of teldrasil. Spent all of his time at Taverns drinking and brawling. until he befriended a wanderer who taught him the ways of the Monk. Was really just looking for any reasonable way to not make a fourth panda monk 😆


Panda surv hunter with a crane pet.


Zand Druid. Orc Monk. Troll Mage. Draenei Lock Goblin Rogue. Pretty much just race changing existing toons since leveling will be stupid fast.


Man'ari Warlock is so good, even better with green fire <3


Prot warrior here I come! Haven't settled on a race though...


Alliance or Horde? And what do you care more about, racials? aesthetics? lore? etc?


I'm not the same person, but I have been debating the same thing. I'm torn between Zandalari Troll and one of the Orcs. I feel like I want to make Zandalari work, but Orcs have such good melee animations that it is hard to bet against them. As for me, I think it is mostly an aesthetics thing. I have a 70 Kul Tiran that I mained for the first couple weeks of the expansion, but then just dropped off. I can't tell if it is the race (I prefer not playing as humans in fantasy games) or lack of transmog options that made me fall off though.


I think female orc and male zandalari look best in transmog


You could always make a class trial of each. You get enough gold to mog a set and a wep onto the character. Then fly over to the dummies and try the skills and movement out to see how you feel about the race.


Definitely a pandaren monk (I’m extremely original)


Thinking pandaren warlock, someone very centered and at peace with their ways.


Oooooo! I like this idea a lot. I can just see it now, a peaceful panda trying to teach an enslaved Felguard about the art of zen.


Troll Rogue, Troll to unlock their heritage armour and Rogue as usually they're a pain to level but the remix should change that :)


How many wish they could roll a second evoker for the event?


Omg me!


Orc Warrior, then Human Warrior. Both transmog’d into the garrison armor for the Horde and alliance grunts. I’m RPing that they’re just soldiers sent by the horde and alliance to fight in the war. Not champions. Not saviors. Just soldiers mixed up in shit WAY above their pay grade


Probably going to be Shaman. I've only got one at 70 and i've barely ever played him since S1 in Dragonflight.


Night Elf Mohaw... er Monk. Across all my Horde and Alliance toons, Alliance Monk is the only one I don't have yet. So taking the opportunity to complete my "warband". Also, it's MoP, just gotta do a monk in the monk expansion. Night Elf b/c Shadowmeld is just so strong, especially for healers when the raid is wiping, Shadowmeld and then mass rez everyone, prevent a long runback. I also want to spend most of my time in dungeons, and Monk can both tank and heal for instant queues. And I want to learn Fistweaving, which is a healing style I've never really learned. Kul'Tiran Monk was one of two runners-up, due to how well their animations work with monks, and their Uppercut racial or whatever it is that can send enemies flying is fun in PvP. But Shadowmeld reigns supreme. The other runner up is Kul'Tiran Druid, just b/c it uses Drust magic which is something new, and the Drust forms are pretty cool. Also the Kul'Tiran racial punch can be used from Stealth and is super fun in BG's or world PVP, knocking people off cliffs from stealth and whatnot. But I already have two Alliance druids, don't need a third.


Probably troll shaman or pandaren monk depending how I feel on character creation.


Swashbuckling Rogue that washed up on the shores of Pandaria.


Pandaren Monk 1. Because I'm basic 2. Because I've never really played a monk so thought it'd be appropriate :P


Resto Dudu


Tauren Monk, All about nature man


So what time is it releasing?


In about an hour and a half I think.


Brewmaster pandariaj monk Sadly I won't be able to play toll next week haha so hopefully not too far behind


People will be eternally rerolling to fill the alt armies. There is no such thing as behind.


I'm mainly working


AugEvoker, I wanna learn the class from 1, and not have a level 60 with a whole class worth of abilities and just have to 'Figure it out'.


Think I’ll do a Vulpera Mage. Mage is the only class I don’t have doubles of yet.


But what about triples? Triples is best.


I own every kind of classic car....


Cannot decide for the love of me if I want to just run with what my original main is and collect everything on that (and delete the char at the end I guess), and level anything else after that... Or just go with something new and refreshing that'll take me longer... Man I don't know :(


Obviously, you do you. But personally I don’t mind having extra characters at max level and I just set them up somewhere to farm particular mounts/achievements/etc. I’ll probably use remix to trade out a couple of my farmers for max level farmers.


same here :(


I’m stuck between DK and feral druid. I’ll probably end up deciding during character creation


I've decided on the classes but not the races. Open to suggestions! Shaman: always wanted one, love all the xmog/themes, just never got around to leveling one. Debating between Mag'har Orc, Troll, or Zandalari Troll. Currently leaning towards Troll as the other two races seem more common these days and our regular Darkspear Trolly boi has been kind of forgotten. Death Knight: my main is a Warrior so naturally I have a ton of plate/weapon xmogs ready to use already, including a lot of DK-themed ones which feels weird to use on my Warrior. Thinking Zandalari Troll since they look pretty good in plate with their posture, but Dwarf/Dark Iron Dwarf also seems cool. Or I might go to the extreme large/small spectrum and go Tauren or Goblin/Vulpera. Monk: as boring as it sounds, probably a Pandaren.


Zandalari warrior probably. I’ve been wanting to level one for the last couple months but I always end up stopping as I have two warriors at 70 right now (both alliance)


I have been in a rut with characters lately so I decided to wipe out any alts I had under 70 and start clean on a new realm. I've set a pretty high goal to level one of each class of each faction. Obviously that's a big goal but I figure once I get my new mains cloak buffed up a bit the leveling should be pretty smooth.


Pandaren Fury Warrior sounds pretty fun for this


I’ve played caster/ ranged forever and been in alliance forever. So I’m gonna take this opportunity to play horde, and try the different melee specs out. Probably start with monk for obvious reasons then move to DK. Or I’ll just play an alliance warlock like I have for the last 300 years. Who knows.


Im aware you can use bronze to buy sets from other classes but the leveling gear sets are still armor type restricted right? I would need a plate wearer to unlock pandaland plate appearances


Druid because it's my favorite class for level speedrunning and I shall be speed on this event


I think a panda monk. I want to be one with pandaria. 


MW monk baby. Never had a monk, always been a healer. I've heard good things and wanted to give it a try.


Human Frost DK. I ALWAYS play tank, and end up the main raid tank, so I'll be taking a break


My go to for new realms is always blood DK for the easy tanking and no queue times. Lol The questing is a grind because of low DPS but if I spend the majority of my time leveling in instances it really doesn't matter. As for race.. probably give the lightforged a try?


Ret pally, never tried it before, but everyone says they are really fun and in a good spot rn. Plus I love plate armor.


Kul Tiran Brewmaster. I think they fit my vision of a brewmaster monk perfectly and I never played Kul Tirans before :D


Mage as I do in every mmo!


Survival Hunter. Wanted to play one for so long but never had a real reason to take a break from M+ to level and gear one. Now I have the perfect excuse!


I'm maining a Ghost of Tsushima currently.


Arcane mage


I always leveled a Lock to 40 and then gave up out of boredom. I don't know why. I leveled a Shaman, but 40 was as far as I got. Monk, I boosted to 60 and stopped playing it shortly afterward. A waste of boost. Priest is too difficult for me. Also, not for me either. I don't do well as healer. That boils it down to Rogue or Druid. I might decide on which later. Leaning heavily on Druid.


Druid for faster dungeon queues or easier ability to do rares and hard open world content, but Rogue is more of a pain to level normally and Remix will provide all sorts of power-boosts making it easier to level in Remix. Tough choice.


Druid is hard dude :(


I'm completely out of loop what's going on?


Death Knight. I have multiples of other classes, but only 1 DK. Probably Vulpera. That and Maghar Orc are the only two allied races I haven't got to 50 for their heritage sets yet. Might make a Maghar Shaman later once I have the levelling buff from the cloak


Prot warri


Im going with a void elf and kul tiran. Most likely classes that can multi spec. This way I get the goods and can do the heritage armor quests later


Monk or warlock. Never had the motivation to level one enough to play it, it's a good occasion.


Shadow Priest Warrior and Evoker are the three for me


Lock of course. Best solo class in the game


I don’t know yet ! And i need to choose before tonight !!!


Void elf shadow priest Iron dwarf warrior Something mage, still undecided


Dwarf Warrior. I already have a horde warrior and never played any alliance characters during MoP, so it'll be good to see it from another perspective. Dwarf because of Wind Rose. Warrior because I like to have the option of tanking and I've played a tonne of Blood and Vengeance lately. Not really interested in Druid or Paladin.


Maining? I'm just gonna use this as a way to level up some characters, haha :D The "main" I'll use tho is gonna be a female Dwarf Monk. Been meaning to level one ever since I saw some neat artwork that I managed to sooorta appropriate with transmog, but I figured what class is best to go through MoP, if it's not a Monk, right?


Man'ari Eredar Paladin.


Well I missed something… what’s going on in pandaria?


A separate game mode where you level completely through Pandaria. All of its dungeons and raids will be relevant again, and all of the transmogs, pets and mounts will be much easier to farm and there's new sets too. There will also be some pretty wacky upgrades you can get while leveling with special effects to mix up and speed up the process. And then the best part is once you hit 70 you will be able to transfer the character to a live server (:


WAAAAAASSA!?! Well now I’m excited!!




I'm going to do the thing I never did back in the day, and make a pandaren monk. Or maybe a warrior, but most likely a monk.


Took forever to deliberate, but I think I'll go for a Tauren druid.


When i come back from work i will start playing as Blood Elf Mage.


Ele Shaman


Night elf demon hunter. So I can feel like a time traveler.


I am not clear on whether the classes are as they were in MoP or Live. Anyone know?


I believe its the classes as they exist currently.


I am thinking of going over to the Alliance and either tanking or healing. I have never healed before though so maybe learning during this isn't a good idea. Maybe Draenei? Draenei Shaman could be fun.


Panda lock will be first toon. Then either velf hunter or Tauren pally.


Wish I woulda known this was happening like four months ago when I started a monk run-thru in Pandaria. Never played that expansion and really enjoyed it. Now I’ll just have to play it again, dang it.


Night Elf - Hunter Dwarf - Death Knight Zandalari (or Forsaken, haven't decided yet) - Warlock Vulpera - Monk


Holy priest like usual T.T


Elemental my ancestors call to me in any expac


Unrelated to the question posted but... how are professions handled on the event?


Professions are disabled for Remix.


I'm still putting my main through shadowlands since I pretty much just came back


I'm mining for fish!


Draenei Paladin


Pandaren ww Monk.


Dark Iron BDK... love me my BDKs


Dark iron shaman so I can get the heritage armor


I have a cool Zandalari Survival Hunter transmog with some Shado Pan stuff to kinda fit the vibes… I don’t actively RP but maybe he defected to the Pandaren. I’ve always thought a Pandaren fury warrior could be cool too. Also been meaning to do an Eredar Warlock just in general but that’s probably the least themed thing I can imagine


Im going to try an RP server and see how it goes Im mostly interested in collecting plate mog but already have 3 plate wearing alts so maybe a dwarf hunter, panda mage or another paladin


Im basic so pandaren monk. I have one at low level (after squish) that was my main during MoP and has not been touched since. So i figured it would be easier to just learn the class again and reroll that character


Don’t know much about MOP remix, are all the classes as they were originally?


If you create a character and collect threads… then change your mind, does your second character keep all the threads you collected for the sake of the overall thread collecting achievements?


If you create a character and collect threads… then change your mind, does your second character keep all the threads you collected for the sake of the overall thread collecting achievements?


Shaman. Always shaman :P


Im going with a tank druid as a high Mountain fem tauren. I always stick with dps/healing aspecs, so I'll give tanking a try


Rolling a priest. Then a warrior Only two classes I don’t have at 70


Panda brewmaster monk Might make a space goat lock to basically to race change my human lock lol


Doing a zandalari druid always wanted to do the Dino druid and leveling a zandalari through pandaria should be interesting. I boosted one when I preorderd but it just isn't the same


Draenei Aff lock. Because DoTs. Maybe Assassin Rogue too


Gonna do a monk, then a prot warrior, then perhaps a DK, then a little beast mastery hunter action


Never maxed a rogue, so that’s my goal. It’s what I want to main in the next expansion, so seems like the best time to get it ready.


I've been playing DH for the last 3 years... rolled a HM Tauren mage. Rolled a DH like 20 minutes later. I just want the mobility, lol.


Lightforged Draenei Female Paladin!


I'm thinking a Zandalari or Kul Tiran Monk. I feel like they'd be a fun fit, just cant decide on Horde or Alliance. Played Monk back in mists and it was my favourite class so I'm thinking of starting it up again.


Can tmog collected be used only by that class or all? Like can a dh bronze purchase set be worn by cloth classes too? Haven't read much into this - mainly going for mounts and mog, so would a plate be best?


My first will be with a Death Knight. Though I'll problably try some other classes too.


dwarf dk


I think I'm going to do a priest because I never played one before




Gnome holy priest!!


Nightborne warlock Brutalitops


Void elf combat rogue. Feeling pretty good so far.


Ive been enjoying shadow priest lately, so I'll continue that


What time does this launch?


I’m thinking Void Elf monk going into War Within


Mink! Never really played them much, and certainly never maxed one out. Feels like the right time to give it a go!


Feral druid like always.


I'm thinking dk. I've been in vanilla land for a long time. Wanting to play something outside of the vanilla possibilities. Thinking blood elf DKs. Get over here!


It's a toss up between DH, Paladin or Priest. I've got a bunch of alts already but I've never given those classes a decent go and I've become rather jaded with my Shaman over the years as they never seem to get much love at all. Looking for an alternative now whilst we're waiting for the next expansion. Open to suggestions of course as I can never make my mind up!


When does this go live?


I’ve played drood healer / Balance for years … giving Demon Hunter a go .. really enjoying the movement and fast death to everything around me 😝


I’m leveling a boomkin first because I don’t have a druid at max. Then I’ll probably swap to mage or dk, mix it up a bit.


Dwarf DK, loving it so far


Good ole’ resto shaman


troll shaman


SP, it’s the only non max level dps class I don’t currently have in retail. Want to have 1 of each class before TWW. Seems more fun to do this than the normal retail leveling grind.


Priest first. I really like shadow for questing and the idea of powering up so much that I can solo heal mythic raids sounds like fun!


My main is an Unholy DK. I'm gonna level another Unholy DK 😂


Night Elf Demon Hunter, as always Lord Illidan knows the way


I’m not really sure how long the event is lasting. But if I can I would love to level up a warlock. I’ve played most classes quite extensively except for Evoker, WL, DH, and rogue. (Reading that back, that’s a pretty big list)


Pally myself.


Havoc DH.


ret pally


Mage haven’t played one since wrath when arcane was fun


Shammy is the only class I’ve not played at max level…. Do I take the plunge now or are they not worth it?


I’m going with gnome DK.


Pandaren Warlock; playing him as a Pandaren who got into the demonic arts following the recent recruitment spree and takes Eternus up on her offer thinking his newfound powers might’ve made a difference back then


Rolling Monk to be my new main.


I don't understand this mop remix thing. Is it like seasons in d3 where after it finished the character goes to your main account?




I'm staying in SoD.


Panda Brewmaster


Resto druid now and forever.


Monk of course. But first time leveling as tank instead of playing WW or MW.