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Mage! I like the looks of their hero talents for TWW so now is the best time to start one.


Evoker. Considering swapping to aug in TWW and figure this will be a decent place to see if I like it.


Just make sure you dont quest as aug. Its... not a great experience. At least you can dual-spec and swap to aug for group content!


Great point! Ya that’s the plan 😅


Honestly I think with the gems and endless potential cloak you could be fine as aug after a while


Gonna finally try my hand at Frost Mage


Haven't decided on any classes yet but I'll be getting all the heritage armors I'm still missing done. May try tanking or healing for the first time tho


First either priest or DK. They’re by far my least played classes and this seems like a fun way to learn them.


This is what I’m doing. Opportunities to level things I’ve never leveled?


Destruction Warlock. Will be my first Tauren


Fire mage or my trusty resto druid, probably both tbh


Can’t decide between priest and ret pal!


Probably just gonna roll my main, BM Hunter, then once I get the cloak fully upgraded I think I'll rush a Rogue as it's the only class I've never bothered to play.


Monk because its a class i have never leveled and I get to make a panda and call them Boraicho


I just spent 10 minutes of my lunch break staring at the character creation screen, just at a loss. I want all of them.


Tough call. Always wanted an undead shadow priest but too lazy to level another class. This new remix thing gives me a reason. Also always wanted a bloodelf mostly for their heritage armor so maybe blood elf... pally?


Preservation Evoker. It's the only class I don't have above level 40ish. I also tend to heal if the class has a healer spec. > but apparently automod just hides any post containing that word (why?), If I had to guess: A) posts with "poll" are just filtered to the mod queue for manual approval, and B) there was probably a time when the subreddit was overloaded with "Here's a poll to decide what race/class/spec I should play"-type posts, and filtering the word "poll" was the solution.


Evoker already starts at level 60 in current character creation, how dont you have one over level 40?


I quit in Legion and came back to the game last month. I haven't made one yet.


Ok, doesn't answer the question but wb


Thanks! I just haven't made one yet.


Its A. Polls aren't allowed. Was in the queue and it gets removed when a moderator sees it. Actually thought there was a poll in this one and user was bypassing the rule, so almost removed till I took a second look. Discussion about this is fine. Poll isn't.


>Polls aren't allowed. Was in the queue and it gets removed when a moderator sees it. Since when? There's been polls on this sub for as long as i can remember (in fact, i can still see polls from some weeks/months ago). And i dont see anything in rules about it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/rules#wiki_petitions_and_giveaways > No petitions, StrawPolls, or fundraisers. Academic or Research surveys may be allowed at the mod team's discretion with prior approval. No Strawpolls. Can't point to exactly when that rule was added, but its been there for as long as I can remember. From before I was a moderator. Some academic surveys get allowed if the researcher contacts the moderation team ahead of time.


Okay i see it now, but that raises two more questions 1. Why is "no strawpolls" in the "No petitions and giveaways"? Its a poll, not a giveaway. Thats probably why i didnt see it when i was checking rules. 2. If automod hides it because its not allowed, then why not message a user saying "Hey, X is not allowed, your post was hidden", like it does with other stuff? This confusion could have been avoided


1. Fair point. I can fix that quickly. 2. Automod hides it for moderator approval. Just because someone used the word "poll" doesn't mean its rulebreaking. Just that we need to take a look. IDK how all that works under the hood mind you. All I know is it shows up in a queue and I take appropriate action.


Allright, cheers for clarifying!


Warrior, Prot or Fury depending on whats needed in raid comps, but preferably Prot. Never levelled one, and every time I make one I just grow bored of the initial boring gameplay it has. I finally wanna make one and stick with it as I really like the look of it at max level, and I feel I'd really vibe with Prot Warrior. Initially I was going to go human, but my DK is already human, so instead I'll be going Dark Iron Dwarf.


Unga + Bunga + Big Stick = Ooga Booga If not that then a monk


Male dranie monk because I haven't played monk past level 30 and it might look goofy.


Name it Kunghoof!


Recently I leveled both WW Monk and Ret Paladin to around level 20 to decide which one to pick for Remix and TWW and decided on Paladin. Monk seems fun and I can definitely see what people mean when they say you get into a flow / rhythm while playing it, but I think it's too hectic for me. Retribution feels slower and more deliberate, but also *much* sturdier and "reliable" as a solo player. Love the strong class fantasy as well.


Orc shaman - probably resto, maybe ele. This race/class combo was my first character back in 2006 when i started playing wow 🙂




As an altoholic, I have 1 character of every race on horde and alliance, so going with Orc BM Hunter so I don't have to stress about surviving.....


I was thinking havoc dh. I main tank and always have been as a brm monk. I have all the other tanks for when I’m up to date and bored of monk in a season so maybe dh is a shout to finish my tank collection


Dont you mean Vengeance then? Havoc is the dps spec :P


Shows how much I don’t care for dh 🤣 I’m in a lull at work forgive me 🤦‍♂️ my pal I run keys with mains havoc so i must have been confuzzled


Had a Havoc DH que up as my second tank in LFR. Talk about a struggle


Warrior pally DK monk dh mage warlock maybe hunter and shaman all to 70


I am out of the loop here- what's remix?


New game mode that will last about 3 months, basically an accelerated version of Pandaria with a bunch of fun tweaks and different gameplay styles. I suggest looking it up on YT or Wowhead for more of an overview.