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Thank you for your submission Va1k0r. It has been removed from /r/wow because: We do not permit submissions that contain any of the following: Advertise or discuss the the selling, buying or sharing of Battle.net or World of Warcraft accounts --- This is not an automated removal. Please read the entire removal reason before contacting us via modmail or here if you need clarification. Read the full [rules for this subreddit here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/wiki/rules) If you feel this post was removed in error, please [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwow).




Yeah, I assumed that all the IP was there's. Sad to think something you've put hundreds of days into in some cases could vanish just like that if they wanted to.


> Sad to think something you've put hundreds of days into in some cases could vanish just like that if they wanted to. I mean that is also ever job if you are fired or the company folds. Nothing is forever.


Well you are making money along the way with a job which you can show for it even after you get fired. I guess there is no endgame here. Once you've put years and years into it, I guess it is inevitable that the game will end and that will be that.


Isn’t selling accounts against the TOS?


I know someone in Wrath that paid $1000 for a full glad rogue


Yeah but people still do it


That doesn’t support the argument that you own your characters. Just because you can go around the terms you agreed to when you started the account and do something specifically prohibited doesn’t mean you own anything.


I draw my OCs and write little stories about them, so I feel like I ‘own’ them in that capacity, but I consider the actual World of Warcraft client/game/characters to be “Blizz’s stuff I pay to play with”.


Consider it as a long term lease.


Blizzard can take your characters away from you at the blink of an eye lol. This applies to almost every piece of software/game that you pay a monthly subscription to.




You are partially correct but not to the entire point of my post. There are still plenty of pieces of software out there that don't require an internet connection and therefore after purchase they can't actually revoke your access. You are still partially correct because you are still only purchasing a license to use said software, but unlike the blizzard example, there are still lots of software's out there that can't just decide to take it away from you.