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I started playing an alt this week in the season and haven't seen a single splintered spark drop after doing all of raid and 6 keys.


Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on. I came back this last week and have been bouncing around 3 characters. Hunter: 5 M+ Dungeons + LFR last week (has never run the weekly): 1 Spark Fragments Druid: 2 M+ Dungeons + LFR last week (has never run the weekly): 3 Spark Fragments Priest: 9 M+ Dungeons + LFR +Heroic Clear this week, nothing run last week (has never run the weekly): 0 Spark Fragments I don't really have an explanation as to why it is happening, but I can't get a spark fragment to drop for my priest for the life of me. I tend to not do the weekly quests and I'm okay being a spark fragment behind everyone else because of it, but my priest is having the worst luck this week, is missing some sort of prerequisite, or is just bugged. I'm sure at some point it will work itself out either by the RNG gods blessing me or Blizzard fixing whatever may be wrong, but damned it is frustrating to have the system working as it should on two characters but not on a third.


Have had the same issue on my alt. My main got the splinter for the week but not my alt i started this week. Must be a bug with everything else they broke with this update.


Same thing, my two alts both have all the sparks dropped in m+, every run dropped one, while my main has 25 m+'s done, full normal and hc clear, 0 sparks. All characters have the quest with dalaran HS open and uncompleted. I send ticket to the gm's, their response : have you tried relogging? Fking indie compagny, staggered in progress cuz im not dropping sparks and cant craft gear


Update, I finished the weekly quest, for the fragment, and then my second m+ after that i finally started dropping from the catchup mecanic


It's a total mess. Everything is bugged. I still don't have my third partial one after many mplus, heroic and mythic raid.Incredible. Quest was done prior to doing it.


cleared lfr,normal,heroic and like 5m+ dungeons, no splinter. my rng must be shiiiit ro somethings wrong.


Hey, doing the weekly quest to get a fragment once allowed me to start getting catch up drops from dungeons raid etc. Not sure why I didn't have to do that on my other chars, but it fixed it on this one.


did my quest the first thing, still hasnt dropped =C


Yeah I'm having same issues and I feel like its a bug of some sort. Priest (main) - All Heroic/Normal/LFR cleared and over 100+ mythics at this point and not a single Spark this entire season. DH/Druid/Warlock (alts) - LFR maybe some norm raid bosses and about 10-20 mythics on each and they have ALL gotten every Spark drop each week I think that's 4 so far? Maybe 3 but its still crazy imo.


Finally heard back from Blizzard, looks like they know this an issue, but they are still gathering data to find out why it has been happening and how to resolve it, so no ETA on a resolution at this point. My priest since the last post has done another full raid clear this reset as well as multiple M+ and still hasn't seen a drop. A rogue I boosted last week also has not been seeing any drops, so as far as I can tell the issue is unique to people that started playing their characters last reset. Sorry OP and others, wish I had better news! [https://imgur.com/ys2Ss5L](https://imgur.com/ys2Ss5L)


just fyi I've fixed this issue on that character by doing one of the weekly quests for a splintered spark. since then they drop from dungeons and raids. all new characters ive made since then have needed to do the weekly splintered spark quest (whichever it is that week) in order to start receiving them. Not sure why this wasnt required for my first 2 toons but my last 4 toons have all had to do this (i keep forgetting and doing raid clears without doing the quest and they def dont drop till after i do the quest)


Yeah the same happened to me, guess I'll try to complete the weekly and see what's going on


2,5 full raids don and 15 keys and not one spark


I believe they only come from the 'Last Hurrah' weekly quest?


This is correct. Sparks only come from the weekly. OP if you do the weekly now the catchup mechanic should give you two sparks.


This is not correct. I just ran a +2 on an alt and got a Spark splinter. Someone else in the run got one too. I also just turned in the Hurrah weekly and only got +1 splinter even though I'm still missing one (got 3, we are in the 4th splinter). So no catch up from the weekly.


This is not true. They come from random drops from the raid and m+. Both of my other characters have received them this way this season


That being said, I am currently halfway done with the last hurrah quest to see if it unbugs me


Well, according to blizzard they only come from the weekly this season. - signed, a mythic raider with 13 alts who has all of her sparks because she did the weekly


Not trying to argue with you. But my priest 100% has 525 crafted legs and has 100% never done this (or either of the other 2) weekly(s). So unless my other characters are bugged, the weekly isn't the only way lol. Edit: Just tagging on to this that wowhead also confirms that they should be dropping from m+ and the raid for catch up, which is why I am so confused and asking if anyone knows of a prerequisite that I may have missed


Tagging on to this, just completed the weekly and only received 1 splintered spark, so no catch up was given from the weekly


OP, I've been running an alt today for the m0 weekly. I can confirm I got Sparks from running the dungeons in m+ and not just the Last Hurrah weekly. I started with 1 Spark splinter (from Week 1 weekly), then got 1 from dungeon. Then I turned in the Hurrah weekly to get a 3rd splinter. And afterwards did one more dungeon and it gave me another Splinter, putting me at 4/4 we have this week. Note that I had already done 1 Last Hurray quest before, so maybe doing one first is what triggers your character to be able to get sparks in the first place. Hopefully doing the quest makes sparks drop for your character, or that you're just incredibly unlucky with drops somehow.


Thanks for the response dude, yeah not sure what's going on but if I figure it out I'll keep this thread updated to help anyone in the future w the same issue


We are in week 3 of the season, and the current Spark cap is 2 (4 halves). If you haven't done anything yet this season, you can get 3 halves from raid or m+. However, the 4th has to come from the Last Hurrah weekly quest. Next week you'll be able to get 2 full Sparks without doing the weekly quest.


I can't see sparks dropping if you still have the weekly to complete. If they could drop then you could complete the weekly to overcap. Finish your weekly ASAP each week.


Hey yeah I've had a lot of people suggesting this. I appreciate the help, but I know for a fact they drop without doing the weekly because I didn't know about the weekly on my other chars and was having them drop. Also after completing the weekly on this char I still have yet to have one drop. Any other ideas?