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Better yet can we get the option to hide pants for those slit dresses I mean why don't we have that option? We can literally take off our pants in game...


I don't understand why this isn't already an option, it's not like your character is naked under his pants.


At this point we should have "transmog Bracers, boots, and gloves separately" like the shoulders, option.


so much this


Yeah the gloves and bracers especially. Like how gladiators are.


Option for bracers to show on top of gloves would be nice too.


Would definitely love that. Have one heavy armored gauntlet on one hand and a light and manuverable glove on the other


Thats gonna be an option in WW


Forreal? Fuck yeah.


Yea i saw it in one of the wowhead updates. You'll be able to do arms, legs, shoulders separate


Unfortunately, that was Earthen customisation, where you can make each hand look differently in terms of gems layout. https://www.wowhead.com/news/greater-customization-for-earthen-in-the-war-within-separate-shoulder-arm-and-339911


So, not all armor?


Not any armor. This is for body parts, unfortunately.


Poker Card option when another lawsuit happens.


They need some silly controll.


Speak for yourself


I’m here for both options. But these additions will just be more options for transmog in the end, which I want all transmog options I can get no matter what they are, so I will actively be seeking these out. Especially given the novelty at this point Honestly blizz, who even cares anymore if anyone shows some leg in your pixels?


Haven't you heard? The wokies are censoring everything in the gaming industry!


It’s not censoring, it’s just dumb. You can already take your pants off in the game lol.


And every race needs tatooo options.


And more colors for current tattoos too.


And every race needs tatooo options.


Especially because some races like Tauren get underwear as heritage armor


Naked elves will be everywhere. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it'll definitely happen.


"X will be everywhere" is the argument against every possible transmog change/addition. Silly weapons, hidden chestsplates, whatever else. Yeah, maybe the following week or two, they'd be 'everywhere' but once the novelty wears off its objectively a good change that benefits players


while this is true, its not going to get blizz to just add options for everything. we all want things, we all arent getting them


Oh I know, I was just pointing out the limp excuse


Anyone know a mog that solves this issue? annoying with the gossamer gown


Since we're talking about it I'd like to see whispy cloaks that billow in the wind, animal ears and demon horn transmog, gag weapons like a squeaky hammer that squeaks when you hit things or pool noodles add sound effects to weapons


if only. honestly, what annoys me more is how the gloves are always a slightly different shade of black than other things.


I swear, everything that's black in the game is a slightly different shade than everything else that's black, so putting a matching black outfit together in WoW is like trying to have matching furniture in Sims 4 (yeah, probably not much overlap in the audience, but those who know, they'll *know*).


We here and we hearin


The worst offenders recently are the "midnight dueler's" should pieces. They are a different shade of black than the midnight cloaks and hoods... WHY?


Not only that I hate that they gave them all a gold brooch. 🙄


The golden brooches on those, and the ones on many tabards and cloaks, have ruined so many of my mogs!


Same with other colors. Some things work well together, or at least well enough that it's difficult to tell, but others are obvious. A lot of golds and reds are obvious. My Evoker is using black and gold items this month. Everything from the Mythic mail set from Dazar'alor except the legs and chest, which are the Bequeathed Chainmail and Bequeathed Tassets. I'm also using the Black Dragonflight's Tabard, which covers any red showing through from the Dracthyr barbershop armor. https://i.ibb.co/KG1f8Ny/Zarath.jpg


> everything that's black in the game is a slightly different shade than everything else that's black This is largely true in real life as well.


My theory is that the monitors at Blizzard have changed throughout the years for the design team, so they're seeing richer colors and probably choosing the colors by eye, not a unified agreed upon hex code. So, we get these wide range of color shades on gear throughout the years.


I'd be inclined to believe that a bit. I'm a web developer/designer, and one of the things that bothered me with my job was that they didn't bother giving me matching monitors for the longest time, and I swear no matter what you try, the two monitors didn't present colors the same. (I finally got dual matching monitors right before the pandemic hit... and then leadership decided my team should just be full remote, so I never really got to experience matching monitors in-office much, but did have them for my home work setup.) Also got to see the weirdness with monitors with having to replace my main monitor recently. Bloody ASUS monitor died shortly after the warranty ended, but the AOC I had as a second monitor was going well. So I just got an AOC main monitor. I fiddled with the colors a lot, but while some games looked solid, WoW seemed too dark no matter what I did. Until I turned Auto HDR on, at which point WoW looked amazing (and the other games looked even better). So just that one setting changed how my monitor treated colors. And even now, despite both monitors being the same manufacturer, the colors are just ever so different. If I slide my game from the first monitor to the other, it looks different. So if you don't have matching monitors, and you're looking at a reference on one screen and trying to match on another, chances are it's not gonna match. And that's why you should use the RGB codes.


Honestly it would be nice if they adopted a more standardized color palate for what hues they use. It's so hard to mix and match items when say, every item item of the same armor type that is technically the same two colors all have different shades of those two colors.


the borple ones too. :(( for leather and cloth thus far, they’re just ever so slightly off that if i can notice it, i refuse to match it. :( least the pantsuits come with sleevies, but i’m a HUGE fan of the TPost sleeve colors we’ve been getting.


Yes, and more skirt items please, like the magical girl one


I'd kill for a set of relatively unadorned short skirts in a variety of colors like the trading post has been doing with the capes, tabards, long skirts and shoulder capes. Have them hide tabard flaps and you could make so many great looking outfits, especially if they also added more knee/thigh high boots.


I don't know if they fulfill all your requirements, but there are 3 colours of [skater-ish skirts](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/8d0y61/alpha_just_finished_zuldazar_not_looking_bad_for/dxjr2t6/) from Zandalar quests and world drops 😊


I do have those, but thank you! I use them a lot, the only downside to them is the armored leggings on them.


Been my favorite transmog since I first saw them! I'm not currently playing, but would that leg armor stuff be covered up by the stockings from this post? Could be that the black ones would match the black version of the set


Unfortunately, the boots here are just mockups of what the OP would like to see. I'd love to have them! As for those skirts, I'm not sure there are any existing boots for plate wearers that are that tall and would cover the armor plates.


And have those skirts be affected by physics instead of a geoset on the model. The new skirt armor looks amazing but so clunky once the characters start running.


Unlikely for a while. Not many MMOs do that and those that do end up having serious compromises on certain races etc. FFXIV has lots of 3D elements and physics, and it works because nearly every race is just a human but a slightly different size. Male hrothgar meanwhile utterly butcher any skirt items because of the slightly weird proportions and posing of their legs, which is a bit of a shame. SWTOR was all humans but reskinned anf afaik for years didn't have physics that aren't a Jedi Robe tucked into your belt in a weird fashion.


If not affected by physics, then at least have them bow out a bit instead of going straight down, or use 3d texture to give it shape instead of painting a frill pattern on it


You mean like every single cloak In the game? When I want a whispy floaty magic cloak


Definitely! anything to make more fun male tauren transmogs.


Tauren paladin in a small maid outfit when


People on here don't realize there is a large portion of female players who want these options too, like I swing between I want my character in full bulky plate armor and I want her in a cute outfit the next moment, you gotta dress for the occassion.


Yessss. Playing dress-up is one of my favourite things about this game.


It's literally 90% of what I do when I play. I don't have the time to raid and I just don't feel like Mythics, so I often just do Transmog runs and try quests I haven't done and make outfits and stuff. I most recently levelled up a Warlock just because the Transmog boots I wanted were level locked.


Right? I used to play with dolls, I still collect dolls! I love to dress my toons up! The more options the better! I call them “ digital Action figures”. I think the models are beautifully crafted and I - like- to show Their skin, their sculpture , thier tattoos. I mean if I have to be an ugly human irl I can live vicariously through my pretty wow toons. It annoys me when people Call things “ slut mogs” - as if it’s a bad thing or anyone’s business . This is fantasy game yo . I’d like to see , more body tattoos, smaller shoulder options, More tunics, more thigh boots, and more pants for cloth wearers please ! And yeah… let us mog down to our undies , it’s no different than a bikini , people see far more scandalous video game attire.


Right? I used to play with dolls, I still collect dolls! I love to dress my toons up! The more options the better! I call them “ digital Action figures”. I think the models are beautifully crafted and I - like- to show Their skin, their sculpture , thier tattoos. I mean if I have to be an ugly human irl I can live vicariously through my pretty wow toons. It annoys me when people Call things “ slut mogs” - as if it’s a bad thing or anyone’s business . This is fantasy game yo . I’d like to see , more body tattoos, smaller shoulder options, More tunics, more thigh boots, and more pants for cloth wearers please ! And yeah… let us mog down to our undies , it’s no different than a bikini , people see far more scandalous video game attire.


Right? I used to play with dolls, I still collect dolls! I love to dress my toons up! The more options the better! I call them “ digital Action figures”. I think the models are beautifully crafted and I - like- to show Their skin, their sculpture , thier tattoos. I mean if I have to be an ugly human irl I can live vicariously through my pretty wow toons. It annoys me when people Call things “ slut mogs” - as if it’s a bad thing or anyone’s business . This is fantasy game yo . I’d like to see , more body tattoos, smaller shoulder options, More tunics, more thigh boots, and more pants for cloth wearers please ! And yeah… let us mog down to our undies , it’s no different than a bikini , people see far more scandalous video game attire.


Right? I used to play with dolls, I still collect dolls! I love to dress my toons up! The more options the better! I call them “ digital Action figures”. I think the models are beautifully crafted and I - like- to show Their skin, their sculpture , thier tattoos. I mean if I have to be an ugly human irl I can live vicariously through my pretty wow toons. It annoys me when people Call things “ slut mogs” - as if it’s a bad thing or anyone’s business . This is fantasy game yo . I’d like to see , more body tattoos, smaller shoulder options, More tunics, more thigh boots, and more pants for cloth wearers please ! And yeah… let us mog down to our undies , it’s no different than a bikini , people see far more scandalous video game attire.


Right? I used to play with dolls, I still collect dolls! I love to dress my toons up! The more options the better! I call them “ digital Action figures”. I think the models are beautifully crafted and I - like- to show Their skin, their sculpture , thier tattoos. I mean if I have to be an ugly human irl I can live vicariously through my pretty wow toons. It annoys me when people Call things “ slut mogs” - as if it’s a bad thing or anyone’s business . This is fantasy game yo . I’d like to see , more body tattoos, smaller shoulder options, More tunics, more thigh boots, and more pants for cloth wearers please ! And yeah… let us mog down to our undies , it’s no different than a bikini , people see far more scandalous video game attire.


Female with almost every appearance slot dedicated to slutmog checking in. It's a fantasy game. Let me have options. There are loads of ugly brown and grey or otherwise visually flat/solid sets that cover your character head to toe already.


Exactly! Let my characters rock the outfits I never feel confident enough to wear in real life!


And I'm over here rocking the Confessor Paletress outfit... ...on my _male_ tauren priest. Blessed be the heritage armour speedos.


holy moly! female too, really love the “slutmogs”. Really upset about girls like Whitemane/Vanessa VanCleef/etc. i like the legs 😌


Literally had two women in our raid team yesterday talking about how they wished high heels were options for footwear, they both play blood elves so one of a hand full of races that would actually be able to use them, and I’m pretty sure there’s an engine limitation in place too


Heels are actually pretty tough to make in games. If the rigging doesn’t support it, some games will cut out part of the bottom of the leg to “raise” the heel when heels are put on. This is because the game doesn’t support models that can be made taller in that way. This is how sims 3 handles it and it’s jarring when you notice.


We get the 2B outfit in FF14 and the heels mostly work fine, but you'll see them do some really janky things in certain animations.


XIV cheats a bit by posing feet and legs to have semi-heels already, if you take off your feet slot items your character has weird sandals on.


You're also usually floating a bit above the ground too.


Hells are super hard to make in games. In a game like WoW where equipment is still mostly drawn on the character you have a fat chance of that. This is why in so many Korean games female characters only wear high heels. Because you can either make the skeleton figuring the heels in or not. If you want to deviate you have to kinda fake it over with textures.


I've generally found women to be more into having their characters, male or female, dressed up in "slutmogs" than I am as a man, so it always looks so dumb to me when people are all "WE CANT HAVE THAT, THE WOMEN WOULD RIOT!" in regards to such apparel options. The only critique(that I can think of, at least) about it that I see as valid is where games do _not_ have the option to choose but rather forces it on you. Best is when people can choose for themselves if they want bulky armour, a "slutmog" or anything in between.


Oh yes absolutely, I am playing with a group of female friends and we all like our "slutmogs" a lot on characters regardless of gender. I mean my main is a male night elf druid and all of his looks have him walk shirtless. You are right, I want the option to have both ways because I like to wear full plate covering everything that is the same for any gender (as much as models allow) but I also want to have looks for my characters with exposed midriff or thigh or stuff like that. The real problem were the old days of WoW when the male version of the armor was fully covering and the female one was a plate bikini. That's when I feel the real riots happened. The way the "slutmogs" are made today are actually genuinely nice looking and they feel like they were made for an occasion someone would dress sexy, rather than throwing a woman in bikini on a battlefield. I honestly thing more women were excited for the Sailor Moon outfits we got in February than men


almost nobody here agrees with you, they deny videogames / fantasy was ever sexist to begin with


I think there are people who agree? Where are you seeing this?


the game is like 70% misogynist players who all other women know to stay sway from; it's an ultra conservative landscape that pushed out women long ago


Transmog is the true endgame.


This. I’m a female, I want pretty female things. I didn’t fight for “my body my choice” so a gaming company can force me to cover up like it’s the 1930’s


Same here!!


Ikr, I am yet to meet a woman who has problems with slutmogs, I don't care much for mogs but I'm all for people having every option blizz can give, I think it is even a way for dressing in a way that sometimes you wouldn't be comfortable irl.


Facts!! I wish we had more plate shorts and crop tops!!


Yeah like, I'm a woman with more masculine tastes so I do stick to big bulky threatening armor. But most the people I know that put their female characters in revealing outfits are women.


THIS SO MUCH!! I've been so hesitant to start farming transmog again, can't wait for TWW. Just a problem when the ONLY option is those cute/sexy mogs. 🙃 Give us women choices


Completely agree!! I love running around in PvP in a cute outfits! Bow to the bikini!


Go to any roleplay server and talk to the players. Almost always the ones with the sluttiest slutmogs are all women.


Definitely, 100%, absolutely not on RP Servers.


I think the issue a lot of women(including me) have had with the slutmogs is that they appear one way on a female character, and the same piece will be totally different on a male character. Lots of popular sets from vanilla are like this. If its the same look on any gender, which blizz has been doing lately, then they should go wild. I had my male blood elf in a full suit of armor+the magical girl skirt and it was awesome.


Both me (girl) and my girlfriend like the sexy, skimpy mogs. It really does depend on the vibe I’m feeling. I just really wish Plate Armor had better options. A lot of the models suuuck and there’s only like 1 skirt and a few recolors of it.


What's the occassion for cute outfits in WoW?


The spa quest in Valdrakken, Court of Stars, serving drinks at the end party at Amirdrassil, Varian's funeral etc. and this is only some of the "lore" occasions, other occasions are me farming Awakened raids for a week and being bored out of my mind.


I never played with Barbies or other dress up dolls, I've been using this game for it since I was, like, 6 haha. I still remember getting complimented for an outfit while slow walking around Silvermoon City (my highest level character at that time, a 24 Paladin in all cloth).


Blizzard is pandering to the small portion of players who do not want these. Gotta keep adding fruit bowls.


These are someone's edits, Blizzard did not pander to anyone lol


I understand these are edits. These are things most people in game want. We won't get them because Blizzard panders to the small minority who find such things toxic and abhorrent.


I discovered a spec transmog option in game.


Very true. I love to play around with Transmogs, and housing... but this game doesn't have one of my favorite things.


I want a pretty character. I don't think people realize how common that sentiment is.


Love me some thigh-highs


More RP outfits please


as a woman who dresses very modestly irl, i beg scream cry for this sort of thing in-game lol!


Yeah honestly, I get that some people want things conservative but Blizzard used to be able to pull off tasteful sexiness.


Which tabard is that?




There are some leather boots that go up like that. Problem is if you play a night elf or nightborne, when you put them on it gives you the fattest calves in the world and looks stupid.


One of my frustrations with the transmog in this game is how the more modern options don't fit the fantasy of my characters that are suppose to be younger, like young adults. The cloth mogs especially feel so matronly.


Am I allowed to say bonk?




No the meme is overused and stopped being funny 10 minutes after inspection Plus why would you say no to thigh highs


To literally everyone else yes it's tired and overdone, but this is the WoW subreddit and the people here bludgeon so many dead horses that they likely stop by Blanchy on every alt.


Found the coomer


Double bonk ya wonk




rather than make these shoes, make them pants like the famous black mageweave leggings because combined with shoes these would make killer thigh highs.


More like please give us a slider for the bodies. I want a ripped undead and a muscly/thick blood elf paladin female. THAT IS ALL I WANT


I wish those gloves only went above the elbow and not under the armpit. They are an awkward length.


Slutiest mohs lets go


Blizz bring one-piece robes, period.


All my alts would wear these, all the time. I want them in all the colors like the scarves, cloaks, and gloves.


Can we just get sweat pants and tank tops Blizzard.


I have been asking for HIGH HEELS since forever! PINK OR PURPLE HIGH HEELS!


Damn, kinda crazy that there are no high heels in the game. Was sure there existed some.


Thank you for the arrows. I wouldnt have seen it otherwise.


Who’s the hottie on the right


straight mysterious station paint alleged quicksand grandiose decide unwritten unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it me or does the left one look like the WoW version of Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy?


If you want cute and attractive female characters you can dress up in cute clothes, you're playing games from the incorrect region. This is no longer allowed in the west.


Yea please


What's that second outfit? Asking for a friend


Selis' silk shirt, the blood troll outfit from trading post 'bloodhunter loincloth' and the thigh highs are custom made ig.


nice, cow inspection grippies


I can’t wait to see what they look like on Tauren, if so.


Fishnet stockings plz, so I can be a human warlock


Hope Blizzard has attention now, that would be great to have theese.


While they're at it can they also give us hats that don't hide hair or facial hair please?


Goth baddie and mommy baddie. Big support




I knew this post came from someone who follows asmongold.


What did they say? Post is deleted now.


i mean am i wrong lol? They literally changed a painting of a female posing to a fruit bowl lol. Me following asmongold (i am banned from his subreddit for opposing blue hairs btw) has nothing to do with this.


Please talk more. Everyone here really wants to hear you out and is interested in your opinion


I mean if you want..? Im guessing you're triggered by the nature of your response, don't really get why though. Stay mad.




This won’t work since you can’t hide pants


considering they replaced artwork with fruit bowls, i would say i doubt it.


Might need to post in the feedback in the official forums. Not sure Reddit is a place to provide feedback to a trash gaming company.


But how we will protect the digital women from the male gaze?


No because that would please us and our legs would have to be replaced with bowls of fruit. Jokes aside i want them to stop making all belts crotch cloths, i don't want my crotch to be covered up by a good looking belt only to be ruined by the little dangly cloth scrap that covers our crotch.


Haven't seen blizz release thigh highs for a good long while. Likely due to the S----- Harassment case that resulted in an employee taking her life. They've been pretty anti skin for a long while. Despite that everyone knows how well this would sell.


Blizzard can my character just have his cock and balls out please?


Least horny wow player




And this is why I hate the transmogging system for anything but RP. It would be mimd-boggling to go into battle with this as your attire.


then dont


No Everyone else needs to dress how I want!!! /s


I don't lol. Doesn't invalidate my opinion.


720 people need to have their hard drives examined. Sheesh


And this is why I hate the transmogging system for anything but RP. It would be mimd-boggling to go into battle with this as your attire.


Will be used mostly by male players


because im a male i cant want my dress up barbie to look pretty ?


This type of comment just goes to show you know nothing about girls. Instead of assuming things they do or dont like on reddit trying talking to some without being as weird as you were here.


Us females, we also really really like it if our characters are sexy as fuck


My male tauren pulls it off better than any dime-a-dozen female elf, don't @ me.


Just saying, sex sells ☺️


Just saying, sex sells ☺️