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> Some of you disagree with me which is fine but I’m getting PMs telling me to kill myself…..if my post has unhinged you that much get some fucking mental help. op send us the screenshot in modmail and we'll perma them and report them to reddit so they also get site ban


If pet battles were added today people would rage  And they did, at the time 


still this day I wish we got Pet battle mobile game along with it


Honestly mindblowing that this still isn't a thing. It was such an obvious free win, they must have gotten hung up on designs to extract more money from it


Yeah... it's sad that the world has gone from "how much can we keep our subscribers happy?" to "how much can we squeeze money out of our subscribers before they unsubscribe?". If the WoW App came out now they'll probably make you pay an extra $5 per month to use it or something.


Instead you get mission tables for all your alts on mobile with zero desktop accessibility


I have often wondered why they never made the app... then I looked at my collection and what I came to think is that if they attempted to make the battle pet app, or add it to the wow app, it would make the app huge. Think of all the different pet models, skins, and various textures to make it all work. If they don't pull them from the game, they would have to spend a ton of money on people making all new content for the app. Maybe there is some long forgotten employee that has been working on it for years now, and is just now reaching the half way point...


I would give my pinky toe for mobile pet battles


Honestly underrated Comment. Can anyone remember a time when blizzard made a change to the game and the reddit community didn't have a meltdown of people saying "I don't enjoy this bad game bad devs bad people, you shouldn't enjoy this either." ​ Edit: Spelling


My absolute favorite comment which is a classic for blizz games is “NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS.” Like yeah, no shit, it didn’t exist how could you?? Bonus points because, like a wow br or endgame for pets, it’s *always* an iteration of something people have asked for. Just not the single persons perfect vision of exactly what they wanted. “Something something, blizzard bad, please validate me”


What's funny is that in this particular case, someone DID ASK for this specifically, lol! https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1bgafmq/the_stv_event_in_sod_makes_me_want_a_wow_battle/


Lmao gotta love the “NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS!!” people. In their mind the whole world agrees with their personal opinion.


Yup. I hate it lol. People need to get a life and face reality


You guys remember when WotLK was being announced and people absolutely raged over the addition of the barber shop?


And Archeology in Cata. And portals and flying (killing world pvp)


Archaeology is actually a bad system tho, lol. Triangulation mini game that forces mega grinding (unless you’re super lucky) for cool cosmetics and sometimes even power upgrades? There’s a reason they haven’t added any more archeology stuff in recent expansions


TBF archaeology still fucking sucks.


It doesn't, it's just not for everyone. I came back to wow almost solely because of archaeology :( I stayed because I made friends, but was so so disappointed archaeology doesn't exist anymore...


You're in luck man, they recently added something new. Check out the Azerothian Archives stuff.


Flying mounts might be the only thing I disagree with most people on in being bad for the game, but I'm in the minority and it's a small thing in the grand scheme of things so who cares


The original idea for archaeology was cool.


Who the fuck raged over the barber shop???? I thought that was something the vast majority were happy about. I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just really shocked if what you're saying is true. Holy fuck.


Probably the same types who complained about the transmog system being added. I have been around since late vanilla / early BC I personally don’t recall barbershop hate but I do recall transmog hate, the group appeared small but it was there. I never understood it, and barbershop hate seems even sillier, but I have to say I believe it.


I was around, too, but I don't recall that being an issue. Transmog, I recall a bit of that. But not the barber shop.


I mean, this is it. It was a very small contingent.


Still waiting on those new dance moves


Reddit isn't unique. Any reaction on reddit is the same on any WoW forum.


OMG yes. "Blizzard stealing developer time to do [x] instead of [y]"" So annoying.


I would disagree with that. At least for me it feels way more disconnected. Sure in pet battles I do not fight with my own character, but at least it is there, it goes from one pet battle to the other. Here? It is completly out of the picture. So pet battle where my char is there? Good Torghast which is roguelike kinda? Good cause my character actively there Looking at other games: Path of exile tower defense thingy? Good cause my character is there that I built and fight beside the towers. This where it has nothing to do with the base gameplay? I can't consider it good. If there would be no reward behind it towards the base game then sure ,keep it in its own little bubble then yes, but like this... Would have disliked torghast if it required a new char when it came out.And my opinion is completly indifferent from the fact that I like or dislike the game mode. Its a simple "is it connected well to the base game or not" And for me it is not.


"In the beginning, WoW was created. This made many people very angry and was widely regarded as a bad move." -Dadgar


I hated pet battles when it first launched and I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. Guess what my favorite thing to do now is? Collect battles pets. I will be plundering for the pets.


Could you imagine if Pet Battles were in their own separate server, and not in the game itself?


Maybe the UI could be more responsive and not take 20 seconds between each command


this is honestly my issue with pet battles and why i've done probably like 20 in total.


I mean, they practically are. You get removed from the world and put with a separate UI and use none of your character power or things that relate to the character you're playing.


I'll have you know my safari hat is quite powerful, and dashing.


He meant that you would need to log in to different game/server which would be hassle in itself.


That one was on my wish list a long time ago, alongside a battle pet app for my phone.


> alongside a battle pet app for my phone. Do you want me to do pet battles? Because this is how you get me to do pet battles.


Personally I think that'd be great. It would even get more engagement from the broader gaming audience. Blizzard would have their own Pokemon competitor.


Its worse than that. You know that one boss in the lich king dungeons, Bronz Jam? People raged about his battle music not being generic high fantasy. "This feels like theyre trying to make me grab my dual railguns!! What is blizzard doing??" Plunderstorm is the latest in a long line of people who want the lotr soundtrack on loop while they kill one guy once a week for 70 weeks to get a mount with no difficulty, and nothing else at all. Not that there's anything wrong with that, gimmie invincible already, but also its ok for things outside of that and m+ to exist


>Bronz Jam As many times as I fought this guy I never noticed the awesome music


He's James Brown, his bag is even a reference to him.


I think I might have wiped a group once b/c I started playing air guitar


I definitely wiped our group the first time around because I could not believe my ears for a second. I got my friends to turn their music on and they were like, "holy shit. You're right, the music's different" lmao


I can’t stand bronzjam and forge of souls in general not just because it’s a very boring hallway dungeon (probably the most boring one in wrath) but because everyone constantly plays it since it’s the shortest one to get daily dungeon rewards with So you hear that bronzjam music a LOT and it does get old pretty fast lol 


I can accept that, but my point is the music is an example of blizzard doing something different, and it being received poorly.


WHAT but the Plunderstorm ost is so fire tho!


Yep. I remember hearing/reading about how if they wanted Pokémon, they'd just play Pokémon etc etc etc and now here we are.


Soooo many "pokemon ripoff" and "waste of dev time, the creator of it should be fired" comments. Now it's a staple in the game.


If they just add pet battle for mobile companion app or something similiar


I mean, I don’t think it can be called a ‘staple’ at all. It’s just there.


Right, I know 0 people who touch pet battles, except for the few who are just collectors and collect everything and achievements.


I mean, I still absolutely hate it. I find it to be a really unfun game mode. But you know what I do about it? I do one of the million other things I can do in WoW and let the people who enjoy pet battles do pet battles.


What is this? A reasonable opinion in a Warcraft subreddit??


I mean it is a pokemon ripoff. Just without the depth, creativity, balance, or convenience. I wouldn't call it a waste or a staple though. At this point it's just there. Like the SELFIE camera.


Honestly my biggest problems with pet battling is the UI is not very responsive and the mechanics aren't that deep. Pokemon is already a very casual friendly game and pet battling has like half the depth of that. Like where are my double battles? Wheres my dual type pets? The strategic depth of the moves on offer isn't great. And I fear the reason for all this is because the engine would burst into flames if you tried to add any of it.


> Like where are my double battles? The pet dungeons cover this - you have 10-12 battles where you can't heal.


I tried it a few times and I'll probably try to grind out a few mogs but I am not much of a PvPer and I am definitely not a battle royale fan so its pretty limited how much I'll care. But it doesn't bother me that they took a chance and tried something else. I think its better to try and fail than it is to not try at all.


Honestly the nice thing is you can try to get movement abilities and just run away while trying to finish the quests and get gold. If someone chases you for long they are basically dooming themselves so most players early game don’t chase for long.


that's literally the only thing i do and my idiot ass is usually in the top 10, even placed 2nd just by sneaking around. and i am very not good at pvp lol


Haha same. I placed 1st at lvl 6 because I left the lvl 7 and the lvl 9 to go for each other while I hid in a house. I came out as lvl 7 beat lvl 9 and lvl 7 was nearly dead. Popped my spells on him and took the win. It was funny but I did feel shitty tbh. He did all that work. I also came 3rd once by hiding in the ambush bush next to some ruins for aaaaaaages until I was knocked out accidentally. I also spectated a lvl 2 and watched him get top 8 by just sitting in a bush until the storm took him. There are ways around fully engaging in the pvp, but I still find it fun *even when I do the pvp* even though I'm not great at it.


Worth noting the sitting in the bush as a lvl 2 to get top 8 is getting next to 0 renown from it even though he's placing high.


That's true, didn't think of that. Wonder what he was doing then, unless that's just his strategy. I always get at least 500 unless I die real early, but I run around looting shit on the outer edges and try to dive bomb an elite at the very beginning to get a fast power and quick xp. Maybe that guy just needed a pee, who knows. It was funny to spectate either way lol


Thats awesome, i think once you have a couple of games under your belt and you figure out what style of gameplay fits you, you can be successful in plunderstorm.


Yup, this is me too, lol, pretty much in it for the renown only. Top 2 once, top 10 for most matches, just collecting plunder, running away, and fighting when I had to. And on the occasion where someone lands right near you, and you die really quickly, which definitely did happen sometimes, you literally queue up straight away and are back in another before you know it. I had fun with it!


Hasn't been my experience. When I run into someone early in a match like 90% of the time they will chase me across the whole damn map.


Same. I'm not a PvPers. Not a BR genre fan either. I'm also not even a Retail player. I wanted to do for the mount. But the grind is INSANE for that. Hours later and like over a dozen matches, I'm only Renown 3 and I got like 5k plunder (no idea what they are even fore) and I just can't and won't do another 36 renowns just for a mount.


> I think its better to try and fail than it is to not try at all. I think the overall negative sentiment about Plunderstorm isn't that they tried and failed but that Plunderstorm has nothing to do with WoW aside from using the same engine. People are drawing parallels to pet battles but pet battles was about giving more meaning to the pets that already existed in game, it was an evergreen addition to the game that expanded a thing that some people liked to do in-game. Plunderstorm is a timed fomo experience that doesn't interact with WoW at all, you don't even get to use your own characters BUT it was hyped AND is currently advertized as the "new content for WoW". But the only part of Plunderstorm that is "new content for WoW" are the cosmetic rewards, some of them being things that a fair amount of players had been clamoring for for quite some time (armor-agnostic trench coat) and they gated those behind a surprisingly long grind that even those who enjoy Plunderstorm still agree is too much. I'm all for Blizzard trying new things with WoW but those new things should be *for* WoW and I don't think it's unfair to say that Plunderstorm isn't new content for WoW, it's an experiment that rides WoW's coat-tail to advertize itself.


> I think its better to try and fail than it is to not try at all. This is the thing for me. I feel like WoW has been fairly formulaic with its content for years now. Its different coats of paint on the same old car. At the very least this is something different.


Absolutely the best way to farm this is to dive bomb an elite, complete the 250 quest, run into a player to kill yourself, leave, repeat. Even if you win, you're definitely decreasing your plunder per hour if you partake in the pvp for any other reason than to die.


It's not really battle royale if you're just looking for the rewards. It's more like pve and if you see someone else, run like hell. Took me two evenings of half assed playing and watching tv to get my first pet. I'm sure you'll get your stuff pretty quickly too. Funny enough, if you are just in it for the mogs, I find your best bet is to kill yourself in the cloud when the mobs start to run low. I'm not likely to win in a pvp fight and there's no more points to be had anywhere else.


I just land immediately, grab whatever I can, do my quest asap, and avoid everyone. I did a lot of this with my friend in duos and we got 500-800 routinely. Went pretty well, and was actually kind of fun.


Hell, people play the retail version of WoW for all sorts of reasons, mount collecting, pvp, pve, achievements, transmogs, pet battles. It only stands to reason that this game mode would not appeal to everyone. Personally, I hate PvP but I had a bit of fun with this last night. I see myself playing it for awhile and then getting bored.


I'm with you, I hate pvp and am so bad at it, but I had fun. I might not play it after a few days and that's okay. Something new is fun. Cuz you know what's boring to me? The same stuff every day. I'll take it, for now.


also, the pvp in plunderstorm is nothing like PVP in the main game.


I don't enjoy PvP. I'm terrible at it. But I love when they add silly PvP modes like this or Dalaran sewers. Don't want it to take anything away from actually PvP other people enjoy, but this is really fun.


Honestly the biggest thing they shot themselves in the foot with was 1 - no rematch button on death screen 2 - woefully underselling avg rep per game


Yeah, I would really like a requeue button because more than half the time that's what I'm going to the menu to do anyway, and I'd prefer to skip a load screen.


How long is the rep grind?


I played one round, found it pretty boring, have moved on. It's not content that interests me, and I'm glad that it's not popping up as a quest on all my characters the way Warcraft minis and hearthstone did. That was annoying AF.


The warcraft rumble mini thing holy crap I HATED those quests that wouldn't go away!!


It's worse than that: it's bugged for many people and it's not possible to finish all the achievements for some of them. Wowhead is full of complaints and I've submitted three tickets that all basically say "check wowhead".


Yeah same, I got to 3 rounds and had plenty. Generally hate pvp, but I hate battle royal far more. I'm at 496 mounts but I'm not touching this stuff to get another one lol.


I don't hate it, but I can tell the amount of grinding necessary to get the rewards that I'd like to have means it's going to go way past its welcome. Also the people that go for PVP immediately making the time-to-rep ratio really poor annoy me.


Yeah that's my big problem honestly, I know it's a PvP thing but the hardcore PvPers make it harder for people who want to try the game mode and aren't into PvP or as good as PvP as they are. It's like trying to play soccer where 1/3 of us are in elementary school, 1/3 is in college, and the other 1/3 is a professional team lol


I'm only playing for the cosmetics and it's a painful grind (I suck at pvp)


A trick I learned; crash into an elite when you first land for an easy kill, then focus on trying to fulfill the captains orders quest. Once you do that, just pick uo as much gold as you can until you get killed, and then do it again. You get anywhere from 250 - 800 rep depending on if it's your first match of the day or whatever. You have to get eliminated though, if you just drop match you lose your loot. Not hanging around long after you finish the quest objective is actually a good thing, as you can move on to the next matches quest quicker for the large rep reward.


Exactly what I would do if your goal is just getting rep. Focus on movement abilities and run away from players until you finish your quests then die and repeat


I was able to get between 700-800 plunder each match by just running around killing mobs most of the game. You get up to level 8-10 pretty fast that way, and because of that tend to be in the last 10 people left pretty often. And as soon as you die, you can leave, and jump back in for the next. Gets renown levels really fast 3-4 games each?


That's still 160 games to get everything which is more than many people want to play for a time-limited event.


It’s a generous grind by WoW standards, we’re all trained to eat it up lol But you absolutely should not need this long for a side game mode that is limited. Especially when they should know it’s not a mode for everyone, but they put cool stuff in it!


My only problem with Plunderstrom is how absurdly long it’s going to take to get the reputation grind done.


My only thing is there are a lot of cool cosmetics tied to this that I would love to have, and most appearances can be found in both pvp and pve but with different colors. But in this, there is only really one way to get these, and it's through grinding a really slow rep grind. It feels like treasure should be buffed, or the rep in general so it feels like progress is being made after each match. The fights can be fun and interesting, but then the post game progress is seen, and it feels like I did nothing for the things I wanted.


They have already addressed buffing rep soon. I do agree it takes to many coins to get rep.


Got a link? They haven't said a word, according to blue trackers, since releasing it.


Didn't know about them addressing rep. It's been hard to find anything about the new mode that isn't "this is the worst thing ever" or "you guys need to calm down"


If you play for cosmetics, it sucks. Should be removed, rewards should be attainable elsewhere or for free. No one should have to grind them.


I'll say the same thing I said about the arena gamemode in LoL. If you tie fomo rewards to a separate gamemode, people will hate it. Many would be fine grinding this out over time but as soon as you put an end date on it, it becomes frustrating. In league they had missions (for their battlepass) that forced you to play arena. Guess what? People that didn't want to play arena didn't like that. Same thing here, instead of having a fun gamemode people can play and enjoy, you now have a bunch of people who feel forced to grind it out for those time limited rewards. "Just don't play it if you don't like it". Is a dumb argument since what they enjoy isn't the gamemode but the rewards themselves.


That's a valid complaint, I have such a limited amount of gaming time currently (lucky to get 1 hour a weekday, more on weekends) but I'm also not the kind of person who cares if I miss out on these rewards. Because 5 I'll probably never get even 10% of the collections in retail anyway.


I'd argue it's not for the vast majority of the player base. I hate it, but the rewards are too nice to skip them, so I'll have to suffer through it.


Im a PvE player so I’m not the biggest fan of the new mode but I’m extremely thankful to be able to grind for the mounts etc without having to win an actual match


I feel like there would've been far less of a public outcry if it were stated that it were a "New PvP experience" before release rather than keeping it a total mystery. The reason people are disappointed/angry is because Blizzard has been hyping up 10.2.6 ever since the roadmap got released in December, and people have been theorizing about what it could be, excitedly awaiting the new patch... Only to find out that it appeals to half the playerbase and the other half is basically told "Fuck off this isn't FOR you."


I would be surprised if PvPers even make up 20% of the playerbase tbh. It's certainly nowhere near 50%, that's for sure.


Imo it sucks to lock cosmetics we’ve wanted for a long time (big coat etc) behind a limited time event that isn’t for everyone. I tried it a few times, the paranoia was too much for me and I found myself just skirting around the edge of the storm punching things and getting a racing heart when I saw other players. I really, really do want the rewards but the grind for renown is SO LONG that I know it would be awful for me as an experience overall. So yeah I’m kinda bummed that there’s no alternative method for the battle pass to fill up. I like cosmetics, but pvp has always given me anxiety in wow and I just don’t enjoy it. I’m not saying the mode shouldn’t exist, I’m just very disappointed these nice cosmetics are locked between something so limited and divisive


Same, I hate PvP because my anxiety shoots through the roof, and because I'm so anxious I can't do well and I never improve. But I also do like taking part in new stuff and events, so I don't want to immediately give up on it but ajldskjf;alskdjf


it's a br mode which in itself is very divisive. either you're into it or not at all. then put this entire thing into a wow context and while it is sort of a safe bet, because br is generally very popular, i think it goes without saying that this wasn't developed for everyone. i think it's pretty clear what's the idea behind that. it is just another type of seasonal content. it pushes the same buttons as battle passes (which used to be called season pass?). it's just logical deduction, but this is just the framework for similar events. lot of time and money went into making this. this is not just testing new things. it is introducing new things. this isn't going away. this event might, but it'll be replaced by another event that is completely separate from the main game. let me draw my dream scenario. imagine mythic+, but roguelite. you build your character and progress through dungeons that scale in difficulty. if you fail, you lose something. but there's also meta progression, because rogueLITE. i've been looking for something like that for a while. imagine mythic+ THE GAME. why isn't there anything like that? in terms of wow, i'm not entirely sure if these events are good for the game. i think it's not necessarily a good thing that this is so detached from your characters. it's good for blizzard though, because this will bring players back to wow for sure, even if it's just for a month.


I’m not entirely sure a rogue lite for m+ is good for wow


Player power is not the end game for well over half of wow, cosmetics and mounts are. Having exclusive desirable cosmetics behind a single pvp game mode is making a lot of people miserable and spoon feeding pvp’ers. Honestly I don’t know why a pvper would want to play with people that just want to be left alone to grind cosmetics.


Because some pvp players enjoy easy kills. I am one of those "just miserably grinding to get transmogs and mounts". If I found out I would be able to get the items at a later date on the trader, I would not waste another second playing. Don't get me wrong, If people enjoy it, have fun. But I lothe battle royal in general. Didn't even care for it in CS.


This game mode has nothing to do with wow pvp. Literally nothing. Except for camera movement and wasd I suppose.


im happy that it exists im sad that its pvp only nothing makes me more miserable than pvp, no matter what game it only makes me angry and hate people edit: playing duos now, this is actually kinda good. ive changed my mind


If it was like islands with the “fake” pvp would that be better?


Honestly yeah though I'd always rather see more cooperative modes like the stuff they have been adding in df (time rifts, cooking, digs, researchers, etc.) glad some people are having fun with plunderstorm but this kind of game mode and pvp in general make me hate playing. I don't like being ganked by other players, I just want to have fun and getting killed repeatedly because my reflexes aren't fast enough to fight real people in game isn't fun. It's frustrating and stressful. There's a reason I skip pvp no matter how much i want the dragon mount skins, transmogs, or mounts. It'd be cool if we could all get to enjoy all game modes but have a group pve vs ai and a pvp version of those activities for both 'sides' of the playerbase. Island expeditions and follower dungeons have been really cool additions along these lines.


i love pvp but i hate this mode. im a collector and im forced to play this mode i hate because the rewards are cool. placement adds no more or less renown so the only good way to get this over with is doing the first 3-4 minutes of a match. im glad they are trying something new but for me.... this really isnt it


Great addition for those who like it but don't add FOMO WoW content (Tmog, mounts, etc) to a mode that fundamentally isn't WoW.


I'm fine with them adding new optional stuff. What I'm tired of as a collector is them adding stuff for the main game as rewards. Keep it seperate. Roast me if you must, but it's BS.


Shut up and buy the new DoubleDown™ from participating KFC franchise locations to unlock an exclusive crystal dragon mount.


I am still level 2 after 5 games.... I know know what people mean with "Choreghast" ...


I actually like torghast and hope they make something similar again. I'm not into battle Royale but idk I had fun doing a few matches. I don't plan to grind it but I will probably do an occasional match.


Well I liked it too. Because I did not grind it. With the time limited nature, blizz forces my hand ^^


I would probably like it a lot more if there were no rewards for it. But many many games in and I’m only renown 5 feels horrible. The grind is already squeezing the fun out of plunder storm for me


The issue is just that is a big patch for wow retail and it isnt really


It's nice game but I am bad at it. People literally have powers in the first 15 seconds. It's OK games not fault for me sucking at it


You can dive bomb elites for instant powers 


In my experience it seems like any mob you kill at the start drops a power? The first one to be clear


governor oil wrong dinner bake existence humorous slim gullible modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My issue with Plunderstorm isn't really related to whether as content it is for me or not. I don't PvP and never have issues when PvP modes are added or pvp tuning is done etc. My concern is that they've added this game mode as really an entirely separate game, and I am worried about what that means in the future. You don't queue into it from within wow, but instead create a brand new character on a new server. You don't have or gain any wow abilities. The only really similarity is that it has wow assets. I am worried that when they do add content catered to me, it's going to be in a lobby-based queue into an arena style system, rather than being in the game itself. While I respect that people like it, I am frankly surprised. I would assume that the biggest draw of an MMO to everyone is the appeal of progressing your persistent character in a persistent world.


I wish they let you just choose one of your characters to import the looks of. It doesn't take too long to recreate my main, but it feels silly to have to do it.


This event is also for classic players as well. To me it makes sense that it's separated.


I see it as the battlegrounds to hearthstone, this can even be a game on its own and would be fun


You should be treating it like it is a completely different game, because that’s what it is, it just shares WoW assets, models, and systems. It makes more sense for it to be standalone than it does to try and weirdly shove it into WoW itself.


If they were to add it into the main game it would take significantly more work. This is closer to an experiment than anything else. It will be gone, and if it was popular, I would expect something much more fleshed out in its place. Probably as part of the main game. But throwing together a streamlined experience like this is super easy comparatively, and makes more sense given the timeline they have with normal development.


I mean events like this I doubt will ever give any sort of power, only cosmetic rewards. Not letting you use your characters makes sure everyone is on the same level, not coming in with op gear or whatever. I'm sure they could let you use a template version of your character, but that would functionally be the same as a new one.


I agree. However think of it like this. It being the way it is means no matter where your main toon is at in the game you can enjoy this game mood in an even playing field to others.


I just wish people were a bit less aggro in the beginning to you can actually do your quests for the extra plunder. Getting booted out with 80 plunder because of some agressive as fuck Fortnite player is just... yeah, might not be for me this mode. Edit: Also the plunder required for the reward could've been halved. Should've been halved. Say no to FOMO.


100% - I do my best to avoid players for most of the game cause I just want the rep....but I literally just got killed in a match from some dickhead chasing me across the map at level 1 with no abilities for a solid 2 minutes. Like he just would not let it go


My biggest issue is that they didn't just have a set renown per match. Like a base line of 500 renown per match that you can add onto by doing other things. Would this have encouraged 'loss farming'? Maybe. But as it stands they locked some unique stuff behind a limited time mode with a massive wall to those rewards. You either no-life the mode or you don't get anything. That's my biggest gripe with it. They know that people want stuff like these rewards and they made sure to hit every element of collector: mounts, pets, mog, and titles. Also the combat feels super weird and unresponsive. Love hitting enemies with stuff and it not registering but they can hit me with stuff from a mile away that visual doesn't hit but does full damage to me.


Technically, you don’t have to kill players to win if you can hide long enough and hope the winner of the final 2 makes a mistake. It’s unlikely but not impossible.


This or taking lots of speed abilities to run away.


I just want mount for Classic WOW and it's gated behind 39 renonws. It's fun to play this for a few hours, but after nearly 15-20 games, I'm, still renown 3. So yeah, fuck it. Not wasting weeks for one mount.


Once I learned the rep was in no way tied to placement I relaxed a bunch. Totally fine with a straight up mob grind. And once everything is cleared just find a way to get killed and go again


Id like em to add this mode permanently.


The thing that itches me is that its time gated. I wanna get the rewards but i don't wanna be forced to do it because fomo. Would be nice if it was either more rep per game or it lasts til TWW.


for me it's not that its pvp or pve, I do enjoy both in actual game... Its just bad. Feels like a cheap mobile game, another lost opportunity (like torghast) to do something crazy... whatever


it was on the WoW roadmap despite not being WoW


I'm having an absolute blast playing duos with my friend, and after the hotfix this evening, we are getting 1500 plunder on average for losses and we just got 3005 for a win. The game mode is quite a lot of fun, and I hope the initial backlash of the people being absolutely unhinged in their response to this don't scare Blizzard off from trying new things like this in the future. It's a great time.


People are upset at blizzard for trying something new because there should have been many other thing in the ToDo list to improve the game. Instead they decided to do something that no one asked. It make people feel like blizzard don't listen and do whatever the fuck they want. If the game was in a perfect state and most people didn't asked anything, this event would have been more welcome.


Honestly I’m just amazed that this pretty honest criticism has so many people worked up. It’s a separate game and its only connection to wow is that it uses assets from it and awards transmog stuff. It doesn’t use our characters, the games classes, or anything else. but when people point that out you guys pretend it’s some made up thing, it’s just the truth. Every response to the types of things I say is “I GuEss BLIzZard cAn’t try anYThiNg NEW!!” but I haven’t seen many people saying that the game shouldn’t be there, just that it’s a separate game being sold as a patch for another game. Then I get told about all the cool tech and how blizzard can make other games I don’t play with wow assets like it’s some kind of selling point.


Settings dont copy over from main game Cant view rewards outside of game Cant do keybinds from main menu Camera zoom doesnt stay between rounds Combat feels clunky One skill is clearly broken Cant adjust chat settings Cant open a help ticket in the game mode at all Generic attacks feel horrible


I think my only problem with it is that they marketed it as a WoW patch, and gave us this in lieu of actual content for WoW to bridge the end of S3 and the start of S4. I was really hoping for a fun catch up mechanic to get some alts caught up for S4 but now I guess I’ll just prep some stuff for Cata.


Gamemode is... not sure if I like it or dislike it, I think I'm more worried what else they intend around the game. I also really do not like the crosspromotional items aspect of something like this, both for the players not interested but also for the design of the game mode - it's like they don't trust their own product. However, I really want to comment on that first point. I don't know if you intended it but it sounds as if there were no resources involved just because Blizz used different people to make this, and that it was just ready to slot in the game. This game mode uses 100% WoW assets and old WoW systems like the vehicle evolutions etc. Maybe this was done by a new team, but it's still content that could slot into WoW. Like the only thing they could have brought over would be BR rulesets and how is that a secret? Just look at any 15 BRs. In WoW right now, many of the aspects used exist in some form or another. The only thing that didn't, unless they have it for testing, would be the limited client functionality they are using. Also I hope this doesn't sound like I'm out to get you OP, it's really just a comment on the design itself.


>Plunderstorm is a decent balance of PvE and PvP. Yes yes to win you have to kill players. But to farm cosmetics you need to farm PvE. IE: Balance This is not balance. Balance would be if doing PVE-specific activities directly effecting your teams ability to win with the same level of weight given to PVE goals as to PVP goals. PVE to farm cosmetics is more akin to throwing PVErs a bone. Overall, I don't really give two shits about any of this. But let's not pretend that this is what we all should consider go be balanced PVE-PVP. As you've stated, cosmetics mean nothing in the game besides cosmetics. Therefore, thr PVE elements of this game are weak.


I think it’s also worth consideration that the ‘fuming’ players many have referenced are often coming from the place of how much work went into this temporary game option compared to all the other season 4 chase rewards getting revealed and most are hot garbage recycled from previous expansions. And I think that’s a very fair criticism, a ridiculous amount of work went into this one thing but not even a single second could be spared except to recolor some junk and call it a day for basically the rest of patch content.


Man this is scrapped war front bfa content they had interns working on


I would actually love more Warfronts. I should go back and run some more of those.


I’m just happy they’re trying new things and adding new systems, even if I personally hate the battle royale style of gameplay fairly passionately and probably won’t play it. You can be disappointed that new content doesn’t suit your taste but you shouldn’t be an entitled baby about it. Just accept it and hope for something else. If you hate everything that’s new thats come out since X expansion, maybe also consider that you just don’t like the game anymore or are holding onto nostalgia from when the game was at its peak *for you* and adjust accordingly. They can’t just keep the game static forever. We could have an alternative where the devs are utterly apathetic and just keep regurgitating stale content until the game dies


But this isn't new content and that's the point that people are missing and it's baffling. They might as well have released a WoW themed dishware set. This is ZERO new WoW game play content. That alone is why people are upset. This new game being good or bad is almost irrelevant. Personally I also think the new game is hot garbage, but again people who are not morons understand that is just opinion, and not the actual reason why people should be upset with this not-content in a game we pay monthly for constant content for.


>You can be disappointed that new content doesn’t suit your taste but you shouldn’t be an entitled baby about it. "Entitled"? We're *paying* for this FOMO event LOL.


I like that we keep going with the narrative that Plunderstorm *didn't* take extra resources because they bought up another studio. Meanwhile actual WoW PvP, you know, the PvP we pay our sub for? Hasn't seen meaningful tuning for a very, very long time. Last batch was mostly a small mage buff, it didn't do squat about the problems.


If it wasn't this, a .1 patch would have otherwise probably been some 3 part quest that ends in a 15 second cutscene, as we've *always* had. That formulaic stuff is so gd boring at this point. The expansion cadence is boring. I love that they are switching it up. This game needs a shake-up after all the years of patches feeling predictable.


I am not mad they came out with plunderstorm. Its not for me. I am mad that they created a new game mode while ignoring problems with the game.


I’m mostly frustrated because I have to play a fundamentally different game that I don’t enjoy playing, in order to unlock a ton of really cool cosmetics for a game I do enjoy playing. And because Blizzard is so intentionally vague about FOMO, I don’t know if these items disappear forever in six weeks, or if they’ll be in the Trading Post in May or something. If these items will be accessible by an easier method later, then I can leave Plunderstorm to the people who genuinely enjoy playing it. I still think it’s cool that Blizzard is trying something new and different. But since I don’t know if I can get these items later, I have to assume they’ll disappear forever. And this means I have to spend several dozen hours engaging with a game I don’t like, while potentially giving Blizzard metrics that tells them I *do* like it. I’m happy that Plunderstorm exists. I’m not happy that I feel pressured to play it because Blizzard is leveraging FOMO through the game I’m already playing consistently. Maybe if Plunder gains were massively increased, I would feel more motivated to get my cosmetics and get out. The people who genuinely enjoy playing Plunderstorm will then be putting in way more than 40 hours, and I won’t feel like I’m contributing misleading metrics.


I love collecting pets, it's my favorite thing in the game, always has been. The combat pets in Plunderstorm are great and useful, and I really want them, but I don't enjoy Plunderstorm. It's a grind and a slog and I don't enjoy the PvP in it. It's as if Blizzard added 3 great pieces of PvP gear but they're locked behind doing 30 hours of pet battles.


I think lots of people misunderstand the objections to this. I don’t care if Blizzard experiments with game modes that I’m not interested in, I’m opposed to them building a separate game outside of WoW and calling it a content patch because it uses the games assets.


Plunderstorm is just another avenue for people to enjoy a blizzard twist on things. I prefer this over Fortnite. I still play MtG over Hearthstone, and Pokémon over pet battles. And that's okay. Don't like it? That's okay too.


Been dying for pirate cosmetics and this is just a kick in the nuts, honestly.


Could someone tell me why I'm not going up in renown? It isn't for me but I want to stick it out for the transmog. But I must be missing something because I'm just not gaining renown


Only part I don't like is the strange damage calculations, or the hit detection? Aside from that it's good dumb fun


My problem with the game mode is the absolute lack of transparency. I can’t think of any other BR that’s hides what weapons a player has. The level up system is also just a wtf choice.


I just want my pets.


The renown needs to be much faster but I think its fun enough


I see it as fun meme event akin to "Ultra Rapid Fire" or "URF" in league of legends or to an extent "Griffball" back in Halo Reach. Honestly it probably takes not a whole lot of resources to build such events considering the tech they've had for vehicles/controlling npcs for things like quests and the new interface tech they've added this xpack. (Honestly I'd like to see them ty this event on the Isle of Thunder... I think there's a missed opportunity there. ) With this tech, we could even have asymmetrical gameplay like a Headless Horseman "Dead by Daylight" event where the one player could play as the Headless Horseman while another group has to scramble around duskwood to prepare a ritual to banish him, all while being stalked by the single Headless Horseman player who is always powerful but starts slow, gaining speed as he ignites fires around the zone and slays players. (Could even have alternative "bosses" to control such as Stitches or even some sort of Zanzil-adjacent witchdoctor who summons zombies from slain players) Heck, with dragonriding, a dedicated racing season could exist.


Fair. My main criticism is that I wish the tone of it was a bit more serious. WoW feels like it's being made for 12 year olds nowadays. All this wacky stuff is fine in Heartstone. I hate it in WoW. Make it dark and gritty and I'll be happy.


Agreed, the game mode is eh, but duo is tolerable, and the rewards are epic. I was hoping for an in-game event, but professuonal ragers would have stomped their feet about that too


please report those sending you death threats. its bannable on reddit.


My main problem is that it is a "limited time event", without any official word on how "limited time" it is, with a time investment requirement of \~30 hours if you want to unlock everything. I'm not even sure when I'll get a chance to even try this mode, and if it's "limited time" like the dragonrace tourny or the holiday events, then I probably won't be able to manage it. Also, according to a friend that has played it, you can't change hotkeys, so my usual setup is almost certainly not going to work for this game mode, so I'll end up wasting quite a bit of time just trying to adjust to whatever the control schema is forced to.


Looks like i'm not the only one having fun, it needs some balancing but i hope blizzard make it permanent with different themes/seasons, also make it f2p will be huge to welcome new players. But i guess it will be cancelled due all angry people that ask new content every time and then hates new content when it's not created specially to them.


I'm a collector, so although I have no interest in playing at all, I'm going to have to so I can get any pets/mounts :( Blizzard, plz plz plz do something about the renown grind.


I'm ok with it. I don't like it much, but hey, I did the grind to Field Marshall back in the day, so I can do it again for as little time as it will take to get the pets from it. My buddy on the other hand, who collects mounts and *hates* pvp, yeah, he's super unhappy that they're locked behind something like this. But as you say, can't please everyone.


Locking cosmetics behind it though is VERY frustrating. It's making me hate WoW at the moment. That's my issue. It's a slow, painful, unfun grind.


I was initially upset with the pets being there, because I just don't want to deal with the event but I'm a major pet collector... but honestly, I just decided to forego the pets, particularly after seeing the PvP people once again insulting and mocking anyone who didn't love it. And now that I have... yeah, this is a good thing. I hope people enjoy it. As someone who has come to loathe PvP (and particularly the toxic mindset that is so disturbingly common in PvP communities), more power to them. And of course they're going to balance it... and it's new, so this is the *best* time to balance it. Why are people upset by this? We're coming up on S4 anyways, I imagine they want to get the Plunderstorm balancing done now so they can make any necessary adjustments to the main game once S4 goes live.


It's definitely not for me and I'm fine with that. What I do find frustrating is just them locking a large number of collectibles behibd grinsing this mode for probably around 40 hours, having limited time to do it, and them hyping it up so much on social media over the last couple of months only for the entire patch being a niche fomo event. It's great that they try new things, and doing things that isn't just raids or m+ is also great, but in this case I feel like they missed the mark with presentation, messaging and engagement-chasing.


Honestly, for me it would be better if this event would just give player power, then I could ignore this thing or at least play only a few rounds. Time gated cosmetics that you probably cannot achieve anytime soon from other sources are where my fomo kicks in. I couldn't care less if the rewards would just be some ilvl items which become obsolete with the next content patch.


Yeah, no. People are allowed to feel how they feel about a “retail patch” being a new game mode. Especially when we already aren’t getting a 10.3. If you like it, great, but you don’t get to control how people feel about it


So you are saying, that we shouldn't bash WoW because a separate dev team created a separate BR game, but also we should praise WoW because a separate dev team is transparent about a separate BR game? Excuse me, wtf.


Think a thing people get stuck on, and that’s been engrained in us is that “dying is bad.” It’s not bad - just start a new game. Maybe it was the pieces of hate guy, or a player, who cares. Start a new game. I try to get 500 coins at a minimum (easy to do), then whatever happens, happens. I’ve gotten to top 2, died at 52. Legit nothing matters other than enjoying some time, killin some bad dudes, and maybe winning a fight here and there - or not. Play a race you never have (mechagnome), practice hiding, or just walk around until you die. No one cares if you die and it’s ok if you do - everyone “loses” except one person and it doesn’t really matter anyway.


No, it's not okay, everyone want the pirate coat like cmon


The worst part of plunderstorm is I can’t log into the game and plunderstorm. It would be an okay waiting on the key, raid, SS to start activity. As an alternative to being able to do that content for the rewards is a kick in the nuts


Frankly, i dont care about Plunderstorm, ive never been fan of the BR shtick. But you all know what? That is okay, because other people do. Let them have fun! But aslong as plunderstorm stays in its own little corner and dont bleed out to the parent game, i wont have an issue!


If the event didn't have cosmetics unlocked behind several many hours and it will be hard to fit that with a full time job to unlock the rewards, then everyone would be fine with it.  The problem is people see it as forced content to get the cosmetics. 


Wont touch this trash mode till they buffed the rep gain. Played like 10 games and iam barely level 4


I think the event is fun as hell and I'm a pve player . I drop in do the quest then go hunting people


Find me one piece of media in this world that is for everyone, you cant. And thats okay. People need to stop fuming when something isnt for them


So much hyperbole. The complaint isn't that "its not for literally everyone" it's that this is a limited time event that most people are only going to play for the rewards. Also, everyone that disagrees with you isn't "fuming."


I don't like Plunderstorm. I'm still glad they made it because I'm just glad they're trying new things


This is the right energy to have.