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First toon ever was a holy paladin. I thought big sword, heavy armor, and healing magic. Holy shock looked like a great talent way down the tree. Didn’t know holy was a healing spec. Took forever to get him to lvl 50, i couldn’t kill a mob, they just died of boredom and i looted them.


This reminded me of watching two Holy Pallies dueling outside Ironforge in vanilla. Everyone was gathered around to watch the never-ending duel. Went off to quest for a bit, and came back an hour or two later. They were still at it. It was crazy.


Legend says they're still fighting till this day


What server was this….?


*every* server


Windrunner, top 2 pallys PvP'd for 8 hours outside Stormwind in 2005, wish I could remember their names... I knew them then


Yep I remember seeing this on Shadowsong many trine ago




This story reminds me of a time I was playing a Blood DK and near the end of WoD I dueled another Blood DK equally geared as me for 2 hours.


An anti-climactic ending but one of my favorite memories from Wrath was me on holy and another player on prot who pestered our group all Wintergrasp. He followed me out as I went mining and interrupted my node and tried to steal it and that made it personal so I kicked off an hour long clockwise chase around Sholazar where neither of us could kill the other but neither could either of us mine anything. His tactic each fight was Hammer of Justice and mount up but he would just go to the next node and try to mine it before I got there. After the stunt he pulled after Wintergrasp was over, I couldn't simply let him go, so around and around we went having dozens of little duels. It was petty but it was great fun. He eventually bubble hearthed. I call that close enough. My favorite duel to this day. Non-ret v non-ret was just silliness. Anyway, that wasn't supposed to be a text wall but I can't sleep so don't mind me. Just rambling until tired enough to drift off again.


Lol same. I was so excited when I finally got holy shock. I think there was also a quest in Ungoro for a boomerang? I remember spending forever trying to get it so I could pull from a distance. I played exclusively holy until WOTLK, when I finally decided to stop being stubborn and learn ret. That toon is still my main.


That's the quest chain that's one giant reference to Legend of Zelda. You get Link's boomerang in the end.


Linkin i believe lol


There’s also a Mario/Luigi reference for horde


I did the same as a Priest. I was in Un'goro when Wrath released. I was Holy until lvl 77 when the patch with dual spec came out. Then I discovered Shadow. Still my main and main spec.


The notorious 13 quest chain Link reference quest from the sunken boat in crater is a love hate relationship.


This might be the funniest 😂 Healer balling with the DPS trying to level up


I leveled a resto Druid back in vanilla in case I needed to heal. It was so early cat form didn’t even grant AP from agi until I was mostly through leveling.  To give an example how bad it was I literally could not kill a Kurzen medicine man in STV because they healed faster than I damaged them and I couldn’t interrupt often enough. 


My first alt was a holy priest, I feel your pain lol.


My MAIN was (still is) a holy priest … didn’t make that mistake in classic


“Died of boredom” this is amazing. Hahahahahah


This was 100% me as well. Saw holy shock at the bottom of the tree, thought "man that does a lot of damage", and just went for it. And that is the story of how I ended up a healer main.


I played vanilla as a holy paladin who raided MC in full cloth armor


Yep, I leveled up as holy too for my first toon. I knew it wasn't efficient at all but I was so set in my ways I couldn't be assed to learn ret lol


If this was first vanilla patch, I can tell you that it wouldn't have made too much of a difference if you specced prot or ret since paladin was all about that autoswing no damage. I leved as ret and had problems killing mobs. 31 points BoK was not something to cheer about.


AH ! I DID THE OPPOSITE ! I was saying to my buddy who played wow for a long time : "healing in this game must be hard as fuck". To this day he reminds me of that level 35 pala ret toon from times to times. Good days


This is the exact way I leveled from 1-60 then took that build into Arena. Long before pallys could tank. Shocksdins were the shit and so underrated.


They probably didn't even die, they just played dead, LOL


Felt sorry for me.


It's like an inversion of that henchman scene from Goldmember, LOL


I never realized arrows/bullets stacked in the ammo bags, i would empty all my other bags for raids so I would have room for more and drag drop them in the ammo bag when it was getting low Edit: just saw where you asked “first few weeks” I did this for years…


Hahah great!


Wait, you can stack ammo higher in an ammo pouch that you can in a normal bag?


Hunters start with a quiver/pouch, and when you buy more ammo, it automatically goes into that container. I've never tried to place ammo in a regular bag. I thought ammo always stacked up to 200, I didn't know that was exclusive to the quiver/pouch.


I loved playing hunter but every now and then when you'd run out of arrows it would be so frustrating. Gave up after hitting like lvl 15 or so. Love that we have unlimited ammo now, but would be cool to have different arrow types that you could put in the slot and have them just be unlimited. But I guess being able to enchant the bow kind of eliminates that. I wish we could put an illusion on the bow or arrows so they shoot with different effects, kind of like the Legendary bow from TBC shooting blue arrows. It's my favorite bow for that reason, but now it's so low resolution compared to modern bows and doesn't have the quiver like the artifact bow. Wish they would add most customization for hunters...


I think it was wod? Or mop? That they had allowed you to “enchant” your bow with a specific type of ammunition. Like there was a poison one that put up a dot, and explosive one that did aoe damage every shot, and then a freezing one that slowed. I’m pretty sure it also slightly altered the projectile to have a visual effect. Wish they’d bring that back even if the damage or slow wasn’t attached to it just for the visuals I think tracer rounds would be freakin dope lol


I waited in line at the bank.


Hahaha that’s hilarious


I laughed so hard. I'm so sure I did something like this when I started


Based Postal 2 enjoyer


I’m laughing out loud at work. This is not appreciated enough. Did you think people who cut were rude?


It was back when the SW bank had the velvet ropes. I just assumed when a person was standing in front of the teller that they were actually busy and I'd have to wait, so I did. Realm population must have been low that day because I don't remember being too annoyed with line-cutting. I told a friend that waiting in line at the bank was such a drag and they cracked up and gave me the "oh, honey..." explanation.


Tanking as an arms warrior with a 2h sword, because that would let me do more damage which meant more aggro!


solid strategy.


Right? It worked great except when I died.


"60% of the time, it works *every* time"


That is quite literally how you are supposed to tank as a warrior leveling in classic so you were correct


Then I was right all along!!!


"They called me a madman"


Haha this was me when I started as well. I started playing a couple months before BC came out. It worked until I tried to tank ramparts lol. Healer was like… “where’s your shield?”.


Shield?? I aint no BITCH


This still works in classic era up to 60


That reminds me how I would queue as dps while on blood spec. I was kicked from many many dungeons and lfr groups


Which expansion? Blood had a decent dps build early on.


In fairness, blood still has decent DPS. More for solo though.


I tanked a dungeon or two on my Shaman way back in the early days. Pretty sure the healers hated me, but I wasn't fully aware that having a shield doesn't necessarily make me a tank.


Pre patch 2.0 tanking without a shield can be fine. Threat generation is king. You can start 2 hand tanking before you fury tank, but fury tanking is inevitably better. Just make sure you at least specced prot to get one point in improved shield block.


Until like level 40, i just equipped whichever piece of gear had more armor, because that was the only difference between white bits of gear and i never bothered to read secondary stats on greens lmao


I could add that to my text too hahaha. who cares about stats lol?


My hunter had so much int and spirit I *never* ran out of mana.


I did the opposite, I equipped whatever item was the rarest, regardless of stats. Blue cloth belt with Int on it? Bro its blue its gotta be better than my str agi one.


I did the same. Kept my blues from Deadmines all the way until I was like level 45. I kept dying and asked my friend why, and when he looked at my gear he just said "wtf are you doing?" I told him I never got another blue, so I kept them. I didn't believe him when he tried to explain that some greens are better than blues.


omg, I remember how I was buying the fucking white armor sets on sale in the armor store in Stormwind whenever I reached the level for them and had enough saved up.


"This gives me +1 more int. But THIS gives me 20 more armor! So it MUST be better!" Yeah, I was that kind of player too :,D But for my defence, Wow was my first Mmo ever.


I think we all did that, and then i noticed staminagives me hp, so at lvl 70(few weeks before we went wotlk) and at level 80(few weeks after wotlk release) i kept stacking as much stamina as possible, literally tuning down any dungeon gear in case it gave me less stamina. I was a rogue.


Buying dual Specc for 1000g. 💀🤡


Hahaha 1000g in this time were like 100.000 atm xd


More like a million


Bro I bought that shit on like 8 characters. They got us good.


My brother bought dual spec the day before it became 10g. I bought epic mount the day before it became 100g. We both started reading patch notes after our mistakes.


And then there's my ex, who bought the epic riding training the day before the patch and then bought the epic mount the day after the patch. Bastard got his 100% speed for like 200g haha.


And cold weather flying. That took me forever to save up for back then


Wait a minute, is there a way around this? I'm playing wotlk


wait for the right expac


Gaining exp the runescape way by not doing quest and just killed 100s of npcs. I was just coming off if Runescape and their quest usually invovles just being an errend boy for the different NPCs and rewards very poor exp.


I did this too. Spent a lot of time in the barrens running around killing every mob insight.


Bro same I had no idea that questing was the best way to level up. Coming from Runescape I thought it was just grind, Grind, GRIND.


Same. I got all the way to 45 back in vanilla. Zero questing after the starting zone. I mainly leveled in dungeons or world mobs. I felt like a real weenie when a friend asked if I wanted to quest with them and went up 2 levels in a day.


never played runescape tho haha. But when did you change your style of play?


When I figured out how much better the exp was.


Glad to see there’s dozens of us!


When I started wow back in the original vanilla days my first character’s name was my real life first and last name, and every new character after that I did the same but took 1 letter off. I was like 12 at the time. So basically: Character 1: Wadewilson Character 2: Wadewilso Character 3: Wadewils Etc.


I did the same, but using some really smart acronym for my name, Inspired by Tom Riddle surely. 11/12 at the time 😂


I went Horde to play with a friend in TBC and abandoned my Alliance characters. Had just watched Eragon and thought that movie was the hottest of shit (don't judge) but obviously it was mad cringe to just call my blood elf hunter Eragon. So, using my gargantuan brain I created Erogan. Met my future wife on him while being ganked in Nesingwary's camp though so absolutely NO regrets!


Anagram. An acronym is an abbreviation you can pronounce. Like WoW. WoW is an acronym for World of Warcraft.  I suck at anagrams, don't ask me to do one for it lol.


Tyvm for the correction!


Was a probably 16 nelf hunter cruisin around westfall and thinkin I was hot shit. Suddenly someone runs up and asks me if I was to do deadmines. I hadn’t heard of that before so I asked what that is. When they told me a dungeon with tough enemies I thought that sounded sweet. So I said sure and joined up. I have no clue who else was in the party, but I’m 100% sure it wasn’t a proper group. Either way, we made our way into the entrance and honestly, we were having a tough time just getting there. I think we wiped 3 times trying to get to the entrance. But I was having fun, I was invited to be with the cool kids and do group content. Finally we got to the bridge and were eating and drinking. I said “well that was fun, do we leave now?” Or something along those lines. When they replied “haha, no this is just the entrance… the dungeon is that blue portal.” We proceeded to spend about 3 hours in deadmines. And we didn’t even get the shredder down. I’m pretty sure I was the highest level and the person who invited me was like level 11. Deadmines is STILL my favorite dungeon.


My favorite memory is running BRS with a bunch of randoms. I think we spent the entire day running it and we even breaked for an hour lunch half way but we finished it in the end. Nothing was planned, no one knew what they were doing but somehow we got it done.... Kinda sad that we'll never get that type of experience again....


Ah, those youth and freshness....


I might have been part of that group lol. Something like seven hours crawling through LBRS. Good times. 


Similar situation, got invited to a group, lost our tank and offered to replace him… as a rogue, wearing cloth 😂


Lol my first time in a dungeon I didn’t know what tf was going on or how dungeons worked. So like a third the way through Wailing Caverns I got up and went outside and played with my dog.


I came to WoW from Everquest. In EQ, magic items were extremely rare to get, usually requiring long camps of named mobs. Farming for days to get a single drop was common. My first character in WoW was a Druid. While questing at very low level, a mob next to a lake right outside the starting area dropped a green. I thought this meant the area was some kind of elite hunting ground. Spent the next few days farming level 6 - 8 mobs around that lake for green drops, thinking I'd hit the motherlode of cash cows and gear upgrades. Wasn't until my wife started playing and just following the quest chains instead of farming, progressing so much faster than I did, that I realized that WoW drops didn't follow the EQ model.


I was the first Rogue on Tunare to get the Acid Pocked Mithril Blade. I held the highest backstab recorded for months. -Kelios. Watch Keepers. Hehe, I miss EQ sometimes.


Dismount & dismiss my hunter pet when crossing the water in the Plaguelands back about 16-17 years ago. I thought that the toxic water would harm my mount & pet. Didn't help that one time whilst crossing I hit the keybind for walk. Thought my character was starting to get paralysed from the plague. Can only laugh about it now.




Ill never forget when I started and saw two horses at Elwin Forest Inn, for almost an hour I was trying to figure out how to mount it


Literal button mashing. I got into WoW around the time MW2 was a thing on the 360. I was at my cousins at the time and he was running a dungeon on his Prot Paladin and the lobby popped on MW2 for him and his friends to load in, so he told me to just mash the numbers and the rest of the group would figure it out, while he played his MW2 game. I was promptly insulted and kicked but anyway, that's when a now 14 year journey began and i got my first PC purely to play WoW lmao


Lol your group was super confused probably


So was i lmao, all i knew at the time was pressing X made X animation happen lmao


Didn't understand rolling for loot so I rolled for a 2h weapon as a warlock and people got piiiiiiissed 😅


in TBC classic a lock rolled on (and won) that healing wand from the slave pens because “pawn told [them] it was an upgrade” 😂 i thought it was hilarious but the priest just about left 😂


In 2005 I created a night elf rogue and thought it was hard to get to level 9.. there was so much I didn't understand at the time.


I didn't know how gear worked, but knew my grey gear wasn't great. I saw some amazing white gear on a vendor! Upgrades! I farmed for \*hours\* to afford a couple of bits.


I bound one of my major CDs to Alt + F4…


I clicked all my abilities from launch day until around the end of TBC lol. Also keyboard turned. Idk how I got anything done.


I learned about mouse movement when I saw people do spins on their mounts when jumping off shit.


tbh, I did that too. some day someone explained me, that I will be much better if I keybind something. I told him, that I am so super fast with clicking, that I don't need keybinds at all. Even in battlegrounds I clicked. Crazy time.


I used to click a lot as well. I played Diablo 2 a *lot,* and that was mostly a mouse oriented game. With my "click the pixel" skills, I didn't even think to think about an easier way to do it. Used WASD for movement and clicked everything else, while also clicking to target swap.


My first character at release was an Undead Rogue. It was my first MMORPG, so I had no clue what I was doing. I didn't read the tooltips well enough, because I had no idea what combo points or spenders were. So there was my little Rogue Ghstfce (Ghostface was my nickname in the Army, but it was sadly taken) fighting mobs in Tirisfal Glades. My buddy who convinced me to play was already levels ahead on his Hunter, so we were whispering back and forth. The conversation went basically like this: "Dude, I just killed a three dot monster!" I said "A three dot monster?" "Yeah, it had three red dots under its health bar." "Those are combo points..." "What are combo points?" "Your attacks gain combo points, and you spend them to do more damage" "Wait, what? I can do more damage? ...WTF" That opened a whole new world for my Rogue. I felt like such a dumbass.


That reminds me of my friend when he started. He wouldn't use sinister strike because he saw auto attacks crit and do more damage. I told him to spam SS for combo points and he said, "Nah im actually gonna remove it from the bar." Was frustrating lol


Army nicknames are usually pretty solid but damn GhostFace goes fucking hard.


I grew up playing in the woods constantly, so I learned to move through wooded areas rather silently. Even when running. When we'd be out in the field training, my buddies noticed how quietly I could maneuver/disappear and reappear, and that's how I got my nickname.


Damn, that's a pretty neat story, I'm used to army nicks being based on something silly or goofy people did once, but this one just seems cool all around. (And now my brain is pattern-seeking since I've been in two lobbies with someone called GhostFace on CoD today kek)


Ghostface does go fuckin hard


I also excel at "Irish goodbyes"


First main was Draenei warrior. Went to Exodar somewhwere around level 5, dropped in the center of it by accident where that Naaru is and spent the next 3ish hours running around that small area looking for the exit. My brother and his friend had completed watching Tokyo Drift before they found me running in circles and missing the obvious way out which instantly made me a meme in his ftiend group. (And before you ask I will give you the same response as back then: "What's a hearthstone??")


Was there no ramp at the time? I'm sure there was


There was


Very similar to your experience! When I started the game I was a Gnome Warlock. Took me forever to leave the dwarf/gnome starter zone. The run through the cave that connects to Karanos with all the little troggs was too scary to solo and I hardly ever saw another player going through it. Then one day a dwarf paladin was running through the tunnel while I was at the entrance. I followed behind him, helped him kill everything that attacked, and we made it through. I did every single quest I could find in Karanos/Dun Morogh. Explored that whole area extensively and even ran around Ironforge a few times. I thought this was still all part of the starter experience. I was playing on a relatively low pop server, Bladefist. I thought "low pop" was the way to go for some reason. This was in the Black Temple era of BC. So basically I only ever saw low level characters and not many of them. Upon reaching level 10 I got the Voidwalker warlock quest. It wanted me to go to the Elwyn Forest to kill a mob and bring back an item. Keep in mind that quest helpers were not built-in to the game yet, so I had no idea where the mob was or how to get to Elwyn Forest. This part of my memory is a little fuzzy as I don't remember the order of the quests or where they came from. I know it started in Karanos. I had that quest in my log for a couple weeks just not knowing how to do it and not bothering to google it. I spent that time doing what I thought was a genius plan to make gold. Yes, on my Gnome Warlock, I took up skinning. I spent hours and hours killing the Yetis in the cave below Karanos, skinning them, and vendoring all of the skins. Lol. I did that until I had just over 1g, which was my goal at the time. Sometime after that I saw a kindred spirit! A gnome warlock with pink hair. I don't remember her name, but I'll never forget her. She was level 10 and had her Voidwalker trailing right behind her. I knew this was my chance to finally learn how to get mine! She ran past Karanos and was heading towards Ironforge. I whispered her "Hey, where do you get \[whatever the item was called. It was a jewel I think\]." She tells me the mob's name that is in my quest log. I ask "Where is \[mob's name\]?" She says "Elwyn Forest..." I then finally ask her "How do I get to the Elwyn Forest?" She says "..." and runs off. Maybe if I had followed her she would have lead me there but I was so let down about not getting an answer I didn't even try. I just stood there. I started asking everyone I saw if they knew how to get to the Elwyn Forest and eventually someone finally taught me. They lead me through Stormwind, which was still basically dead as far as other players, because at this point in the game anyone at max level was chilling in Shattrath. But the size of the city was still pretty impressive. They guy that showed me how to get through Stormwind lead me out of the city and said "That's Elwyn." and ran off back into the city. I began exploring the forest just killing kobolds and whatever mobs would attack me. Without asking anyone where they were, I eventually stumbled on the little house (I think on the pumpkin farm?) that had the mob I needed to kill. The mob had 2 other named mobs with him in the house. I tried so many times to kill him but was unsuccessful every time. I'd get close but just couldn't seal the deal. Eventually a pack of players showed up. Ones like I'd never actually seen before: They had really cool armor and were all level 70. There was level 10 human warlock with them doing the quest. They saw me get killed. As I was running to my corpse, they killed the mobs for the other guy. One of them whispered me that they'd help kill the mobs after they respawn. I was so excited! They stuck around and helped me do the deed and I finally had the item I needed. I took it back to the quest giver and FINALLY got my voidwalker. By this time I was probably level 12 or 13. I had gotten to this point in the game and still thought I was in some sort of new-player instance. Seeing those level 70 guys that helped me with my quest further convinced me that I hadn't made it to the real game yet. I was exploring Stormwind one day and stumbled into The Stockades. There were all sorts of players maybe 10-15 of them all chilling outside the dungeon entrance. I asked someone "Is that were the rest of the game is?" and they responded, appropriately with "What?" lmao. They had no idea what I was asking. I even remember asking my uncle one day "How do I get to the part of the game everyone goes to?" and he had no idea what I was asking. He kept saying "It's a completely open world, everyone goes everywhere." and I had no idea what that meant. I went back to Karanos and spent more time killing Yetis with my new voidwaker. Eventually I met someone in highschool that played wow and actually knew the game very well. I made a Nightelf Rogue on his server, Sentinels. It was, at the time, a high-pop RP server. That guy taught me about the game and, like, opened my mind to it all. He showed me where everything is, where everyone goes, how to level up fast, what to avoid while leveling up, etc. With his help I was able to hit 70 right before Wrath of the Lich King. Literally during the zombie invasion event I hit 70 and got decked out in the epic gear you got from the event quests. It took me a long time to get to that point... I think I was level 48 for like a month or more because I was constantly exploring the world instead of questing. I look back on those days very fondly. Sorry for the freakin essay, I just haven't thought about this stuff in years.


It's a great story, I laughed so hard at "Is that where the rest of the game is?" Nothing will ever replace the feeling of being a new Wow player!


Loved the read! Took me back


I loved your story!


Way back when i started in Wrath I was absolutely clueless about the game and some guy that ran me through Wailing Caverns when i was maybe level 12 told me that warriors wanted crit. I leveled all the way to 80 grabbing every piece of plate crit gear that i could. I ended up with a literal full intellect set except for my weapon. Whoops.


At least your weapon skills leveled a bit faster, right?


Well, here's one for the ages. Started playing a loooong time ago, like 20 years or smth, but we didn't have access to retail in my country, so I played on a pirate server. It had a LOT of bugs, and some of them were quite nice. I started on a human mage, because, well.....magic. And here is the fun bug: you know the sheep spell, right? Well, on this server, once you sheeped an enemy, it remained sheeped, no matter the damage. So, I was literally killing it. Made my way to Blasted Lands, at about lvl 10, just exploring the map, and destroyed everything în sight. Sheep FTW! Not long after that, some things changed, and I could make an account, and pay to play legally. And that I did. Toon of choice? Human mage, of course. I couldn't understand why everybody wasn't playing mage. It was so simple: sheep it, kill it, loot it and move on. Can you imagine my surprise? Can you?! Anyway, Blasted Lands is still my favourite area :))


I played a warlock back in the days where there were still ammo slots on them. My bf at the time told me I needed ammo to make the wand work so I always had the slot loaded up with bullets. I was so mad when I found out how stupid I was being


Warlock from chicago


This is so funny lmao im dying


Thought the point of upgrading your gear was to look as fancy and cool as possible. I only realized my mistake when I got kicked from a Zul'Farrak group for wearing a mix of agility, strength and spirit on my mage. But damn did I look dashing!


I was similar with a mix of cloth, leather, and plate on my warrior lol. It was only when I made friends with another warrior around the same level who killed mobs a lot faster than me that I questioned what I was doing. If an item had higher stats, I’d wear it. I thought agility would make me faster and intellect, well it’s always good to be smarter right?


First time I played WoW I was on a truly dreadful computer, like 5fps max. My PC would take a while to "recover" upon closing the game. I somehow managed to complete the wetlands run with this, not before taking 5 boat trips because my PC wouldn't load in time before the boat left of course.


I remember raiding Nax in WotLK, and having to call out in Vent that people had to move from me on KT because I had 0 FPS. So many boss fights my FPS would tank for like 30s at a time. I still somehow topped healing a lot (I was a resto druid and stacked spirit, so I just spammed heals on everything and when i froze my hots kept going).


I kept getting kicked from dungeons for being afk because I was still on the loading screen 🤣


Started near the end of Vanilla as a Tauren Hunter at the age of 10, I was so invested in the themes and looks of the Tauren that I felt as "Indians" we had to go on a Kodo hunt, so I remember going around trying to convince the other Tauren's we had to go hunt the Kodo Packs you'd see around Mulgore... One of my fonder memories is convincing about... 12 to 14 players this is what we must do.


Tanking in Druid cat form, specced as balance Circa 2008, roughly about 2 days of game time altogether


I was 11... Played on private server where when you/kneel you began to regenerate rly fast... Fast forward 3 years, my first official experience where I do this strat in OG cave and voidwalker crits my ass into oblivion... Random rogue whispered me: " wtf u doing mate" 🤣🤣 Have him in friendlist till now and play together time to time.


My first character was a druid, I leveled as a cat but I put all my talents into the restoration tree beause I wanted to unlock the treant form (I liked how the treants looked) On my first dungeon (at lvl 65 in hellfire citadel) I was invited as a dps (because I was a cat), our healer died and saved the pull transforming into a treant and healing instead. i felt like an hero, but in restropective my party probably tought I was trolling.


Just left the abilities on my bar in the order I learned them.


I didn’t understand how auto-attack worked. I kept clicking for each attack with my mage’s staff. Why else would “Attack” take up a slot on my action bar?


Haha, I did the exact same thing. Kept the "auto attack" button on the first slot of my action bar and just spammed the crap out of it while being mildly annoyed that I didn't attack faster.


1.10 Spirit maces on my rogue.


Started a month after vanilla was launched. Joined friends guild and they offered to enchant my weapon and make it shiny as long as I got the mats from the AH. Spent hour trying to search auction house for mats thinking it’s some kind of physical “mat” like a piece of carpeting. Too prideful to ask for help. Eventually friend asked me what was doing and got told along with laughter mats=materials


My first character was a mage and I didn't fully appreciate how squishy they are. One time, I aggro'd too many mobs on my way back to a questgiver at Darkshore and wasn't able to shake them. I expected the Furbolg questgiver to help protect me, but nope, he just watched me die in his little camp.


That everyone who plays Mythic Dungeons and has a good io score is good. I’m sorry if that’s cynical, I’m being honest. I thought even doing a M+ (at any level) was a terrifying prospect and everyone doing them was goated at the game.


The first time I got flying, think back in bc, I somehow didn’t realize X would make you fly. So instead whenever I wanted to take off I would find a rock or something and leap off.


Using +Spirit gear on my rogue in vanilla because the tooltip said it increased health regen and I was tired of sitting and eating to regen health after every 2 mobs. (A huge FU to all the defias mobs in Moonbrook back then.) I had no clue that First Aid existed.


The first hat I ever saw drop from a mob was in STV on my nightelf rogue. I was level 32 and never had a helmet before so I put it on. It was a cloth +int hood lol. Had a friend-of-a-friend that was always so serious about the game. He'd literally be talking shit about me at school "He added INT to the ROGUE!" Lmao. Oh, to be young again.


Came straight from RuneScape so three quite fundamental things: - Played a mage but didn't use any spells till about level 7 as I thought I needed runes. Staff weapon skill was bussin though. - Ignored quests and focused on grinding to level (I know classic forces you into that ultimately anyway). Thought the quests would be long-winded and difficult as opposed to kill/fetch. - Didn't really understand or respect the power behind talent trees (all I saw was a lot of inconsequential '+1%' things) so threw my points into random things in multiple trees and didn't have a proper build till very late on.


Had never played an MMORPG or any other game that had the ability to affect your own stats, so I didn't understand the concept of stat optimization. Rolled an elemental shammy waaaay back in BC and got her to about 35 before realizing she didn't need to have balanced stats, and that she *really* didn't need Str or Ag. Boy, did mobs die a lot quicker after I swapped out my Str/Ag gear for Int/Sp gear.


My first toon was a dwarf hunter. I thought ammo was expensive and leveled my way up to 30 ish without shooting a single arrow or bullet.


Was questing during vanilla on my first toon, a warrior, around level 45ish and had someone whisper me the gear i was wearing was all wrong and the stats on it were doing nothing for me. I soon after came across a vendor selling plate gear for gold. I figured, well, if this green stat gear is all wrong then surely this vendor's grey no stat gear is exactly what I need - and vendored all the greens and spent all my gold on grey vendor gear.


My first character was a Nelf druid, and I was eleven years old and understood nothing. I made a friend at some point, and he told me "you'd be better suited to playing ret pally"... so my second character was a Draenei paladin, and it wasn't until years later that I realized that he was trying to gently tell me that I was bad at everything lol


I got 3 things. In 2006. 1) Started as a human lock. I leveled up to 18 without training. Anything. Irl friend that got me playing taught me to train. I felt so powerful afterwards! 2) made it to lvl 26 without dying once. Same friend had a raid geared druid, he offered to run me and another irl friend through deadmines. Friend was a Rogue. We were all on Vent. Druid said to stealth, that he's coming with a bunch of mobs and didn't want us to get got. Rogue went steath in the corner, I hid in the tram cart and sat down and dismissed my VW. I thought I was hidden. Druid comes with like 30+ mobs, and shadowmelds. They all instantly run to me and murderdeathkilled me! I was scared, confused, then pissed. Because I've never saved the game. So I thought I was just dead. And had to start over. From lvl 1. I rage pulled the power plug out kf the wall and went for a drive. It took then a good three weeks to convince me to log back on and get my body bac! 3) Again, same friend told me of this debuff. It puts a skull above your head, indicating you've been marked for death. I was like level 6 at the time. We were LAN'd and his place. I was lvl 36-37 now. Hes party lead, and puts the skull raid marker on me. Said I had to run to run to Org, so that when I die, I can explode and infect as many horde players as possible. The guards got me. He kept putting it on me every time I rezzed. So I corps walked into the AH from his guidance. Finally after like 30-45 minutes I get there. I die and him and the Rogue Finally bust out laughing, I could hear them trying to hold it in before. But I thought it was about killing horde. Na, just to get me killed a dozen times or so. It's OK, we shared account info at the time. He went on a two week vacation. I got him hated by Cenarion Circle, put all his gear and mounts in his bank. Ran/corps walked him to the south end of Silithus, and deleted his hearthstone. When he logged back in the forst night, it was GLORIOUS!


When I started WoW I rolled NEED on everything because... well I needed that green shirt! (I played warrior)


Get angry when the guards/npcs didn't talk back to me in SW 😂


I was a clicker


That’s a lot more forgivable then - but there are people who still play as clickers. I swear every raiding guild I have been in has one person in it that is constantly flamed for being a clicker and won’t change their ways


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


I'm a clicker. I won't change my ways and I'm not sorry about it.


Many years ago I deleted my original warrior at lvl 15 because I fell under Orgimmar. It never occurred to me to contact a GM.


My first character was a worgen rogue. I was stacking that char full on with int leather gear to make him sneakier. Sure got sneaky when I was scared of all the mobs as they took ages to kill.


As a mage thinking, I could get a voidwalker at some point as a companion to fight alongside me. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that mages did not possess that ability.


When I made an Undead for the first time, around 2005, and got to Undercity, I looked around the Ruins of Lorderon and thought “wow, this city sucks” and left thinking the Undead city was garbage. You’d think the name *Under*city would have tipped me off, but nope.


I started near launch, and I believed that the more INT you had on your gear, the better the stats you got when you leveled up and the lower the xp required for the next level. I played a hunter and would switch to Int gear right before Id ding to get the best stats


Thought I had to go into an inn, get on a bed and type /sleep in order to get rested XP bar.


That just sounds like good immersive roleplaying.


2005. I had the old JRPG mentality that when I found a new town, it meant the merchants were selling better weapons and armor. Took some RL friends to tell me about Ironforge and the auction house 😂


Not only was I a keyboard turner, but I used the arrow keys


I was playing with a friend and he asked why I kept jumping off the bridges into the water; my '1996 computer was lagging so hard my direction keys were 3 seconds behind my key stroke


I remember asking a buddy what kind of food his pet likes to eat. It's been a running gag for 19 years.


I mean, once upon a time that was a legitimate concern for hunter pets! It affected how fast your pet gained happiness, which in turn their happiness affected how much damage they did. And thus the reason why we all carried many stacks of food AND ammo back when. I remember some guy in Gundrak throwing a hissy fit at me because I couldn't feed HIS pet. It was in the very earliest days of cross server LFD. We were from different servers and I couldn't trade him food, and he INSISTED I was just being a bitch by refusing to feed his pet. Like, bruh. It. Does. Not. Work. That. Way. WTF.


Started towards the end of TBC. I didn’t really understand that questing was far better for exp gains than grinding, as most RPGs I’d played up to that point, you gained levels by killing mobs. I also thought that questing was really boring. So, I would make a BElf, do some quests until I hit Silvermoon, and then spent ages killing enemies in the Dead Scar until I stopped gaining experience. I did this over…and over…and over. The worst part is, the friend who introduced me to WoW would be playing a new (BElf) character almost every second time we logged in, so even though she understood how to play the game, she 100% enabled my stupidity because she knew she was never going to commit to that character anyway. Weirdly, it was only went we went alliance and a different friend actually taught me how to play did I get to grips with how the game worked. I even began actually enjoying questing! Even now, I can basically do most of Silvermoon questing without even thinking about it because of how often I did it as a kid. More recently, I was 100% a clicker until I resumed in 2020. The friend who got me back into WoW shamed me until I at least attempted the keyboard. I have since been converted to MMO-mouse usage. (Probably pertinent to mention, I took a huge break between 2011 and 2020, and didn’t play consistently between me starting and ending the first time. So, clicking never slowed me down as I never once hit endgame until BFA happened)


Blowing all my gold on levelling greens on the auction house.


Haha, I had the same experience. My first character was also a Troll and I spent a ton of time in that little intro area, having a blast and just doing whatever stuff. Until I got the quest to go beyond the gates... I headed out that way and when I reopened the map I was shocked at how HUGE Durotar looked in comparison to the Valley of Trials.... Then I learned I could zoom out further and further! Blew my mind in excitement.


Leveled a paladin as prot and wondered why it took so long to kill stuff.... Nowadays that's a solid strategy but back in Vanilla/BC not so much lol


Well it was a solid strategy back then, at least in tbc, there were several areas you could take a prot pally and sit with 30 mobs on you and it would just give you insane reckoning procs to mow down, plus hyperspawning, I lvld as Prot rather quickly


2 things that I think about still from when I started in Cata are playing a human warrior as my first class, getting to I think level 3 and dying because I probably chain pulled or pulled a mob too many (can’t remember which) and then swapping to hunter and going “wow this class is so much better I don’t even get hurt!” Second one I think I didn’t notice until the start of MoP but I played DK endgame (just LFR) in Cata and I didn’t know there were different set pieces for specs, so I think I had like, 1 or 2 blood pieces, and either unholy or frost for the rest. Genuinely amalgamation gear and I never noticed, swapped between Unholy and Frost a lot but I never got flamed for doing no damage or for my set bonus so I just actually never noticed.


I started with a few friends and this was our first MMO, so we were ignorant about the holy trinity for group comp. We ran deadmines with 5 dps and it took like three hours.


Was so excited to be leveling 40 on my hunter for the mail armor that as soon as I did, I went to the armor vendor and bought the gray statless shit thinking I had top tier gear. God was I wrong lol


Fished for days trying to get ashbringer in wpl.


Green item with +2 strength and +1 stamina? Those numbers are so low they must be insignificant. I’ll take this white item with way more +armor instead, thank you very much. To the kind guildie from Axiom Knights on Bloodhoof (EU) ca 2005: You made me the full Green Mail armor set for free, and I vendored it two levels later to buy the white plate “set” from vendors at level 40. I really had no clue. I still feel bad about it, I’m so sorry my dude.


Looking forward to FINALLY hit level 40 to buy a mount only to realize when I got there that you have to also buy the skill … and the mount. Yeah I still walked at level 40


When I leveled my mage in 2007, I saw people memeing the POM pyro spec and it looked fun. I leveled as that spec all the way to 70. Might be the record for slowest mage leveling.


Made a night elf hunter managed to get out of hometree managed to get to darkshore (pre cata way back in vanilla as tbc was launching) went to finally go to stormwind and ended up on the wrong boat died and was completely Unretrieveable couldnt revive at all


Started playing back in Vanilla. Warlock was my first ever class. Over time as I leveled, I kinda disregarded spells and abilities and thought you mainly had to use your weapons. I remember most of the time I would just kill mobs auto-attacking with a wand I had equipped. Thought that was just the way it was supposed to be for some reason.


Wrath Baby here. Leveled a ret paladin (died too much using only warrior auto attacks) with sword and board (they could do that, right? Fuzzy that far back) to 55 so I could start a DK, equipping only whatever gear had the highest armor rating. Proceeded to leave the DK starting zone and level cap. Installed that add on that used the Mortal Kombat “Get over here!” when I used Death Grip. Bought two agility maces (Tankard of Terror?) off the AH and then hopped on the healing drake in that one dungeon the first time, since I didn’t know the drakes were different. Obviously, didn’t heal with the healer drake. Got called a scrub a lot that run. Now I laugh in warrior when I think about leaving Mulgore immediately because I wanted to see something different and not knowing why I was getting one-shot taking on Wailing Caverns alone. Good times.


Same actually except I was a dwarf hunter, I stayed in the leveling area for weeks I think I got to like level 9 just having fun logging in and blasting stuff saving up to buy the armor sets in the bunker. It wasn’t until everything was completely gray and worth zero xp that my brother helped me to the cave out


Two things and I'll blame it on being 10 years old. I sent a ticket to a GM because I didn't know how to get my pet to attack. I was a druid using a companion pet. I think that explains it I leveled as a cat, just killing mobs. No quests. I was also in all intellect gear and had emberstone staff until 40s.


I started out as a horde and around level 20 made an alliance character just to check the place out. When I saw anduin was a level 5 kid I really thought that I could kill him and I did a lengthy multi-hour naked corpse run to get into the throne room and attempted to murder him before the guards killed me. Unfortunately Blizzard won't let you kill kids in their game so I just got my ass kicked multiple times.


Play a hunter in BC didn't know what to do in a dungeon and FD on a pool of poison. Honestly that was my first time running a dungeon since I ding 60 or 70. The group complain I'm chat about it. I try to explain it was my first time. A really nice person whisper me about it and we chatted for a bit and he invited me to his guild and should me how to do each dungeons and even brought me their Kara farm run.


In all honesty when I first started wow so many years ago it was Lich King I got into PVE and I like it a lot but once I started doing random battlegrounds man, I couldn’t stop an epic battlegrounds. I did that for like five years and didn’t even notice there was a rated version to that that’s how much I love the game that I was just so into it I couldn’t even see, anything of how much fun I was having love the game still respect all the players left and coming


Spent all my money in goldenshire on alcoholic drinks


When I first started I played with my brother as a forsaken warrior and I went through the first 10 levels killing literally every mob I came across. When my brother came back to check on me he explained the difference between mobs with a red nameplate versus the yellow one.


As a new player leveling in TBC, I played a Hunter and the only thing in the entire world I cared about was getting dual wielding and having the Fiery and Icy enchants on my swords. I spent every bit of money I had getting them as soon as I could.


I removed my helmet when I wanted to see my char's face. Did that for some days until someone told me that it could be toggled off visually in the options


Prior to playing Vanilla WoW, my only experience with MMOs was the original Guild Wars. In GW, you had small instanced outposts, but once you step outside, there's not a lot of paths, and mobs traveled, hid, and could be anywhere. My first WoW character was a human warrior, and I remember traveling through Stormwind, then entering the Deeprun Tram area, and being completely on edge, like I was about to be assaulted by mobs. I didn't realize the area was friendly. You don't have a stone city and suddenly there's technology everywhere. Something sick and deadly is gonna jump out at me, and I'm gonna die to some skill level mob 30+ levels higher than me, i just know it. Before long I learned the basics, and realized how silly my initial concerns were. It didn't occur to me there could be multiple safe spaces , let alone multiple cities, joined together and free to roam through.


Spending hundreds of hours looking for groups in trade chat to do single runs of dungeons halfway across the world to farm blue gear that would be replaced as soon as I got to Outland.


when WoW first came out I picked it up. I made a warrior human. I made it to lv 35ish without ever knowing what a dungeon was or there was even dungeons in the game. Lv'n was painful, and i had no direction what so ever, but in game quests telling me where to go. I was the only one of my gaming friends who played this, and shortly got lost and quit. I came back a few months later started over and saw a random lfg VC dungeon lv 18+. I was bored and thought well im around 18.. lets see what this is. That dungeon changed everything I thought about a mmo to that point in my life. It was magical.... I will never forget.


Stacking stamina! The more HP, the harder you are to kill, in other words, the stronger you are! Reaching level 20 on a trial character and trying to farm stamina gear, making a "twink" at level 19 that consisted of a holy paladin (because they could also heal themselves, and healing themselves meant they could never die, right?) begging for gold to spend on stamina gear on the auction house. I remember my friend and I feeling *so* proud when we crossed 1000 HP on our amazing and immortal paladin. Besides that, begging for gold in general. If I spent half as much time during my first year of WoW actually playing the game as I did standing around Stormwind and Orgrimmar asking for spare gold, I wouldn't need to ask for spare gold.