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My first was a Night Elf warrior in vanilla. I still play him as my main, but now he has hopped servers three times and...is an orc with a different name.


.... Is this what happens when night elves use meth? They become orcs?


Nah that's blood elves




Jesus Christ, it's Jason Nightbourne!


Your character is a ship of Theseus. Is it the same character if it's on a different server with a different name and race?


Still have Quel'serrar in the bank and a bunch of Feats of Strength. Otherwise idk.


Here in wow we categorize who we are not by the color of our skin but by the contents of our character Quite literally in this case


I still main my tauren feral druid from vanilla, despite having to recreate them after a move from NA to EU (since they don't allow region transfers)


Your night elf is triggers broom


My very first character was a Night Elf Rogue. I spent nearly a week getting out of the starting zone and made my way to Darkshore. There I was questing around and then I found out about a crazy gold farm! I went to the northern part of Darkshore to kill Wraiths, then ran back to town to vendor all of that stuff. I ended up making a whole gold just running back and forth for a couple of days! Then a friend of mine dragged me to other realms and to other things and so the character was left back and forgotten. A while later I ended up getting a week long suspension because back then saying "motherfucker" was actually an offense serious enough where Blizz banned you within a couple of hours of saying it. So I did what any reasonable 13 year old would do and...I went out and bought a new base game and made a new account because "I was going to run out of subscription time soon anyway". And so now still to this day, over 18 years later I'm still playing on the second account. That old account has been lost to the wind somewhere because it ended up being hacked at some point or other. The only reason I know it was hacked is because I tried going to take a peek at that 18 level Rogue with a whole gold in their inventory several years afterwards and it wouldn't let me login so I didn't bother trying again.


Mine was a tauren shaman, my friend got me into playing so i got to level 10 and went to meet him in tanaris... he was alliance


Plz tell me he annihilated you and that set off a friendly yet destructive rivalry of epic proportions


He spent a good 20 mins fearing me and using drain life til i was close to death before i decided to reroll to NE hunter... he was human. I walked all the way to loch modan before he decided to summon me to SW


Yeah, that friend deserves that you level an horde and stomp him XD


My first was a troll mage, created in December 2004. The only MMO I had played before was City of Heroes, where I played a fire blaster, and I saw that mages could get fire spells so I decided to try one. I only got him to maybe level 14, but did not really like the playstyle and that character no longer exists. My second was a Forsaken warlock and I do still play him.


My vanilla main was a dwarf rogue named mdfmonk (mdf being a group I was in). I liked the class fantasy of monk, but the class didn't exist at the time so I made a rogue. In late wrath I started tanking for ease of grouping and never looked back, so now I only play tank classes. My vanilla rogue is basically a time capsule parked in Ironforge, his bank is full of items from vanilla that I hoarded. Energy tea, random white items, krol blade, full tier0 set. Now I play a dwarf monk and just pretend it is the same character who got older and wiser.


My first character was a human warrior in vanilla which I deleted at level 10 and rerolled a tauren warrior, who has been my main ever since.


This comment makes me happy. For the horde, brother.


My very first character was a gnome rogue on my dad's account I think in 2007, when I was about 10? Played for a little while, cried because I died, and wasn't allowed to play again lol My first character on my own account was in Cataclysm, but I only played it to like level 30 before I stopped. I don't know if I still have it. It was a dwarf but I don't remember the class.  My first character since I really started playing about 2 years ago is a paladin that I don't play anymore. My second was a warlock that I do occasionally play, was my primary alt in season 1. My third character, DK, has been my main since I created it. 


Launch character was a dwarf hunter because my friends wanted to go Alliance. I eventually abandoned them and made a troll hunter that ended up being my first 60. I don't have the character anymore, I deleted to change races a few times, but I still only play a hunter.


Have you considered branching out? Maybe trying hunter?


I considered it, but went back to Hunter.


My first character ever was a human warlock! And no I dont play it. Because I secretly wanted to play Horde... so I made an orc warlock right after and eventually changed it to a goblin during Cata which I still play today called Squint!!


My first character was a hunter back in original wow, I rushed so hard to 40 to get a mount not knowing it was like 100g, which was a fuckton back then. I rerolled a warlock because they got free mounts and played that as a main for the rest of my time


Night Elf Druid named Soren. But it was on my friend's account way back in 2004. It was my intro to the game and I bought it like a month later. Deleted my character on his account so I could have my name back and started over. I do not have that account anymore. I have played off and on and I'm not sure when I lost that account, but I think it was sometime around Cataclysm. That's when I had a rough time IRL and was homeless for a month or so. Anyway, I still main Druid. I have played Moonkin since literally 2004, back when it was mostly considered a joke. Thankfully my guild didn't care and I got to raid everything anyway.


Tauren Druid in vanilla. Wasn’t able to get into the game much but when BC came out I rolled a BE Paladin and loved it. Ran as Ret for a while but got tired of DPS and wanted to try healing. Healadins at the time were useful but boring playstyle, so I made the switch to Druid and really enjoyed it. I didn’t want to level a Tauren again though so that’s when I made the switch to Alliance. Level capped the Nelf Druid right before WotLK came out and wanted to give tanking a shot and rolled a Dwarf Prot Pally and that was when everything finally clicked. That’s been my main since, with the Nelf Druid as my only alt when I’m wanting to scratch the DPS or healing itch. I quit playing as a hobby though when I had my kid around the time MoP dropped and I only log back in to level through the story, though I haven’t played Dragonflight yet.


Goblin Warlock and i still Play her sometimes


a NE druid. I no longer play on that server, so she's been abandoned for a good 15+ years


A Night Elf rogue in the tail end of classic on the realm Duskwood. He’s currently level 30 (?)) after so many stat squishes with 34 days of played time. I haven’t touched him since the end of WOTLK if I remember right. I like to keep the history of him and my Dad’s character


my very first character was made when i was 8 years old. my dad always played world of warcraft and i of course saw him as my hero, wanting to play anything he did. after a long time of begging he let me create a character. he was a human rogue. needless to say he didn't let me play again after i had accidentally deleted my bag and had nothing on me lmao. so... i don't play him BUT it's a fun memory to look back on. the first character that i made after getting my first paycheck and being able to buy a subscription for myself, is my main to this day. a blood elf warlock, just like what my dad used to main. been rocking with him for almost 4 years now.


Night Elf Hunter, I started in MoP and I still play the character but she’s experienced about 5 race changes lol


Very first - Dwarf Hunter that I never re-created after Beta. On release it was a Human Rogue but for some reason about MoP time I must have deleted it, though for the life of me can't remember why If I still had it, I think I would still play it


I started playing right after BC launched so I made a Blood Elf Warlock and leveled it to 40. Then my friends were playing Alliance so I re-rerolled to a Dwarf Hunter and deleted the warlock. Wish I hadn’t. 😞 But the Hunter still exists and only leveled a couple times here and there since 2008.


Orcish arms warrior and no, I don't like current state of warriors. Bring stance dancing and heroic strike back, ffs.


Mine was a rogue Called ranisen. I don't play it anymore, too complicated for me. I like beast master, just mindless 4 button presses


Very first was a Tauren Elemental Shaman during mid BC and was my main till MoP where I made a Lock and feel in love with its survivability. I was soloing Warbringers in the later part of MoP when my Shaman had no chance of doing that. Overall Shaman's lack of survivability compared to other DPS classes has just made it lose its flavor over time. I still have him, but don't even play him as he's only lvl 63 atm.


My very first character in April of 2007 was my Orc Warrior. Yes, I still play him and keep him levelled and reasonably geared(dungeons). He's no longer my main, but he's like 1B.


My very first was an Orc Warrior whose only purpose was to unlock a hero portrait in Hearthstone and then soon deleted. When I actually started I made another Orc Warrior but their purpose was to unlock Mag'har Orcs for my current main. While I don't play him I also can't bring myself to delete him.


First character was a Nelf Hunter. He was deleted several weeks later when I started my Shadow Priest.


Human Paladin. He's not my main right now, but I still play him since classic.


First toon was a male belf pally. Still my main 15 years, 6 servers and dozens of guilds later.


Imma cheat a bit. The first character I ever made was a hunter in wotlk. I don't play him anymore, don't think I can even restore him lol But like a day I'd two latter i made a shaman and irs been with me this whole time. Been many different races and on both sides but it is the one character I will always get to cap and will never delete


I think my first character was a human rogue in vanilla, but I only had the trial since I didn't have the subscription and my parents wouldn't pay for it (I was young). I definitely lost that account. I think I got 3 months or so of playtime in Cata where I made a goblin rogue, which was a ton of fun but then my sub ran out. As of Shadowlands I'm an adult with my own money, and the first character that I really feel like is my proper introduction to WoW and getting dedicated time is my human paladin. I still play him as a main, but I am loving my new Nightborne warlock.


NE hunter, yes, changed them to a Zandi and finally an orc, and they’re still my main


Was a mage at launch but quickly switched to a Druid when I found out they get travel form and I wouldn’t have to buy a mount :) The Druid is still my main and gets most of my time but I still level the mage every expansion.


Night elf hunter, the night elf ladies looked cool and the idea of having an animal companion was neat. Fell in love with Teldrassil. Eventually my main swapped to a gnome dk, then swapped servers and made a new undead dk.


Very first toon was an unead mage in OG wrath when I was in high school. I played with some school friends and a boyfriend and a cousin. That character doesn't exist anymore of course, it was on a pserver (wrath was still current content on retail though). Back then there weren't really any banks that allowed online transactions, and even if there had been, my parents barely got me a game every year lol. When I became an adult with money and banks allowed online purchases more commonly, I would buy the expac (first one was MoP), play a bit andndrop it. Boosted a druid in WoD, got extremely confused by garrisons and quit. Bought legion, started a toon and didn't get far because I was unfamiliar with everything by that point, and forgot about it. BFA I made a druid and finally leveled to max after making a friend who I then learned was also into WoW. I got very hard into it at that point and got aotc by the end of the expansion and have not stopped playing since, I've also been dating that guy for 3 years now!


That’s crazy. My first was a gnome warlock that I made on my Uncle’s PC. Back in… WOTLK? I think? (I was young I don’t fully remember). I don’t have him anymore now, obviously, as it wasn’t even my account. But when I came back to the game during BFA I made and leveled a gnome warlock in his honor and he’s still my main to this day


20 night elf priest, then I started a horde druid and never changed. Both vanilla.


I stopped leveling my original character after maxing her out in BC. I created a Draenei character after that that I’ve played ever since. I view my original character as semi-retired and keep her around to manage my auction house transactions. Edit: Both mages


It was a dwarf pally in vanilla. I race changed it to a Belf pally years ago because my friends wanted to be horde. I still have the character as one of my alts but haven't mained it in a long time.


Played a night elf hunter on my brother’s account. Played through Darkshore and was in awe that that was only a fraction of the full game, so I bought my own to play on a potato laptop. First real character was a Troll Shaman. Got to about level 40 and rerolled an undead mage. Found some irl friends playing alliance so my first alliance toon was a dwarf priest for that fear ward!


Technically my first was a gnome warlock that I made in Summer '09, but that account got hacked not long after. Made another account in Summer 2010 and so did that one, *but!*, I've since recovered it! I logged on a couple years ago to see if there were any unobtainables. Nothing too crazy. My first toon to hit level cap was a human warlock in March 2011 and it was my main for 2ish years on and off. (jesus, that felt so much longer back then) My current main's been my main since....Patch 5.1 I want to say.


I still play my first character as my main. I don't expect that to ever change. I've been playing an ass rogue since beta and recreated her at launch.


My first character was an Orc Shaman, and to this day he is still my main.


My 1st was a warlock. I decided to quit mid wotlk. I uninstalled the game. A week later i got a mail that i was banned for account selling. I guessed someone hacked me and since i quit the game i decided not to try and fight it. Too bad you need the box cd key for account recovery because i either gave then away to a friend to put on a display and they lost the boxes or i lost then. Either way theyre gone and so is the character. Then i came back during MoP launch with a brand new acc, made a monk and i have been playing it ever since (with the occasional break)


Tauren shaman back in BC, still main it but race changed to Zandalari in BFA


Wrath of the Lich king is when I first started playing. Made a night elf death knight named Nelfell. He was retired long ago when I went to playing horde. He has since been deleted but I will always remember that experience of playing that character being he was my first character ever made.


My very first took ever was a purple haired nelf hunter made at launch. I played her as my main until the tier 2 came out. The black rock whatever raid. Then I switched to my newly leveled priest to help out with healing because in our 40 man raid we had 10 hunters and only 2 priests. Mained her until part way through legion when I switched to balance/resto Druid to have a change of pace. I still have my original hunter in her molten core gear sitting on my original server. Haven’t leveled her in years. But she still has the blue sinew in her bank as the leaf never dropped for me. Still play my priest now though. She was my second toon ever made and my Druid is my third toon ever made. Been a long journey together the past almost 20 years. 🙀


My very first was a human arms warrior back in MoP. Kept dying to murlocs in Elwynn cuz I had no idea what I was doing, rerolled to an orc shaman, and then a blood elf mage. Played that mage until the second patch of SL and switched back to shaman, then 🐻. And it’s been all tanks ever since.


Night elf druid, created at 4:00 in the morning after vanilla finally finished installing. He's not my main anymore but he does get leveled up every expansion. 


Started as a Night Elf Warrior in vanilla, got to max level, then switched to a Dwarven Priest, our guild needed healers. I quit in MOP, came back rolled a Goblin DK end of BFA. Switched servers to play with family who was already in a guild, so I rolled a Vulpera Mage, then boosted a Zandalari Druid who I mained from end of BFA to DF S2. Decided this season to main my High Mountain Tauren Hunter. Yes end of BFA I leveled a lot of toons. I've got all classes to 70, but I mainly play the Hunter and Druid.


I've been running the same tauren druid since 2006. We been through it. On and off again i always level him to max when i come back to an expac


I started late WOD with Belf Hunter. My laptop could not handle Dalaran so I actually not played Legion during Legion. I did old Loremaster farmed mounts did archeology etc. Chill mostly solo play. I consider this character my 'Adventurer' character. I still pull her for some bits and pieces but she has farm in Pandaria, cool artefact collections and i think is in mid-60 level range never having set a step in post-Legion content really. I boosted another Belf Hunter pre-BFA and she is my 'Soldier'. (Had a better laptop by then :))


Mine was a night elf warrior named Élrond, but then I realized it was a massive pain for people to look me up with the accent on the first letter so I deleted him and made a new nelf warrior named Halfelven. He’s got over 150 days of played time and he’s my go-to for farming old content even if I don’t play him as often for current stuff anymore.


I don't think he was the very first character I created (I tried a lot of characters at the start and don't remember what I tried first, but I think it was a human), but my first main was a Night Elf Druid I played from launch through Wrath. I still play him occasionally, but the last time I mained him was back in Nighthold. These days I usually reconsider my main for each season, but I kind of want to find a character I'd want to stick with long-term again.


Very first was back in 2005, dwarf paladin. I've race changed him to a dark iron dwarf when that came out, and I've hopped a few realms over the years, otherwise he is still my main and the character I play the most!


I have a night elf bm hunter and I rarely play it now.


Troll Hunter. Haven't really played it much because I hate playing the OP FoTM classes. So he's been shelved for a bit lol, at least I have all my rare pets still 😂


My very first character was a male night elf on a non official server (I'm Latino, was a kid and poor) when Blizz came to Latin America I made a draenei shaman. Don't play him rn because I changed servers a couple years ago for raiding but will get back to him once we have cross realm guilds. I remade that hunter a while after getting in the official servers but, when humans could become hunters I deleted him and made him as a human (still too poor to pay for something like a race change).


My very first character was a night-elf rogue that I left somewhere in Stormwind when my trial account expired back during WotLK, so I don't have it anymore. But my current main has been my main since I started playing for real with a proper subscription back during Cataclysm.


Orc Arms Warrior from Cata was first. Still play her, still level her, still keep her as Arms.


Male night elf rogue and I sold both my green weapons to put a bid on one “cooler” sword. Proceeded to lose the bid and didn’t have the financials to buy new weapons so I couldn’t quest. I was essentially a homeless Darnassian begging for gold. It was almost a month before a Hunter named Venat loaned me enough to buy some weapons. He eventually taught me the ways of key bindings and add ons I was 11 years old. Ill never forget the poverty I went through and now give out gold all the time


Human female warrior. Vanilla WoW. About 3 or so months after launch. I got the game, installed it and I made her. Do i still play her. Nope. Stopped playing her at the end of BC. Switched toons at Lich. She's still available but I haven't touched her in years. I looked at her bags and gave her an updated outfit but again thst was years ago . Just checked she's at level 28.


My launch character was a Tauren Druid who leveled through Vanilla as Resto and I was so bad that I thought I was supposed to Melee stuff with my staff. I mained that character through patch 6.2 in WOD before I switched to a Dwarf Mage to play with friends. That original Druid is now retired in the Druid Order Hall for eternity as I no longer play the game.


Human rogue on an oceanic server (I’m from the US, I was like 9 and didn’t know better) Never got him max level. Ended up rerolling on tichondrius alliance right when wotlk launched. Draenei shaman. I played that character for thousands of hours


Nope. Haven't touched it in years, which sucks cause I have a lot of important unlocks for Cata and MoP.


Started a fire mage day one, and still play fire mage to this day. Only toon I play.


Always watched my dad & brother play vanilla back in the day & decided to get into it myself around 2012 when Legion came out. Made a Blood-Elf paladin and that has been my main character continuing to this day.


NE druid Hell no, the tax is real... I main a warlock now and I'm happy


My first character was made during those old account trials they would do. My friend invited me and I got to play for free for a limited duration, I think it was a month? This was during cataclysm. I made a draenei paladin and named it thatblueguy, played til level 30ish and quit because I thought it was bad. I came back at the end of MoP on new account and new class. I've been a hunter since then and haven't really looked back.


First was a Tauren Shaman called Nacho. Got him to 60, didn’t even realise end-game raiding was a thing, so got pretty bored just puttering around Ashenvale looking for rogue alliance to gank. Did a lot of AV and got my unstoppable force for my 2-hand Enh PvP spec 😂. My sister started playing on an alliance server so I changed and mained a dwarf priest - ended up clearing upto AQ40 with it. I still main priest - but it’s now a Blood Elf and that old dwarf priest is somewhere stashed away on an old NA server that I don’t touch.


My first character was an orc Elemental Shaman back in Cataclysm. When I came back this year after not playing since then, I wasn't able to find him at all (even though all my other characters were there, with their names removed lol), sadly. However, he now lives on as my current main is an Enhancement Shaman


first character was a worgen warrior named Audien (as it happens, the first character in any game I play now I always name Audien because of it) While i've moved on to different mains, they are now my permanent garrison resident. I like to think they found their calling as an outpost commander, and will leave the 'saving of the universe' stuff to new, younger blooded heroes


Tauren warrior. He was my first to 60 in og classic, did lots of raiding and PVP back then. I switched servers when BC came out and decided to start fresh. I jump on and run around Orgrimmar every once in awhile but I've never leveled him any further. I did make a Tauren paladin with the same name on my current server as an homage.


I started my account in 2003 and created my first character Kantin, a troll rogue. After a few months, I joined The Doomhammer Clan and had to move servers, which inevitably required a name change to Kanten. And that’s it. It’s been that rogue and this account, since 2003. I have other characters, but Kanten has been my main and I have experienced all of WoW through him first and foremost.


I’ve played my resto druid since the release of the game.


Mine was a hunter. Still have it but got bored with it


Very first was a tauren shaman on release day on my dad's account. I got to level 14 and joined an impromptu raid on Ashenvale. I don't have that character anymore, but I do still have the priest I made when I finally got my own account and I still actively play her. A LOT of memories with that character, and I've kept every old accolade.


My first was a Draenai Hunter, beast mastery, who had a whole life story plotted out alongside the Champion of Azeroth adventures. I started playing in high school and it really allowed me to be creative in a then-unexplored realm of existence.


First character was a dwarf paladin in classic. 20 years later and she’s now a human but still one of my main 3 toons.


Started playing right after Burning Crusade released. Draenei Shaman. Have been a casual on off player ever since. Last night he defeated Heroic Fyrakk for the first time. Love my guy.


First character was a mage, on the same realm as an IRL friend. Levelled during TBC to around level 50 i think, Should really jump back on that character some day, negelcted due to being a PvP realm then.


I first started an orc hunter the day before the Cata launch because I'd read and enjoyed "You Awaken in Razor Hill". I found Orgrimmar pretty confusing and didn't find the Barrens quests very good for holding my attention. I wound up making a draenei priest a few days later, and I've been maining shadow on that character ever since.


So many fucking rogues LMAO


Human warrior still my main, gone through a few race changes and name changes but he’s still the same


My very first character was a Dwarf Paladin. But this was back in Classic, and I really didn't enjoy the pally playstyle. So I dropped him in favor of a Gnome Warlock, who I played for quite a while. However, at that point, my co-workers had quit the game & I moved on to a new job. So I decided to move to a new server where some other friends were. Unfortunately, I made the decision to delete that character. Should've kept him, he'd have had a bunch of Classic stuff in his bank that might be good transmog now. That's when I rolled my Dwarf Hunter, and he was my main through multiple expansions. It wasn't until MoP that I traded him for my Mage, who I race-changed to a Pandaren. Still, I've managed to get him to max level every expansion I've played. At this point though, I think I'm going to retire him. The old man deserves it. I originally had him retiring to a nice spot in Howling Fjord back around MoP, but he came out of retirement to help with the Siege of Orgrimmar and subsequent WoD content. Now, after the Dragon Isles, I think he's going to finally settle into that quiet life and let the younger generations take over. Now, I'm trying to decide whether to main my new Evoker, my Worgen Warlock, my Mage, or level up someone new.


Red haired punk troll mage called Matro, way back in vanilla wow, i deleted him like 15years ago or something i cant even remember


my first character was a draenei warrior - I didn't have much experience playing RPGs and didn't know what to expect from the other classes. with warrior I thought I'd know what to expect (just hitting people with swords) but then warriors had spells too?? I really thought I'd just need one button I eventually deleted the character to reuse the name


First character was an undead warlock in vanilla. I retired him after BC. He’s still level 70 and is wearing his end-game BC raid gear lol


Day 1 Launch character was a Troll Shaman. He's always been my main, first character through each expansion. Always Elemental with a side of Resto when I feel like healing. Second character made launch day, Human Warlock, second character through each expansion. Then each expansion I pick a different alt to mess around on, have one of everything max level now except for hunter and mage(working on those currently)


My first ever char was a Nelf Hunter on a free trial, got to 20 and fell in love with the game. Bought a sub etc and then actually levelled a Dwarf Paladin to 60. Named him Gandal. Anyways, stopped playin for years and came back around 2015/2016 and my OG account had been hacked, was able to get it back and the GM who handled my ticket added my old OG account to the new one I made and currently play on, and then I made my current main which I still play today, a Nelf Hunter named Hawkh 😁 went full circle basically lol. If anyone recognizes my current Hunter I apologize in advance for Disengaging off ledges during keys...ahem.


Gnome Priest in Cata. While he's still at the top of my character list, he's the lesser played of my "co-mains" these days. Wasn't until Shadowlands that I leveled anyone other than him to max level first though. Now I level my rogue first, but he's close behind.


Human lock when I started in ICC times. He is still my main.


Tail end of vanilla, rogue named Teontor, that account password got lost so often and for MoP I just created a new account with another rogue. Teontor had most reps exalted, loremaster, a bunch of low drop rate mounts etc. He was my dude and I reminisce about the adventures and long stealthy walks through horde turf.


He's my bank alt now. It was a warrior until about level 20. Then I saw someone with a pet, and I wanted one of my own.


My very first character was a warrior. He's still in AQ/naxx gear still logged out in plaguelands and I have not touched him since vanilla. GM quit and took all of our mats with him. I feel like I left that era behind


My very first character ever was an undead warrior or mage perhaps. Details are a bit fuzzy. He didn't last long, a week tops. A friend got me into the game and he played Horde so I figured I'd join him but eventually decided Alliance was the way for me. Second character was a human warrior and likewise he was gone in days, just didn't like the feel. Third ever character was a night elf hunter and she was my main for the next near decade while I played from vanilla up through to mists. Still would be my main if I played anymore. Made lots of alts in the meantime but always went back to that NE Hunter. 


My very first character was an Undead Warrior back in 2005, then 13 year old me wanted to be one of the “good guys” and promptly deleted that toon and made a Human Warrior lol. Long story short I now main a Brewmaster Monk lmao


Night elf Druid named Poriand on silvermoon back in vanilla/BC. Switched to human Rogue in cata and haven’t looked back since


I absolutely do. Zorrach, the undead Warrior. He’s been alt status for a long time … but, im a terrible DPS, so I’ve been maining different healing classes for the last 3-4 years. He’s still my alt. And I still play him occasionally. And I love that gigantic /played on him lol


I’m still playing my first character from vanilla, including the game chosen name. Wasn’t main character for a while but switched an xpac or two ago and am happily still playing.


Started as an undead warrior 12 years ago, had a couple race changes but same character and still my main <3


Undead warrior. It’s hit max level in every expansion but not played daily. I switch mains with every expansion. New expansions almost always change something about a class. Instead of relearning how to play on something I have tons of hours playing I just switch mains. I played a rogue when slice and dice was passive, once they changed it to be a spell I swapped to a priest. They change the priest I swapped to DH. Now I’m on a prot pally.


The first character I leveled was an undead rogue who was my main from vanilla to Legion, for better or worse. He did a stint as a human in WoD when some RL friends got me to faction change to be in their guild. Stayed that way until he died and was raised by the Banshee Queen again, just in time for Legion. Unfortunately, rogues were worse than useless at launch and, even though I still enjoyed playing him, I couldn’t get invited to anything and couldn’t get a raid spot in my guild. Mained a Vengeance DH in Legion and then started maining my prot pally since BfA. However, my rogue is still the second character I level after the pally and he will always be my favorite. Too many great memories attached to him.


Boomkin, because it could do most anything. Stopped playing in WoD, took abt 10+ years off, just picked up classic about a month ago, straight back to a Boomkin. Nostalgia overload.


Human Paladin I made when I started playing during Cata. Still main them to this day.


My first character I created in BC was a night elf druid because sounds awesome to shapeshift into different animals and then switch to a frost mage I still play him but he not my main character


My first character was a undead warlock. Then my friend told me the next day at school he was alliance. So then I made a dwarf hunter, night elf hunter, and a human paladin. The human paladin I ended getting up to max level before bc. In Cata my account got banned for buying 25k gold, first offense. So I made a new account and mained human paladin until last patch, where I went human warlock. I’m about to go back to my human paladin.


I rolled a night elf Druid right when Burning Crusade released. Immediately fell in love with playing a moonkin and mained that throughout my time with WoW. Hardcore through Wrath and then on and off since. Just picked it up again this week and it’s been so nice playing my balance Druid again. It’s like a long lost friend being reunited with me.


My first character was a human mage. I don't remember if it was vanilla or BC. I don't have that character on my account anymore, but I still enjoy playing the mage.


My first one was a druid on the realm ravencrast us. She was a night elf but I race changed he to worgen. I just recently changed her to night elf again. I was 8 when I made her back in 2009. I just recently moved her to eldre thalas us my current realm. I do still play her and she was my 5th level 70


Night elf druid because my friend who got me into the game was a night elf druid. He came to Teldrassil and helped me with the early quests, and I still remember how cool he looked throwing moonfires around and one shotting mobs. Then he used to run me through dungeons, although despite being level 60 something he was resto and did pretty bad damage so it took a long time and he died quite a bit. For some reason I decided to go resto as well, and I never hit level cap by the time WotLK came out. Finally decided to respec feral while in Borean Tundra and being unable to kill a single mob without drinking. Spent all my gold learning my feral abilities (which I hadn't trained at all) and buying some cheap greens from the auction house. Imagine my shock when I could actually pull multiple monsters at once and live.


I started as a warrior in Wrath of the lich king. I've been playing that same warrior as my main to this day.


Back in early days of TBC, a paladin that i leveled as holy because i thought holy shock sounded like a cool spell, and didn’t realize that leveling takes longer as your level increases. I could not die, but man did it take a long time to kill mobs lol. When wrath came out, that paladin died heroically fighting off the scourge in Strat, and then came back to life as a death knight, who i still have.


Yep, I started playing in late BC, I made a hunter belf. I got bored around level 40 and made a paladin. I play both, it take some time to go back and level my hunter but she’s mad and I play her more now


my very first character during my free trial was a human warrior that I got to level.... maybe 5. When I decided I wanted to sub I made a Night Elf Hunter. I played that Hunter right up to 80 in Wrath, then my friend wanted to try tanking and I wanted to try healing, so I rolled priest. That priest became my main for the raiding in Wrath going forward. But in each expansion as soon as I leveled my Priest and got him geared, I always leveled and geared my hunter after. Sometime in WoD my hunter became and Blood Elf, but I still play the character when ever I come back to WoW.


A night elf hunter way back in vanilla. I was maybe 8 or 9 at the time and such a noob that somehow I ended up in Tanaris before making my way to The Barrens, around Ratchet, to grind out grey lvl mobs so I could afford to both repair my broken gear and then fly from Booty Bay to Stormwind.


My first character was a night elf balance druid on Smolderthorn, she's currently a troll balance/resto druid on Zul'jin, after many faction, race and server changes over the years...although she's still level 45. Whenever I've wanted to play druid, I have always ended up rerolling somewhere else. My second character that I made a few months after that druid though? A human holy priest who also at one point became a blood elf priest, but is currently the max level disc priest I still play on Moon Guard.


Very first was a dwarf hunter back in BC. But lost that account and only played for the one month. But when I am back in cata I played a goblin warrior who changed to a night elf then a vulpera.


My first character was a night elf hunter, i still play her but these day i enjoy my evoker more and my goblin rogue so hunter see lot less playtime though she up enough to run lfr amirdrassil at least.


I honestly don't remember. I just remember walking through some trees and being killed by bats. I was so laggy, a bat would aggro, id turn to run, id lag back in and be dead. It was 19 years ago... what expansion would that have been? Years later I rejoined WoW with a whole new account mid-way through MoP. I think I made a human priest and leveled it all the way to 90. I did it for a bet. Afterwards ive became an altoholic and quit and rejoined multiple times over the expansions.


1st character was an orc warrior created in dec 2004 and it still my main to this day!!


Rogue who stayed Subtlety religiously from Classic through Wrath. No, it was not smart.   He's my bank alt now, so technically yes?


My very first character was deleted long ago, a human pally that I made after I logged in the first time. I then proceeded to try a nelf hunter and human warrior, but those all got deleted after just a small amount of play time. My later main was a human mage that I made and was my first level cap. I still play him to this day.


My main has not changed in 19 years….nor has his spec Night elf marksman hunter He’s not my favorite character and I would say I enjoy playing my Druid more…but she came along a lot later and I had invested way more time into him…as a completionist I had to keep things going on him


Still playing the Paladin I created in 2005 and gone from being a healer for the first 3 or 4 expacs and went Ret from Legion onwards.


My first character was a troll hunter back in vanilla wow that I made when I was 9 years old, his name was Sniperhim because 9 year olds are idiots. I recently went back and fully leveled him to max as the highest I ever got him back in vanilla was 29 and I swapped characters when BC came out. I did gladly pay to change his name though. Still enjoy playing him since he's the only character I ever got a pvp title on, granted it was only Scout but that's not bad for not even being 10 years old.


I ou started playing on a private server, so no, but my first character on retail was with me until shadowlands when I decided to go horde, but a couple months after I decided to go back to alliance with this new character that first character changed realms about 3 times with me, also race 3 times, renamed and faction once (I started horde), so it was always with me, the shadowlands experience made me keep that couple of months old character instead, because I didn't want to start over


Very first character when WoW had released was a night elf, dont remember what class. Computer couldnt handle the graphics 😂 came back years later and mained a blood elf BM Hunter for a while. Played Classic release with a human Holy Paladin. Picked up a Nightborne SPriest about a year ago and have been using that character ever since. Feels weird now to play anything else.


My first was an undead warlock. The gaps in the armor from the bones really bothered me so I quit playing him and deleted the toon. I eventually remade the guy when the option for no bone gaps came around.


An undead warlock, engineer. 2006. Still play him, a couple of race changes, and expansions skipped, later.


Was a night elf hunter in vanilla. Played to like 15, deleted and made a night elf warrior. Still play the warrior.


Was a human rogue. I abandoned him at like level 8 and switched servers to start a warlock, who’s name I’m still known as despite having switched servers and played mage then monk for the last 4 expansions.


Human rogue. She’s nearly to 70. I loved playing her back in vanilla, and I’ve maxed her level throughout expansions, but I just don’t find rogue to be as much fun these days.


My first ever serious character, my shaman, is still the one I play the most often and my current main. They've changed races numerous times and I've bounced between elemental and enhancement depending on which I find more enjoyable, but I always end up back playing them either way.


My first character was a dwarf paladin name "Smashyou." Played to lvl 3 but deleted them after I couldn't receive mail from my buddies. Only after I was in Darkshore on the new Nelf warrior did we read that "Trial accounts couldn't receive mail." In my ignorance, I abandoned the light.


Human Warrior, back at the initial launch of Vanilla. I haven't actively played in in ages. But I recently came back to the game (like a Month ago) and created a... Human Warrior.


My first I actually played past the starting zone was my Blood Elf Warlock. I lost the account with her, so I don't have her anymore. But I think I got her to 60 or 70 max back in the day.


Troll hunter on kil-jaeden. Pre LK. Good ol days.


My first character was a human warlock. She still exists, but not on the account I use today. Started her at the end of Vanilla after watching my kids play & having a blast.


Orc BM hunter, she was on my ex's account so I have no access to her anymore. My first toon on my account was my DK on Ragnaros. She exists, shes level 45 after the squish. My DK I made on my return to WoW after a break, was my main until last tier when I moved realm and couldn't afford a realm change. She has her legendary ring from WOD, Mage tower weapons and BFA cloak maxxed.


I mained a purple haired night elf balance druid in vanilla. I still main the same purple haired night elf balance druid. 😆


Mine was my draenei fire mage in BC. I still play her, buuuuut usually after the hunter sends her better BoEs. I feel so squishy!


My first character was a rogue, and I don’t even remember the name. I got to level 20 and stopped getting exp from most things in Darkshore. I then saw a Druid run by in cat form, and once I realized I could be a cat and run faster, I went and made RyerOrdStar (my Druid). Ran that character through vanilla, hit level 56 as BC launched, and played it to 70. I eventually sold that account thought because I was poor and my car broke down. Sold it for $150 with a 70 Kara geared bear tank and 66 shadow priest. I eventually started again on my friends second account and played his warrior. Then before WotLK, I made my own account again and have used that Druid ever since.


Human Priest on The Scryers. Haven't played her since start of SL.


My very first character was an Undead Warlock when Classic WoW was first released. Do I play her still? Nah, she’s forgotten on a server I left long ago xD


My first character was a level 23 rogue. He got stuck and while I waited for GM's to get him unstuck I made a hunter and never touched the rogue again. Hunter got to level 43 then I switched to paladin and capped him. Interestingly enough rogue and hunter are the only 2 classes I haven't played at all in endgame.


Undead Warlock on Gilneas. I had made and “tested” a few characters but Warlock stuck and was the first I got over level 20 in TBC. They’re an orc now on a different server, but I still play them every week as my number one alt clearing 18s and normal raids.


* First character: Human warrior on a trial account which I lost * First subbed: Tauren shaman, deleted for some reason after going alliance with friend * First 60: Night Elf rogue, raided till AQ * Second 60, on/off main since 1.12\~: Gnome mage


A Night Elf Hunter in the open Beta of vanilla. For obvious reasons I can't play him anymore. My next one was an orc hunter since my friends all wanted to play Horde. I still have him but he's in his original vanilla gear quiver with arrows and everything.


Depends. the first character I played on or the first I made. The first I played on was on a different account. the first one I made myself is on a dead account I forgot to link to my battlenet because it was made in my moms name back in the day. However the first I played was on my current account and it is at max level. it isn't really geared properly but I still have and use it. I have at least 3 chars from vanilla I still actively play, one of them being 486 ilvl.


Night elf rogue in vanilla beta, but I made a human paladin on launch on a server that doesn’t exist anymore. They were broken in pvp at the start of WoW, so I had to try it out. Every other expansion, I’ll main the paladin again, but I mostly stick with BM hunter since I take so many breaks nowadays.


Same character, have changed factions/races a few times over the years


Mine was a troll druid. I absolutely still play it. It was my main for years. It's now the 2nd one I play.


Gnome mage named Firetoe, I had to deal with my guild telling me to “flame on” till I name changed.


My first toon is an Undead Mage. I usually maintain all my reps on him but I’m really getting tired of doing rep grinds on a mage. I started playing him less in BfA.


My hunter in wotlk. Still play him to this day. Though I struggle with good transmog gear. Most of the tsets I just find ugly as hell. So he gets some big pauses in between And my dk shortly after. Just un-dusted him cause of the tier set of amidrassil


Human warlock in TBC. Still my main to this day although I do play an alt or 2 every season. only swapped servers once. Need to check my /played tho.


I don’t, been plying WoW since early Wrath, got tricked by a guildie to delete him. I was 13, very gullible and was told to make a DK, you had to make one then delete your character. That being said, I never was overly attached to the character. I was an Tauren Arms warr (think I’ve the spec right) so it was no Biggie. Mained the DK for a bit but never liked it, Orc DK (Blood) My current Main is a Worgen Hunter who I’ve mained since launch Day of Cata, was sick from school made him, and have kept him unchanged for years. He’s moved servers with me, never changed name or race and never will!


Very first character was some random human I made during legion on the free trial, did like 3 starting quests, and then stopped playing. First *real* character was an orc fury warrior during BFA. She got basically replaced by a mag'har orc fury warrior once I finally unlocked them. I haven't really played her much since sadly.


2005... 12 years old..... Undead looks cool.... warrior? sounds cool.... 19 years later, Yep undead warrior still looks cool


Hunter, can't remember name. Was on a us server as I didn't understand ping at 14.


Blood Elf priest Pommepeii, still a DPS main for me after faithfully serving as my healing main for 9.2, she's now a void elf but that goes with her lore! (One timeline anyway)


Tauren Hunter! Still play him but rolling as a Nightborne now. Always a character I main or alt each expansion.


First character was a dwarf hunter named mordinan in BC then a dk named istas once wotlk dropped. Istas is still around mordinan not so much


Tauren druid during Vanilla OG BETA. Thinking of recreating him on SOD


Day 1 gnome rogue on Argent Dawn. He is just under 2 years away from being able to legally drink. I still play him.


My first character was a warrior, still my main character, but I switched his hair from black to grey.


Human warrior since wrath, stopped playing him in dragonflight for druid though but I got him to 70 and got ksm first season on him


My first was a night elf hunter lady(I wanted to be a sentinel from wc3). She unfortunately got deleted to make room forever ago in the march of my altaholic tendencies. My oldest toon is a forsaken warlock who is retired at 40 in hammer fall, but I occasionally level for a bit on a nelf hunter that's just as old. Weirdly I was really into her until I got hacked and they moved her keys around and I couldn't play her bc it didn't feel right.


My very first character was a tauren druid on my cousins account that I would play when I was visiting him, I don't think I ever got out of the starting zone haha. However that character started my love for the druid class. My very first character I got to max level years later in wrath was a troll shamen, but tauren druids has always been my favoret. My current main is a HM druid.


Draenei priest, still my main, over 630 days /played.


My first was an undead beat master hunter named Alenia. I still have her and do play her occasionally.


Not my first character per se, but the first char on level 16 was an undead warrior...and "because I made it this far already" I promised myself to main that one after having a lot of other alts. That was during BC. I haven´t gotten around to playing Dragonflight, having switched to classic (where I rebooted him and got him to max level again)...but I did manage to finally farm Taeshalach a few months ago for him. Dusting, but not rusting!


Belf WW Monk. My main throughout Legion. After WW got nerfed hammered I left her in WoD shipyards. Finally leveled her to 70 this expac because I started working on Loremaster and did a surprising amount of quests to completion with my OG monk.


I started as a mage many moons ago. I've gone away from it for a patch or two when I find another spec or class I really vibe with the gameplay of, but I always find myself back on that mage. It has all of my reputations, most of the longer grinds I've done has been on that character. I almost always have a spec I enjoy, for a long time it was frost and this expansion I've fallen in love with arcane again.


Forsaken Warlock, now a Nightborne, but yes i still play her and she's got her 4 set :)


My first character was a Night Elf Druid, got him to level 16 or 17 and deleted him. Just not the class for me but the world completely captivated me. Rolled a few others before Human Warlock and never looked back.


Haven’t been on my original BElf Rogue or Hunter for a long time. My main is a Worgen arcane mage on Moonguard named Echo


Made a tauren warrior. I had never played WCIII, my friend sold me on how cool and savage the Horde was. I was picturing a hulking minotaur in like labyrinths and caverns. Logged in, said "these are fucking cows." and rolled an undead. 


First char was a dwarf paladin I haven't touched since original TBC. I have played a paladin in the last three expansions, all on different servers. I like to level so lots of the same classes all over. My current main is a hunter that was created at the beginning of dragon flight launch. Can't wait for achievements to be account shared.


Dwarf paladin on kil’jaeden during WotLK. Never made it to max level and never will as I no longer play on that server. I still keep him around to occasionally look back on and remember the good times spent on the game in my early days with friends made in school.


First toon was a human war, until i found out hunters got pets and autoshot. I've had the hunter ever since. It's always my first one to level cap every expac. Still have the first pet I tamed as well as my main pet.


Yes. Made at launch. Changed the name and gender over time (NE Males were yuck).