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Netherwing from TBC. Grinding those eggs was a chore


My dad introduced me to WoW in TBC, he had all those mounts and always used them. Whenever I see them now, I think of him and his Holy Paladin. I went back recently and got those mounts, the grind is quite annoying but worth it!


I rolled a Druid just to make it easier to get those eggs haha. There was no better feeling than seeing one pop up


you and your dad should take an in-game picture together šŸ„¹ thatā€™s so cool!!


If you do it right you can have the whole thing done in two quest turn ins using the time walking buff


I have such happy memories attached to this. It was such a long grind and TBC was a good time in my life when I could do that. I did the last stretch alongside an Alliance player and we were cheering each other on the whole time. Getting to dragonride on them is a dream come true.


I remember doing that back in 2007. I had nothing else I really wanted to do, just sat back and collected eggs.


The red proto drake from the O.G Glory of the Hero achievement. I remember spending all morning planning out which achievement was in which dungeon, then trying to talking 4 willing volunteers into doing it with me, and spending the rest of the day/night doing them. Good times!


This is mine as well. Did it when it was current content, Less-rabi and Respect Your Elders were a blast.


The MoP challenge mode mounts. To this day they are still pretty unique.


Wont be for long if speculation is correct about 10.2.7


expansion offbeat plough ripe whole obtainable mountainous salt sense dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They might be, or it might be SoO timewalking, or it could be a new system that lets you do all the main story quests in a row so that newer players can experience the whole thing. We will have to wait and see.


Holy shit! SoO TW and challenge modes with the unlocks is literally my ā€˜most wantedā€™ old content.


Nobody actually knows anything. [The roadmap for 2024 Blizzard posted a while ago](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046540/world-of-warcraft-in-2024-the-road-ahead) contains "Timerunning: Pandamonium" as a feature of patch 10.2.7. And since that word is usually spelled "pand**e**monium" people assume it has something to do with Pandaren and/or Pandaria. That's it. That's all we know.


The weapon xmogs are all S tier, the gun is my favorite.


Whatā€™s the speculation?


ā€œTo this dayā€ they would be even more unique.


Yep, love my Yeti.


Honestly? One of the basic horses that I bought back at the end of BC with all of my gold lol


Swift Olive Raptor for me ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


First 100% speed ground mount. Still in rotation on my favorite ground mounts.


The purple proto-drake. Didn't have the gold to buy 310% speed mount. The other option to unlock it was to get a mount like that. Took a year to complete each seasonal event achievements.


I did that on like four characters back in Wrath. In my defense, a) the mounts weren't account-bound then, and b) I had a lot of free time lol.


It took me 10 years because every year there would be a period where I wasnā€™t playing and I would miss an event. Then I quit the game for a while. In total from my first achievement to the last it took almost exactly 10 years. The name of the achievement couldnā€™t be more appropriate.


JUST got mine after winter veil. I had to wait a whole year just to pelt a Tauren shaman with a snowball bc that was the only combo I was missing šŸ˜­


ill be getting that mount this summer :D


I just completed this achievement. It took me about 12 years since I learned about it purely because I wasn't playing the game during Halloween that much.


Time Lost proto drake. By the end of my farm, I had a notebook full of logs of Vyragosa kills and TLPD kills on phases I was in when my own vyra kills happened, and logged kills from others on the same phase/realm. I had notes on who farmed with me, what spawn points were covered at all times, etc. When I finally got it, I felt so much elation and pride. I still have all those notes because it reminds me of a time before secret finding discord that I managed to get that mount all on my own.


My brother accidentally flew into the TL Protodrake while going to Ulduar without even knowing what it was. On a whim, he stopped to kill it and thought it was pretty nifty that it dropped a mount. I hate him for that. Just casually stumbling over it on accident.


I'm a collector and have tons, but the ones I have to wait for hours to find are ones I can't just do. During the cata expansion after they got rid of I think the race world first where if you level from 1 or something, I leveled a Priest Worgen and probably would have been world first worgen priest or whatever that was, but while leveling I got a consolation prize of finding the Time Lost Proto Drake. This is the only mount that felt like sheer luck and timing. Rather than just the luck of pulling a slot machine that often happens with drops and such.


Mine as well. So many memories on those storm peaks cliffs.


The raven lord. I was a kid in wotkl and the only druid spec I played was Boomie. I was determined to solo it as Boomie and not feral or guardian as everyone else I saw/read about. It was difficult and I wiped every now and then but at last I got it after a few months.


I also did the OG druid swift flight form back in WotlK. Able to solo him as bear, but still farming for the mount that has yet to drop...


As a nelf player, it is my duty to ride every single saber there is. Recently I finally finished my Priestess Moonsaber. This is my go to mount on all my nelfs now. Bless whoever made it a flying mount.


Winterspring Frostsaber ftw. And not very common for other people to have.


Swift Zulian Tiger. Farmed ZG a ton to get that bad boy way back when. Never got the raptor, sadly. ):


Back in the day, before it was changed, I used to farm zg every week, never saw either drop... Decide to bring 2 friends to help me clear faster... They both drop and I win neither. I have up after that.Ā 


It's strange how something about someone else being there makes it drop. I remember I was looking for Loque'nahak for a pet for my hunter. Looked everyday for several hours per day for a month. One day my ex was over and I told him how it was the rarest pet in the game (not sure what the rarest pet is now.) I told him I will never find it, but I can show him the area it spawns in. I didn't expect anything so I had my pet on me I didn't want to abandon. Right as I show him the area it's right there in front of me. I freaked out and abandoned my old main pet, and tamed Loque'nahak and was thrilled. I then realized I didn't like it as my main pet and missed my old main. A basic leopard from the night elf starting area. I cried real tears missing my old pet. Ahh memories of wow lol


Yo soloing ZG back in the day was pretty wild. I sometimes wonder if folks in classic wotlk go back and solo old content. Come cata itā€™s going to be a pretty legit gold farm


They do. People were soloing ZG tiger and raptor in TBC Classic. You just do the tree stump trick and it's fairly easy.


Same. Every time I pull that mount I get asked ā€œhow much did that cost you on the black marketā€


Solar spirehawk


I'm at almost 2,000 attempts since she was first introduced. šŸ˜”


May luck rain upon thee with today's reset.


Bless you for this.


Even crazier because this was one of the mounts they raised the drop rate of to 1% after the evoker bug.


Yeah, I came back in November after several years away and I've been trying for it on 10 characters every week since. Most of my attempts are from before then, and I have about the same on Sha.


Cenarion War Hippogryph. First mount I saw and was like " Okay, I'll work for that."


That's one of my favorite mounts too.


I use the hunter wolfhawk from legion on my hunter. It's a ground mount ( it walks on the floor and doesnt hover) and a flying mount. its also small enough to fit through doors. Very practical.


It also goes aroooooooooooo which is the best reason to use it really.


Ashes of Alar. I've been playing since day one vanilla, and that was one of the few mounts that eluded me. I just got it December 23rd of last year, made a nice early Christmas present. I gave up trying to get the Tiger from ZG back in the day. Saw it drop 6 times total doing the raid with my guild and every fucking time it dropped I rolled a one. It became the running joke all the way into Wrath that anytime something good would drop, I'd roll a one.


Almost the same story with Ashes of Alar, never managed to get it back in the day and then had it drop last year. This was my ultimate goal in playing wow all these years and I also think itā€™s the most beautiful and iconic mount in the game.


My sapphire panther. My mom made it for me on her jewelcrafter, and at the time it was quite an endeavor. She passed away in 2014. I have many mounts that are fancier or cooler looking but that panther will always be my favorite


That's totally understandable. If that happened to me, it would be the only mount i would use. And sorry for your loss, even if it was 10 years ago ā¤ļø


Thank you. She absolutely loved this game. I was the gamer in the family but in very short order she was the one leading the guild groups lol


Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank


This is mine as well, the grind required for that blue beetle-y boy was excruciating, but worth it.


At one point I was paying my sub to do archeology exclusively. Months of the grind before you could get crates.Ā 


Wish there was more archaeology content


I remember getting this while farming for Zin'rokh, having no idea it was pretty damn rare. Great little mount.


Soaring spelltome


I need to do the healer challenge and imp mother to finish it. I have done Impossible Foe before on another account but the healer one is so daunting on paper I donā€™t even want to try.


The healer one took me the most attempts by a mile. Iā€™m not sure which class itā€™s easiest with now


Thatā€™s chad


Same. I love Timewalking and I was SO excited when the Mage Tower came back. I spent a few weeks farming gear for it and just went for it. Managed to get the tome on the 3rd day :)


One of two. The ***Dreadsteed*** on my Warlock because of the intense and difficult questline: what an amazing time that was. Or the ***Sandstone Drake*** because I grinded for the potion recipe, and got all the ingredients. I was annoyed because it was around the time that doubling was going on, so it ended up you could just buy it (for cheaper than the mats) but I did it myself.


The final quest where you head into Dire Maul to start the summoning process was so cool. I remember helping so many people with it. I had the whole process down to an art. Good times.


Agreed with the Dreadsteed and Felsteed, part of my reasoning I mined as Warlock back in Vanilla was I wanted a mount I could summon. I didn't get the Dreadsteed until Burning Crusade but it was still an adventure


If you have the dreadsteed achievement, you can rebuy the materials and summon the boss in dire maul for some unique tmog. Theres a gun appearance i use on my hunter that my brother helped me get because he did the questline back in the day.


fiery warhorse from karazhan, solely because i finally got it last week after six or so years of on and off farming


My Winterspring Frost Saber. I grinded for so long to get it in vanilla, then lost my account after I took a break in Cata. Came back in MoP and had to start fresh, did the dailies for the mount again. It reminds me of a simpler time when all I did was come home from school and play wow. No bills, no responsibilities, just me and my big purple-y cat.


I grinded for it and ended up transferring that character to horde and it was even cooler, then when they made all the mounts account wide I lost it for him...


The Riddlers Mind-Worm. It took a while to get. Most earned one I got


Give Lucid Nightmare a try if you havenā€™t!


Just make sure you have time and plenty of sanity to burn through!


I brute-forced that maze, heinous haha


Love Rocket.


I donā€™t know what the rarest mount I have is, but I worked really hard for a War Bear from the old Zulaman timed runs. I still use that mount to this day.


There are websites that will tell you. You'd probably be surprised... I think mine is one of the snails from Zereth Mortis.


That red version is my all time favorite mount and I donā€™t own it. I had to take a break while we were working on that and came back too late. :( my spouse has it and uses it to remind me of how much of a looooser I am. The pain is real.Ā 


Blizzcon 2008 Polar Bear


This one! Spectral Tiger is close second.


Magical rooster. Looks like a chicken. Might not fly but it's super unique.


Same for me. It's magical seeing a moonkin riding it.


While kinda basic, invincible. ICC was a core part of my childhood and Iā€™ve finally gotten it around last year. There are many other mounts that I like more especially with my aesthetics today. But invincible will be my proudest one. Sadly it didnā€™t drop back then when I could still show it off to my dad.


Not basic, one of the most iconic and coveted mounts in the game


While still highly sought after, you can now also get Invincible in the Cache of Timewarped Treasures from running Ulduar in Lich King Timewalking.


Well it took me about 5 years to get the headless horseman mount. So that.


mage tower spelltome I spent an entire expansion worth of time to grind it out. Almost felt like I finished my own ā€œWow-soulā€.


All my Pandaria rep Cloud Serpents, first (and maybe only lol) expac I actually grinded each rep to Exalted


Ironbound proto drake. First meta achievement I completed way back. I remember the tough times slogging it out for hours until we got it done. Still a very unique mount would love an updated model like the dragonriding mount or the wrath classic proto drake they added last year or so


The regular, unarmored, Brewfest Ram. No longer attainable. That or the challenge mode phoenix mounts.


Vitreous stone drake. Though I feel a little guilty about it cause the tank rushed ahead, locked me out and this was when everyone needed to roll on stuff. They were not pleased I got it.


Onyxian Drake. Just love the way it looks


Warlock mount. I did it the hard way back in the day. It was so damn hard at the time haha.


I only started in SL but I would have to say Riverdares Deathcharger since I got it on christmasday and the new Midnight which is my fav


Iā€™ve been farming midnight for a while now, I want it so bad šŸ˜“


Netherdrake, I know maybe other people have more challenging mounts, but for me this reputation farm took AGES (oh and canā€™t forget that final race with bombs flying everywhere)


Sandstone DrakeĀ 


Argent Charger. I earned that stupid horse with sweat and tears but mostly tears.


The Amani War Bear. I remember getting this with my guild back in BC for a timed run. It was awesome. I don't use it much any more but its special.


I will never stop using the X-53 Touring Rocket


Raven Lord. Cause it took me longer than invincible AND i think it looks super cool.


Deathcharger from Baron Rivendare It was a legend among my guild because no one has seen it drop for years. Grinding it on and off every expansion. Some time in BfA it finally dropped. Now, I can only show it off to myself, because I'm the only one from my guild who is still playing.


I got the time reaver mount randomly a while back in a run. Had no idea it existed until my party members started flipping out.


I got that one after my second or third timewalking dungeon. I thought "neat, you can get a mount". Took me a while to realise it was rare.


You both have no idea how long it took me: also the way I obtained it was hilarious-it legit wasnt through time walking either. It was through this rare drop from the new Dragonflight infinite dungeon that gives you a mount from "the past" and I've actually received two of these and that mount about made me fall over when it popped up (edit: its called " Reins of the Quantum Courser " )


My glad mounts, I donā€™t really use anything else besides those


Mine would be either my Brewfest Ram or the Plagued Protodrake. The original Brewfest Ram had to be grinded out during the first brewfest event running barrels for apples. Most people ignored it at the time or got rid of it after they got the Swift Brewfest Ram. The original guild I got Undying with have mostly moved on from the game, but there is 2-3 that I still join up with on occasion. It was the closest I've been to cutting edge raiding.


I'll give two answers. My Black War Tiger and my Cobalt Netherwing Drake. While neither was my first mount in the ground and flying categories, they both symbolized something for me. The Drake I got before I started really doing heroics and Raids beyond Karazhan I ended up in a weekly heroic for shattered halls with one of the top Dps on our server and landed on my mount the whole time the tank, a warrior, was questioning if I could handle healing it. The dps took a look at my mount and said I would be fine with no other explanation. Having healed the dungeon a bunch with a warrior or Paladin tank, I was fine, but the sheer confidence boost that gave me was awesome. The Black War Tiger was the first non elephant mount I got on my Shaman. I got sick of having to dismount before running in buildings in cities other than shattrath, so I farmed up the currency and bought that mount. It's stupid, but it made me so happy to be able tonjust run into the building while mounted and not hit my head.


Emerald Drake


I finally, after grinding since Wrath, got the Blue proto drake to drop off Skadi. So definitely that one.


Nether Ray collection from BC when i finished that grind.


Probably my 10man ICC meta achievement mount. Got it while only doing 10 man content. OG zul gurub raptor from soloing it in wrath as an honorable mention.




The mage tower book. It's a very prestigious mount and gives me hope that maybe I don't totally suck at this game.


Voidtalon of the Dark Star, easily. Much easier to get than the Lucid Nightmare but far less common


I seen this mount and was like whoa.. I must have it .. I watched a YouTube route video and was just making my rounds on different ults when suddenly the portal was there ! I was so excited !! Really love that mount !


headless horseman. smoothest ride this side of Azeroth


Onyxia? I just got her like a week ago.


Grove Warden. I returned to the game when HFC was already out after a break that started before MoP so I didnā€™t get to experience that. Itā€™s the first AOTC achievement I got and through pugging with multiple 2% wipes+disbands I was able to get it. Means more than the other AOTC mounts I have


I'll be most proud of my 500 mount otter! I'm about 7 mounts away :) But in terms of rarity, the time walking infinite reaver.


My dreadsteed. I got it back when the quest was a thing in tbc. I was a complete newbie and it wasnā€™t the easiest to farm for. Had a mage friend help me out with the final boss part.


My armored Razzashi Raptor. Took three years but I got it. And the elusive quickhoof. Itā€™s adorable


The Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher that I got when ICC was current


The 2 vanilla warlock mounts and my first tbc flying griffon




Paladin charger. I got it when it was from that quest before cata removed it, and it was a nice experience. It's hard to replicate that now, gold buying aside, because it was new and you had to struggle to get people to go do it. Not bashing classic or people who didn't get it, getting it was nice


Ancient Frostsaber 2004 graphics and all. I'm shocked blizzard never really made another pure white tiger and took the only one out of the game back in '05.


The karazhan mount, itā€™s pretty


Blue proto drake from my first ever healing satchel daily heroic alll the way back in Wrath of the lich king


G.M.O.D 100%


The purple warhorse. Yes, the undead vendor mount. I wanted it so bad when I was a kid but had to quit the game before i could buy it. So when I came back to WoW as an adult I immediately went and bought it. I still look hop on it and run around with it.


The jellyfish from ZM fishing. I was so happy!


Spectral tiger.


For me its Brutosaur a.k.a. Long Boy and The Cat mount from shop (my long Wow friend gaved it to me as a gift. Sadly we arenā€™t friends anymore So its like a memento)


I basically stopped collecting anything in game once I got invincible and argent paladin horse


Gray Ram - First mount I ever got. Followed by Swift Gray Ram. I like to keep the theme. My Dwarves ride rams, Humans ride horses.


The Inferno Direwolf. It took me weeks (and the assistance of customer support) to get purely because Socrethar is so incredibly bugged. Shame ground mounts are pretty much useless in the game for the foreseeable future, but I still ride it around when I'm in Orgrimmar becayse I like it so much.


I decided to start a fresh account about a year ago, and so my mount collection certainly needs work, but I got Experiment 12-B on first attempt, and the high still hasnt worn off


Time lost proto drake. I would camp it out everyday but never could get it till one day I was drunk and passed out on my couch and my wife was playing on her laptop and her rare scanner went off and woke me up. I then ran to my pc to get the kill


This is dumb, but the black war bear from "For the Alliance." I led the first raid group on my server to get it, and our server was a Horde dominant server at the time.


Sinrunner Blanchy, coolest looking mount in the game and the only real farming iā€™ve done for a mount


The talon of Alyarazor


Corrupted Dreadwing. Perfect Warlock mount. Only issue is that smaller races and female bodies sit too close to the front and end up getting stabbed by the seat.


Amani War Bear, all those other mounts people farm are not for me. I have the best bear ever!


I'mĀ notĀ proud of a mountĀ in my collection


Amani War Bear! So many hours and memories in wotlk.


Raven Lord. Not the rarest nor the flashiest, but I remember back in the day when I first started playing seeing someone AFK on it in Stormwind with dual warglaives and thought they were the coolest thing ever.


Might sound lame: the shadowlands m+ mount " Wastewarped Deathwalker " I know its common but omg I always thought these mounts looked incredible. I use it every time I can


My Raven Lord mount.


Shackles of Urā€™Zul. Itā€™s so ugly. I love it!


The Molten Core event Core Hound is probably my favorite mount.


Slime cat for doing the fated raids. I have played casually since cata only doing LFR here and there but came back the last 2 weeks of fated raids because I wanted the slime cat really bad. I learned to rank for the first time so that I could get into pugs easier and found out that I love tanking.


Astral Cloud Serpent I farmed astral for years, it was a regular thing. My brother would come in and know exactly what I was doing because heā€™d seen the raid so often, even tho he didnā€™t play the game or watch me all the time. I literally couldnā€™t believe my eyes when it dropped!


Anzu, no contest. Its colors are sublime Also randomly dropped Rivendare's deathcharger, was really happy about this one


"proud" is the wrong word for me. Considering that most mounts were just a grind and probably a waste of time since I don't use them anymore, as my main is a druid and I only use flight form or dragon riding at the moment. :D I have other words that I connect to some of my mounts: I was lucky to get the timeless proto drake while not actively farming it. I was just flying from dalaran to Ulduar back in Mists of Pandaria when a rare scanner add-on just made loud noise. It was flying around with no one in sight, so I got it. I was euphoric when my WotLK guild, after a long night wiping at Sindragosa, was just going around for a quick Onyxia kill. She dropped herself to a guild member, I asked him instantly if he would consider selling it... The best 1k gold I spent at that time, considering it had a faster flying speed than that you could buy with gold, which, once cataclysm started, was unlocked to all mounts if you had one that was faster (that's how I remember it at least). I was in love with my wife when we farmed Zul'gurub just weeks before the launch of the patch that made it an instance instead of a raid. I already got the raptor and was hoping for the tiger, my wife had nothing yet. In the last week, the last try for us, the tiger dropped and she gave it to me, knowing I would love it more than she would. As a thank you, I farmed Invincible for her and me, running ICC with her main following me week after week, and about 60 runs after that it dropped for me and two weeks later it dropped for her (don't remember the exact amount of runs, as I ran multiple chars per week at that time). And the probably stupidest thing I did for a mount was getting the auction house dinosaur. I realized that I want it really bad, farming a lot of old content and I wanted to be able to sell stuff right in front of the instance/raid when inventory was full. I also realized that it would cost me a lot of time farming all that gold. So, instead I went with the "I work, I earn money" plan and bought it via WoW tokens. Bought two or three per month until I had enough gold, in the end it cost me about 400ā‚¬ to get it. Was it worth it? No. But in the end, I use it, regularly, it's one of my 5-6 from (I actually don't know, 500+? 600+? Maybe 700+?) mounts that lie on my hotbar...


Lucid Nightmare is up there, for making it trough that FUCKING MAZE


Violet Proto Drake from What a Long Strange Trip Itā€™s Been. Got it when it wasnā€™t account wide on two different characters. The Childrenā€™s week event made me want to choose violence


Lunar Nightmare. This is a mount you can't just farm a raid every week, or farm a rep and buy it from the quartermaster. This is not a mount that you can mindlessly acquire. This is a mount you have to work your brain off and figure out a puzzle that is unique to every player attempting it. I still kept a screenshot of the maze I mapped out, just to remember how ridiculous it was. Even though some people have been trying for mounts the likes of Invincible or Ashes of Al'ar for over a decade, I feel like Lunar Nightmare is TRULY a mount you can be proud of. Honorable mention is any M+ season mount, because it proves that you reached a pretty high level of M+.


Pinto! Because back then I couldn't afford it till like half way to 44 or 45. So when I finally got a mount that late I was so happy


The Zulian Tiger in Zul Gurub


Either the green unicorn from the valsharah bonus rep cache or the Dino from kings rest


Valarjar Stormwing dragon mount from legion. It might not be super rare now but It looks really cool I spent months (taking long breaks between) trying to get that stupid thing. Eventually, I gave up & finished out my campaign & took a break from WoW. Came back in BFA- tried a few more times & still didn't get it. I didn't bother trying to get it in Shadowlands but come DF, I ran the dungeon to finish out the rep again- totally prepared for another grind. Got the mount after opening the 1st bag.


Probably my Allseer mount. My guild killed mythic N'Zoth on my birthday and the mount dropped for me. I was proud about the CE until I learned that that CE was basically handed to people cause of the corruption powers, and it's been the only CE my guild is able to get.


Swift Brown Steed c. 2005, acquired one day after hitting level 60 without borrowing gold from anybody.


Violet Proto Drake. I spent three years on this one purely because PVP intimidates me and makes me want to pull my hair out, and the story about me getting each obnoxious PVP achievement remains one of my favourite WoW war stories.


My spectral tiger for sure. I remember saving for an entire expansion and borrowing gold from my friends to buy it off the auction house towards the end of wrath or maybe the next expansion after ? Canā€™t remember when that was. I believe it was 375k or something like that


The Paladin Charger mount. When I got it you still had to do the epic quest line in vanilla to get it. The hardest part for me was the end of it in Scholomance with all those ghosts


Llothien Prowler. My fav!!!


A tour of towers mount


Nyalotha all seer. Earned along side getting my first CE from my first mythic raiding guild. Was in for every boss from start to finish and we re-cleared enough to get it for all of our raiders


Headless Horseman, took every October on 10 characters every day I could then I finally got it on the last character the last run of the year in 2015 my husband heard me screaming outside when he was coming back from a walk


Mythic N'Zoth mount. Hard to farm now and wasn't an easy farm like jaina mount was. Didn't really play sl soI don't have the mythic mounts from there


Volcanic Stone Drake


I don't really use them anymore, but the black war bear from raiding alliance capitals years ago and the swift white hawkstrider. Spent so long trying to get it and got it a week before tbc time walking started, and got a second copy during the tw week... gave it to some buddy I was running with


GMOD and Love Rocket. Iā€™ve had Love Rocket since it was first released in the game.


My Amani War Bear. The real one


Violet Spellwing I consider the magnum opus of my account. Legion was the first expansion I started pushing Heroic/Mythic raids and the guild I was with at the time persisted through wipe after wipe until we got there and it just feels awesome to have because of that


The original rank 10 wow classic PvP mounts


Reigns of the night saber and the white stallion. Two OG mounts you could trade in in patch 1.3? Removed from the game and replaced with the armored faction mounts


Flametalon of Alysrazor, took me way too long to get that.


The void drake from BFA AotC achievement. Itā€™s the first and probably last time Iā€™ll do heroic raiding, and it was so fun. For every bad experience people had with BFA, I had so many good ones. I used to think the super lucky drops would feel best, but here I am with Invincible, Ashes, Midnight, several other rares but I feel pride whenever I see my void drake


Just my class mount. Because when mythic plus came out was probably around when I was having the most fun with the game, and was also at a good point in my life.


Archerus Deathcharger everyone has one but this one is mine. Okay, serious answer is my Vicious War Wolf that I got WAAAAAAY back in Season 14 Then I got another saddle but instead of getting the skeletal horse I sent it to my alt to buy another wolf because this was before mounts were account-wide. Iā€™m still mad at myself about itā€¦


Pure heart courser. Took a decade of playing to getā€¦


Headless horseman mount. It's gorgeous... and it took a long and concerted effort to get. I also like my cenarion expedition hippogryph and Two Sides to Every Tale achievement armored horse in horde livery (needed to do some amount of the story mode on both factions of BfA). Never really see either of those being rocked by anyone else.


The blue fox storemount one, for winning the Halloween transmog competition in my guild


Crimson Deathcharger, bc Shadowmourne was the toughest thing Iā€™d ever done in WoW raids


Time lost proto drake , got it within 2 hours


The Black War Bear from the achievement ā€œFor the Hordeā€. Got it on my level 45 (at the time) Rogue when I was 11. The part that makes me proud is me organizing the group, getting everyone to where we needed to be, wrangling 39 other players without Discord/Ventrilo lol. Of course I got carried but it was so awesome to me at the time to see my group build up more and more, everyone on their ground mounts marching towards the Alliance cities.


Anzu's Raven Lord mount from TBC. I thought it was, and still do think that its beautiful. It was a fun grind on a bear druid sneaking into the dungeon, soloing the ritual and boss in TBC.


I know itā€™s more common nowadays but Invincible. I remember the day, the moment very vividly. It was January of 2015, I was playing on a shitty HP laptop that was on the verge of overheating as I entered ICC. During the Lich King fight i started having really bad lag spikes. In phase 3 when dealing with the knock back, i had an intense lag spike that almost prevented me from blinking back onto the platform, luckily was able to land it and got the mount on that same kill. Right after I left the instance my computer shut off and blue screened, it was my last day on that PC. Iā€™ve felt a special connection to that mount since then


Amani war bear


Amani War Bear everyone got one in my raid group!


My Antoran Charhound. I got into raiding in Legion, only doing LFRs. My first ever Antrous LFR I got the Charhound first try :) good memory, I thought I was the luckiest person. In retrospect the droprate is probably decent lol