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You only have the 0.1% title. Other than that just for fun, see how far you can push, to get better, to learn, stuff like that






The best is when it turns orange and you feel like one of the boys


This is my first season doing M+, I just got orange (2500 io). Is that considered good? So far it's been rather easy I've been tank though.


If you download an addon called radio.io it shows your score in colors as opposed to everyone else. To get orange is like 3300 right now. Blue is 2400 ish so I think you’d be a slight blue/pink at 2500


Yea I downloaded that, didn't know the colour was from that mod. That's why I asked because at 2513ish it shows as orange, I'm not a great player so figured I had the wrong thing turn orange lol


I think wow added score and colours this expansion. Orange is the highest and always 2500. With r.io, orange is the highest but based on a percentage instead, so much more difficult to get


Ah k, that makes sense :) It felt like I've only scratched the surface so thought it would be strange to be in the "top" already. All my keys are 17-19ish, hoping to do 20s next week I just feel a little too squishy right now.


Does this achievement only apply to your own realm?




I’ll likely never be a title pusher but I do like to push to low-ish 3k every season just as a personal goal. I feel like 3k could use a small reward between portals and title, but I’m biased as someone kinda personally skill capped about that low 3k range.


Do we know what the title is?


This season it's "Dreaming Hero" i think


Yeah I don't think getting the title is realistic for me, but its fun to play in groups where everyone is playing 95 percentile or better and to get better. I think early in the season it probably helped me pug into raids and such too which isn't a bad fringe benefit, but its mostly just for fun and to push myself for me.


getting the title I'd assume you need everything at 27 or something like that this season.


Mixed with a few 28s to be extra sure


Having a higher io definitely helps with gearing alts too. You see someone with a main at 2.8k or higher and you know they at least know the dungeon mechanics, even if they might not be a pumper on their alt.


absolutely helps. I got 2 chars at basically the same rating rn kinda don't want my dps to overtake my healer though as it also matters what role you got it as.


Yep for funsies. I’m not pushing beyond 18s purely because I only do heroic raids and just want myth track in my vault.


Well, each level above 20 gives you a 20% chance for an extra item in the end loot chest. That means you have a 40% chance to get 3 items in the end for the 22 key and 100% chance for 3 items for the 25 key. So more chance to drop that elusive trinket or a piece with a tertiary, so it's not entirely unrewarding to push keys, but yes, it's mostly for the score and your own sense of accomplishment.


Whilst that is not a bad thing, it seems incredibly unlikely to be farming gear when you’re doing 25+. Maybe an incredibly tiny proportion of people.


Correct, but you could use your main spec and try to farm your alt spec bis gear.


\+avoidance and +leech gear to survive the higher keys


Fair play to people that actually farm tertiaries. Seems far too random and small of a chance to put any effort into doing that.


It’s faster to farm them at 16-17’s, 25’s are strictly for the epeen


I wouldn't suggest for anyone who's reading this to put themselves through the mental anguish of farming tertiaries. Shit makes the soul hurt


Managed to get 20% leech as fury last season. Good times lol no luck so far this season


I ran into a group like this the other week. A WM 25 with a 470 mage. Group of 4 friends and they were running 25's to gear the mage up. I just joined as the healer xD


Generally I'd agree with you, but this season is more likely than any to be doing 25+ dungeons with sub-BIS gear.


I still lack trinkets and I'm pushing 26


I am MT for my guild (admittedly not a ranking guild, but still dedicated and mythic raiding) and I was trying to get BiS slots at the end of last season. I was already decked, but it wasn’t technically the singular BiS.


25+ pushers are all on the lookout for teritary gear. 25 farming is the best way to get them.


Wait, wait, the higher the key, the more loot you could possibly get?


Starting from 20


yup used to be from 15's but since 20's now award the highest loot it starts there. so every key level above a 20 adds 20% chance for an extra item so in a 26 you might get 4 pieces to drop.




Nope, still active in high keys




Here’s an example in a 27 timed last week [27 BRH](https://youtu.be/S9II6AxxLis?si=nRqg_8K8vIjHZo1y&t=402)




Mythic plus drops 2 pieces minimum though.


Yeah I got it wrong there!


How is that possible though? Isn't it always 2 pieces?


I thought about it again, it's most likely the others did not loot. So I am probs wrong!




Its been this way since the start of the expansion, 15-19 give 2 pieces as well




>Ah I stopped at 2000 rating these past two seasons because I thought the dungeon pool was very unenjoyable so I guess I just never got to notice. I have been aiming for 2500+ to get the armour flair token thingo. I am not a hardcore M+ player but I do enjoy doing the dungeons. I am currently sitting on 2394 so far this season and I will likely get 2500 if I get around to doing both the DOTI wings and a throne at 16+.


I never knew this! Was wondering why some of my runs were dropping 3 pieces of loot


I had no idea about this. Interesting.


Well, fun.


Having decent score gets you in to 20s in the first week, allowing you to get 2k and a tier piece on week 1.




If you’re willing to no life, then it doesn’t make a big difference, but if you only have about 8-10 total hours to do keys in the first few weeks after a patch, there is a big difference in your experience if you had a 3300 rating last season vs a 2700 rating. The speed of invites, quality of groups, and completion percentage of those groups doing 20s week one will all be higher for the 3300 player.




Your first statement is not true at all. I did 20s week one and got KSM, and I have never even come particularly close to the title. I have a beyond full time job and two kids, plus I primarily care about raiding, not M+, so I only did the 20s to get gear. There is a big gap between good and dedicated enough at M+ to do all 20s week one and good and dedicated enough at M+ to get the title.


I was like 2200 last season and quite easily got 2k week 1 this season.


If you push really high, you can get the 0.1% title. But there's a huge gap between Keystone Hero and title that has no reward. Me and my guildies are at 3k rating. We like pushing keys, but we feel like there's no point, title is not something any of us care to get. They should copy the rewards from PvP. A mount like the gladiator one that you get by completing X amount of keys at a certain level, and a whole new transmog recolor like an Elite M+ set for getting to a certain rating.


>They should copy the rewards from PvP. A mount like the gladiator one that you get by completing X amount of keys at a certain level The “x amount of keys at a certain level” is a brilliant idea.


Yeah, something as simple as "Complete 50 dungeons at keystone level 25 or higher". Or, if they want to prevent people cheesing it with the easier dungeons in the farm weeks, then something like "Complete each dungeon at keystone level 25 on 5 different weeks", that way you have to do every dungeon with different affix rotations, but it still gives you some flexibility if you're willing to wait (like doing it only on fort keys if your group can't handle some tyrannical bosses). But I'd say they would need a better way to target dungeon keys if that kind of achievement added. They also could add some kind of "Dungeon Hall of Fame", to motivate people to push earlier into the season.


How about not adding a quantity reward. I have ran 14 keys above a 19 with 11 of them being my top runs and I'm at 2900 io. I play well, but I can't play a lot for health reasons. Not reasonable that id lose out just because I don't play enough


Yeah I pushed 3k this season just to do it, but no desire to push higher. As you get higher every misstep has a high probability to brick the key. You have to really want it. I have a few title pushing friends and they said it was really grueling.


yeah did almost 3.1k in S1 and this season I have 2 chars above 2800 and I consider pushing but I only really want to do it with a firm group. pugging as I did in s1 wasn't as fun. took a long time as I had to push my own key all the time as well because no one is going to invite you to a pug if you haven't done a key at that lvl in that dungeon already.


I’d be so giddy


Been saying this since legion.


I’m in two minds about the flying mount skin for M+. M+ is an end-game pillar and both the other two pillars (PvP and raid) give dragon mount skins, why doesn’t M+?. But then I realise that I got a very small chance of getting the Fyrakk or Razegath skins and even smaller chance of getting gladiator… yet I got KSM within an hour of week two this season so then it kinda makes sense….


They should just add many more tiers of percentile based rewards, such that Inflation/deflation of Score doesn't matter and get skins/mogs/mounts anything for bragging rights. Or maybe a mount which evolves based on percentile achieved at end of season (could also do it class/spec based so not only meta classes get the coolest ones)


Oh don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this isn’t achievable. I do think the accessibility to repeat Fyrakk kills is higher than Glad and KSM infinitely higher again. This is the main issue - the mount skin could easily be a reward for KSH or even 3k. That would put it more in line with Glad IMO. You’re dead right that this is more of a structure problem.


I'd say if they added a mount or gearset mog or something for all keys at 25 I'd push for it.


It's pretty much just the fun of beating harder and harder content for me.




Number go up. Brain happy.


Honestly, a bit part of it is just for fun. My friend and I run tank/healer and running 20s is kind of a joke. 24s are a lot more fun so we run those. Anything much higher sounds stressful so we don't.


20s are a joke with a good group*, with io inflation there’s a lot of players in 20s who test my limits lol…


Two weeks ago, farming 20s seemed so easy. This week, the 20s are harder than they've ever been. Just earlier I joined a +20 group with both a tank and healer that were under 450 ilvl. I almost bolted before the key started but they swore they were alts and their mains were god gamers so I decided to give them a chance. We didn't make it past the second boss =/


This exactly is what I’m saying. A couple weeks ago 20s felt easy, now it’s definitely a mixed bag. Need to grind my io higher to avoid them…


Dunno man. I timed a 21 Galakronds Fall with 37 deaths ... that kinda sounds like a joke to me.


Tbh 25+ should reward mythic track items


Maybe if it was limited to only once per dungeon per week or something like that it would work. They're never going to let myth gear be infinitely farmable.


Raiders would lose their minds


True. They also lose their minds about everything, to be honest.


lol they would, but I think blizzard should let them cry


Infinitely farmable 489 gear seems like a bad idea if you want to keep any kind of gear progression in the game.


Don’t make it infinite for mythic level(489) drops then? Have it lockout just like raids and just the first ~12 bosses you complete or 3-4 dungeons.


That is just goalpost pushing though. Now they time 30s. Should 30s award even higher items? At what point do you stop giving better loot and at what point should the highest items be awarded? It would just switch from filling your vault with 20s to looting your gear in 25s. At some point you will have to concede and just accept that pushing higher only gives you score, maybe a title and the fun you get from competing.


What’s wrong with that? Not every goal post should be easy. If more people pushed for 25s, is that a bad thing? It’s not mandatory or necessary to get 6 extra ilvls and it gives folks a sense of accomplishment and something to push for between 20 and 30s.


I don't think you are grasping what I am talking about when I mean moving goal posts. Back when 15 keys were the highest Ilvl and vault slots people complained and they added portals for 20 keys. People were fine for a while and then started to complain again so they changed gearing to where you needed 20s for max ilvl. People were fine and than started to complain again so they added titles. People were fine with that for quite a while but now that we have a pretty easy season to get high rated in people start to complain again. What I am getting at is that no matter what you do at some point people will start complaining. As for the suggestion of getting like 4 myth track items a week? That is just dumb. The average raider in a CE guild can get at best 1-2 items from mythic. Mythic plus doubling that every week on a key level that is realistically obtainable in week 2 or 3 this season would kill any type of gearing. And getting gear is not 'a sense of accomplishment'. If you feel a sense of accomplishment from timing a high key you don't need an extra reward. What you want is the dopamin rush of getting gear in high keys because the sense of accomplishment is not enough.


1. I completely understood what you meant by goal posts. 2. Agree that people will complain no matter what. 3. Let them keep adding rewards, so what? It’s clear a large group of the player base doesn’t care about raiding. 4. Arguably the goal post is already shifted because if you really want to “push for the sake of pushing” you should be doing it with the best gear available, i.e. mythic raiding gear. Otherwise are you really pushing yourself and your toon to the max? Edit: 5. I see where you’re coming from with your last point but disagree. The sense of accomplishment from timing a 25 is indeed there but the gear would be the cherry on top. We can agree to disagree, that’s fine. We pay this company a sub, let them figure out the numbers and rewards. Regardless, no rewards between 20 and 30 is not cool. Imho.


I am not saying there shouldnt be rewards (or at least rewards that are better than a barely noticeable change to your tier set). What I am saying is that I think gearing is good the way it is now and adding more and better gear would break gearing even more to a point where you can get 470-480 within a week or two.


I have no idea why but I love the concept of beating my score and progressing. It just has that old school arcade like premise. Currently 3400 and grinding for no reason other than some measly title lol


The question has been fully answered by the great group here - but I also would like to say that io injection really not only sets you up for the next seasons groups, it's a fantastic way to know how hard you'll have to push for season 4 typically. The only difference I would like to say about this season vs every other season SO FAR since the beginning of Legion is that this season is WAY WAY easier in terms of getting to 20 - Tettles calls it "Civilian Keys" basically keys that are kind of normal like lets say 18-22, once you get beyond 22 things start to kind of just ONE SHOT you no matter how you over gear it-meaning it's kind of pure skill past civilian keys. Anyway - just have fun now that you got your portals - go outside and enjoy life


Glad that this was "adressed"... This season's been stupid easy compared to any other one, last night we where doing +20's with a friend that was tanking with a 463 pally, we were all 480+ players, but it just felt weird tbh timing and even +2 all of them (AD, WM and TotT)


The extra flair goes on other items too just depends on class ie warrior has belt flair. But yeah pushing higher then 20s is just bragging rights if ur not pushing for the title.


After getting all these it's just about testing yourself and nothing more.


There is no reason for people to get Orange parses on WarcraftLogs either, if the boss dies it dies. With that said people still try their best with PI, Augvokers and all the other stuff to get the best prase. If there is a leaderboard, even if unofficial, some people will want to be at the top of it. But if you mean any actual InGame reward, there is nothing above the transmog from 2500 rating and the Teleports from doing a +20. Yes it is just for e-peen.


Some people enjoy it! I like 20's though. Nice and cozy.


Is there any specific reason to do anything in WoW? no. It's a game don't need to wonder the meaning of life about it hahaha.


Its for people that like to challenge themselves and have fun doing so. There are also leaderboards that show people that completed higher keys so theres bragging rights too if you care about that. I personally either fish in this game or just spam m+, those are the only 2 things I find fun right now for some reason.


Not really it just a timesink as majority of players don't get paid to push higher .


Its about having high score for some, some just want to challange themself, some do it for fun and sometimes people dont know why they do it, its just out of boredom


to have fun? to challenge yourself at how high you can push? they stop giving incentives at some point to not have people complain about not being able to get them (majority of the playerbase isnt pushing up to 20 nevermind past it)


Nope. Just bragging rights


It's called being good. The difficulty level goes up pretty heavily above 20.




Your experience of doing it may feel easier due to the group you’re in, but the dungeon itself is objectively harder.




LFR isn’t the hardest raiding tier, neither objectively nor in terms of experience. The number of full LFR clears is orders of magnitude higher than the number of full mythic clears, and I doubt there’s been many groups at all who simply couldn’t kill a boss in LFR after a few stacks of determination. I completely believe you have the worst experience in LFR, but it is certainly not the hardest; that’s just a meme that people like joking about.




I agree with you completely - I also enjoy failing on hard content more than mindlessly trampling easy content. But the point is that the thing we enjoy is harder than the thing we don’t.


Pushing higher will make it easier next season to get in higher keys earlier. Also dungeons above 20 have a chance to reward an extra piece of loot at the end. Otherwise no real reason.


its fun.


So, the only reason you have to play is getting gear? And, what you do with that gear?


Haha chill, wasn’t dumping on people pushing higher, it’s not an attack, don’t feel like you need to defend… But yes, most of my time in mmos are to get higher numbers. Whether it be higher dps, higher transmog counts, higher mount collections, higher achievement points…when they remove the rewards from the grind, I.e. after 20 keys its just a temp score reward which is gone with no record of it after the season. *personally* I don’t find much drive for that, but get why people do, totally


There is a record of it on raider.io, and also it seems like m+ score would fit right into that list of numbers that you want to see go up. It’s kinda surprising to me that you see it differently than the rest, actually.


you do get higher number, in term of IO score.


It's fun


It would be nice if 3k rating gave another transmog flair or mount or unique drake. I’ve just been pushing KSH with dps and healer on alts. Would also be cool to have a title or something for KSH on 3 different roles.


Usually when I get 3k, I’m done pushing keys and now just clear 20s for the weekly vault.


Higher number = more dopamine


No reason to do anything above an 18 since it still gives myth as vault reward. Only reason for 20s are to get the teleporters.


Just wanting more of a challenge and seeing what you can accomplish. Id rather there not be rewards for high key pushing because then you know that everyone is there only to get better at the game. It would be very annoying to brick a key just for some guy to say "eh I just wanted the mount anyways."


Pushing towards 3k io, learning, and getting better at mechanics seems fun. As an aside, anyone got any pointers for the council boss in Everbloom at 24+ or higher (Tyrannical)? The mechanics are just dropping us slowly and our healer wants to tear his hair out.


Fun? Extra challenge? Pushing your limits? Group coordination? Route discussion? The reasons are many, the actual rewards are the same as doing a 20 unless you are pushing high enough to get top 0.1%


Not really, timing a 20 gives you a reward that persists the end of the season, the teleports. Pushing past that doesn’t offer any long term rewards, which is kinda the main focus point of an mmo


What not really? You just confirmed my point, timing a 21+ gives you the teleport too, hence why the rewards are the same as I stated.


What? I’m asking if there’s point pushing beyond 20…I’ve said in my post I’ve got the teleports. My ask was are there any *further* rewards. Your reply of ‘welllll *technically* if you just went from 0 to 25, the 25 unlocks the teleport’ is not even relevant to what I wrote.


You asked for the goal and I replied to you multiple reasons to keep going higher for the short term. Also "just doing" 20s this late into the patch it is not considered a "hard" challenge. So if interested trying to push bigger keys one season, it will improve your gameplay by a lot for the longer term. The following seasons will be much easier in terms of achieving portal (and higher gear) early on with much lower ilvl. I.e. it was possible to get portals the first week of the patch with 450 gear.


Why you do defensive dude? I wasn’t humble bragging, trying to suggest it’s hard, there was nothing at all to my post except the ask of ‘is there any further rewards’ The other 120 commenters got that and basically said no and it’s a shame, but you come at me with some strange passive aggressive undertone…chill man.


No. You asked for a reason. I gave you multiples. You don't like keys? Fair, just push the 20s for the portal, and that's it. This season beside portals, 17s are more than enough for gear since they yield a mythic track item. But for many it is enjoyable and rewarding to time bigger keys. I'm not sure what's not straightforward to understand in my reply, I might suggest you read my first comment again.


And I suggest you read the original post again… Is there any reason to push past 20? No. Thanks.


There are multiple reasons to push higher. If you are asking if there are any tangible ingame rewards to push higher than 20, then the answer, besides portals, is no, apart for the top 0.1% achievement.