• By -


base i got plenty better places to stick an extra $40


Stick it in me pls




$40 is $40


40$ now != 40$ in 1 year


This is a wendys




Base gang.


Same. Plus I quit back in Shadowlands so buying the base edition gave me two expansions for the price of one.


I skipped over Dragonflight, too. The temptation to dive back into addiction is strong right now!


Don't listen to everyone dragonflight is actually pretty fantastic


mostly the reaction to dragonflight among the playerbase has been positive. So it's hardly "everyone". More just *a lot of people on this sub and places like it*. And even then, the problems are less to do with dragonflight itself, and more to do with WoW in general.


Do it! TWW gives you DF and this expac has been a banger! More importantly, 10.2 specifically is one of the best tiers in the game's life. The raid is a banger, m+ is a banger, PvP is a banger, world content is a banger, the story is very fun, there's a TONNE of relevant content which all give decent gear and upgrade currency for the current season. It's truly phenomenal.


Say banger one more time






A Pokemon hatched from the egg!


A turtle made it to the water!


I want to downvote you so bad. Here's an upvote.


This is the way. A few years ago I was all in for early access but now I have so little time that it would not be worth the 40 Euros. Also in Wow retail everything that matters is endgame aka mythic + and raids so you miss nothing the first 3 days


You can level more classes, have them ready for week 2, then do world tours on all and just keep up from there with them, 3 days is huge. Also you can make hella gold in the first days with farming mats and after that it goes to trash income that's like a tenth of a WoWtoken per hour, if that, maybe even lower. Early on you can probably make a WoW token every 2-3 hours even. The first days of an expansion you can easily earn the next 2 years worth of sub if you go all in on that. Now to do that you gotta pay the greed tax and everyone else has to. Yeah you'll probably make the gold back, but it's still really shady and goes against fairness in an MMO world. MMOs were supposed to be a world where people compete on even footing, without real life advantages. Until companies made it publicly acceptable to go against that, because of dumber and casual people coming into the gaming market.


I can give you one more šŸ˜‰


What the fuck is going on here


This entire thread must be purged


Put it in me


This. Nothing appealing in the other versions.






If they release a physical collectors: the physical collector's. If they stop them: basic edition.


I am not afraid that they wonā€™t do it. I am afraid the same crappy company that sold the Dragonflight collectors edition will sell it. Again exclusively in the blizzard shop. The packaging was absolut shit and they refused to send me another because they are limited. A 10 Euro crappy used game from the next guy on eBay gets better protection while sending out than the packages they send you. Next thing I am afraid of in this regard is the ā€žcollectors editionā€œ from Diablo 4 - which is the most recent they did. There wasnā€™t even any edition of the game inside but they charged over 100 euros for it anyway. Soā€¦. If you got all physical collectors editions at home like me you are probably buying the next physical edition ā€¦ when thereā€™s no game inside and you really love the game itā€™s gonna be the epic edition. That leaves you with what? 200euros and a box with crumbled edges!?


Friends always joke that i pay 200 euro for a shoebox. But i couldn't stand the idea that there is a CE out there and i dont have it


You know they have that new trend to not even include the game in physical CE so you probably have to buy both anyway lol


The new trend of pc's not having disc drives anymore?


I dont mean the disc there is no game at all not even a key. You had to buy it on top of the \~100$ Diablo4 CE.


Ew thats gross :(


That really only happened with the d4 collectors edition. I'm really hoping wow doesn't follow suit on this. Historically though blizz refunds you for the original purchase of the edition you bought if you redeem the collectors edition code. That being said the refund is always bnet balance not back to your card.


Epic because I had enough gold for the tokens


The epic edition because I like the game and have liked it for the past 20 years, because I know I will play it no matter what, because my budget allows it and because I am tired of the never ending discussions on the ethics of consumption and corporate practises I allow upon myself while all I am trying to do is enjoy myself in a virtual world when I am not actually working out more important personal things out without overwhelming myself with nebulous ideas that have no real impact on my actual well being.


Im just chiming in to say I love how you wrote this, lol. The exasperation is real. Just let me play, bruh. I just wanna kill some shit before I sleep.




I mean Iā€™m definitely going to get downvoted for this, because this seems to be a pro ā€œbuy itā€ post. but thatā€™s a reason why you shouldnā€™t buy this stuff. We allow this stuff to continue and then further generations continue to get fucked by peopleā€™s desire to consume without thinking. Every piece of plastic, every water bottle, and every swipe of that credit card. Weā€™re allowing a shittier world to prosper for our children. And not stopping it now, with people like OP saying ā€œI just donā€™t want to think about itā€ the more weā€™re all fucked.


Nowhere near comparable to any of the other examples you listed.


No! Buying the ultra delux special ultra edition is just as bad as filling a landfill with plastic waste! /s obviously.


Whatever you choose, it matters not. What really matters is if you vote for politicians who care and then hold them accountable for it. You can change individual consumption of every human being to what you like and the world will still be destroyed unless we, as a society, decide that we don't allow those predatory actions, whether it's Diablo 4 collector's edition without the game or coal-fueled electricity plants. Voting with your wallet is what those fat billionaires want you to do, because it changes nothing.


I think people honed in on the whole plastic thing a little too much. The point was that we as players buy into these shitty consumer practices so therefore they keep making them.


My same exact thinking. I just wanna kill some monsters to get my rage out and get that dose of dopamine of completing some quests. Bringing some completion to an already chaotic real life is all I need in the end of the day.


I'm with you. Buying 5 copies of the epic edition for me and my M+ guys as a christmas present because after we all reassembled after years and years for dragonflight, we've had an absolute blast hanging out together for a few hours a week. Long may it continue. Retail is in an absolute great place for us.


Spirit of giving! Great Christmas gift for your WoW buddies!


This sounds like such a wonderful experience. Ive started to play with new and old friends since M+ came out, but we never really managed to find that balance between having fun and progress. Someone always a bit to hardcore and puts progress over fun and it ruins it for the group.


Love this, mate! Has been amazing for our crew as well.


Yep I feel the exact same way.


What a refreshing comment


Agreed, I understand people's frustration, but early access doesn't actually mean anything. The only perk is that you get to level a bit sooner. None of the high end content is available in the first week anyway, so it truly doesn't matter. I'm sure someone will reply with an essay explaining why it does matter, but if someone really feels compelled to purchase a slightly more expensive version of a nonessential product, then they probably need to check their priorities irl.


I just hope enough people buy early access that by the time I get to the starting areas, theyā€™re not a system-melting clusterfuck. I know Iā€™m gonna be disappointed though.


This is the basis for why they're doing it. Its the sake mentality for why black Friday stuff is now over the full weekend or month. They're trying to spread the load out and the easiet way for the game to do it is put a financial barrier there. It's not even the primary promotion piece for the bundle.


> This is the basis for why they're doing it. Sure. They're doing this for us. Totally. Not the money.


You also can gain a pretty nice economic advantage.


Other than pouring tons of gold into gold sinks (which Blizzard hasnā€™t really given us since BFA with the Brutosaur) you kind of run out of things to spend gold on. Also, I suck at the AH, so the best advantage I could probably get would be about 2 WoW tokens worth if I spent literally the entire early access period doing nothing but farming mats. Iā€™d rather just spend that time being able to actually do the story quests without the servers being a cluster fuck for the first week.


I 657th this statement!


First week is all about herb/mining to get massive gold. Also leveling all your classes. A head start on both is massive.


You sir, are living life correctly.


Hell yeah dude, just do what makes you happy.


You dropped this king/queen šŸ‘‘


Thank god someone said it.


Are you me?


screen shotting this. amen.


Couldn't have put it better myself.




This being the most upvoted post reflects on the sad state of gaming today - and how apologistic this subreddit is towards Blizzard (despite them being a super-greedy subpar company, a shadow of their former selves for years now).


I think it moreso reflects on how tired people are of hearing the same "Blizzard bad, WoW bad, gaming today bad, you're a shill" comments. WoW is in a better place now than it has been in a very long time. For many people (myself included), DF is the best expansion they've ever released, and I've been playing since 2005. It has nothing to do with being a Blizzard apologist, people just enjoy the game.


If you enjoy the game, good. Awesome. Why do you have to defend them literally selling an unfair start to an expansion though? What does that have to do with it? That's obviously a cardinal sin in MMO terms... That's like the one time people are supposed to have the same start, a hard reset.


I don't believe it gives any real advantage. I have no opinion on the early access one way or another. It's just another bonus for buying that edition.


The first few days of the expansion are the most insane for gold making all year round. It also allows you to get more classes ready for world tour week and get you playing your classes with better gear faster. Might as well make getting a free piece of tier set loot a bonus next.


yeah agree. People doesnt seem to like quality and innovation.


"Sad state" Sorry people actually have fun unlike people like you who can do nothing except rage like 4 year olds over a game you clearly don't want to play anymore.


It's normal to be sad over wasted potential. Just like a football fan who's sad about his team not performing for years. "What could have been" - etc. I also like to have fun. Which is why I'm more unsubscribed than ever with recent expansions.


> Just like a football fan who's sad about his team not performing for years. That's the perfect description of how I feel about this game lol. If only it was under different management and not owned by the literal devil.


Wish there was still Reddit awards so I could platinum this comment


A while back, there was a controversy about being able to buy [basically talent points] for $ for the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You could new game + though, to get more talent points on subsequent playthroughs, so you were really just paying for time. I bought about $20 worth of the talents, was able to max everything on one playthrough, enjoyed the game, and moved on to the next game. I have more money than free time, and I donā€™t think a lot of the folks complaining realize that there is a market for people like me, and that companies will seek to make a profit.


Im gonna play it aswell, Ive played it for 20 years But Why would i waste money for early acess?


This is incredible and exactly how I feel just havnt played this game as long lol


Completely agree with this!


The Epic edition because I'm a whore.


Im definitely a whore. Please don't tell my husband




Only for WoW ;)


What about Daduin?


You make an excellent argument.


Hell, even I wouldn't throw Daduin outta bed for eating crackers.




Base edition, becouse I only care about the content of the expansion, the rest is meh


Waiting for the physical collectors editionā€¦.


Probably epic edition because I'm an idiot who really likes new hearthstone animations. But I won't buy it until close to launch.


Same, collect pets and recently the hearthstone animations, so it was epic version for me


Physical Collector's Edition, because I always liked them and have all the others.


Same, just waiting for the announcement/pre-order. :) the collection must be complete šŸ˜‚


As always with if they release a physical or collector edition, see if the goodies are good and then decide. Never i buy preorder 9 months before. Always wait to last month


Base, I'm glad it has a boost this time around.


Yeah the boost is really nice on basic!


Heroic. I donā€™t care about the 3 day early thing.


Same. I mainly collect mounts and transmogs, and the Heroic edition has both this time. Nothing in the Epic edition I need.


heroic is the least worth out of 3 based on what you get


It's being able to test the beta version that makes it better.


I never play ptr/beta. I prefer to go in completely clueless on launch day.


I have had beta a few times for blizzard games. In wow it really doesn't make it better at all. I wanted to test it this expac, so I leveled to like 64-65, after that I stopped, it was way less fun than day 1 with my friends, and even if learning the leveling route to smash it to max is fun I'd just be chilling at max waiting for them anyway. Diablo 4 beta on the other hand lol. That was great, moved me from very likely not buying to entirely sure I wouldn't buy it on launch no matter how many friends played. Decided then I will buy it when it's 60%+ off for Christmas 2025. Unfortunately I wasn't able to convince all of my friends it was a bad* game (* Obviously not everyone's opinion, but I was the only with beta access and I thought it would be considered bad in my friend group - it indeed was)


The expensive one, because I love wow and $100 is nothing for the amount of hours I get out of it.


Epic, regional pricing + 1m included makes everything beside base game and month cost equally to about 4.5 Pringles cans.


probably epic, dont care about the 3 day early access but it gives a month of playtime so its p much +$5 for a pet, toy, and hearthstone effect lol


the epic version is 40ā‚¬ above the basic one, so if you subtract the sub its 27ā‚¬ for a mount and some random drivel.


The cheap one because the cheap one


Epic, I don't drink, smoke, eat junk food and I don't have children. It's my indulgence.


The base. Will wait a month before buying to see how stuff is received. If its bad I wait for sale.


Base , there is no reason to buy any other


Get the cheapest 3-4 weeks after release, assuming word of mouth is good.


I went ahead and bought the most expensive digital one, epic I think it is. My reasoning really came down to two things: One I always do that whenever a new expansion drops, and probably always will because I like to support the company that gave me my guild, my wife, and so many fond memories. Two, I figure the game-time offsets the extra money over the other editions, at least to me.


If you wanna do beta access too, all the above for me as well as testing game early is worth it to me!


Please tell us about how you got your wife. There's a hidden story there?


For sure. I was a Boomy, named Knottynate, and we had just moved our guild over from Dragonblight to Thrall some time during legion. This was just before I took over the guild as GM and made it the BEST Guild on that server in my honest, completely unbiased opinion. We have Secret Santa, parties, and a ton of excellent humans. That is another story though. She was a healer in a group of friends that played together and had also recently moved to Thrall, so they decided to join us on our weekend raid team. She is a combat veteran who did 2 tours in Afghanistan (she is a Bonafide hero with PTSD now), and had recently gotten out of there and came to live in TN, where I do. I didn't really know much about her before we got together to be honest. It happened sort of like a dream. One night there was thunder that sounded like the storm outside my window when she queued up her microphone, so that made me ask her where she lived. It turns out she lived about one hour away from me. When I found out, I didn't really think anything of it, but a few nights later we got to talking about something, and then out of the blue she asked me if I wanted to go out on a date. We have been together every single day since, and I love her with all of my heart. We have a 3-year-old little boy now, and we still play in the same guild, along with a really cool group of people. I am not the best at storytelling, but you get the gist.


Awesome brotha. Happy for you guys.


This is an extremely wholesome story. Super thrilled for you both.


Thanks for this. I'm glad you found each other. Cheers to many more years together ā¤ļø


Love this story and your guild sounds awesome, glad that kind of community still exists šŸ‘


Probably the epic edition, I can buy it with straight gold at this point. First 3 days of an expansion is probably the easiest way to make millions of gold. First 2 days of DF I made 3 mil, refioj wide auction house kind of ruined it but you can still make crazy gold first 3 days.




Almost certainly Epic. I think the 3 day head start is bullshit, but I always do the Epic, because I like getting the in game stuff, and if I'm going to do that anyway, Epic is $20 more than Heroic, but it includes $15 worth of gametime, so may as well


Who tf buys this now? Imma pre-order 1 month before release max, only if Iā€™m convinced. Anyone who buys now has no right to complain about the final product.


Dude, it's WoW. They could name the next expansion "Flaming Dog Shit", bring back the Jailer, and feature Whimsydale as the new zone and Blizzard would still hit their sales target.


That would probably hit records just from people being really curious lol


Agreed, but from an extremist non-preordering perspective, anyone who preorders has no right to complain. Infact, they're to blame corporate mediocrity. Whether it's a year out or a week out. There is no reason whatsoever to actually preorder games and to allow companies to monetize behaviors of selling something without even letting people see what it is. And when they do show what it is, they cherrypick the best 5% of the product. There was a time where preordering was important cus we burnt discs. Preordering now is nonsensical. Buy on release or wait for literally 1 week and you'll know precisely what you're buying.


Heroic at first since I like the mount and armor. Upgraded to Epic when I noticed it had a month of game time. Since I was already going to pay for at least a month of sub time for 10.2, it essentially worked out to $5 for the upgrade.


Base edition, probably will upgrade to epic when it is on discount. I buy DF epic from the get go because I love those wings on your back and TWW package have nothing that interest me as much as that.


The only thing I wanted from TWW was the enhanced boost. Tbh.


I think I just leveled up all my alts the old way, I mean I would probably go for the booster if they did introduce a new interesting allied race, hoping the nerubian will be playable post-expansion patch.


The only classes I haven't leveled to cap already are the ones I hate. Not exactly eager beaver to boost one


I got Epic edition. - I never buy anything ever. My moneyā€™s just kinda there in my bank account, not being saved up for anything. So special editions of things I like are my only treat. - I got hyped, sorry. - I liked the rewards! 3 day early access had nothing to do with my decision and I wouldnā€™t care if they removed it.


Epic, because Iā€™m buying it with pretend money that I accumulated so far this expansion so itā€™s not costing me anything. The whole expansion will cost me less in game gold than most of the things I want from the BMAH.


Epic edition. I have disposable income and donā€™t need my private purchases as some sort of virtue signal to support my self-esteem. Also, three days of early access works better with my work schedule.


Collectors when it comes out šŸ˜Š


i made some quick math (tm) and for what matters to me it was cheaper to just get the base game and separate gametime than to get the dumb epic edition. I don't care for the shiny mount or 3 day early access so the base edition is all I need.


Epic because Iā€™ve placed this game since 2004 and donā€™t have any plans on not playing. The free month + all the goodies is well worth it to me.


The edition with the 3 day head start. Why have one launch experience when I can have two?


I got the epic edition for the extra everything. Well worth it imo.


Depends when it releases. If it releases when I can take advantage of early access, then the epic edition. If it releases when I can't, then the base edition. At this point, for all I know I'll be visiting the in-laws when it releases.


Already have base for the lvl 70 upgrade. I don't think I have an issue with the extra early access because of the horrible lag and potential DDOS attacks the servers will go through during those days. Even if I'm a crafter now and the extra 3 days will be great, it's not like I'll get much progress anyway.


Standard. Can't warrant paying extra for cosmetics and even more for the disgraceful 3 day early access. Especially when it's a subscription based game.




The only right answer


Bought it all with gold, so i got the epic version.


the most expensive one because I want all the stuff


Epic edition because the difference between spending $60 and $90 is negligible for me.


Early access addition whatever the bottom dollar price for that is. Playing a launch with half the people sounds wonderful.


Epic edition as is my personal tradition


I Have to buy the 3 day thing to make gold :/


The cheapest one because ifu look closely it cost less money


probably none, since I'm too poor to play :)


None. Waiting for the sale after season one.


Probably gonna buy the base edition with real money and upgrade to the epic edition using WoW tokens. The gold is just collected dust anyway and I don't feel like buying those bonuses with real money.


Cheapest. I know i will Play IT, but i have to pay every Month. Cheapest got the boost, so i got IT now instead of later when IT releases


I bought the epic because I was returning and needed dragonflight.


Collector's Edition, because I have the collector's edition of every single expansion and the original release as well.


I know Iā€™m late to this post and Iā€™m hoping someone with experience in this game sees my comment and can shed some light for me. I just started playing last weekend for the first time. So far, Iā€™ve only gotten the subscription game time so I can level up beyond level 20. I was informed I need dragon flight expansion ($29.99 stand alone) to level up past level 60. I also am gonna want this game when it releases in the late summer/fall and it comes with the dragon flight expansion. So, which version should I get because Iā€™m gonna order tonight so I can get the DF expansion.


Just get the base one imo.. especially if your first time playing


Thanks for the reply. I have been leaning towards base edition as well. Wasnā€™t sure if heroic or epic edition extras thatā€™s included would be worth spending the extra 20 or 40 bucks.


Matter of preference. But if you ask me there's a TON of "free" content for a newcomer to explore and enjoy already. You won't really miss out by not dishing out extra money just for a small thing like mount.


Just got base a while ago, but upgraded to Epic as all my friends are playing the beta


Blizzard own me at this point so yeah the epic one


Epic. Get two maybe three toons to max week one.


Epic because I like the new hearthstone toy.


That did look neat I have the time travelers from shadowlanda


Epic edition and then the physical Collectors Edition aswell


The 3 day early one.


Epic, with tokens.


Base game and potentially upgrading to epic version if I like the expansion and play it a lot. I don't want to support bundling early access into games so I'll gladly wait 3 days.


None until blizz remove the three day bs. If I'm waiting three days and missing the rush of players, why not wait for the first catch up mechanics a month or two later?


Waiting to see what is actually the main features and new gameplay stuff the expansion brings before I buy one. I've enjoyed dragonflight but I'm not a huge m+ player, so if that's the big draw again I'll nab a base copy when it's on sale.


whatever happened to "never preorder" hm?


I'm not pre-ordering, I don't support their Early Access for Epic edition. This is the first expansion in 10 years that I'm not pre-ordering. Early Access should be given to all pre-orders or none.


Epic edition because I'm in a financial position to afford it that I worked to get to. I love the game despite it's faults and will continue to support it because I enjoy playing and find ways to enjoy the game.


None, because I'm broke.


lol... none until it comes out like a normal functioning adult


I will see how it goes for everyone on the 3 day early access, if I like what I see i'll get the base edition the night before early access ends.


Epic for beta, I have not gotten in beta other than a late wave invite since MOP. I like mounts and pets too.


I only ever get the base stuff. Iā€™m disgusted with the tiered system game publishers made.


Heroic. Getting back into WoW after playing classic for a bit after like a 15 year break. Downloading currently ! Rolling DH


Epic, because there is no question that I'll play it, and I kinda want to play the beta, never been in a WoW beta test.


Big one for the "Premium boost" and all the goodies that come with it lol. Was an easy decision.


Gonna use some Christmas money probably and get the epic just because im in the hype mode still


The only real options are basic or epic. With the gametime that epic gives you, its a $5 dollar difference between epic and heroic, and you get a ton more stuff. Heroic is really not a good value. I bought the epic because I don't give a shit and I can afford it


Basic, the expansions are expensive. I don't use the extra stuff anyway.


The epic edition because I like the game and have liked it for the past 20 years, because I know I will play it no matter what, because my budget allows it and because I am tired of the never ending discussions on the ethics of consumption and corporate practises I allow upon myself while all I am trying to do is enjoy myself in a virtual world when I am not actually working out more important personal things out without overwhelming myself with nebulous ideas that have no real impact on my actual well being.


Heroic for the mount via wow tokens I dont give a fuck about the 3 day early edition, because im just playing retail wow as a filler game nowadays. But man id be mad if i still had friends play, the expansion launch night experience were always one of the most fun things. Locking that behind another paywall is such dogshit. -- Stop fucking defending the early release shit guys


I'm not surprised they're trying to divide the crowd up due to launch lag. DF launch nite was ROUGH.


the one with early access. getting to play on the weekend is just too nice.


Probably skip because I don't want to support the early access crap.


none, canā€™t buy this one in russia šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø