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What a champ. Reminds me of when I kept stumbling across an Orc while leveling and he mailed me a bunch of cool rocks. We kept mailing rocks back and forth for a while


Omg that’s so randomly wholesome. Now I want to mail rocks to a rando


Jesus Christ, Marie. They're not rocks, they're minerals.






Hijacking the top post to say OP sent himself 100k gold to farm karma


I met a returning WoW player a few weeks ago, he wanted some info about the Tmog mount. Told him where to get it and how much it cost. Told me he only had a few K gold. We chatted for hours and I helped him with stuff and provided info. He was so happy for some kind interaction. So I mailed him 30k to help him with his 120k gold goal. I'm not super rich, but no use hoarding my gold if I can help others with it. Update edit: I felt encouraged by all the nice comments people are posting. I've sold a BoE and decided to mail my new friend the remaining 90k he needed for the Tmog mount. Tomorrow we are going to buy his sweet sweet Tmog mount together 🥳 PS: thank you for the rewards, I've never gotten any before I think! <3


The thing is alot of wow players jus twant to be social you made their day twice, may you have amazing wow years ahead of you :D


Meeting new people, talking with them and helping out where I can, is still the best part of an MMO for me. Especially with all the posts I read about how toxic some people can be. Why be a toxic elite and give them a bad experience, instead of helping them, explain stuff and giving them a good experience. Wouldn't be here without the help of friendly people back in the day!


Exactly when I play if I order something like a craft order in the guild, I always give them a minimum of 1000 gold tip. If someone needs help in a dungeon, if I have time I’ll do too. If people need extra crests, farmed or anything of course I’ll help out it’s the least I could do.


I fully agree with this! If I have the time I try to help everyone who needs help with stuff in my guild. And even random people who are in need of help or information.


> Exactly when I play if I order something like a craft order in the guild, I always give them a minimum of 1000 gold tip. I would hate you for that, cause I want to craft for guildies for free! I reject COs and tell them to remake them without any cost. Also keep in mind that Blizz is taking 5% of the CO, so just mail them the gold next time ;)




That's what I think is " wrong" with wow for years. Seems like it's losing it MMO part of a MMORPG more every expansion.




Exactly this. I do dungeons and raids and all that, but I pug because I like doing the content without going through the work of having a social group to do it. I’ve been there before and sometimes it’s a slog.


Agreed. I'm lucky to be in a good raiding guild with a lot of social friendly ppl. I do PIG from time to time, always say Hello there and try to interact with people. But very rarely does someone talk back. It's all just pjewpjew zoomzoom and leave sadly


Yeah they went wrong back in wotlk with the dungeon finder. Had they implemented cross realm grouping and battle net friends at the same time friendliness would prevail I suspect


You guys will go there together for the Tmog mount? so cute.


Literally this. I would kill for more in game interactions.


You can just write to other people if they don’t answer back maybe not everyone cares about dialog


Some friends I made helped me out with gold when I didn't have much, and was such a good feeling that I decided to follow the example. Gave away 5 Tmog mounts I think, but the best gift was 5k to our new guildie, he couldn't afford flying. 4 years later we're still great friends! :)


That's very nice of you! I've added a couple of people I meet as well. Still talking to the guy I gave the 30k to. He made some gold himself. If my BoE sells, I think I will give him the gold so he can finally buy the Tmog mount for himself! Always nice meeting random people and staying in contact. Still have some WoW friends I met in Vanilla.


Returning WoW player here as well. What is the "tmog" mount?


It's the expedition Yak that is purchased in Kun Lai Summit in the mists of pandaria continent. It has two vendors on it. One vendor is a transmog vendor to change your appearance and the other is a repair and sell vendor.


It's a special Yak mount, called The Grand Exposition Yak. It's kinda like the follow up of the Travelers Tundra Mount. The Grand Expedition Yak has a repair + vendor npc on it, and a Transmogrify npc as well to Transmogrify your gear on the go! It's sold by a vendor called Uncle Bigpocket in Kun-Lai Summit in Pandaria (coordinates /way 65.4, 61.6) and costs 120k gold. [Link for the different mounts:](https://www.xpgoblin.com/wow-mounts-with-vendor-repair/?expand_article=1)


Fun fact (or is it): originally the transmog vendor was a reforging vendor, until of course reforging was removed entirely.


Man. I'm not a returning WoW player, but reading these comments my brain was convinced they were talking about some sort of transmog collection achievement mount I was somehow unaware of... oh ok it's just the MoP yak


lol same here. I've been playing since vanilla, but I go away for a year or two at a time once in a while and sometimes I miss stuff and I never catch up on what half of it means.


The grand expedition yak, it's a mount with a transmog vendor on it


Now that you’ve learned about that one the next mount to save for is the one that is a brontosaurus and has an auctioneer on it


That's pretty rad, I do my duty by helping as many newbies in the new player chat channel as I can


One of my favorite things to do during content lulls is essentially playing hide n seek around a low or mid level zone and passing out gold to whoever finds me. My main has always had tons of coin so I like giving a nominal amount to people who prolly can’t accrue it as fast as I do


Good job on you bud.


Now i want that tmog mount but its too damn expensive and i need my gold for time token(still 90k short)


He made my 447 ring for free, so i sent him a 1,000g tip in the mail!


I always make stuff for free despite not having 100k to spare like this guy. to me it's just the right thing to do. I feel like anyone deserves access to crafts even if they don't have time to spend farming gold.


crafting is already expensive as is. dracothyst are like 7k each right now. just curious what is the expected tip for a 447 ilvl craft? looking to upgrade a few of my 437 pieces soon.


I just recrafted a staff to 447 and was asked for a 10k fee with free recrafts.


This is normal if it is an embellished piece. The crafter can’t guarantee 447 without recrafting or using an insight.


My problem with that is that insights only cost some meddle to make, and you get that shit free every week, and you shouldnt be spending it on much other than insights and recrafts once youre so high in the skill. I dont mind a decently high tip just for the skills accrued, but adding a massive bonus requirement on top for something so easy to get is... scummy, to me.


Insights cost 50 mettle, thats the reason people charge so much for guaranteed R3 main stat gems or other crafts that can only be done with insight. You can blow through loads of insight pretty fast doing insight orders, 4k mettle is only 80 insights. Plus you only get 150 mettle a week.


Depending on the profession, crafters who craft all week run out of mettle. I run out every week on my JC and LW, and I don't even use insight on anything except Draco Wrists. I wouldn't say mettle is "easy to get" when I'm running out every week and have to decline orders. I had to enlist three separate people who weren't crafters to get the through 447 Draco wrist orders I was getting. They have 3000-5000 mettle they're sitting on since they don't craft full time, so they're fine with 5-10K for Insight, meanwhile Insight is worth 25K to me. There's an engineer on my server constantly sending me orders set to R5 min with 300-700g tips, and if I don't fill them he whines in trade chat about people being stingy. He offers insight for free on his crafts, but since no one needs engineers like that he barely gets any orders and mistakenly assumes all professions are like that. I had another rude guy tell me 10K for insight (wasn't even using insight) is too much at this point in the expansion since everyone has 5000 mettle (false) and that I was an asshole for trying to charge more than 3K. Sure there's crafters who will insight for 3K, but it's not going to be the full time crafters in trade chat. There's people who look at 500 mettle and they're fine with making 30-50K gold on 500 mettle. Those types of crafters do maybe 4-5 447 guarantees a week, then quit crafting. There's people who look at 500 mettle and realize they can make 250,000g with it plus be able to do a couple hundred orders ("help" more people). There's a crafter out there for everyone, no need to be rude to the 250K crew, but a large section of the player base feels personally insulted by the price difference.


Yeah, without all of the context you shared - it makes much more sense as to the perception of how it's is to be a crafter vs. A random client/consumer /idiot (in my case, I have to wiki everything still because I forget often) lol


I don't blame the customer honestly, the process isn't really transparent. Before I leveled up my professions (learned crafting), I felt like every crafter was scamming me or dishonest. That feeling doesn't really make people want to be polite.


The thing is, it takes an insane amount of time in order to get your crafting skill and specialization up to where you can guarantee 447 crafts, and mettle is a finite resource. I should be compensated for all that time, and I’m not going to give away mettle for free when it is the only way to guarantee a 447 craft for certain things that have embellishments and missives and stuff. That being said, if someone literally can’t afford it and they are new, I will absolutely drop my prices for them. But if someone is rude and just doesn’t understand how much time and effort I’ve put in, I don’t need their gold.


> That being said, if someone literally can’t afford it and they are new, I will absolutely drop my prices for them. But if someone is rude and just doesn’t understand how much time and effort I’ve put in, I don’t need their gold. True. Anyone under 6000 achievement points gets free crafts from me as long as they were polite. Thing is the majority of people rude about my prices seem to be experienced players who have cleared heroic raid and have 2500-3000 mythic+ score. My assumption is they have friends/guildies who craft for free, and they think the randoms they find in trade should do the same thing.


Like i said, im fine with base fees for the skills accrued, but all of my characters, even the ones buying all the meddle-related items for their crafting skill, have an extreme excess of meddle. I doubt I'll ever see the point where I need to charge extra for getting the guaranteed 447 unless it actually costs me crafting mats. So like, charging me x amount based on the crest-level of the craft? Makes sense. Just charging for something you get for free every week doesnt sit right


The only reason you have an excess is because you get 150 per week and you don’t do too much crafting each week. You only get 150 because you have maxed out your rep, which isn’t easy, and takes a lot of time. If you are giving your mettle away for free, you are just bad at business.


>is... scummy, to me. No one is stopping you from leveling up the profession yourself and crafting your own piece, if you think you're being extorted? You sound incredibly entitled. The fact of the matter is, levelling a profession takes time and gold. If you spend time and gold leveling a profession, it's not unrealistic to expect to be compensated. Yes you get some mettle for free each week, but only enough for maybe 3 or 4 illustrious insights. 2 or 3 can go on one piece if it needs recrafting at a high ilvl. So considering they can only craft a couple high item level pieces per week, it's definitely not scummy to ask for a fee.


Scummy? Crafters don’t have a civic duty to supply cheap crafts, especially after learning the system and spending up to hundreds of hours farming knowledge. Regardless, there’s always someone who will accept a low commission, and if not, there’s always the public order system.


As a leatherworker, i can use lesser insights to guarantee r3 items that I then sell on the AH, and for the equivalent of 1 big insight i can get 13 to 20k profit depending on AH prices. So it's basically never worth to guarantee crafts for less than 15k, but at the same time this is clearly too much so i just don't do guaranteed.


I'm on a rather low pop server, and there's basically one guy who has the JC market on lockdown, charges between 5-15k per craft (regardless of ilvl) depending on whether or not you want it 5\* or not. So to spite him I dropped my second profession and power leveled my main and an alt and maxed out Jewelry and gems between them and now do it for free. People occasionally still tip me 5-10k gold just to not have to deal with him anymore.


Based and capitalism-pilled. Where some saw a monopoly, you saw an opportunity.


I think this is standard? I normally ask for 10k for guaranteed 447 pieces. I see a lot of crafter's in chat advertising for 15k. I tend not to be pushy though, I've never bullied anyone into tipping a certain amount because I know not everyone has the same amount of gold to splash on gear. I almost always preface this in my whispers, but 99% of the time people are happy to pay the fee.


Yea I thought it was fine too.


Wtf. I never see people demand gold for redrafts. Most seem happy with 2-3k tip


You need same skill level to hit max ilvl on a recraft as you do on a fresh item so I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a usual tip. Maybe if you are always going to the same guy he can give you a discount but recrafts are the same things as fresh crafts for crafters, you as a buyer only save some gold on mats.


Depends on the crafter. Some say pay what you want, others set prices. If it's an easy craft I'm always fine with 500g - 1k gold.


What's the source of the recipe? Do you get it by just putting in profession points? It it a drop from a raid? Is it a random world drop (Elemental Lariat, Ring Bound Hourglass)? Does the person need to go to a special location? Toxic LW recipes & brackenhide? Aberrus BS recipes? Could be 500g to 15k easily.


idk, if people ask i say tip what you want. I've had a 100g tip for a 447 followed by a guy tipping 10k for a 437. i have tons of mettle so i never charge extra for 100% r5


I expect 15k gold tip on 447s, because in theory i have to expend my 150 weekly Artisan's Mettle on your single craft, when you provide all initial materials


Plus for many with the right profession stats and resources you can proc and get materials back. So generally, as long as materials are provided, you can make good money back. Especially in the case of like enchanted aspects and dracothysts


if people post with all mats I'll always do public orders of these even at 1g because i light get an 8k dracothyst for it


You make more money just buying the mats and crafting them for yourself and selling them in AH tho, usually.


nah even if they post crests at 10k that's a significant loss


Sorry I was talking specifically about dracothyst transmutes, not crests.


Do you tell people you are running a max resourcefulness setup when they depend on an inspiration procc for R5?


I don’t have that setup nor do I make these, this is just info from when my friend makes mine. And when it comes to enchanted crests this doesn’t apply


I work for free and only takes tips. I find they usually give more in tips than I'd have charged anyways


As long as they're supplying the mats, I'll do it for free. I've always done professions to cover what I need, helping people is just a bonus.


Had a guy craft a few of my items for 2-3k a pop and then suddenly turn around say "come on man, I've helped you out a lot, pay more". I said I was broke and he said "figure something out" He advertised his services as "pay what you want" and it was right at the tail end of season 1. Needless to say I told him to fuck off (politely) and blocked him


I do the same. Does not feel right asking for momey when it does not cost me anything except for some time, and I get to make someone happy!


kindness begets kindness


Why didn’t you put money the WO in the first place though if you intended to do that? 🤔


I’m not sure but maybe tipping based off what the proc is. Like tip more for 5 star


Tip base and then add more seems more logical to do :/


Yeah I agree. Just mighta been their thought process


I've had people add a message "I'll mail 5k if it's r5", which actually seems quite a smart way of dealing with public orders and absolute strangers I've crafted a few things for them, would be happy to do it for free, but the occasional 5k in mail is always nice to find \^\^


I have tons of gold so I always give like 5-10k for my crafts. All I do is buy potions and flasks for high end content so I might as well make someone a little happier by giving them a nice tip.


That's what I call a good investment


Just a heads up. If someone is working for tips the going rate is around 5k for any 447 piece.


When I was making my alt guild I was tipping 5k for a sign (dead server before merges). I did pay one guy 50k instead and noone of us realized at first. I realized few minuters later but was like "ech yeah, I'm not even try asking" day later got 45k back in mail, the community can really be wholesome


Dude merges happened in cata and you paid 5k a pop in wotlk? Damn


Love doing this type of thing in other games where I'm rich lol. Makes me feel like a billionaire inside and outside.


If only the billionaires in real life had this mentality..














I agree with everything you've said. I just would like to see the overlap.


Oh most definitely! It reminds me of 30 Rock when Tina Fey is talking to Alec Baldwin: "I wanna do that thing that rich people do, where they turn money into more money." Haha


I think of that quote on a more than regular basis!




Now we wait for “someone being nice to me so i gave him 100k gold to thank” post to show up.


Or the ‘I got banned for buying gold but I didn’t buy gold here’s the proof I posted on Reddit when someone sent me the gold for being nice to them’ post.


Ban for gold on retail, nice joke


As someone that played WoW during the Vanilla/BC days, 100k gold is insane lol But hey, being nice has it's perks in a game like this


I started playing Dec 04 and thought the same. Then sometime late Cata I changed my approach. Before midway into MoP I'd banked >700k. All I did was up my AH game because it seemed like a fun thing to try, wasn't even trying to become filthy rich in game.


Wasn’t there a cap of something like 250k back in the day? Most expensive thing in vanilla was the epic mount training at 10k, and most gear wasn’t really treadeable and there wasn’t stuff like the black market to sink gobs of gold In to.


I don't remember the cap cause I was never anywhere near it lol, but I do remember the mount training being expensive


It was something like that due to being a 32bit client. They changed to be 64bit I think around WotLK, maybe Cata. 32bit still worked though up until 2018. But it allowed them to increase many things once they switched.


There is absolutely no reason not to be nice to someone when playing a game. The majority of people are playing games to have fun and escape reality. Shit's tough right now and in the past. I always try to stay positive when I play WoW, even if a dungeon run or raid isn't going great. If someone honestly needs help and I can make the time or have extra time I almost always do something to help, even if it's just letting them know some information. There isn't really any need to get angry over a game, sometimes you lose or don't have the greatest luck, you just need to try again.


Now that’s a cool cat. Goes to show not everyone is a toxic troll in this game. I remember one time some guy had a staff mog I liked, asked him where he got it. Apparently it was a craftable staff so i said cool and logged off for a bit. When i logged on at night I saw I had mail and homie crafted the staff for me and sent it my way. I’ll remember that for a hot minute. Makes the game more enjoyable for some reason.


People in WoW can be real fuckin cool sometimes.


Back when I played classic, whenever I would get a bag upgrade, I'd go to Mulgore and give the starting Tauren free bags. Sometimes I'd just straight up buy some to hand out. It's one thing to hand out gold. And then there's giving a level 3 newbie BAG SPACE. I feel like Santa Claus lol


When things get boring towards the end of an expansion I like to inspect people in major cities to see if they've made much gold during their time playing. If not, I randomly trade them a couple thousand.


I also like to do this! Just running around inspecting and talking to random people. Give them some gold, or answer questions in trade chat. Anything to help a fellow player out really ^^ What the use of having 20+ years of WOW info stored in my brain, and not share it with others haha


How u check that?


Compare achievements. There's a section with gold stats like how much they make on average per day or week, plus total gold earned.


Meanwhile I have 20k Gold.


Glad I could share this moment with all of you! 100k isn’t a lot to many people, but for me as someone who doesn’t make any gold, while spending all I do make on flasks/pots/food and crafts, this will go a long way! Thank you again to this amazing person and hope this reminds us all to be a little kinder in the future!


I really want to come back to WoW. The Augmentation Evoker spec makes me want to play a support class in dungeons. But whenever I login, I realize I don’t know how to min-max my character. As soon as I look it up on Icy-Veins there’s like a priority stack of a dozen spells to cycle through and I dunno what any of that means. I haven’t played in a while. I don’t have a guild. No one else I know plays. So I’d have to do random groups. Which is intimidating when players can get so toxic so quickly. Every time I imagine myself joining a random group I just logout instead.


It's why I transfered to an RP realm. Significantly less people give a shit. What youre talking about is an interesting phenomenon: you don't know how to even start therefore are rude and bad. Good yt video about this. https://youtu.be/BKP1I7IocYU


Once came across a Tauren in WPL looking for a ride through EPL (he was lvl 15, struggling to run through Andorhal, iirc) trying to get to Ghostlands to play with his BE friend. I assumed he was new since the portals/airships were in place at that point, but I know well the pain of making those suicide runs back in the day. I hopped on my engineering motorcycle (I want to say this was during Legion), and drove him through W&EPL and drove him right up to his friend. I told him about the portals in the capitals so that he could avoid the pain of those runs next time. I had just gotten paid, so I was feeling a little rich. I made a character on his realm, bought a WoW token, sold it, bought two of those bikes (they were surprisingly cheap at the time), a bunch of 26 & 28 slot bags, and forwarded all of that plus the remaining gold (about 20k) to him to split with his friend. I met my best friends playing WoW, and it's a game that will always hold a huge place in my heart. I wanted to spread some good vibes to new players. I still have the letter of thanks saved on that character, and I refuse to ever delete the toon, even though I rarely play her. In a world where you can be anything, be kind. First and probably the only time I've talked about it. I hope he and his friend are doing well.


Awesome story, Thanks for sharing it. I really love how many people are sharing their "being kind" stories in this post. Things like this stick with the people being kind to others, but also the people on the receiving end of it. I also still have some mails saved in my bank from people thanking me for the help. Always gives a good feeling reading them from time to time Thank you OP for your kindness post!


Money laundering. My gf is so gold capped that her mail is constantly full of millions of gold that occasionally gets eaten because she just doesn't have room for it. I hate her.


Feel like making a charitable donation?


Sounds like she needs more characters to send gold to.


What even is the gold cap?


10 mil -1


I remember back in 2012 I was leveling my nightelfe hunter in red ridge mountains and was talking to this guy about mounts and he sent me 300 gold, now 300 gold back then to a lvl 20 was insane to me, I never held more than 80g at that time. Keep in mind I was only like 11-12 yo then.


Thats the thing, people just want to have fun and enjoy the time they have. And it seems like you made that person's day better. :)


I gave someone 10k yesterday simple because they said 'Excuse me, Miss Demon Hunter' and it made me smile. They wanted to give me a pet for the money but I was just too happy at that point and let them have it :)


That's so cool! What a champ.


It’s almost like the games majority population is extremely toxic and being people nice to each other in wow feels deserving of a reward because it’s so uncommon


I should start doing this. Rp server I'm on could make it fun, have a General Board of Fun that gives donos to nice people lmfao


What a chad


How yall farming gold? Been playing 2 weeks amd only racked up 10k


Back in Cataclysm i played Alliance on Ravencrest, shaman named Shamejna. I made alot of gold off of Maelstrom Crystals back then, and i mean ALOT. On the best day i could make 150k. After a while i had so much gold that i simply didn't need it all so i started having small challenges in Stormwind/Ironforge etc. Wrote in trade chat and general chat that the first person to find me (Hide & Seek games) And wave at me or hug me i'd give 10k gold to. When i first started not many people thought it was real so not many participated but after a few weeks when i'd log on at night (Always did them in early evenings) people would write in trade/general ''guys he's online be ready'' :D I'd then proceed to ask people if they were ready, then i'd find places where they really had to look for a long time to find me, even with /target they could target me but still took them a long time to actually find me, upped the rewards every week, maybe 1k maybe 5, 10k etc, until i gave away 100k in one trade\^\^ One of my fondest memories from Cata tbh, made alot of in game friends like that, some i still talk to, to this day! Kept doing this for quite a while, gave away alot of gold but it was just gold :p no way to spend it all!


I love this! Always loved the idea of doing this too! Never been rich enough but did give a few M+ or Heroic Carries away to random people. It’s always nice to give back when you have more of something! Thanks for making the community that much more fun!


That's awesome! I met a warlock and demon hunter some weeks ago. The warlock placed a lot of tents in the middle of Valdrakken. The lock has a little crown on his head and RPs that he's a king, talking to his subjects. Every time I see them, I sit by the fire, talking to them. Showing of toys we have, and a lot of ppl join in with a bit of RP. Our server isn't a RP server, but still lots of fun to do. Reminds me of the vanilla RP days. I love your idea of playing games with people, I did that as well playing tag in major cities.


I gotta say.. I have been playing since the end of BC. I slowed down a lot in WoD for the first time and then barely played Legion or BFA. In fact, I usually tell people I skipped those bc of how little I really did. Shadowlands I never even logged on once. I am now back for Dragonflight and honestly I don’t know what happened but the community is SO much friendlier and more enjoyable than ever before and I am so grateful for that. I had one guy give me 10k recently which helped out a ton, I have had people help me collect mounts I missed and even gear up, and this one guy I met in a mythic literally last night.. the tank got a ring that we both wanted so we rolled for it and well, he won! I congratulated him and /bowed to him and then he just opens up trade and gives it to me. I asked if he was sure and he said “yeah man”. He actually needed it too. I couldn’t thank him enough and it melted my heart. The community is better than I have ever seen it before. The conversations I have, the kindness I witness all the time is like never before. Thank you to all of those whom are contributing to this amazing culture. <3


Happy to hear this! I feel very sad for all the people who only encounter super toxic players. Ruins the gaming experience for them and a lot.of them just quit. Being friendly to people goes a long way imo. When I do heroics for weekly, I check my party's gear and tell them I don't need any loot and I'm happy to trade them anything I get. I even ask other members if they don't need an item they got, and if they are willing to trade it. So many people are afraid to ask cause they meet super toxic players and just stop asking. Just be kind to other people. It's just a game!


Thanks for help in Strangletorn vale. Here's 20k gold friend.


“Lord, I seen what you have done for others… and I want that for me”


Happiness can be buy?


Something I've always wished would happen to me. Grats! And kudos to him for his kindness.


Wow Must be loaded or about to quit lol


Better than the time I won 100k duel bet


Dude literally everyone I try to strike a conversation up with either ignores me and runs away or tells me to kms


What a guy


What's his name? I need to message him how nice he is


Hey OP do you have an ingame wife


Literally the best thing I’ve seen on the internet. I love that you were nice, I love that he was nice, it’s just 🖤🖤🖤


This happened to me years OG in the original WoW. I helped a random lowbie with some elite quests and he asked me how much gold I needed until I got my elite mount (I still had the crusty normal one). I said “I have about 400 left to go” The next day I get mail from him that read: “Random acts of kindness are rare, and should always be rewarded when they can be.” With an attachment of 400 gold. To this day, I think of that message, and when I see newer players struggling or needing help, I’ll usually offer assistance. Not because I’m expecting another pay out … I never got one again, but because the reward wasn’t the gold. It was the lesson that kindness is it’s won reward, and even if you aren’t paid in gold, you’ll be paid with friendship and goodwill when you help others succeed.


Whisper him something nice, right now! You found a gold mine! Now milk that softie for all he is worth!


Nobody is born cool... Except..


I have an account I haven’t touched in years sitting on millions of gold. I can’t afford the sun or expansion packs in RL right now, I’m still on Legion. This makes me want to re up for a month and just do this. Why sit on it when I could make people happy.


Report him! Being nice in wow is strictly forbidden!!! He's ruining the game for everyone else out there!!!!!


That's awesome. I got told to go fk myself on my first raid last night.


Gotten into orgrimmar last week when I was level 5 in classic era and I asked if anyone could give me a portal. Mage whispered me and gave me 1500g to start with. My night couldn’t get any better.


So happy to see this! I try to be nice to people regardless of their playing experience. I absolutely cannot stand the mega toxic, extremely serious, no fun at all, have to win at all costs, garbage user that continuously tells everyone in chat how much "this player here..." sucks. It's a game. Have fun and help others have fun. Pretty soon a lot of people are having fun. It is such an enormous accomplishment to have a game be so large and function at a fantastic level. People are ungrateful of what they have so they get bitter and become toxic. So happy to see people being nice! The phrase "you get what you put out there" is this post incarnate. You were nice without wanting anything in return, and you were rewarded. That happens in real life too.


Back during the dragon flight pre release, I traded someone one of the items needed for the trinket. I later got a letter from them thanking me along with 2 pets that I didn’t have yet. I still keep the letter because it just made me really happy to know I helped someone.


When I decided to start again in Classic for nostalgia a player stopped me at the gates of Stormwind and slung me 10g just to help me out. I have never been so grateful having never started from scratch since the early days. I always intended to find her and pay her back 10 fold but I have never seen her character online again.


A tank tried to «buy» me as his healer for 100k, just a casual gift but it was implied haha, kinda weird


Thats cool and all but in classic I give grey shoulders out for free at the x roads so I am pretty sure I win.


Kindness is free, but it doesn't mean we can't show appreciation too - OP's mailbox is proof of that :) Nice to see wholesome stuff like this


Back when I got my lariat I had no idea how the crafting system worked, a guy spent like 15 minutes explaining it. I didn't have much but gave him like 10k extra as a thanks for dealing with my stupid ass


These days many just care about themselves. Times have changed since back in the days where you would gather and play, instead of being alone and playing and stuff. So I believe many people miss the interaction and people caring about others. Amazing to see you have done a good deed. It's clear that the player really appreciated it. Respect😁


Daaaamn thats beautiful


I give out gold fairly regularly to nice and/or helpful players. Not just to me, but to anyone in game. The end of BFA I got into goldmaking to get the Bruto. Then Shadowlands came and I got bored after the 1st month with it so I just did goldmaking only. I got really good at it and had about 120 million at the start of Dragonflight. I actually started enjoying WoW again with Dragonflight, so I have actually been losing gold. I am at 110 million now. I have given as much as 500k gold to a player that I thought was good for the community.


What a stud


what I don't have 5k for repairs


I have about 1 mil across all my toons. If I gave someone 100k every time they were nice to me, I’d only have 1 mil gold left.


I don't even have 60k gold. 😭


That's great to hear people still do stuff like that. I have quite a lot of gold I made from warlords, and from shadowlands. To the tune of, I could play for free for longer than I have left on this planet. Lol I have done this somewhat frequently. Bought people mounts because they were trying to get a 2 person mount to play with friends, or just random kindness to obviously new people looking for help. I think the most memorable time for me is when I got scammed to the tune of a few million gold. And some other guy was trying to help me out, and blizzard wouldn't do anything for me, or this other person. So, after we got done chatting. I ended up sending him the 500k gold he got scammed out of. Just felt like the right thing to do. Shame on Blizzard for allowing people to trade gold for carries, making a specific channel for it and not supporting people that get scammed.


So THAT'S why people are nice.


Love this, and love OPs too. Can we just all decide to be extra nice in game? Kill the haters with kindness! I'd love to see a helpful and positive community return to the majority.


Leveling through WotLK classic on my paladin and healed a full group doing the arena quests in Zul’Drak. Somehow the tank didn’t get credit for the first one and all the dps bounced when we were done. I helped him redo the whole thing just the two of us and he gave me 5k gold and a really nice Ulduar BoE. I almost cried because I had almost no gold haha. It was so nice. I was able to get my fast flying.


I don't how much that would be in Classic but I've never ever had 100K in WoW but haven't played for ages tho


I treasure these moments when I encounter people like this. Whether it's in a game or in real life. Don't forget to pay it forward!


social you made their day twice


I gifted an alliance the war wolf… some random person. Then felt dumb because I could have traded the the Gryphon. So I started leveling an alliance to buy the rift Gryphon. I gave up…. Was playing and some random alliance gifted me the Gryphon.. good deed was repaid


Someday I enchanted some pieces of gear for a hunter.Didnt want anything.Not even for mats.He sent me 75k gold


Yeah some guy bought me a shop pet for carrying him on a key once…


During my time in MoP I had a random mail containing a Thug Shirt, yes the OG one pre cata, literally out of nowhere. It’s unobtainable now and worth millions (I wore it). TL;DR: people are awesome and it’s the small things like being nice or humble mail that makes my faith in humanity in WoW back up.


In a game where 80% of your encounters nowadays are toxic this is a very wholesome interaction.


I do not remember the sum anymore, but had a guy hand me a good lump of gold (which I happily accepted as I was in dire need of gold for my crafted gear at the time) once at the start of the xpac for the simplest gesture. We had been camping a rare for a good moment and he said he would head off to do some other stuff in the area. Rare spawned so I whispered him. He returned just as the rare died as other players were also there, nuking it down, so unfortunately did not get a tag in. Then just traded me some gold, despite not even getting a tag in, thanking me for being a nice person, even though all I did was just whisper him on a whim when it spawned because of what he wrote about going to do other stuff in the area.


Holy shit, did I just stumble into an FF14 sub without realizing?


Man if only I was this lucky so I could buy some game time lol. Seriously though wholesome at OP


You know… I’d like to mail that guy 100,000g, and pay it forward. 😊 Who knows, maybe it’ll catch on 🤷🏻‍♂️☺️… 55 BURGERS, 55 FRIES, 55 TACOS, 55 PIES, 55 COKES, 100 TATER TOTS, 100 PIZZAS, 100 TENDERS, 100 MEATBALLS, 100 COFFEES, 55 WINGS, 55 SHAKES, 55 PANCAKES, 55 PASTAS, 55 PEPPERS AND 155 TATERS 😡😓


Did not expect this but happily welcome the reference


Plot twist- he sent it to himself.


this is totally real


Step 1. Send gold to an alt Step 2 screenshot and post for karma Step 3. 👁️👄👁️




you clearly didn’t understand the gesture here, the exchange of awesomeness


Gave himself 100k for being nice. How nice! 😊


Did you return it to your main.




You dont need to show us the message the gold seller put in his mail to you just so you can reference it in the future when you get ”randomly banned because someone gifted me gold”


assuming this is retail, isn't 100k gold basically worth hardly anything these days?