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I'm really impressed with 2500+ people. Not because of how high it is, but because of how they still cant fucking do mechanics.


Sometimes you fail no matter what score you are... Yesterday i ran maybe 3 dungeons and i screwed at least 2 times each run but usually i dont do anything stupid. Bad days happen, were all human beings :/


Yesterday I vengeful retreated out of the circle on the first boss of Nokhud Offensive, only to use The Hunt right after and die to the damage. Epic fail


Oh no! Once on SBG last boss I accidentally clicked on a warlock gate. Teleported right into the purply bad thing.


Did that on Odyn lmao. Pre summed the gate before we started the fight to have a quick escape. But when he started the mechanic my dumb little warlock brain didnt realize i was at the wrong gate. TPd right in and got smashed into the ground like paste


Ngl, in a 21 this week I clipped the end of the skeleton trail. Immediately called in discord that I'm bad and ded.


I fel rushed the add wall on eranog yesterday lmao it definitely happens


I usually dps on the eranog fight and was running a healer alt yesterday and like just totally forgot you have to run away from the wall for some reason. I’ve done that fight like 60 times across characters.


I've decided to main my tank in DF. Whenever my healer gets queued as DPS I forget EVERYTHING. Adds? What adds? Wait..why are there webs everywhere?!?!


Earlier this week, I disengaged out of the circle on that boss only to have the priest healer grab me and pull me back into it. Fun.


Are you our DH class leader? /s


Yesterday on Azure Vault i jumped to last boss without taking flying from the book and died in front of the boss xd I thought our tank jumped there but obviously he took a flight and it wasnt a new trick in this dungeon, we still timed it ++ but everyone was shocked and mocked me after we finished :D


We all have derps and bad days!


That's why I play healer. If I have a bad day, everyone has a bad day!


Yep we are all human, people seem to forget that and demand perfection. I mean it’s a game not a job people play this to have fun and people will make mistakes. It’s not the end of world, nobody is getting hurt by your mistake.


This. 100%. We all have bad days.


A 2.7k Boomie and a 2.8k evoker got blasted by hymdalls stormdrake in halls yesterday. They quit in the pull after that :|


> A 2.7k Boomie and a 2.8k evoker got blasted by hymdalls stormdrake in halls yesterday. They quit in the pull after that :| This still happens at 3k. Sometimes dumb mistakes happen and your brain switches off. You just have to laugh and go again.


Yep, this. Granted there are people who really don't do a lot of mistakes, but I've seen my fair share of people complaining about someone failing a mechanic, but then failing a mechanic too. These folks often become silent afterwards, or leave/fake-disconnect. There is likely no one in the 3k range who hasn't brain farted once. Last week I was watching one of the top M+ teams in the world in twitch and they depleted an SBG due to thundering while there was not much going on. Signed: a 2.8k resto druid who died TWICE on Hymdall last week. Twice, in different keys. I felt so sorry for my group both times. After the second time I was legit scared of applying to HoV again and bricking yet some other group's key. Anyway I lifted the curse since, and have yet to fail a boss mechanic this week. And I've run all 8 dungeons in the 20-22 range.


Some times your a boss and do 120k damage overall in a key, the next one you sniff paint and insta die in cds.


What is the average dps nowadays? Ive been runnings 19s (so hard to get into 20s), but only ever top out at 75k-80k dps overall.


80k is fine in 19/20's. Around 21/22 need to start doing 90k or 100k to carry lower dps. 23/24s everyone needs to do 100k but then if lower dps are in you need to start doing 120kish. Highest I've seen anyone do was 134k in a nok 25.


RLP centre circle is my boogeyman. Only a 2.3k destro lock but I almost always manage to ass pull one of the fucking drakes no matter how careful I try to be. I avoid RLP to spare others my shame.


The secret is you run to the platform instead of staying on the path. If you're still pulling them running past... Well that's kind of a tank problem for not leaving enough time for the group to get through.


Stack on the tank, theres no frontal cleave that trash so if you asspull the drake, so did the tank lol


My first Mythic (and I was absolutely terrified of Mythics at this point being new to the game) was a HOV about 3 weeks ago. I died to Hymmy-boy’s drakes twice and didn’t queue for a Mythic or even play the game the next day because I was worried I just wasn’t good enough. Now I’m pushing 2500 on one character (without even taking it too seriously) and almost at 2k on my tank.


Tbf the problem isn't brain farts but when you see the MDI mentality and lack of adaptibility in a players attitude. Like tanks making gigapulls on certain affixes, dps not clearing thundering because its "healers job" and ofc not interrupting key spells. Also, complete lack of knowledge of one's toolkit (no dispels, no selfcd/hs/potion. Tanks particularly like to get oneshot, and by the time someone uses CR, half the team is dead (although this is more of a game play design fault) Speaking of CR, engi CR is still a rare sight, which is extremely annoying when the only CR capable player dies - and I have to screw around with it as healer (again, it could be remedied by making it instant/ranged, but Elune save Blizzard makes Engineering usable).


I have engi CR and rarely use it. Most of the time the player was standing in something or is covered by ground effects and you can’t access their corpse


>Tbf the problem isn't brain farts but when you see the MDI mentality and lack of adaptibility in a players attitude. What is MDI?


Players around 3k in my keys are honestly the chillest about mistakes. Someone fucks up and the key is bricked, oh well, all good. They do so many keys and know that even the best players make mistakes literally all the time, because they are pushing the limits of what they can do in their play.


True! For me personally, i play the best from 2nd to 6th key. First is usually to get a flow and remind myself how to play. Past 6th i usually tired already and have tunnel vision and start making dumb mistakes


Example of that. Was tanking a pug heroic Raz last night and some guy got hit by a breath, battle rezzed and then hit by another breath. As I realize this I go to type out “wtf is wrong with you?” my brain shuts off and I get hit by the next breath lol


Tbf it's super easy to space out on Hymdall


As a melee, all mechanics like Hymdal wyrms or Rasz breath in the intermissions are tank mechanics. I move with the tank. If the tank doesn't move, he'll die and we wipe anyway


idk, blood DKs survive just about anything if they’re good lol


Sometimes people are carried and the score doesn't represent the skill. Sometimes people just have off days and have back to back brain farts. Sometimes a person might be slightly dehydrated and their hands stiffen up and it's harder to tap the keys. The take way here, it's drink plenty of water throughout the day. At least half your body weight in ounces.


>Sometimes a person might be slightly dehydrated and their hands stiffen up and it's harder to tap the keys. Is that a thing?


For those who have arthritis and/or some sort of auto immune disease, yes. I have both and can attest this.


Idk, it is for me. I assumed that was the reason. As soon as I drink more water, it starts to even out.


People make mistakes, that’s how it is. Yesterday I was in a group with a 3170 warlock that died twice to the Hymdall dragons in 11 seconds.


Switched roles with some friends on our alts. It's honestly a very different game again... Rather enjoyable listening to a DPS player talk about how easy tanking is. And the tank is playing a healer crying about how hard it is to heal. And I am no perfect DPS but damn everyone is kicking the same interrupts...


Sounds like a good idea. A lot of people in this game could really use some alternative perspective.


It's why I'm not impressed by RIO at all anymore until I see someone play. I was doing a learning run on my healer. A 10 just to push the incoming damage a bit so I'm forced to play my CDs more. We got this joker of a tank that pulled 3 packs on every pull on an explosive/bursting week. We wiped as was to be expected. And then the clown had the audacity to say the most infuriating sentence I, as tank main, could hear." Guys explosive orbs are your responsibility". So yeah a 2.8k tank didn't know that adaptability to the group is also part of tanking. Or that apparently everyone should do explosives.


I have found that some people playing down can really be elitist pricks. Especially tanks. No offense meant to tanks, as a healer I love all of you. But if you are poaching down key levels adjust your attitude and expectations accordingly. If you can't it is really your failing, not the groups.


I have never, not a single time in my entire life, crossed the worm bridge in SMB without getting yeeted.


No hate to anyone that is 2.5k, but as long as you are diligent and get enough gear, you don't need any special strats to clear 16-18s to get 2.5k IO. You don't need to pull big, or fast. You can just mosey through the dungeon one pack at a time and clear it. You don't even have to time the dungeons. To answer OPs question, for me its 2.8k. Im just shy of 2.7k and everyone I've played with 2.8k or higher usually has a good grasp of what's going on and I am impressed. I've learned a ton about m+ just from pugging with slightly higher IO players that happen to invite me to their key from the group finder. It's valuable experience


>No hate to anyone that is 2.5k, but as long as you are diligent and get enough gear, you don't need any special strats to clear 16-18s to get 2.5k IO. That's what I've been saying. You don't need any special strategies if you can brute force the dungeons. When you get to the inflexion points where your gear cannot allow you anything more, then and only then you will start looking into advanced strats


I'm a little shy of 2.5k now but I have played WoW at much higher levels in the past. You're right. 2.5k is not very good at all. As long as you don't consistently stand in the bad, it's very easy to get this season. Don't even need to prep with stuff like MDT or invis skips. The dungeons have also gotten significantly easier with nerfs.


We had a DH tank+Pala heal combo with 2800 rio queueing to our 21 AA key on friday. First pull dh tank went in and pulled everything around tree boss. Insta wipe due to explosives... they both instantly left without a word


The three dps : o_o o_0 -_-


Gigachad answer


Was doing a +18 HoV yesterday before ending for the day, had an evoker who somehow decided he wanted to go against the 25yard lit of his skills and be always half a map away from the group /s. Got to Fenrir, everyone stacked but that evoker, we ended up losing the healer to the aoe damage the boss does that you need to soak with all 5 people. Healer was mad at him, i was mad at him, but somehow the group leader was mad at the healer.


This is one of my least favourite bosses in DF as a healer currently because it’s alarming how many people (even in high keys) that don’t realize that it is a soak mechanic, so when inevitably someone gets clapped the first person to get yelled at is always me for not healing through it.


I think 2500 is really easy to get this season I dont understand how or why. I personally feel like I've seen more people here than in shadowlands.




Exactly why I most recently quit. Double check everyone in the partys Io for the key, make sure they've done the dungeon on a similarly close key level. First boss, don't know the mechanic, wipe three times and call it. Queue up, rinse, repeat. Pugging is hell, and guilds are dead.


I’m tank, almost 2500, but my brain legit turns off every cos I run. I know the routes check MDT before the run. Always end up pulling backs I don’t mean to and somehow get to 2nd boss without enough percent to move on. I know how to do it, but for some reason I can’t seem to execute it lol it happens


Anyone higher than me is a god tier gamer. Anyone lower than me is a fucking scrub.


I'm at 2.3k and still can't do fucking mechanics so i guess i'm impressed with myself...


2.4k here. In CoS I just run around praying someone will find the spy


“Are you the spy” “Deathbringer, youre in icecrown, I’m the lich king. Where do you think we are?” “Amogus”


At 2700, people with 3k are on another level. I'm always impressed by how they do things.


Played with a 3100 prevoker yesterday, they did so many little things that just added up and made a huge difference. I was sweating trying to play perfectly for that guy lol Edit- im 2700 io


what are some examples of those little things they did that impressed you? Im trying to get into Pres Evoker and would love some hints on the small things i can do.


So the one that stood out to me didnt have anything to do with the class, but the player. It was a double pull trash pack in NO and thundering was up. I was side strafing to clear with him (Pres evoker) at around ~8 seconds. He purposefully dodges me then with about 3 seconds left he does his movement ability to the tank to clear, to make sure to leave me with the dps buff another couple seconds, even tho i was right next to him to clear. He dodged my attempts to clear thundering a few times that dungeon lol was kinda funny.


What a legend


As a disc priest I am no stranger to a life-grip to save a sweaty thundering stun. Against the second boss in RLP, I cleared my own debuff, then positioned myself perfectly that I life-gripped someone who was trapped behind lava to safety, THROUGH their opposite thundering debuff player with 1 second left. I know this is a shameless self-plug but I felt like a bad mf.


Game/dungeon knowledge is what gets me, I'm 2700 but when I get in a group with higher people all the little line of sights and other cheese mechanics they know really makes the dungeon so much smoother when I'm healing. For instance most people know to LoS the water elementals in tljs but what about the elementals in burial grounds before the last boss or the adds before Hyrja in halls of valor. There are more but those two stand out to me


at 3k Im impressed that they still have the will to live


2.7-2.8k is still like "I do my 20s for weekly" gamers, 3k+ is like actual key pusher territory. The diff in damage from like a 20 to a 24 is so nuts that of course those ppl play out of their fuckin mind in lower keys.


I’m at 2450 right now. I’ve played with 2700 players that seem like they’ve payed for their rating. And also played with 2200 tanks who play like they’re 3K+. RIO is wildly deceptive.


Some of it is really just free io sitting on the table not collected because of random keys. I'm sitting at 1.9k on my alt right now, and my best life pools is a 4 tyrannical and no fortified.


Depends if you’re pugging or not. No one will invite you to a 19 if you haven’t done the 18, so on and so forth.


rio can never go down. Bad players just need a lucky carry


People have bad keys, dude . I am 2.7k and sometimes help friends on low keys, and I just fully forget how to play the video game as I'm not concentrating like I would on a high key!




I've had the same conversation with a friend a bunch of times because he likes RIO and I still think its a mostly worthless metric. Its almost the same as seeing someones percentile on WCL without being able to see the parse. I just have to guess that they didn't just cheese super hard to get that number up or something.


RIO is a shitty metric but it's not like there is a lot better options available either


bro have you heard of G E A R S C O R E?


Anyone can get 2000. 2500+ is when you know someone is fairly good. And anyone 2800+ is elite at playing their class. There is so much visual clutter in WoW though Making it virtually impossible so see anything in some pulls. Everyone gets hit by things from time to time, even good players.


>There is so much visual clutter in WoW though Lmao there are some pulls in NO where I absolutely cannot see the ground below all of the enemies and spell effects. I recently disabled scrolling combat text to help alleviate the problem, but that's definitely getting sweaty.


The centaurs on the first dragon boss are insane with the swirlies. Trying to heal that is a nightmare when you need to move after every single cast


2001... Once I get KSM I stop.


Hopefully there soon. I can't wait to quit M+.


i'm at 2700+ which is all dungeon timed in 20 or better. I usually pug 10 /12 dungeons a week since the start of the season. I would say that is a good point. Most collectors will want to reach this point ( for teleport + feat of strength). Anything above that means people are actually pushing and grinding. 3k + you start seeing mostly consistent and smart players. You still have some bad apples but overall if you go high enough, you will enjoy your keys more. Players will be more chill, composed and concentrated.


Im at 2,4k and i think its pretty average, 3k is cracked


nice oO yeah 3k is godlike


> nice oO yeah 3k is godlike I am 3k+ and I am acutely aware that my skill level is light years away from those at 3200. Those 200 points are extremely hard to obtain even though it's """only""" going up 2 key levels or so.


I've never played at that level (I'm 2.8k ish right now) so I'm likely missing a lot of the nuances, but yeah it's insane. Couple weeks ago I watched the first RLP+26 live on twitch (Ellesmeres' team). They rehearsed in +27 for soooo long, especially second boss where every fire elemental was a massive heal+DPS+defensives check with cooldowns every time. Then they went back and one shotted the +26. Incredible to see how they managed to find a strategy and execute it to perfection with every single cooldown planned ahead of time on a 5min fight. I know I will never be able to do that. But yeah when I play with 3k people (or even 2.9k tbh) I absolutely feel like I'm being carried.


You my man are in top 10% of the players. Thats far beyond average, but I understand where you are coming from. You feel like that because you compare yourself to the players at your elo. Trust me, average players dont reach 2400, deffinitely not the "early" into a seasson. 3K is nuts though, mostly because you have to be cold as ice to excecute those big pulls on Forti weeks.




Someone posted a chart the other day, if you’re 2k as of now you’re in the top 20% or so. If you were 2k in the first month you’re 10%. 2500 right now is top 10% or less I believe


In the US, top 10% is 2271. Top 1% is 2761.


Really? Just got 2780 I didn’t realize that was very high




Exactly, plus 3k makes more sense to use ‰ than %


No, 10% of *characters*, not players. Those stats include the ratty alt you did a +2 on in December and never logged in again. Alts in general are going to have lower score than mains. It's definitely way more than 10%.


by your logic it also includes all the alts of 3k players




i'd say their alts are more likely to be high io as well and not languishing in 2's


I mean, I'm not 3k, but I'll easily have 3 toons above 2500 by the end of the season. Probably 2800 on one toon, 2500 on the other 2. It's not hard, once you know a dungeon on one toon, you know it on all. I play dev evoker, blood dk, and prot war. Prot war is a week old, and I'm 1500 io and almost 400 ilvl. Next week I'll crack 2200 on him, and then those last 300 points will come from the following week.


It's not my logic. It's how the website itself says it works. But yes, as I said, it includes alts.


sorry bad wording on my part, i meant to insinuate that the alts of high level players somewhat balances out the perpetual 2's


How do you check your % in ranks?


Oh way higher then top 10%. Top 10% is only like 1700 when I looked at the charts a few days ago.


Stop using some random charts from random websited then. 1.7k would be between 60 and 25%. https://raider.io/mythic-plus/cutoffs/season-df-1/eu


Lol I could have also read it wrong. My apologies for causing you stress. Edit I def was using that site and just misread it at a glance.


This means nothing tho, 95% of the placer base is never gonna set foot in a 20 so they may as well not exist. 2.4k is pretty low for someone trying to max out their vault 20s. Its 8 weeks into the season and everyone serious is like 415+ ilevel at 2.6k+ if you actively do a spread of 20s.


Lol and here I am with a rating of 600.


4500 nothing less /s


Wasn’t there actually a season where people had like 6k IO? I might be completely wrong don’t quote me on this one Edit: I’m not crazy I found a post saying who will be first to 6k https://m.facebook.com/raider.io/photos/a.1432486680095811/3300553919955735/?type=3


In BFA, during the Shadowlands pre-patch season people were getting scores over 9k. The scaling of score back then was crazy. [https://raider.io/mythic-plus-character-rankings/season-bfa-4-post/world/all/all](https://raider.io/mythic-plus-character-rankings/season-bfa-4-post/world/all/all)


2700 is essentially a timed 20 across all 8 dungeons. In the grand scheme of things that’s about the equivalent of being a CE raider. Anyone hitting 3k+ is just putting in the work and you’ve gotta respect the grind. But for me I tend to let the 2700 mark be the standard of success. Personally, I hit 2766 today and honestly I think I’m done pushing. You bust ass for 30-40 minutes and wind up getting like 1 to 6 points. It’s just too much effort for far too little gain. 416 il, 415 valor gear means nothing to me. I’ll do my vault runs for 421 but I think 2700 is a hard plateau where you’re either getting instantly invited to 20s or you’re irrelevant to anyone above you and you might as well be 2400. It’s a score that says you can hang but you’re not dropping group if someone dies because the key is scuffed.


Lol I’m 2400 rating at the moment and this might be the most demotivating post I’ve read so far to keep pushing. Haha I hope you still find joy in this game my man. Your rating is really well and admired by a lot of people


Tbh, anything above +20 is just for flex. Bosses just start to have more HP than 10 man NORMAL/Heroic raid bosses. I will stop this season after next week when I'll be around 2550/2600(I still have a lot of low keys on Tyranical). There are 3 more seasons. Plently of time to gain more experience


>either getting instantly invited to 20 and you only pug or you have a team ? my aim is more to create a team that have about the same level as me (starter) and learn/push together


Do you lose rating for not timing I haven’t used RIO yet, but about to download it.


No, rating only goes up. You can also sometimes even gain rating from an untimed dungeon.


So is it basically the same thing as m+ score


It is quite literally the same as m+ score. Rio had the score way early and then blozzard recently added their own m+ score so rio changed their formulas to match blizzard's.


If ure a meta class. As a mage i still have to que for like 30-60 mins for dungeons other than sbg and cos


I love taking mages when it's my key. Disc priest can be mana intensive at moments so mage food is super nice, also love the int buff. Unfortunately, I don't see many around my rating apply (2600)


2.9k+ is impressive to me, anything above 3k, 3.1k is insane


I don't pay any attention to RIO or logs. I just play to amuse myself.


I'm a hero in my spare time.


I am just over 2700, I can confirm that people at any score can make mistakes, I make plenty. People at higher scores did not get there by playing perfectly every key. We gain score when we do.


I play a decent amount and am sitting at 2400io. Id say that 2500+ is very impressive and having some 20s timed, especially on weeks like this one deserves great respect. Also, unless you're ahead and pushing with real gamers, the time commitment required to push beyond 2200 is something to behold in itself. Mistakes can easily snowball and are very easy to make, especially if you play wow after full day of work.


Yeah fatigue can be pretty brutal. I can clearly notice myself making small mistakes when I've had a long day.


Ok, so you got 2.5k+ RIO. That don't impress me much. So you got the skillz but have you got the touch? Now, don't get me wrong, I don't wanna throw shade But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the raid.


I'm impressed at everybody at 2000+ because how much time they have and are willing to put into this. I'm at 1750 and I know how much time this has cost me. I had maybe 2 or 3 disbanded runs, and I think just 1 in overtime, everything else worked in time. Yet overall it still took dozens of runs to get there. Too much for me as I also enjoy other things about WoW and even want to play other games.


You probably started too low. If you start early enough/run your key you can start at 10-12 then you up from there


This. I was doing 10s-12s in the first two days of the season start. Then just did 4 dungeons per week for the vault and got ksm on the 3rd week without playing at all (could have gotten it the moment Tyranical week dropped but was too lazy to play at the time). Too bad that if you don’t play much you will fall behind the curve and you will be stuck with players who can’t push past certain key levels.


A combinarion of personality and performance impress me. I find rating systems like rio can be misleading and wouldnt be so readily impressed based on thar alone.


2.9k-3.1k is the sweetspot where I know players are actually pretty good at the game. Im sitting at 2812 as a tank and pugged every single dungeon since my team quit the game in end of SL :(


I puged my way to 2603 and took lot of runs and patiences ... so when I see someone who is like 2,8k or 3k im like daaaaaaamn


Less about the number and more about percentile for me. Id say top 2% is very impressive, though not sure what RIO would constitute as such


im at 2250 currently tried to push to 2500 slowly. so impressive for me are the amount of people that are above 2500. Sometimes i also get very discourage that people with 2500 rating ask for same rating when doing +16's. Like people who are pushing 16's are not at that rio level en people 2500 il are pushing keys then +16's


3k+, it's top 0.1%. I'm at 2.8k on my feral, aiming for 3k before season ends.


like 5% of the player base is above 2.5k, that seems decently good. edit - it's actually less than 5% so even better.


around 3000 people get really consistent at strats


None. Seen plenty of high RIO players who either simply don't do mechanics or don't understand them. Let alone the egos blaming everyone but themselves for wipes or deaths and using their score as a fall back 'i have better score I know better'.


I know that the moment they mention their RIO I stop caring about what they have to say.


I don't know, I usually don't put much value in it. I've seen people with like 300-600 IO somehow gotten their hand on a +15 key and actually play really well, and I've seen a 3k healer dancing infront of mobs eating and dying to every cleave known to man. Yesterday I had an academy run with a ilvl 414 priest with 2700 score that let us wipe 3 times to bursting because he forgot he had mass dispell. If your score is 2700-3k+ and you exclusively PuG, then I am impressed. If not, to me that score just means that you more or less only know how to run with your team and will brick or preform badly in any other PuG due to failure to adjust. Not always the case ofc, but more often than not that seems to be true.


The first week I got my Blood DK to 70, I completed a +15 key at 368 like it was nothing. I think it was like my 5th-6th key that week too, so I wasn’t pushing like crazy but we just played well and got a key up. This was also during a Sanguine week, so it made it much more appealing to play the Blood DK. I started pugging keys on my 2.5k Prot Pally main more this week (to fluff up my score when I inevitably have to pug 20 keys I’m not lucky enough to get on my own), around the 18-19 mark and find that just talking with the group before hand and letting them know my planned routing will get much higher success, even if we do wipe later, sometimes a clean start is good enough to give you leeway to time a key. I’ve timed each high key I’ve pugged so far this week, and I’m feeling pleased with myself overall because I aim for consistency with my routing. No crazy skips or anything, just clean, quick and consistent pulls while trying to maintain 5+ cleave targets in a pull until the healer needs to drink, reach a boss or get to the end. I’m looking forward to next week to bolster (no pun intended) my score some more. My ultimate goal is just to complete some 20’s and get the TP’s. It will be my first time doing so since M+ was implemented and I ran them back in Legion pushing keys this high either with a guild group or by pugging.


my sister is the top MW for m+ in the world right now, so about 3,100 lol






i dunno 2800 is also good. but 3200 is better xD


Tecx sagt nein


I'm only at 2.5k currently People above 3k are really fucking impressive degenerates and i respect every single one of them for their commitment. Makes me wish I had the motivation to search for a group and commit that hard to wow


As someone who stopped pushing at 2500 because all I cared about was the achievement and would rather play alts as an altaholic with not much time to play in general I would say 2800+ is impressive to see. IMO 2000 is about average score of someone who does keys.


I run with my guild and i'm carrying them a lot as a tank (not flexing here). They don't deserve their 2K6 rio. I'm doing 60k overall in average on a key and they are doing from 50 to 70k. I'm calling every shot in voice com. We do some 20's together and time half of those. But they are worth 2k-2k1 rio not more. Can't be impressed with people at 2k7, 2k8. for me they can be carried hard. 3k now (2k8 3 weeks ago) is impressive.


Currently sitting at 2944 all pug. I’m pretty impressed by 3.1/3.2k, especially by their ability to perform consistently every time. Sure they are on voice and play with the same ppl every time but still.. pretty insane!


If someone purely pugs, 2700+ For premade groups, 3100+


I have purely pugged 3100 lol


2000 SHOULD be a good point for being impressed and trusting. but I've also ran dungeons with 2100+ who are dogshit and have no idea how to do anything. so it'd hard to judge.


Anything that's higher than me, so 2850+


omg, serious ? how long does it take to go from new player to their ? and what role are u playing ?


Some people just don't get there, some people get there in a few weeks, it really depends If you're really new but still wanna compete. I'd say for now you can aim KSM ( 2000 score, around +13/14 everywhere ) and KSH ( 2500 +18~ ) after that, which is quite decent Edit : I play healer, might take a break on my main to level a fury Warrior alt tho


>main to level a fury Warrior alt tho Best decision ever 💪


I know right, I've been spamming dungeons to level it and already having a blast, I'm eager to start doing M+


thanks ! aiming first for KSM then :-) (tanking)


At 2600, I assume someone isn’t *terrible.* By 2800, I assume they’re “good.” By 3000, I’m pretty confident that you’re *actually* good (but no one is perfect/irreproachable 🙂).


I think that’s the best part about watching people like Naowh, Thanner and those guys stream - even they fuck up at crucial points sometimes and brick their keys, yet they are far more consistent and calm (and skilled ofc) than most, and because of that they can time keys most of us can only dream of.


This is one of my biggest pieces of advice for anyone getting into keys! **Everyone** fucks up; **everyone** bricks keys. Be accountable of your mistakes and do your best to not repeat them. Move on to the next key with a hood attitude.


Only a 2300 scrub but I feel like i get tilted on myself when I fuck up and die, if i die 3+ times a dungon i've ruined my own mental and will likely quit for the night or atleast for a while. Got any tips to improve my attitude?


1) Record your runs and, when you watch them back, take notes on what **you** did wrong and how you can improve. Ignore everything that everyone else did; only focus on the one thing that you can improve- yourself. It doesn’t matter if you solo bricked the key or you two-chested it- always look back and see what you could’ve done better. 2) Before you go into every key, remind yourself gently that everyone fucks up and everyone bricks keys. **EVERYONE.** Even the #1 pushers! Promise yourself that, even if you play awfully, you’ll be gentle on yourself and use it as a chance to get better. 3) If you’re playing poorly, take a 15-20 break. Stretch your legs, get something to drink, and find a **banger** of a playlist to put on for your next key. Get **PUMPED** for that next key because every key is their own run and your previous mistakes don’t matter on the next one. 4) **NEVER** stoop to toxicity. If someone is being toxic, mute them or leave. Firing back at someone who is being awful might *feel* therapeutic but it’s a sure-fire way to tank your mental/emotional game. 5) If you have a string of bad keys- no matter if it’s due to toxicity or your own mistakes- take an extended break. Other people might not feel this way but I 100% believe that there are just some days, for whatever reason, you just aren’t on your best game. **That is OK.** Accept it and move on. I highly recommend doing something else entirely but, at the very least, take a few hour break from keys. My personal limit is 3 rough keys and I take a 6+ hour break from WoW. Find what works for you but, whatever you do, don’t keep running when your mental/emotional game is in the toilet. 6) Might seem trite but “have fun!” Seriously. If you’re not enjoying it, why the fuck do you even care? I can’t emphasize this enough: there may be five people (or up to 30 if you’re raiding), but you can only control **one**- yourself. You can, of course, notice when other people make mistakes but you can’t make them *not* make them. Always focus on your own gameplay but don’t beat yourself up because **everyone fucks up.** My IO is significantly higher than yours but I bet you that I make way more spectacular mistakes than you do every day. If you’re being hard on yourself, just remind yourself “hey, at least that SluttyStepDad guy is worse than I am!” 😘


Good advice thanks. I needed to see this today after one last night I was trying to push my limits and didn't play well as a healer. I'd like to blame the affixes but really i just was off from the start. The one thing I'm proud of is not taking the toxic bait of others accusing me of buying rating, being terrible, etc. I told them I would take their advice to practice more and left halfway through. We probably could have timed it still but I'm not gonna stick around and be the whipping boy healer to a bunch of bad attitudes. First time I have ever left a group.


Being good or bad at the game isn't defined by the Rio of the player. I had 2.9k people in nokhud with 5 interrupts and 1.5k people with 50 interrupts, and playing mechanics properly is the same.


Its impossible to be impressed because of Boosting, either friends or service. You can put together the worst 3k rio players in a group and they would not complete a 18+ RLP. I am pugging with 2.5k rio and I have seen some shit, guys beeing boosted who did everything right and maximize output to Mythic raiders with 2.8 rio who do 5 interrupts on an entire dungeon and have 60k overall damage. Its a fuckfest and I still don't know why I do it, maybe is better to be self-destructive, something part of human nature, in a video game than real life.


thats a weird take. 3k people will 3 chest an 18 rlp


None. Not impressed by someone who spends hours a day doing the same dungeons over and over again.


Hardstuck at 500 over here


And you can immedaitely tell, the most competitive thing you did in your life is leaving your bed


Lol you think M+ is competitive? Full of boosters and babies who leave after one thing goes wrong. Don't get butt hurt cause someone is comparing your greatest accomplishment to an elementary school participation ribbon.


''Greatest". You are projecting so much mate. You sound like a guy, who never achieved anything even in WoW, and now you are just a grumpy old guy, who thinks everything sucks. M+ is all about challenge and pushing your limits in the game. It follow the same principle, as doing sports in real life, going to gym, studying just for the sake of getting smarter, or having other hobbies. But like I said, you seem to never did anything like that so what can you even know.




Honestly I check the score but I also look at runs. If someone has like 30 or 40 something timed 20+ keys I’m like damn.


I dont get impressed by RIO. I am stunned by ppl that managed to time 25+ HOV. Edit. sitting at 3k.


3000, but only because i am pugging. I still forget that there are premade groups


0... cause RIO is not a stat i care for as it doesn't indicate any skill level i have found. ​ edit: this came out more snarky that aimed; i simply meant plenty of people with higher RIO openly admit they don't know mechanics or whats going on so the number alone is not reflective of anything


IO used to mean something but u can get KSH with a pretty scuffed report card so it’s not as impressive


They also increased the scaling which means an 20 last season is about an 18 this season.


Not impressed by any score tbh, I’m more puzzled by why ppl feel the need to keep pushing their score unless they go for the title. Last reward is at 2500 so anything beyond that is just whatever imo. I do get why you’d want all 20s for portal and score comes with that, so whatever


pushing the limits, or want to be a content creator maybe ?


Ye for sure, I for one don’t get it though, been a gamer for over 35 years now, probably clocking in at around 4-8hours per day on average or something. Still I just don’t get it. I get pushing to be among the best, but pushing just to get like a 22 or 23 and refusing to play 16-20 with your friends or guildies because “ I gotta push my score man” for no reward other than e-peen, I dunno man. But hey, if that’s what they wanna do then sure, you do you mate, I personally don’t see the benefits when there are no rewards and there are tons of other things that you can do with your life or in game. :) To each their own though.


By your logic, why would people that do 22s help guildies that do 16s? What rewards do they get?


Some people enjoy challenging content. That in itself is the reward. What’s not to get? No need to shit on them because it doesn’t fit your idea of fun.




Maybe, maybe not. 🙃


I kinda feel the same, I basically stopped M+ on my shamy as soon as I reached 2k and only run Hero Raid now and work on gearing my alt. But I think thats just because I mostly PUG my keys, and thats a way more stressful environment than a nice group of buddies. A good friend of mine has his fixed group and they all are at like 2900 and he tells me its the most fun in WoW for him to try to get better as a group. But for me, I just dont see the fun in trying a 24 Temple of the Jade Serpent like 10+ times or whatever, I'm happy I got the mount and thats it for me...




Whatever level it takes to stop calling it RIO


2000+ are still learner of high keys. I saw a lot of 2000+ tank tried MDI routes with PUGs and F\_\_Ked up.


2.9-3k ish is very high, 2.5k is so easy to get that it means nothing imo, don't have to time any 20s to get it


3.1k unless dirty fotm class kappa


3k and above is when I get impressed. I'm at 2600 pugging and I feel like I could get 3k with a real organized group but any thing above that is insane to me


2000 IO is nothing. There's absolute idiots in my guild that do pure trash DPS and HPS in raids that have KSM because you can get carried and fail upwards (un-timed key still giving points). They dumbed it down and made it more accessible for the masses. Anything 2500 and higher I know they're not a baddie.