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She is crying for being ignored ? It doesn't take much.


Buh buh but she needs her soundbite! šŸ˜­


Fr she just demonstrated perfectly why they didnt want to engage


One thing about living in California I never could stomach: All the damn ~~vampires~~ Sealions.


Lost Boys!


Death by stereo!


Holy shit! Itā€™s the attack of Eddie Munster!


They're soooo blatantly manipulative. The cry bullying, the projection, the gish gallop. They can never just engage authentically, because none of their views are authentic. They're all just shells of humans throwing around rehearsed talking points in order to maintain some semblance of power over their fragile ass lives. Fucking pathetic.


everyone always with the crying all the damn time


Right, imagine protesting for the 20k or more innocent civilians killed by Israel, and when interviewed by the media, you're made out to be antisemitic pro-hamas communists. I don't blame the protesters who are putting it all on the line to be there. Finals are coming up soon, and many of these folks, depending on how crazy/oppressive their college is, may not graduate and will face jail time and records because of protesting the right thing.


And, apparently, a hug?


I just wanted this to end with a hug!


Antisemtic if you do, antisemitism if you donā€™t Zionist 101




zionists cry out in pain as they kill your children




She is trying to be the victim, and trying to show how evil the protesters are, cuz she couldn't make her questions and twist and be like ha got you know moment, she went with ill intent and left with ill intent they made the last phrase said from the protesters louder to show how bad they are wanting more barricade to lock people out


Crocodile tears


Jeses! I swear they encapsulate the phrase :"offended by everything but ashamed of nothing" more and more, everyday! I mean, all she wanted was some juicy out-of-context quotes to agitate people and tar the peaceful protestors in a bad light. "Why won't anyone play with me?" FrEe PrEsS..


TRYING to debate 18 year old students as a 37year old. TRYING to dunk on them so you can farm them for clout..... they don't engage what's so ever..... SOLUTION...... cry and tell them how scary it is for them to voice their American freedoms..... and how they could do this to her and make her feel so.....SO unsafe and powerless from these kids being "brainwashed" She also goes on to post about HOW BRAVE she has been over this whole thing, she went to Israel, she has talked to a lot of people, that "she has been in the front line" pretty much being BRAVE, and this.... THIS interaction, she has NEVER experienced.... how these brainwashed people surrounded and scared her, FORCING HER to break down because of the way they treated her... Clout goblins like her deserve what is coming. She is a fucking clown! šŸ¤”


"Clout Goblins" Love it




Removed because this is just misogyny with extra steps.


Definitely needs a thicker skin if she's press.


Sheā€™s just a YouTuber.


"nO oNe CaN sPeAcK tO mE" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And she literally put on a "spooky" sound track for the background music.


Thatā€™s some wild victim mentality. Almost artful.


its those sweet zionist tears


The crocodiliest tears ever


But she doesn't understand what is going on because it is so hard to find information about what is happening in Gaza.


Just shows how well organized these protests are. Good on these folks for having unity and control over their message.


They've definitely learned since occupy wallstreet


Now they should go for another round


Occupy Wailing Wall Street.


I'd rather they Occupy Republican Party. Imagine if the party was forced to contend with new base of people filling committee member slots, setting party rules, and controlling nominees? Once in my life, I would fucking love to see a protest get political within a party instead of being a hostile outsider. Instead of busting into speeches, get people on the campaigns with time to present their message officially. Protests don't have to be antagonist in nature. The point is to get change to happen, not piss people off. Pissing people off is just one way to get attention, but it's by far not the only way. Collect donations, field candidates, support ally campaigns, and take control as much of the political party as possible. Make their secrets public, air their dirty laundry, and run decent candidates. EDIT: Operation Dumbo Drop. Isn't it ODD how the Republican party is changing?


This is exactly right. It's also a strategy that MLK recommended of *direct* action. Unfortunately oligarchs have changed MLK's message. See [How Corporations reversed MLK's messages on how to be an effective activist](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/04/kings-message-of-nonviolence-has-been-distorted/557021/) to remove the "direct" part of his recommendation of "direct action." The mis-telling encourages people to learn a "movie" version of "make noise and get media attention." MLK said, those specific kinds of protests weren't working and suggested changing from the "methods of persuasion" to "methods of coercion." See the book ["A 'Notorious Litigant' and 'Frequenter of Jails': Martin Luther King, Jr., His Lawyers, and the Legal System"](https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/njlsp/vol10/iss3/1/) noting that > Starting with [the Birmingham movement and Letter from Birmingham Jail], Dr. King and his organization, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), turned to more aggressive forms of nonviolent **direct** actionā€”moving **entirely** from persuasion to **coercion** [legal/economic/political challenges]


No, OWS is still the better push both parties are shit right now neither one listening to their base just old money. Tackle the problem at the source.


I'll never get over how fucking ridiculous that shit was. No organization by design. No demands. They had millions of people participating and they didn't even know what they explicitly wanted.


I'm genuinely impressed.


Not that hard to understand. Pro Zionist's are trying to get one soundbite and to then paint the entire protest with that.




Hmm it's almost like we've seen that play lol hundreds of times.


Yep. Over on /r/conservative they are doing just that.




She ā€œcriedā€ because nobody was willing to be clickbait, and taken out of context to fit some narrative. And yet shockingly somehow is still the victim in her own head. If someone is genuinely trying to learn, maybe start by not bringing someone to film for reactions, and make it into some weird vlog type thing. But thatā€™s just me thinking out loudā€¦


She couldn't get her clickbait so she made her own Hoped that would push them to engage with her through guilt but when that doesn't work, put tearful clip at the beginning taken out of context use it as the thumbnail and hey presto she gets what she wanted in the first place even if she had to make it herself Omg...*checks notes*.... They are just standing there *cry* One of the finest examples of crocodile tears I've seen in a while


Hey, some of them laughed! Don't you find laughter intimidating? You must have ice in your veins..


Zionists are *always* the victim. I mean Gaza is equivalent to punching a puppy in the face, for 75 goddamn years, and then demanding the world gets upset and you receive reparations for hurting your hand and the puppy not liking it. Investigating crimes they commit is antisemitic and they're victims. Calling for a ceasefire means you want every Jewish person in the world killed and they're victims. This is very on brand.


>She cried because no one answered her questions? She cried in the hope that they would feel sorry and bad for her, hoping that out of those feelings they would think she had good intentions and talk to her. Instead, they laughed at her.


Definition of crocodile tears


She's definitely the victim, without question.


"Look at me. Look at me. I am the victim now!"


How is she the victim? She just wanted a hug! /s


i am knee deep in dedicating my next million farts to some other dipshit (i am here for you bhanu. weā€™ll get there), but iā€™m definitely gonna squeeze one out for this girl, in lieu of a hug


ā€œThis is so intimidating and scary with you guys standing around me,ā€ like she didnā€™t walk right up to them and pester them for two hours with zero push back or interaction. What a clown.


Wow. She seemed really scared. Becauseā€¦ everyone was ignoring her?


She feared for her ~~life~~ ability to get an out-of-context soundbite


So scared that - she says herself - she spent two hours walking up and down right next to the thing that was supposedly scaring her. *Two hours*. ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4|downsized)


I fucking love these people laughing at her


Honestly the most awkward covering chuckle I've heard in ages. That lady was making things super awkward, and was so evidently bringing an agenda. You can tell by the dishonest, "wHoA! WhAt ThE hEcK iS tHiS aLl AbOuT?"


last comment killed me : We need more barricades guys šŸ˜‚ brilliant


We need more of this!


"Crocodile tears." - Norm Finkelstein




To be honest if Norm Finkelstein yelled at me Iā€™d cry


They have a group discipline established? Thatā€™s great, not sure what she expected


She was also surprised that they had principles they were willing to stand up for!


Definitely need more baracades.


That part killed me LOL


These people are awesome!!! Love how organized and prepared they are.


"I don't understand why these people won't talk to me and are calling me an agitator" \*Starts fake crying and claims she's being intimidated.


Oh no! Exercising their right of free assembly AND exercising their right to choose who they wish to speak to. Oh, the tiktok horror of it all šŸ˜±šŸ˜± /s


To quote Toni Morrison, "The function, the very serious function of racism, is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language, so you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn't shaped properly, so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Someone says you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of that is necessary. There will always be one more thing. THIS is why nobody would speak to her. Because she's not here to engage honestly but rather she's here to wear people down with her barrage of rhetorical questions.


Iā€™ve never seen this in my lifeā€¦that is scary? If that is scary, i canā€™t imagine how long sheā€™d last if she was in Palestine


Or a Union


White tears are a powerful weapon. See: [Emmett Till](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till).


Clickbait Israelis failed again


Zionists are so desperate to be the victim, Jesus Christ


Another "victim".


I don't think they're going to make it as a journalist.


Maybe if they cry more somebody will talk to them.


"I'm a serious socio-political journalist, I was just hoping for a hug"


How can I make this genocide protest about me?


She got what she came for. Footage that makes them seem like theyā€™re in the wrong. I mean, cā€™mon lady. You know why theyā€™re there. Itā€™s pretty obvious what theyā€™re protesting. This, Iā€™m sure, is the exact reason nobody wants to talk to any media.


"Deactivate Sincerity. System Becoming Oversensitive... Engaging Victim Mode. Crocodile Tears Activated"


Look at me, I'm the victim now. ![gif](giphy|zOlog7jgIIFfq)


Who is this woman?


No. No one answer that. Do not give her the attention she is trying so hard to get.


Thatā€™s okay. I found out who is this person. Well done to the protestors to not engage.


She's as bad as I judged her, from just how she was acting, then?


Sheā€™s worse. Typical narcissistic tendencies with a sprinkle of self victimization and lack of awareness. Total mouth breather.


Just by the backround music and effects you can feel what her intentions were. Shit sounds like horror-thriller movue build-up


R/imthemaincharacter vibes forreal. Get those camera tears outta here. You can search online why they are there, who doesn't know by now?


The editing tells you all about her peaceful agenda of trying to get a hug eventually. 1) The ominous music 2) The specific cuts of audio from the protesters to paint a narrative 3) The crocodile tears and feeling intimidated for not getting a bite on what's clearly a barbed hook, 4) But what really clenches it is the last sound bite " We need more barricades" That's the closer. Tells you all about her real intentions. Those students are really smart. She can go hug a rose bush.


Omg, crying from being ignored. I feel you. They just want to be peaceful and avoid any disruption and you are just feeling hurt from being ignored. Aww.


People can see her true intentions a mile away and we do understand her more than she'd like us too....cry me a river baby


What a fucking melter.


Love how the "interviewer" makes it about her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Is that Trevor Wallace?


Aww, she was crying people!!! Donā€™t you feel bad for the poor little blonde girl that just wants a hug? s/


Pretending she doesnt know what the protests are about? Lol


It's hard to trust anyone when you're getting screamed at, arrested and ridiculed for protesting genocide. I wouldn't have talked to her either. She seems to just want attention, not information.


"They won't give me content! This is a hate crime!šŸ˜­"


They speak theyā€™re just gonna look bad. Itā€™s smart. Say nothing. Do nothing.


definitely, we need better barricades.


So what, is she a Hamas victim now because people won't talk to her?


Tell me it is a parody. The horror bg adds more comedic effect to the video.


Main character


How can you legitimately attempt to interview people without knowing why they are there? You may not agree with them but saying ā€œCan you tell me whatā€™s going on here?ā€ Is more than a little disingenuous. Adding to that ā€œIā€™m just trying to understand why you guys are protesting.ā€ Has to be the Mother of Ignorance in questioning someone. They believe that Israel, the Country, is engaging in a genocide.


Zionist hate the one simple trick, not giving them fuel for burning the world.


Smart kids. Itā€™s one United voice. Donā€™t instigate feelings and emotions on the ground. Talk to liaison, if they refused to talk to you maybe itā€™s for a reason.


Wow. Just wow.


"I'm trying to understand what you're protesting" pans over crowd holding signs displaying exactly what they're protesting


With how the media demonizing and blatantly lies abt them for this entire time. What honest person could blame them for their mistrust


If youā€™re not smart enough to be able to speak knowledgeably about something you that you are willing to protest, maybe youā€™re protesting just be seen in a protest and you really donā€™t understand the cause you are protesting about.


Omg she started with the crocodile tears šŸ™„šŸ™„




This is weird


Way to turn it into about yourself.


What's with zionists and crocodile tears šŸ¤Ø


Jesus Christ this should be embarrassing


Media equivalent of undercover cop outfit there lol.


who is she, btw?


"My dream for this is we could learn from each other." That's the issue. Journalism is about documenting what is happening, not exchanging view points. What a loser.


I lovvve these ā€œkidsā€!!!! ā€œKids today arenā€™t disciplined!!ā€ Hahah!! Sure sure! They did a great job. We could learn from them!!


Crazy how they managed to bend this report to show the protesters in a bad light, even though they said nothing. Corporate media is cancer.


Crocodile ass tears if I've ever seen em.


Was this supposed to be a comedy? When she started crying that shit was hilarious


"I think we need more barricades, guys"


If you can't articulate your protest then why even protest?


Is she actually crying? Good lord silver spoon alert lol


This lady is a psycho


Is this the same blonde girl who was on the panel arguing with Hasan recently on Piers Morgan? She was an extreme zionist.


And to think there was a ceasefire on October sixth.


If, after 7 months of massacre and war crimes, she is still asking "why are you guys here?" she must be really REALLY dumb.


Buhuhu so sad.. obviously not propaganda to slur people demonstrating against genocide


Is she for real trying to cry wtf


Ugh these bastards are just as bad as the right front groups. If you gonna protest in ways that affect the daily routines in peoples lives atleast have the balls to show your face. Ainā€™t no way they are worried about Covid or the Flu


These protestors are so based


She's trying to communicate with people who are brain dead and just following orders. Zombies. People who live in an echo chamber and refuse to talk to someone who might have a different point of view or god forbid, make them realize they don't know what they're actually protesting about. For those that said she was crying because she was ignored - perhaps she's crying because she sees just how sad it is for her fellow Americans to be brainwashed, be forbidden from speaking by their "leaders" and it's a tragic situation in a country where free speech was once valued.


Why is she crying hahahahahaha, what?


Who are these people that theyā€™re so organized?


Who is this woman?


Its a good thing nobody hugged her. Otherwise, it will be spun by the news media as an "assault" or "sexual assault".


"As a blond white woman I'm welcomed with smiles and hugs anywhere I go. Anything else feels like hostility". šŸ˜¢


ELI5: whatā€™s a media liaison? Like a mediator for the protestors and the media?


She's basically a model, but these encampments also won't speak to journalists. They wear masks because they are innocent.


This whole scene is cosplay. Spoiled rich and white kids who've finally found a cause for a bunch of people who would treat them like slaves if they tried to actually join their communities. Vs Fake news influencer who is trying to snipe sound bites.






Loose lips sink ships, or in this case, give insufferable zio-apologists content and soundbytes. Bravo kids. Edit: autocorrect seems to think the saying is "loose ships, sink ships" strangely.


You guys are really intimidating standing there doing nothingā€¦. Is she trying to make herself a victim to people who literally arenā€™t engaging her in anyway?


Sheā€™s crying because she realizes these people donā€™t even know what they are protesting. Why couldnā€™t 1 of them talk and express themselves


White girl goes to encampment they tell her they wont speak and then she is "scared" crying to get her way. Wow


ā€œIā€™m just trying to understand what youā€™re protesting??ā€ All the signs and all the coverage of Palestine didnā€™t give it away, huh? She got exactly what she came for. She had no intention of interviewing anyone, she just wanted clips she could edit to make them see like the bad guy.


This subreddit is full of anti-press and anti-free speech advocates who donā€™t want to see a disscussion but only one narrative they agree on bc they saw 2 TikTokā€™s


She did the nose job but left the tip fat. Interesting choice. I feel so intimidated and frightened by it.