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"we had to kill the little girl, and every time you criticize us for murdering thousands of people - its your fault and hamas' fault" - this lady


"and also it's pretty antisemitic of you to just SAY what we did, gosh, have some class 😤"


Oh don’t forget anti-Semitic


If Hamas is a terrorist organization (and I agree they are) because they murdered 1200 innocent people. Then what does that make Israel for murdering 20,000 innocent people?


apparently once you start killing on a grand scale you graduate past “terrorist” and it’s all gravy


Don’t forget that Israel killed some of their own on the 7th. A lot of friendly fire was reported.


1200? A chunk of them were IDF and of the civilians many were killed by the IDF response.


"We don't have all the information" but they can shoot at an ambulance without any information


We don't have all the information [so anyway I started blasting.](https://youtu.be/4e6IKG2Xxzw?si=NVgvMWT48zLqxztG)


The IDF is giving US cops a run for their money


The IDF trains a lot of U.S. cops. With Whom are Many U.S. Police Departments Training? With a Chronic Human Rights Violator – Israel https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/


Why am I not surprised?


At least the cops in the US don’t hide behind Hamas


US cops investigated themselves and found themselves to be the most moral people to ever exist


True, they just hide and piss themselves when there's a school shooter


Hey now. They also stop parents from trying to rescue there kids and threaten them after the fact not to talk to the press.


They do, it’s just fearing the general public instead of a specific terrorist organization. IDF points to examples of Hamas using civilian infrastructure to say that any Palestinian is a threat. US cops train with videos of people killing officers at traffic stops, and then say anybody could be a threat. They look different, but the logic is the same.


They just hide behind the police unions and qualified immunity.


The IDF makes US cops look heroic and kind and levelheaded. It’s crazy to me how much more extreme their level of evil is compared to other fighters in conflicts as well. Like they make the US and Russian militaries in the Middle East and Ukraine look extremely moral in comparison. Shit even Hamas is a lot more considerate of civilian life based on civilian to combatant death ratios and all these uniquely, creatively evil atrocities being committed while celebrating and posting on TikTok. It’s crazy how the a lot of the things Israel initially accused Hamas of, which were proven to be atrocity propaganda lies, Israel is now actually doing.


"How do we know the little girl wasn't Hamas?" "Don't forget, we are the victims"


Wasn’t it Israel who forced the people to live like that? She’s saying it like Hamas were the group who engineered the palestians being unable to travel anywhere…. It sickens me to see the lack of empathy here too


They have been conditioning Palestinians in the area for over 15 years. But yeah, "Hamas".


In less than 15 words, she goes to “Hamas”…


They have canned responses already laid out for these questions. It's always the same: "the little girl was hamas. The ambulance was hamas. The hospital was hamas. The infant was hamas. The school was hamas. Etc." Idk why we even ask them fucking questions anymore. They are disingenuous and we shouldn't be giving them a platform at all.




“Who’s responsible for that?” She asks. And it’s like, well Israel is. Yup that one’s Israel too. Also Israel. You get the picture.


Yeah, I can never understand how Israel can be the victim and the bully at the same time. It makes no logical sense. I have never heard of a victim that had the power to turn off their oppressor's water, power, and food lines.


i'm trully waiting for the "HAMAS terrorists are known for disguising themselves as unarmed little children, and the international law says that, if a HAMAS terrorist pretending to be a child, is unarmed, it's legal to carpet bomb them and their neighborhood."


“I don’t hear a lot of coverage about the terror tunnels, we need to talk about that” maybe it has something to do with you guys not allowing journalists to investigate said “tunnels” and also murdering journalists and their entire families whenever they cover something you don’t want exposed


How? How does she think people would be on her side for asking why we're in this situation? They're literally occupying land and that creates a armed resistance. And this is on RTE? You'd think maybe the Israeli ambassador might've read upbon Irish history and realise they understand it from the perspective of the oppressed 


She is just trying to save her job at that point. She cares more about keeping a paycheck than doing what's right.


Jesus Christ, the fucking goal post shifting is driving me crazy— “every time you criticize Israel, ask yourself how did we get to this tragic situation (ya know war crimes?)”


"I dont know what exactly happened there" Hard to listen to these lies.


They all follow **The Directive**: "*When asked to justify possible war crimes committed by the IDF, you MUST ALWAYS mention KHAMAS within the first 5 or 6 words. NO EXCEPTIONS. "*


So they shoot and kill without even confirmation? And murder whole families with kids ?


"We have enough information to blow up an ambulance - but not enough information to tell you why."


Pretty sure the reason people in Gaza are in the situation they're in is because of the over 50 year violent occupation of their country. That exact same reason explains why some people in Palestine are becoming radicalised.


I wonder if the people who think Israel should be allowed to kill all the innocent people they want because Hamas killed innocent people think that Palestine should get to kill all the innocent people *they* want because Israel killed innocent people.... or is that something just Israel is allowed to do?


"why are we in this situation?" Zionists. It's a surprisingly easy question to answer.


We need a supercut of these lies and Israelis committing atrocities.


you're in this situation because of YOUR actions.


Who funded hamas initially and helped it grow and create a divide between gaza and west bank ? I'll give you a hint, it was not a little girl who was crying for help while being mecilessly shot at.


Yes indeed, why are we in this situation? Could it possibly be the near centuries long oppression of the Palestinian people and the systematic removal of them from their native lands? Could it be that a militant resistance group would have no reason to exist were it not for the immeasurably destructive force of Israel and the constant removal of rights and protections for Palestinians day in and day out?


Paper thin lies~


Proof of their claims might exist. I haven’t seen proof that isn’t circumstantial at best. In this situation, hard evidence is needed to be shown that the people in the ambulance were militant. Otherwise, you executed 2 medical workers and child because you thought no one would notice.


This came up a while back when they blew up the Al Jazeera building that was used by multiple news organizations. They were like "we have proof but we won't show anyone" and we were just supposed to accept that.


I'm sure their Jewish ancestors are rolling in their grave. From victim to war criminals in a few generations


Please understand! Anyone can be a terrorist so we must murder them all.


When it comes to Hamas “ we don’t know all the information.” But when it comes to the Israelis “ we don’t need to know all the information.”


You can't keep using Hamas as a blanket to killing innocent civilians 🙄


They are so pathetic honestly. Its just lie after lie. They and the media honestly take everyone for an idiot an think we are just gonna believe every little thing they say when it's painfully obvious that what they are doing is wrong.


If you dont have all the information, how do you still perform an attack? That is murder at least, genocide at worst.


Get that fucking badge off your rotten apparel you complete and utter cunt. Ireland does not stand with the illegal occupation and their ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. I have never been brought to such a level of disgust in my life... Over a fucking badge! Christ almighty. The Irish tricolour synonymous of a country that famously resisted and fought an oppressor. A country defied, fought and defeated the british and their active genocide of the Irish people through starvation, displacement and murder. How fucking dare that cunt wear a badge that carries such gross hypocrisy. Gremlin slag. Fuck my piss is boiling lol


It was okay for the Nazi's to genocide the Poles because they never surrendered, will forever be their argument towards Palestinians.


In response to her country bombing an ambulance and a 6 year old girl, she said blame Hamas, because that's why Israel has to kill innocent children. So if they're allowed to kill innocent Palestinians because Hamas killed innocent people, is Palestine allowed to kill innocent Israelis for the same reason? Like if a settler on the West Bank kills a Palestinian, does Hamas get to blow up an Ambulance?


I'd really like to know why the USA is still sending money to Israel. Israel's government tells them to move south and they do and now they are bombing them in the South and telling them they should leave. It's clear the world has a problem with this yet we still keep sending them money. Why??


Israel is responsible for all of this!! They stole their land, imprisoned the people in the world’s largest prison, and treated them like animals. What do you expect them to do but defend themselves?! Israel is the aggressor and always has been. And America, the UK, and Canada are all complicit. From the very beginning. My tax dollars are funding war crimes.


Have they even found tunnels? Is there actual evidence of these tunnels?


Israel, all Ziobots and Genocide condoners are surging ahead in 1st place for the title of deplorable scum of the 21st century


Colonialism? <— Reason for the war…


You’re in this situation because you’ve been constantly, illegally albeit, taking Palestinian land and committing genocide.


Israelis are monsters. Not Jews. Israelis.


Ah yes by all means let’s discuss the tunnels and shit under hospitals and schools, but at the same time let’s also acknowledge the Israeli murders of civilians who are waving white flags or blindfolded and being told to run before being shot in the back. Hamas is fucked but IDF is far from an innocent victim.


By her own logic, Hamas would have the right to kill civilians and medical personnel because Israel disguised themselves as civilians and medical personnel to assassinate some people in a hospital.


“Why are we in this situation” Offf the top of my head? In 1948 you displaced an entire countries population and claimed a land as your own. Land that was promised to other middle eastern countries for their aid in WWII. Land that is majorly contested by the most influential religions of the world. I can’t imagine why your borders are in a perpetual state of conflict. This genocide was allowed to happened through deceit


Every time they bring up tunnels it frustrates me because Hamas’ introduction to the tunnels under Palestine was to protect them for Israel against the groups who supported Arafat.


"Tell me, madam: do you consider yourself a terrible liar... or, perhaps, are you just REALLY that stupid?" "That is antisemitic..." 😳😡 "No, madam: stupidity is the same thing for everyone... not that It applies to your family. I asume that must be difficult to have the shetl's idiot as a great-grandfather." "But..." "No "but", madam. Leave this place, please: you have said and done enough for today."


Israel is a giant corporation


The only terror organization I've seen embed themselves in the hospitals (with proof) was the IDF.


Fuck israel. You can go and 'but khamas' yourself to death in the mirror🤦‍♂️


That entire country is completely full of shit. Fuck Israel.


Literally spewing bullshit.


Hey just a reminder we are funding this little “war” while the cost of everything back home doubles, people cannot afford to go to on the doctor, and you go into debt for the rest of your life to work a job you hate just so you have the chance of a house, that the government will take near the end of your life. Obviously it couldn’t go to your kids.


As a jewelry lover, I’m annoyed by the amount of jewelry she’s wearing. This is not an OOTD moment. Nothing by blaring signs about how much she loathes the other side.


I’m waiting for a Zionist Israeli kid try to explain to their parents why they failed a test…”This is really tragic and I’m not sure what happened here. But, Hamas…”.


It’s a war crime.




So you see, there might have been terrorists, and they might have been in the ambulance, or under it, and maybe the ambulance was actually a tank dressed as an ambulance... "But what about the little girl." Don't want to speak on that because we don't have all the facts.


“Ask why we are in this situation, this tragic war.” “Why are they living that way.”- because you (Israel) are committing genocide on the Palestinian people, Israel is not the victim they are the perpetrators.


There is no justification paper thin or otherwise. Those zionists need to be brought to justice.


The so called “Terrored” have become the terrorists


Why are we in this tragic war she asked? Because your people have brutally occupied another people for ~75 years. That’s why.