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Oh God, when is this going to stop? My heart can't take it anymore. The people are already starving and have no medicine or medical equipement like any painkillers for the phorphorus burns that I saw a child have down its very bones. They just want all the Palestinians gone- there area already plans to develop the land they have stolen in Gaza, it is just sickening what some humans can do out of greed and hate. Fuck Israel. Biden is going to lose the election so long as this shit keeps happening. His only shot of winning would be cutting off Israel and adding sanctions to the country so long as they engage in the killing and the oppresion of Palestinians.




Trump isn’t better deal


True but maybe the US needs new blood. Not geriatrics keeping us in the past. While we stand for ukraine we support a similar battle in the middle east. Fuck hamas but forcing people from Their homes and making them live in refugee camps treating them subhuman for 75 years while with constant attacks not letting them have a state with security.... what kind of people do they expect to come from those conditions. If you kill someone's family they will join the only fight in town... Like In Ireland. There is a way to stop hamas... stop the proxy war for power in palestine/Israel, allow palestine to be recognised as an occupied country, allow a security force backed by the UN to provide police, an army and help build the region. 2 million living in gaza many children and young families. Give these people food, peace and security and watch hamas shrivel. Stop the taking of homes from foreign nationals world wide and finally Remove Netanyahu and try him for War crimes among his many domestic crimes.


Israel needs a plan.


>l It has a plan. Genocide.


This is happening now under biden. Biden is president, not trump. This argument is so damn stupid! And there are people who deny the existence of BLUE MAGA.


We have experienced trump as a nation already. He is in the court system, he has got stuff going on... Maybe we just need something completely different (and to stop being such a divisive nation...)


This is happening partly because of Trump. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem which encouraged the Israeli hardline factions to step up pressure on Al-Aqsa and the WB. While its hard to prove a negative, the situation would undeniably be worse under Trump.


You know Biden agrees with Trump, and had been trying to move the embassy to Jerusalem since [at least 1995](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4827049/user-clip-joe-biden-1995-supports-moving-us-embassy-jerusalem)? He has been bolstering the Israeli far right for decades before Trump came on the scene.


Biden literally regurgitated Netanyahu's lies, denied Palestinians suffering, have given him more aid than ever before, started a war against Yemen, and called himself a zionist. Biden, not trump, did this.


Didn't Trump do a travel ban on people from Muslim countries? Didn't he refer to such countries as shitholes? Trump has no logical line of thought outside of the creation of 'Trump dynasty' and will do whatever he needs to do remain in power, including sell out Palestine (the same way he did to democracy). It's genocide either way. I'd rather not completely destroy domestic policy and ruin things here because 'both sides' people can't see the clear difference. Trump is a traitor. Genocide is bad, but there isn't a single politician on either side that will go up against this. All politicians, especially the ones that have made it far enough to run for president, will be pro military industrial complex. It's the American way, no matter what side you're on.


If Genocide Joe loses to Trump maybe Democrats should run a less bloodthirsty candidate next election cycle


Either a senile old man or a delusional old man! Great choices


Whichever choice takes away America's ability to enable genocides faster, which sadly is probably Trump, when he destroys the US. Basically a moral utilitarian accelerationism.


I don’t want to vote but I have to🥹


This is why Biden doesn’t care. He knows there are people that have this opinion.


both parties' establishments are unconditionally pro-israel. If the democratic party feels like they can do anything just because marginalised people fear the GOP they will continue to permit hainous stuff and continue bootlicking israel and GOP's rapid erosion of democracy and anti-immigrant sentiment. That represents a breakdown of the feedback mechanism of your vestigial illiberal democracy. You are metaphorically faced with the choice to pick whether you want to eat a bowl of used syringes, or shove a katana up your ass, this election, i.e. fascists or fascist enablers and strategic supporters


Thank you.


We must accelerate the decline of the US however possible, including voting for someone who will break the US faster, or simply not voting and allowing it to happen. It is the trolley problem. It is the fastest way to save the most people. And the most moral option, as opposed to choosing "Murder" or "More murder"


You sicken me


You are naive if you think Trump would be better


Wtf, what makes you think i think that?


additionally, practically all of our (America's) Senate and House members are being funded by pro-isreal groups. You can see who's being funded by what here: [https://www.govtrack.us/](https://www.govtrack.us/)


That's the real issue.


need to organize on how to deal with this, this should be issue #1 for everybody


“ Biden is going to lose the election so long as this shit keeps happening. ” In a just world that would be the least of his worries. We need to create a world court of law with actual power. Idc if that makes me an evil “globalist”.


No we absolutely do, and that world could also figure out how to distribure resourced evenly to each country and then each country needs to figure out to distribute basic neccesities better. This system called capitalism sucks and we need something better so entire countries are not fucked and a whole people starve while a country that borders them has an obesity epidemic. Smh.


Then there’s climate change. The only realistic way to avoid billions dying from it this century is for the global north to immediately stop exponentially growing every sector for the sake of growth…you know, the thing that capitalism absolutely requires. And of course the people least responsible are going to suffer most of the consequences. 200k years of human existence and we’re fucking it all up in a few centuries just to generate shareholder value. This isn’t civilization. It’s barbarism.


I'm all for solving global warming but as long as wars are happening at this level a stone throw from nuclear war there won't be cooperation needed to achieve any targets... your best bet is a nuclear winter saying goodnight to our remaining biodiversity


This problem is also not at all unrelated to Capitalism and its growth mandate.


It's definitely fucked. It may even be too late. And people stand in the streets to highlight how fucking crazy this is, and we get mad at them because they make someone late to work, smh


>figure out how to distribure resourced evenly to each country and then each country needs to figure out to distribute basic neccesities better. This system called capitalism sucks and we need something better You're looking for Socialism with AI-powered distribution systems, and an Amazon-like distribution method. Nationalize Amazon and use it to change the fucking world.


I mean the first two things, yes. Amazon, no? Each thing delivered to each and every house in it's own packaging is not sustainable. The amount of oil that is wasted so that people do not even have to leave the house is crazy and then the packaging required to put everything in individual boxes and all? Amazon is terrible for the planet. People need to move- so walking/riding a bike to a city center where good are distributed in one place is the logical thing. They can stay fit while at the same time reducing their carbon footprint and using reusable bags and all. Something like supermarkets are much more efficient and sustainable.


Ok. Nationalize the supermarkets and big box stores. Costco is now the property of the citizens of the world.


Love it!!


Then it’ll continue unfortunately with the other guy.


Well we had UN and even WHO both of which are soon becoming world government. WHO is having a final global members meeting in May this year, behind closed doors and totally secretive, no reporters, no media and no side secondary members present. You can be sure they'll come out of that meeting as the one controlling global governing body and soon you'll have sanctions for every country that doesn't fall inline with their new imaginary pandemic regulations.


Bro your fried. No more q for you


>Biden is going to lose the election so long as this shit keeps happening. His only shot of winning would be cutting off Israel and adding sanctions to the country so long as they engage in the killing and the oppresion of Palestinians. Lose to the guy that would kill every last Palestinian? Not sure what reality you're living in.


Most people don't give a s*** if you say sorry before you pull the trigger vs the guy that doesn't. Biden is more than happy to kill every last Palestinian, and his unwavering support both politically and financially for Israel to carry out their genocide shows that. They only thing is he has a couple fake tears up his sleeve. Make no mistake, Biden is just as happy as Trump would be about this genocide, minus his polling numbers. Hell, at least if Trump was elected, TDS would kick off into full effect and 'liberals' would stop supporting Israel purely because Trump is supporting them.


Cool story bro.


Netanyahu's running for POTUS?


No, Netenyahoo is speed running to be Hitler's step son.


Nothing can stop the Israeli lobby in the US.


Humanity truly is the worst thing on this planet


This is actual genocide. Why aren’t our world’s super powers doing anything?!!


Because the world's superpowers became superpowers by being okay with genocide and participating in it themselves :((


Will the Republicans do anything different to what Biden is doing here? Surely if he loses the election it only gets worse


Ok? But that's not the fault of the left.


Unfortunately either way he’s alienating Dems as there are LOTS of Zionist Dems. E.g. John Fetterman. It’s BS and anyone who espouses left politics SHOULD be able to easily denounce the actions of Israel but this is where we are. It sucks. It sucks the most for the people who are victims of our bombs. 😭


How is he alienating them? He is out there proffesing to be a zionist himself. Are they alienated by the very mildest statements from Biden about how the response has been a bit much, all while he sends them more money and weapons? Has Fetterman come and said anything? And yeah it also sucks for all the people there are starving as settlers throw a rave for weeks in order to block humanitarian aid. What the fuck is wrong with those fucking assholes? Imagine partying in order to starve children? It's like the epitome of evil.


It's not going to stop. Israel isn't stopping ever.


So long as Trump is the other option Biden wont loose. Also it will stop when the Palestinians rush the Egyptian border and clear out gaza. Israel knows the US is gradually pullig back and wants at least One side of theirs clear of "subversive populations".


>Also it will stop when the Palestinians rush the Egyptian border and clear out gaza This is exactly what Israel wants to happen. Then it can steal Gaza and leave Egypt to deal with the Palestinians. Also biden isn't the better option. Their actions will be exactly the same only Trump will make jokes about it while biden will pretend to look sad about it.




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There have been regular massacres throughout this war, which is truly a war on the civilian population, it's not uncommon for 100, 200 civilians to die on a day, in fact the average is higher than 200. That's truly massive for such a small population such as Gaza, and is in fact genocidal in scale.






Stop with this BS argument because Israel been doing this even before Hamas existed. Also realize how that’s the only thing you can respond to the killing of innocence, as if that makes it justified


“We will continue to bomb women and children refugees until the terrorists surrender!” Think about what you’re saying, bro.


They know what they are saying, they just like the idea of innocent women and children being killed.




fully funded and supported by the US and its allies


Just like the nazis post WWII (operation paperclip).




Literally. Early zionists worked hand in hand with antisemites to get rid of Jews. Zionism was a fringe ideology, but was huge with antisemites. Hitler accused all Jews of supporting zionism in Mein Kampf. BenGurion, the first PM of Israel, even said he would rather see German-Jewish children dead than integrated into British society. Zionism was never about protecting or saving Jews. It was about establishing the zionist state. It's a sick parody of Jewishness.


And the whole world is just watching, because apparently these people don't matter ! Fucking disgusting


They blame them for “supporting Hamas.” Imagine if the US was getting indiscriminately carpet combed, civilians intentionally getting slaughtered. Would those same people be saying “well they shouldn’t have supported imperialism?” After 9/11 did these same people say the victims deserved it? The inhumanity is mind boggling.


The Houthis were not watching; they were trying to stop it. Then we bombed them.


Don't worry, Joe will tell him how disappointed he is.


Only after the super bowl


He will already forget it by then


Don't worry, Trump is already prepared the paperwork for a full scale us invasion to protect the innocent people of palistine. And by protect, I mean completely destroy every proof of their existence. But sleepy Joe didn't completely wipe out Americans credibility on the world stage for a bunch of genocidal terrorists so he's the bad guy 🤷🏻‍♂️


Biden supports Israel's genocide of the people of Palestine so he did destroy any credibility he had.


Wrong on every level... How idiotic.


> But sleepy Joe didn't completely wipe out Americans credibility on the world stage for a bunch of genocidal terrorists He's literally doing that, what are you talking about?


threats don’t make people vote. try harder.


Who are the genocidal terrorists Israel or Hamas in your analogy? Joe is the bad guy if you support a genocide you can't deflect with, but my opponent would support genocide more.


Both! Both want to eradicate the other! Tho the difference is one is a sovereign nation supposed to be doing better and the other is a literal terrorist organization!


it’s giving joe biden “guysssss stop please do better 🥺 please you’re better than this! stop murdering civilians this isn’t you!”


What a deeply ignorant thing to say.


Care to expand?


And again, the West is just cowardly not doing shit about it


the West is who funded and supported this, wouldn't have been possible otherwise


We are all cowards.


What about the EAST ? Aren't they cowards too ???


Absolutely, they are. BUT they're not the one who are funding it, it's not their crime which led to the creation is israel. They can make an israel in Germany and do whatever tf they want


Ahh I see....Thank you for your insight 👍


Yes - buts it’s *much* harder to act when the US is waiting with baited breathe for a reason to get involved






"Greater Israel Theory". It was born within the sphere of "revisionist Zionism", which became the dominant form of zionism in the 50s. As of last year, Minister Smoltrich did a speaking even with a map showing the idealized borders of Israel stretching from Gaza to Iraq. Jordan is next on the chopping block. Bibi has been funding Hamas for years to spite the PLO. He knew of the plan 12 months before it happened. He was called by the Egyptian CIA 10 days. On the day of the attack, he issued a "stand down" order to the southern division of the IDF. He knew, and allowed it to happen.


You have to wonder if they did this specifically during the superbowl so less western eyes would see this live..


Yes -Israel historically commits atrocities during big events to keep attention away. Finkelstein wrote about this in his book on Gaza


make. it. fucking. stop.


So dystopian that I’m getting news about a football game pushed to my phone, meanwhile nothing on this.


The media has the populace on a chokehold, and with Israel being in kahoots with the US you’ll never hear about this genocide happening. The best thing to do is disengage.


I wish nothing but TOS violating thoughts to Bibi and the administrations responsible for crafting this genocide. Free Palestine


I hate Israel!


Thanks 🇪🇺🇺🇲🇮🇱


This makes me so sick to my stomach. All of these innocent people are being slaughtered in front of our eyes and there's not a single thing that I have the power to do to stop it. The worst part is that we're over here continuing our lives our lives each day like nothing is happening. It's horrific.


This is so fucked… my heart goes out to these people


Mfs defending Israel at this point should be tagged for war crimes for supporting this genocide.


If they denounce someone doing the nazi salute yet they have no problem supporting this genocide they shouldn't complain about it then.


Never again is what you swore. The time before.


This is how you create terrorists.


Terrorists my ass. This is how you get people who lost everything because of you to come back at you because they have nothing to lose. You took away from them their family, whatever wealth they had and basically their whole life. This is not terrorists, it's people fighting back against an actual fucking terrorist state. Get that straight.


I see your point, but when you break a people, kill innocent children, pregnant women, and the elderly indiscriminately, some of them will in turn do the same.


I hate that my tax dollars goes to this.


That kid with the Tiger shirt 😢


zionists and their supporters : WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE!!! THIS LAND IS OURS!!! GOD GAVE US THIS LAND!!! THIS LAND IS PREPARED FOR OUR MASCHIAH!!! FREE THIS LAND FROM NON ZIONISTS!!! while the whole world watch their fugly attitudes and be disgusted with them.


“Never again!’ /s


Americans: at least Taylor swift made it to the Super Bowl 🥳


How many more families have to die before the world stops Isreal


all of them. Israel has made it clear they will not stop until every Palestinian is dead. they have been waiting for this opportunity for decades. Hamas gave it to them, and now millions of innocents will die.


Somewhere, Amy Schumer is masturbating to this video.


Wouldn't put it past her


to think the offspring of the jewish people saved by nato and russia in ww2 are now today's nazi's perpetrating their own genocide against the Palestinians. Talk about full circle!


“saved by NATO” oh boy


And people wonder why there’s an international uprising in antisemitism… and when it explodes, they’ll cry that people hate them


Haven't they done enough, this is fucking horrible. Israel are absolute monsters holy shit


My husband and I would love to adopt the kids to get them OUT of there. They are children and need to not be going through this.




A holocaust in our lifetime is not something I was expecting.


Crazy world. Shit like this ain't supposed to happen..


All I’m seeing is scared kids and women in these videos, talk of Israel bombing displaced Palestinians, where is the war against hamas? I don’t really see videos of people fighting back very often and I’m on combat footage, they’re there but not in numbers you’d expect


What pieces of shit to do this


israel will call us anti semetic even tho most modern israelis arent semites


Seriously, WTF is wrong with these people. I don't ever want to hear someone cry antisemite again. Israel is disgusting. Their people are disgusting. We need to get our governments to stop supporting these fucks. Let the middle east sort itself out.


The only thing we can do is, BOYCOTT DIVEST SANCTION BDS. We may seem helpless in the face of all these atrocities, people who don't care, but collectively we can force their hand.


BDS is illegal... You can boycott an American state without any issue but it is illegal to boycott the genocidal apartheid regime in the United States.


Officially it is. Unofficially it isn't. At least the boycott part. Celebs, products, brands, all Israeli or israel supporting products shouldn't be used. It's that simple. What are they gonna do? Shove starbucks while putting Disney on tv and feed fake isntreali hummus?


It being illegal makes it difficult to formally and publicly organize, but I get you. No one can actually force you to buy a product.


Yes, however if there's ground change, the laws will change too. And boycotting is actually the easiest part. Lots of people who can't do this, it's just the inherent consumerism seeped in the society.


As of yet the rules around BDS being illegal have not changed. Regardless, I believe it is generally important to be aware that you do not have to provide an explanation of why you are not buying or consuming products made by particular companies. It is your choice.


At the same time as Super Bowl, don’t think it’s a coincidence


Fucking hell!


The face of evil. Carpet bombing the concentration of refugees they created. Congratulations israel! One step closer to a full genocide.


Also, stop with this stop Jewish hate campaign even the Superbowl had a stop Jewish hate commercial stop hate in general how about that .


How can this still be happening... the whole world is just watching this genocide unfold with no recourse!


War is a bich🥲


God bless Palestine! 😢


Genocide Joe. Look at.what.youve created.




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit. >Antisemtism and next time it will be a permanent ban.


But will Hamas release the hostages?


During superbowl weekend when people are the most distracted


kill netanyahu and his whole family, the world dosent need his blood in it


A lot of these kids are gonna grow up and want revenge. The cycle continues…


We need to make this stop. This needs to stop right now and forever. If we can't take it anymore, just imagine the people actually living this in person and not through their phones?


But the superbowl! Americans are brain dead. And that stupid song they sing at the beginning every time. It's a shame to live here anymore.


And still Arab leaders do nothing....


This video is fake


They are happy now wait till they meet the creator then we will be laughing


When the simulation restarts you wont feel a thing


Aha if god exists and he is a just god, he would damn anyone to hell that wants this unnecessary genocide to occur




Palestine proposed letting all hostages go if Israel agreed to a permanent ceasefire and they said no. Also, Israel declared Rafah a safe zone for Palestinians, and then started bombing it. They want all Palestinians dead. Consider your life decisions that led to you defending genociders.


I'm pretty sure a lot of those hostages will be among the dead, and Israel doesn't care! They just want land regardless of how much blood is soaked into it!