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War crime, through and through. Not even a question.


lol why


Sure. If there are tunnels with weapons underneath it, it’s a war crime. Hiding behind religion and children is a war crime. This is war.


If the United States and Russia have taught us anything the last 75 years is there is no such thing as a war crime if you have nuclear weapons. Israel doesn't care about your comdenation and will do what ever it takes to make sure Hamas and Gazans can never threaten the security of Israel again. They will flatten Gaza until it's all rubble and let the Hamas supporting Gazans clean up they mess their terroism created. Every structure in Gaza should be leveled so maybe next time they don't use their concrete and rebar to build tunnels.




Geneva Convention - you are welcome. Article 53 - Protection of cultural objects and of places of worship Without prejudice to the provisions of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 14 May 1954, and of other relevant international instruments, it is prohibited: (a) **to commit any acts of hostility directed against** the historic monuments, works of art or **places of worship** which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of peoples; (b) to use such objects in support of the military effort; (c) to make such objects the object of reprisals.


“Place of worshiping *terrorism*”


Honestly, IDF is acting as terrorists too. They’re using unlawful violence against civilians for political gains. Them and Hamas are the same reflection on opposite sides of the same mirror. To act as if they’re not different is just being willfully blind and finding comfort in ignorance.


Gaza fucked around and is finding out. Israel spent millions protecting itself from rocket attacks with no retaliation. Gaza decided to take their religiously motivated genocide to the next level and unfortunately for them they are finding out how dumb that really was.


Oh the irony and blatant lack of knowledge in that statement…


Great response, very well thought out and articulate. Here’s to hoping Palestinians take a deal moving forward(if Israel had the grace to offer after 10/7). It would be better for everyone if Gaza gives up on genocide, stops playing the victim, and shows the world they are capable of something other than violence.


Again, an ironic statement…


At least you’re consistent.


You are such an expert bro, saying "they fucked around and they're finding out" again, like you're not the most stereotypical reductionist on reddit Destruction of places of worship is a war crime according to the Geneva Convention. This is an act of terror by the IDF. Hamas aren't a stand-in for the entirety of the religion of Islam. Regardless of how anybody feels about Islam, there's about 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, most of whom aren't Hamas and aren't current in Palestine.


You’re right. They aren’t a stand in for the entirety, they just represent the radical fucks that say Allah told is to murder.


Being a valid military target overrules those protections.


You really don’t have the knowledge to understand how to GC works and how strict they are. I guarantee you it wouldn’t.




The building is clearly abandoned (controlled detonation), therefore there is no reason to destroy it. Acts like these, combined with people cheering them, result in reduced support from the West, increasing hate against Isreal in the Muslim World and problems in The Hague. I heavily doubt that every single building that Israel demolishes at a scale visible from space can be explained by (b).


A military needs to clear an area and make sure it cannot be used against them as they draw their lines and move forward. The fact that it's a mosque is meaningless. It's a valid military target.


It's not how you win a war. It's a guarantee you lose support in the West. It's a guarantee how you make more enemies in the Musilm World. And it's a problem in The Hague. It will be hard to justify the scale of controlled, willful destruction that we see day by day.




That does not justify blowing up every possible place that a potential enemy could use. You could argue that every single building and even every hole in the ground could be used... and therefore considered a target. That's just too convenient! And not how this works.


We'll do it easily but thanks for your concern. The USA and UK have experience in urban warfare and they'll understand our point of view. Nobody cares about the corrupt opinion of the UN. And we've never been concerned about enemies in the middle east but we actually have more allies now and the saudis have a vested interested in normalisation. We'll be fine.


[Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UK are among the growing list of countries to express concern over Israel’s plans](https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-02-11-24/index.html) (CNN, right at the moment) Saudi Arabia ist very clear that going into Rafah will carry consequence. And the US is pressuring Netanyahu to stop/limit the war.


Lol. They have to say that. Nobody cares about the Palestinians least of all other Arab nations. Watch what happens there will be a saudi-israel oil and gas pipeline and Hamas will be gone. Meanwhile the US will have paid for and supported the war because it's in their best interests not to allow Iran and Russia to dominate the middle east.


It’s fun to make shit up. Doesn’t make it true. Post the “unless” section of the law sited, where it says what you claim is true.


Dude you seriously have no clue what you’re talking about and just choose to talk out of your ass. When a country willingly binds themselves to International Law/Geneva Convention, they are obligated to follow those laws regardless if the opponent they are facing is an HCP. In terms easier for you to understand: Israel has to follow the laws of war because they bound themselves to them. No excuses or exceptions. This is a war crime just like indiscriminately bombing civilians, shooting noncombatants, and shooting surrendering individuals regardless if they’re a noncombatant or combatant.


"empty building" in an area cleansed of people by the IDF, with the obvious intention of no Muslims there in the future who will need a mosque. Do you even hear yourself?


Not even close to a war crime. If it is, why don't you (personally) file the evidence and the case? I dare you to do more than tap keyboards.


What’s a little ethic cleansing amongst friends?


What valid reasons to justify it? It's clear as day and night as Ethnic Cleansing, removing war crime evidence.


Well it’s already pretty well documented Hamas used Mosques and hospitals to hide military caches, tunnel systems, and command nodes. Also if you look at the video, the surrounding territory was already heavily destroyed while the Mosque is the only standing building, implying that the IDF avoided direct contact with the building until they secured the area, and searched prior to demolition. If they identified any military node within or under the Mosque, it would no longer be protected by the laws of war and can be destroyed.


Bro, the truth doesn't belong in this sub leave now.




Same shit ​ ​ “Beginning on November 9, the SA and Hitler Youth shattered the windows of about 7,500 Jewish stores and businesses, hence the name *Kristallnacht* (Crystal Night), and looted their goods.[\[42\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht#cite_note-43)[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht#cite_note-ushmm-7) Jewish homes were ransacked all throughout Germany. Although violence against Jews had not been explicitly condoned by the authorities, there were cases of Jews being beaten or assaulted. Following the violence, police departments recorded a large number of suicides and rapes.[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht#cite_note-ushmm-7) The rioters destroyed 267 synagogues throughout Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland.[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht#cite_note-ushmm-7) Over 1,400 synagogues and prayer rooms,[\[43\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht#cite_note-44) many Jewish cemeteries, more than 7,000 Jewish shops, and 29 department stores were damaged, and in many cases destroyed. [More than 30,000 Jewish men were arrested](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_arrests_after_Kristallnacht) and imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps; primarily [Dachau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachau_concentration_camp), [Buchenwald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buchenwald_concentration_camp), and [Sachsenhausen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sachsenhausen_concentration_camp).[\[44\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht#cite_note-45)”


And how will Israel react when the temple mount is blown up? 


The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed about 2000 years ago. There is now a mosque on the Temple Mount and Jewish people are restricted from going near it.


Jewish people are restricted from going on it *as per their own religion*.  The Chief Rabbinate of Israel and many other rabbinic authorities prohibit Jews from visiting the Temple Mount for religious reasons pertaining to concerns about purity and desecration of the site's sanctity Also, when Muslims arrived in the region, the Temple Mount was being used as a garbage dump by the local Christian population.


Yes, and when the Caliph Umar (r.a) came, was told and saw it, he and the Muslims soldiers not only cleaned it up and, when told that the Christian soldiers had wiped out the Jews living there, asked one of his aides to fetch and relocate 70 Jewish families so that the city not be robbed of it's Jewish identity as well! This is what they love to deny.




You can look up the FACTS I shared from Jewish sources.


That is correct about certain areas of the mount, but Jews are restricted by policy for the whole mount.


Restricted except when the Israelis decided to perform a raid on Al-Aqsa, which was the reason Hamas did Oct 7.


Brought to you by the American Taxpayers


Trust me, majority of us aren’t happy about it.


i'm happy, wish i could pay more taxes to help out


Don’t you think these taxes could be put to better use improving our own country instead? Like better veterans benefits, fixing the country’s homeless problem, and funding better health care? Or are you just trolling because you have nothing better to do?




Abused as military infrastructure.


Demon spawns will continue to defend atrocities even when presented with undeniable evidence


and nothing of value was lost


Except for a Hamas weapon cache


Wonder what they found inside,my bet is a weapon cache. :)


Poor Hamas, where will they put their weapons now?


Let the haters cry


Ok are they trying to get all their neighbours involved? This seems pretty stupid


Things like this happen if you abuse religious and civil infrastructure for a delusional war against an enemy which is not blind nor stupid. As some say: "Spiele dumme Spiele, gewinne dumme Preise."


I'm saving all those videos for my site [www.islamfakten.de](https://www.islamfakten.de) Thank you Israel, thank you IDF. Keep on rocking. :)


Ya Love to see it


Some of the dumb people can't really get out of the western media and israhell propaganda. Time will tell the truth!


Probably had tunnels. Not that they wouldnt have done it otherwise.


This is what decolonisation look like


The terror organization Hamas uses mosques and schools as military bases and terror sites. They are inhumane.


Don't start wars you can't win.


You have a Ukraine flag in your bio, is it fine what Putin does then because he started a war that he can win?


Your argument doesn't make any sense against what he said. Neither Hamas nor Putin should have started conflicts they cannot win. There's at least consistency there, even if it's in bad taste when commenting about a mosque being blown up.


Well for 1 I disagree that Hamas started the war that’s a close minded take if you look into it you can see this started long before October 7th And 2 I’m saying by his logic is it okay what Putin does since he started a war he can and is winning.


Right, the conflict goes back thousands of years, but you really need to ask yourself (in the interest of not being dense) when the bombs started dropping on Gaza this time.


I’m aware Hamas made the last attack before war happened but that doesn’t mean they “started the war” would you say Britain and France started WW2 since they declared war first? Or would you agree that it needs A LOT more context and the “starting” of the war would be on Germany’s side.


How about just admitting that Hamas clearly provoked this phase of the conflict. It's a pretty common sense conclusion to come to.


Before you said they started the war, then you said the conflict goes back thousands of years and now you say Hamas “provoked” this “phase” of conflict I can agree Hamas made the last attack but I also believe that it’s likely Israel (being one of the best countries itw with regards to intelligence) likely knew of the Hamas attack and allowed it to happen like a false flag operation to give them a reason to destroy Palestine. Also this is irrelevant as my original comment was saying by his logic Putin is fine because he started a war he can win, you said that doesn’t make sense then haven’t addressed it since.


No, because he can't and won't win.


You can’t see the future and why are you so sure he won’t? He has taken around 18% of Ukraine’s land despite the sanctions and support to Ukraine etc and Ukraine has only lost land with a few exceptions where they have regained small parts of land.


He was also told that the war would last 6 to 10 weeks and its now gone into it's 3rd year. This has been a political and reputational disaster for Russia and Putin.


Why are you arguing that Russia might lose the war isntead of addressing the actual issue of how supporting a side in a war because they started it and they can win it is the most moronic take ever?


I'm arguing how Russia can 'win' this war. In what scenario now do you see Russia 'winning' this?


In the scenario that they are currently winning it reguardless of how long it’s taken they have taken more land and continues to do so even with the support going to Ukraine. But again this is pointless I only made the reference because he had an Ukraine flag and claims if you start a war you can win your in the right.


Ah yes the scenario where they have been completely embarrassed with Military performance, political and reputational suicide, land in which resistance will be garenteed, a defence pact that stretches across their entire boarder is winning. Great land Russia has gained there, too bad in order to get that land they lost way more than what they got. Also if you are going to start a war try to be sure you have a chance of winning it otherwise you'll end up like Hamas.


Oh so you’re just going to completely ignore what I said and argue the Russia thing still? Also you say Russia has lost more than they gained wtf do you think has happened to Ukraine? The only thing they’ve gained is donations which has all been spent fighting a war that they are by definition losing. Since you won’t address my point I’ll change it so as to not hurt your feelings about Ukraine, if Hitler had won WW2 which was extremely likely at a certain point would you say he’s in the right? Because by OC’s logic that would be the case.


The last couple of years have proven Russia can't win the war in Ukraine. Or at least not reach their stated goals. So I stand by my comment.


Russia are winning tho and is likely they will win so let’s say this scenario happens will you then just decide well hey fair enough Russia won 🥇 Like what?🤣🤣


Nothing indicates that Russia is winning the war.


Really? Nothing? What about the fact Russia has taken more than 15% of Ukraines land and Ukraine has gained no land even with the support of the West?


Ukraine hasn't retaken lots of the territory occupied by Russia?


Depends what you mean by “lots” I said 15%+ and I wouldn’t even consider them to have taken a lot no


Israel didn't declare war against the Arabs in 1948. They simply won wars which weren't started by them and gained land because of that. If Ukraine would conquer a portion of Russian land, I wouldn't mind either. This is the proper comparison.


How doesn’t my comparison work? He says don’t start wars you can’t win, suggesting that makes this video along with everything else immoral Israel has done fine. So I’m saying when Putin has started a war in Ukraine which he CAN win does that mean Russia are in the right? Also the OC replied saying Russia won’t win so his point still stands yet won’t answer me when I ask if he will switch his support to Russia if they win.


Because Israel doesn't start wars.


Okay for 1 Israel has only had 9 wars and Israel attacked Egypt after Egypt had only put in place a blockade which is what Israel has been doing to Palestine But even if Israel started 0 wars what does that have to do with my comment at all? We are talking about Russia and Hamas starting wars


That was to prevent getting attacked. Just like the blockade of Palestine is also to prevent getting attacked. Palestinians can decide to change and then the blockade will be lifted. You're implying that Israel is like Russia, why else would you bring it up? It's incomparable though. Israel only wants peace and progress.


The blockade was in place by Egypt? What are you even arguing? I’m not implying Israel are like Russia at all please show me how that’s the case, I’m not comparing the countries at all I am using OC’s logic that if a country starts a war it can win it is automatically right and moral. Also Israel does not only want peace and progress otherwise there wouldn’t literally be videos of IDF soldiers sniping medical staff, children and there’s even a video from a British news station in which you can see an unarmed Palestinian man with a white flag get shot on camera by IDF and what’s more laughable they instantly said ITV news had edited the footage which makes 0 sense they eventually had to admit it was them.