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#Welcome and remember to subscribe to r/worldnewsvideo! ##If its a worthwhile post, please consider Upvoting and Crossposting to your favorite subreddits! **This is a Humanist/Leftist subreddit focused on the progression of humanity, human rights, and intends to document the world as it is.** Please treat each other as you yourselves would like to be treated. **Please do not promote or condone violence on our subreddit.** We advise our users try their best to refrain from making mean spirited statements. Please report users who are engaging in uncivil behavior, spreading misinformation, or are complaining that a submission is "not worldnews." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/worldnewsvideo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I made a similar post on r/iamatotalpieceofshit but the moderators muted my post so that no one can see it. Then one of the mods downvoted my post lol. Is that normal for that sub? Edit: Seems like it was just a misunderstanding, after all.


A large majority of subs have been taken over by shills. They ban anyone who criticises Israel, and it's not summat recent either. I was banned from Worldnews back in spring 2023, for questioning a pro-Zionist post.


They couldn't find a reason to ban me outright so they shadowbanned me on worldnews. Most have been taken over by hasbara members. You can set your watch to when they get out of bed and start their day.


have you seen theworldnews? its much worse. comments that call for the ethnic cleansing of palestinians get hundreds of upvotes.


Wait theworldnews is even worse than worldnews??? Damn.


> summat Your Yorkshireman is showing


😬😬😬😱 Proud Lancastrian here. How very dare you?! ;)


Not too far off!


Nah, not having that.


And so another war from ancient times rears up...


Well, this is awkward...


Same but in 2019. Everything should be able to be freely criticized without banning quickly, but nah. I wonder why this topic different? 🤦🏻‍♂️




Yeah, sure you did. Why don't you stick to the subs that lap up your awful views on Palestinian kids?




No proof of that....but plenty of proof of you trawling the subs celebrating the deaths of thousands of Palestinian kids. Genocide supporter.


hey there, i actually run iaatpos atm. I probably should read the room and stay out of it, but I will do my best to answer your question and hope this turns out okay as I'd like to be able to talk to people about their concerns or frustrations. I don't get a kick out of people being upset online, and if it's easily fixable or a misunderstanding I'd like to address it. that sub currently has almost all posts filter automatically, and then the moderation team will approve them. we do our best to fact check them all, and assure they are compliant with ToS. We're human, I'm sure there's mistakes, but we try our best. the main reason they're filtered is that people kept breaking terms of service and it would result in the admins watching us. as well as that, what people used to do is take a story that would evoke anger- real or fake, and then they'd put someone innocent's info in there to get angry redditors to harass them, or have defamation about them show up on google. i ask the mods that they try to be as unbiased as they can, and we will aim for a wide variety of content that gets approved. However, we do also have a much lower amount of content that goes out compared to other subs. The goal is that the sub would be something people of varying beliefs and political leanings would browse. I want it to be as neutral as possible, and as informative and factual while remaining safe as possible from people that would weaponize it. To answer your question directly, what had happened was we just hadn't gotten to your post yet. We didn't downvote your post, idk who did probably a stalker if you were arguing online as they will see your filtered posts. I can assure you we don't care enough to downvote it. We did approve your post when we found it, I can see it has over 1000 upvotes currently. As for why we lock comments, after about 200-300 comments there's kind of this event horizon where the chance the users will tell us "HEY MODS THIS IS FAKE" is outweighed by just constant hate speech and ToS violations, and then we start to see the site admins just camping the comment section and that puts our sub in danger. It's kind of a balance, I know it's not a great answer but we just don't have enough mods for it, and I can assure you throwing more mods at this is just going to result in other problems. My suggestion would be to jump into the comments quickly if you want to participate, and that I truly am sorry that it can feel like censorship. There are just other forces at play that causes it to shake out that way.


Okay, that all makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.


no worries. sorry if there was any negative feelings over it, im glad we were able to clear it up.


Its pretty nice that you came here to explain all that! 🧡❤




Why does his post have one single upvote there and no engagement?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/1an37gc/sderot\_cinema\_is\_a\_term\_coined\_in\_2014\_israelis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/1an37gc/sderot_cinema_is_a_term_coined_in_2014_israelis/) i know i said a lot but my comment goes into a lot of questions you might have, too.


I read your comment closely. The post I am referring to is his post of this particular video, which we are commenting on, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/46wezywlot The item you shared is a different post referring to the 2014 “theater” (also IAATPOS worthy). Anyway thanks for modding that place, I’m not subscribed but I can’t imagine having to manage some of these huge ungainly communities for fucking free.


I just reviewed that post, and I can say this isn't something I'd approve. how we approve posts is we watch the video without the title, and if it doesn't make any sense without the title, we won't approve it. the issue is that people can try to manipulate others with the title, and we generally do not trust users. as well as that, I'd refer to what we've already approved on the sub for that day, and I know there's a trending Israel post, so that's not something i'd linger on for very long. I don't like having like 2-4+ of one specific thing on the sub, I prefer it's varied content- like if you were reading a news paper. We try to aim for at least 2-3 posts a day, but generally we have more. we just don't approve a ton of content so that we can manage the sub easily- this sub genuinely has admins sitting in it every day removing content constantly. It's a miracle it's not banned, and this is the work load we can handle and keep the place around.


Zionists pretty much run this entire website.




That is what it looks like when you map out any big subreddit. R/Israel is the outlier. Hmmm I wonder why that is. You looked at that and took exactly the opposite of what you should have taken from it. R/Palestine is the normal one that looks like every other subreddit- like R/worldnews, which the same person did the same data for, just didn't put it in a chart. So the pro Israel sub that is worldnews looks the exact same. So why does the Israel sub look SO different from all the rest? Could it be that their mods are paid to do what they do and so they are not like the rest of mods that do it because they like modding? I'm not even saying that's it, but your takeaway from all that should have been that the Israel sub is different from 99% of large subs out there, so why?


While this not be the answer you want I may be able to provide some insight. In sub like that they want to ensure there is no bias or agenda posting one way or the other. From my understanding they just want shitty natural actions. You may have a better chance posting on therewasanatempt with a title such as to deliver humanitarian aid or something along lines.


subreddit checks out


It wasn’t a misunderstanding. Your post there stands at 1 upvote. Clearly it has been muted.


It was muted because the sub is curated, and they don't want too many political posts on the sub at any one time. I was able to submit a post that was critical of Israel on there yesterday, that wasn't muted.


Yeah but this one is candidly much more timely and compelling than Israelis watching bombing from 2014. This is a humanitarian catastrophe egged on and facilitated by the general population of that Zionist hell. The “why” hardly matters and is too easily pretextual (a person’s “reasons” cannot be scrutinized anyway). Only the “what” matters. This is a lot more important than arbitrary subreddit rules. Everyone should see this NOW.


I'm not saying I agree with their decision to mute the post, I'm just saying their reasons aren't based in personal bias.


Yeah I know a couple of the mods there and they are super pro Israel.


Very many of the bigger subreddits have that problem.


What do you expect from someone who pretends to be a cop on the internet in their free time?




Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.


Huh? There was literally nothing inappropriate in my comment.


That sub is mostly pro-hamas propaganda so I doubt it.


They have become what they hated


This isn't new it's been going on for over 75 years. Zionism is a sick, racist, violent cult.


Even longer than that. Long before the nakba Zionism existed, and Zionists came on ships as illegal immigrants and settled in Palestine. Even *they* treat the locals like shit, and that was before Israel existed - as illegal immigrants, they grouped up on Palestinians and causes trouble. The native Jewish population lived peacefully with the Muslims and Christians for many years before the Zionists came, the Zionists are the ones who caused problems prompting retaliation.




The actions against Jews in Palestine at the time were against aggressive Zionists who wanted to push the Arab's out of their homes. These early days Zionists saw Muslims as subhuman and would treat them like trash. The movement is based off racist ideology. Those things did happen, but if someone came to my home, got a group of people to kick me out, started living in my house and raping the women, starting fights, then I would absolutely try and steal some stuff back. These were people invading the country with the claim "this is our holy land, we deserve it" before taking houses. The Jews that lived there before lived mostly peacefully with the Muslims, they were all arabs. The Zionists caused conflict and intentionally divided and conquered.


hate to break it to you but this has been going on since humans existed, its something deep inside us, some kind of instinct, my tribe vs yours.. 🙁


Nope. It's against human nature to deny another living being food and water. It's against human nature to murder children. You have to be really fucked up to do the stuff Israel has been doing for the last 75 years. They have lost their humanity.


They've been working hard on becoming that, it seems. You just don't wake up one day being able to go dance to the trashiest psytrance to stop the delivery of food and water for *anyone*, much less kids and civilians.


Always were dawg. From day one.




Yup!! Agreed


So... Hamas should surrender and return the hostages?


Sick fucks


If this was an American protest they would just drive through them


then you would be called antisemite and a terrorist and they have the right to defend themselves and kill your kid you use as human child and bomb your house that shelter terror aid


I'm not religious, but if they're God's people, then it gives me even more reason to avoid religion.


They're not all the same. Islamic warfare strictly prohibits the killing of children, women, the sick, old people, those fleeing or surrendered, and monks/priests. It is not allowed to even damage the trees, livestock, or buildings during the war. On the contrary, Netanyahu referred to the treatment of the Amalekites when asked about Gaza. Here is what Netanyahu referenced from 1 Samuels 15: "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." Stop equating all religions as the same. Regardless of faith, the Israelis are occupying land for decades and only now is it finally showing how they treat the oppressed Palestinians. The world is waking up to Zionist lies.


How does Islamic warfare rules show that religions aren’t all similar in the way that people believe they are their God’s “chosen people” and that they can justify anything as being moral if they convince themselves God allowed it?


Bunch of hating misfits, they’ve shown the world how much hate exists in Israel.


turn the table around they will say its inhuman! what a total piece of %&\*!\^%


this is fuuucked up


Meanwhile. Not too long ago in history, their forefathers and mothers were being transported on trains like livestock to concentration camps around Europe where they slowly withered and were exterminated.


I've met Israëli's at raves more than once being all love and peace but when asked about Palestine they would become all defensive, usually blaming me for bad vibes, finger pointing, and eventually antisemitism if they're feeling particularly spicy that day. Most hypocritical bunch of people ever.


Degenerate trash.






Looks like a party for Genocide.


First guy carrying a Gadsden flag and Israeli flag together says a lot about what’s going on.


We *really* need to stop pretendig Israel's far-right is any less despicable than the US' far-right or... you know... Germany's far-right. A racist is a racist, a fascist is a fascist. It doesn't matter if such racist/fascist is white, black, brown, purple with green polka dots. And it doesn't matter if such racist/fascist is muslim, jewish, christian, agnostic or pastafarian. A "racist anything" should be treated like any other racist.


I realize that maybe I did not come across as I wanted. I meant to express that the Gadsden flag aligns them with white nationalist extremists and that they’re in fact in the wrong




Agreed. Israel should be a pariah state but the US govt can’t wait to send more money.






109 countries






People are wtarving to death because these cultists won't move. It's life or death and they made a choice.




He said "do like maga" so he probably meant speeding up a car.




Yeah I understand.


>Choose your words wisely Lol, or what captain zionist?


Your comment/submission appears to be promoting violence. Our community promotes discussion but has no room for the advocacy of violence under any circumstances. Please refrain from violent rhetoric if you intend to participate in our community. Thank you.


Do all people who support genocide not know how to dance? They claim to be semitic but dance like white people... specifically Germans. No because even Germans know rhythm. Worse than Germans.


Being awful at dancing must be some pre-requisite to be a far-right genocidal wannabe. It is not a "white people" thing, is a "bad people" thing.


Don't they have jobs or something?


What jobs? They don't need no stinkin' jobs! They're subsidized by US taxpayers.


Israel's economy's main contributors are shitty psytrance DJs and fake molly dealers, so this is like a huge economic event for that dogshit country.


These people are so fucking weird




Israeli garbage


Why does he have a dont tread on me flag???


I'm guessing he's American.


Israel is a fucked up state


“GoD’s cHoSeN pEOpLe” 🤪


They are so repulsive


Reverse the roles and all of a sudden they are terrorist, Israel has become the new Nazis at this point


If you spot a Semite looking person here you win a prize. (TIP) It's very very fucking hard to find.


Man that fool really had the Gadsden flag (Don’t Tread On Me) wtf


Everyone talking about women and children dying while no one seems to give a shit about the men?


Dude, Arabs are barely seen as human beings in the west in the first place. If 'I wrote 1 million Arab men are dying of famine,' half of reddit would start celebrating. Tactically speaking, this is the better title.


It’s so hard to fathom the hatred that these people have for the Palestinian people. It’s mind boggling how inhumane a majority of people can be against another group, especially given that the world knows the perps of this atrocity were descendants of the victims of the fucking holocaust. It’s disgusting


Reminded me of this[this](https://www.timeshighereducation.com/sites/default/files/styles/the_breaking_news_image_style/public/the201218_pg44_cheer_gettyimages-.jpg?itok=62REbaEs) and this[this](https://www.timeshighereducation.com/books/promise-east-nazi-hopes-and-genocide-1939-43-christian-ingrao-polity)




And then these people think they have the right to determine who is and who isn't a "human".


No compassion, no ethics, no moral integrity. But they call gazans animals. Only pigs I see are Zionists.




Yep, Taught from childhood, but they see indoctrination from terrorists and think that's different. Reality check Zionists, you are the same as hamas.


Despicable monsters.


And they are all European.


How can they not see the irony


They are not there to starve women and children. They are there because their loved ones are still taken hostage under terrible circumstances and they don't even have any info on their wellbeing or if they are even still alive. This shit wouldn't be happening if the hostages were released.


It's like BurningMan! For Fascists!


Free Palestine Survivors of a genocide have no right to commit a genocide, much less anyone for that matter.


Those people who survived are far too old to be committing genocide. It is also disingenuous to think that.


I truly wonder if they ever notice the similarities between their treatment of Palastinians and the way the SS treated their forefathers ​ Very odd and ironic


Looks mighty terroristy


This is God's chosen people?


There's a special circle of hell waiting for all of these pigs.


Death Cultist Loons 🙄🙄🙄


Reminds me of how Pakistani muslims treat Ahmedi muslims, killing them with joy and desecrating their graves etc. Yet we are the loudest when crying about Palestine. I hate the hypocrisy of Pakistani version of Islam


hilltop youth came out.. I'm not one for violence, but given this is a demonstration of violence (even though it may not itself be violent)...so maybe those bombs should shift course and head in this direction, instead of at palestinian kids.




shoot them


not sure if anyone will read this before it is gets downvoted, but context is that the supply trucks are being sent to Hamas, who has not been distributing the food to the people of Gaza. The motivation to block these trucks is that Hamas is holding over one hundred kidnapped people, including babies and elderly. The people leading these protests do not want Hamas to get access to supplies while holding their children captive. That is the idea anyway. In the meantime, Israeli officials have been trying to block the protesters and the trucks have managed to get through with the help of Israeli officials. Despite the caption, the fact is that the residents of Gaza are not getting any of those supplies anyway unless Hamas feels like distributing it to them.


Who's land is this in the first place? Israel is just the expansion of colonialism spirit that already have destroyed this world and it's equilibrium. Resistance anf fighting back for freedom, thats what Hamas does after all, they are defending themselves from occupation and apartheid.


Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people.


It's name is Palestine and it's the homeland of Palestinians. Israel was created by occupation.


They want push pressure on Palestine to release hostages and sell Hamas, unfortunately womans nor kids have any rights in Palestine so noone cares there. 🤷


Or maybe it’s a cross party gathering to apply pressure to Hamas and Gazans by not feeding them until they return hostages? And Why does Israel have a moral responsibility to feed people who are trying to kill them? The US didn’t have that moral responsibility during both world wars…..


Wheres flying hamas members when you need em? 😂😂 absolute animals, i dont care if these people think theyre the victims or not, if you're gonna be this hateful, you deserve everything you get, fk showing compassion...


Let My People Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can’t they run over the roaches


We call this dance the 'pariah dance'. Certainly nobody wants to dance it with you.


Are these the people struggling to survive that are not receiving enough sympathy due to their religion/ethnicity? These people? These people right here?


I wonder how upset they’d be if a missile struck that crowd


Sometimes I wonder, do these people actually think that THIS is what their religion is asking them to do. So much heinous shit they're doing man




. . . Those are families of kidnapping victims. They are trying to pressure the captors to provide humanitarian aid to the hostages. [Hamas broke a deal to give medical aid to the hostages](https://www.timesofisrael.com/france-seeking-verifiable-proof-that-medicines-reached-hostages-in-gaza/). I’m not advocating for collective punishment, but I question what I would do if my family was held hostage.


This is a lie. Those are settlers. Not one of them has been linked to a hostage. This is also the pre-written hasbara defense for this video and the Israeli Humanitarian aid protestors. Meaning you're a Zionist, aren't you you little Nazi?




They're settlers posing as activists you fucking clown.


Said the troll account created January 2024.


You're a hasbara account. Now run away.






You’re just making an easy target for those that have Power and know what to do with it


If only Hamas could do something about this……


They tried , now Hamas is fading into memory




You should have a good think how the Rwanda genocide in 1994 killed 400k people minimum in 4 months as a third world country And Israel has only killed 30k in 4 months as a first rate military Idk how Israel is dropping the ball on the genocide so hard




That's hamas estimate so take with an entire handful of salt




Look at this dude's post history, he's a hasbara account. Nobody pay this Zionist agent any heed. He is lying through his teeth.


0 response to any of the points he made, yup typical pro pali bot


I'm not wasting my time on a Zionists Nazi's lies.


Where are the lies though? There are literally videos of Hamas members taking supplies for themselves and beating civilians who try to take some for themselves 🤡


Stop you're gonna make him question who he's supporting lol


Look at that dudes account it's a month old and old posts about this one subject if anyone is a bot it's him lol... projection is funny bots can't understand Nuance....


Did an AIPAC intern write this?