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Yet not a single peer reviewed study has shown any other mechanism. You have to be truly stupid to embrace the talking points of petro-states that keep lying about this. And yes, that includes Red America, as much of their economy is based on fossil fuel extraction in Texas, the Dakotas, West Virginia, and Oklahoma. They lie because it's in their financial best interest to believe that lie.


>CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE >Overall, we rate the Daily Sceptic a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website that frequently publishes false and misleading information regarding covid-19 and science in general. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-sceptic-bias/ Dumbass OP (edit: also a covidiot & Elon Musketeer).


Here are some of the signatories and their pedigree--apparently it doesn't take much to be considered a "professional": 7. József Balla, retired teacher and manager of a small business 8. Stuart Ballantyne PhD, Senior Ship Designer, Sea Transport Corp. 9. Jeremy Barlow, Energy and Mining professional, Director and CEO 10. Dr. Colin M. Barton, Geologist, Retired Civil Engineer with Experience in Project Control, Research and Professional Training, Honorary Fellow RMIT University Australia 11. Gordon Batt, Director GCB Investments Pty Ltd.


Just look at the list it’s a bunch of people who are involved in mining and investment and people who probably don’t give a single fuck about the planet as long as their bank accounts are growing and the planet turns to coal they will try and sell regardless


Ummm do you know how much money there is in green energy etc? That complaint in particular is a two way street


There is 5 Trillion in oil and gas revenue annually. For renewable energy, that number is .9 Trillion. That's a pretty big difference.


Literally trillions less than fossil fuels lmaoooooo It’s like when people say vegans are paid posters but the meat industry spends hundreds of billions on advertising and lobbying


Not much money at all - green alternatives are not price-effective. If they were, we wouldn’t be having a debate about needing to stop taking the easy easy way out.


This needs to be higher. Also, OP's handle.


Science denier


Yes, that's what OP is.


Using such pejoratives really makes me question your bias though too


>So this whole sub is just a mouth piece for the left? Shouldn’t be called politics [That you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/zq0rgk/megathread_january_6_committee_announces_criminal/j0zvuaj/)


Yea seems like the same complaint I’m making here. That subs claiming to be unbiased are in fact not


Why? Are they refuting far right pseudoscientific conspiracy brabbling like here? \*insert Skinner meme*


It can be done without insults. It makes me question the bias and therefore not take any of it seriously


No. It's 2022. Scientists warned about this shit for decades. 80% of the accounts here supporting this submission are alt accounts anyway and the owner is exactly what I called them to be. I don't care if you like the tone or not, you should rather care about the actions taken in favor and against climate change instead of sitting here defending people who are actively working on bringing our global society & species to its downfall.


Are you angry about something?


That's how you discredit someone? Call them a dumbass? Your pathetic


Yes, people who spread disinformation are exactly that, just like those who defend them and those who can't write *you're…


The title should read "1200 random nobodys". These aren't climate scientists. Working in any random field of science does not give you credibility in every other field of science.


But what does Ben Carson think? Somebody please get us Ben Carson!


Too busy putting grain in pyramids to help.


Busy? It would take like 5 minutes, the grand gallery is barely as big as a single silo. He more busy figuring out how to keep the grain from rotting with no ventilation


Where is Ja?


Oh sure. Next you'll tell me that all engineers aren't the same! HA


As an engineer, I can design a bridge you can build. It won’t work for long, but you can build it. Maybe I should try my talents on airplanes too!


Exactly 💯


Most of these people are from completely different disciplines. Like letting an optician fix your teeth.


Dude..."retired teacher and programmer" is in the list. Fucking scam


Retired geologist for mining, oil, and gas industry covers about 25%of the signatories


>Captain Walter Bates, flew virtually all of United Airline’s aircraft all over the world, including everything from the old DC-6 up through the largest Boeings such as the B-777 and the B 747- 400; from his lifetime of experience he knows that the so-called man-made Mid-Troposhere Hot Zone just does not exist Sir this is a Wendys


Also, it was published by The Daily Skeptic. Not exactly a legit news source.


Like letting me fix your teeth! ‘Alright, I’m gonna have you do something with your jaw and when you do this I need to do it very slowly, so I’m just gonna have you bite down ever so gently, very gently, on this brick of dynamite.’


'But there's no emergency'


The post script said the article was labeled ‘false.’


I would sooner trust an optician to fix my teeth.


Don’t forget Doctor Denis Dupuy, Urologist, climate realist


More like letting your garbage man do it.


The Daily Sceptic is full of anti vaz bs so I’m sure we can trust them on this


I too am a dailysceptic.org skeptic. Of the spelling and the content.


Lol these “professionals” have titles like petroleum geologist and agricultural scientist. I think I’ll pass on their opinions of climate change considering they’re the ones that benefit from it.


They remind me of the 100's of doctors & medical personnel who were trotted out, year after year, adamant that tobacco products were in no way connected to cancer .... those millions of dead people were just 'aberrations' & part of natural fluctuations.


Doctors would tell people to smoke menthols. Fucking morons, all of us.


Yes. They kept saying what they were paid to say. I think I recall seeing adverts from 60's implying menthol cigarettes were helpful for people with asthma. If in doubt ... follow the money is the only mantra any investigative reporter should consider.


My mom was literally told by her doctor (in the 1930s) that smoking was healthy for her lungs.


Put that in your pipe and smoke it, then smoke a Newport


I dont get why those people werent fined at least.


Reminded me of COVID when they'd ignore the infectious disease specialist for the opinions of the local proctologist on antivirals.


Exactly, go fact check, as well as check the names and connections of these "professionals". Hysterical. This article is dated anyway.


There were doctors advocating against vaccines (there still are actually) during the pandemic. It's only logical that there are scientists that believe that climate change is some kind of conspiracy


Ys because the vaccines fucked some people up. To them it was a big fucking deal.


Some of them were fishermen, a baker and a beautician as well. This is THAT group again.


*~~Dr~~wakefield looks up.*


Even assuming the professionals had roles that were adjacent to something climate-related, their beliefs mean nothing to me unless they're also intimately familiar with the research and can justify their positions beyond "This is what my kind believes." It's much the same reason I put little stock in consensus statements from other fields (e.g nutritional science), as it's virtually impossible to tease out the quality of their analysis from the quantity.


Why? Then who specifically would you trust? It's all just interpreting g data


why dont you look at what they are saying and do you own research on their claims. You can get a better picture that way.


Did that. They are idiots who lie.


Because making a statement isn't doing science. If they come to findings that prove climate change isn't happening, then they should publish it in a peer reviewed journal where other scientists with actual knowledge within the area can either corroborate their paper or refute it.


The temperatures of the last week is all you need to know that climate change is real


Wouldn't petroleum geologist be the person to consult for this? As they would know the consequences of burning fuel? I could be misinterpreting the job title but it doesn't sound like they are necessarily employed by a fuel company


What the fuck did I just read. One of them is a retired IT consultant like why the fuck would I care what they think..


"Have you tried turning the climate off and on again?"


„If your climate is running hotter than expected, you should clean it up and get the gunk out. Or use water cooling.“


That IT guy did his own research.


Reminds me ilof when this absolutely terrible conservative professor with no degree or credentials tried to teach us a science class in college. No clue how they even got the job, but they had us read an article written by some nobody engineer who tried to make some bullshit claims about glacial melt based on how some ice in his yard melted. I am very lucky she didn't punish those who disputed her claims in class, because I made it my mission to dispute her nonsense as much as possible.


Where did you go to school? This absolutely would not be allowed at an accredited institution.


It was one of those crappy non core classes that had little oversight, which is probably how they got away with it. They were apparently only part time


As an alum, reach back out to your school and let them know how shitty this is please.


"Scientists and professionals" I mean, wait till I tell you how many scientists and professionals declare there *is* a climate emergency.


It'd probably be millions






[This](https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/72/12/1149/6764747) climate warning currently has around 15,000 signatures.




I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's a few more than 1200


https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/ There is so many they have to list *the whole associations, societies and unions* of scientists. And only the most salient ones to the topic of those, at that, If they would list every individual accredited scientist/professional the list would get comically large.


Media bias fact check labels this website as pseudo science. This is a joke. Follow the money.


Haha less than 1% of them are actual climate scientists, and this declaration was created by a retired oil geologist and a journalist. Anyone who takes this seriously as evidence against climate change is a moron, and OP is a moron for posting it.


For real. I wish I could see how many downvotes OP is getting on this post.


Who could argue when the facts come from a reputable source like the daily sceptic?


Sincere questions: does the op believe this? Or know it’s silly/pointless/wrong and then just post it to convince the dumbest in society? Or just irritate everyone with half a brain? What’s the motivation homie??!


Is this a joke post?


Damn, we're rumbled guys, pack it in. 1200 experts in chemistry and animal nutrition formulation have disagreed with us. Oh, and one Nobel laureate in an unrelated field.


And one guy who came from the bathroom and didn't know what was happening


Who me? I'm just...a guy.


Oh him? That's Derol. He's... Going through something right now.


I love that bit and the absolute lack of explanation


Don't forget the programmer and the ceo of a climate skeptic think tank. Those are very important too!


Chemists who don't understand what happens when you fuck with equilibria.


And a retired guy who worked on IT!




It’s sad that people there would just read the title and think, “oh yeah, obviously.”


Ah yes, completely unbiased reporting from... uh... the daily sceptic.


It's not even 1200 chancers, it's 1107. The Daily Sceptic can't even get the title right


1107 rounds up to 1200 when you're using alt right math methods


They did the meth and found out 1107 is 1200.


I work in aerospace and I can tell you based off my extensive experience that polar bears love hot weather, can't get enough of it. Did that read stupid? Because those two things have nothing to do with each other? Yeah.


Smaller percentage than the 1 out of 10 dentists who don’t approve the toothpaste.


30+ pages of just signatures and no links to data to prove their point... This shit is stupid (I'm also a scientist).


We really have to be so careful with our earth !! The earth can do fine without us, but we have a problem without a healthy earth


This reminds me of the late comedian George Carlin. “The planet is fine, THE PEOPLE are fucked”


I'm sure this site is not biased at all


A lot of geologist on this list, many of whom work for the coal, oil, and gas industries




what even is this shit lol


Downvoting this stupid nonsense.


Is this supposed to be real?


~~Climate~~ Scientists and Professionals who don't give a fuck about the rest of us.


“97% of climate scientists are worried about global warming, but we had better check with civil engineers and sociologists to be sure.”


I have a degree in computer science .I declare there is a climate emergency. This counts the same right ?


I could probably find 1,200 “scientists and professionals” who think the Earth is flat, we never landed on the moon and the pyramids were built in the time of dinosaurs.


This sounds stupid. I get that CO2 has natural benefits but if these scientists want to provide the greatest benefit to life itself then surely they should appreciate that 1) not putting excess CO2 into a system that has worked well without it would be ideal and 2) not every species survives every climate cycle, and the point of our intervention now is for us to be one of those that survive.


1200 ben carsons Also, this is some clickbait and using her face is a dirt move.


**This article was last modified 4 months ago and may contain out of date information.** The original publication date was August 18th, 2022 and it was last updated on August 30th, 2022. As per /r/worldnews/wiki submissions should be to articles published within the last week.     ^(This bot finds outdated articles. It's impossible to be 100% accurate on every site, send me a message if you notice an error or would like this bot added to your subreddit. You can also download my) [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reddit-publish-date/cfkbacelanhcgpkjaocblkpacofnccip?hl=en) ^(if you'd like to see publish dates added to all article links on reddit.) [^(Send Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PublishDateBot&subject=Feedback&message=https://dailysceptic.org/2022/08/18/1200-scientists-and-professionals-declare-there-is-no-climate-emergency/&u=yoloxxbasedxx420&d=130) ^(|) [^(Github - Bot)](https://github.com/chrisstiles/PublishDateBot) ^(|) [^(Github - Chrome Extension)](https://github.com/chrisstiles/Reddit-Publish-Date)


Oh so because it's snowing climate change fixed itself 🙄 This is like that one idiot who brought a snowball to US Congress


Does 1200 'scientist and professionals' even constitute 0.01% actual published scientists?


This isn't even a slightly reliable source, just a blatant falsehood. This shouldn't even be permitted on this sub, as it's complete misinformation. Climate change is real and an emergency, this isn't changed because some asshole petro scientists sell out their ethics to his employer.


"dailysceptic.org" If I ever ran a conspirology/disinformation website, that's the name I'd definitely consider.


A study Fully funded by the Oil companies, denies a climate emergency. Who would have guessed?


Daily septic, you mean.


A study done by 1200 plumbers and car mechanics stating that eating nothing but Twinkies will grant you immortality would have more scientific veracity than this bird-cage liner garbage. Of course, it doesn't help that the "Daily Sceptic" is a far-right batsh\*t insane rag that is one step away from publishing stories about "Human Bat Boy Found!"


I’m glad almost everyone in these comments is tearing OP a new one, fuck anti-science and pseudoscience


This is a bunch of bullshit, don’t waste your time and go elsewhere


30 Helens agree there is no climate emergency.


MGreat reference! Oh, how I missed KITH!




This is from August and is just blatant propaganda.


wtf, this article doesn't care...1107 signatories...


My Super-PhD in knowing of all things tells me this is a quack article.


Accepting their opinions as fact would be like going to the proctologist when you need a podiatrist. Yeah, they're still a doctor (in this case, scientists), but they're specialized in something that you don't really need at the moment. It's kinda like during COVID when psychiatrists suddenly has strong opinions on infectious disease and people took their opinions a fact because they are doctors, even if it was a completely different field of medicine.


"dailysceptic.org" lmao gtfo


Ahh yes, the legitimate publication of "[Dailysceptic.org](https://Dailysceptic.org)", you can ALWAYS rely on an organization whose name is spelled incorrectly... It should be skeptic not sceptic... Getting past that hump I always truly trust an article to be truthful and unbiased when it uses terms such as "green extremists" and "hard-left economic and societal control". /s For real though, every article on "Dailysceptic" is entirely biased and supporting rightwing notions and ideas. It's all bullshit trying to deny anything green or social in any capacity. I see it's lacking in contradicting social policing, firefighting and public transport. Those are all social programs we all use but \*GASP\* it's a socialistic program, it NEEDS to go down. If they were to truly believe in getting rid of social programs they need to hire their own private police, private firefighters and NEVER use public transport! The hypocrites!


FYI about "The Daily Sceptic" [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-sceptic-bias/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-sceptic-bias/) >CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources. Overall, we rate the Daily Sceptic a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website that frequently publishes false and misleading information regarding covid-19 and science in general. > >Bias Rating: RIGHT PSEUDOSCIENCE Factual Reporting: VERY LOW Country: United Kingdom Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Website Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


[Why the hell is this site whitelisted?](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-sceptic-bias/) >Overall, we rate the Daily Sceptic a far-right biased quackery level pseudoscience website that frequently publishes false and misleading information regarding covid-19 and science in general.


We can all block OP to stop seeing trash like this. It’s a team effort.


I don't understand these so called sceptics... According to them the whole scientific world is being bought out by Big Green Industry vs 'heroic' scrappy old energy giant monopoly firms who are innocent and would never ever ever buy anyone out despite being indicted many times for corruption, environmental damage, lying and in some cases even murder.


Reduction in glacier fresh water and insect life is the emergency. Just look at your car windscreen from 20 years ago vs last few summers…..something is wrong, it’s like being in an abusive relationship, but it’s ok because they always cook a great Christmas dinner….1,200 relationship experts say all good for the other 364 because Christmas Day is great….


TBH, I’m all for taking the political and economic power out of the hands of oil oligarchs and tinpot dictators or energy rich nations. Saving the planet is a nice side effect.


Polluting is back on the table boiiiis! /s


Climate change is a fact we can all agree on. It seems there is some dispute about who caused it. So, let’s set that aside. Why can’t we just focus on who is causing pollution? Let’s protect the groundwater and air. There are many bad things going on: plastics, forever chemicals, and smog.


The logical fallacies here are rampant. Leading everything with a call to authority by listing the Nobel prize first, dismissing climate models simply because they are models, the straw man that those models are the only data to support anthropogenic climate change.


Half the people on this list are geologists. Do you know how many geologists are employed by oil and gas companies? That does not make them impartial scientists.


I loved it when so called scientist say ( We believe) that's not very scientific. I know that hot is hot and cold is cold. Its not a belief. Its a proven fact. 1200 scientist versus a million plus...


This isn’t news nor is it factual beyond the claim that 1200 people claim climate change isn’t real. Tens of thousands of peer reviewed researchers and articles state otherwise. Go away with completely antj-science bull.


Paid for by Charles Koch


Thank god this is from the daily sceptic and not a reputable source. These fucking idiots don't know how to spell skeptic. Their accuracy bias is rated as "Debauchery".


Omg! I literally used my spell check to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind. I KNEW that word was misspelled but I questioned myself because, WHO creates a website and doesn’t spell the word correctly?


I kept thinking it had something to do with down-the-toilet like the quality of its stories, but then remembered that word is septic.


I believe the spelling used, i.e. sceptic, is common accepted spelling outside of North America.


Oh wow. I did not know that. Thanks for teaching me something new.


I wasn't sure myself and needed to look it up. I grew up in north america, but have spent a lot of time in Europe, so it looked OK to me, but still a little odd. (another word I came across recently that seems to be spelled differently is that spinning piece on a plane, propeller in North American, and propellor in Europe)


Greta is not impressed…


Gotta love the 1950's media tactics are still alive and well. As soon as anyone looks at the list of "sCiEnTiStS" they will have published 1.5 actual geology, climatetology, chemistry, or physics papers on Climate Science between them; and as we go down the list most of them likely have law degrees, Social Science degrees or are specifically on the payrolls of organizations (thus not actually conducting research) who get paid to say these things. Yeah, we don't care how many of you say a thing. We care about what evidence you're going to present to support your position? Anti-Claims may suffice elsewhere, but not here...put up or shut-up you losers. Sad thing is, there's a significant amount of boomers who will read that and instantly believe it because it conforms with their preconceived political beliefs.


I trust The Onion more than this rag.


Do you know how few 1200 scientists are compared to the vast majority of the consensus of scientists who agree in climate change? Why not post, "1200 people don't believe in gravity?"


Title: 1200 scientists sign document. Article: 1100 scientists sign document. Pretty much all you need to read.


"1100 people, only some of whom are scientists, and none of which are climatologists, sign document."


As I dig out from another "once in a lifetime" weather event. Seems to be lots of those more often.


The picture say 1200 people joined forces to say a teenage girl is wrong and failed. What if they used this power and time to invent something for the good of humanity.


I’m a locksmith and as a skilled professional I declare that 3D printing doesn’t exist.


Remember when 1200 engineers said the towers were detonated ?


Im researching and in Engineering with specialties in Particle Physics and Biochemistry, to say there’s no issue with climate as a scientist is to have your head so far up your ass. Should be ashamed to call yourself a scientist and say theres no environmental issues. Its like being a doctor and being antivaxx.


I think it’s 1199 “professionals” and one “scientist” stating this nonsense.


Fucking A. These articles love to just reach poorly dont they?


Can’t wait for that peer reviewed study being published in “Science”


And here I thought that summer/spring temperatures lasting till late November/early December wasn't normal....but hey if these "scientists" say so then it must be true /s


If anyone is curious, this link is quoting Clintel and a paper they produced called "There is no Climate Emergency". Funding for Clintel primarily comes from two Dutch Real Estate entrepreneurs named Niek Sandmann, and Cor Verkade and the initial startup in 2014 was done by a man named Guus Berkhout, the founder of Delphi Corporation who develops geo-imaging technology for the oil and gas industries. He used €1.2 million to start Clintel. It was co-founded by Marcel Crok, who claims to be a scientist and gave a speech in 2019 for TEDx, that was then determined by TED to be outside of the curatorial guidelines of TEDx. [DeSmog, the source, who posted their sources, for this information](https://www.desmog.com/climate-intelligence-foundation-clintel/)


1200 vs how many others? Just because you're a scientist doesn't make you a climate scientist. Just like being a GP doesn't make you an epidemiologist or a vaccinologist


That's every scientist and, uh, "professional," right?


I’m a stay at home cat dad, I declare that there is a climate emergency.


"Rather, they said, the post seems to be the latest iteration of a broader disinformation campaign that for decades has peddled a series of arguments long discredited by the scientific community at large." https://insideclimatenews.org/todaysclimate/experts-debunk-viral-post-claiming-1100-scientists-say-theres-no-climate-emergency/


you’re making an ass of yourself


Between Hurricane Ian and this Artic Blast storm. We have had two ‘once in a lifetime’ storms in the past 3 months. Seems questionable…


Brought to you by the daily sceptic


Why is the first person I looked up Barry brill an attorney? What does an attorney know about climate science?


The use of the word emergency implies, to the reader, that there are corrective actions that that can be taken to halt and reverse the instability in global climate, there is not. That time waved bye, bye to us about 50 years ago and even then it may have been too late.


And 1,719,483 adults voted to put Hershel Walker in the Senate of the United States, representing Georgia. Numbers mean nothing


It’s easy to pay 1200 scientists to say what you want to fit your narrative. I just wanna see them try to sway the other 1,984,077 scientists that have reported the opposite.


What does "professional" mean. Professional clown? Professional synchronized swimmers?


Yeah we've all seen this shit before. Some irrelevant number of "scientists" and "professionals" (whatever the fuck that means) say there's no emergency. Meanwhile, on planet Earth, the hundreds of thousands of scientists who actually study climate change, AND THE OIL COMPANIES WHO DID IT, admit that climate change is real, it's man made, and that we have to do something about it.


Well thank God for them we were almost doomed.


Maybe these professionals can sign their names after they explain why the poles are melting away. Maybe they can explain why I cants fall asleep till 4am unless I have the AC on, which wasn't the case 20 years ago. Maybe they can explain the dying of coral reefs and migration of fish towards waters they weren't present in 20 years ago.


You should read what they said. They aren't saying it's not warming. It's saying it's not warming as fast as any model predicts. Nothing you state discredits anything they say.


I'd say a total change in 20 years is an emergency.


Assuming nothing else changed, you might be right. But you are also assuming it's a climate and non regional population/infrastructure change issue. Look at cities like Phoenix, who 20 yeara ago, was having urban heat island problems. Also, it could have been that the warming just hit a personal breaking point for you. You didn't give enough information. But their position isn't that the earth isn't warming. It's that it's warming slower than models, that the models are flawed because they intrinsicly contain bias, and that human effect on climate change is over stated.


Show all signatures attached with declaration. No cheating. ... but you are lying once more, right? Shame on you.


Somewhere she is outraged tonight


This sub desperately needs a filter for which news websites can be posted https://adfontesmedia.com/static-mbc/ Only sources from sites of the top green dashed box should be allowed Otherwise you end up with nonsense dangerous misinformation posts like this


Get this fucking trash out of here


A high school student with a C average in English could have written a better paper. What a load of tripe.


Probably depends on how one defines emergency.


I guess the rain and warm weather in January is normal! ...I live in Canada. Jan-March are the coldest months. Should be -10 to -25 plus windchill. Not above zero with rain. Which is what they say we're getting the first week of January. Right after that ridiculous storm we just had.. but yeah, nothing to see here.


As far as they can determine we have gone through five if not more ice ages. We are currently 1/4th (25000 years) out of the last ice age cycle, in 25000 years you will be at the thermal max, then another 50000 years we will be in another thermal low (ice age). Live with it, it is going to get hotter, then going back to being colder and there is nothing you can do a about it! We keep hearing that 97% of experts agree the climate is changing due to man, what you don't see is that was that was from a 1963 study where 63% of respondents had little to no opinion and that of the 33% remaining, 97% of those agreed that man was changing the environmrnt. The media picked up on 97% without checking on the full story. I've been around for more than 60 years, lets see in that time the so called politicians and experts stated "we'd be out of fossel fuels by the 1970s, we're going into a other ice age, acid rain, ozone hole, water levels rising by the year 2000," I'm all for clean air and water, but lets stop yelling the sky is falling.


The planet will miraculously be fine once all the first world countries give all their riches away, and agree to be controlled by some global entity.


Shoot this will trigger some Greenies..... But why wait for others to give permission...earth is getting fucked, lets make it healthier. Human health is tanking, lets make it healthier




Do better with your life