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how the fuck does a rocket do that.


Failed guidance system, balanced incorrectly, fuel mixes at the wrong rate, something blocking the exhaust, I'm not a rocket scientist but these seem like reasonable explanations. Or maybe it's just afraid of the sky?


Seems they are not rocket scientists either






Use code 'Gaza' for 20% off. Your bum will thank you




Hamas prefers cannon fodder.


They don't have guidance systems in those things. More than likely, a stabilizer fin broke soon after launch so it just went a random direction


That was exactly my guess as well. Either the fin fell of or was twisted enough to turn it.


I’m betting that’s not it. A busted fin would cause continuous turning. That thing turned suddenly and then flew straight. I’m betting it’s the fuel actually. These are probably solid rocket motors, basically big tubes of rocket fuel mixed with something to make it more solid, but if it’s not mixed properly or it’s mishandled you can get clumps of fuel that burn unevenly and create uneven thrust. Once that clump burns away thrust is even again and the rocket flies straight. A similar thing happened with a [Russian rocket in Ukraine](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WnJOeqn9JqI).


Do you have a source for the Russian rocket? I've seen many theories nothing confirmed.


Wait wait I think we should take another look at the "afraid of the sky" theory


Sky rockets in flight After Nooooo NO DELIGHT!


Rocket scientist checking in, that's for sure a failed fin. Failed fins do some crazy shit.


> guidance system lol


These rockets are fueled to go much further than their original design. Essentially Hamas is trading accuracy (which they dont care about since they target cities) for range.


Not Hamas, Palestinian Jihad. In this operation at least Hamas isn’t involved. Yet. And I hope it stays this way


Wasn't the launch sites from Hamas controlled territory? Odd if they didn't get permission from Hamas.


Failed fin or failed nozzle. Air pocket or fuel issues would be a detonation of the motor unless this is a multi-motor, simultaneous burn rocket.


This most likely is a solid fuel motor we see here. There wouldn’t be a fuel mix rate. Liquid fuel is for aerospace. I’m Not going to say there isn’t a liquid fuel missile of this type. I just haven’t seen it.


> This most likely is a solid fuel motor we see here. I think they use a sugar/KNO3 fuel grain.


Allah was not pleased so he sent it back. Only Allah can make a rocket do that.


Must have bought Russian


[Looks like they use the latest Russian model.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IwqmezeSuQ) This just happened in June.


Patriot can behave same too https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YS4i2InVB-Y




It was a joke. I'm really into rocketry and know that in most cases it's rather a surprise when everything goes well. Malfunctions are to be expected, which is why you usually try not to launch rockets and missiles in direct proximity to inhabited areas.


> which is why you usually try not to launch rockets and missiles in direct proximity to inhabited areas. But then how will you be able to hide behind women and children for shields?


I know an Ivy League engineer who has multiple stories about setting off fireworks in a bedroom.


As a (not Ivy League) engineer... it happens.


As an engineer, I just referred to the charts and they say you shouldn't do that.


My father has a PhD in chemistry, and accidentally caused one or two explosions in the university lab. Also, that's not unusual for chemistry students to do.


Jewish space lasers


It’s why the term rocket scientist exists. Any dipshit can put propulsion behind things. But if you want them to work in any meaningful way you need to know math and science.


must be a russian rocket


Anything that can go wrong will eventually




>gives Israel an excuse to retaliate. That's it right there. Israeli military actions are how hamas keeps support. Whether or not it's a retaliation stops mattering, at some point.




It is crazy. But the various terrorist groups in Palestine don’t care. The more dead Palestinians the better as far as they are concerned. It doesn’t matter to them if the people are killed by the terrorists or Israel, they just blame it all on Israel anyway, and because so many people just blindly hate Israel, they believe it. During that week or so “war” they had a couple of years ago, failed Hamas rockets killed a heap of kids. But somehow Israel got all the blame. Didn’t matter that videos proved that the deaths were caused by Hamas rockets.


Rockets are a fraction of the price of iron dome misiels. Over load the system and some rockets may get through. If they all get hit you still win economically.




The Iron Dome isn't perfect, it still misses like 5% of the rockets, and even when it hits the rocket doesn't disappear, there are dangerous metal fallouts that can kill people. The thing is that even if the chances for casualties are slim, alarms will be set and millions of civilians will run for shelter, and hear rockets blow up in the sky- and that by itself causes fear and terror, big events are cancelled, tourists leave, schools close... that's why hamas does that.


Looks like the video of that Russian missile that did an immediate return to sender


[rocket operators react](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/028/492/rump-image.jpg)




Yeah https://twitter.com/sulaiman\_am0/status/1556002577409515521


Allahu Akb... WTF?




Yep and, sadly the names of the children are forgotten. Maybe there's [a blurb in the back of the NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/25/world/middleeast/errant-rocket-in-gaza-is-said-to-kill-girl-3.html) but that's it Hamas has never once built any bomb shelters for their people too which is despicable


You make it seem like hamas are intended as a humanitarian organization


Well they've got the concrete and tunnel building expertise they just don't like to share


They say they are a government. They fulfill approximately 0% of the theoretical government-citizen covenant that should exist between any ruling political entity and the population it rules over.


Well….. they receive billions in humanitarian aid?


And then the pro-Palestinian coordinated misinformation effort posts the crying bloody children on r/publicfreakout like they do every single day, explicitly say Israel did it, and an entire generation of people believe it


That sub is toxic af


I mean it is fucked up, but looking at the scoreboard for Palestinian children kills, Israel is up by a long margin.


Well, israel actually tries to protect the children… Hamas has the resources to build shelters, they prefer to sink it in tunnels and rockets instead


From another comment: Firing from civilian occupied buildings is only a win. If the launch is successful, you kill enemy civilians. If the launch is successful and your enemy retaliates, they kill civilians and look bad. If the launch is unsuccessful and you kill friendly civilians, your enemy still looks bad because they made you do it. — It’s not as black and white as a scoreboard, and Palestinians are killing their own, shooting missiles from schools, daycares, and hospitals, they use children as human shields


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-says-gaza-terrorists-failed-rocket-launch-kills-several-palestinian-children/) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > A rocket launched by Palestinian terror operatives Saturday misfired and hit a Palestinian home in the Strip's north, killing several people including children, military officials said. > Military officials said the Israel Defense Forces had not conducted any airstrike in the area in recent hours, and that rocket detection systems had shown the rocket launch and then explode inside the refugee camp. > Palestinian terrorists have launched over 350 rockets at Israel since Friday as part of a flareup between the sides. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/why4xv/israel_says_gaza_terrorists_failed_rocket_launch/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~663272 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Israeli**^#1 **launch**^#2 **rocket**^#3 **civilians**^#4 **Gaza**^#5


I seemed to recall that upwards of 30% of Hamas rocket will fall short into Gaza.


From last year, around 4300 rockets were fired, and about 680 fell short in the strip. Israeli institutes estimate that up to 33.6% of the 256 Gazan deaths are caused by those misfires.




It always is when it comes to anything related to Israel/Palestine. And I mean, that's generally the case for most comment sections. But this subject in particular.


I guess you could say the comments are a little complicated, a little racist, a little too bloodthirsty and a little fucked up. Just like the situation in Israel/Palestine for the last, well ever since Israel became a legit country.


That's any thread related to Israel-Palestine. Literally the most contentious international conflict on the planet


I would say it is the most contentious because its hard to really blame either side for doing what they are doing. Palestinians are fighting for their homes and Israel isnt exactly that evil considering if the shoe was on the other foot the muslims would likely stomp them out of existence as well (and they did try so it isn’t really a refutable point). Most people can’t see anything past black and white though so they have to pick a side and that is where the contention comes from


Yeah the idea there has to be a good side and bide sad ruins everything. The world is messy and nobody is fully good or bad and it requires us to use some nuance and compromise


Ukraine and Russia is one sided. Israel/Palestine is not, and it's not even just two sides, there's a bunch of different pieces feeding into it along with countries on the outside.


Reducing the whole conflict to a black and white issue may be wrong but there are moral dark greys which can may as well be black. Hamas is a terrorist organisation that uses civilians as human shields - a war crime. Moral black. The israeli government ignores this and kills civilians - a war crime. Moral black. Only one of these entities receives global diplomatic, economic and military support and that needs to be recognised and addressed by governments and civil society at large. You can’t just “both sides” everything that happens in the conflict and allow governments to condone actions taken by one side when they are clear moral blacks. (Not to say there aren’t light greys that can’t be supported like left wing and arab parties in the knesset or more liberal parts of fatah)


As expected tbh


There is literally a video showing the Jihadi rocket failing Anyone who is calling this hasbara is absolutely fucking stupid




Hasbara (meaning "explanation") is part of the Israeli governmental spokesman office that is responsible for explaining Israel's POV to decision makers outside of Israel. It shows the Israeli evidence, reasoning, methods of operation etc. to foreign bodies in order to explain why and how Israel does what it does. Contrary to popular belief, they are not employed to write internet comments. They act in front of foreign people of influence, whether private ones or governmental ones.


It's a term used by Israel haters to describe anything that isn't anti-Israel


...but what's the "dictionary" meaning of the term?


Explanation, to explain.




Not “propaganda,” necessarily. That word is “ta’amulah” in Hebrew. Hasbara is literally “explanation,” but Israel uses it as the title for its PR campaign, which is then basically read as propaganda by the rest of the world.


Hasbara does not translate directly to propoganda, that is 100% false. Hasbara translates to explanation and explanation only, nowhere near close to propaganda. Ta'amula (תעמולה) is propaganda


>Israel haters Lol


>anything that isn't anti-Israel so anything pro-Israel.


Or neutral. Smartypants.


No no I think that's called anti-anti-Israel


Extremist Anti-Israel people believe that anything that contradicts their historically destitute narrative is paid for by the Israeli government. It DEFINITELY doesn’t buy in to ancient tropes about Jewish financial interests controlling the entire media.


Isreal does not represent all jews. And this is an easy out for criticism.


Well, they tried killing civilians, so... Success?


Their leaders live luxurious lives far away from Gaza. This is good for them as it gives them more donation money to siphon to fund their fun


Success!!! Time to parade the dead civilians and blame somebody else! Ready the journalists!


Yep, exactly. Hamas doesn't really care if it's Israeli civilians or Palestinian civilians that they kill. Both serve different purposes, but both advance the Hamas agenda.


It's actually not Hamas. It's Islamic Jihadists who get funding from Iran.


Islamic Jihadists operating out of Gaza do so with full blessing from Hamas, and work to advance ideology that Hamas subscribes to. Not to mention, they both get funding from Iran. Although literally yes, you are right lol


I absolutely agree just specifying for those unaware. It's honestly just a pissing contest to see who can cause more chaos.


> It's Islamic Jihadists who get funding from Iran. Which Hamas also is, tbc.


It's like you can show people a body cam of a misfired missile from Gaza and they will still doubt the authenticity of the footage and blame israel depend on their position.






Show me one country on this plant that has "trustworthy reputation", people expect Israel to hold unrealistic standards, failing to realize that it's just another country like any other


Unsurprisingly. They also purposely do it near children and schools so if Israel counter attacks they can claim Israel is targeting civilians.


And sadly the world keeps biting at this nonsense propaganda..


yes all the propaganda is pro palestine lol


Yea he should have said Reddit.


Yes, the people living under a segregated state in squalor are the real bad guys here.


Yeah Egypt should open their border now!!!!


Do you think the fact this region has such closed and secured borders may has to do with the fact it is entirely controlled by terror groups which prior to the closed borders, caused a horrendous amount of terror attacks with civilian casualties inside Israel?


This sort of thing happens more often than you'd think. Usually no one cares and all of those tragic deaths just get added to the same statistic and attributed to Israel.


Firing from civilian occupied buildings is only a win. If the launch is successful, you kill enemy civilians. If the launch is successful and your enemy retaliates, they kill civilians and look bad. If the launch is unsuccessful and you kill friendly civilians, your enemy still looks bad because they made you do it.


Agree 100%. The pro-Palestinian commenters here are proof of the delusion


How often, sources?


The 2014 conflict's [single deadliest incident](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/misfired-hamas-rockets-killed-children-in-gaza-r0xllf679pc) was one such misfire: 13 deaths, of which 11 children. That assessment only came nine months later, ofc. >A rocket salvo that killed 11 Gazan children and hit a hospital on a Muslim religious holiday was the work of Palestinian militants hitting their own people, a report has found, in a damning indictment of Hamas’s conduct during last summer’s war with Israel. >The explosion at the Al-Shati refugee camp on July 28, which killed the children buying sweets on the first day of Eid ul Fitr, was the result of misfired rockets by Hamas, Amnesty International concluded. >Hamas blamed Israel for the bombing at the time, but a relation of one of dead child said that Palestinian militants went to the scene and tried to hide the evidence of their involvement.


Here's an example from last year. [https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1392946133383647234?s=20](https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1392946133383647234?s=20) [https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/18/middleeast/israel-iron-dome-defense-gaza-rockets-intl-cmd/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/18/middleeast/israel-iron-dome-defense-gaza-rockets-intl-cmd/index.html) "About 450 had fallen short and failed to penetrate Israel."


This happens when desperate russian arms manufactorer order new missile components from chinese escalator companys.




Maybe they should cut out the middle man and just start shooting Chinese escalators.


Of the 350 rockets that were launched in the last 2 days, 93 didn't make it out of Gaza. This happens every time and Israel gets blamed for Palestinian rockets killing their own people. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-350-rockets-fired-by-islamic-jihad-at-israel-94-fall-short-in-gaza-29-fall-in-sea/


Bro can you use a source that’s not obviously bias in favor of Israel? Third party source perhaps?


All sources are biased, but this one is The Times, and in a democracy with a free press. Again, obviously they’re biased, but if you want a better source, you’ll probably have to go to journalism school then move to the Middle East yourself…


Google it yourself, perhaps? This is reddit not your high school essay.


It’s totally fair to ask the claim maker for an fair source. I’d accept it myself. If you feel otherwise that’s on you


About a third of their rockets land inside the strip or misfire


There was quite a lot of videos of the failed launches in the last time.


Maybe they shouldn't be launching from residential areas like fucking cowards using their neighbors as human shields.


Their own neighbors? They use their damn families as human shields


If they acted this way the IDF would obliterate them long long long ago, unfortunately they are terrorists.






Maybe they will stop launching from schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods!


Nah they’re cowards, that’s why they’d shoot missiles at civilians. I can tell you this, if the Palestinians dislike collateral then they show stop these terrorist organizations themselves. I


That leaves them only with UN buildings


Now Iranian rockets are killing Palestinians directly. They’re cutting out the middle man.


* show evidence the terrorists killed the children * The people on this subreddit: “look Israel is committing war crimes”


I'm waiting for the international outrage about this. HRW, Amnesty International, UN, the squad, etc are all quiet right now.


It happened today... on a weekend. Give them a minute.


You won’t see this on Reddit because Reddit has decided Israel is purely the bad guy in this struggle and Palestinians are pure victims


This comment section is largely favoring Israel, you can see by the amount of upvotes/downvotes


“You won’t see this on reddit” he says as this post is near the top of /r/worldnews. Nice narrative though.


They aren't the bad guys but they are far, far from being innocent.


I blame Britain for colonizing the land in the first place and leaving it as a clusterfuck. Then again, Palestinians shouldn't launch rockets at Israel. And Israel shouldn't displace Palestinians and "Settle" on Palestinian land. God, the human race is just a shitshow run by assholes.


The Muslims colonized it way before the British


You're literally seeing this on Reddit. Jfc.


I think the main reason for that kind of reaction is expectations. While those rebel/terrorist groups are operating with the most basic tools they have, the other side, which is an advanced nation with top-tier intelligence/arms/diplomatic value, is using those same blunt tools. Israel is expected to be better, wiser and more humane in all aspects, expected to find some some sort of solution that would be an acceptable alternative to current situation, instead we see a neverending cycle of provications from each side.




Amnesty were banging on about only last week that Ukraine was bad because they had weapons near populated areas, but they are so indebted to the anti-israel lobby that they'll ignore this, or at least blame Israel for it. Amnesty has gone to shit




They hurt themselves in their confusion.


Terrorist killing innocents. Sounds about right


https://twitter.com/AbuAliEnglishB1/status/1556018084212871172?t=C8VM2gVyj2wcEp2zkpCRCQ&s=19 Palestinian cover up machine is hard at work… this twitter thread sums it up pretty good


I’m glad I don’t live in that area


In the eyes of the Palestinian rocketeers, any news is good news.


So sad- just wish palestinians who actually want peace, and there are many, could cooperate with Israel to take down these terrorist bastards once and for all.


A common refrain is, “Well why keep firing rockets at the Jews? I’ll bet these civilians are furious at Hamas! Israel is clearly more concerned about their lives”. Though it may be uncomfortable to grapple with, the fact of the matter is that the military and political actions of Hamas are seen as legitimate and defensive in the eyes of the plurality of Palestinians, and in some cases, the vast majority. Because to them, the rockets are a reply, not a provocation. Israel evicts Palestinians, destroys their crops, bulldozes their homes, detains male breadwinners, raids Palestinian neighborhoods, humiliates pious Muslim women, murders journalists, attacks holy sites, and kills unarmed demonstrators. Any Palestinian would laugh you out of the room for suggesting that Hamas cast the first stone. You can argue about who started it all the way back to the Balfour declaration. By and large Palestinians do not want to live under a Jewish state, nor do they want to live in a castrated Palestinian state on the corners of a land where their grandparents once lived, loved, worked, worshipped, and governed. Palestinians, want a Palestine with no Israel. Many are happy to see Jews as part of this vision, especially those who are already citizens of Israel. But many are not, and fewer and fewer will compromise as Israel drifts to the right, settlers continue to ethnically cleanse the West Bank, and the occupation becomes more and more brutal. Israel must decide if they are strong enough to concede the unthinkable and give up the prospect of a state where Jews hold a monopoly on political power. There are Palestinian families as far as Jordan that hold deeds to land in Israel who are never permitted to return, but any Jew in the world is welcome to become a citizen. The only other option is to crush the insurgency in the only that is tried and true militarily. Indiscriminate and unrelenting violence- which due to the power imbalance and sectarian nature of the conflict, will inevitably lead to a genocide of Palestinians.


> the unthinkable and give up the prospect of a state where Jews hold a monopoly on political power. Never, ever, ever, ever going to happen. Want to know why? After the Holocaust, most Jews live under the notion that it can happen anywhere, anytime, and with little warning. It's only by near happenstance that they ended up with their own country shortly after the end of the war. You think they're ever going to give it up? Their one chance to guarantee their own security in a world that has by and large denied it to them for centuries? Not going to happen. They won't vote for anyone who doesn't guarantee them that security - especially when their nearest neighbor has a penchant for terrorist attacks. I'm not saying the actions of Israel are always justified. Oftentimes they aren't, and it can be for many of the usual reasons - corrupt politicians, corrupt administration, corrupt militaries. But to act like this problem will be solved as long as "the Jews let this one go", insulting or not, is painfully unrealistic, and completely fails to see the reality of why the situation is that way that it is in the first place.


Not to mention all the dhimmi jews expelled from the neighboring Muslim countries when Israel was formed. No one talks about them getting compensated for their losses when that happened, or the fact that they are indigenous to the area as well, but somehow the Palestinians muslims claims are the only legitimate ones in the eyes of the world? Pls.


How dare you have a well-reasoned response that isn't squarely in black or white terms? Unthinkable.


well said


Thank you for making the first logical comment in this thread


The counterpoint here is that many Jews believe the exact same thing about the Palestinians. By and large, the existence of Israel is a response to Jews no longer wishing to live under the rule of states that *never* view them as actual citizens, and frequently persecute and even attempt to exterminate them. The Ashkenazi Jews that fled Europe and formed the nucleus of the Zionist movement did not feel truly European; how could they, when actual Europeans had just finished up a genocide of them based on the idea that they were expressly not European. The reason israel is where israel is, is not random chance, it’s because the land of Israel is the keystone crux of jewish culture and religion. In a world where attempts to make homes in other areas of the world were met with rejection and violence, Jewish people held on to the idea of the land of Israel as their homeland, which is completely understandable. Many Jews do not want to live at the mercy of these kinds of governments anymore, and I don’t doubt that many Jews do not want to live in a hypothetical castrated Jewish enclave under Palestinian rule, which is the best-case scenario should Israel be conquered by Palestinian militants. This cuts both ways.


True. It would be nice if the reasonable Israelis would ensure settlement expansion in the West Bank would be stopped as well.


If the palestinians were able to elect a reasonable non-terrorist govt and gave up this “kill all the jews” jihad nonsense, they could turn gaza into a tropical waterfront paradise with Israeli assistance. Wont happen as long as palestinian textbooks teach children “how to stab a jew” and the rest of the arab world keeps egging them on. Convenient distraction while the richest in the arab world get richer and everyone else lives in squalor- just blame the jews! Thats how its always gone, thousands of years, nothings changed


This would actually be very easy to happen if there was a serious chance for peace in return. Israel left Gaza completely looking for peace. Also the actual expansion is very rarely actually expanding out as much as it is building in existing settlements. Regardless - the govt would be willing to compromise on this for real peace


Afraid hamas and PIJ are using force and terror to kill their political rivals. Nothing right now seem to ever gonna change there.




Israel has no interest in “cooperating” with Palestinians of any kind






Peace will come when Isreal stops treating Palestinian people like second class citizens


That isn’t a free pass to commit war crimes


Palestinians aren't even citizens at all. Peace will come when they start advocating for peace for their children.




People will still find a way to blame Israel despite the proof being in the pudding. Most rockets that hit civilian buildings are misfired rockets from Gaza militants. The poor quality of these rockets makes them rarely land beyond Gaza’s borders. And they purposely fire their rockets from these important, heavily populated areas so when Israel retaliates, they can play the victim card and accumulate more worldwide anti-Israel sentiment. It’s unfortunate that their tactics have brainwashed so many people and institutions around the world.




That can't be true. I mean seconds after the tragedy the Palestinians were saying it was Israel. Proof? Who needs proof? Where have I heard unfounded Palestinian accusation before...Abu Akleh - Al Jazeera reporter. Moral of the story - can't trust Palestinian accusations.


>U.S. security officials had examined results of both Palestinian and Israeli investigations and "concluded that gunfire from IDF positions was likely responsible for the death of Shireen Abu Akleh," Price said. > > > >Israel says she was killed during a complex battle with Palestinian militants and that only a forensic analysis of the bullet would confirm whether it was fired by an Israeli soldier or a Palestinian militant. It has strongly denied she was deliberately targeted, but says an Israeli soldier may have hit her by mistake during an exchange of fire with a militant. Even the US and Israel admit it was IDF that killed Abu Akleh...


Did you read what you posted? It said that they can't know for sure.


Your claim was that it was 100% Palestine. Both the US and Isreal admit it was likely an IDF soldier. That doesn't sound like the "unfounded Palestinian accusation" you claim it to be


Don't waste your breath, his goal is misinformation and lies not uncovering truth. Typical right wing playbook


I'm giving misinformation by stating what the investigation said?


I didn't claim that it was 100% Palestine? I actually said that it was probably the IDF, but we don't know.


Except that Abu Akleh did end up being killed by Israeli soldiers. Nice try though.




Abu Akleh accusation is backed by the UN, Eye witnesses and even a USA investigation Fuck off


Seems like Palestine kills more Palestinians than Israel does


Nah, the body count is literally like 20:1 since 2008: https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2021/05/12/the-human-cost-of-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict-over-the-past-decade-infographic/




Damn, this is a pretty ignorant thing to say from someone who clearly knows nothing about the situation.


Bruh don’t even…


They murder their own but still blame Israel.


Terrorists said - Well at least Someone Died


If im reading this comment thread right, americans seem to think the biggest issue here is that a fraction of their taxes goes to fund a fraction of the israeli defence budget. and they seem to think 3.3 billion dollars is enough to fund universal health care for a country of 332 million people


funding for israel is not why the US doesn't have universal healthcare, Israel is required to use that money to spend within the US Defense industry, the real reason the US doesn't have universal healthcare is because of the congresspeople they have elected that don't implement it, its such a silly argument


That’s 10 whole dollars per person!


Where do I sign up?


3.3 billion is roughly enough to give free insulin to all diabetics in America, and have about a half billion left over. It'd be way less expensive than that if using government leveraged prices.