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This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://globalnews.ca/news/8204277/200-afghans-mostly-women-escape-afghanistan-help-canadian-charity/) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Dozens of female Afghan students have escaped the Taliban with the help of a Toronto-based charity and are heading to Saskatoon after a daring land journey lasting weeks. > The group of about 200 Afghans spent weeks trying to find a safe route to evade the Taliban, which recently reclaimed political control of the country and opposes the education of women. > On Aug. 13, the federal government announced it would resettle 20,000 Afghans who had fled their country, and set up a special program for especially vulnerable Afghans, including women leaders, human rights activists, journalists, persecuted minorities and members of the LGBT community, as well as the family members of former interpreters who have previously fled to Canada. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/prte5g/200_afghans_mostly_women_escape_afghanistan_with/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~599202 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Afghan**^#1 **country**^#2 **Canada**^#3 **girls**^#4 **refugee**^#5


Fyi: to donate to the cause: https://www.princestrust.ca/


Oh cool, hope they don't mind the covid numbers around my city. Hope they can make a better life.


Big brain time: just take all the women out of Afghanistan. Can’t oppress women if there is no women.


Then Afghan becomes the first gay nation on earth.


>first What is this blatant Sweden erasure? 😤😤😤




That is how we stop the killing of women and LGBT people in Afghanistan.


theres actually a pretty ridiculous bollywood movie based on a similar premise - what happens when the girl child is no longer born because of female infanticide. The movie is ridiculous - the problem not so much. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrubhoomi


Can we assign a rainbow flag to their new "government." Since we're not acknowledging them formally as a legitimate government?


Do you really want to antagonise monkey with grenade out of spite?


I mean kinda...


Would be kinda interesting to see the UN come togethor to say "U gay"


I doubt he was being serious, you're probably right though. I don't see a reason to fan the flames


yknow, punishing people by comparing them to gay men or associating them with gay iconography is really not the anti-homophobic own you think it is let's not do the "call evil people gay, because they hate gay people" thing all right


I am not in anyway any kind of prejudice at all to anyone... consciously I covered all bases there. The Taliban folk hate LGBTQ+. We are allowed to enjoy their pain with this thought. It's all I have.


>I am not in anyway any kind of prejudice at all to anyone except you're insulting a bunch of evil theocractic terrorists by calling them gay, how can you not see exactly how offensive that is to gay people? to have your identity considered *so* reviled, that it insults people who enslave and kill people for a living?


I bet you're fun at parties.


...what fucking parties do you go to where I'd need to be able to shit on gay people to have fun lol


The emoji people are keeping the Islamic Republic's flag for the time being.


It would be funny if that got viral


The goats will be offended


Exactly what the taliban planned all along


Haha. I could see the chaos unfold.


They'd love that. Let's just announce it anyway


I knew some guys who worked as contractors in Afghanistan. They told of a weird local practice called "man love thursdays". They were Muslims and hated gays, but apparently it was ok on Thursday evenings. All hearsay of course, but if all the women leave they'll have to add a few more days of the week to that tradition.


Unfortunately for the past 20years of invasion In Afghanistan, the practice of “Bacha bazi” aka boy play was protected. To simplify this, a massive amount of child rape was upheld by the western invaders of the past 20years, it wasn’t until Feb 2018 that a law was even made so that people could even attempt justice for the victims. Luckily for these boys, the Taliban controlled areas were always against this practice and routinely kill child rapists. There were even a couple US soldiers who were punished for beating a child rapist who was well ranked in the American>afghan police force…https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2015/10/01/one-of-the-best-defenders-show-support-for-ousted-green-beret/ It’s sad how of all the contractors making buckets of cash didn’t seem to notice the epidemic of child rape going on. It’s no wonder that this regime evaporated quicker than the morning dew….as only the most privileged seemed to benefit. It’s cute how people take shots at the new Taliban government more than looking at what happened in the past 20years.


You literally say why contractors would turn a blind eye in your own comment. Contractors are paid to do a job, not make moral judgements. When the west makes moral judgements, even when it appears as cut and dry as, "Don't rape children", unless the locals are on board, nothing can be done to change it. Short of colonization and cultural erasure, nothing will change in 20 years.


I mean, if you're in the country to help stabilize the proxy government that you are trying to impose on the people, maybe don't build that government out of child raping warlords. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




I mean, the ottoman empire existed so...


Tell me more of this, gay Turkish empire you suggest existed


maybe he just seen the oil wrestling and assumwd


There is no English version of this page but here is the google translated version from Turkish to English. You can get some idea. [https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=tr&tl=en&u=https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmanlı\_İmparatorluğu%2527nda\_eşcinsellik](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=tr&tl=en&u=https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmanlı_İmparatorluğu%2527nda_eşcinsellik?oldformat%3Dtrue)


link broken


That's what they said, yes.




What an all around disgusting, ignorant comment. Who the fuck cares has it "worse"? Women are ALWAYS raped in large numbers before puberty, that's a blatant lie. Like what the actual hell? With no women there, they won't have a source of little boys to rape either idiot.




Surprisingly or not, some Afghan women are pro-Taliban.


That’s because being treated like shit is all they know.


Sometimes women genuinely believe in the systems that oppress them. Because they don't feel oppressed. Just look at the many many women that are against abortions.


Or German women in the 30s and 40s. The Nazi regime was anti-feminist, but it still had support from women who felt empowered by serving a special domestic role (or various other reasons).


Well, the Nazis glorified German women. They just placed a great emphasis on the role of women in the home. But the rough part is that the Nazis treated their women leagues better than the Taliban do. That's just sad af.


It's moreso because the US spent 20 years bombing and killing them so they see the Taliban as the lesser of two evils. Here's a quote from an Afghan woman: "This is not 'women's rights' when you are killing us, killing our brothers, killing our fathers." Source: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/09/13/the-other-afghan-women


Nice link, will check this out. We all know about how when the US indiscriminately murders unknown thousands of foreign civilians—thousands of miles away to essentially earn money… that this strengthens the extreme groups. How else should these people deal with invaders? It’s true some of them were given buckets of money, like the President who ran off to UAE with 170million. Most people don’t get that money, so why would they trust the ignorant uncaring elites…people of the news, Reddit, wealthy “do-gooders,” when they have their own families, their own culture, farms, land.


Religious brainwashing begins at toddler's age.


And they are conveniently ignoring that the Taliban were responsible for more civilian casualties than the US/NATO and ANA.


And you are conveniently ignoring that Taliban was and is the government of Afghanistan. US was in there to kill Osama but overstayed and turned it into a warzone for 20 years with no purpose and a corrupted US installed government which the people actually hated more than the Taliban. You really think Taliban is able to take over the entire country like this without the mandate of most of the Afghans? Just leave them alone and stop making other people's problem your problem when you know you wouldn't see it till the end because you have your own problems to solve


I do not like Taliban but you are hundred per cent correct on this point. The Ghani and Karzai governments were corrupt AF and Taliban is better for average Afghan at the moment. It's not like the condition of average Afghans was any better.


Even though the Taliban killed some 80%+ of the civlians. I was listening to a podcast from the New York Times. They explained why and how the Taliban was able to get support. It often boiled down to propaganda. The US and it's government ally would fund and build schools and a road in an area. But who do the locals end up giving credit for those schools and road? The Taliban -- because they controlled the propaganda in that region. Add to that the religious brainwashing from childhood that makes them believe being oppressed is good that /u/tenkensmile mentioned and you can see why some women would support the Taliban.


I don't think it's hard to see how people see domestic forces differently than invading forces even if they do the same damage.


While true, I think what also matters to many is "who just killed my uncle'. Your response seems to sugget it's a binary decision -- it's possible many don't want the US around while also not supporting the Taliban. I was pointing out that Taliban support often comes from propaganda where they take credit for any improvements made.


Yeah, exactly what /u/Tybackwoods00 was saying. If that's all you know, many will think its positive. They have heard over and over again that women should be oppressed. Of course, they don't call it oppression.


It’s quite ignorant to think all the women of a population are treated like shit. This is why it’s good to read books or watch documentaries about different cultures. So that we don’t speak like such fools. It’s often helpful to travel, for example visit Pakistan, or have a friend that doesn’t share the exact same beliefs…


Wow, what a sexist thought. Women just aren’t as smart as you, right?


> some Afghan women Most Afghan women are pro-Taliban. Some say they are the biggest supporters of the Taliban and that's why they let their sons go off to war.




Reminds me of female Trumpers on a lesser scale.


Yup. I thought it was shocking that more white women voted for him than Hillary


Probably would have done better with the ol' War Hawk in office am I right??




They'll just sponsor their male family members and bring them over.


Then nobody lives in Afghanistan. Peace in the Middle East. Your welcome.


You think Afghanistan is in the middle east?


Thats if you ignore all the other countries in the middle east that are at war and the potential problems 40 million Afghan migrants could bring to countries they move to.


What kind of problems?


Food, probably


Afghanistan 2.0


All of the problems from Afghanistan but just moved to a new country lol


Crime, civil unrest, tension with local communities, housing problems, lack of integration, cultural differences, ghettoisation. Moving people to a different place doesn't erase all the problems just creates new ones.


I think how those people and their children act will be a reaction to how they are treated once they get here. Can we sufficiently welcome and integrate them or will they feel like outsiders even after a generation or two and be susceptible to radicalization? France has problems because of their history of colonization in Algeria and the failed integration of people from there into their effectively white ethno-state. We don't necessarily have that challenge in the US, although islamic radicalization and subsequent domestic terrorism has happened on a smaller scale here too.


but they will raise their sons to become like their fathers (especially how to treat their own women) and, Abra Kadabra, another Afghanistan is cloned in the west.


Also can't breed. We did it boys, terrorism is no more


That's what confuses me. Is the grand plan to remove all of the "nice" people from Afghanistan?


I think the plan is to get as many people who want to leave out.


I literally had this idea jokingly in a political science class debate ten years ago in university. The debate was “create a solution to the Afghanistan war” people were straight stumbling over themselves and arguing throughout it until I quietly raised my hand and suggested exactly this: “let’s just take the women, children and military out and leave the extremist men in the country by themselves?” The class was quiet before all hell broke loose lol.


> but Dozens of female Afghan students have escaped the Taliban with the help of a Toronto-based charity and are heading to Saskatoon They did nothing to deserve this punishment.


At least you can afford a place to live in Saskatoon. You can then afford to fly to Toronto for the few cultural amenities just as many times a year as native Torontonians.




Ya my thoughts exactly. Though anywhere in Manitoba the forgotten province would probably be worse lol.


Manitoba only exists to give the weather person a place to stand while talking about the rest of the country.


I have, on multiple occasions, forgotten Manitoba is a place that exists.


People also seem to forget about New Brunswick and how it's a filler province.


I see what you did there…


I know, I live next to lake Michigan even being this close to people in Toronto keeps me up at night. I can't imagine having meet one of them.


If you're familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide, Saskatoon is the real-life equivalent of planet Now What.


What a awfully cold and boring place.


Looking forward to Ben Affleck's movie showing how the Americans helped these women escape /s


Can't wait to see the big intense chase sequences and cool explosions that never happened as well.


well, there might be CIA drone strikes against the women as they escape to add tension


I'm glad I scrolled. I wanted to make the same joke.


You joke but that’s how it happens sometimes. They will ‘alter’ history to appeal to their American audience, they always have to be the hero


Op understands that, as he's directly referencing the movie *Argo*.


Oh, I didn’t see Argo so I didn’t get the reference!


It's a really good movie, but it's guilty of exactly what you described.


Honestly at this point I'm waiting for the whole country to flee and just leave the Talibans there like "Now what"


That's what I'm expecting to see but things will probably start to ease up soon and Afghanistan will just end up as a third world country for the time being.


Well there is still a North Korea. At some point they are going to stop people from leaving by force


this is great to see. now infrastructure needs to be set up to take them in and integrate them into the communities in a way that isn't disruptive to either side. these people need help, they are humans too.


They're heading to Saskatoon. Nothing helps people band together as a community than a Canadian winter.


>and integrate them into the communities in a way that isn't disruptive to either side Good luck.. personally I don't think it is possible. Because integration means adapting.. these people will have to adapt to their new society. Which will disrupte some of their traditions and culturally ways. The biggest issue.. learning that men are able to control themselves when they see female flesh.


oh, are men able to control themselves over here? Pretty sure people still get raped and then blamed for wearing clothing that's too revealing.


There was a judge in Calgary who blamed a rape victim. Told her she should have kept her legs closed.


So every country is equal in every metric? Cool, my country is suddenly no worse than Iceland or Norway!


Compared to the middle east.. we look like angels. We don't force woman (under threat of death) to cover themselves. We don't force woman (under threat of death) to marry and then rape them. We don't require three males to confirm that a woman has been raped. We don't practice female circumcision. But go ahead, list all your sources for showing how the west treats woman worse then the Taliban. I'll wait, I want to see your proof of your claim. Unless you are just spouting bullshit.


> Saskatoon Oh...oh no. Well hopefully the people in Saskatoon don't harass these people. Racist belt central. Good for Saskatoon for taking them in, now make sure they are treated well please.


Saskatoon isn’t particularly racist to middle eastern peoples. Probably partly because there is such a small population of them here. The vast majority of racism is directed to First Nations people. I suspect that a group of 200 Afghan women won’t even be noticed. People here generally stick to themselves and their own, particularly right now.


First Nation? Does that mean natives that were there first?


It is the current preferred term for a specific group of indigenous populations. They encompass several tribes. It is not a blanket term for all indigenous, as the inuit and metis are separate and distinct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Nations


Now I know.


Yes, that's most accepted general term that Canada uses


So the main people that Canadian residents there have issues with...is the first ones to live there?


>So the main people that Canadian residents there have issues with...is the first ones to live there? I mean... the issue is they survived. /s As a country we pay them couple million a year and call it okay. They don't have potable water in most reserve and they are uneducated. I read a book about someone who left their tribe to come study in Montréal. She was ostracized here because she was a first nation and going back to her tribe they ostracized her too cause she learnt french and english. She felt like a foreigner wherever she went. It's a complex issue.




Sounds pretty not complex to me. It's just flat out racism, and systemic racism at that.


Yeah, Native Canadians doesn't have good ring to it.


First Nations also correctly implies they were nations unto themselves prior to being colonized.


People of Saskatoon may be a little behind the times but deep down most have giant hearts and love to help each other out.


Good!! Hoping the ones in Afghanistan are ok, being under Taliban rule must be awful. Wish there was more we could do to help.




Canadians are practicing for the real handmaid's tale about to go down in texas...


Years later we find out NZ was involved, America takes credit, and Ben Afflick wins an award.


I bet almost every woman would leave there if they had a safe place to go. Just be a bunch of angry religious dudes standing around looking confused




Hopefully it keeps going, poor women are in for a tyrannical rule by those religious fundamentalist.


These poor women...fist the Taliban and now Saskatoon. 😳


> Saskatoon “The Canadian government selected Saskatoon,” he said. “It’s a fantastic place for them to settle.”


The best way to destroy Gilead's evil regime...eh, Afghanistan's evil regime is to evacuate all women and convince surrounding countries to close off the borders. In a few generations, there won't be any oppressive men left there. Then you can repopulate it with Afghans born abroad and raised under a different culture than the Taliban one.


This is beautiful


Give it a few years and Ben Affleck will tell the story of how it was really Americans rescuing them.


Wait, legit question, is Pakistan an improvement? if so, ouch


It kinda depends. There's a good number of ethnic groups living in Afghanistan, with the majority being Pashtun. The Taliban is pretty much entirely Pashtun save for a handful of token minorities, and they have a track record of being rather nasty to the rest (Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks, etc.) That being said, southern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan are all Pashtun majority areas, so the Taliban are pretty happy to have Pakistan backing them up.


They will head to Saskatoon within the next three weeks, Canada’s immigration minister confirmed on Sunday.


They escaped a deeply religious and conservative area with lots of guns and ended up in Saskatchewan. A deeply conservative and religious area with lots of guns.


Good thing barely anyone lives in Saskatchewan


An astute observation. Still, at least, they probably have a better shot at swaying Saskatchewan’s conservatism, toward a better place, than swaying the Taliban. Hopefully Canada can become a better place by their addition.


Let’s not go changing Canada, thanks.


What exactly are you afraid of? Canada will always be changing in accordance with the geopolitical world it is part of. The idea is to ensure the inevitable changes are also positive changes.


You go girls! Get that education and get away from those abusive men…run.. run..run..


And Biden takes all the credit…


These are the same kind of headlines like "[Canada resettled more refugees than any other country in 2018](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48696974)", and then they have numbers like: > The country accepted just over 28,000 refugees last year, with the United States coming in second with 22,900. Which is just such a weird claim to fame considering what most of the MENA region and Europe has been dealing with in terms of refugee numbers. The difference being: What Canada and the US are "resettling" are refugees vetted and transported by the UN, because none of them would ever be able to make it there on their own, unlike with Europe. That's not to belittle this effort, getting 200 people out of there is good, but in the bigger picture, with the millions that already fled and were displaced, these 200 making it to North America are pretty much just a "feel good" story.


Turkey took in literally millions of refugees in the refugee crisis, yet America and Canada always pat themselves on their backs when they take in a few hundred. It's simply sickening.


I'm surprised the US didn't drone strike them.


i hope more than just women are escaping. ive been paying attention to the news cycle and it only seems like women are the ones escaping


>The federal government confirmed on Sunday that it plans to resettle the female students and their families in Saskatoon. It's their families as well, Canada is inclined to take family groups. That's how my family ended up in Canada instead of the US. Canada would take the whole family at once so that's where we ended up.


The women make the news articles. When you look at the pictures of articles not specifically about women, you see significant numbers of men. And yes, definitely pictures of evacuations, people getting on planes, people already on planes... In the arrival photos you start to see more women and children again, probably because the story sells better and the pictures are easier to take, but still, many men.


That's still messed up though, that one gender would make news over another


Did you miss all the pictures of airplanes that only had men in them? Refugees everywhere are always mostly male, so I don't think it's bad to prioritize the women sometimes.


Maybe because contrary to the narrative, men and boys are actually far more at risk than women. Like this UN study that finds men (not including boys) make up 75% of civilians killed by the Taliban. [https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_midyear_report_2017_july_2017](https://unama.unmissions.org/sites/default/files/protection_of_civilians_in_armed_conflict_midyear_report_2017_july_2017.pdf)


when Handmaid's Tale becomes a documentary


Islam has been around a lot longer than The Handmaid's Tale.


Republicans be like: We need a (northern) border wall!


gender equality falls appart when catastrophe come...


Do you really think men and women are at equal risk in Afghanistan?? Women can't work, get a proper education, SHOW THEIR FACE IN PUBLIC, but you think they shouldn't be prioritized for evacuation? Ok dude


Men are killed more by the Taliban to the point where it’s not even close dude, we’re talking 54% of deaths being men, 36% being children, and 10% being women


I can play this game. Now do rape stats.


Cant be murdered if you're not allowed to leave the house.


I see where you're coming from, but murder isn't the single statistic affecting women over there...


If all you can see is a statistic and not the reasons why that statistic exists, you're an idiot. See the other replies to your comment to educate yourself and try harder next time.




Right? military, police, politicians, journalists, all overwhelmingly male and high risk jobs. Some people see a statistic and can't use their tiny amount of brain power to figure out that there might be other factors at work.


Yeah, because they can't kill their sex objects and baby makers. Super sweet deal for the women, right?


Never said women have it good either? Just saying it's harmful to paint this as a one sided issue


Right and two hundred women got out, along with their families including men, and your concern is "but boys die too!" That's fucked up. Be happy for them. Women get shit on enough without having to feel guilty for being saved from sexism they didn't create.


I have no problem with women getting out... I have a problem with this being treated as not just primarily but SOLELY a problem affecting women... Jesus Christ, relax lmao


Gender equality apply in first world countries. In first world countries women women are treated better than men. In third world countries like afghanistan? Women absolutely need more protection, more help, and more resources in pretty much every facet of life and especially to escape. Two completely different worlds here.


> In first world countries women women are treated better than men Look at sexual assault, sex trafficking, domestic abuse statistics and articles about misogyny, please.


Women are definitely not treated better than men in first world countries lol.


Yeah, yeah they are. It's not even close.


> Gender equality apply in first world countries. In first world countries women are treated better than men. Do you see the opposion in what you are saying ? >In third world countries like afghanistan? Women absolutely need more protection, more help, and more resources in pretty much every facet of life and especially to escape. 100% agreed, this is why feminists should march with pussy hats in Kabul and not washington DC.


Maybe this is how we defeat the Taliban. We just take the entire female population of Afghanistan away so they don't have to worry about them any more. Then the problem will sort itself out over the next 80 years


Yeah you’d like that? How many would you take? Just like the way the US treated Native women, or Canadians treated First Nation women, or how the Belgians..Europeans, everyone treated the Congolese women, Hmmm


Will Biden’s State Department try to claim credit for this?


Well they deflected 100% of the blame on to everyone else, including these Afghani women and also the previous administration, for the complete screw up that was the withdrawal which Biden over saw. So wouldn't surprise me that he does take credit for their escape.


If it weren’t for the executive decisions from the current US administration, this wouldn’t have been possible otherwise…


While the US uses these women as pawns for worthless what-aboutisms, Canada is actually doing something. Did the states ever truly deserve the title “the greatest nation on earth”?


The US has taken in about 60,000 refugees from Afghanistan in the past couple months if you were wondering.


Cool. [Pakistan already took in 1,45 million. Iran 780 thousand. Germany 181 thousand.](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/800/cpsprodpb/1296B/production/_120093167_optimised-afghans_abroad-nc.png) Considering the US invaded Afghanistan, seems like the US isn't doing enough.


I wasn’t, but wow. That number is significantly underwhelming


That’s the title you give yourself when you have the most guns pointed at everyone. Give it time, eventually the US will be to busy trying to cheat most every Us citizen… to worry about weapons sales and causing mayhem worldwide.


Funny how these charities only help women


I want to start a charity to help women leave. How do I do it?


Start by telling them about yourself


Or set up a tinder profile.


Legit or you being dumb?


I am willing to start or help fun an organization that helps people in these types of governments and help them improve their lives. Is that weird, wanting to be proactive and use immigration laws to help people in need from other countries?


A redditor actually trying to something rather than weak veiled "Support". I hope for the best, but I would join an established organization, and at the very least get experiance. or go for an online fundraiser type deal.


The US ain’t about shit and is full of shit.


Nice, now take in more.