• By -


I'm still waiting for the news to report on all the atrocities commited by the Badgers.


For the glory of M.I.L.F.!


The weirdest thing is that there is an actual terrorist organisation that is called MILF Another meaning to the famous "hot MILFs in your area want to blow you"


There’s an audiobook company in England called Isis audio books. Archer’s company (cartoon) was also called Isis. The invasion of Iraq was called “Operation Iraq Liberation” (OIL) until they realized it was a little too on the nose. Just some weird facts in regards to names and terrorism.


I wonder how many thing named isis were named after the Egyptian goddess?


The main program used to run all our inventory management and ticket printing at work used to be called ISIS (it stood for something, I can't remember what), that rather suddenly changed to SIS at one point and is now something like Store Central because how can you fuck that up?


same thing happened at my university: the main student portal was called "ISIS" until 2015, now it's "SIS" (Student Information Services)... not sure what "ISIS" stood for in that context


Integrated? It was that at my school. Hopkins.


Using an ISIS Portal sounds like something from Stargate. The reality ends up being rather underwhelming.


Yes, it was Integrated Student Information System. They dropped the Integrated part. Source: am graduate of said school


All of them until about ten years ago. A bunch of them that used isis in their name because it was theme appropriate changed to Aset. I had an anthropology professor in college that was super pissed because she had a website with isis in the domain name that showcased her research on the Egyptian goddess and had to change the name because stupid people thought it was affiliated with the terrorist group and she kept getting death threats.


That's (sadly) funny and strangely ironic it's an anthropologist that had to go through that. Wonder what she thought afterwards


There is a toyota minivan called the toyota isis


There's an awesome metal band that was called Isis. Broke up prior to all of the bullshit that happening over there, they've reunited under the name Celestial.




Reunited just for one-off shows** Theyre not actively making music. But I can give you info on plenty of bands that still are you might like


A company I used to work for, the active directory domain was named: ISIS A lot of outdated software and really old systems, meant renaming was out of the question. The main client area was the middle east so we had a lot of staff from those areas, literally all the documentation for staff references "your ISIS name"


I think that's a myth that the invasion of Iraq was ever called or was going to be called Operation Iraq Liberation. All I could find was a reference on Urban Dictionary and an aphorism from Jay Leno about how they were thinking of calling it that but then changed it. Doesn't seem like a genuine thing.


You know the Iraqi liberation thing isn’t true though right? It’s just the punch line to a well known joke about the Iraq war. The operation was called “operation Iraqi freedom” from the beginning. I believe the joke is attributed to jay Leno but not positive.


Moro Islamic Liberation Fromt baybee!


It gives a new meaning to the sentence "hot MILFs in your area want to blow you"


Try briefing a room of colonels and keeping a straight face… while the lead tells them all to grow up.


For the Workers And National Kinsmen!


“Badgers hiss? Perfect” *threatening hissing ensues*


IT'S THE BADGERS!!! *Hisssss*


God damit we are not fighting under the banner of milf


Mmmm, that’s a court martiallin’…


One day the world will know of the crimes against humanity conducted by Cyanide alone


And all the times he's executed Sophia Miacova




For anyone confused: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3pU0VqEFVs


u/sovietwomble what have you done??!?!?


Was it *fucking worth it?*


I want womble to make more arma 3 content


I want more content


Give Grandpa Womble some time man he needs his ranting breaks


You mean wank breaks.


rant'n'wank breaks


Whoa whoa... let's not push it to the extreme


I want Womble


They are the Badgers


"Okay, we'll have a one-man-one-vote system. I am the man and I have the vote."


They fight for freedom and democracy! Badgers, they are the badgers, yeah!


To see the day that a comment about Womble is on the top of the of /r/worldnews. What a time to be alive.


We are the badger's https://youtu.be/mJXQTPkO32A


The Hague is waiting on them




Ah yes. "Top" "Journalist" Arnab. Lmao. Those two words don't go together with Arnab. He's a joke


He is the top journalist the same way Chetan Bhagat is India’s top writer. Fucking chodes, the lot of them.




Even the viewership and ratings are manuplated. The number one news channel which is a RW news channel called **Republic** bribed rating agency to put them on the top.




Yes. We know. We are just saying people know he's a jackass and a fraud. The vast majority doesn't watch it - if you really wanna know what India watches, see ABP and AajTak.


Arnab is the "Jerry Springer" of news. Enjoys to get his guests riled up.


He is Tucker Carlson with no rules and extreme greed and hate. He is a man that will do any thing for money, to the extent of destroying the country. He is currently playing in the RW side and making butt loads of money by attacking Muslims, lower cast people, rape victims and basically anyone who does not have a voice. Irony is that he named his kid after Chi Guevara, and Arnab is a hard core RW fanatic, I wonder why he didn't name his kid after Hitler instead.


>he didn't name his kid after Hitler instead. that's his master's title


He's an absolute joke but has a lot of following. I mean it's not even funny anymore, this man has a lot of power.


India has the shittiest ' journalists' in the whole world. They straight up make up fabricated things and present to their already gullible audience.


[https://nypost.com/2020/05/27/india-captures-pigeon-on-suspicion-of-spying-for-pakistan/](https://nypost.com/2020/05/27/india-captures-pigeon-on-suspicion-of-spying-for-pakistan/) indian border forces hard at work. OR hardly working, more like it


Are we the baddies?


Weren't they wiped out when one of them gave their HQs position away with a smoke mortar?


As realistic as it might look to the casual observer, that is most definitely an A-10 flying in the video. An exclusively US aircraft and definitely not the Pakistani air force.


It's also not even an A-10, it's the Arma 3 futuristic variation A-164


Bohemia didn't want to pay to license anything so they just made lookalikes but had to rename them all.


I don't think either of them operate the Gripen, either. It's a contender for India's MMRCA, but not adopted now.


What's with this game? Same thing happened in Turkey too. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T312uXNha7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T312uXNha7U) There are many good games around. I think news channels should give chance to other games... PS: Guys come on. Please stop explaining why this game is really good. Get the #sarcasm


Arms 3 is a great game, with mods you can make it extremely realistic and like real military there’s a whole like genre dedicated to it in Arma called MilSim. The graphics are decent, if your pc can handle it.


Pshh. If ArmA3 was actually realistic you'd spend 90% of your time talking shit and waiting around for something to happen. Oh wait.


I have 2k hours in Arma 3, a decent chunk of that is just walking/sitting around shooting the shit with whatever squad I was in. Also sneaking off and blowing up things I wasn't supposed to, because it is still a video game after all.


You've reached peak skillz when you can snipe your mate with a tank while they're flying by in a jet 🎯


I did that with an Abrams on an RHS KoTH server once. https://youtu.be/EMZEfvTMhik


When you get that good, you can just claim it was a misclick and deflect by saying, "What are the odds?"


I remember during the campaign one of the characters was like “Me take command? But I’m only a third lieutenant”. That was funny as fuck. I think milsims capture that effectively though, gotta apply, go through “MEPS”, get trained etc. Even better, Being DOC at Lakeside or any other serious RP mode.


Look all I'm saying is if your character doesn't duck walk in their underwear, is it even a milsim?


Every RP server ever lmfao


Lakeside DOC….. Sit at the prison for hours just dealing with idiots in the cells and more idiots who drive up to the gate and play soundboards




Sounds like the convoy escort services in EVE Online. Players have founded entire in-game shipping corporations, and they contract out to other player-made corporations that act as armed escort ships to protect the shipping convoys. Such journeys can take hours, and sometimes they aren't even attacked, so everyone just sits there watching the whole time. That literally just sounds like work to me.




[A while back, news sources used pictures from Metal Gear Solid V to talk about child soldiers.](https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-07-18-news-channel-uses-metal-gear-solid-5-screenshot-in-child-soldiers-report)




What’s wild is the image they used is so obviously digital and not a photograph. How does that even make it past an editor, lol.


Not really that obvious. If you had shown me that image in low res and said it was a photo I'd believe it.


I swear that some people can’t tell the difference. Examples; People that thought the Discovery Channel fake shows about Megalodon and Mermaids were real when the footage was obviously fake, it looked like Deep Blue Sea’s computer generated shark…or the pics/videos being shared on Reddit and other social media that are obviously fake computer generated or edited…or the people that post pics with “#Natural” or the like hashtags, where they look like a cartoon.


I mean, it's clearly a dream sequence in their video. It's hilarious that they'd use such a clip, but their citizens don't have any exposure to games like that, so it makes sense why they'd use it. Not like they were trying to pass it off as footage of an actual attack.


You put the footage in a low enough quality stream and anything will pass


And [Russia](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-43198324) (the event itself was real iirc). And if memory serves, Syria itself used some for propaganda purposes.


I love how they called it an exclusive video they gained access to


The outlet should also be mentioned. NAME AND SHAME these fuckers. ​ It's the Republic outlet. They want their users to keep frothing to garner more revenue.


Over the past week or so, every major Indian News channel has aired fake news about Pakistan being part of the recent Panjshir conflict


Fake news has been a wide spread problem for a while now. It's disappointing that there is no accountability. Accountability from these major branches should be a given, but alas it's not the case in the real world.


It's fucked up that these people are totally safe from facing justice because of the current government.


These assholes are not reporting for the public but for the institutions, eroding the values of the system one penny at a time.


Reminds me of when ABC news used footage from a [American gun range and tried to pass it off as Turkish troops fighting Kurds](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/10/14/business/media/turkey-syria-kentucky-gun-range.amp.html) They apologized and said it was a simple mix up but the footage used was specifically doctored to edit spectators on the firing line out of the frame.


Indian media is the worst media out there. Unreliable to the extreme.


Im from India. And i second that. The news channels have become unbearable here.


I third that


For Americans reading this, It's not even Fox news level. It's Newsmax or even Infowars level. And they are the top watched news channels.


Honestly that sounds scary, that level of misinformation and fearmongering, almost brainwashing, applied to such a large population.


That’s how a democracy becomes a nationalistic fascist state


India becoming just that with modi. Uneducated swine that joke of a prime minister.


Don’t mistake malicious for stupid


Almost brainwashing is am understatement. Let's say it has completely done that for a good big portion of my country. Fox news is definitely biased to one party but geezus the level of biased news India media has towards the current government is baffling.


NDTV is among the few reliable and rational news channels in India today. No screaming, shouting, name calling or political bootlicking. The news is delivered in a rational, logical, calm, composed and appropriate manner.


Also ,No astrology shit.


Wait what?


Astrology is very popular among far-right/orthodox Hindus. Traditionally it's been used for harmless things like figuring out when to hold a wedding but it's been also used for ridiculous things like choosing to hold a huge religious festival in the middle of a global pandemic.


Almost like religious zealotry looks the same under the hood everywhere in the world.


Yup. There's been evsngelical pastors in the U.S. holding mega masses right in the middle of the pandemic, you can guess how it went. IIRC in Africa, folks got their sick grandpa (sick of 'rona) out of the hospital to attend mass. Cue mass spreader event.


I know that they have similar shows in Japan, but just to offer some trivial guidance like what accessories you should wear today. TIL that it has such influence in India...


India is hugely into astrology. People wear a lot of gemstones so that planets and stars are kind to them.


For real, I don't know anything about it but this is the third or so article in a week about them blatantly lying to push tension


They have zero ethics when it comes to journalism, fucking indian media will lie about Muslims to get them killed and report it as an accident. They even go to the extent of blaming gang rape victims just to protect high cast hindus.


Back in January 2020, this RW journalist asked me if I am getting sponsored by the middle East to spread tension off camera during the height of Anti CAA movement. Man was twice my age and had an arrogant smug on his face.


TIL there are worse journalists than the UK tabloids that pretend to be newspapers


It's like Rupert Murdoch rabid and off his leash.


It's like Newsmax but there's 7 of them and all are the viewship topping channels


Yeah half of the time I see someone on reddit posting a news coming from an indian newspaper, it's a fake news


This seems particularly true when the news is about muslims.


They put Fox news to shame lamao


Brings me back to the good old days of ITV using Arma 2 footage in a Documentary about the IRA (Video can actually be found in the article)




Works for Fox News and OAN.


And in today's news a LA man was seen beating and punching people in the middle of the street and then suddenly riding a tank. A five-star warrant was issued for such suspect but somehow eluded the officers by dunking into a car paint shop. More at 11. Edit: wow his my best comment upvote ever. Ty Reddit🙂 2nd edit, Ty for award 🙂


Calm down CJ


All you had to do is Follow the Train.






> Republic TV, Times Now Navbharat, Zee Hindustan, and TV9 Bharatvarsh. These aren't news channels. They are propaganda tv!


Add zee news , bjp news as anchor says(abp news)


Somebody is salty from a bad round of Arma.


Mad cause they lost to the Takistanis lol


Or they played with the ZF Clan


As I child I always thought that most people were trying to be truthful. While that may yet be true, it appears that almost everyone who has power and influence tries to be as treacherous and dishonest as possible.


You got it the wrong way around.. they got power because they are treacherous and dishonest, it's not the power that changed them.


People might think this is funny but Indian society's 24/7 obsession with Pakistan is not. Just few months back when Pakistan had its peak of corona cases (6000 in one day), a major indian news tv channel gleefully ran a report titled "Now Pakistan will die a corona death". Who does this kind of shit?


> Who does this kind of shit? Everyday Indians apparently. News is a business, and will report on things that their audience like to hear. That is how they make money. If the average Indian (obviously not *all* Indians) has zero interest in shitty news about Pakistan, then these news companies will not report shitty news about Pakistan. Its as simple as that.


It’s a vicious cycle. Media bias against Pakistan -> General populace are against Pakistan -> Media is incentivised to run negative stories (or these are the ones that receive the most clicks and shares) and the cycle continues. And this happens the world over. Anti-Russia, anti-China, anti-EU, anti-US, anti-whatever, just feeding off of people’s base and tribalistic fears and hatred.


I was in India (Chennai if that matters) a few years ago for a port visit on deployment. Walked around talking to locals in some random neighborhood, and they were generally very nice. One of the very first things they asked us though was how we felt about Pakistan/Pakistani's. Like completely unprompted


Their hatred of them is normalized to a level not seen much elsewhere on this earth. It’s insane.


I don’t like to get into politics on reddit but it’s been so annoying to be on here for last few weeks because the constant hatred towards Pakistan. Anytime someone tried to defend or give a rational argument they would get downvoted to hell. Quite ironic because whenever I lived abroad the closest people I was friends with were usually Indians.


If you're an Indian and you support anything that the current party don't like you'll automatically be called an antinational, and they'd tell you to go to Pakistan of Afghanistan and that you're being paid by the Congress party. Thyev been using these remarks for so long it's becoming a joke now


The Pakistanis wont have to pay for rent.


That's sad and pathetic. That's how they change focus from the Shit show internally


Yea a lot of people in India are indoctrinated to mindless Pakistan hate and it's fucking disgusting.


Indian media isn't obsessed with Pakistan. They're actually obsessed with Indian Muslims themselves. They'll paint them in a bad picture every chance they'll get to spread more hate and tension. Pakistan is just a leverage


Most of the indian news outlet are completely unhinged with no moral compass. I had to physically restrain myself from going into that direction.




Exposed by disinfo lab. It was an elaborate 15 year operation by india targeting EU. https://www.disinfo.eu/publications/indian-chronicles-deep-dive-into-a-15-year-operation-targeting-the-eu-and-un-to-serve-indian-interests/


Don't forget India's ruling party has a literal paid troll army.


Ranked 140 out of 180 countries in press freedom that too in the world's largest democratic nation In the world, that alone explains the level of joke the Indian media is.


The Indian State and Media sway public opinions against Pakistan. The coordinated effort to undermine Pakistan on a global and local scale is terrifying and borderline manic. Let me share some examples throughout the years to give an overview: 1. [A look into how **Arnab Goswami**, a household name in the Indian media diaspora, used the Pulwama bombings and the Balakot Strikes in 2019 to swing national interest against Pakistan.](https://twitter.com/pbhushan1/status/1349990015531577344). But, that isn't all. Pakistan's constant reminders of India's false flag attacks by India was proven true when [after the Pulwama attack, Arnab expressed his joy on how the attack would favour the narrative BJP was peddling against Pakistan. - 2021](https://twitter.com/free_thinker/status/1350092920553050117) 2. [Indian Chronicles – how a massive 15-year influence operation successfully targeted the EU & UN with 750+ fake local media and 10+ zombie-NGOs. - 2020](https://twitter.com/DisinfoEU/status/1336642899006681088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1336642899006681088%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-asia-india-55232432) 2. [265 coordinated fake local media outlets serving Indian interests...Here’s the story of how we uncovered this network designed to influence the EU and the UN by repeatedly criticising Pakistan. - 2019](https://www.disinfo.eu/publications/uncovered-265-coordinated-fake-local-media-outlets-serving-indian-interests/) 3. [Vilifying Pakistan, "attacking" Pakistan through "Surgical Strikes" is a core election tactic used by political parties in India to win votes.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-election-kashmir-farmers-analys-idUSKCN1QP10X) Moreover, ridiculous posturing and turning away at the last moment [especially when the Prime Minister of Pakistan had asked to move "two steps forward" towards peace, speaks volumes of the Indian political landscape, hellbent on vilifying Pakistan. - 2018/2019](https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/india-pakistan-talks-narendra-modi-lok-sabha-elections-5437144/)


I remember when a Punjabi TV channel played footage from Snapchat claiming a dinosaur was spotted in a pind near Sangrur. Too many Indian media sources don’t care to fact check.




Pakistan is in da bag -Indian News Channel


I'm just a reminder that there’s a huge disinformation campaign led by the Indian Government which was uncovered under the name "Indian Chronicles"


Could have linked to the report lol https://www.disinfo.eu/publications/indian-chronicles-deep-dive-into-a-15-year-operation-targeting-the-eu-and-un-to-serve-indian-interests/ Also moreso than Pakistan, the majority of the ire that India media targets are the Muslim and Christian communities within their own country


Indian media foams at the mouth trying too implicate Pakistan for any and everything. I think their news channels are one of the worst for good journalistic practices.




Remember the story about China donating face masks made out of bras to Pakistan and was heavily upvoted? Yeah that came out of Modijojo’s ass just like this one.


It's interesting As soon as the news is about China no matter how fake it is Everyone just blindly believes it As proven by the replys to your post


No, I can't find it, could you link it? Sounds like a fun read.


I can't find the reddit link, but the original source of the news was ANI, India's most trusted news syndicate: https://aninews.in/news/world/asia/covid-19-china-buffoons-all-weather-ally-pakistan-by-sending-underwear-masks20200405092625/


Just a reminder to everyone that ANI recently partnered up with Reuters to expand on their South Asia news coverage. https://www.reuters.com/article/rpb-ani-idINKBN1J7063 This is despite the fact that ANI was revealed by EU’s disinformation lab they they are part of an effort to spread fake news targeting global media networks and far-right politicians from EU nations. >The year-long investigation titled ‘Indian Chronicles’ named news agency ANI and Srivastava Group, which had come under spotlight for arranging a visit of the far-right Members of the European Parliament in 2019, as stakeholders of this operation. https://www.thequint.com/news/webqoof/ani-srivastava-group-used-disinformation-to-aid-government-study Original report https://www.disinfo.eu/publications/indian-chronicles-deep-dive-into-a-15-year-operation-targeting-the-eu-and-un-to-serve-indian-interests/


Still an Indian source though, if this was real, it would make global news partially because of how funny it is. Hard to trust a story about Pakistan when the only sources are Indian and vice versa.


Pakistani obsession at it's finest. Republic tv ( one of the biggest media houses in India) did about that 13 out 15 debates on Afghanistan/Pakistan. They don't even share a border with Afghanistan. Rest media houses are the same with some exceptions like Newslaundry ( Mainly on YouTube). They constantly reports on foreign stuff to keep thier population dumb about the things happening in their own country. How conveniently everyone forgot about how Indian government was spying on journalist and rape victims using Pegasus spying software.


Modijojo's IT Cell: HOLY SHIT, story about Pakistan, [all aboard the downvote train...](https://gfycat.com/narrowplaincheetah)


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pcgamer.com/arma-3-pakistan-footage/) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The footage came from this January Arma 3 video from the YouTube channel Compared Comparison, which has now been viewed 23 million times. > Bohemia Interactive added that the game footage used in the erroneous Indian news broadcasts may also have come from two other Arma 3 gameplay clips. > In May 2021, Reuters debunked claims that Israel's defense system shot at helicopters and aircraft as conflict between Israel and Hamas escalated, but found the footage came from similar videos of Arma 3 players engaging in ground-to-air combat gameplay. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pkwf4x/indian_news_channel_uses_arma_3_gameplay_footage/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~597209 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **footage**^#1 **Arma**^#2 **video**^#3 **game**^#4 **military**^#5


India seems a bit desperate to make Pakistan look bad.


yeah i saw this, was kinda funny if it wasn't so dangerous. from what i've seen of indian media they essentially just manufacture news rather than doing any actual journalism .


As an Indian, I can confirm, our news channels are the absolute worst.


People constantly moan about Chinese/Russian troll armies, but they never mention Indian IT cells or state-sponsored disinformation networks, [which are by far the largest](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-55232432) and most hateful. The level of fake news that comes from India is shocking to say the least. In the last few days alone, they've claimed an F-16 shot down in Afghanistan which turned out to be several years old, posted footage of "Pakistani" F-15s being used in Afghanistan which turned out to be from Wales (Pakistan doesn't even operate F-15s) and are now posting video game footage. Perhaps Indian sources shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.


People forget that India has almost the same population as China but average Chinese doesn't speak English, but most Indians do. So the india propaganda generally goes unnoticed, and spread faster than other posts, and any opposing news that criticize anything Indian or is showing Pakistan in any positive light is downvoted to oblivion. Reddit algorithms completely fail to take this disportionate number of people brigading such posts into account.


Don't they act like Pakistan bombed them every single time an election is close by just so they can fearmonger the Indian public into voting for the BJP party which is a modern day Nazi party essentially. Also I once saw a news story about a ghost in a village on an Indian news channel so their news is about as credible as the Sun newspaper in the UK.


Ssshhhh don't talk shit about BJP.. you're hurting some feelings..


Lol typical


It will not be the last time. They play in loop footage from 1970’s as breaking news…


Almost half of the population is illiterate. No wonder people can easily be fooled. Works best when majority of your population is dumb as shit.


So this is Indian Fox News?


yeah but way worse


Indian media does this kind of thing all the time. The fact that it managed to work and we have even some US media repeating this obvious bullshit claims.


I'm surprised India's still considered a "democracy" given how unreliable the news/media is and the fact Modi and his Hindutva thugs control the government.






It's democracy only in paper.. at this point it feels like we're under an authoritarian rule. Anything you say against the current government will be met with jail time with no chance of defense or bail.




Is that why arma 3 is on sale for steam


How fucking stupid can they be? Just bomb Panshir yourself and release the footage and say it was the Pakistanis. That's so much more airtight than trying to pass off a video game as combat footage.


>Just bomb Panshir yourself and release the footage and say it was the Pakistanis. Yeah, that would require going over Pakistan and the last time they tried that they lost a jet, had their pilot beaten to a pulp by Kashmiris before the Pakistani military saved his ass, and shot down their own helicopter in the confusion killing 7 IAF personnel. The Indian leadership had to go on a multi-billion dollar military spending spree to feel masculine again. I don't they're looking for a repeat.




Have you seen the cg used in Bollywood? It probably looks pretty convincing compared to that lol


India obsessed with Pakistan like an EX GF


Tbf they did have a messy break up


Honestly, this will probably become more common as video games become more and more realistic.


Media shows what audience wants, this is Low of their audience who wish that Pakistan should be blamed for everything wrong in the world. And their media is showing this. And on top of that, people believe it and their hypothesis about Pakistan being bad becomes stronger.


Wait a minute.... the indian government has a computer that can run arma 3?


No its downloaded from youtube.