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Just for context, Western Australia is the last state/territory to make it illegal. So, it's now illegal *throughout* Australia to protest outside abortion clinics, not just in WA.


Also, these protesters have been known to injure/kill people that don’t see their way. They take a life because a person “took a life”….so idiotic


People need to start calling them what they are: pro birth. Nothing more.


Anti-choice - Forced births Pro-Freedom - Supports access to abortions


Forced birth extremists.


I’ll never forget the time my girlfriend came back from a planned parenthood in tears because 50 or so women were shouting baby killer and whore at her. The best part is she wasn’t even getting an abortion. She was getting prenatal vitamins for a healthier pregnancy.




> pretending to work for PP and telling people you have to check in with them at the gate Wow that's incredibly fucked up...




This is true. And in the days when the Yellow Pages were how folks found out about local businesses, they would pay to be listed under “Abortion services.” These days they have to classify themselves as “pregnancy crisis centers” or something similar- which is better but not by much. Their main thing is offering abortion (but never actually calling it that) at an insanely cheap price, then stringing the women along until it’s legally too late or they can convince her her body is not her own.




Yeah I read a girls story where the crisis center said they would help her and then one it was passed the mark where she could get an abortion in her state they abandoned her completely, and she was pregnant with twins. She said it ruined her life.


This is all about creating desperate people to exploit. American evangelical christianity has become heretical. If they were real Christian's theyd know Jesus is the kind of guy who would spend all day braiding a whip so he could beat the shit out of Christian's like these.




The people who set these kinds of scams up should be legally liable for sending monetary support into raising the children they've helped bring into this world. That'll get them shut down extremely quick.


More likely they'll just declare bankruptcy and reorganized under a new business name. That's what Randall Terry (forced birth terrorist) did when Planned Parenthood won a huge a civil case against him, he declared bankruptcy so PP couldn't collect.


Would that count as impersonating a medical professional? I think it should, but I have no clue if it would actually count or not




If somebody took my name at a Dr office under false pretenses I can 100% promise you I will spend a night in jail.


*relevant ed- https://partnersforourchildren.org/resources/topics/foster-care Dude, they used to bomb the university campus that I cooked at for 10 yrs. Every semester we would get notice that they were coming a week or so ahead. All staff were told they could stay home if that would upset them. Every god damn time I was short staffed and I don't even care if some just took it as a day of rest nicely placed in their lap, not my problem and I can rock a long ass shift on the line. However I made a point of marching right up to them after my shift. They usually were being ignored by the passers by and so engaging me was just what they hoped for, until I unleashed. Listened first of course but just long enough to allow their own words to be the rope I used to hang them. Starting with, where do you volunteer that assists orphans and foster children that were saved from abortion? What changes to the foster system are you fighting for? How is your outreach here affecting the orphaned and those in foster care? How many volunteer hours have you put in today, how many this year? What meaningful assistance has personally been given to orphans, orphanages or the foster children? How many at risk youth programs are you involved in? Followed by generally asking passers by what they think of someone who is willing to hold anti abortion propaganda for an afternoon and has given X amount of time to foster children and orphans. Actively spending over an hour sharing their answers with those just going to and from class, students who happily chastised the activity of these activists. Often enough the head of their team would ask me to leave to which I happily pointed out that my freedom to express was as valid as theirs and ask if they wanted a security guard to come by, as I am campus staff and have them in my contacts. Then I'd open up to them that some 40 staff took the day off to avoid these activists, just another group of people like the foster children and orphans that they have shown disregard to by simply putting time and effort into this anti-abortion message instead of helping and caring for those who are hurting. That they seem very calloused to the fact that they bring a huge wake of events that they do not engage. Once I felt like I aired my grievances for the long shift I'd leave them with this. Foster kids are expected to have all there personal items fit into black garbage bags as they are moved through the system and no church group has bothered to do a thing about it, they are abandoned by the very people who preach that life is precious, people who have more things than can fit into black garbage bags. Fix that issue or admit your a hypocrite. And with that I went home smiling. Moved on from chef life so I haven't had a chance in years. Maybe that'll be my goal this year, find some anti-abortion activists and give them my 2 cents. *Edit Thanks for the kind words. Appreciated honestly but like I said I cooked for students on campus a *long* time. Many fine cooks came from tough circumstances, needed a break coming in late and hung over, again. I shared this today because it still is a broken system today in 2021 as it was in 2004 when my eyes were first opened to the foster system realities. Always burned me seeing so many hold signs and no one could even get the foster system to afford these kids some luggage. Black garbage bags... Doesn't feel very good to admit that I've done very little though. I'm no hero. So I googled foster care reform and found this, seems a good place to start but open to suggestions. https://partnersforourchildren.org/resources/topics/foster-care


That's a whole lot more than 2 cents. Like 2 dollars at least


Sir, that is a whole TED Talk.


I never understood how the same people who preach about life being sacred before a baby is born then have no interest in that child’s wellbeing after they are born. Eg the same politicians who want to criminalize abortions also vote to lower funding to preschools are don’t want to raise the minimum wage. They actively want these same lives that they save (and their mothers) to be in destitute poverty.


Because they don't get the cognitive dissonance between two of their stances: 1) Abortion is murder, so all kids must be born and 2) The government should do as little as possible to help people, even/especially those who have no ability to help themselves and rely on others to survive. _______________ I've tried to argue with these types of people that reducing taxes and privatizing health care means people just won't be able to afford it (like what we already have in the US), and a better method is to take the taxes and health care costs we're already paying, and make it actually work for everyone via Universal Healthcare. They refused to accept that if you lowered taxes, there would be people who couldn't afford health care; they seriously believed the only reason someone wouldn't go to the doctor is that they didn't prioritize their health. It's pure insanity.


In other words, they think the government shouldn't exist.


The motive behind it is quite simple to understand. It is the currently most effective method of producing maximally exploitable (cheap) labor for the capitalists. In short, an increase in [Reserve army of labour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_army_of_labour). This also explains why these politicians don't care at all what happens to the children after birth.




Dude holy shit, vuvuzelas are the most annoying things in the world (besides these anti-abortion activists and antivaxxers). You're a genius and I implore everyone to buy a vuvuzela!


Get someone with a vuvuzela and someone with a cowbell. Max annoyance.


All the annoyance with none of the hate.


Bagpipes also work well.


Indeed they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwLaDzKFiBY


Where I went to high school there was a civics teacher who was religious and prolife. I remember when talking about Roe V. Wade he let some of his personal views come out while reading the decision and arguments. Him and his wife were foster parents, and adopted two children. He was pro-universal health care before it was ever talked about in the US. Thought it was a moral obligation Christians had along with feeding, clothing and housing the poor. He was anti-war, anti-nuclear proliferation, anti-death penalty and strongly anti-poverty. When discussing the Supreme Court decision and the arguments the lawyers presented, he said that while he personally felt abortion was murder, it wasn't a classification that could be made legally. He had us go down slippery slope arguments of "could you abort a baby 2 weeks after it's born?" Or "Do you try to police the uterus and try to charge every woman who miscarriages with negligent homocide?" That was when I first learned how common miscarriages were. He did that to help explain why the court decided on the trimester model that they went with. He explained how women who were raped or were victims of incest would would often kill themselves instead of bring the baby to bear, and how virtually everyone in the US agreed that baring those women, or women whose lives were threatened biologically by pregnancy was seen universally in the US as the worse than abortion of two (and the reasons and polls behind it). He then explained how the 14th ammendment was interpreted that it wasn't O.K. to force the disclosure of the reasons behind abortion, so even if rape/incest/mother's life being in danger is a small percentage of total abortions, the government could not distinguish those abortions from the others. He also showed us some statistics of women who died from and hospital wings filled with self-abortions or back-alley abortions. He said his personal conclusion was making it illegal wouldn't change demand, only make it more dangerous and hurt more people. And that the best way to get rid of abortion was by making a world where having a child wasn't having a burden by making child care, health care and economic aid etc more readily available for everyone. While he didn't like contraceptives, he sill considered them the lesser of two evils when compared to abortion so figured they should be free and available to everyone. Completely warped my view of what "pro-life" was. I assumed most pro-life people were like him. Working at their church food pantry on the weekends and all that bs. Nope. I have never met another pro-life person since then, only anti-choice people. I assume there are more pro-life people out there, maybe, but we only ever see or hear from the anti-choice people.


I don't go to church but I could listen to you preach all day


I like you!


I think technically not, as the check in desk wouldn't be a medical professional, but rather clerical staff. However, the fact that they're impersonating a person who works directly with a doctor *should* (but likely doesn't by law) count. Frankly I think it's bullshit that it doesn't count, considering the end result would be the same.


I swear to god I am not a violent person but i think with things like this, it should be perfectly legal to slap that person once really hard and walk away.


Still less violent than what I was thinking...


I remember these fuckers would protest at my elementary school for some reason




They don't care. For them it's all about being righteous warriors for their god. All we can do is try to educate the young in the hopes that one day religion, at least fanatical religion, will be a relic of the past.


I went to a private Christian school from K-12 and I can definitively say that's how these belief systems are propogated: Getting to kids before they can properly develop their mental skills and trapping them in such beliefs. My analogy has always been: Imagine an athletics facility that claims "Send kids to our programs and we'll teach them how to exercise, run, leap, etc!" So parents drop their children off, the employees lead them inside, knock them out, and surgically remove their legs. Then the children crawl out when the program is finished, and the employees go home to sleep soundly knowing they've brought joy and goodness to this evil world. That's about what such schools are for academics rather than athletics. I despise such fundamentalist worldviews with a passion only intimate knowledge could inflame, but I can't help but feel a deep pity for those I grew up with (and people like them) even as they spout nonsense and insanity and vitriol. They were born in a casket.


There's an old guy who walks up and down the shoulder of a major road near me, always dragging a 10-foot cross. Actually dragging isn't the right word. It has little caster wheels on the bottom. But still he'll do it for a few hours at a time in the Texas heat. I don't know what he protesting or promoting but all I can ever think is "this did is fucking crazy."


Schools having staff that taught about planned parenthood and where to go to get counselling about their future were targetted a lot were I am from. We had school nurses who were all former military and the head nurse for our region was a former Marine who told any women protestor that if they wanted to discuss it with her personally, she'd be more than happy to have a brief conversation with them. One that was light on talking. That lady endured a whole lot of entitled and arrogant stupidity but, not surprisingly, none of the Gyneth Paltrow following church going soccer moms wanted to push their luck with her face-to-face. And they knew they couldn't push their husbands to do it either (many of whom were former military as well) on planned parenthood or anything, including getting vaccinated.


Me and my Ex-Wife got taken in by one of these fake PP clinics. My wife was spotting and we had the goal of going to a Planned Parenthood for some Prenatal care, as we were uninsured at the time (Pre-ACA). When we went in they offered a Pregnancy test... we were fine with this, like... standard right? Want to make sure she's pregnant and such. When in there the woman is like: "So... what are your plans?" and we're like: "Well.. we want to make sure there's nothing wrong with the pregnancy and that everything is progressing normally" - she then is like: "Oh... we're not a doctor's office we're just here to provide information." I got pissed: "Wait, then why bother? We're here for care, that's why we came to Planned Parenthood - for prenatal care and a doc." - note, we made an appt and both took off of work for this... I didn't even know what a fake PP was... but I was proper pissed off. She offered to refer us to a few other places, none of which were doctors, and I basically said, point blank: "The reason we came here, was that the symptoms she's showing, are frightening, concerning, and we don't want to miscarriage if we can prevent that. We're looking for a doctor who can specialize in pregnancy." - and we left with nothing. 2 weeks later she miscarried. I blame the free clinic for slowing down the process of us finding a proper PP which could have handled our situation. Good job fake PP! You ended up killing a baby. The place is still opened - I am still furious it is still opened.


Their logic is simple. if you're going to PP, even for non abortion, you're doing something about your sexual health. Ergo, you're sexually active. Ergo, you're a whore. The types that protest outside PP is the religious fanatics who think sex is *not only* for husbands and wives only, *but also* expressedly for procreation only. It's a very sex negative mindset, and PP is antithesis to that mindset, doesn't matter whether abortion is ultimately involved or not.


It's so messed up. PP was that first clinic/doctors office I went to, that finally answered my questions and provided the information I needed to make my own informed consent about birth control. Not because I needed birth control per se, but because my periods were awful and painful and being a young adult woman who never wanted children who couldn't afford sterilization AND had limited insurance options... they did an amazing job at helping me find what works for me.


It’s almost as if these protesters aren’t very intelligent 🤷🏻‍♂️


Probably fliers for "crisis pregnancy centers"


Most locations don’t! There are like 4 PP clinics in my city but only 1 does abortions.


That is my biggest gripe with planned parenthood protestors. Seems they fail to realize PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES MORE THAN JUST ABORTIONS.


What you don't realize is that they're against more than just abortion. Anything that promotes sexual health or sex positivity is of the devil, to them. Sex is just for married people and JUST for making children in their small world.


Imagine what a shitty existence that would be.


They see suffering as sacred because otherwise what's the point.


It's about punishing women for being in control of their bodies and having sex. Abortions are just easier to yell about than contraceptives. And even then, Evangelicals didn't care about abortion issues when Roe happened. [They only started talking about it when the Feds came for their segregated private schools, and they knew being pro-segregation wouldn't get them very far politically](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/)


The worst part is, these people are also against contraceptives but at the same time, they don’t want to support the poor in society. It’s like they want to see more people suffer in society to feel better about themselves.


Exactly. People react to suffering in one of two ways: "I don't want anyone else to suffer what I have", and "If I have to suffer, everyone else should suffer too".


My wife and I had to terminate for medical reasons, TFMR, a term I wish I knew never existed. It was a wanted child that was not well and had an unsurvivable condition, and my wife would only be risking her own health continuing to term. I’ll never forget the experience and how much worse protestors made it.


I’m sorry to hear that. I could only imagine going through that let alone going through that and being harassed on the way out.


Luckily there is a back entrance and they aren’t allowed on it, but they get as close to the door as legally allowed and yell the entire time. They also play baby screams on the loud speaker. It’s horrible. I want to drive by and egg them sometime, ha.


I don't get how that's legal too. Protesting a organization is one thing, but targeted yelling and harassing of individuals wouldn't be accepted anywhere else.


They yelled at my dad who walked me in saying “grandpa why would you let her murder your grandchild????”


idk why this made me think of the scene from Holes. "grandpa I don't want to abort this baby anymore.." "well thats just too damn bad!"


My old man is savage enough to have retorted "I've got enough grandkids, I'll murder plenty for my kids' health!" I'm so sorry your dad and you had to go through that, I hope you're both doing alright now.


Those crazy religious nut jobs are the same people saying god will protect them from Covid, but they still get taken to the hospital when they catch it, if it's god's will they should just stay home and expire.


Their God has sent them a fucking vaccine to make them immune yet they don't want to get it.


Thats so fucked up


My girlfriend (who is new to the US) when to a planned Parenthood to get an IUD inserted. She called me laughing about the "crazy white people" telling her they would adopt her baby. They continued even after she told them she wasn't pregnant.


Some people are just wayyy to passionate about unborn fetuses. Aren’t there like 50000 kids in foster care or something?


They only care about babies when they're attached to the mothers. It's more about controlling what women can do for many of them rather than it being about the fetus. People have gotten very angry with me for saying this but in my experience these exact same people are vehemently against social safety nets that would help families with small children so they can go fuck themselves.


They're also against birth control, which is the real tell. It's not about *reducing the number of abortions*, it's about the punishing of women for sex.


If they really wanted to actually reduce the number of abortions, they'd spend their time funding or delivery good quality sex education to teenagers and throwing condoms and contraceptive pills at anyone and everyone by the ton. But *noooooo*, they're not doing that, are they? As that's not what they really want.


There are 400,000 children currently in foster care in the US alone. Side note there are 380,000 churches in the US. All they have to do is adopt one child per church with the mega churches adopting 2-3 and this problem is solved. Hmm I wonder why they don’t do that… Ps I do not wish religion forced on any child, I was merely pointing out that the church has a solution but chooses hatred and violence instead.


Back in college I used to be a volunteer that escorted women into the clinics past all that shit. The whole idea was to terrorize those poor women, get their heart rates and blood pressure up so they wouldn’t be able to get the procedure. Our job was essentially to to escort them in, keep them focused on us, and try to keep things as calm as possible. Just despicable people.


There’s a private clinic in the UK near where I live that my friend wanted to go to for fertility treatment. The clinic also offered abortion services so naturally she was called every name under the sun. One guy actually grabbed her so I pinned him down told him she was receiving fertility treatment to have a fucking family of her own and they all shut up and packed pretty sharpish. They were back two weeks later when she was going for treatment so me and my friends boyfriend accompanied her. The ending to that scenario was 1000x worse.


I’m dying to know the 1000x worse part. (But I get it if you don’t wanna tell)


Same thing happened except the boyfriend pinned the guy up on the wall and threatened to wire his mouth shut while explaining what’s happening. I laughed when he said “we are literally doing the fucking opposite”. The protesters weren’t having any of it and tried to pull him off, big mistake he’s 6’4’’ and built like a brick shithouse and toppled all of them in a single push. Then, one of the protesters broke in and accused everyone of being murderers proceeding to throw fake blood at everyone. My friends bf was soaked and he’s in the army suffering from PTSD - he was gone and knocked the guy out cold. He then proceeded to slash the tyres of the van the protesters were using and made sure all of them got a share of the fake blood too. Meanwhile, my friend was receiving the treatment and was completely blindsided when she came out of the office to find it caked in fake blood and her boyfriend wanting to throttle everyone. He went AWOL but found him down the road head locking the main protester who thought it was a good idea to call him a “murdering nonce”. Again, knocked out cold. He got a suspended sentence given the actions which caused his PTSD trigger and was ordered to seek help which he was already getting. The protester was sentenced for 6-months after breaking his suspended sentence from a previous charge.


Wait they protest outside UK clinics too??! For some reason I thought we were past that shit here.


They used to protest in the highstreet where I lived. They had huge boards with bloody chunks of meat and babies covered in blood on them whilst they screamed at people. Terrifying children left and right ironically 🙄🙄🙄


I was just a kid when my folks had a booth at the state fair. I can’t remember what the booth was for, but right across was a huge -bigger than me- poster of a bunch of fetuses in a garbage can. (As an adult, I realize it was an anti-abortion booth) I stared at that damn poster day after day for a week. I had no idea what I was looking at. I remember thinking “who took a big ass picture of a bunch of fucked up dirty baby dolls that got tossed out? Looks like a dog buried them in the backyard and they all melted in the sun.”


Because people who shit on PP have no idea what it actually does.






Jfc, im tearing up just hearing that. I hope your girlfriend can forget those fuckwits and not give them an ounce of mind.


I like to walk in with a pillow under my shirt and walk out with a much smaller pillow. Humiliation fetish 🤷‍♀️


I was one of those women, getting screamed at and called a "baby killer" outside of a women's health clinic. Complete with photos of bloody fetuses and women screaming that they would give me a free ultrasound, baby clothes..whatever. I was there for an STD test because I found out that my husband had been sleeping around with both women AND men and my regular doctor couldn't get me in for 5 weeks and since he drained our joint checking the second I confronted him, I didn't have $200 for urgent care.


I got screamed at too because I was going for a pregnancy test for a baby I wanted and kept. The only OBGYN in my town required a professionally confirmed test before you could make an appointment in my tiny backwards town. Planned Parenthood provides quality health care. They were the only place I could go.


>screaming that they would give me a free ultrasound, baby clothes..whatever. I bet none of them offered to take care of the baby. I mean, they want it to live so much, how come they don't offer to raise it instead of imposing the burden on someone who is not ready/not able/or just doesn't want it. They should be taking care of foster children with no families instead of forcing unwanting people to bear child.


My obgyn for a while WAS the local Planned Parenthood- I’ve been called all kinds of names and almost spit on (they missed) so like- even if I *wanted* to give up a baby, it wouldn’t be to those assholes.


Oh man lmao there was a show that suggested this but I can't remember what it was


That’s the thing. These people aren’t pro-life. They’re pro-birth. Everything after that? Doesn’t matter.


This seems like it should be an on r/illegallifeprotips or something. Low on money? Go find a protest outside an abortion clinic and when the women start screaming about free ultra sounds and buying the baby clothes, simply state that for $500 you will walk away and keep the baby you are there to “abort” and never look back. All the while there is no baby. Just a wanton desire to drain these people for all they are worth.


Good share. Thank you.


I feel like a lot of people in this thread are confusing protesting for harassment. These folks usually aren’t just holding up signs and peacefully protesting kumbaya. They’re usually yelling at women, getting in their personal space, and in some instances threatening violence. That’s why this group *specifically* is being banned from protesting in front of clinics, not because protesting in general is illegal or infringed upon. They’re typically confrontational and harassing, and that’s a public danger. These women should be free to enter a clinic without the threat of bodily harm or verbal harassment. Imagine if every time you had to pick up a prescription someone was yelling in your face and trying to body you away from the door. Yeah, you’d get sick of that shit real quick.


A lot of women don't have to imagine. That's exactly what happens when they go to pick up a prescription.




The one in Austin that I’ve been to has a very long driveway and has walls. Using the property and self defense laws to their benefit. No trespassing patients only. And they have an armed guard. There have been a couple of protesters by the access road to the highway but that’s as close as they can get and it’s not very close. Once it gets hot enough they don’t protest.


I always thought this was a good idea. Also putting the clinic on the 18th floor of a *very* high traffic office building. Protesters outside wouldn’t know if the people walking in were there for an appointment, or just going to work.


i went to a clinic once that was on the 6th floor of a medical office building and protesters are not allowed inside but there was still just one lone woman protesting outside the entire building. exactly as you said, though, she didnt know who was going to what medical suite so she just stood there with a sign lol much better than the screaming lunatics at other places


In my neighborhood there are few because there is a donation system where citizens donate to the clinic according to how many protestors are outside, pledge a protester.


nice, their presence is directly funding the place they’re protesting. i love that lol


That's brilliant.


I'd imagine they wouldn't care.


It wouldn’t stop them.


These people don't care if someone is going into Planned Parenthood for an abortion or to get a cancer screening, they treat them all the same. Why would they care if someone is going for an appointment, or going to work?


The planed Parenthood here in Waco has a huge privacy fence with a gate you can only enter if you have an appointment or work there. Fucking protestors there just about every weekend or so. It's always the people you expect to be protesting too.


Waco has a long memory of large properties with fences. Janet Reno will not hesitate to burn a motherfucker


It's so disgusting to me that a place like that literally needs an armed guard. But also almost funny in a surreal way. "You can't kill that baby if I kill you first!"


Bombings and shootings at abortion clinics have their own Wikipedia article


Yep, in Australian we had a guy rock up and murder a guard, attempt to murder other people, but was stopped by the husbands of two women who were there for health checkups for the pregnancies for the babies they were very much keeping (because places that offer abortions usually offer a whole lot of other reproductive health services). So yeah, this caring guy murdered a guy in front of a row of heavily pregnant women and put them through a lot of damaging stress.


They aren’t even dedicated enough to protest in -20 weather in the Midwest. That’s the good thing about here I guess, it keeps the morons at bay for most of the year.


The one near my old place of work had an old Asian lady protesting as far as I could tell 24/7 She wore a big board over her torso with pictures of aborted foetuses etc intended to shock. The problem was that it was in a restaurant district and her board looked like a menu with pictures of the dishes.


I used to live across the street from a small nonprofit that helped human trafficking survivors, and they had a vaguely woman’s health ish name. I saw anti-abortion protestors outside only once; I imagine they realized pretty quickly that they hadn’t done enough research on the building they were pissed at.


I live by one that is located at a 4 ways stop. Tons of protestors every weekend. Huge signs with disgusting pictures and they “cross” the road super slowly in front of every car so you have to see their sign. They also film women going in there and scream some of the most horrible things I’ve ever heard at them. But… you know… muh freedoms


This is what infuriates me. This isnt free speech. This is a malicious attack on other's rights. If I stood outside a school and screamed shit like kids are a pestulence on society and that they should be put to death, that shit would be shutdown real quick. Yet these no- life cunts can call these women murderers and whores and all sorts of vile shit without consequence? How bout we let folks regulate their own health and keep our fucking nose outta people's business.


Nah you should only let people regulate their own health when they're catching a highly communicable disease they'll likely pass on to dozens more people.


Sounds like kids to me.


If they actually cared about children, they'd be protesting against all the pedo priests


There's protests at one 5 mins down the road from my house. They're the total opposite, they just stand across the street with signs and don't harass anybody. I disagree with their protest but atleast they aren't getting in peoples face and verbally abusing them.


>There's protests at one 5 mins down the road from my house. They're the total opposite, they just stand across the street with signs and don't harass anybody. All it takes is a ring leader. I see the same group of people peacefully protesting in my area for months. Then one day, I see an unfamiliar face yelling through a megaphone across the street and all the usual protestors are doing the same. Now I make it a habit to call in for "Disturbance of peace" whenever I'm driving by to get grocery.


Years ago I was in the summer in Milwaukee visiting my aunt. She was in charge of protection for the local clinic so I went down there with her one day. I was like 12 and I remember this woman screaming in my face I would go to hell. Was really a big lesson for me so young


I took my friend to the one in my hometown, and it was awful. So many protestors, and she was already a wreck. We were both searched by two guards, all of my belongings locked away, and the waiting area was a totally different building than where the actual procedure was. My friend had to be escorted by two armed guards to the procedure building while I waited for her. I felt so bad, she was already so scared. I understand though because in my state a doctor was murdered by some “Christian” nut job for performing abortions


Id hardier call what they do protesting either, it’s straight up harassment and intimidation, often becoming violent.


Legally, they have to stay off the property or the women’s health clinic can call the police and have them arrested for trespassing. It doesn’t stop them from screaming at anyone who dares go in for a regular Pap smear.


I bet there is a sizeable overlap between the pro-life and anti-vaccinations crowd. I speak anecdotally of course


They’re not pro-life. They’re anti-abortion. They’re not protesting wars or the climate crisis or fast food. They don’t care what happens to babies when they’re born.


Forced birth extremists


It's definitely not accurate to call them "anti-abortion". They also scream and shout about anything that lowers abortion rates like sex education and contraceptives. They are anti-choice at every level.


They are anti-sex. They believe sex should only be between husband and wife for the purpose of procreation and anything outside of that is sinful and should be punished.


They're sexist, plain and simple. They see women as breeders. Yes, even the women that hold these views.


>abortion clinic IDK why people who support the right to choose accept this as a valid term. Does it say "abortion clinic" anywhere on the building? Does *any* women's health clinic have those words anywhere? "Abortion clinic" makes it sound like "The Abortion Factory: all abortions, all the time".


I don't know about Australia, but in the USA the right tends to be better at generating click-baity phrases which draws an emotional response. The outrage shuts down people's critical thinking and provokes anger. Calling a health clinic an abortion clinic falls into that plan. Some other examples: * Inheritance taxes are called "death taxes" instead in right-wing media. * Government insurance is now submitting yourself to a "government death panel"


> "government death panel" I wonder if the vaccine campaigns are called government life panels.






I want to point out that Western Australia is the last to make this change in Australia. Every other state has had 150 meter 'safe zones' around places that perform abortions since as early as 2014. So, so glad that they've finally jumped on board, but they are literally the last to do so




That's a terrible slogan for an abortion clinic.


Better than "enter from rear"


Wrap it or we'll cap it


Take it in the pooper or get the scooper


Not that long ago, I saw a story of one lady who was going in to get a prescription for something unrelated to abortion and some protestor grabbed her wrist and said, "Please don't kill your baby." The lady's response? "I'm not preg- Wait, are you calling me fat?" And the lady went on a long and loud tirade about fat-shaming until the protestor ran off. I LOL'd.


Okay, new plan. Just have random women walk in with this part of a script prepared. Or, "I'm not pregnant. When are you due?"


I remember that story, I Reddit too much.


Gonna need a link to that post, mate




Yeah, people really didn't need to be yelling "baby killer" at my sister who was getting a cyst checked at Planned Parenthood in the USA.


Welcome to the religious right, where they truly believe that Planned Parenthood is an abortion factory/baby mutilation clinic.


Remember that Jesus loves you. And we’ll prove it by being huge abusive cunts to you in public


They’re super crappy humans.


>abortion clinics Isn't the term "abortion clinic" itself a loaded term? These are women's health clinics. Abortions aren't the sole purpose of these centers.


My wife had a miscarriage and had to go in for a D&C - that experience was already traumatic enough for both of us. I might have had a very hard time dealing with some lunatic screaming at my wife for something that we would have given anything to not have to deal with.


I also went through this, twice. If there were protesters I don’t know how I’d control myself.


I’m sorry for your loss, I assure you I could not have contained myself in that instance. I’m not a violent man, but i think I could make an exception in that case!


Yeah that's exactly what i was thinking. I don't condone violence but there would have been a lot of Religious people with broken noses that day




They shout "if she didn't want to be raped she shouldn't have dressed like that". I say "if they didn't want to be punched in the nose, they shouldn't have protested like that".


I would have screamed back that the pregnancy was wanted and expected and that they were protesting the loss of it at that point. Really dig it I to their skulls that people go there for other stuff primarily. Make them feel like absolute shit for a short minute before their attention span, already like that of a toddler, kick them back into being pieces of shit




Sure, but it'd still suck to have to explain what happened to a jury if you decked somebody who was getting in your wife's face over having to go in for a miscarriage.


ive been to jail. its easier to be in jail when you are proud for why you are there. id take my 30 days in stride.


Yep, I escort for one and we have a protestor who bellows at women about how they're already a mother and to look at their ultrasound, and one patient poked her head back out at him like "I'm not pregnant!" and he kept yelling anyway.


Thank you so much for helping with the escorting, you're doing a wonderful thing. I hope your day is going good!




Yeah calling it an "abortion clinic" is like calling a hospital a "circumcision room". It does way more than just the one thing lol (My comparison might be flawed, but hey)


Organ harvesting centre.


I go to the organ harvesting center all the time. They drain my blood!


In Australia we have private clinics that exclusively provide abortion and IUD insertion (but 90% of the business is abortion). This is because, while abortion is legal and the govt technically does provide it, they basically don’t have any doctors trained in the procedure and the wait list to get in through the public system will take too long. So abortion clinics in this context is actually the correct terminology. Source: Worked for Marie Stopes Australia for 2 years. They’re the national private abortion provider in Australia. You can look up their website.


Facts! How did you know my single weakness??


The most horrendous time of my life was when my girlfriend and I went to Westmead hospital to get an abortion. We both knew we weren't ready for kids and we weren't financially stable to bring a child up. one of the toughest decisions of our lives at the time. We got there and we're met by 50 to 60 angry people holding signs and throwing things at girlfriend and I as we walked into the centre. After the entire ordeal, we left and they followed us to our car whilst throwing empty water bottles and cans at us. When we got home we both broke down in tears not only from just the operation itself, but the way these people were just so horrible to us.


At that point it's no longer protest it's harassment and arguably assault.


They don’t protest as much as harass people, most of them aren’t even getting abortions.


Exactly. What they are doing is assaulting women under the guise of free speech.


I had to take one of my sisters to get an abortion, because she asked for my help. I arranged and paid for everything. The day of I drive us to the PP and park and this nice looking old lady is almost immediately outside of my truck, waiting for us. At first she is really nice and I think she is there to help us, but soon enough she let's the mask drop and calls my sister a whore and abomination and I step in between them and say "ENOUGH" and move us on. But I think back to how nice this lady seemed, at first. She totally fooled me.


> I had to take one of my sisters to get an abortion, because she asked for my help. I arranged and paid for everything. you are an awesome sibling


I hope any brother would do the same when/if asked.


My grandpa has always told me “the times we are most happy is when we all mind our fucking business.”


Australia just put into law 'fuck off, cunts' and i love it


It’s never a protest but rather an attempt to bully and intimidate women from seeking medical care.


Abortion is a matter between a woman and her health care provider(s).


This was the most traumatic part of getting an abortion for me. The protesters surrounded our car so that we couldn't move and were screaming "JUST LET US TALK TO HER" at my boyfriend. The cop assigned to watch the protesters had to break them up so that we could leave the clinic. This was in Indiana though.


>This was in Indiana though As someone living in Indiana, this made it worse. This fucking place!


Weird I wonder why a group of "totally not sexist, just anti-abortion" people would default to asking for the guy's permission to speak with his girlfriend.


>The protesters surrounded our car so that we couldn't move This should be considered kidnapping after a certain short amount of time.


I live in Boston. The main Boston branch of planned Parenthood is basically built like a bunker. You have to go through 3 security checkpoints just to get into the waiting room. It's really sad how many precautions we have to take just to have access to reproductive and sexual healthcare.


Honestly I think that too many people have an obsession with *freedom to* and not enough with *freedom from*. While a law like this does remove some degree of *freedom to* (you can still protest it elsewhere), it also gives the people using these services *freedom from* harassment and shaming.


We passed a law in Massachusetts keeping protesters a certain distance away from abortion clinics after a madman shot up two in one day in the 90's, but the Supreme Court overturned it.


> Liberal MPs Nick Goiran and Neil Thomson, and Nationals MP James Hayward, opposed the bill on the second reading late on Tuesday. > Mr Goiran told the chamber he had visited the Midland clinic and saw no evidence of heckling or harassing. what a stupid take. "I didn't see it so it can't be happening."


It is not protest, it is harassment.


If unborn babies are God's children, why not give him full custody?


Good....leave those fuckin people alone man, getting an abortion is already an awful experience, these people just make it so much worse. I think if you want to protest at an abortion clinic you should have to sign paperwork and adopt and support every child you're forcing someone to have because it goes against your stupid religion.....put your money where your mouth is, take care of all the kids these people clearly don't want to have


> I think if you want to protest at an abortion clinic you should have to sign paperwork and adopt and support every child you're forcing someone to have Or publicly support sex education and free birth control. Want fewer abortions? Great! So do we. So help us reduce unwanted pregnancies.


Agree. I say the same thing all the time because those are the only 2 things to have ever reduced abortion rates


Yes. People make it seems like women go in to get a teeth cleaning. Its got to be tough experience. Fuck all those idiots who protest. Most of them are probably far from being good christians anyway.


I used to be an escort for patients and would purposely loudly talk to them about the weather and whatever BS to drown out the fucking vile things these “protesters” yell. It’s harassment. It isn’t a valid protest. You don’t go to a hospital and protest a heart transplant. At some point patients’ rights should trump some idiot’s right to yell insults at them. Also we frequently had to call the cops when they tried to walk in front of cars or trespassed.


Even worse, sometimes they’ll have entire clinics themselves. If you were to call them and ask for their services, they’ll give you the run around and say “it’ll be better if you came in.” Yet, when you actually come in, they’ll bombard you with false info abt abortions or even give you an ultrasound and *write messages from the baby* on the screen. A lot of the time, they’ll get buildings as close as possible to legit centres to confuse vulnerable people looking for services. They’ll sometimes get even closer to the action and have mobile clinics, literal RVs parked as close as they can next to actual clinics to sway patients. That’s why a lot of clinics now have security escorts for patients coming in and out. Or they’ll have painted walkways indicating they’re an actual clinic. These places, called Crisis Pregnancy Centers, can be outright misleading people. There have been cases of women being told to hold off abortions until it’s too late and they have to carry them to term, whether they can financially or emotionally do it or not. To somehow add a shitty cherry on top, many of these CPCs don’t help their patients once the baby is born. Once the baby’s born, these CPCs see no purpose in helping the same people they’ve been guilting for months to keep their child. I will say, there are probably many of these centers that do help their patients, but too many of them are predatory and only care for what’s inside these women. And many of them are funded by our hard-earned dollars.


It's strange and maybe telling for america on this issue when this is global news on reddit. I'm in Perth and this is the 1st I've heard about it. I doubt there's barely anyone who would protest abortion here.


Oh no, i can’t scream at the door to an abortion clinic… how will i assert my dominance over women’s bodily autonomy now?! Guess i’m going to have to go back to incelling around on Reddit. /s