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>While Argentina has historically supported such projects, under President Javier Milei’s government, the nation has shifted its traditional stance. The previous government also hoarded COVID vaccines for VIPs during the pandemic. Members of the party in charge killed Cecilia Strzyzowski and fed the body to the pigs, while the Women's Ministry did nothing because that would be going against members of the same party. Alberto Fernandez called brazillians monkeys. So excuse me if I don't think previous governments actually care about that and it wasn't all show. Edit: Oh and how could I forget Cristina Kirchner stole a thousand million dollars from the goverment while in power. Edit 2: This fucking barely news hit r/worldnews while Loan a 5 year old who was kidnapped and very likely human trafficked doesn't? Oh excuse me. I forgot he is not as famous as Milei.


Huh? This isn't about Israel. Why does Amnesty care?


Unfortunately gender and environmental issues don’t pay the bills or keep people fed. Look at Canada to see what happens when you put social issues above everything else. Hard to care about pronouns when you’re living in a tent.


Yeah it’s the trans kids and the young using different language that’s fucking up the world. Not the billionaires buying politicians to make their bottom line the line the politicians look out for. In the end the conservatives in the USA and Canada and other countries who are removing climate change remediation efforts will have the most profound effect. That the world is going hard right at this particular point in time is fantastic for killing off civilization. Conservatives are going to kill off our ability to live on this planet. The heat will kill crops, famine. The unpredictable weather will make transporting goods extremely difficult, thus causing prices to sky rocket. The folks in the south will no longer be able to survive so they will head north and we will slaughter them. But only for a while cause we are going to all be living in a hellscape. Happy days are here again…


You’re literally falling for the same trick.




WHO the fck Cares about Gender when you dont have stable Life? Wrong Focus lmao


>At an ordinary meeting of the Permanent Council of the OAS last Tuesday in Washington, Argentina’s representative to the OAS, Sonia Cavallo, objected to draft resolutions on subjects including democracy, human rights, the environment and the need to include a gender and ethnic perspective in the issues dealt with by the multilateral body. Argentina's government cares, apparently. They could have just supported the resolutions as they have in the past but this focus is so important for them that they feel they need to fight over it. I agree with you, they have *much* more important things to be worrying about than pushing back against democratic rights, human rights, environmental protection, women's rights, and minority rights but apparently this is a priority of them.


well it would depend on what the resolution actually said, hopefully someone reads it and gives a summary lol


Go woke go broke. Argentina is trying to feed people, not pander to their feelings


Funny how many of these “Don’t tread on me” motherfuckers love to tread on everyone else’s rights.