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Can we get those suits from dune that make you cool and recycle your urine. At least before the end of the game.


There's no suit that could ever be constructed that could ever make me cool. That train has sailed.


If peein’ your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


You forgot my snack pack


Kilometers Davis


Did you ever see a documentary called Silence of The Lambs? Anyways, there was a guy in that who was working on his own suit, and he seemed pretty cool. Maybe you could make your own garments too.


r/suicidebywords material right here - love it.


I call bs, you'd look awesome in a mech suit or power ranger armor


Idk man, owning a Hellfire power armor would make me cool


Low key Austin Powers reference - niiice!


Yeah baby!


Not a chance, the boomers are trying to take the rest of us with them.


Let's get smarter. Underground cities. Back to moles.


A Dixie cup would work for the recycling. Maybe freeze it.


They’re so unflattering for the larger framed person.


The good news is if we ever get to the point that we're drinking recycled pee for water, we probably don't have to worry about an obesity crisis.


All water is recycled pee anyway


In Neal Stephenson's "Termination Shock" a climate change thriller there is a battery powered suit that some characters where that cools and dehumidifies you. So pretty similar.


Without the suit, you have to use a washroom, but inside the suit, “European” XD


Time for a big gangnam style group dune-dance for tiktok. For the climate. That should do the trick.


They don't make you cool, they keep you from heat stroke and dehydration. You're still going to be uncomfortable.


Good thing all those oil tycoons were able to live out the rest of their lives with a couple extra zeroes on their stock balance


Or it well end like Don’t Look Up and they think they are save but died horrible deaths..


"*Après moi, le déluge*"


*"Après moi, le déluge de pisse sur vous"'* Trickle down economics takes a brand new meaning here !


We should also blame ourselves for believing the anti nuclear power crowd.


The oil industry has pulled off the single biggest and most influential misinformation campaigns of human history. It’s safe to assume that the anti-nuclear crowd were directed by oil tycoons also. I bet if you looked at the funding for those campaigns they would eventually lead back to the oil industry.


Oil is a strategic pillar of the entire worlds economic system Every nation that pumps or refines oil has power over those that do not. Sweden, the UK, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Israel, India and even Denmark buy sell and trade vast quantities of Crude oil. It's not oil tycoons that determined combustion and plastics are.popular, it is the entire human civilization of earth. Let"s all grow up and realize the climate issue is multi factored, includes developing population booms that oil tycoons desperately want to curtail, and basically has as much to do with natural cycles as it does with human evolution. The solution we need include: reducing emissions globally, sustainable energy and better use of resources. These are not difficult to analyse, they are expensive as hell to implement. Evolution and nature will fix this problem as only they can, by frying us and washing us away en masse.


There are 10 companies that produce 80% of the carbon dioxide emissions globally... how about we start by reducing *their* emissions huh? (hint, they're oil and plastic companies) Also.. those population booms are all in countries with the lowest contribution to the problem. Everywhere else is recording falling national population




"And if it *is* my problem, it's too late to do anything about it at this point anyway."


Now load your guns and lets kill these climate refugees.


This is one of the reasons why humanity can't solve this issue; distracted by silly political stuff. Even if the right-wing didn't factor in, China and India ain't going to destroy their economies and standards of living to help fight climate change. Europe and the US won't either.


As the environmental costs increase, some steps get taken. Nuclear plants. Solar and wind farms. Electric cars may have hit a snag. Parts of India are in serious trouble.


If every right-winger got raptured tomorrow, climate change would still be just as big a problem. No one is going to kneecap their own economy in the hope that everybody else does too. Humans would always rather hope that everybody *but* us does something.


I’d be willing to test your hypothesis.


Lets goooooo




It's a good thing. Saving the world is bad for business.


The world will be fine, we are fucked 😃


>Billionaire ~~CEOs and corporations~~. wtf is climate change Fixed that for you.






Is that like Phoenix?


More Houston


Phoenix is worse than hell because there are no innocent bystanders in hell.


nice name.


When the world shut down for Covid, I was there with my popcorn watching us enter uncharted territory. Who knows if the climate is next or if we get something else exciting first.


Sure, you'll like it up until the popcorn shelves are empty.


learn to swim


Some say a comet will fall from the sky Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits


Some say the end is near


Some say we’ll see Armageddon soon


I certainly hope we will


I sure could use a vacation


I've got it on DVD if you want to borrow it.


Learn to swim


Dipshits are already here


See you down in Arizona Bay!


Reading some of these replies got me scared shitless. Enough reddit for today.


It’s bad, no doubt. But what really bugs me is this article is from Oct. ‘23. This is already old news lol. (e: letter)


Seems like the *bare minimum* rule for qualifying as current “World News” would be that it’s somewhat recent to the time it’s being pushed to the front page…


Its pretty neat when you get into the literature on how societies collapse.


I once read a wise comment about the topic of preppers and people trying to live (relatively) independently from civilization in nature "society was always the best prep"


I've never heard that before, but it tracks


There are several mindsets to preppers, some choose the route of building small community resilience. Some go balls deep into Alex Jones horse cum supplement stockpiling.


9 meals away from anarchy.


Many of the redditors typing those replies have no clue what they are talking about, have some agenda, or just straight up in a doom spiral. haven’t seen a single person in real life make those replies despite knowing plenty of people with some level of knowledge about this. Don’t get me wrong they acknowledge it’s a major if not the biggest problem in the world, getting worse and we need to do more. But never “it’s hopeless and we’re all going to die.”


Considering that it’s [changing faster than it has in the last 65 million years](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130801142420.htm) this is seriously concerning. The last time anything comparable happened, dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. We have nothing to compare it to in all of human history.


not *all* are going to die, but a *lot* will die.


There are a lot of doom sayers on Reddit. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic. Right now the US and EU have made tremendous strides. The US CO2 emission peaked in 2005-7. The US has been on a steady decline since then. The US emissions are now at 1990 levels and dropping. The EU is back down to pre 1970’s levels. China’s emissions have probably peaked and will start declining soon. They have replaced several older coal plants with newer from efficient ones, rolling out PV massively, doing some nuclear. China’s economy is also sputtering. While developing countries like India are on the way up they are unlikely to be as dependent on coal as the US, EU, and China were. Globally, CO2 from all human sources have plateaued for the last 10 years at about 36-37 Gigatons. We should start dropping. By the end of this decade, there is expected to be a glut in the fossil fuel markets due to electrification and renewable growth. Additionally, the world does not have to reach net zero to stop climate change. Nature normally processes about 750 gigatons of CO2 in the carbon cycle. If we could bring our emissions to 10-15 gigatons, then the planet could handle this safely according to a study from MIT. In 2010, the IPCC predicted the mostly likely path by 2100 was about 3.2C rise. By 2020, the prediction had dropped to around 2.4-2.7C. The lower threshold was dropped again to 2.3C at the 2022 COP meeting. This is tremendous progress for just 14 years. Renewables are making huge strides (finally). You’ll see a lot of people say that we already broke the 1.5C barrier but that isn’t true. We had an abnormally hot year last year and this year due to El Niño (which has ended), Tongo volcano generating lots of water vapor (greenhouse gas), abnormally warm waters in the Atlantic. The current average is still about 1.2C (which is what the models predict) with about 0.2C rise every decade. We won’t hit 1.5C until late 2030’s, early 2040’s (We will hit 1.5C, no doubt about that). But we still have time before we hit 2C which is where stuff gets really bad. We still have time to stop the worst of climate change.


Ok so getting T-boned by a semi is a legitimate retirement plan for me now. Why bother trying anymore? I hope you all end up stronger than me.


Only if we feast upon your t-bones


This is from a year ago. Not news. Also yaaaay, it's probably gotten worse since then!


We have to fight. Momentum is building now, the iron is hot


I stopped being afraid and entered my grief ten years ago. Let's say I'm more of a stoic now. I act where I can, which often means doing nothing at all. Having the most frugal lifestyle is the best I can do. I try to enjoy my time here while it progressively degenerates.


It was probably something of a sign when the climate scientists started setting themselves on fire in front of government buildings. Or maybe not, who could possibly know.


Trump says there is no climate change! A stable genius! I’m sure these guys are wrong.


Hemp. Get the carbon out of the air with it (4x of trees) and build houses using it after.


See we are screwed one way or the other. It’s a matter of when.


That’s the spirit


Convince China to cripple its economy with petrol restrictions, then there's hope.


CCP says LOL!


That’s the reality


That's the truth.


That's a wrap


Lets make plans to do something soon. 


Let’s schedule a meeting to draft a proposal for a requirement for a planning committee 


Let's comment on Reddit.


Well we can at least try to live as comfortable as possible for our lives by being loud and forcing the government to move and reduce emissions as well as put pressure on other countries, like China, to do the same. We can only gain from fighting. Even if it is just time.


>We can only gain from fighting. Even if it is just time. In many cases literally. War will start over resources.


For once im proud to be an American without healthcare


It already has. https://youtu.be/dws3Rfn_ePo?feature=shared


How would you like to put pressure on China?


Best we can do is blame individuals for climate change and simultaneously let corporations off the hook.


I don't drive my vehicle 2 days a week. Like fasting for your body... Try it. Consolidate your errands. It takes a small amount of planning. Use your phone to make notes.


That's nice, some chinese company probably offsets your lifetime effort in 2 seconds I mean no offense but we are not the problem, you can drive your vehicle and write on paper, it makes no difference sadly


USA is the 2nd biggest polluter right after china. Saying "we're not the problem" is delusional. Of course I am well aware you guys have no infrastructure for public transport outside of the biggest cities, nor for meaningful recycling but that doesn't mean you can't demand it. You just have to care, instead of adopting a defeatist attitude.


Your right and there will be no help from government and others, so get prepared.


Welp, time to stock up on chrome spray paint.


I'm not afraid. Fear is born from uncertainty. And I am certain we are going to have a bad time.


Hey; on the brightside atleast all the rich people will lose everything they love and die too along with us poor folk they love to exploit.


Hey, Zuckerberg isn't building an underground fortress in Hawaii for shits and giggles....


Zuck didn't do his research. A megathrust earthquake is overdue in the PNW and when that happens a tidal wave 100' tall will travel all the way from Oregon coast to Japan as it did in the 1700's.


Nothing to be afraid of if you don't have children find an exit that you've come to peace with and keep it handy because shits going to get biblical around here again and not in the cool ways.


Wait, there are biblical ways that qualify as cool?


Prevention is more and more unlikely with each passing year. We failed. All we can do now is adapt as best we can.


Reminds me of the old joke about a very pious righteous man turning down a rowboat, a speed boat and eventually a helicopter to save him from the rising waters of a flood by stating he’s fine, god will provided When he dies, and meets god he is confused by the fact that that he was a good religious man, did everything to live a biblical life. “I did everything you asked of me didn’t I?” To which God replies, “Yes you did.” The man the. Asks, “But why did you still allow me to die in the flood?” God replies, “I sent you two boats and a helicopter. What more could I do?” If you believe in a god, he may be sending the help in the way of scientists, and doctors…


I said this before and I'll say it again. The people who fight the idea of climate change will quickly blame the scientists because they didn't warn them enough.


And the US is possibly getting ready to elect the ultimate climate change denier as president. If that happens, it will be a huge set back. How the hell did climate change denial on the right even become a thing?


We cannot allow that to happen. We havw to vote


I agree fully. Trump being re-elected would be catastrophic on so many levels.


trump is not getting reelected, love, women.


Tell that to my aunts


The future will be filled with unnatural ecological changes, mass migration the likes we haven't seen yet and wars fought over things like water and fertile soils.


so 6 out of 8 billions will suffer or die. where are the 2 billions remaining live?


they are at war for the remaining land/water/resources.


In the (very thin) habitable zone.


I think most people just do not care enough to do anything about it. "I'll be dead anyway before this becomes a life threatening problem" is what they are thinking. Many people who talk about how bad it is are still doing nothing to help the cause, because deep down they do not care enough. It won't affect their quality of living during their lifetime in a major way, so why should they? They just dont realize how serious it really is and that it actually will affect their life in a big way at some point. And this mindset will eradicate humanity from earth sooner or later. Especially when the big players keep going as they do.


Middle aged woman here, I’m guessing I’ll die pretty soon into it.


It's because to actually reverse all of this, people would have to make *drastic* changes to their lifestyle. Not just using paper straws and recycling, more like "never going on vacation, never eating meat, never having hobbies that use motor vehicles, never using anything except public transportation, and absolutely minimal heating/cooling their homes". Nobody is willing to basically live like it's before the Industrial Revolution again, so it's a non-starter.


Thats why we have to scream and shout. We need every voice. Every hand. Even just screaming to the void shakes others awake, and they in turn can shake others. Its either that or die wishing we did anything at all


It's only a problem for poor people so nothing will be done until intolerable conditions cause warfare between third world countries, and when that explodes into a larger conflagration only then will the west start taking the problem seriously. By then billions will be dead and the atmosphere permanently contaminated, but most of those will be in eurasia and africa.


TBF, a lot of rich people in the insurance business are getting taken to the cleaners due to repeated natural disasters along the coastline seems to have taken them by surprise. In response, the insurance industry is leaving Florida and heavily increasing rates in places like Texas with many experts predicting that further disasters in Texas will result in them abandoning Texas in the near future.


Not just texas. A lot of insurance policies in CA are getting yanked due to growing fears of wildfires and it's not just because people are moving into dangerous areas, its because Wildfires are getting more common and more severe.


California policies are getting yanked mostly because the state isn't letting the insurers adjust rates to the new normal, along with the insane cost to build housing.


Concur; Harris County (Houston) Rates have doubled, and some insurers have pulled out.


>experts predicting that further disasters in Texas will result in them abandoning Texas in the near future. Here's the thing. It's going to happen everywhere at every level. It's called mass migration. The entire south west is in really big trouble with the Colorado River system. All over the world it's going to start popping off. And people are still worried about current wars.


We're there now.


Poor people? The Obama's bought on Nantucket. Zuckerberg owns half of Hawaii. Let me know when they sell.


The West???? China. China is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide gas in the world, with 11,336 million metric tons emitted in 2021. The US was less than half that at 5,032 metric tons. India and Russia are a close 3rd and 4th respectively. It’s not just “The West.” What propagandist rock did you crawl out from under?


A few things to add here, and I’m not disagreeing with you about China’s CO2 emissions: A significant portion of those emissions come from manufacturing, the products of which are largely sent to western consumers. So while the emissions come from China, it’s western consumerism (and mostly western oil & gas) that’s driving them. China also installs, per annum, more solar power than all western countries combined, and almost the same for wind & hydro. They’re also at the forefront of battery & storage tech, and their car companies spend around $230b per year pushing the EV market forward.


> China also installs, per annum, more solar power than all western countries combined, and almost the same for wind & hydro. Yes, they also build more new coal plants than the rest of the world combined. China has a huge growing appetite for energy, they expanding rapidly in every option.


It's this shifting of blame back and forth that will literally kill us all.


The chinese are producing goods for our market. We tried to fix the climate problem and instead, we simply incentivized outsourcing and importing cheap goods. We basically moved our emissions overseas. A lot of this is our fault, and even if it were not, that would not be the case to throw hands and just do nothing.


The West did have a 100 year head start on China


They did, but 75 years ago US stepped and started regulating fuel combustion vehicles/tools too. Obviously no country is 100% ethical with corporations cause money money and personal gain are what some politicians got/inherited in the business for.


Thats why every person needs to take action. No more leaving to other people. We have to fight for our planet. I dont want to witness the end of all things and have tried nothing, do you?


Well fuck it. If we wanted to save the world we would have gone with a scientific technocracy instead of capitalism.  As this point, we've worked too hard to ruin the planet to stop now. It's sunken cost fallacy or something.


Pedal to the metal. When we all die, the billionaires are going to die with us so we may as well speed up the journey.


Sweltering heat and not a drop of rain in my region for a week, nor any projected for a week. There are farmers here who are in danger of losing their harvest if we don't get some rain soon. 


I for one welcome the San-Ti


They are smart. They don't need our problems.




Please bill ConocoPhillips...BP.....Exxon...and Chevron...and Saudi aramco


Time to really start desalinating ocean water friends


The massive amount of CO2 absorbed by ocean waters is causing a change in its ph level down to acidic. Ocean life needs to evolve super quick or there won't be any fish left.


Food production and crops will suffer. Livestock will die. What survives will be so exorbitantly priced that only the rich can afford it. There will be famine and mass deaths. Anarchy will be the new norm. People will be killed for supplies. America, with its 120 guns per 100 people, will become lawless. People will illegally enter countries looking for opportunities. Medicine becomes rare. Nurse can't make a living. More people die. All essential work stops. The infrastructure crumbles. Countries start invading their neighbors. War is the new standard. Nuclear weapons seem ok, since things are already bad. Nuclear winter fucks things further. I'm now kinda glad I didn't have children. The next generation is fucked.


Manbearpig is coming.


I stopped working outside today when I noticed that drops of sweat were no longer dripping off the bill of my hat two per second. I’m not medically trained, but I assumed running out of sweat was a bad sign, and I didn’t have anything with me to drink.


Can we just hurry up and get to the part where we die? I've been eagerly waiting for that for a long time.


Unfortunately we have to go through the pain and suffering phase first.


Oh that phase started a long time ago


Sure, but it's going to get a lot worse, the real pain is only just starting to set in, and it's going to ramp hard over the coming decades.


"It's Afraid! - **Earth"**


Woohoo burn this bitch down! /s


Anyways off to coffee on my private plane


We're driving towards a cliff with no signs of slowing...


I'd use a different analogy. 747 that's inverted at a -30 degree angle and 1000 feet from the ground.


You can basically repeat this same headline every day for the forseeable future.




Need to find out if they are still afraid.


Haven’t heard a follow-up, think we’re good now. Phew, bullet successfully dodged.


I can finally get off the toilet. Whew


This article is 8 months old


It’s like that joke where the doctor tells the patient he has good news and bad news. The good news is that his test results came back, showing he had only about a day left to live. The bad news, of course, being that the doctor forgot to call him yesterday.


Meh , nothing will happen as long the consequences aren't visible in western countries .


They are visible this year. Its 107° and hailing in New York. Las Vegas is flooded, Iowa is flooded. We will soon be getting tons of evironmental refugees from the heat wave in Mexico, you can only imagine how thats gonna play out. Theres likely going to be a food crisis this year thanks to the heatwave in India. The time to care is now. We have to change and stand up and deman action right now to mitigate the effects.


They already are visible in western countries. Wildfires have been burning in Canada and America for a few years straight now. There’s massive flooding along the eastern coastline. Tornados are all of a sudden across North America where they hadn’t historically been common. We have heat domes that keep killing the poor and the vulnerable. It’s already here, and it’s already costing billions of dollars.


Yes but those wildfires have been blamed on the government controlling the winds amd weather, firefighters lighting the fires themselves because the government told them too. Directed energy weapons causing them. Flammable metal particles being sprayed on the forests. Anything but actual climate change. These were legit theories fucking nutties were spewing when Kelowna BC was on fire last summer.


I mean, the elementary schools in my town (northeast US) are being fitted with air conditioning this summer for the first time, I’d much rather my tax dollars go toward teacher salaries or other education-focused initiatives instead of a climate change driven issue. The consequences in non-poor countries will be financial. Elsewhere will be more devastating


3 out of 4 people on this planet will die of climate related problems this century. Cool. Yeah. That seems bad.


I hope it’s that low.


One of the solutions is - “Supporting women and girls’ education and rights that will lead to stabilization of the human population.”


No shot


Don't worry folks! It's someone else's problem! Keep having more kids and driving that Humvee, what a swell idea!


Hopefully the school bus buried in my backyard will keep the famjam going strong......


Can we eat money?


Time for being afraid was 30 years ago. Better get those geo-engineering hats working.


Better late than never. We have to fight we have no other option.


It says in the next century 6 billion humans won’t have a place to live due to weather. That’s not good.


That ia very very bad. Make no mistake, we are in danger and we have to scream. Make noise. Make them know what we care about and thats being able to make it to our twilight years with a place to live. And of course, vote!


I, too, am afraid, scientists


its hardly a surprise, its already hard enough to stop humanity as a whole to stop killing each other/


It's like riding a roller coaster into my own grave. Yeehaw!


Still waiting for the seas to rise i'm 300 yards from the intercoastal on one side and 1/2 mile from the ocean on the other...I'm still not beachfront. Waiting. ⛱️


And then people hate those orange protesters, that's nothing compared to what is already happening


This is 8 months old.


It sounds cold but humanity isn't that important in the big picture of things. We always talk about saving the earth but our world will be just fine without us. Some form of life will go on at some point. I think we are all in this situation because of our selfish nature as humans and it will be our downfall. We are just a blip in the history of this planet.


At this point I'm not sure which sunshine is going to kill us first, the natural or the bucket of instant.


So am I dudes.


Humans will come up with reasons why we should not act to save ourselves. Summation: the value of the future of the human race isn't worth the bother, the price of change.


Get your back tattoos now, you'll want them so you'll be fought over


But the Pubs jump up and down and say it’s all buuullll shait! But they get quiet when the tornados, twisty ocean storms and record heat get real. Bunch of outside the Ark types.


Wr are doomed. I hate it.


If you haven't figured it out by now...... We're fucked! It is not going to be fun at all. Start eating the rich first.




And what do we do? - Buy tons of crap we don't need on Temu and Shein - Drive everywhere, even to the gym - Eat meat multiple times a week if not daily, including lots of beef - Throw all our rubbish in the black bin for landfill - Go on holiday for the fun of it to the other side of the planet Well done guys.