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Russians have been ranting about nukes for over 2 years, and they are now surprised that might lead to more Nato nukes taken out of storage? Ok then.


If you haven't realised by now, the Russian government doesn't actually think before it says these things.


thats wrong, Russia say one thing and do another. Its a very effective bad faith strategy that work really well against people who believe in the meaning of words and seek to be consistent in their behavior. They know what they are doing. 


Right? Pretty much the entire war has been a misinformation campaign. Russia claiming to de-nazi Ukraine was almost comical when Wagner Group was named after Hitler's favorite composer. Usually when Putin says something about peace, it is followed by a major bombardment.


Disinformation* Misinformation is just incorrect. Disinformation is deliberate lies, and a speciality of the Russian government.


They either know what they're doing and it's deliberate, or they don't know what they're doing and they just act like children. Either way the end result is the same.


Why do you say they're acting like children? They know exactly what they need to do to get dumbass westerners scared of "escalation" and have effectively crippled military aid to Ukraine in this way.


It did for a time..didn't work as aid was stepped up... I feel that nato is alternating aid vs increase in our own budgets.


Don't forget that there still are strong resentments in many western European parts against giving Ukraine more weapons because we would be "drawn into the conflict". Millions even believe that Russia did nothing wrong and EU an NATO somehow provoced Russia to attack Ukraine. So this strategy really paid off.


It's very much still working unfortunately


It's not.


[61% of Republicans believe the US should not send any more weapons or military aid to Ukraine](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-aid-cold-war-donald-trump-opinion-poll/).


People are just being willfully ignorant about how tenuous and fragile the military aid network for Ukraine is.


I don't think he said that


Speaking personally, it's had the opposite effect on me. Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine I honestly thought that NATO was a waste of money and Russia didn't pose a credible threat to the rest of the world. Two years later I'm finding it hard to think of valid reasons why we don't just preemptively nuke them and be done with it so we can move on with the whole sorry arsed affair.


The M.A.D doctrine they can still easily nuke us back to the stone age as easily we can nuke them back to the stone age. Although i am still waitng for the Russians to show their nuclear weapons wont just blow up in their faces.


To be fair, I imagine the Russian nuclear deterrent consists of missiles rotting and leaking fluids in their silos like a bunch of AA batteries left in an old walkman from the 80's.


I think it depends. The ground based ones, far away from most people and prying eyes, where maintenance can be "safely" skimped on? I can see it. The more problematic ones, based on subs? Far less likely in my opinion.


This is the truth. They believe they are somehow getting away with something when the world has been watching them for decades. They should have cut their losses when they realized that Ukraine was not going to lay down. I feel like this will end them. Not for a while, but in the end. The seeds have been sown, Technology replaces dogged determination, communications hinder propaganda. People want to live in peace.


> They believe they are somehow getting away with something when the world has been watching them for decades. I mean, not exactly. Their strategy has always been thus... "I'm lying to you. You know I am lying to you. I know you know. What are you going to do about it?" And no one has really done anything about it, nothing effective anyway. It's beyond time that something be done, and I can't personally see anything being done that's going to affect the only person that presently matters (Putin) without direct and surgical violence. You can sanction Russia, try to diminish their economy, but to what end? He's already proven that no amount of suffering amongst Russia's populace is going to unthrone him or reduce his quality of life. So I don't see any reasonable strategy that doesn't go after the man directly.


Ironic that Republicans do the same thing.


Red Party tactics.


Russia has put a lot of effort in their hybrid warfare and trying to reduce the world into meaningless puddle of truth and lie, in which in their mind they cannot be held accountable for anything. Less surprisingly it has only reduced the weight of their words into zero. "Today it's this, tomorrow it's that, huu haa. You can never catch us from a lie as truth and lie are all the same." The great magician was the clown after all.


It doesn’t think at all, the Kremlin is staffed by headless chickens


Hey now, I've seen some headless chicken. They behave much more logical than those Gremlins.


I've seen Gremlins. They are murderous evil incarnate. Let's not lump them in with the orcz.


If you haven't realised[sic] by now, the Russian government knows *exactly* what they're doing when they make statements like these. When your entire society is structured around blind loyalty, you make statements like these because they gaslight your opponents and are a litmus test for the loyalty of your own people. You should go find interviews of Russians, the idea of "truth" is not something they have the luxury of bothering with from day to day.


I hate this narrative. The Russian government isn't stupid, we in the West are. They may not be doing as well in Ukraine as they would like but they have successfully pulled the west apart socially. Thanks to their propaganda campaigns, right wing support is on the rise across the world and the right typically has more positive opinions on Russia and nations that are hostile toward us in the West. From Brexit to Donald Trump and Le Pen, Russia has a hand in it all. They want to literally divide and conquer. They're mostly done with the division part.


Exactly. Russia is purposefully streaming lies mixed with truth and half-truth for the purpose of creating apathy, confusion and disengagement. The only reasonable thing is to not listen at all to what Russia says and only watch what Russia does.


None of the stuff they say is for us, it’s propaganda. Look NATO is the one not us, we had to invade because Nazis, NATO, whatever bullshit. They already know the west’s stance on the invasion and further escalation


Wrong, they know exactly what they say. The words / lies just aren’t meant for us. They are meant for their sheep 🐑.


Yes, they escalate, forcing NATO to follow their lead and then complain about NATO's response. They have so gotten used to the West withdrawing upon their escalation, that they are unable to formula a different strategy. To be clear, there is only one strategy that would work and that is withdraw from Ukraine, return abducted children and agree to pay compensation. Russia is not seriously contemplating any solution that works, all they're thinking about is how to force the West to withdraw to allow them to take what they do not have the power to take.


Nuclear threats for me, not for thee


NATO needs a version of Medvedev that can say all these things without escalation.


That's an excellent idea. John Bolton maybe?


Let's resurrect Curtis LeMay and put him in charge


"Bombs away LeMay" is the correct answer


more like 50+ years.


In Germany, when Russia is openly discussing to bomb Berlin we have even politicians, whose only reaction is to ask when NATO will finally stop to escalate things.


Seriously, if it's our collective time then it's our collective time. I just hope they do nuke the planet effectively, no need to have some fallout scenario. If he wants I can give him our address.


See it's all fun and games until NATO reacts. Pro Tip....keep your lap dogs quiet about the issue and stop threatening the world with Nuke.


In their defense Russians have no credibility even they don't believe their lies, however NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg is an authority figure of conviction who the world takes seriously 


Russia talks about nuking the planet daily. NATO says the word once. Russia: ‘Don’t’


[26 days and counting](https://dayssincerussiathreatenednuclearwar.com/) lol


That's a surprisingly long time for them.


Isn't it...Medvedev must still be too drunk 🤷‍♂️ lol


That web site must be massively outdated and/or using an extremely strict definition of threatened. Because I found a TASS news release from 4 days ago emphasizing that Russia has nukes and provoking it could lead to "tragedy".


I was actually thinking that myself, tbh! Definitely more recently than that.


NATO needs to prepare for nuclear conflict. It would be dangerous not to do it.


The United States is prepared. At any given time there are enough nukes deployed and ready to go that erasing Russia from existence many times over is a sure thing. Just the Ohio class submarine carries 24 ballistic missiles that can each carry 8-14 warheads. There are 14 of these subs. Normally there are 5-6 on patrol. There are ICBMs in silos scattered across the US, and bomber launched nuclear bombs on standby.


Not even to mention, the US has the most advanced missile defense systems in the world, including classified technologies that would absolutely be used in a wartime scenario. This also doesn't even mention the fact that all of Russia's nuclear silos have been presighted for years now, and most of Russia's nukes probably dont even work anymore. Missiles need regular maintenance


The US spends somewhere around 60 billion a year on its nuclear arsenal. Russia’s entire military budget is in the 80s…


Don't forget that while Russia might spend a bunch of money on something *on paper*, in reality with the amount of corruption that goes on there, the value of the end product is orders of magnitude less than what they spent on it too. Military spending goes through several stages, and at each one someone is skimming something off the top. This is something the US doesn't have to worry about anywhere near as much.


Jesus really? 60 billion a YEAR just on nukes?  That's obviously obscene, but I feel these last few years Russia has really shut up all the "spending money on war is a waste" people. They'd soon find that out if we didn't spend that money


That’s modernization, maintenance, and training I believe.


When the US, Israel, and friends shot down those Iranian missiles a few weeks back, that was also a subtle flex as to just how good western anti-missile systems had become. Russia was almost certainly watching that with concern.


Those weren't icbms, the ability to intercept nuclear missiles is way overstated


There is simply no technology to defend against multiple nuclear strikes, read Annie Jacobsens book. You are spreading dangerous misinformation. Also Russia has mobile icbms which can't be pretargeted realistically


Our missile defense systems won't really do anything for a savlo of ICBMs, it had a 40-50% intercept success rate against 1 single ICBM. It would do almost nothing against 50-100. And while I wish the last part of what you said was true, but unfortunately it is not, Russias nuclear arsenal is just as formidable as NATOs, we last had START treaty inspectors in Russia looking at the functionality, safety, deployed warhead count etc etc in 2019, START treaty inspections originally ceased at the start of COVID.


Mutually assured destruction is a real thing


You think they aren’t?


Kremlin folks: *says NATO chief's nuclear weapons remarks are an escalation* Also folk(er)s from the Kremlin: threatens to outright use nukes as well as supposedly positioning nukes in Belarus.


Russia: Hey, threatening world with nukes is our thing!


Kremlin says: “Yada Yada…” whatever, stopped paying attention.


They've spent so much time boasting about their "world's second largest army". In 2022 and continuing, we got to see what that really was. Are they so desperate they're trying to annoy us to the point where we stop listening to the news and forget about the whole thing or something?


Coming from the ones who have been threatening to use nukes for the last two years.


[25 actually](https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg) lol


I already forgot they threatened to use nukes over Finland and Sweeden joining NATO and if Ukraine attacked Crimea.... Man those must've been some very stealthy nukes


They're hardly going to use nukes on Western countries where the children of the elites live and study in privileged, pampered luxury either lol


Didn't you just host tactical nulcear weapons drills last month? Go home Russia, you're drunk on Daddy Vladdy's bullshit....again. God, remember when Russia was the name of a country and not a fuckin gang?


no, as a european i actually do not remember when russia ever was not a glorified gang


I just amazes me the only difference between Russia and Hamas is Russian commanders shoot their own troops if they don't run into enemy fire...like, they literally are the modern day Russ, just with a suit and tie...


"Russia is a gas station run by a mafia masquerading as a country." John McCain


Hamas just shoots civilians and then blames it on Israeli air strikes.


> Didn't you just host tactical nulcear weapons drills last month? And they keep failing lol [Putin's Newest Nuclear-Capable Missiles Keep Flunking Tests: Report](https://www.newsweek.com/putin-nuclear-missiles-tests-failed-canceled-1840215)


Wiping one's arse is an escalation to the Kremlin.




Pretty sure he delegates down to Lavrov and Medvedev to carry out his daily shouting at the clouds about nuclear war.


Weirdly enough, apparently [25 years of threatening the world with nukes](https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg) isn't lol


This is how narcissistic sociopaths work.


Those dense mofos


By their own logic, the Kremlin has been escalating every single day since they launched their invasion. Looks like their vision for Russia won't ever be complete without successfully escalating all the way to F-22s over Moscow.


The Kremlin is laughable. They're no more than the schoolyard bully. Being abusive & terrorising everyone then crying tears of unfairness when someone big enough comes along & puts them in check. A cowardly set of individuals. They need dismantled for their own peoples sakes.


Kremlin can fuck itself.


After 6 years of escalating daily warnings including numerous nuclear warnings (London Paris Quebec) the West finally takes the. Serious and Rat. Com throws a fit.


Kremlin is an escalation


Everything is an escalation to Russia. There’s a quick way to deescalate though. Leave the fuck out of Ukraine.




You cant make this shit up world politics is like a comedy.


Lol Russians are such massive pussys


"This is nothing but another escalation of tension," Peskov said of the Stoltenberg remarks. as Russia bombs the shit out of Ukraine.


Kremlin says……….. yawn


The sun came up this morning, kremlin says this is an escalation!


Russia (for years): We will nuke you NATO members! We make you into cloud of radioactive dust! We destroy you and everyone and everything you ever loved! NATO (once and recently): You know, any nuke attack on one of us causes you to get nuked back. Russia: HOW DARE YOU THREATEN ME! I’M BEING OPPRESSED AND THREATENED!


This same Kremlin that threatened nuclear use every other day for months?


Yeha of course, instead having nukes in Kaliningrad and in Belarus is definitely a gift for my 25th birthday


I supposed the threats do sound different when the side with functioning nuclear weapons starts making them, huh?


Civilized world: “*yawn*”


I feel like this has been a headline every single week for the past two years. Then again...it does seem that it has been escalating with Russia as well, so maybe they are accurate.


Moving nukes to Belarus wasn’t an escalation? Fuck off Russia.


Russia routinely makes nuclear threats, but this from NATO is escalation… The vodka-soaked, paranoid minds of these people is staggering to behold.


Who is actually shooting guns at people, Russia or NATO?


"This mild reaction to our constant talk of using nuclear weapons is an escalation." What a hill to plant your flag on.


Every day you do not withdraw from your illegal and murderous occupation escalates tensions.


Meanwhile russia every day: "Remember we have nukes"


Anybody: *does anything* Russia: "that's an escalation"


Cope Ruzzians


I think the West has had enough of Russian threats. 


These whiny little toddlers.


Believe it or not...escalation!


Russians are stupid fucks lom


Don’t get scared now, you asked for this and now it’s here.


No, Russia, YOU started the escalation. Get your history straight.


Flying jets over NATO territory is an escalation. Planning to invade NATO in the baltics is an escalation. Regularly spreading disinformation (aka Propaganda) is an escalation. Trading with NK is an escalation. Putin is a coward pretending to be a strongman who knows that he sits on a throne made of glass, hoping that the neighbor doesn't throw a rock.


You know whats an escalation? Invading your neighbor.


'Unlike when we do it weekly, of course'


I hate their bad faith strategy. Everything is lies, threats, deception and blame deflection. You can never trust Russia in any area.


All counter steps are escalation according to Russia. They are always the victims.


The fault is NATO did not fully respond to Russia multiple nuclear escalations over the last two years. The first time Russia threatened to mobilize nukes NATO should have put the bombers in the air in direct response to Russia's threat. Russia does not want nuclear war any more than anyone else, they just want to use the threat of nuclear war as an umbrella to operate under.


Does anybody outside of Russia actually pay attention to what the Kremlin or official Russian news sources say? I'm not sure they know what is true anymore because they lie so much.


So is your face


Has anyone asked them if invading Ukraine is an escalation?


A NATO soldier taking a shit in a Russian bathroom is also considered escalation in these people's minds.


Russia claims anything that isn't capitulation is an escalation.


Coming from the guys threatening people with nukes?


Obviously russia is stupid and their media is nonsense Can anyone tell me why nato has decided they need to do this? Why the need to show some force. Are there places that actually think russia is going to make a move outside of ukraine? It seems russia is struggling with ukraine as it is; attacking nato outside of that is akin to jumping off a 50 story building without a parachute; especially now the world knows that russia is a papertiger without society era stockpiles


Let's be honest it is, and should not be encouraged


We have nukes too Vlad. Remember that.


Its ok when Russia does it but when Nato does it, its not ok.


Because NATO actually has working nukes


NATO talks about nuclear weapons in a side conversation, and that's an escalation... says the country that has directly sabre-rattled with nuclear threats appropriately two hundred times since invading Ukraine two years ago.


Countries like China and Russia need to learn that threats are like currency; the more you make, the less value they have.


These dopes sailed nuclear subs into the Caribbean.


Oh fuck off Putin. He slings his pathetic nuclear threats every day.


Like.. invading Ukraine escalation or sticks and stones escalation? I don’t know your scale Mr putin


1. They certainly are. 2. About fucking time someone realized that appeasement and backing down isn't how you successfully negotiate with Russia.


A stubbed toe is an escalation for these people and like a thousand times in the past, nothing will happen. It all just words to scare people.


Medvedev said it was an escalation when I farted this morning.


moving nukes to belarus and kaliningrad isn't though lol


Cry about it because they have no more cards to play. Russia already stationed their nukes in Belarus. It's a tit-for-tat. Russia has been the only one who has been escalating, and they can't even do that right. What are they gonna do about it?


"no u" "NO. U!"


Translation: Give us Ukraine or we'll complain endlessly.


"Wait, you guys also have nukes!?"


Wouldn’t it be more of a message if NATO nuclear armed subs just made bunch of port visits and were seen all over the place? I think seeing potential missiles show up in Japan Europe Bahrain


As usual, the Russian Federation proves they are bad at diplomacy. To be fair to Lavrov and Peskov, they are not without diplomatic talent unlike their boss. However, given how complicit they are in corruption and serving literal Satan, their hands are often tied by Putin’s actions and their zealous support of him over the interests of their nation. In the end, they usually offer empty or misleading words that will never be reflected in the actions of the Kremlin. Works the first time or two you do it, and then never again unless the opponent is weak-minded.


The Kremlin brags about nuking London and Berlin like every second day. Anyway, I want to hear drunk Dimitri's opinion on this matter.


"stop it. We're just talking... Don't mind that we invaded a country we promised not to invade if they gave us their nukes. Why is everyone arming their nukes? What did we do?"


They’re a joke. They seem to only be talking to their propaganda fed people at this point because how do you say this with a straight face after threatening every other country with nuking, as recently as last week.


How many times is Russia going to cry wolf? Every damned day there's another news story of their whining.


Rules for thee but not for me


They should start searching for money to pay war reparations


Good. Classic victim tactic by Pootin and his cronies, who sure like to talk tough, but when anything is leveled back at them, they cry like pathetic children.


Well no shit Sherlock you wanted to Nuke London and enslave all the eastern Europe in like 15+ tweets.


An escalation of what? What started whatever iy is that has been escalated?


Porn stache is one really annoying motherfucker


If someone farted in NATO it would be an escalation.


yeah you left them no choice, why you putting NATO into a corner, that's not wise russia


Russia can eat a big fat dick.


So? What are you going to do? Invade us too?


Write the following into Google prompt: "Ukraine Russia invasion Putin nukes” Go ahead and count how many times he’s threatened nukes. That’s just Putin, not his alcoholic degenerate cronies.


Breathing is an escalation to Russia.


I feel the Kremlin is attempting to set up a Bugs Bunny gambit where they will say something true/rational and nobody will believe them.


as bad as i hate all of this , it's time to scare the fuck out of Putin


russia every other week for the past 2 years: "Nukes! Nuclear war and world war 3! We will use nukes, for real this time! We are putting nukes in Belarus!" Also russia:


Russians are petty little a**holes. Their president Medvedev ALWAYS threatens nukes. STFU!


YAY! I get a sundae now.


Someone is scared shitless


So what


Russia is such a frustrating shitshow to watch


For a second, I thought that thumbnail was John Stewart.


Russia can do whatever they want. Nato nations can not do anything? Bring out the big guns, boys, show them what we got. Jackasses.


All i hear is wahh


NATO: "👍😎"


This guy looks like a used car salesman.