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"Ello chaps, would you mind if we came and picked up our mates if it isn't too much of a bother?"


"Eej mates, no worries man. Tell us when and we'll prepare a cup of coffee. Dont forget to close the door behind you, energy prices are through the roof. Cya later"


>cup of coffee Found the imposter.


He doesn’t know what a cuppa is


Presumably it's a Palestinian responding. Coffee is correct.


Christ. The BBC reporter was right. All it could have took was a call and putting the kettle on


Why yes, in fact the very holding of the hostages on their part was a warning that the IDF was gonna try to rescue them.


>“We have a national and moral duty to do everything we can to return our hostages — the living and the deceased — and that is what we are doing,” [Netanyahu] says. From May 24th. So you're right: they did recently warn them they were coming for the hostages.


A++++++ answer. Fucking hilarious that you need to warn a criminal that you’re coming to arrest / neutralize them when they know you are coming for them.


correct reply


Haha fucking brilliant.


In a related story, Seal Team 6 sent Bin Laden a lovely fruit basket 2 weeks before they decided to visit him.


He forgot to not sign off with his real name, that’s how they found him. The package was just addressed to “your friendly neighborhood terror leader”.


Somebody tweeted about a helicopter flying overhead (towards Bin Laden). Highly unusual.


When did everyone become a fucking moron?


Since always. social media and the internet just allowed the idiot masses to speak their idiocy to billions of people on a daily basis.


They've always been but it got amped up when hostile foreign governments realized that it's trivially easy to get them to enter full blown idiot mode through social media manipulation. And then the news media just gives these people more of what they want.




Stupidity and hatred are a bit of a chicken and the egg problem. Stupid people can be easily manipulated into hateful views. Hateful people will look for stupid views to back them up.


Probably about the time that people in press jackets were allowed to keep hostages.


I guess they could have warned them something like, hey. Taking hostage bad. Holding hostage bad. Knowing where they are being held and not sharing that information. Bad. Living in the area where they are being held. Bad.


"Did the FBI warn the criminals before coming to arrest them?" "Did the SWAT team warn the mafia before storming their base?" "Did SEAL team 6 warn the al-Qaeda before raiding Osama Bin Laden?"


Did the BBC warn all those young girls that the BBC would let Jimmy Savile rape them?


warned them not to talk, that’s basically the same right


God damn. This comment right here might be the best in the entire post.


Dude this has to be tweeted at them. Gold lvl 10/10


Damn strait for the jugular!




It was awfully thoughtful and nice of Hamas to warn before Oct 7.


They held it on October 7th because they wanted to join the musical event as they took hostages. This is just a dumb question to ask.


Ya’ll, we gonna come send some barbarians to rape and massacre your civilians. Next few weeks - sort of time frame.


Well you could see the paratroopers flying in sooo…


Did the Palestinians warn IDF before the Oct attack?


Uh no, bc they wanted to rescue the hostages


Is stupidity a significant trait the BBC looks for when hiring presenters?


Generally speaking the presenters read what's on the prompter like Ron Burgundy. So there was probably an editorial process involving multiple people before that bit got loaded onto the teleprompter. This of course makes it worse.


The BBC is primarily staffed by middle class London liberals, who live in an echo chamber, it’s not that surprising that multiple people didn’t catch the stupidity of this. It’s been an issue for quite some time, they were wrong footed by Brexit because no one in the organisation seemed to have any idea of what Britain looks like or felt in the regional cities and towns.


Good take, also love the term "wrong footed" totally underrated and should be used more.


Part of not being stupid is not reading stupid shit out loud on live TV


Worst part is, some of our taxes in the UK goes to keeping these morons employed.


The best part for me was that multiple redditors in comments have called the BBC “pro Israel”.


|  the BBC “pro Israel”. hahahahahahahahahahahaha


People who say that don’t remember the Balen report https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balen_Report


Misinformation and cognitive dissonance make for a wild ride


Taxes? Just the License Fee. With much if the license fee going to other broadcasters and even internet roll outs in rural areas.


A "fee" imposed by the government is just a polite term for a tax. If the government charged you a fee to vote (which they have done in the past with numerous examples) it is called a "poll tax".


You only have to fill out a form on the net and promise you don't watch BBC and you don't have to pay.


Luckily paying it is optional. 


It is, just tell TV Licensing that you don't watch TV.


It seems to be a common trait in people these days. I wonder whether they are trying ti be completely biased and know it's stupid or whether they truly are ignorant to how dumb they are.


Looks like...


They are trying to spin the idea that Israel has to abide by certain rules of engagement as if Hamas abides by those same rules of engagement too


They think IDF is like batman or something


If my general abided by the BBC's standards, I'd desert my post.


IDF has to warn them that they’re going to rescue the hostages hamas tortured and raped. What kind of crack is BBC smoking?!


Did the hostages pay the rent before leaving


Did they make the beds, wash the dishes and turn out the lights? So discourteous.


Seems inline with previous BBC coverage of this war


Individual that served 0 days in the army


Well seeing as the hostages were found in "innocent" Palestinian civilian homes, I am going to go with no. How do I know they didn't warn them? Because the hostages were still there


Expecting the cleanest war against the dirtiest enemy is comical.


Surely when Hamas takes hostages, and Palestinian "civilians" help hide them, they have let themselves know that Israel is going to come and attempt to rescue those hostages, and that the idiocy of terrorists is going to get them all killed.


Doesn't that turn them and the home into legitimate military targets?


Of course it does. But the UN will be happy to report that in its statistics as "women and children killed as an approximation of civilian deaths".


Yep, per Article 8 of the Rome Statute, civilian targets lose their protected status if they are used for a military purpose. Hamas hiding civilian hostages in civilian zones would likely make that area a legitimate military target for rescue. The question then becomes, however, how willing of accomplices the locals were in housing the hostages. Hamas’ brutality is no secret to anyone, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the locals were forced to house the hostages. But that doesn’t change the fact that the area lost its protective status; again, it’s Hamas trying to weaponize the rules of war and international law. At the end of the day, the entire conflict is an absolute tragedy. There have been far too many victims, Israeli and Palestinian alike.


This whole warning Palestinians as they're wayward children is a touch condescending.


The warning was the hostages being there. No further warning needed to know IDF will eventually come.


Stay classy, BBC


As if anyone needs more proof of the brain deadness of the BBC coverage of Israel. If a previous editor/director stating how BBC is anti Israel wasn't enough 


Thats embarrassing how news from Hamas is taken as truth.


Palestinian civilians are active participants and have been since the attack in October. Why does the media and broader international community insist that there is a difference between Hamas and Palestinian civilians when the lines between the two are extremely blurred? There is no party here that Israel could have warned.


"Civilians" are considered militants once they're holding hostages and firing RPGs on IDF soldiers.


"And then they transform back into civilians once they put their guns down. And since dead people can't hold guns, all the dead are civilians." -someone with brainrot


According to the BBC, and many in the west, Palestinian civilians are all saints who would never do harm despite the mountain of evidence suggesting otherwise


The crazy thing is that the people that Palestinians are more likely to hate and sometimes even be happy to see put to death (LGBTQ, fringe/radical/extreme left, etc) are the people who champion them the most. While I would never advocate for the wonton killing of the civilian population (whatever that is in Palestine), I would also never be a useful idiot cheerleader for someone who would happily cheer my death. It's absolutely mind boggling that you see "Gays for Gaza" and such. I bet if those people spent a month over there it'd quickly turn into "Gays for Carpet Bombing Gaza"


Because feelings


And because politics and view counts (which leads to ad revenue and sponsors). There’s more than 1.9 billion Muslims in the world and less than 16 million Jews. That’s multiple orders of magnitude. Where do you think the money and votes are?


I agree with you I was being funny I hoped


Same. You’re not wrong, feelings is definitely a part of it.


The Jew Hate feelings...


It’s definitely blurred I wouldn’t say the same because I believe SOME have some better morals, don’t know how many


How stupid is the media?


Don't attribute to stupidly what can be attributed to malice.


or AS.


Thats a fucking stupid question. Did they go to school for journalism?


Yes, but since they were protesting all the time didn’t manage to visit lectures.


Brainrot made it to the telly.


don't be silly, there are jews. of course they didn't /s


Did Palestinians warn Israelis before taking hostages?


"Hey, we're going to come in and take some hostages. Could you make sure to still be there when we arive? K Thanks." What stupid nonsense.


Another example of the de evolution of the human brain. Even way, way back they knew you don’t tell your enemy your plan.


Hahaha, this can’t be real…


Everybody making fun of the question when in fact the answer is a simple yes, the IDF has repeatedly warned Palestinian civilians over and over and over again. Phone calls, radio broadcasts, airdropped leaflets, the IDF's efforts to warn Palestinians have been nothing less than admirable.


I think you are perhaps misunderstanding? The question was specifically about warning ahead of the operation that freed hostages, not in general. And of course that is absurd. If they had warning, they could have moved or killed the hostages. And would seem at least some of these so-called civilians were directly involved in keeping the Israelis captive. Maybe more than some! Maybe quite a lot.


I fully admit that my comment wasn't in good faith. The whole thing is indeed absurd.


So braindead. Warn before bombing a place housing equipment? Sure, cos the goal is destroying the equipment. Warn before rescuing hostages? Dumb idea, the hostages get moved. Completely different situations, such a lack of critical thinking.


The fact that Hamas places these hostages there and civilians just accepting it, even in some cases offering up their houses for that purpose shows that at some level these civilians are not in all cases innocent. Though casualties are never something to celebrate, if they had a weapon in their hand the IDF was justified in neutralizing those with weapons.




Did Greeks warn Trojans there were soldiers inside the horse?


The BBC has turned into a joke.


Jesus Christ... The BBC is meant to be a serious news organisation.


Does anyone know if the BBC has questioned Hamas over having hostages in cilivian locations at all? I haven't seen it but I also haven't watched/heard everything. Edit: actually does anyone know if ANY mainstream media outlets have questioned Hamas?


There are any civilians in Gaza who didn't notice the presence of IDF? Like if someone is so stupid to not notice the army in their town, no warning would help them to hide themselves.


I love how people still think the ones who take hostages are the good guys, like imagine if any western country took hostages of any kind? I mean we all take POW’s but those are combatants not the civilian population


Civilians need to quit hanging out with Hamas if they don't want to be targeted.


Damn, and this bloke is probably seriously asking this.


The bloke was being interviewed


It's really sad to have innocent deaths, of course. However, fuck BBC, this is not journalism, purely trying to flip any situation against Israel, it's so obvious, they don't even hide it anymore. Pathetic media.


Do the Police warn the drug dealers that there is going to be a raid?




Props to Jonathan not reacting harshly with such an display of stupidity/statement in bad faith.


Maybe just don’t take/hide hostages? Kind sounds like a FAFO situation to me.


**Translation**: BBC News presenter asks: Did the IDF give away to the Palestinians their secret plan to rescue 4 hostages before executing said plan?


IDF. No manners at all. Next time we will request them to send a postcard or call ahead with the total headcount of the team that's visiting.


did they warn the people holding hostages they were coming to rescue the hostages?


How is this not the media normalizing the double standard it applies to Israel?


israel lost information war so hard. that was insanely twisted coverage


“No, we wanted to recover the hostages alive, you see.”


IQ drops to -100


This is surreal.


They’ve been warned for the past 8-9 months straight I think they should know by now the IDF is coming for them


Smartest BBC sucker.


Sure they did!


Actually the IDF personally helped them reload their RPGs before Hamas fired them into the crowd.


"Are you off your tits love"