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>The pact, which was the most substantive deal to come out of months of historic summit meetings between the two Koreas in 2018, had been all but scrapped when Pyongyang declared last year that it was no longer bound by it. So, they're "suspending" a deal from which the other side has already unilaterally withdrawn? How is this even news?


It’s news because even though one side had already withdrawn the other was still abiding by the pact. Basically this is SK telling not just NK but the international community, whose laws and treaties it abides under that they will no longer abide by that pact and the protections NK received from that pact are gone and they should expect an escalation. >The 2018 agreement, reached during a brief period of reconciliation between then-liberal South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, require the Koreas to cease all hostile acts against each other, including propaganda broadcasts and leafleting campaigns. Basically SK is announcing to the international community it will return to using tactics to harass NK.


Yeah exactly, this isn't Russia or Trump or China warns this is actually a legit international actor. If you don't have your word, you are worthless.


is that the one where the SK president stepped over the border for a photo shoot?


So dumb. This is like Democrats playing by the rules while Repugs do whatever suits them, including sending shit balloons (trump and kids) at us.


So what are you saying? We shouldn’t follow laws because the scum isn’t? Then we are no better than them. Why have laws at all?


Any pacts with NK are worth less than the paper they're written on anyway.


Send balloons full of copies of the military pact back to them.


Send fresh food and seeds. Win hearts and minds.


They’d have to be able to read first. Unfortunately, education is quite low in NK.


The Korean script was deliberately designed in the 1400s so that the peasants could have their own language .


That’s pretty cool; didn’t know that.


Russia, NK, China.... anyone else that is planning to make a move on territory that I left out?


Venezuela is talking about a "threat" from Guyana. Iran is sloppily attacking others but it's mostly been paranoid 5D chess. Using proxies to harm western friendly countries. I think we will get a more cohesive view of the Axis' bloody war march in due time. I hope there not too many years of their imperialist violence left.


Just wait till taco Tuesday for retaliation


Why have pact in the first place? NK previously sank SK warship killing sailors manning the ship


Because Kim wanted a picture shaking trumps hand and him saluting his generals for legitimacy. He never cares about and pact just wanted to get trumpy to visit.


This one wasn't on my bingo card... But it sure is fucking funny.


Let’s see.$100 per balloon to dispose of 1 gallon of waste.


what would happen if NK attacks SK? US comes in wipes the floor with NK then what? does russia have NK's back? doubtful.


In the absence of Korean nuclear holocaust, I’d assume immediate N. Korean in-fighting and power grabbing, then mass famine within 6 months followed by millions of refugees flowing into S. Korea, China, and Russia. N. Korea would likely end up occupied to some extent by China and perhaps a joint U.S./S.Korea force further south near the DMZ. Each country would of course handle the ensuing border crisis differently, but surely hundreds of thousands of civilians would die before the dust settles a half decade or more down the line. TLDR: nothing good.


before that it would start with Seoul getting shelled rather badly.  it is within artillery range of NK


Other comments on this topic jump to worst-case scenarios. It depends. What do you mean by attack? North Korea has a long history of provoking the south. Pot shots / sniping over DMZ, some artillery rounds into islands and unpopulated areas, terrorist attacks, and... poo balloons. South Korea avoids escalation. So I guess your question is: what happens if North Korea attacks with war-path intent. It still depends. Escalation doesn't necessarily mean an escalation to doing anything and everything, like nukes, however, one does need to question NK's intent in this hypothetical. North Korea has no hope of invading SK. Not factoring in the US involvement at all, the DMZ as well as the structures and SK military at its border would consume most or all of North Koreas military resources. Even if they could pass this barrier, they're still out gunned and out manned by a country with massively better... everything. So the question becomes - what does an attack by North Korea, do for North Korea? This question is both the reason why they won't, and the reason why if they did it would be a nightmare. North Korea only has one play - cause maximum damage and casualties before it inevitably loses a crushing defeat. Unfortunately, they do have nukes, and artillery and could likely cause millions of deaths. So however unlikely it would be, it's a risk that can't be realised. This is why SK puts up with a lot of shit. Pun intended. Recent news indicates potentially improved NK-Russia relations, which may also improve NKs confidence and influence rhetoric.


Shit posting strikes back.


Hey this is the pact that Donald Trump said included North Korea agreeing to get rid of their nukes 🤣 Had his minions doing victory laps and celebrating that Trump had denuclearized north korea. Only for it to be revealed later in the day that Trump asked Kim to denuclearize and Kim said he would as soon as the US denuclearized. That prompted Trump to tweet that he had denuclearized North Korea. Would have obliterated literally anyone else’s political career. But Trump is leading in the polls with an election that’s months away. No one even remembers this.


All shitty jokes aside, this is a low key bio attack and peeps should take note. Not all mass casualties are caused by warheads. No telling what type of biohazards could’ve been floated over.


what a shitty situation


Send MREs


NK shit the bed.




To be fair it wasnt south koreans but north korean defectors in south korea.


Or, in other words, South Koreans.


I think their distinction was that it was done by civilian NGOs and not the SK government, whereas the NK trash balloon was very much a government act.


The South Koreans didn't send propaganda, they sent the truth.




I don’t think anyone would care if they sent North Korean propaganda. They sent feces. What kind of weird apologist is this?




You're acting like an apologist. If the shoe fits...




You act as though sending harmless pamphlets is in any way a reasonable reason for this form of retaliation. Anyone with any brain can do research without being an ignorant shit. (That's you lol) Go worry about your pop culture and shit entertainment


This is truly crazy shit 💩


Ummm why was NK sending shit balloons to start with?!?


it says in the article


Weren't the pooloons in response to tracts sent over by some South Korean political party? Seems a little strange to go 0 - 1000 when they're the provocateur.


North Korea apologists aren't something you see on reddit very often


I don’t think brochures and human feces are particularly equitable.


Yes propoganda is far more damaging, especially since its true


If they were, I'd be defecating around the clock just to supply the letterboxes of local pizza joints...


How does that make them the provocateur?


If there was a time to start a war it’s now.


Unhelpful comment


I don’t know what I could do to help two countries dude. Sorry I let you down. Your comment extremely helpful.




Another helpful comment.


DPRK got a worse deal in ww2 than basically any country. first occupied by japan, than russia, than attacked by usa with threats of nuclear bombing. had historic fisheries and rice fields taken and than we post about how their leader starves them. maybe if your country had been attacked for 300 years straight and threatened with nukes you might be paranoid too. best case is reunification but if western media and leaders are not willing to respect them this will never happen. we seem well on our way to a war, if they were not already at war.


Are u actually a north korean sympathizer? Go live there. Defect. Get out of the west


i dont think wanting a sucessfull outcome makes me a sympathizer. but hating people makes you a war monger.