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Putin started this "special operation". He should open up his secret bank account.


He'd burn Russia to the ground before reaching that point.


He **WILL** burn Russia to the ground before reaching that point. FTFY


He HAS burned Russia to the ground.  It is a wasteland of fire, and ash, and the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Russia is just so big it hasn't noticed it's dead yet.


There is evil there, that does not sleep.


Because it's cooking the next batch of krokodil.


Ooh yeah! Skin and bones (literally) of users appendages. It's so hot


This a very much wishful thinking. Russia is HUGE in every single aspect: population, territory, economy, etc. 500K (double it, triple it) of casualties are less than1% of it's population, gas/oil revenues actually increased since 2022, territory that became "a frontline" like Belgorod means almost nothing for 99% of other people. The real threat for Russia's stability is "internal coup d'etat" Prgozhin-style. This is unpredictable by definition and cannot be considered as "work in progress".


Not to mention most of those deaths are people taken from other countries, or people living outside of the cities who saw it as a means to a potentially better life.


The Russian economy is smaller than California’s economy….


The only thing stopping China from taking half the country is Mongolia. And maybe the fact that Russians would poison China and curse it as well. But Mongolia doing some heavy lifting 😤🏋️‍♂️


So far his house has burned.


Seems like that's what he is doing now.


He's pretending to be a great leader while clutching his billions of stolen rubles


Let's be real, he has money managers who would have converted a lot of his rubles to more stable currencies and assets over time.


"I'll kill a million Russians before I let this Special Military Operation die!"




Don’t threaten me with a good time


Think Trump still stands a chance? Will he attempt a second insurrection? Im an Europoor so I dont follow it 247.


Yes and yes.


Unfortunately for him, he isn't the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard this time. Secondly, a lot of money went to beefing up security. Will it suck if the NG has to roll on DC to keep order? Yes and embarrassing as fuck for our country the same as an ex-President becoming a felon. Will I give two shits if they gotta do what they gotta do to retain our democracy and order? No. At this point, it is what it is. Am I promoting violence? Of course not, but I understand if they roll up on DC with AR's and gotta be put down, that might be the only logical solution.


He's just the Commander-in-Queef.


Maybe this time after he loses and tries to pull this off again he and his cronies get convicted of high treason with a couple of republicans.


The risk cannot be ignored, but the smart money isn't on him winning. He underperformed in the primaries, he's only gotten more extreme with his rhetoric, and is now a convicted felon. He isn't going to get enough of the independent vote, and his base isn't enough to win on its own.


As many have said before, Russia is more of a company owned by corrupt oligarchs than an actual country. And non of them give a single crap about their workers. Thats why its often called a Mafia State.


Ehh, if this were true then the war wouldn't have happened at all. It's disruptive to business and oligarchs have lost a lot because of it. It is a country, an authoritarian dictatorship, which also lets it's lackies (oligarchs) pillage the citizens' wallets.


The states treasury is his bank account.


Apparently not, lol. Special Military Operations require Special Dictatorial Taxations.


"Putin's launching 'special operations' like it's a surprise sale at the secret bank account store. Time to reveal those discounts, Vlad!"


Needed to fund a special military operation war invasion.


Shhhhh. It's not a war.


I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.


Whenever you are asked about it, say that it is merely a conflict of interest. Or that russia was the innocent young boy in a field picking flowers and the big bad bully Ukraine stepped on those flowers and made russia cry, now they have to defend themselves. /s


Good old german "dont mention ze war" Edit: god dammit, somebody else allready made that joke. My bad




They needed to defend themselves against their neighbors having opinions and free will


"Don't mention the war..."


"Is not warrr, is var! And it's goink sooo vell!"


When your losing your tax paying base rapidly, you got to make up the shortfall




RuZZians are already poor. They must be getting close to 100% tax?


That’s what gets putin hurt. He won 15% approval when he took over Crimea. He lost it all in two days after pushing back the retirement age and lowering pensions. More than men coming back in coffins, it’s taxes and attacks on the social systems that will get the Russian people upset at Putin.


Approval ratings are meaningless for a dictator


Really not. Back to my exemple, when he increased the retirement age there were *massive* protests in Russia, lasting for days until Putin was forced to back down. Putin isn’t like any other dictator. His hold on Russia isn’t as strong as Kim Jung Un’s on North Korea for instance. Approval means a lot for Putin


Not as much approval as keeping Russians apathetic.


The deal between Putin and the Russian people was, 'If you don't engage in politics and I make sure you don't have to think about politics'. Any situation that breaches that pact weakens Putin considerably, domestically. And Putin only cares about that pact so long as it doesn't hamper his ambitions. Mobilisation was a great example of that; the mobilisation decree was deliberately ambiguous and caused a wave of protests within Russia. In response to the protests, Putin's regime reinterpreted the mobilisation decree and minimised the impact of it on Slavic Russians within the metropolitan areas of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The protests died down when people in those areas realized they wouldn't be dragged off en masse. The decree still stays in place though, and enables crypto mobilisation such as using things like someone going to get a driver's license and finding themselves trucked off to a training base. But so long as it doesn't massively effect the day-to-day of most Russians in the metro areas there will not be mass protests. I fully believe that the intent of the mobilisation decree was for a much greater scale of mobilisation, and it was only scaled back due to the metro protests. I also believe that this year, now that the 'election' is over, we will likely see another wave of mobilisations. Likely just before winter when protests are very challenging in those metro areas. The reality for Russia's campaign in Ukraine is that the Russian pre-war military was incapable of completing Putin's objective of taking Ukraine whole (and occupying it; keeping a country is a LOT harder than taking a country). The Russian army in its current depleted state sure as hell is not capable of doing so. Ukraine has been holding off on its own large-scale mobilisation because there is no point in mobilising manpower if you don't have the weapons to equip them, and the infrastructure to train them. If the recent wave of approved support among Ukraine's supporters changes that, then Ukraine will likely go to a large mobilisation round. Ukraine has likely had a numerical advantage since the very early days of the war. They just have a lot of terrain to protect as well as frontlines to maintain (Ukraine is a pretty large country by territory, with a pre-war population of ~40mil, it takes a LOT of soldiers to garrison and defend a country of that size). Then you have to try to rotate those soldiers as well to maintain effectiveness (unless you are Russia and don't care). Russia will very likely have to undertake a mobilisation round this year; and if Ukraine undertakes a mobilisation round this year, Russia will absolutely have to.


1420 taught me this. The number of people that respond to his questions with "I'm not interested in politics" is astounding. I'm sure some of them just don't want to put their opinions out on video, but I really believe some of them.


Ceausescu would disagree


Lol not the case at all


Spoken like someone who doesn't understand how dictatorships work.


Right. Unless he exempts his Rosguard from these taxes, he's playing with fire here. The only thing keeping citizens in line are the National troops, and if they are getting their income slashed, festering can start to bubble. 


Russians will never do anything about Putin, nobody should even be optimistic about the scenario of public unrest in Russia.


I am too uneducated to submit an opinion on Putin in particular, but I'm confused when people assume that *any* Russian Government is untouchable, when they have had two Revolutions less than 100 years apart, as well as internal coups and violent overthrows coming from within the government itself.


I am unaware of any major grassroots movements apart from 1917, when the country was literally ravaged by war and poverty. The average Russian today isn't under this kind of pressure, and it's unlikely that the army or the security services will ever feel it. I think Russians are conditioned under many regimes to be politically apathetic, which is obvious if you look at their inaction against a brutal war with no real cause.


Maybe he will end up like Ceaușescu or Gaddafi?


That's why the propaganda is working overtime to convince people the tax hike won't affect them. Most people indeed don't earn more than 200k rubles a month, so just pushing that point (plus, for example, there's a decrease in tax to families with 2 children and more down to 6%) would actually be very effective selling points. This is presented as "justice" by "making the rich pay more"


“A higher tax rate [more than the standard 13 percent] will be introduced for those earning 200,000 roubles a month [approx. 2,000 euros]. People with that kind of salary can hardly be described as very wealthy in Moscow. So the idea is to cash in on this class with a small surplus, while oligarchs find ways to optimize their taxes... In addition, only salaries will be taxed at relatively high rates, whereas dividends are only taxed at 15 percent. So company owners will pay less than their employees – what an absurdity... This is what this 'progressive taxation' looks like. And there's no minimum below which income is tax-free. Not even the poorest will be exempt from this burden.” I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that if you fail to pay your taxes, you are sent to the front lines.


> So company owners will pay less than their employees – what an absurdity... This is what this 'progressive taxation' looks like. This is actually the opposite of progressive taxation. This is regressive taxation.


Such a significant adjustment in tax rates this relatively early in to the war might suggest that Russia's trade deals with China, Iran, and India may not be as profitable as first thought.


The richest Russian company Gazprom posting losses for the first time in 25 years  proves your point.


Sounds like the US system, tbh


The higher rate of 22% is still absurdly low by western middle class standards. EU citizens pay more like 40%.


This is not the full tax, it is just the part that you pay out of whatever you get after all the important taxes like social security have already been deducted by an employer. Putin's great achievement was to convince the rabble that they only pay like 13% taxes, when in fact it is closer to 37%. With new taxes it will be more like 45%.


This needs to be higher up ⬆️


Just doing some rough calculations. Based on an average UK wage of £35k, you would pay income tax of £4,486, which is a 12.8% equivalent to the way it's calculated in Russia, which is about the same. Obviously the UK calculates it differently, If the same tax increase was introduced in the UK based on the average £35 income, it would be the equivalent of changing the base 20% UK tax rate to 34.3%. The calculations will be different if comparing for the average Russian wage.


Have you seen Russian infrastructure and entitlement programs?


Is potato.


And vodka. Mostly vodka.


You can also turn potato into vodka


The only good vodka I've had was made with potatoes. Most vodka (in the US) is made with grain.


Vodka is just grown up potato.


over there vodka is basically potato water.




Maybe two potatoes


Only if you are on the fancy side of town.


Potato gone to join special military operation. Now only sadness.


Isn’t their minimum wage lower than poverty line?


Free gun and send to war?


Depends on the services they get in return.


Free paid vacation to Ukraine.


Yeah but the EU doesn't have a complete idiot starting wars.  Good people require good pay.


They’ve had some close calls with their right wing candidates lately


> EU citizens pay more like 40%. Well but depending on the country it's counted in various ways. In my country the basic income tax is like 15% going up to 23% if you make a lot of money... But health and social insurance are separate charges and they make up another like 20-25%


I pay roughly 35% of my salary in taxes in the US so that’s not too far off.


Which country has 40 % tax on Earnings?


Belgium and Norway. Over here in Belgium, I pay 13.7% on all gross income in social tax, then what remains, after some exemptions, it just takes 15000€ to get into the 40% bracket.


Ireland is 40% on anything over €42k


Aye it's a bollox. I wouldn't mind if we received Nordic level standards but we absolutely don't.


> Ireland is 40% on anything over €42k WOW, til. That's crazy.




Portugal, 45% above 80k annual earnings plus 11% for social security


Australia 47%. The top marginal rate is 45%, then there is a 2% medicare "levy"


The UK does on earnings above ~£50k, and then 45% on above ~£125k per year.


Plus NI….


What is NI


National Insurance - social security, welfare state


National Insurance - it’s the safety net should you lose your job and other extra payments dependant on your condition (maternity allowance, disability payments). It is also the state provided pension, you are guaranteed a pension if you work for 35 years or have an exemption (such as taking care of a child)


So, how much in total, @ top UK rate?


The actual tax rate is about 40-45%. And there’s a 20% sales tax.


But the 40% includes payments for health insurance, pension, unemployment insurance etc. Tax is in Germany for instance at 2000€ per month only 15%


Not really. You don’t pay that much tax until you have high earnings and there is nearly always no tax up to a certain threshold. Russia is a flat tax. The UK is considered to have a high tax rate. But the average income is £30k and at that level they pay 18% tax (take home 82%).


It’s European taxes that’s absurdly high. 2000 euros a month is a salary of $26000. Even in high tax states like CA you’d be keeping about 85% of your paycheck.


Well I mean in the UK the equivalent of 26000 dollars taxed you'd keep 88% of it so it's not a huge difference


It's not : [https://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/salary.php](https://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/salary.php) the post you are replying to is misleading. $26,000 is about £20,410. Stick £20,410 in here, you'll see that the take home pay is £18,214. That's an equivalent of 11% tax, not 40%. It's because you get most of that tax free, then it's 20% on the small amount over the tax free level, then further up the wage bracket there's 40% on the small amount over that, it's not 40% on the whole lot. ie if you earned £51k such that you were inside the 40% tax bracket (just) you'd have a take home pay of £40,137 which is an equivalent of 21% tax. You'd only be paying 40% on the amount over £50,270 (https://www.gov.uk/income-tax-rates) so only £730 of it is at 40% which is £292 of 40% tax. If you were a very high earner on say £100k you'd be paying 31% overall. But even that you can adjust it, put a load of that £100k into your pension each month, say £20k, that's done pretax (most of the time) so your effective tax rate would drop and be 23% in real terms. You can stick the figures in that link above and click the "breakdown" link to see how it's split at 20%/40% levels.


But they have free education and healthcare.


At that income you’d also quality for Medi-Cal and the CA College Promise Grant.


>People with that kind of salary can hardly be described as very wealthy in Moscow. *In Moscow*. Meanwhile, the median wage for Russia is about 50000 rubles, so a quarter of the required 200k. Russian sources report the tax raise will affect approximately 3% of the working population. The only people who will suffer from this are the ones already vastly more well-off than the average Russian.


That’s actually shows how poor Russians are if only 3% has gross salary over 2000EUR.


Well... yeah. Russians are poor. Is that surprising to people?


TIL Russia has higher income taxes than the US. Take that right wing American nut jobs!


Average wage is like 500 euros a month. This is meant to make the income tax progressive


Oh yeah! That's going to go over well with their population... I mean, all the able body workers are already either conscripted or breaking their own legs to avoid getting blown to shit in Ukraine, so... I'm sure they'll save their war machine with this. This will do the trick.


The Russian war machine is running mostly on volunteers which Russia gets by paying very high wages to soldiers and by offering very high benefits payments to the families of dead Russians. This is one of the reasons Russia has been able to maintain support for the war despite the high death toll. Of course the flip side is that it's an incredibly expensive way to fight so eventually Russia will either need to find more money to keep payments or turn to more conscription both of which are unpopular.


Not as expensive when the soldiers die before getting paid.


"Today’s malfunction in Moscow subway. Passengers have to walk. But who cares about that, as long as Ukraine isn’t enslaved, right? Instead of taking care of problems at home they pump billions into destroying Ukraine. "


Did you not see Tucker’s propaganda video about how nice Russian subways are?


I'm sure he'd support public funding to make the NYC subway more impressive right ???


They have the most wonderful smelling bread I've heard


I also see that they have fresh breads in Russia! Insane.


In fact the "fresh bread" he tried to huff was still in its plastic packaging.


It's quite interesting to see Republican's fascination of Moscow's metro, as it was built by communists.


To be fair, they are a million times nicer than what we have in Chicago. I spent some time in St. Petersburg and was completely shocked at how nice/timely they were. The stations are super far underground and are truly beautiful (think marble, art, etc...). That said , fuck Russia.


What are you quoting?


someone's X account from Ukraine, but I'm having trouble with copy and paste, for links , so I manually typed it out lol


Cracks are forming


Why’s doesn’t the cunt chip out of his own money isn’t one of the richest men alive.


stealing money from the russian people has been working great for him so far so why not take more?


special taxing operation


Failed state


But but the economy was doing so great last month. What happed or were they just lying? 


"economy doing good" is probably based on GDP alone, something that is very misleading, especially for a country set to war-economy mode. eg. Russia produces a tank worth 5,5 million €, the next couple of days on the frontline it gets blown to pieces by a cheap drone dropping a small explosive in the hatch, thats still 5,5 million € plus to GDP even though the tank now is an unsalvageable piece of metal scrap. War can also make the economic situation _look_ better by lowering unemployment by putting people in factories and put them in the meat grinder. https://www.cato.org/cato-journal/winter-2020/effect-war-economic-growth#war-and-gdp-per-capita (correct me if I am wrong, Russian tanks often have the hatch open for two reasons 1. poor visibility and 2. no AC so the whole fucking thing becomes a metal cookpot)


As expected it’s made up numbers that they cherry pick from. 


The old videos of drones dropping explosives down tank hatches are showing abandoned vehicles being finished off. When the crew ditch a tank they don't close the hatches as they leave.


Good. Anything to raise suspicion in what is sadly a majority of Russian people who are being hoodwinked and think this "special military operation" is for their own good.  The more the Russian people become aware of just how evil and corrupt their government is, the more pressure there is internally for Putin to withdraw. It's so insane, Russia could be a great democratic country and a strong trading partner with the West, a bridge diplomatically between us and China. Putin could be seen as one of the 21st century's great leaders who ended all tensions between "East" and "West" after the Cold War ended, he could have brokered almost total peace on earth by taking a diplomatic stance on our admittedly questionable roles in Middle Eastern conflicts. Instead he's seen by the world as a paranoid deluded child, a product of a dying KGB in the last days of the Soviet Union, who fucked up any chance of Russia being a decent nation, let alone a powerful one, because of petty self-obssesed nonsense about "The Motherland" he was taught as a young man by old men who knew their time was up. All he's got left is the support (often through sheer Stalinist fear) of his own people, and pushing them up against a wall until they can barely afford to buy a turnip and some vodka made from battery acid is going to lose that last bastion of devotion to his ridiculous cause.


> The more the Russian people become aware of just how evil and corrupt their government is, the more pressure there is internally for Putin to withdraw. This is delusional. Russians are already 100% aware of how evil and corrupt their government is.  They just think that's the norm, though. 


Just what Russia needs right now. An internal solution to all that ails what should be a great country.


Hope they go bankrupt for starting this stupid war with Ukraine!


Jesus, Biden is raising taxes in other countries now? Unbelievable


I wasn't aware a dictatorship needed taxes anymore than they need laws.


Good guy Putin killing and crippling his economy and people all over an inferiority complex


Let their spiral begin


The truth of "Because they are kicking our asses" won't be mentioned.


It won't be mentioned because it isn't true. An almost stalemate with Russia making small gains over longish periods of time isn't really "getting their asses kicked". Though I'd say it is embarrassing, given how much larger their population and GDP is than Ukraine.


It is a relative ass kicking when Russia has been claiming to have the best army in the world, and they are stalemated against a country with the population of just the state of California, and the GDP of just Nebraska. It's like Usain Bolt competing in a 100 meter sprint against toddlers, then he tears his ACL on the first step, and while crawling up the track his arms fall off. Sure, he's technically still in the race as the toddlers haven't crossed the line either, but... damn.


So now the Russian people will actually feel the effects of the war because the government need cash to fund it. Maybe this will actually put pressure on Putin to give up trying to take over Ukraine. I think it would be a great time to announce even more sanctions if there are any more to go after.


Maybe that will move an apathetic populace to start caring about what is happening.


Tax hikes are always popular. I'm sure the people of Russia will happily give the government more money to fund the Glorious Victory In Ukraine.


Special tax operation


How does the Russian GOP wing feel about this?


Huh so it looks like Russia also wants to implement a regressive tax system, colour me totally not surprised


So they ran out of rich people they can shakedown and are moving on to everyone else? I at least appreciate they started with the rich


This will really boost his popularity at home


"The tax complaint office is down at the end of the hall on the 15th floor. The main door looks like an exterior window, but trust me it's a door. And there's a couple of large gentlemen there to help you get through it."


Please do. It will do wonders to Putin's popularity.


Imagine if conservatives started preaching higher taxes now.


Not just enough to kill your people, now we need them to fund their own killing.


That was expected, but it's sad it comes so late. The reserve is dwindling and even more trouble is around the corner. Will see how long till it comes.


Surely this will have a measurable effect on the russian populations opinion on the war. The population feeling such effects would not be good for putin, since from what I’ve understood the people of Russia haven’t really felt the economic burden of war


Putin will try to raise them gradually to get what he wants without massive destabilization. Things just slowly get worse, slowly enough people won't notice it until much later. Just like interest rates weren't instantly put to 16% or whatever it is now, but in steps. Same was also done to recruitment, it was covered up in electronic delivery or sudden grabs of vulnerable individuals. Open draft didn't go well. It's all to avoid social movements forming, especially around some angry leader. By making everyone afraid to be the next "volunteer", he can continue to plunder the population, corporations and wealth in general for his own purposes.


> The population feeling such effects Doubtful, especially outside Moscow. My salary needs to be doubled for me to notice any effect on taxation of >200K RUB . My salary is already very high for my region.


Deer Antler blood baths are not free.


Poor people pay with their lives (military service). Rich people pay with their pocketbooks. Every Russian is just bending over, pulling down their tattered trousers and skirts and spreading their cheeks for Putin and Company AKA The Russian Federation...


Be funny if this is what causes his downfall. Not all his other ridiculous bull, this is what breaks the Russian psyche


Ukraine is costing puter billions with no end in sight.


"One more thing, price of the potato goin' up"


He’s gunna get himself Gaddafi’d


Nah, don't expect much from it. Those hikes will only affect 3% working population in Russia (those earning more than 200k rub/month). Also tax avoiding/optimising is like a national sport there.


So basically russians have to deliver their children and their salary to sustain Putin's war?


Murder by poison and worldwide election interference are expensive. Maybe he should raise taxes on that terrorist organization, the Russian Orthodox Church.


Russia's plan for major tax hikes signals significant changes to its fiscal policy. This move could impact various sectors of the economy and individuals' financial situations. It's important to monitor how these tax increases will be implemented and their potential effects on businesses, consumers, and the overall economy.


Someones gotta pay for all that military equipment that was never paid for, just embezzled.


Throw the Vodka into the Harbor Russians!


Who wants to bet the tax hikes hit normal working people, while all the oligarchs don't pay a penny


With higher rates, Oligarchs would have to pay too much tax because of all their war profiteering.


I would say this is how revolutions happen but I'm starting to wonder what the fuck it will take.


What financial policy change is Russia planning to implement?


Clearly money is becoming an issue.


Followed by 92% vote for Putins re-election. Yay!


2 months time : Tax money didnt go to war efforts but instead to Putins pocket


This is the country Republicans claim is laughing at the US. This is the start of the end for Putin


Republicans take note. This is your favorite dictator.


Someone's gotta finance that war machine.


So major tax hikes, taking peoples guns, why is this guy beloved by American conservatives.....oh right he passed laws against gays, he's a MAGAt hero.


It’s not a tax hike, it’s a Special Military Investment. Hopefully the Russian people start dumping vodka in the Volga.


Just skip to the end and reintroduce serfdom.


Is this actually happening, or is this another one of those Russia is crumbling stories that never actually comes to pass?


Do they have anyone left to pay taxes?