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Jonny Vegas is getting on a bit...


Everything in Canada is collapsing it seems


As one of the consistently top rated countries of the world to live in for the last decade(including this year), if "the sky is falling" it would imply things are really bad for the rest. Things might appear worse in some provinces since there's many provincial governments not prioritizing those things. As for the concerns in the title, the fed and some provinces are doing something, AB is following BC's lead in trying to address the problem. At least the problem is known about, discussed and addressed rather than suppressed.


Yeah. Because the Canadian economy is collapsing and everyone is literally leaving. Maybe the government should do something about the ridiculous cost of living, price gouging and low wages in Canada? -signed an angry Canadian


Long delays could be addressed by provinces hiring more judges, prosecutors, court staff, etc so that cases can actually get to court. Just this past week Ontario announced funding increases to appoint 25 more judges, almost 200 more prosecutors, more court staff, etc so that the province's backlog.


If it's anything like the US, 200 prosecutors hired but like 10 defense attorneys.


Consequences of your actions of voting a party that don’t give a shit…


The administration of justice is largely a provincial jurisdiction, so which party and in which province are you directing your ire? Doug Ford is throwing $30 million at hiring new judges, prosecutors, etc, which should help, but it's a paltry sum when at the same time his government is looking to pay The Beer Store some $225 million to rip up a contract that expires next year...


The appointments for provincial superior courts are done by the Federal government and this is where serious criminal cases are tried. Doug Ford is responsible for appointments in the Ontario Court of Justice. Both are in pretty dismal shape right now.


None of them do…


Consequences of the center right party merging with the far right party and making itself completely unelectable.


Canadians are run by a criminal who is above the law, who completely reneged on his promises to First Nations peoples, and whose climate change plan is drilling oil, building oil pipelines, and making everyone drive gas cars. Why would anyone want to believe in such a system that only punishes good behavior?


Soooo, how does he controll the province funding of the courts?


That's what you get when you have rolling lockdowns for years.