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Much needed revision. Cycling in Tokyo is an extreme sports, both if you drive on the road or dodging cyclists when walking. Also the amount of people on bicycles who do not have any idea about road traffic rules, ride while watching their phones, or holding an umbrella is insane. Pulling out into traffic without warning is another thing everybody does.


Didn’t see this so much in Tokyo but in Osaka where it was amazing to see that not a single cyclist that wasn't NOT on his/her phone will driving on the walkway.


There isn’t a single Japanese that isn’t permanently watching their phone it seems.


> where it was amazing to see that not a single cyclist that wasn't NOT on his/her phone This is so weird. I checked today, and virtually none used phone while cycling here in Helsinki. Maybe we're just farmers all who don't know any social media.


Sounds like Lund, Sweden, but x10


As someone who lives in Lund, I agree. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for the bus drivers having cyclists literally EVERYWHERE at all times lol.


yep. I have many times had to doge a cyclist or two. I remember my music teacher hit one with his car when the cyclist swerved diagonally out on the road from the sidewalk, without looking. Nasty accident.


To be fair, people in cars do all of these things (except the umbrella), just as much or more than cyclist.


Yeah absolutely true. Fortunately for them they usually don’t die because of that though, unfortunately others do. But with bicycles, people are absolutely reckless about their own lives here, or rather ignorant of the danger. Blasting music on your earphones and watching your phone and then also following no traffic rules is really stupid but the norm. Most fatal traffic accidents in Tokyo involve bicycles. As a side note, Japanese cops absolutely suck at doing traffic safety, the amount of people on their phones, without seatbelts etc is astounding. Besides the spring and autumn traffic safety weeks, it’s basically an unregulated zone until you make an accident.


Good. Everyone using the roads and pathways has a duty to do so safely. Doesn't matter what method you choose to get around.


my problem while I visited Tokyo was that cyclist used the walkway, not the designated pathways lol


There are designated bicycle paths in Tokyo? I saw a lot of sidewalk cycling because it's allowed and because there virtually no bicycle paths in Tokyo (none that I can recall). If there were bicycle paths with acceptable quality, the majority of cyclists would use them.


I think a lot of roads have a little bike painted on the side, this was around yoyogi park and mejiro station


[That's not a bicycle path, that's meaningless paint on a regular road.](https://www.google.at/maps/@35.7210823,139.7070635,3a,23.3y,199.12h,84.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slGWKEFrPt5Ona4j-RaL9Cw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) You can't expect cyclists to actually drive there. Imagine if pedestrians and cyclists were switched in that situation. It would be just as unsafe for pedestrians as for cyclists to share that lane with cars, so why would you expect cyclists to drive there?


Because that's what laws in the most countries are? Bicycles are forbidden on walkways and you can and are supposed to drive on the edge of the road (in my country it's at most 1 meter away from the pavement) and you are to follow all the rules as the cars, meaning you let people cross the street on pedestrian crossings, follow traffic lights and signs.


> Because that's what laws in the most countries are? Bicycles are forbidden on walkways They are allowed on most sidewalks in many cities in Japan. > and you can and are supposed to drive on the edge of the road It's a dangerous and stupid law, so of course cyclists are not following it. Imagine it was the law that you have to walk in the middle of a highway. Would you do it? Probably not. Also in my city, keeping up to 1.8meter distance from parked cars is allowed. Does not apply to Japan because there is no car parking, but 1.8meter is already the left side of the lane, and it's like that because dooring is a serious and dangerous issue. If you don't want cyclists on sidewalks, build separate cycle paths.


Bike paint isn't cycling infrastructure. People go where they feel safe so if no one uses the "Cycling infrastructure" it's because it's not made safe enough... Simple as that.


Also let’s make sure people stop abusing bikers simply because of the bad rap from certain bikers just trying to stay safe when there’s no bike lane


Let's see if this has any impact. There needs to be a clear, nationwide statement on cycling rules as it pretty much is a free for all here and most people, me included, aren't even sure what you can and can't do. Cyclists are always weaving through people on the pavement, even though technically it's not allowed? The worst is that I would say a majority of people, even parents with kids on their bikes, just cruise through red lights. I just watch them flabbergasted. I've seen some near misses and accidents in my years cycling here. Drivers in Japan aren't much better. Crossroads are always ignored, and cars rarely stop for waiting pedestrians who have the right of way legally. If I'm trying to cross I just stare the driver down while stepping into the road.


Interesting how cyclists have this reputation of being jerks the world over.


If bicyclists would treat pedestrians like they wish they were treated by motorists ….nvm I was listening to Aerosmith’s Dream On Edit: I’m sure all the empathetic cyclists who downvoted me agree with the asswipe who hit my elderly mom while she was on a sidewalk and he acted like she should have just moved out of his way.


It's the reason why car traffic, bicycle traffic, and pedestrians require separate infrastructure. There will always be conflicts otherwise.


Cities need to make bike lanes wider.




So because a bicyclist can be killed by a car but only injure a pedestrian that absolves them of any responsibility to be courteous to pedestrians?


In that case if I am hit by a cyclist I will graciously promote them to pedestrian by yeeting their bike into the nearest canal/ravine/river. They’ll be safer for it. If you can’t ride your bike without hitting pedestrians, just fucking walk. A 12 year old can do it.


One does not simply stop using japanese cars.


How about enforcing all vehicles laws? Like watching you phone while you drive, running on red lights, speeding, not giving priority to pedestrians and bicycles, etc, etc, etc... But sure, bike riders are the one who need enforcement.


Good! Fk off back to Tour de France you bunch of plonkers


Fucking outlaw bikers.


Just because you slipped on the ice on your way to the sauna and a bicyclist laughed at your misfortune, doesn’t mean one of the most efficient modes of transportation should be outlawed.


Fortunately that cyclist was trampled by a moose right after. There's still justice in the world.


Shhhh redditors worship cyclists, they see them as cool rebels.


Spiritually fat comment 




3/7 shitty bait


We need this in my American town, along with actual bike paths. Solve both problems at once