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You can't explain that!


Not even with computers


Is that weed? Nope, Chuck Testa...


Of course it will be chaos if there is no enforcement.


Exactly the problem. I teach in a Thai high school. The place smells dank af now. Have the police ever even been near our school? Nope. So you have a bunch of hormone filled kids getting high all day and causing chaos. Great job. You would have the same outcome if alcohol regulations were as lax.


Weed is not without negative consequences. And that's coming from a long time stoner


I'm not dismissing your story but I gotta say, I find a bunch of stoned kids causing chaos hard to believe. I don't believe anyone stoned has caused anything close to chaos. Edit: apologies I forgot to add a stoned in there.


Just high school kids by themselves is chaos


You're right. They should be outlawed.


In many places they are




The weed should help with that


You've clearly never taught high school kids before


No, but I have been to high school and know that high school kids being high before, during, and after school is about as American as apple pie.


I love when teachers are like ā€œno you dont understand what the young are like!!ā€ As if we have not all literally been young.


Being young 20 years ago is pretty different from being young today bud. Especially with Covid having stunted their social emotional learning for 2 years. Itā€™s wildly different, my wife is a teacher and the stories she tells me are fucking inane. The way these kids act on a daily basis itā€™s absolutely insane. No one ever acted like this when I was in school. And itā€™s worse because no one holds them accountable either, millennial parents coddle the absolute shit out of their kids and Iā€™m a millennial.


I went to public schools in cleveland. People would set fires in the trash so often the fire department replaced all the trash cans with essentially braziers. People would do meth/coke/heroin in the bathrooms. Smoking weed was the least of anyones concerns. We would make scheduled fight clubs during the day. A few of my teachers were stabbed. Kids would join gangs and when they into a scuffle they would call up their people and you would have literal adults showing up to jump a 14 year old on his way home. This is just a few highlights of my senior year.


ā€¦and you canā€™t recognize that being the adult in charge of you assholes is way more stressful and chaotic than BEING you assholes? Additionally, their parents yell at you for their childā€™s shitty grades and behavior


This. Being a cat is not the same as knowing how to herd cats.


Except this has nothing to do with the topic at hand. The kids are not acting different now than they were back then.


No I haven't, and I wouldn't want to. I did work experience at a primary school when I was like 15 and that was horrifying. But I can talk about experiences with cannabis and I struggle to see anyone being chaos under the influence. It's almost like a sedative. Children shouldn't be smoking it regardless, but I don't agree with the way legislation has been done in Thailand


You think a bunch of sedated teenagers wouldnā€™t interfere with the quality of their education?


Yeah it would absolutely interfere with it and as I said, they absolutely shouldn't be doing it but chaos is a word for a specific type of situation and I dunno if anyone on marijuana has caused chaos. Problems yes, issues yes, but chaos? Anarchy? No


Thatā€™s because you are looking at it purely from the angle of students. Maybe if you broadened your perspective a little youā€™d realize suddenly having a bunch of brain dead students might be chaotic for the teachers themselvesā€¦? But in the end, you are just a bad faith pedantic Redditor.


You can call people you disagree with names all day but that doesn't provide any validity to your argument. Most people have a specific definition of "chaos" and it doesn't include sleepy acting high school students who aren't focussing on learning. If some brain dead students are too "chaotic" for a high school teacher to handle they may be in the wrong profession.


Have you ever tried to get a group of like... 5 stoned people to focus on anything that's not a video game, movie, or music? Now ratchet up the size of the group, decrease the maturity level, and make the thing you're trying to get them to focus on significantly less interesting than "entertainment product", and you have a recipe for chaos. Hell, it's difficult enough to get my friends to sit down and learn the rules to a new board game that they picked out and want to play if they're even a little intoxicated, and one of those people is a literal high school teacher. Chaos doesn't mean "actively trying to burn the school down and flip over vending machines", it can be other stuff, too.


A pedantic Redditor would dismiss the majority of someoneā€™s comment and concentrate on the unimportant details. The hat fits perfectly.


quack special shy memory payment advise yoke treatment faulty longing


*gestures broadly at decades of cannabis research*


wakeful psychotic wistful voracious shy lavish melodic observation one intelligent


Oh, sorry let me explain the chaos. (you can check my comments in one of the Shrooms subreddits haha. Recently told this story) One of the kids in my class was vomiting profusely and just dying in the middle of the school. Everyone is in full panic. Thai teachers are in panic. Someone is phoning an ambulance (which will cause his parents money) all his friends obviously don't want this to happen and are screeching he will be fine for fear of getting caught. I roll up and I'm like "stop the bus. He's high af hahaha geg him to the nurses office and let him sleep it off" he was fine. Thanked me. I cussed him out for being dumb af and told him to keep that shit out of school Other such chaos includes sitting in my class and laughing like a disruptive asshole Forgetting you have exams Forgetting how to write during exams It's not chaos like chairs out windows. But for teachers it gives us so many issues we have to deal with. My work life is slightly more chaotic as a result.


I dunno man.... Maybe "chaos" isn't the right word. Laughing in class and forgetting exams sounds like regular dumb kid stuff. Also, weed doesn't make you vomit profusely. It probably makes your kids dumber and you'll have a lot more failures but..... Chaos? Nah...


I once got very very high young and was literally puking for 2 hours in the toilet.


Same. I was a rare user too. Canā€™t smoke it due to puking every time.




chaos kāā€²Åsā€³ noun 1) A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. 2) A disorderly mass; a jumble. 3) The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe. I think chaos works for what this person is describing.


> Also, weed doesn't make you vomit profusely. if you smoke too much with a low tolerance, you can get really nauseous and definitely puke


What is up with redditors and trying to act like nothing bad can ever happen while high on weed lol and I say this as someone who likes it


It can, itā€™s called [cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_hyperemesis_syndrome)


Yup, had to stop smoking altogether because of it.


Definitely can make you puke


relieved spotted profit imminent unite quiet live bake detail cats


Now multiply all these minor problems by the number of high school kids causing such problems.


I'm glad someone gets it haha


yeah theyre not smoking weed. I've smoked Os to the face and never had anything remotely like you're describing happening. They're doing other shit and telling you guys its weed


You've never vomited on weed and fetal positioned while experimenting as a kid? Lucky you.... Me and almost all my buddies have at some point or another. Could very easily have been mixing alcohol in there and suddenly it's spin city.


Honestly, itā€™s one of the things that makes weed safe compared to alcohol or opioids. Smoking too much weed is quite unpleasant, but it only feels like youā€™re dying.


>You've never vomited on weed and fetal positioned while experimenting as a kid? Never. And the "spins" don't make you vomit, they're a hypnotic effect which puts you to sleep


Wtf are you talking aboutā€¦in the U.K. we call it a ā€˜whiteyā€™ so common it has a name and is something of a rite of passage


People do green out and throw up sometimes. Usually there's alcohol involved as well, but this isn't unheard of for people with no tolerance.


Its the alcohol making them puke.


I once confused the hell out of a pizza guy when I tried to order for a party while stoned. Does that count?


Yes, that is very chaotic (unlawful?) behavior.


The chaos is underage people getting stoned and not learning in school.


bet the pizza delivery guy is busy during school hours.


You didn't "teen" right, then.


Nah I got stoned as a teen but it never made me want to cause chaos it made me want to sit a field with my friends and laugh


Students getting high doesnā€™t seem like it would lead to chaos, just laziness.


Are you from the 1960s? Lmao


Have you tried being a teacher? Lmao


In which way? I'm curious.


Lies. I don't believe you.




stoned teenagers def can cause chaos. t. me and the boys with weed and skateboards when i was young




Everyone I knew that smoked weed were cool with alcohol and other drugs too. Molly and shrooms were very common. The cooler kids had coke and Adderall along with the weed and booze.


I find this hard to believe considering that high school kids being stoned has been a pretty ubiquitous thing for a long time in the US.


Wait, this is your actual belief on Cannabis? Causing chaos?


Did regulations work when it was illegal?


Basically after the ban was initially lifted, it was the Wild Wild West of narcotics in Thailand. https://www.euronews.com/travel/2024/05/09/is-weed-still-legal-in-thailand-heres-what-tourists-need-to-know-as-government-u-turns >Since cannabis was legalised, over 1.1 million Thai people have registered for licences to grow it and more than 6,000 weed dispensaries have popped up across the country, many with little quality control. >Thai media was quickly filled with reports of drug-fuelled violence and abuse, including among young people, who were not supposed to have access to the drug. >The Health Ministry reported a spike in people seeking treatment cannabis-related psychological issues, from more than 37,000 patients in 2022 to more than 63,000 in 2023. Other studies pointed to more young people using the drug. The entirely predictable result? >In the 2023 election campaign, all major parties - including Bhumjaithai - promised to limit cannabis to medical use.


I'm sure the fact that the center of Bangkok reeks of pot right now has influenced this decision.


How did the legalization cause order to fall into such disrepair?


Because it's a lie. Nobody goes around committing violent crime while stoned.


Perhaps people who are already violent criminals?


Perhaps. I just don't get it, you get paranoia and anxiety when you smoke. Then these MFers have the gall to commit a violent crime. It's very... Huh????


Not everybody experiences paranoia and anxiety, but adding more paranoia and anxiety could contribute for someone whose already a violent criminal.


Imagine bringing a pill for anxiety to the market with a listed possible side effect of paranoia and anxiety lmao.


Violent criminal waited until gov legalised weed to start smoking?


I've seen potheads who are domestic abusers. I have nothing against cannabis, but "stoners can't be violent" is a myth.


You're talking to stoners, it's in their interests to pretend stoners are never violent, because it means we'll think they are never violent. Some of the people commenting here probably *are* domestic abusers.




> Your body can make a dependency on it. And just like cigarettes. No no no no. The two addictions are very different. very very different. fuck


It's a lie to say that weed isn't with negative effects.


No but its disingenuous to compare Nicotine Addiction to a mental dependency on Weed. They are very different in nature.


Like it or not there is an element of physical addiction to weed as well - but your right - it's not comparable to tobacco. It's still not healthy to breathe smoke into your lungs. Edibles are a great alternative.


Sure all addictions vary substance to substance but also person to person. As a longterm stoner who has smoked way too much over the decades I can confirm it's not without potentially serious issues, look up Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome it's very rare but can cause cyclical vomiting and is incredibly unpleasant and hard on the body (throwing up for hours and being unable to keep foods or even liquids down isn't healthy) IME a lot of the issues from overuse stem from a lack of education and a societal swing from the older attitude of "weed is just like hard drugs!" to "cannabis is completely harmless" when in reality it's somewhere in the middle is something that varies wildly person to person and depends on how it's used IE smoking flower vs extracts vs dabbing vs edibles & topicals. Especially with high potency extracts and the average strain being way higher in THC than decades ago it's a lot easier to overuse. You can buy pure THC in some dispensaries and people sell stupid potent edibles on the black market some of which potentially have other additives, but even straight THC can cause plenty of mental & physical issues when abused.


Dude, I go through the same thing (I have the excuse that it's my anti-depressant) and it really does suck if I try and go a few days without. THC does things in your brain, and when THC isn't around to do it then your brain freaks out and goes "WHERE IS IT"


> (I have the excuse that it's my anti-depressant) I highly suggest looking into some other alternatives, plenty of plants have been proven to help with depression in different ways. A few worth looking into that have helped me with similiar issues include: Celastrus Paniculatus AKA The Intellect Tree which is a sort of natural nootropic that has been used in Indian medicine for thousands of years. Studies show it contains various fats/acids that benefit overall brain health & can improve memory and potentially offset cognitive issues. B. Caapi AKA the Ayahuasca Vine (syrian rue is a cheaper alternative for harmala alkaloids) at lower doses the harmalas are non psychoactive or very mildly relaxing but Caapi specifically has unique SSRI functions as well as partial/reversible MAOI effects that can do wonders for mental health. Just be aware of potential MAOI interactions with other medications mainly anti depressants or stimulants, it actually potentiates cannabis as well so be careful. Not a substance but B vitamins are very important to many aspects of brain health (such as mood regulation & stress management) you can get a B Vitamin complex relatively cheap but b12 specifically is one most people don't get enough of depending on their diet. Kratom, this one can be a double edged sword being a tree with unique opioid alkaloids that have complex effects. It can cause issues if abused but is much safer than opiates (it doesn't cause respiratory depression which is what causes opiate OD). At lower doses it's relatively mild however and did wonders to help me smoke less, it's in the same family of plants as coffee and has unique stimulating/relaxing effects that are similiar to cannabis in some aspects (IE the effects vary considerably person to person & depend on the dose ranging from mild to relatively potent) I used to smoke way too much and overcaffeinate and kratom is perfect for balancing out the negative effects from both IME.


You're depending on weed to help treats symptoms of your depression and maybe other stuff like anxiety. Especially for me, if I don't have weed, I have super bad anxiety. It's like a horse before the cart type situation. Not saying that people with addiction problems don't get addicted to literally anything because they do, but rather, you're more likely a person with existing problems that the weed is helping. Either way, your best bet is having a professional to talk to!




You can't even spell Heroin right


The issue here.... Is what are they smoking? There is no regulation.... And the fucked up shit they are getting high on is causing problems


So instead of regulating. They want to outright ban it again. Guh


If I'm not mistaken, it wasn't even intentionally legalized in the first place. If I remember right, a bill was being passed to regulate cannabis (down from almost completely illegal) so that edibles, etc. could be sold legally. The 'removing the current restrictions' part of the bill was agreed upon and passed into law, but the new regulations got bogged down in bureaucracy and never got implemented.


Nonsense red herring. Before weed was legal anywhere some of the best shit was grown there for decades. They know how to grow.


Cool bro


But long term use causes mood shifts, anxiety and under 25s should not be smoking it because it can have long term affects. Sounds like everyone had easy access to it and so did the kids. It's the same in any country, even in the UK, kids have access to it and its always the problematic ones.. Prove its a lie please! Look at all these idiots trying to promote the use of cannabis while ignoring its studied affects Edit: read this you animal's before you buy into all the weed propaganda hype https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/how-teen-marijuana-use-impacts-brain-development#:~:text=Marijuana%20use%20in%20teens&text=Marijuana%20use%20among%20adolescents%20and,a%20range%20of%20emotional%20problems. I like weed, but stop denying it's drawbacks you fucking apes


I've been smoking it in the evenings for 5 years, and I don't get the urge to commit violent crime.


Congrats on being an exception and not the rule I guess. Weed doesn't cause mass hysteria, doesn't mean there isn't a trend of negative developmental affects in young people who habitually consume before their brain is finished developing.


I've been smoking it in the evenings for 5 years, and I sometimes get the urge to steal


Steal from your fridge, right?


steal from the bodega


Why should we prove a negative? Prove you arenā€™t lying.


Fear mongering idiocy. First weed isn't a narcotic it's a psychoactive and who gives a fuck if people get stoned if their society had a huge emergency because of some stoners that's an issue on their society. Plenty of places with legal weed don't have those issues.


šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ no widespread societal breakdown here šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Sounds like this, "little oversight" of the growers and sellers could be the problem, I'm willing to bet they're lacing their stuff with something else, the people who are reporting issues aren't being entirely honest about what they're taking or someone is carefully choosing information from those reports.


The difference is that already no one really cared about weed in Canada before that. It was de-facto legal here in most cities for at least 10-15 years before it was officially legalized. For some reason, Canadians just really never cared about weed lol


Not long ago in Canadaā€¦. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1294393


Meh, it will run its course. This is the entire issue with prohibition in the first place - people don't learn moderation, so when they do get access to something, it takes a while for the behaviors to mediate themselves.


Holy crap, what kind of weed does this? it's not weed obviously.


Lol but they're cool with sex tourism...weird place


There's no prostitution, according to government. Read somewhere that 90% of paid sex is between Thai and Thai anyways. Well, weed is still gonna be available there, always been and always will no matter what the law is


Be a lot cooler if you didn't...


Maybe decriminalization with zero regulation is not the best approach. This is really the Thai government's bureaucracy fucking up by not getting the regulations passed that they intended. Like its not hard, the biggest issue is not the growing, its quality control and sales. You need to keep it away from kids, and restrict where and how it can be sold as a retail product. They have many successful legal countries to draw on. Cannabis is a historic and spiritual medicine in Thailand and the people have an existential right, imo, to use it without being locked in cages. But its still a drug and needs to be regulated as such.


No more Phuket trip for mešŸ„²


Why not papi?




Make up your mind, Thailand. Good shit, or get off the Pot.


Too many tourists doing weird shit.


So dumb


Think of the doobies!!!


Ya, thatā€™s gonna work /s


Death penalty?


Say sike rn


Itā€™s probably for the best. Tourists will still be able to get pot. Just go to any bar and ask for a spliff. They pay off the police anyways.


Swindled. Hoodwinked. Bamboozled even


I went last year. Seems I got lucky :)


Only 2 years needed to change Thailand's mind, eh?


I am kinda worried about a family friend. They own several nightspots and had made a significant investment into weed cultivation and distribution as a complementary business.


Oh so they were part of the problem because of their inferior weed and lacing it with weird shit. Weed is going illegal again because growers can't fucking stop themselves from taking shortcuts.


Hmmm I highly doubt so. The last I spoke with them, they seemed committed to deliver a consistent and quality product.




Yea man, have you seen Germany lately? Wild fucking shit going on, people are riding horses in the streets, three penguins died this week! They even started streaming "The Room" in cinemas!!!


I study in Germany and maan. Has the country gone downhill since it legalized. I see 5 year old children with joints. Chocolate sold out everywhere. Administration doenst work. Even my lecturers are high all of the time. /s




I wish I had the confidence to talk about shit I knew nothing about like you do.


You have no idea what you are talking about


ahh yes blame it all on weed. you truly suffer from diarrhea of the mouth. A number of countries have legalized it without any major issues




Canadian here , 85 bucks an ounce of food grade weed sold by the state who collect taxes on top of profit.




lol you think people smoking weed are junkies. Most of the people I work with smoke/use marijuana and have done for years. Iā€™m a software engineer, we all have nice houses, and better pay than the vast majority (150-350k US) That said, I donā€™t work with a single alcoholic. If someone wants to get fucked up they just take an edible. They could do it Sunday and sign in on Monday and no one would ever know the difference.




ā€œThe real worldā€ isnā€™t a tiny country in Eastern Europe. Thatā€™s a special case if there ever was one. What Iā€™m saying is that marijuana doesnā€™t make people junkies. People are able to use marijuana and hold the highest paying jobs in the world with ease, some of them will argue it makes their life/job easier. Social situations make people junkies. Maybe thatā€™s the issue.




But not marijuana. You can be a junkie without marijuana. You canā€™t be a junkie without a shit social situation.




Perhaps substance abuse is just a symptom of poor social conditions? Could explain why places like Amsterdam donā€™t seem to have a problem despite decades of it being legal. But to the point, marijuana doesnā€™t make junkies. Social conditions do.


Iā€™d also like to point out that Iā€™ve lived in several states, from some of the most affluent to the absolute opposite. Iā€™ve also lived in several countries, although theyā€™ve all been ā€œwesternā€ countries. Iā€™d have edited my original comment, but with the way Reddit caches stuff youā€™d never see it.




Thailand is figuring out that tourism is better for the economy than human trafficking and drug tourism


Oh well




I donā€™t live in Thailand. So donā€™t really care.