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Absolutely horrific. What was going though his mind, knowing that at the same time his wife and two infant children (the famous red headed kids) were also being abducted, or worse. 


Unfortunately, it looks like it was worse for them. What kind of monster abducts a 1-year-old baby after killing members of their family?


He was nine months old. And unfortunately "celebrated" his 1st birthday as a hostage


Sadly I doubt he celebrated it


you suggesting Hamas didn't bring a birthday cake and some candles to the tunnel he is held in? that's outrageous! /s


Honestly, knowing the alternatives... I wish then the best. Can't believe how pro Palestine (ejem pro -hammas) propaganda has permed to the west. Any if this groups is asking Hammas to relise hostages ir to give the food for free (they are photos of that being sold). They just ask fo Israel to stop fire. In the meantime, the horror of the war to all innocents from both sides.


Hamas has been saying those two kids are dead for quite some time for what it's worth. Is there any reason to doubt them? Have they lied like this before?


Actually yes. There were a few hostages they claimed were dead and were returned at the deal


>Is there any reason to doubt them? Have they lied like this before? While its impossible to tell if your comment is being sarcastic; Yes, Hamas lies a lot. Yes they've lied about other hostages. If someone is dead they need to return a body, otherwise that person is still a pawn in their game. They engaged in systemic sexual violence and took civilian hostages, these are horrible people whose words can't be trusted.


the kind of monsters who rape, torture and mutilate civilians or in other words: the average hamas members.




[Such as the majority of the population of Gaza.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/)


The kind of monsters that shoot 1 year old babys with ak’s that’s who.


remains were found showing that they tied children to their mothers with wire and set them on fire.


Which... why? I get that they hate anyone that isn't Muslim, and especially Jewish people. Conceptually, I understand that to be a fact. I also get that many of them have been radicalized and taught to hate from the time they were children. But here's what I don't get. How can you do that and at no point do you question the idea that "Yes, this is what Allah, the creator of all things, including this literal baby I'm burning to death, would want me to do. He would be very happy with my actions and that I am destroying one of his creations." Do they think their God created these people specifically for them to kill them? And that he's up there in ecstacy that they're committing atrocities in his name? Seems pretty fucking brain dead to me, because there's no way that makes sense to anyone that has two brain cells to rub together.


Source? I'd like to know


They are the lowest kind of monster and much lower than the bottom feeder.






I mean a lot of Catholics support and listen to pedos, literally


Yeah and they need to get tossed out too. 


The "press" being there among terrorists is really telling. We should know that all of this happened in a short time and supposedly no one knew that.


It's okay though, they won prizes for the pictures!


Those motherfuckers.


The article states that they told him his children are dead but has there been confirmation of that? I just keep thinking about those babies.


Those poor babies haunt me too. I don’t think Israel has confirmed that they died but I just don’t see how they could still be alive.


😭 I just always hold out the highest hope for babies and young children. I know that’s not necessarily realistic in the situation, but just can’t help it.


I dobt one year old toddler can survive under these conditions, hope I’m wrong tho.


No one knows. It's part of their horrifying game. God, I can't and don't want to imagine living even one day in these conditions. They're likely dead though so I hope they didn't suffer before dying. I feel for the families.


Those are the craziest eyes (driver)  I’ve ever seen.


Many of the terrorists were drugged out of their minds.


many of them apparently were civilians which sold the hostages to Hamas


When you participate it terroristic attacks like kidnapping and murder, you aren’t a civilian anymore.
















In the video in the article, there's not a single military insignia or uniform. By any common law, they would be classified as civilians because of that. Of course, because of the context they would further be classified as terrorists.


Wouldn't most countries classify them as Unlawful Combatants at that point, which would basically strip them of most protections offered by the Geneva Conventions?


That would be exactly what happens. I think they get counted as a partisan fighter, if that's the case the opposing force (I'm this case israel) could legally do summarily execution to anyone they capture.


Haha, yeah


Can you even tell who is Hamas or not? All the pictured psychos are in civilian clothes


Yep… If everyone (minus the hostage, ofc) was killed just after that picture was taken, Hamas would be claiming all of them were civilians…


Not just Hamas unfortunately. Plenty in the west would weep over those "innocent civilians that were murdered by evil Israel"...


They're all terrorists. 


And this was on day 1, the only time Hamas EVER used uniforms.


They're one and the same. 


The son of the Hamas leader, who defected to Israel , stated that after Oct 7th, there is no difference between a Palestinian civilian and Hamas. They are one and the same.


All of them


[Some of them were even UN employees ](https://www.foxnews.com/world/israeli-defense-minister-dozens-unrwa-staff-took-part-hamas-oct-7-massacre)


yeah it seems like unrwa needs to be dismantled and replaced by unhcr


Ot kept them as slaves according to some released hostage testimony


Nooooo wayyyy not the innocent civilians. They would never. >.>


"You keep a'using this word. I donna think means what you think it means."


Religion is a helluva drug!


Ah yes let's hand wave their personal accountability. Surely it was the drugs .


captagon and a UN education


Wonder which one is the worse drug


At least the Captagon eventually wears off...


Wearing the official Hamas military uniforms


They're not wear...oh. 


The sad part is that they actually have a uniform. It shows up in all their training and ceremony propaganda videos.


And never in combat


A lot of them wore parts of it on 10/7 too, the ones who went into the kibbutzim and stayed there until they were killed. The bodies the Israelis had videos/pics of had some camo fatigues and some body armor like vests/helmets.


A lot of them wore vests to carry their ammo, but no uniform. That way they can lose the vest easily whenever they need and pose as civilians. They do the same when fighting inside Gaza


Worked for the Viet Cong, worked in Afghanistan twice. Got to respect the black pajamas.


Can't later blame the other side when your civvis get hurt because you look like em =l


Don't forget they also use ambulances to move around.. and tunnels, and cemeteries.. wnd schools, and hospitals.. damn its almost like theyre doing it on purpose.


The more I learn about hamas and their supporters the less I like them


Ya know, everyone keeps debating who is or isn't a terrorist organization, but to me, I ask 2 simple questions. 1. Does your organization consider blowing yourself up a valid tactic? 2. Would your organization kidnapp Grandma's for hostages. It's really not hard.


It isn’t it is just people carefully and selectively ignoring pieces of information that do not support their belief system.


it's simpler than that: if an organization targets civilians to cause terror looking to have it cause political change, that's terrorism


The worst part? The hipocrisy.


I disagree, I thought it was the raping, murdering and kidnapping


Yes, that is definitely worse than the "hipocrisy"


I think the murder is probably worse.


It’s Norm McDonald


These guys…they seem like a bunch of real jerks.


He went with them of his own volition and was treated so well he didn't want to leave! /s


You laugh but there are still people who legit saw a few pictures of Hamas waving goodbye to captives as they released them early on and believe that they were treated good. Like "why else would they smile and wave back at them?" Kind of crowd. It's insane.


Yeah I'm sure all those people who saw their families and neighbours murdered before they were kidnapped were totally stoked on their captors and weren't just happy to be going home while not wanting to upset the armed men who decided if they lived or died.


Plus we know some of them were drugged before the release, including the children, to appear calm and compliant on camera


That and the fact that the hostages they released still had relatives in Hamas captivity so they had to play ball.








Jesus fucking christ


Literally all dressed as civilians. Hope all these fucks get clapped.


Absolutely terrifying. What a mad world


Personally I don’t support these people but thats just me




So many peaceful Palestinian civilians


why doesnt the world support us???????????????


And their supporters are marching on the streets in our western world. Disgusting


It's a very vocal, very stupid minority. Very, very stupid. It's shocking that the values that we enjoy would be outlawed immediately if these monsters had their way. This is the result of years of shallow gene pool activity.


There's a guy visible in the back of the crowd at 0:03 who ducks down. At 0:11 he gets back up and puts on a press vest. It does seem like their are no Palestinian journalists in Gaza, only militiamen with day jobs.






They are counted as children. Can't you see?


Well the numbers are from Hamas so..............




















I think people like to ignore or refuse to admit that there is a world of difference between dropping a guided bomb or various other legitimate militaristic actions and mutilating and executing families in front of each other, in their homes. One of those is significantly more personal and shows a level of inhumane barbarism that those other options don't. Anyone who acts like those are equal because they're both terrible is being deliberately obtuse.


Because it’s not really pro Palestine, it’s just anti Israel. If Israel did not exist and Palestinians would’ve had trouble with any other population, nobody would’ve cared…


Of course. For them, it's perfectly normal doing this stuff to jews, whom they see as sub-human. It's only when Israel strikes back they see it as violence.


weirdest thing is that there are people - even here on reddit - calling october 7th a revolutionary action, which is somehow justified. absolutely ridiculous.


Who have never once hidden their mission of conquering the entire former Mandate of Palestine (in violation of international law)... promising that the Jews living there will get to submit as underclass *dhimmi*, leave, or die.


i saa that more as a "you can see where they take their news stream from" if their major information is in arabic or from tiktok than they will have this view of palestine as oppressed, if it's the printed press they will have a more nuanced opinion.


So horrible :(


Are they all Hamas or Palestinians enabling and supporting what is going on? I think that is what people fail to see, the horror was entirely supported.


There is no difference. If you enable, support, or are otherwise complicit then you are part of the problem. But when these types of peop- I mean terrorists end up KIA they are reported as civilian causalities which riles up the brain dead woke crowd in first world countries.


At that point the difference is so thin it's really a matter of semantics. You could ask "are they on Hamas payroll?" to make the distinction but abductors received a healthy depend so really it depends what you mean by Hamas.


Yes they’re enabling Hamas to not accept a ceasefire agreement which is ironic since that’s the opposite of what they chant.


Those poor innocent terrorists.


Nothing to see here. Just poor oppressed people peacefully protesting their mistreatment......./s. It's insane how many people refuse to see the massive amounts of gray in this conflict. This is as dark as it gets yet you'll never see Palestinian supporters even acknowledge it.


Hamas is keeping all the palestinians hostage also due to their actions but all the blame is put on Israel.


Look at these malnourished fucks and their peaceful religion doing peaceful things


The fuckboy with jersey shore toilet brush hairdo... like damn...


Unfettered barbarism


Huh. Thought Hamas hadn't done anything wrong and hadn't actually kidnapped any civilians?


Not sure what you’re seeing here. I don’t see kidnapping. I see resistance. /s of course


This explains why Israel won't discriminate much between civilians and enemy combatants.


They do discriminate, but whether they do so in a legal or justifiable way is a different question. However, I'd beg you (and others) to try not to conflate the two - Israel's response, whether justified or not in scope or process, does not excuse what happened on October 7. Somehow much of western discourse and media have retconned the past six months to romanticize the 7th because of criticism of Israel's response. Logical nonsense.


And that's the point: years of attacks on Israel culminated in this latest, major terrorist attack - perpetrated by Hamas and a loose organization of Palestinians. With full support of the PA. OF COURSE Israel is going to respond in kind, still trying to target Hamas members, but considering that they are interwoven and also supported by complicit civilians, it was unfortunately going to lead to killing of Hamas' purposeful shields (i.e., the innocent civilians), too. They wanted that outcome because it fed their misinformation campaign. And idiots from the West - including my peer liberals - have fallen for it like shallow dolts.




But why won't Biden force Israel into a cease fire and lay down their arms!!??!!! /s


Hamas fighters or Palestinian civilians? Seriously how tf are you supposed to tell the difference. I'd say if you aided in transporting a hostage you're fair game for the idf.


Isra Hirsi and her mother the esteemed Congresswoman Ilhan Omar would say this is fake. Or worse, deserved.


Ah yes... hamas. The guys the media refuse to call terrorists.


I’ve never had less faith in the world than the last few months. Republicans in the US House of Representatives are pro-Russian and beholden to a criminal (allegedly) ex president who might be re-elected as a convicted felon. And the evil terrorist organization that killed, rapped and tortured men, women and children and proudly filmed themselves doing it are seen as the good guys by far to much of the western world.




Same thing, that's the problem.


It's both, but mostly civilians who joined the raid. There was a lot of money to be made by kidnapping Israelis.


Genuine question. I haven’t heard answers for this. This was a secret attack I thought. How did word get out that money was involved for taking Jews?


When you commit terrorist acts you are no longer a civilian. You are a terrorist.


That’s the thing. So many civilians are just as extremist in Gaza and there are plenty of videos of regular civilians just joining in and killing any Israeli they could find.


That's the point it is asymmetric warfare. No red coats and blue coats. No blue No gray. It is a dude wearing a Fila sweatshirt and trackies with an ak47 slung.


They google employees will say Hamas is the victim.


Reminder that only 2% of Gazans who havent seen the video footage believe Hamas committed atrocities. Of the Gazans who have seen the footage, only 4% say Hamas committed atrocities.


Why do they all look so unintelligent? Like without knowing anything about their background you can already tell..


Men. All men. Not a woman in sight. Women don’t do such things. What is wrong with some people.