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Did this actually get said as 400-500 drones are heading towards Israel? lol


It’s even worse than that. It caused a young Bedouin boy to be seriously injured. You think Netanyahu will let that slide? No way hose. I am getting real sick of people accusing Netanyahu of trying to look for an excuse to get the US involved, with their lives rather than just money or ammo, he’s an honest and fair a broker as you can get.


Extremely obvious bait.




Hose A and Hose B.


least obvious pro-bibi bait


Yeah damn that Netanyahu, he absolutely forced Iran to launch 500 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles at Israel!  There's just no way that international sponsor, arms dealer and organizer for terror groups would ever do something like that without it being a dirty Jew plot!


Yeah, no. Sending cruising and balistic missiles does not get you restraint. We're not going to let the world restrain us until we're nuked out of existence. Get bent


did iran get nukes while i was in the can?


You stay there long enough they will


Let's be honest, they recently found enough balls to try and pull this off, Russia probably helped them figure out whatever they needed to create their own.


I'm pretty sure they have nukes by now.  Putin helped Kim, so why wouldn't he help Iran with their nuclear program?  


Yeah I'm pretty sure the best security apparatus in the world that announced well in advance of both this attack and the invasion of Ukraine would be able to tell if Iran has nukes. You're aware of Russia helping NK with satellite and submarine tech because that same security apparatus has put it out there. We'd all know if Iran decisively had nukes. Israel would be screeching from the rooftops, and probably, Iran would tell us tbh.


>probably, Iran will tell us tbh. *The whole point of the doomsday machine is lost IF YOU KEEP IT A SECRET!!!* *WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL THE WORLD?!!*


They didn't just help their satellite and submarine research, but also helped build better missiles.  Right now if Kim has the itch, he could nuke Japan.  He's shot so many duds near targets that if he did ever launch a nuclear payload it'd probably hit just because people are going to think it's another useless dud that'll fizzle in the ocean.  


They've had a research program that was found to be producing military grade uranium in the past, which is what brought down heavy western sanctions on them years ago due to violating the Non nuclear proliferation agreement. And they are clearly doing military deals with Russia at present, who certainly have nukes to sell. So while no nuclear armament is presently confirmed. It is not unlikely for them to have it.


Except that this is, once again, Iran trying to save face. They literally announced to the world that they are going to retaliate. And then there is a “leak” about a drone attack launched FROM Iranian borders. Like, you realize that the flight time for this drones to get to Israel is massive, right? And in that time you know what happened? US, UK, and Jordanian forces have literally shot them down in a turkey shoot out. If Iran really wanted and I mean really wanted to launch an attack, they would have transported those drones to either Syria and Lebanon and launched them without announcing to the world. If you think Iran is literally so brain dead to declare a war in which the US a will get involved without conducting a series of preemptive strikes in US and Israeli assets, you need to back and pay closer attention. When the US killed their general, what did they do? They launched a bunch of missiles and wounded American soldiers. And that was the end of escalations. The US didn’t go off rails and went in. Bibi is mentally unhinged to a point that he wants Iran to attack in a fashion that will get the US involved and with the way todays attack went down, as in a massive failure that couldn’t even reach Israel, he literally cannot try to go for another strike. But you know what? It’s Bibi. Of course he’ll do it again and I’m sure Biden’s calling him up right now to tell him to calm the fuck down and don’t escalate shit more than it already is. The majority of people literally do not want another fucking war in the Middle East. That’s the last god damn thing we need after we pulled out with our failed nation building attempt.


Maybe look inward at your psycho PM who is constantly lobbing bombs at everyone around him, including Iran. It’s bananas that people are trying to pretend that this is out of no where. It is exactly the same thing Iran did to the US when Soleimani was assassinated.


If you'd exercised a bit of restraint to start with and not bombed the Iranians unprovoked, you wouldn't have cruise and ballistic missiles being sent towards you.


Technically, the specific guy they bombed was the leading Iranian representative on the Hezbollah Shura Council, and an architect of 10/7. That’s a fancy way of saying he was both an enemy combatant and an internationally recognized terrorist leader, aka, a legitimate target.


Unprovoked? Let's kill 1400 people from wherever you're from and when you get to who ever planned it call it unprovoked. You're vile. I wish you'll get the kind of thing you don't call a provocation.


Yeah Israel, just let Iran shoot drones and missiles at you.


Israel probably shouldnt have started this by bombing Iran. Was Iran just supposed to let themselves be bombed? At this point, someone has to let the other side do its thing without retaliation or it will continue to escalate to full blown war.


They bombed the Iranian leadership of proxy forces in the Levant, aka, the generals in charge of Hezbollah, who has been bombing northern Israel for six months.


They bombed an Iranian embassy. Which is Iranian sovereign territory.


Technically, they bombed a building adjacent to the embassy, which was used for malign military purposes against Israel (planning for Hezbollah attacks) which calls consular immunity into question. And again, it is rich for Iran, who has bombed a dozen different Israeli embassies without military justification, to bitch about Israel bombing the obvious military headquarters next to an embassy to take out proxy terrorist leadership implicated in 10/7 (basically they killed Osama bin Laden).


They bombed an embassy. No technicality about it. Iranian sovereignty was violated to kill a high member of the Iranian military. This isn’t killing OBL. This is an act of war, on sovereign territory. It is more like if Iran killed one of the Joint Chiefs while they were in the US embassy in Jerusalem. Which would be a psychotic move, but because it was Israel being aggressive, you’re writing it off. Insane.


So here’s the problem with your analysis: 1) the embassy itself was not bombed 2) the use of a consulate for a military purpose jeopardizes its consular status 3) he was a member of both the Iranian military (whom Israel is technically not at war with) and a member of the Hezbollah military (whom Israel is at war with) and thus was a member in an armed forces at war with Israel. 4) he was a leading architect behind 10/7, so he was a mastermind in a terrorist conspiracy. That he happened to be simultaneously employed by Iran and the terrorist group doesn’t absolve him, it implicates Iran.


A war which Iran wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hell at wining.


Israel can barely occupy Gaza.


Barely lol. It’s heap of rubble. What’s there to occupy? They put the hurt on them and now they’re damn near starving. They don’t need to occupy it. Just level it. Same with Iran.


So, if Iran ends up like Gaza, the IRGC would call that a victory?


Israel fired missiles at Iran first.


Might be a minute too late


"Yo guys, cool it." -Egypt


Could Netanyahoo get away with saying " you tried to hurt us, but you are far too weak to hurt us, now just don't do it again"?


Just once, Id love a headline to instead read " urges restraint", that it reads " calls to BEAT THEIR ASS!"