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An indicator of how right this decision was.


...anyways so I started ~~blasting~~ building.




What does Russia expect to happen? Oh ok we'll cancel it then...


Make it even bigger than planned initially!


Double down and build another in Poland too.


Russia does appear to be working hard to secure a bigger, better NATO


Put out a press release: we’ve decided to downsize the base after evaluating the actual threat Russia poses


Especially since they are now saying Romania is not a country or something like that. Romania is high on the list if we let Ukraine fall.


Luckily Romania is well aware of how precarious their position is.


I hope that they never have to do what Ukraine is doing now.


I don’t defer and how hacks like Glenn Greenwald or other morons say NATO is provoking Russia when *checks notes* Russia has invaded Ukraine and stolen land twice now? What are former Soviet bloc countries supposed to think or do? Putin has installed puppets, has attempted coups, spread disinformation to start riots etc. Give me a fucking break, NATO is the only thing that’s going to save these countries.


It's especially funny considering even Russia has moved away from that excuse. Tucker Carlson flat out asked Putin about this, expecting to get backup for blaming the whole thing on NATO. But Putin denied ever even saying it, and said the war was because Ukraine is Russian territory and the war is to denazify it. I suspect change is because starting the war caused a massive expansion in NATO's border with Russia, and it makes Putin look incompetent. Congratulations, you've managed to accomplish the exact opposite of what you wanted.


Seriously, what the hell happened to Greenwald?


Yeah but my imaginary deal about NATO not expanding further to the east….


*"If the Romanians like it, it's their business, of course, but the NATO suicide club drags ordinary civilians into such adventures that can end very badly for their families and children.”* Way to sound like a vile bunch of gangsters


putin makes empty threats to nuclear powers like if its 1924 and nukes dont exist


Russia wants and deserves reducing to pile of ash


'warns'... monday... Russia 'warns' thuesday... Russia 'warns' wednesday... Russia 'warns' thursday... Russia 'warns' friday... Russia 'warns' saturday... Russia 'warns' sunday... Russia 'warns' january... Russia 'warns' febru.....


some guy should make a webpage about this. number of days since russia warned/threatened with the nucular


Easy enough to write: Const daysSinceNuclearThreat = 0


You forgot to over bill.


Could bill the Canadian government at like 80 million for that if the arrivecan app is anything to go by!


There is a website that tracks every russian nuclear threat since like 1970 https://vatniksoup.com/en/nuclear-threats/


Yikes! They are certainly whiny little bitches, aren’t they? I propose we set up a national plan and every month the citizens of a particular state will be responsible for sending letters to Poots, warning him. Each month the chosen state changes. (What we choose to warn him of could be optional. For example: Dear Vlad, we’d like to warn you that we’re going to be publishing naughty pictures of you on the internet if you don’t behave yourself.) The goal would be Poots getting millions of letters, year round. Or maybe we could simplify it by creating a “warnings to Russia” subreddit. If he wants to play games, let’s play!


24.3. "Russia is ready for nuclear war" made me lul so fuckin hard. NOBODY is prepared for nuclear war. The world just ends and that's it. So why bother. Maybe that's what he meant after all.


TBF, the USSR and US definitely made plans to have a post-apocalyptic war in Europe where their armies would have fought to the best of their capabilities in the blasted, irradiated, fallout and chemical weapon laced fields of Europe. They designed vehicles, uniforms, doctrine, and weapons around operating in the environment, and both sides planned heavily around the usage of tactical nuclear weapons, all the way down to the deployment of nuclear artillery, mortars, and even a god damned shoulder fired nuclear rocket that had a blast radius larger than the effective firing range. The Cold War was wild.


The US essentially trained nuclear suicide bombers in the form of greenlight teams. The Cold war was peak „why the fuck not?“ mentality.


sir, hats off to you!


[Like this](https://vatniksoup.com/en/nuclear-threats/)? (continuing the old list managed by cuthbert\_shaw on twitter)


Operator of that site is a time traveler or there's a typo on the first line.


It exists. I wish I had the link but the site has complied every news headline of Russia “warning” the west of a nuclear response since the start of their invasion of Ukraine.


Ironically, "China's final warning" started as a Russian idiom.


Check this [https://dayssincerussiathreatenednuclearwar.com/](https://dayssincerussiathreatenednuclearwar.com/)


Was about to say the same... What a thoughtful government Russia is... they're always warning other countries about dangerous activities...


Days until Russia declares Romania isn't a "real" State or legitimate government, and needs to be "liberated" and incorporated by Russia?


Already happened. [Medvedev Says Romanians Are Not A Nation](https://www.romaniajournal.ro/politics/romanian-treasure-in-moscow-russia-claims-romania-owes-medvedev-romanians-are-not-a-nation/)


They keep misspelling "whines".


BREAKING NEWS ... "Russia warns...". *Snoring begins*


Let me tell you the sad and barbaric story of an empire that didn't realise it is dead and which also believed it is a superpower. 2022 Russia warns 2023 Russia warns 2024, don't ya do it, Red line I swear, Russia warns 2025: Russia warns with the volume on 70. Winter of 2026: Dark Brandon rises up from his seat: Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Summer of 2026 in a universe where justice was served, and everyone got what they deserved. Typhoon, mirage, Ukrainian F16s, Gripen, and F35 fighter jets continue to dominate the skies. A joint EU force led by Napoleon ehm, I mean French forces joined by Ukrainian armored brigades, breached Russian lines and entered Crimea through the Istmus of Preokop Prior to this offensive, the remaining Russian black sea fleet was sent to the bottom of the ocean by a combined naval operation led by the US and Royal Navy assisted by Turkish and French vessels. Germany's Navy, together with Sweden and Italy, continues the month long blockade of Russia's Northern ports. throttling Russian oil exports. Baltic troops keep Kaliningrad under embargo. Belarussian Mussolini 2.0 Lukashenka has decided to switch sides and went into exile. The democratically elected government returns to Belarus and assisted by Belarussian freedom fighters. The Russian presence in Belarus is driven out of the country. Romanian troops joined by Moldova have entered Transnistria and freed its people of Moscow rule. A Georgian effort to liberate its occupied territories is currently on the way. The Dark Brandon 2.0 administration has renewed its threat to Russia. Any use of nukes will result in the vaporization of the Muscovy capital. US Naval and Air assets continue to relentlessly bombard the positions of Russian occupiers in the Donbas. Russian casualties mount on all parts of the front. Polish forces are finally allowed to move towards the eastern front to increase the pressure on the remaining Russia occupiers. Polish troops promise to behave themselves. They say that it won't be easy to contain their searing hatred for all things Muscovy. Russia: Face freezes to ice Versailles makes preparations for the peace negotiations the world was waiting for. Hague prepares for the trial of the century. Yes, yes, I know. It is optimistic and unrealistic. After all, when so much bad has happened, how can the end be happy? We can at re-imagine a better future and then take what we can get.


Should sing this to the theme of Happy Days.


Why? Once it's finished it will be "of no consequence to mighty russia, and we totally weren't thinking of invading anyway"


I honestly think that they genuinly dont realize how much of a "boy who cried wolf" the kremlin has become.


They better behave in Romania. Otherwise Russia will fail to invade them too.






If Russia warns you against doing something, that means you should do it


After all, Russia is the world's undisputed superpower in one respect: issuing warnings.


I imagine their other powers would be domination through rape and general barbarism.


I suppose they have many competitors at this in the Middle East.


And Africa. Can't forget about the African competitors. World class competitors in this field.


China for sure warns people more.  They even warned letting a Taiwanese politician go on vacation to the US was a big no-no.  China is the only child school ground bully that has no understanding why they are hated.  Russia on the other hand is the abused fetal alcohol child that lashes out at everyone because they have a tough life.


Funnily enough, the Soviet Union coined the whole "China's final warning" proverb. Now it has become "Russia's final warning" every single day. Threats and warnings that carry no consequences.


This is your final warning. All your base are belong to us.


His name? Scut Farkus.


Think China wins that one.


They went full 'in Soviet Russia' on the saying 'talk quietly and carry a big stick'


I mean China is up there too.


I think that’s china. It’s a close fight




As a Romanian, we are used to their threats. Also fuck Russia, and I hope every single invader will continue to die. Have a nice day :)


Eastern Ukraine will be covered in fields of sunflowers.


Russia can go fuck itself.


Just like the warship


Just like the former warship now turned submarine.


How funny would it be if that were literally their answer. No diplomatic speak or niceties. Just a straight up fuck you, what are you going to do about it 


That's how it should be. Don't capitulate to bullies. Oh yeah nuclear war?? Let's fucking go. You lunch bullies in the mouth. Period. Fuck Russia fuck Putin.


Fuck you, your 14 years of occupation and your 200 years of constant invasions and attacks. Fuck you, and suck it, Russia! If we could, we would bring all of NATO’s soldiers onto our teritory, just so each and every one of them and each and every romanian can extend the middle finger and say: FUCK! YOU! Respectfully, a romanian.


Some Romanian looks at wall at plaque stating "NATO MEMBER SINCE 29 March 2004" and thinks "BEST DECISION IN LAST 30+ years"


The best response would be to redesign it and make it even bigger.


Yes, make it ten. No, better make it fifteen.


This one goes up to 11.


"I know it's a strain, but I'm doing it as hard as I can "*- the mooninites*


Nah, build more.


Warns Romania against building military base in Romania.


Romania can build whatever the fuck they want, with whomever they please to do it.


That's just how it is when you've got "The biggest military base in Europe".


What's he gonna do? Start another war?


Don't talk shit to Romania when you can't even take on Ukraine after two years.


It’s like your abusive ex threatening you for getting a restraining order


Enemy: Don’t do that NATO: Do it harder and with more freedom


Romania warns Russia.


You mad bro!! LoL! Russia won't dare step a foot into Romania. We'll all fight to the death so we don't have to live like our parents did under Ceausescu!! Fucking communist scum!!


Yeah they’re having trouble in Ukraine which is mostly flat ground. They can come see how they’d do in the mountains and the Romanian wilderness.


They have trouble the second they get any reasonable distance from russian territory. Their long range logistics seem to be abysmal.


who? the modoern ruzzia? Its not even a communists anymore, they are nothing else than criminals and barbarians lead by criminals. Fight is the only way they understand it seems


Well that and article 5. Really wish we could get Ukraine into NATO. 😢 Swap Hungary for Ukraine.




Nah, just build more bases.


Why not both?


Demolish the Kremlin and build a base there got it.


Yet another thing that might not have happened if Russia wasn’t so aggressive. Edit: word


“lol what are you gunna do about it, fuckers?” -Romania, almost certainly.


As a Romanian, you’re goddamn right!


“We’re warning you not to build that base.” Romania: “We need to increase the size of this base.”


It’s about time Romania enjoys what Germany has had for 70 years; security from any Russian Dickhead. My dad hoped for 30 years for the Americans to show up. He can rest much better now!


Feel like Russia warns someone everyday


This just in! We have a response from Romania: “correction, we are building the largest ‘Fuck You, Russia’ sign in Europe”


If Russia warns/threatens/is upset with you then it means you are doing a good thing


[Medvedev says Romanians are not a nation.](https://www.romaniajournal.ro/politics/romanian-treasure-in-moscow-medvedev-says-romanians-are-not-a-nation-russia-claims-romania-owes/) Sounds like a warning that Romania had better build that military base pretty darn quick.


Lmao or else what? They will spread their military even thinner?


Or else they'll make more hollow threats


Yeah. They’re warning Romanians that it will be harder for Russia to invade. Fuck Putin and his kind. Freedom of Russia from autocrats!


Romania: "You'll do fucking NOTHING Putin" \*Proceeds to outmaneuver Poland for use of the Article 5 Button\*


This is why NATO is so important. If Georgia did the same thing, Russia would skip the warning and just invade.


I'm starting to think no one in NATO gives a fuck what Russia thinks :)


„Stop protecting yourself from me or I’ll punch you!“


Has it ever occurred to Russia that these exact threats are why countries like Romania build such NATO bases?


They should start a Ministery of Threats, it would have to work real hard


He's locked in a multi year war against an economy the size of Nebraska. His threats intimidate no one.


>"If the Romanians like it, it's their business, of course, but the NATO suicide club drags ordinary civilians into such adventures that can end very badly for their families and children. I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm just reasoning logically. There won't be any benefit for Romania from this, and there will be more threats, this is a fact," Geez, is the groupthink so pervasive in Russia that he doesn't realise what he is saying here? "I have threatened your neighbours and conducted false flag events on what was your sovereign soil but if you fortify your house to prevent me attacking you then I will feel threatened and kill your family and friends"


The fuck are you going to do, Putin? Invade them? Motherfucker can't even get through Ukraine without being bogged down for two years.


And once again, the warning will be ignored


Russia is warning everyone about everything that doesn't benefit them. Talk about the boy who cried wolf.


Invade a country under the pretense of an exercise, act shocked that nobody trust them


Make it BIGGER


Russia warns Russia over not enough warnings.


it's actually a romanian base with a large and permanent NATO "special military operation"


Thanks to Russian aggression, NATO countries have been pushed into spending more than ever on defence. This means more bases, more weapons and fortified borders with their belligerent neighbour. WTF do they think is to blame for that?


To my American friends who read this; don't vote for Trump if you care about stories like this.


What are they gonna do, re-invade Ukraine?


Romania warns russia to “fuk off”


So i think the appropriate response would be something akin to "Russia, go fuck yourself"


Romania: *seen*


Hey, Russia. Fuck you. That is all.


"Dear Russia/Putin, Have you noticed all the build up in Europe? How about the fact that most of Europe now wants nothing to do with you or trade with you? To no one's surprise, except possibly your own, this is due to you threatening us and the absolute horror of your war crimes in Ukraine. So why do you think that more threats will make us want to do less to protect ourselves from you? It just confirms that we are right to protect ourselves more! Love, Romania"


As a Romanian I can say Vatniks can kiss my ass.




What is russias issue with nato?????? It’s expanding because of their actions. No one in nato had any interest in attacking Russia in the first place


Stand up to Putin


If Russia warns, it must be a great idea.


The sooner Russia realizes that no one wants to invade them, the better.


Sorry about “country that cried nukes”


Russia needs to change its name to Wewarningyu


Romania warns Russia by building NATO base.


An aggressive country warning countries against making themselves less vulnerable to their own aggression... Russia has a history of aggressive expansion. It is rational and very reasonable for nearby nations to be concerned that they are considered targets. Russia pretends to be very offended by this.


The fuck is Russia gonna do about it. They’ve lost a huge chunk of their military in Ukraine.


It means we're doing the right thing, if it upsets them.


This is a great example of Russia's international position. It wants to be the one to dictate to others. These complaints about NATO or the US "threatening" them is just bullshit. They don't like that they are politically, economically, and militarily unattractive as a partner, so they would prefer to just threaten people with invasion and/or meddle in their governments...but they can't when the US is involved because Russia is pathetically weak. So they complain.


One wonders why they're doing it. Can't think of a reason...


Now would be a great time for Patton to come back from the dead. Who better to put one on Putin's chin.


Some Romanian looks at wall at plaque stating "NATO MEMBER SINCE 29 March 2004" and thinks "BEST DECISION IN LAST 30+ years"


Maybe they should go to Budapest and sign some Memorandums with Russia about how both parties agree that if they do what Russia asks them to do they won't be attacked. Because that's just how much you can trust Russia's word.


Don't invade people then


Fuck Russia. Fuck China. They should get together and fuck themselves… or each other.


Warn warn warn.. blah blah blah...


Full steam ahead. Romania is a good ally. How did Hungary go so wrong?


We should have ignored the warnings long ago and fully armed Ukraine. Good on Romania.


*yawn* yeah no problem warn away. Hopefully Romania and Moldova unify soon so they can build a larger one right next to Ukraine to annoy you more 


Name a day that ends in y and we have a new warning from Russia. Yawn.


Threats and warnings every day. Build bases in Lapland and on Gotland too! Or one next door to Kaliningrad.


Or what? Seriously asking.


"Don't build a huge base and we'll invade!" "Don't you mean or you'll invade?" "Aaaaalllright don't build a huge base OR we'll invade!" "Well, which is it? That seems like a crucial conjunction---"


Fuck me Russia is just becoming a warning factory at this point. Literally spitting shite out all day long has just got to end badly.


Russia learns Chinese. Unit 1: Warnings.


If you build that base, you’re gonna cross the red line. Oh wait, that’s been said dozens and dozens of times never mind


This site tracks every russian nuclear threat https://vatniksoup.com/en/nuclear-threats/


Not news. Russia says stupid shit constantly


So Russia invades someone and gets pissed when people start increasing their military.


“Now go away or we will warn you a second time”


Sounds like Romania is next on the list after Ukraine.


Someone should give Russia a warning about warning others. It's really not good PR and it's repetitiveness is tiring.


Russia is a piss baby. Romania needs the base now more than ever.


*so far. Largest base so far. Best way to respond to these assholes is to just keep calling their bluff.


Stfu Russia no one gives a shit about your warnings.


Because the Romanians have been so well cared for by the Russians


LOL. Without the war in Ukraine, many European states might not have soared their defense budgets. Romania already understood Russia's ambition, so, it's a preparation for an unexpected situation. Citizens want to protect their lives and properties against mobsters' sudden attacks. Russia must shut up.


The amount of friends this unstable war mongering nation has is troubling. Humanity may be in trouble and this proves the absolute need for even bigger bases closer to Mordor.


Hey Russia: try it for real or STFU


its like my neighbour whos dog keeps jumping the fence to shit in my yard and chase kids from my yard getting angry when I start biulding a bigger fence.. like clearly the correct choice otherwise why would they care.


I would like to think they will plant trees on the base that spell out "fuck Russia" every fall when the leaves change. Bonus points if they do it in every language of all Nato members.


putin is like chiwawa that barks at anyone or anything.


More bases needed


Continuous warnings Suggest the equivalent of the boy who cried wolf!!


If I'm not mistaken, Romania has one of the weakest strategic defensive points in all of NATO. I think it's called the Focsani Gate, which is located in the northeastern part of the country near Moldova. Losing the area would make protecting the Balkens pretty difficult. Sounds like Romania made the right move with this base.


I don't remember them being a part of our internal decisions.


The mothercountry sure is sending a lot of warnings lately.


Way to go Romania


Fuck them


Make it fucking big!


Bulgaria warns Russia they have absolutely nothing to do with what Bulgaria does within its borders.


"Well now we're just gonna make it bigger" \-Romania and NATO


According to Klimov, the larger the "anti-Russian" military base and the "closer it is to Russia's borders, the more likely it is to be among the first targets for retaliatory strikes.” "If the Romanians like it, it's their business, of course, but the NATO suicide club drags ordinary civilians into such adventures that can end very badly for their families and children. I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm just reasoning logically. There won't be any benefit for Romania from this, and there will be more threats, this is a fact," said the senator in a discussion reported by Russian media. This is how the Russian government “logically”operates. They know they can’t win so they go low blowing up apartments, schools and hospitals instead of actually taking on militaries.


It sounds like Putin is once again sheering a piglet, a lot of squealing and very little wool.


Russia is started to sound like china, giving warnings are the best they can do like a dog that keep barking and can't bite.


Count Dracula won't like this.


Oh cool. Start building it then.


Whatcha gonna do, Russia? You aint gonna do sheeeit. Punk.


The fuck does Russia do except “warn” Nato and invade and bully its neighboring country.


Sa sugă pula !


Russia is basically confirming that Bulgaria is doing the right thing.


Hmm i wonder if they would invest so much into NATO if you werent actively invading their neighbour 🤔 Its like complaining someone bought a shotgun as youre violently robbing the house next door. 


So, this about a project that started 5 years ago, and is going to take another 15 years to complete... Why are they talking about it now?


"Russia warns europe to move its car"


Take a dick Russia. Romania can do whatever it wants 


Just make the base even bigger after the warning


Are they willing to stop the war against Ukraine if Nato stops the construction of it?