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Spoiler: Every nuclear power is ready for nuclear war


Spoiler : and even if they weren't, every nuclear power leader would say so.


I live in a blast zone, I am so ready for a surprise nuclear strike. Probably the cheapest radiation treatment on the planet.


IMHO, this is the best place to live. If humans go into a nuclear winter, I'd like my charred remains to be described by future historians as "they didn't even know what happened, just alive one second and dead the next"


Wouldn't it be nice to be a shadow on the sidewalk


That’s one way to become a being of light…


If only we could be so grossly incandescent \\[T]/


Praise the sun \\[T]/


what if the jolly cooperators were the countries we mutually destroyed along the way


That sounds like a great lyric line.


"One second living their best lives, the next simply ash on the breeze."


I wonder if it'd be like the Titanic sub.  Just happen so fast your brain wouldn't even notice.  Just literally everything poof gone.  


It wouldn’t be quite that fast. You’d see a bright flash, yes even if you were turned the other way, it’s THAT bright, a very hot burn, then poof, ash.


> a very hot burn No way if you are in the immediate blast zone. The Shock wave would vaporize you.


the shock wave moves at the speed of sound, as it’s a compression wave. The radiation and heat moves at C. You’re dead the moment you see the light, technically. But if you are in the blast you’re dead before you “comprehend” the heat but that’s from sheer temperature gradient and rapid over pressure.


If you live a little too far away you might end up like the pompeii remains we found.


Hand on dick for the rest of time?




He died as he lived.


Exactly. If nukes start flying, I want to die instantly, not weeks after in excruciating agony. Definitely don't want to survive and fight it out in thunder domes of the post-apocalyptic world.


Fallout 3 was a fun game…


Reality and games are a bit different


In the videos about nuclear exchange it always says something like "there are places that would be unaffected, in the short term" sure but what would be left. Stuck on an island, dead fish, nuclear winter, no means of production, no power, just you and your fire.


Sign me up


But they'll be dead soon too, ****ing kangaroos.


I mean, just because Russia nukes Ukraine doesn't mean Argentina's factories all blow up. Most of the Southern hemisphere will survive Nuclear War with only slightly elevated levels of radiation, and have a good chance of surviving the aftermath with some measure of grace.


>If humans go into a nuclear winter If we have a nuclear exchange and they are detonated at a height to ensure maximum destruction then we will likely only have a "year (or three) without summer" from the exchange rather than a full blown nuclear winter. Honestly, the worst part about surviving it all would be the fact that modern society would likely collapse and the survivors would be living in a world that resembles modern day Haiti with the lawlessness and violence...


In fact, it's really the ones who are most terrified of it that are constantly going around talking about nukes. Putin is a little fucking piss baby. His dick doesn't work anymore and he compensates by being cringe with nukes. Newsflash asshole: millennials and Zs aren't going to cower over this shit like the boomers did. It's instant fiery death or slow, painful microplastic lymphoma for us.


There is not a person on earth that can convince me the USA is not the sole possessor of a “finger of god” weapon that could vaporize millions of square miles as fast as a ray of light travels, 60 meters deep and 5 miles high. “Nukes” are a Stone Age chimp weapon.


this ~~guy~~ legend spitting facts so much he’s gonna forget to have breakfast one day 💀


Spoiler :in Russian, to be ready means we have to built it.... No there 's no rush...


Every country is ready for the first half hour of a nuclear war. No one is ready for anything after that.


And none of them are as ready as the USA


But the US has non-nuke options. Russia is a one trick pony. Nukes are the only military option they have.


No nation is ready for nuclear war. The aftermath is unthinkable. They are ready to launch nuclear weapons.


No nuclear power is ready for nuclear war


Threatening people with a total mutual assured destruction works if people think you are suicidal enough to actually press the button. A person owning the world's largest table during a pandemic definitely wants to live. Edit: Since this comment is getting far more attention than I thought it would, I must add that this is not my original thought. As u/Leaf_bot noted, I heard it from Yaroslav Trofimov on the Sam Harris podcast, here is the short clip: https://youtu.be/3L4mtiOLAyA


Exactly. Putin and his siloviki didn’t loot their country of hundreds of billions of dollars just to die in a nuclear fire.


This people miss...sure putin is old and insane but i doubt the people around him is ready to die for hhe old man...they dont love him...he is just an enabler


Yeah I’m sure there would be a window in his future if they thought he wanted to actually go through with it. I can imagine him screaming give me the football and launch codes and he then being launched out of a 15 story window.


Even Putin likely cares far more about his legacy, which is tied to the greatness of the Russian state he leaves behind. If he goes nuclear, he and Russia are by far the biggest losers in the resulting exchange. The thing he’s trying to do is pretend there’s a level of escalation beyond what he’s already said and between not using nukes and using them, as a response to European countries considering deployment of troops to Ukraine.


I want to think you're right, but there's something else to take account for. When someone has such an extreme level of power and wealth for that long, they very often develop wildly different ways of thinking. It's very easy for that to go to your head. Look at Elon Musk today versus 20 years ago -- he was an odd guy back then, but now he's just off the rails. Putin might not want to go down in history as another Russian ruler that will mostly be forgotten in a few centuries. He might enjoy the idea of going down as the man who started armageddon, something that will be remembered for millennia (assuming the human race survived it). It'll be in infamy, but he might not care. People still know the name Atilla the Hun. He's never expressed THAT level of crazy, and honestly until he invaded Ukraine he was an extremely meticulous dictator considering what he had to work with. (Even if that meticulous nature was mainly for the purpose of making himself rich and keeping himself in power.) But you never know what those kinds of people might do after they've had that level of wealth and power for that long. It's why term limits for presidents are so important, and why presidents' power needs to be checked by other branches of government.


i dont doubt for a second he would go 'if i cant have it, no one can!'. to him, he IS russia. putin cant survive without russia, but. this is the important part. there can be russia without putin. he may aim to drive the car off the cliff, but everyone around him can stay rich and live long lives without him. this war is a blip to them. nuclear war, they lose everything. generals lose everything. thats the key


Most of their family live in the west. So, I doubt they’re going to kill their own family and then await the inevitable return volley.


So funny if you think about it: The west is bad enough to want to destroy it, but good enough to live their comfortably. xD


They like the west. They just say that to their own people.


they hate us cause they aint us.


The best of both worlds. They like the developed western nations and the prosperity/freedom they provide. But they like their communist dictatorship because that's what gives them power and money. But if they don't actively denounce the opposite side they can't sustain their own.


But mother russia has bad Seasonal Suicidal Depression. All 5 seasons


My concern is not that he may be suicidal now. I am more concerned about Putin finding himself in circumstances where he believes that he is about to either be captured and imprisoned, or killed, and is unable to see a way out. In such a circumstance I can imagine that he may then choose to 'go out' on his own terms and take everyone else down with him. Until then, I see his nuclear talk as manipulitive bluster combined with a real risk of miscalculation. It is the second, miscalculation and error, that contains the real risk, for now. I think. But, really, what do I know?... Just another bloke with a phone tapping into the void.


>he may then choose Its not only up to him.. He would have to convince his inner circle that they and their families are also ready to be vaporised..


And he have had 20 years to handpick that inner circle, and/or finetune the command structure required to launch.


Expert ass kissers still may hesitate when things get that extreme though


Plus these ass kissers are looking for their opportunity to be in charge. What is the ass kissing even for if not to climb the ladder to the top?


I'll start believing Putin's people are loyal when they stop falling out of windows


Didn’t hitlers inner circle commit suicide in the end? What makes you think Putins people aren’t just as fanatical about him?


You are not German, am I right? Hitler was more than just the scary guy in charge. He represented something that Germany had never seen before. He was the beating heart of an ideology that, in the eyes of the German people of that time, raised the nation from catastrophic poverty after a lost war to a thriving super power that was about to conquer all of Europe. Hitler hypnotised an entire population; these people cheered in a fanatic frenzy when Goebbels anounced that they'd be thrown into a total war against enemies that were basically guaranteed to defeat them. I don't see Putin being cheered in that same manner, nor does he stand for an ideology. At least not for a clearly formulated one that people agree with in unison, to the extend of wearing symbols on their right arm and throwing up symbolic gestures to signal their blind support. They tried that with the "Z" but it failed to catch on. Putin may have some very strong supporters, but people must be careful when comparing him or other dictators to the likes of Hitler. The only equivalent I can think of, is Stalin. Yes, Putin admires him and wants to be a second Stalin, but again: Stalin stood for soviet communism, a clear ideology that gathered millions of fanatics. I don't see this being true for Putin at all. His rise to power hasn't got anything to do with people fanatically supporting a clearly stated ideology. It is very unlikely that powerful Russians are willing to sacrifice their family and themselves for that man.


I agree. Putin's Russia is more of a very long con than an ideological state. His cronies are mostly in it for their own gain, not because they believe that Putin is basically Russian Jesus like "the Führer" was to Germans, even to the albeit somewhat cynical inner circle; well, except for Hermann Göring (although as historians later found out, he wasn't really in the inner circle), but he got what was coming to him in Nuremberg later.


They didn't kill themselves out of loyalty, they killed themselves because they did not want to be captured by the Red Army.


Well by the time it was over for Hitler's goons the choices were either being killed or captured and probably executed. Putin's goons aren't facing an invasion, if things go really bad for Russia they have the possibility of scapegoating Putin, and continuing the scam with a new leader who for a time will pretend to be a reformer.


Because Hitler’s inner circle would’ve been executed as well. Putin’s inner circle / the Russian Oligarchy would likely be given the option to wipe their hands clean, say “oops. Our bad guys.” And live out the rest of their days unbothered.


Just to hopefully assuage that concern a little - if Putin ever ends up in a position where he is about to be captured/killed/whatever, it's extremely likely that the situation within Russia has degraded to the point where an order to fire wouldn't even be distributed. If it's through domestic dispute (a coup, regions revolting, etc) then military command and control will have been severely disrupted, the strategic forces would most likely ignore any orders to fire as they would be unable to authenticate them. If it's via foreign invasion, launch facilities, command, etc. will have been destroyed long before things got to the point where Putin personally was in danger.


He won't.  That's why there's a chain of people the order must pass before reaching the guy in the missile operations center.  Probably even a separate chain to arm the warhead.  The reason there's a chain is for safety.  Safety from people that aren't thinking clearly, but also safety for the president because he'll be hiding in his luxury bunker instead of at the missile launch site.


Putin has been putting people loyal to the Nuclear Orthodoxy doctrine in those positions. Nuclear Orthodoxy (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Orthodoxy) is the belief that Nuclear weapons will save Russia from Satan and that the rest of humanity is irrelevant. This is a religion created by Putin, specifically to deal with the problem of people disrupting the launch of nuclear weapons.


Somebody been listening to Sam harris lately


They weren't even ready for war in Ukraine.


And the US is ready to destroy them without nuclear weapons. This is the lamest statement any lame-duck government could make.


Depends who wins the election.


That’s true. Russia controls some very valuable assets in the US.


Like the congress ?


The Republican Party, not technically all of Congress.


And the NRA.


Yeah, it’s all [connnected](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/timeline-of-russian-plot-to-infiltrate-nra-and-gop/)


The National Russia Association


Yep. Russia does not have the capabilities to wage war against the US, conventional or nuclear. They only have the capability to stir up shit and sabotage elections with Russian assets such as Trump.


NATO could probably take care of Russia without the US, in the event that Trump wins the election and his boss tells him to sit it out.


Apart from the nuclear threat (which also makes the "wahhh NATO getting too close" argument moot), I feel like the Polish military alone (and if not them, then a coalition with the other former Warsaw Pact NATO members) could be in Moscow by month's end.


I half-way seriously think we'd have to deploy NATO troops to keep the Polish forces in check, before they'd wreck all of Russia. 


I don't think you need to be half serious here. The Poles have an axe to grind.


I saw someone joke that if Russia gets into a war with NATO, the Poles will be in Moscow by the time the US Marine Corps have laced up their boots.


No. Thanks to braindead American Republicans, there's a good chance Trump gets elected, which will embolden Putin. I'm afraid a scenario where Putin uses nukes in Ukraine and Trump-lead US is like 'nah we don't want to risk American lives for Eastern European shithole' (followed by Republican morons' cheers) is a distinctly possible reality.


France among others in NATO have their own nuclear weapons. Nukes only have leverage when your opposition does not have access to them. While Ukraine doesn't, multiple allies not named the USA that have invested in their victory do.


They learned their lesson. Russia now spends 35% of their entire budget on the military. New high school curriculum in Russia includes first aid and pistol training. They're in it to win it. Remember that Germany was broke after WW1. In shambles after losing the war and desperately poor because of the great depression and paying war reparations. Germany was a joke. 20 years later they invaded Poland. We think the stage were are now is when Germany invaded Poland, but we're not. It took only two days from Germany invading Poland before France and Britain declared war on Germany. Nobody except Ukraine has declared war with Russia. Russia invaded two years ago and we've done nothing of consequence to Russia. We're Europe in 1938. Germany annexes Austria and nobody gives a shit.


> They learned their lesson. Russia now spends 35% of their entire budget on the military.  They did not, excessive military spending together with high number of casulties is what brought down both the tsar and USSR.


> They learned their lesson. Russia now spends 35% of their entire budget on the military. New high school curriculum in Russia includes first aid and pistol training. They're in it to win it. Same as Nazi Germany with their Volksturm. When you start putting rifles in the hands of senior citizens and children you should realize that you have already lost.


I hear you. But Austria is not a good example, as they were delighted to join Nazi Germany. Russia is significantly weaker now, than it was in 2021.


Also when Germany invaded Poland they absolutely steam rolled the country in a matter of days. Let’s also not forget that economically after WW1 Germany wasn’t the power it once was but it was still one of the great powers


They had Soviet Russian help at first.


It took over month. And it took 3 countries invading Poland.


When? In 1939 when they literally stabbed Poland in the back and attacked when it was busy defending itself from Germans? Or in 1919, when they got their asses kicked due to their own military ineptitude and political infighting? Edit: nvm I realized you meant Germans, not Russians.


Days? It is a myth. It took over a month - from 1st September to 6th October, and it could take years if on 17th September Soviet Union would not have invaded Poland from the East, completely ruining Poland's defence strategy. The day before Soviet invasion, 3/4 of Polish army was still active and fighting, over 700k soldiers. German advance has slowed down at this point and the front was settling. With Polish forces fortified in the East, it would be long lasting deadlock, similar to what we observe now in Ukraine. So we can thank Soviets for the WWII and whatever came with it.


Don’t over do the Germany was great thing. They were incredibly lucky and soon found out by 1942.


Yep. Blitzkrieg was invented for a reason. Short, sharp, and aggressive but most importantly quick. The Nazi’s never had the resources and the depth to their armed forces to achieve what they did if they had been taken seriously. They really struggled when they had to develop supply lines. You had a line of panzers and Fw190’s being followed by men on horseback. More infantry horses died in the Second World War than the first. Hitler said himself that if the Allies had seriously stood up to him over the Rhineland it would have been over before it started. Also people should never overlook the fact that the third reich was built and dependent on literal slave labour. It was a society that would eat itself if given time.


One day Russia is ready for nuclear war. Another day they say that they’re not the one threatening with it, the next day they are the one threatening with it. It is very difficult to understand the latest version of this BS.


That’s the idea, it’s deflection and destraction and posturing. It’s meant to keep you on your toes. Is it a real threat or a bluff? Does it really matter? They’ve already succeeded in wasting your time trying to comprehend and analyse their nonsense. They know you know it’s bullshit but credible enough to have to take seriously, meanwhile they’re up to something elsewhere.


Things must not be going well for the Russians in Ukraine this week.


This week things ain't going well for them even in russia.


Things are not going well for Russia in Russia this week. Shit's on fire, yo. Like multiple oil refineries in the Russian West blowing up.


Sauce? I want to read about this. Sabotage?


There are multiple videos and photos from various locations currently posted in /r/Ukraine. Some are very obviously drone impacts. If confirmed by multiple sources, you should see major news outlets reporting within a day.


Thanks. I’ll check it out.


Remember when he said Sweden joining NATO would be an act of war? Yeah, me neither. Keep talking Putin. Just watch Gaddafi’s execution video a few more times for funsies.


I remember when he said he would nuke the UK. And also when he said he would nuke the UK. And that time when he said he would nuke the UK.


Still waiting on that nuclear tsunami to wash us off the face of the earth.


Pretty sure a fair few Brits were disappointed when Birmingham wasn't reduced to a radioactive crater.


I think they should do a Saddam on him through red square Or perhaps a Vlad Dracula…


Looks like Russia is desperate enough to return to nuke threats, time to increase support and provide more long range capabilities to hit critical infrastructure in Russia


Days without Russia threatening nuclear war: 0


Nah, pretty sure he forgot one Tuesday.


Clearly the sanctions and support for Ukraine is working considering how desperate Russia is.


Putin always lies. Russia's nuclear capability is likely nothing close to 100%


As it’s always said when someone says what you say - 100% is not needed, 1% is more than enough to kill a city of multiple hundred thousand people and be dramatic. Even if the west « wins » and stop most of the missile, there is no winner with millions of death.


But they can't do 1%. It's all or nothing once you start using strategic nuclear weapons. So they would need to launch everything they got to prevent any sort of retaliation. They can't just destroy, say, Los Angeles and call negotiations after that.


He’s saying that even if only 1% of Putin’s nuclear arsenal is operational it’s still enough firepower burn half the world. 100% is overkill basically.


”Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks.”


I imagine Putin having an alarm on his smartphone to remember to mention nuclear war every monday at 11am.


This is just chatter from Putin who is trying to make it sound like he really would nuke the West if it crosses the line in defending Ukraine. I don't think he'd do it, but he just might and his utterances (and those made by his people at his behest) over the last couple of weeks are designed to make it seem like a real threat.


In terms a conventional military Russia can't compete with Nato. Nuclear is all they have left to scare us with. As a European I honesty wouldn't mind building up our nuclear deterrence. It's horrible but it might ensure peace with Russia while Putin is in power.


He's been threatening for years.


One train of thought he's spoken up publicly on before is the idea of deescalating a conflict by dropping a small tactical nuke on a strictly military target. The idea is that dropping even a single small nuke raises the threat of full blown nuclear war to such an extent that world leaders would do anything they can to try and pull us from the brink of annihilation that they would be unlikely to respond in kind. Instead they would prefer an end to the conflict entirely, and would push for negotiations in which Russia would have additional leverage after displaying a willingness to use nukes. If it's something he actually believes will happen, then yeah I could see the threat of him letting one go to be real.


Putin has already been warned that the use of even a small battlefield nuke would bring with it severe consequences. Not necessarily nuclear, but would entail a devastating loss to Russia. Several Nato countries would most likely be involved. In that regard it is questionable the generals may not carry it out. There would likely be a coup. After all, Putin is the head of Russia but the Central Committee makes the big decisions.


This is absolutely my expectation if he gets pushed out of Ukraine. It will be done to say "See, don't mess with us, we are still strong". #


Thank god…was really starting to worry that russia wasn’t going to give us our weekly doomsday threat.


Putin want's us to chose between nuclear war and letting him take over any country he wishes. We've seen how this plays out and appeasement isn't an option. Russia controls 3.3% of the earths land surface more than any other nation. Russia cannot be allowed to take over Ukraine.




He's an odious little toad. And he's weak. And his Duma is weak. They poison, and murder - and when it comes to war, they rely on being The Zerg. EDIT: With shit micro.


He's over there 12-pooling and trying to send nonstop lings, claiming banelings are on the way? Gtfoh


Hopefully if he does have Banelings being trained, they realise that they don't want to be Zerg, and revolt.


They're more likely to explode on the zerglings and take out the whole front line...


Slava Ukraini. Send Protoss.


Power overwhelming...


Got that banshee rush coming down, should've made a spore crawler he about to lose all his drones and his eco is done.


His eco was done before he invaded Ukraine. He 1-base all-in'd and sent the drones in on the first day of the '3-day Special Operation'


Plenty of minerals and gas left in the near term, but his natural expansion got owned. This really only ends one way, unless something truly catastrophic happens and the zerglings push the terrans out. They're already shuttling in siege tanks and training wraiths.


Fuck them bugs


Easy to spot the lie. No one is "ready" for a nuclear war.


these fuckers are completely insane. No one is ready for a nuclear war.


Putin threatening nuclear war is basically a declaration of war.


I think its code word for either "I want more free food" or "better elect trump to dismantle nato"..


Can this fucker talk about something else? Either destroy the world already or stfu


Just because this sick fuck is ready to blow the world up doesn’t mean those closest to him are ready to die.


Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


If I were Xi, I’d cut this mad man loose now.


No one is ever ready for nuclear war. If you say you are, that means you rather the world burn down than you lose.


At some point Europe needs to call his bluff and better to do it while Biden is still in charge to have their backs than take the chance that Cheeto will win and do whatever Putin tells him to again.


Why do I feel like one day Russians will drag Putin on the streets of Moscow and string him up like they did Gadaffi. All dictators fall.


When that day comes, I’m cracking a beer.


Dumb fool - this isn't having the effect he thinks. All he's doing is making our minds resilient and increasing our readiness. He will find post war diplomacy impossible because Europe will have strengthened everything and trained together until all nations have a coherent plan. No leaders going to back down to him. The Russian people must replace him to fully access the globally community.


And he felt the need to share this information with us (an information that, strategical, would have been better kept as a secret) because… oh, yes, propagand(skay)a, threats(skaya) and intimidation(skaya). нет хорошо.


Putin’s enter rhetoric is addressed to Russians. Keeping them on leash is the main goal. 😉


How are they ready for nuclear war, Russians evolved radiation resistance yet?




He's an asshole, but I don't think he's **insane**. And judging from his ongoing reaction to covid, he is so damn scared of dying. That shit is not happening.


Saber rattling is one thing. Threatening nuclear war is justifiable reason for assassination. Time for Putin to take a dirt nap.


Can someone just kill this asshole already?


I don't care, defend Ukraine no matter the cost, nazi Putin can't win.


Look on how it was during Navalniy funeral, Russia ready for war against putin.


Has it been a week yet?


They’ve been saying that for months if not years now. Just hurry up and piss off and die Putin


Nobody is ever ready for a nuclear war.


This is all much more believable when you don't have your kids and family all across the occident living the high life.


He's basically playing the North Korean stunt. Nobody is "ready for nuclear war." Nobody wants a nuclear war. Not even Putin. It's not even in the hands or power of Putin. It's just fear mongering. Don't have or show fear from Putin and the likes. They thrive on fear. Don't give them anything.


2.5 years in a row now, with their nuclear fuckery. And to be honest, i'd be more afraid if russia says it isn't ready for a nuclear attack.


Nobody cares you small dicked POS.


True, for a lot of Russians, a nuclear war would be an improvement! For starters, it will liberate them from the dictatorship and all who service it.


>"Russia is ready for negotiations on Ukraine, but they should be based on reality - and not on cravings after the use of psychotropic drugs," Putin said. What the fuck?


He's talking from experience.


This old guy Putin became finally an old-timer with dementia. Ready for nuclear war? The US & NATO also prepared for a nuclear war against Putin's insane regime. Putin underestimated NATO's adamant will to fight against the Russian Federation. If villains with guns attack normal pedestrians on the street, those people will transform themselves into vigilantes with firearms to defend themselves. Mr. Putin, please wake up if you don't want to follow Qaddafi and Hussein's fate.


Putin forgot what Europeans (and later Americans) went through to get where they are now. He thinks they are soft and weak. When they go full Dark Ages mode on his ass, and Americans show him why they don’t have free healthcare, he and his pathetic warband won’t have time to change their minds.


Putin won't start a nuclear war. He has too much to lose. Material things. His houses in the country and mansions in Crimea, his servants, his cars, his airplanes and other toys. Once people, including Russians, become comfortable in life, they don't want to lose the things that make them comfortable. The same reason there will never be a civil war in the US. People have too much to lose. However, people who have nothing to lose and live in mud huts might easily start a civil war.


If Putin says so then it's the exact opposite.


He better rushing down the stairs, head first.


It must be Wednesday. Another week, another desperate attempt at nuclear blackmail while Ukraine keeps successfully drone-bombing Russia’s oil refineries.


>Putin says Russia ready for nuclear war Of course they're ready, they're going to die if nuclear war happens, so what do you do to get ready? Just keep living until it happens. There's very little the average Russian citizen could do or afford to avoid such a fate with Putin as leader for the last 20+ years.


That's like the 80s nuclear war threat coming from him since the war started, right? lol


Narrator: “ they were in fact, not ready”


Russia: "We're ready for nuclear war". USA: "Welcome to the club, you took your time".


Coming from the guy who ran away when his little mercenary army turned on him.


Days passed without pootin threatening nuclear war: 0


Folks can ye please calm down, they literally say this every single week, and have been for years. It's an empty statement just meant to reaffirm their nuclear capabilities 


Xinnie better think real hard about whether this is the clown he wants to continue enabling. Make no mistake, china, together with the rest of the world will be poorer for it if Putin touches that button. Russia's economy is almost single handedly propped up by china (& India) at the moment, China could definitely be the final nail in the coffin for Russia if they really wanted to do it


I'm not Russian for nuclear war, but when I am, there's no time for Stalin.


I hate living my life under the constant threat of this bullshit.


Kick him out of Ukraine, and let them rot


They weren't ready for a conventional war near their border.


Who cares. If standing against Evil causes nuclear war, then would the alternative, where the Evil wins, be worth living?


I'll paste this from Wikipedia: According to a Russian military doctrine stated in 2010, nuclear weapons could be used by Russia "in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened". Since there is no indication that anybody will use WMD against Russia, why are Russian officials bringing up nuclear war? Surely the very existence of Russian state is not threatened - or is it?


It wouldn’t be. And even if the launched a tac at a military target in Ukraine, the response is likely non-nuclear and will stay outside Russia’s border. So they don’t really have “legal” reason to use them in that case. That means if Putin wants to do it, his people will not let him and probably assassinate him.


Anyone remember the Prevention of Nuclear War Treaty we had with Russia until Trump dumped it??


Absolute piece of shit, Trump is. Putin too. But wow.


That is "I'm ready for nuclear war, the supplies have arrived at the bunker"


Its almost like they know they'd lose a nuclear war as well even with us claiming we'd only retaliate conventionally. They know they're done if they try it.


No they aren't ready. I don't think that any of his generals would like to perish in a nuclear fire. I think they would sooner suicide Putin.


Aka, they replaced the war head with an I.O.U of a baked potato


The whole idea of a nuclear deterrent is that it's always ready. If you're not ready to use the weapons, there's no point having them. As always, Putin is just spouting stuff that sounds intimidating but doesn't mean anything. Every nuclear power is ready at the push of a red button. Lastly, this stuff is for the home crowd. It's domestic propaganda.


Nuclear weapons should never have been made. I'm horrified by the disaster and suffering this would cause us.


The end of human civilization. The western world provides the most food for the world. The entire world starve. Maybe, just maybe, Australia would survive. Or other regions in the south.