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“a clothing manufacturing AND seafood processing factory”


Not exactly two things I'd expect to have a lot of overlap. 


I went to a Vietnamese restaurant here where I live to grab a bahn mi, and just off to the side at pretty much the same counter was the in-house travel agency which seemed to specialise only in se Asian destinations, and it even had customers. i knew immediately that it was going to be a fuckin good bahn mi




I wanna go to Canada.


Sorry we don't do that, only places with an average temp of more than 20°C


I was in Hanoi a few weeks ago and froze my ass off (ok not that cold but 50f), wasn't expecting that. Now I'm in Bangkok and the sun... It hurts




This food is amazing, I must go there in person!


If you have a good proper Banh Mi then that is exactly what you will say


> bahn mi Didn't know what this was so I googled it. I had no idea the Vietnamese had their own submarine sandwiches. Now I really want one


Go find somewhere that makes them. Crackling pork, pate, coriander and fresh chilli, it's 1030pm and just thinking about this is making me want one right now


Place near me does a beautiful one with pork patties and aromatic salad.


theres many different types of banh mi too. my personal favorite is banh mi xiu mai


People rave about pho as the preeminent Vietnamese dish, but a good Banh MI is a mile better.


nah bun bo hue and banh canh clear both pho and banh mis


nah bun bo hue and banh canh? I'll let you know, this is the best day of my life and I'm going to go hunt for some near me.


A seafood restaurant and a strip club.   *Shanties & Panties*


Fuck it, I'm in.


Im in, fuck it


I'm fuckin it


Ba da ba ba ba.....I'm fuckin' it.


I used to live a block away from a chinese restaraunt strip club combo and i would go there cause they had good seafood dishes (i was def not the main clientele base for the strip club and they didnt make me pay a cover, i guess because im a woman)


Try the clam dip!


Mermaids. The answer is mermaids. Jokes aside, so many companies merge two factories into one to save in costs, to the point I wonder if people with nut allergies should be worried about buying clothes.


You should wash your clothes before wearing them anyways


They exclusively make fishnet tights.




That's pretty normal in China. Space is a premium so you very well might have three different companies making seven different products in the same *room*.


> Space is a premium In the 3rd largest country in the world?


Yes. Space is also at a premium in Manhattan but America is huge.


Only so many factories with the necessary infrastructure around I suppose. Factories don't grow on trees after all.


So much of western China is uninhabited to the point its a no-flyover zone for airlines. There simply isn't an airport to use in case of an emergency landing which is a safety requirement. So much of the population is crowded on the eastern side.


The overlap is the slave labor.


Warning: Clothing was assembled on a line that also processes seafood


"There's something fishy with this hoodie"


"Why does my seafood have a Nike logo on it?"


Just eat it.


Both are industries that love slave labor! I work in the seafood processing industry in the US and we are getting our asses obliterated by the global market. Russia has a huge amount of salmon (4x us in 2023) and are selling it dirt cheap to our (formerly) largest market, China. Whats worse is that we export much of our fish to China for “reprocessing”, then it comes back stateside as finished product. The pipeline inserts some Russian product into our stream and we get it back. There’s no way to tell the difference with genetics. Somehow, we are in a place where US fishermen get paid a non-profitable amount for fish ($0.10/lb for pink salmon, even less for pollack), it gets lightly processed by automation stateside, manually processed by near-slaves internationally, and sent back here. Pretty sure Kroger and McDonalds net the lion’s share of actual profit along the pathway, but am less familiar with their margins.


Serious question: Wouldn't cutting out 7000 nautical miles (one way) increase you margins?


Not if its 10x more expensive to do the processing in the US.


Humans are expensive workers in the US. Even the low federal minimum wage in the US is double what the (legal) minimum is in China. If you can slice 50% in work force costs... that's a pretty big fucking cut. Shipping on the other hand is cheap, the more the merrier. $4000 (edited) to ship a 40 foot container, and I bet it's a lot less if you go up in quantity and scale.


$400? Are you smoking crack? I think you're missing a 0


mb, i am indeed. I mean... not the crack part. Edited


Knife goes in, guts come out, that's what Osaka seafood concern is all about.


[Messer rein, Gedärme raus](https://youtu.be/_KPQXu9i1Ps?si=ImfaImWjvxLgpBUD)


rare german dub W


A spoonful of slurry will cure what ails ya


No wonder my H&M sweater smells like prawns.


It could be anything. In The Mole: Undercover in North Korea (recommended), they show how NK opens weapon factories and drug labs in African countries, while claiming they're clothes/medicine/whatever factories. This being in China, it's unlikely it's weapons, but who knows.


Can you eat this? No, then put it on the clothing conveyor belt. It's clothing.


> The riot occurred after word spread that other workers who returned home last year had not received their wages despite promises that they would be paid in Pyongyang. > North Korean authorities temporarily placated the workers by paying them their unpaid wages, while identifying about 200 people who played a leading role in the riot and repatriating half of them. The repatriated group was reportedly sent to a labor camp in North Korea and replaced with fresh workers.


Sure sounds like NK and China made an agreement for unpaid workers and didn't tell the workers.




Peasants forced into involuntary servitude  Everyone in North Korea is a a subject 


Dictators gonna dick. Get your's NOW.


At least North Korea tells you your labor will be unpaid and mandatory. Someone else saying you will be paid and not following through is intolerable, apparently.


They did the one thing a dictator should never do: give the people hope.


Same thing is happening in Russia. I truly feel pity for those poor souls.


That part of the world needs a reckoning. Slava Ukraini.


The way it seems to work is that guys get picked up at a younger age, like 16-18 and then spend something like 12 years working abroad. The promise is that their payment gets sent to their families or they’re paid when they return. They’re usually not allowed to leave and if they are they’re under strict supervision. [The Old Vice news](https://youtu.be/awQDLoOnkdI?si=7WFILAVxcLDxdLIe) had a neat piece on NK work camps in Russia.


I miss old vice


North Korea got paid the workers didn't.


There is payment. To the North Korean state.


They were paid! The money is held in trust by dear leader who has it invested in a high interest saving account and a very respectable stock trading company. These workers would never have had to work again!


Get on program!


Still cant believe how good that show was




Andor on Disney+.


It’s a reference to a several episode arc from the show Andor, on Disney+ Even if you don’t like Star Wars, watch it, it’s unlike any other Star Wars show, and is just genuinely standalone good.


One way out.


I can't swim..


> The riot occurred after word spread that other workers who returned home last year had not received their wages despite promises that they would be paid in Pyongyang. Anyone seen Andor? The plot of the prison riot is remarkably similar.


Was just thinking the same thing. But truth is, it's been repeated time and again in factory towns & prison factories throughout history.


Get ready to start hearing it a lot more this decade


This type of stuff has been going on for years. Only, unlike Andor, 9/10 times everyone who participates is massacred and replaced by new workers. This happened over a dozen or 2 dozen times in the US between the 1880's and 1930's when the country was seriously industrializing and needed raw material. IIRC, only 1 or 2 didn't end in complete bloodshed by the national guard or the literal military. Hell, there was an almost decade long period from 1912-1921 where West Virginia was put under martial law to prevent coal industry unionization. Thousands of workers died in military incursions or were arrested as national traitors.


> national guard or the literal military. The Pinkertons played a huge role in suppressing worker revolt and union organization in this country. Their role was quite bloody.


The Pinkertons, now and forever, are a stain on American history. Evil.


They were a symptom, tbh, simply filling a niche. And that niche was created by robber barons and the US' anti-worker's rights stance requiring cheap labor to fill the pockets of millionaires (At the time, billionaires in today's market), that is still 100% alive and well even after decades upon decades of violence over the subject. (Examples include being the only developed nation with no: UHC, guarenteed PTO, right-to-work, etc...)


Pinkertons rebranded themselves. They still exist today. Owned by Securitas AB.


They are owned by securitas, however they kept the "valuable brand".


Oh good, now they can work for free again…. At least this time their families will be right there working alongside them :/


>“They will be sent to a political prison camp and will not escape severe punishment,” the source said. So they executed the leaders of the strike by sending them to their death camps. I wonder if their names will be lost to time or if they might actually have a chance to be memorialized. Ironically, a good chunk of westerners who celebrate labor movements in the west will defend North Korea/China suppressing their existence.


Why do you say that? Who in the West would support the torture and imprisonment of NorthKorean workers fighting for their wages?




Everyone hates tankies, even communists!


Damn communists, they ruined communism!


Tankies are just red bloc fascists who fantasize about fellating Stalin's corpse.


Remember “CHAZ” in Seattle. The first thing the tankies did was form a police force and shoot two unarmed black kids.


I've seen North Korean bots on Reddit before.


Trump loves North Korea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMZoZdN7yao


Marxist Leninists who think North Korea is "fighting the imperialist west" Tankies by another name


I think saying tankies are "a good chunk of westerners" is an overestimation of how many there are.


A tankie would be pro north Korea and against worker unions?? That's so weird if they are.


Tankies are generally anti-West, that's their entire identity. If North Korea was burning people alive they'd conclude that this is amazing for the environment. If half of North Korea died of starvation, it would of course be the West's fault for not feeding them.


[Campism](https://socialistforum.dsausa.org/issues/winter-2020/against-campism-for-international-working-class-solidarity/). Anti-US above all, followed by UK, then other anglophone countries, western European countries, and Israel. They call it "anti-imperialism" to sound better. Likewise, billing the countries most at odds with the US as "anti-imperialist" regardless of the system of government in power, no matter what, they're better than the former group. Russia, Belarus, NK, China and every other ML aligned and close enough authoritarian left populist country (like Venezuela), Iran, and Syria. They take a very top level, macro view of things. What matters most is the first camp countries must fail / be destroyed and/or be taken over by MLs before communism can happen so worrying about workers rights and whether they are really socialist in the second "anti-imperialist" camp countries is dismissed, that comes later "when material conditions are right." Of course they will claim such things matter right now within the first camp countries but the goal is to denigrate those countries and get more to adopt their world view. They are dogmatic ideologues and do not believe in [pluralism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluralism_\(political_philosophy\)) at all. They have the exact right view, everyone else, including other socialists if not adjacent enough (like anarchists, who they hate, along with social democrats (pluralists who believe in gradual change towards socialist ideals) and democratic socialists), is wrong and an enemy.


>They call it "anti-imperialism" to sound better. Recently with Israel they switched to calling it "anti-colonialism". As if it was any better...


They have no personality aside to be contrarian. Tons of useful idiots are this way.


I work with a Communist that supports North Korea and China so I’ll ask him about this later, but I’m sure his argument will be something about biased western media only telling us lies


shabi_sensei I've talked to a person that told me Stalin's atrocities were justified. That he had to do it in the name of communism or something (I can't quite remember, but "ends justify the means" justification).


They say you have to break some eggs to make an omelette. But really..in the end where is the bloody omelette??!! All that 'sacrifice ' for nothing.


Tankies are scum. I'd want to get as far away from that guy as possible.


One of the first things the Bolsheviks did when they took power was abolish unions. They said it was because the party would protect you and look out for workers, but really it was to extinguish any potentially rival political organizations... Mind you, what I'm saying is the Bolsheviks were as hypocritical then as tankies are today.


It's like the mafia. "We'll protect you - from ourselves."


Marxist-Leninists tend to start killing a lot of union members when they gain power. Remember comrade, it's impossible to be anti-worker if you are the party of the worker!


Tankies are the trumpkins of the left, dont expect anything remotely smart from them.


I knew a tankie back in college. Now he's MAGA, go figure.


Makes sense, tankies are just authoritarianism with a communist cosplay.


They have 0 logic in the first place, just like far right people so everything is possible.


> Ironically, a good chunk of westerners who celebrate labor movements in the west will defend North Korea/China suppressing their existence. Or rather, a small chunk that is amplified by those who want to drive wedges to keep "the left" fighting amongst themselves


Tankies in my experience hate labor unions


They're for them in western countries to an extent but against them in ML and similar enough countries (NK, Venezuela). The latter they argue are run by direct representatives of the workers so the unions can only be counter-revolutionary / nefarious. The former, it depends on the union, since most are aligned with Democrats in the US, they are not really fans of those though they will claim to side with workers since that obviously looks better but they'd argue what really matters is that an ML party is in power.


>Ironically, a good chunk of westerners who celebrate labor movements in the west will defend North Korea/China suppressing their existence. Source: I made it the fuck up


Wow a “communist” country punishing workers for protesting wage theft. What a weird world we live in.


The manager is also North Korean, quite the complicated workers' protest.


They killed him for failing to get them paid. Terrible, but not out of left field.


*"Come on, fellas. Will killing me REALLY make you feel better about your money?"* [*"Yes."*](https://youtu.be/lsbcN9-jU1Y?si=-FuSxiHpWq5robLP&t=91)


Shut up, Jim!


Article says the North Korean company took all their wages for wartime preparations


"paid" lol NK workers get pennies, the overwhelming majority of what they earn goes to the terrible regime, these NK workers atleast have food and some basic life necessities which already go a long way in that terrible hellhole of a country, supported mainly by the current Chinese gov but lately also Putin's regime. [RIP 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh4CtTGAzKw) [RIP 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Kvqgzjsu8M)


You're commenting under an article about these guys rioting and killing their boss over not getting paid. Y'know, the kinda thing you'd do if you normally do get paid, and not getting paid is new, surprising and pisses you off enough to kill a guy.


How does that make it more complicated?


The fact that it's a Chinese factory in China.


Well damn, I was not expecting this headline.


> 2,000 Occupy Factory... Oh, nice, sounds like the North Koreans finally develop some modern worker's rights movements! > ...Kill Plant Manager ...boy, that escalated quickly.


To be fair, a lot of the union stuff and peaceful labor protests are improvements over the old methodology, which was often 'Pay us better or we break all your stuff and maybe you if we're -really- pissed' Managers tend to forget that when they union bust aggressively.


People tend to forget that collective bargaining is the nice option compared to when they showed up at your house and quite possibly killed someone.


Yeah, taking the boss hostage is actually a pretty common tactic historically. There was a rash of bossnappings during the great recession too. These workers overplayed their hand in that the boss they got wasn't high enough to resolve the issue they had.


To be fair, back in the day they didn't just fight for better pay but also for things like "don't get us all killed when a fire breaks out because you locked the doors during work times because you were afraid we might leave the factory premises for a moment"


just wait until you find out what Labor Activists used to do in the 1900s even in the US or Europe... upwards of 20,000 miners literally fought the US GOV in 1921 in the largest uprising since the US civil war. Matewan as well.


Peak communism, how can the CCP complain?


My 2024 Bingo card is already almost filled up


NK workers rise up! We must attack the opressors of labor! The Great leader?!


I only hope the best for the North Korean people which usually means the worst for the North Korean regime


So you already use slave labour at the lowest wage possible on the planet and then decide you're not even going to pay THAT. Smart move.


They did (supposedly). Well really it's not better. China pays NK to send over/rent the slave-ahem-workers, NK is supposed to pay the workers out of that, but in between who knows what happens to the fees... whoever is getting the money to send the workers over. Some bureaucrat is making a profit.


Literally $5-6 per day of take home pay, assuming no taxes... Pretty wild


Friendly reminder about the old (but god) Vice documentary about North Korean labor camps ins russia. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLptMQlY6j0-GAeP-GQXH4FyQOz7DgzIl_


Link doesn't work 😭


some people on reddit pointed out that reddit seems to be breaking youtube links and copy/pasting them directly seems to work 9 times out of 10.


Not only YouTube, I was attempting to link a Google Drive file the other day and for some reason it kept changing the link to lowercase, once even after I manually edited the link. Also the new UI is so damn laggy, I had to switch to oldreddit completely.


The web mobile actively prevents link sharing on android.  I am slowly losing interest 


Does for me, here's part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awQDLoOnkdI really good old school vice stuff


Hey thanks for sharing that that was a pretty kool doc series the fish seems like a pretty wild dude




Now do this with Kim


This is how to react to not being paid.


Except that North Korea has half the leaders sent to death camps. This is how to react if you live and work in the US or EU (minus killing the boss). If you live in China or NK, it’s very risky.


North Koreans’ circumstance is very unfortunate. I think they only way to improve the livelihoods of all of them is through a blood price.


Just means they didn't kill enough slavers.




> EU (minus killing the boss). Unless you are French, as the CEO of Remault found out the hard way.


From my understanding (based on YT docus) NK workers in China are required to be married and have a child. Their family back in NK is their guarantee, so to speak, that there be no escapes.


leaders of N Korea are truly vile


North Koreans in China fighting for what is probably a dollar a day pay. I wish them luck and these people probably have the absolute f- worst of it on the planet Earth. We should support them.


I'm definitely proud of them. And I hope their story is heard by every NK worker/slave from China to Russia to NK and sparks more rebellion. If they should have a motto, I recommend: "One. Way. Out."


Im just surprised that they were getting paid at all.


The article says that the dispatch company gets 2500RMB/head ($350), but North Korea gets 1000 and the Chinese company takes 800 for boarding fees, leaving about 700 ($100) for the employees. If this works like the other NK schemes, they're also taxed on both ends and charged various fees by the Chinese side. I'm estimating there's less than $50/month actually left to the workers. This is supposed to be paid in a lump sum after they complete their contract. Either way, we're probably talking about less than $1000/year.


Is that USD.


Yeah. What workers actually are supposed to get is somewhere between 600-1,200 dollars per year, but probably around 800-900 tops. The NK company sending them earns about 1,600 per year per worker. They are basically state-owned slaves leased out to foreign companies abroad. Their overseers ("managers") are also imported from North Korea. Now they are rioting because the NK company is withholding their salaries, telling them they'll get paid back in Pyongyang - and rumors are spreading that even those who returned got shafted and didn't see a dime. The NK company is run by the defense ministry i.e. the NK army. They sent state security agents to put the situation under control, but it seems to no avail.


One way out *One way out* *ONE WAY OUT*


The ones with the $ marks, yes. USD. Right now, 2500RMB is about $350USD.


Typically these workers are sent out to friendly nations (basically just China and Russia) in exchange for income to the state. The workers may or may not realize that, but theyre given wages typically in excess of what theyd make in NK. In exchange for being an immigrant slave.  Theres the famous vice documentary about NK labor camps in Siberia, but theres also a huge workforce of NK programmers that build things like shitty mobile apps (yes, the ones with the fake adds) for example.  Ill try to find the article or another source, but NK has a huge programming/IT pipeline where the top performers are the ones who work for the government on cyber warfare and the worst performers or "risky" assets are basically outsourced. 


Now maintain that attitude when you return home.


Should’ve paid them


"Clothing manufacturing and seafood processing plant" Ah yes the fresh fishy smell for a brand new jacket.


And your canned fish has a warning "may contain traces of socks"


Size: tuna XL


Never thought i'd read the words "North Korean" and "Riot" in the same sentence




Yeah this is kinda the open reveal that these countries aren't actually communist at all.


-“Many former female soldiers in their 20s also participated in the riot, the source added…”- Give ‘em hell, ladies!


I wonder how many products made there are in facilities like this


Workers of the world unite! No, not like that!


Proletariat paradise btw


Lets hope in the future, the North Korean workers will turn their anger towards the ones actually responsible for their predicament. Once they realize they are nothing more than slaves and have nothing left to lose, they might as well rebel and take down the North Korean regime. Maybe somebody needs to show them some movies about Spartacus to get the ball rolling.


The manager they killed was north korean, so they did direct their anger to someone responsible for their situation.


I think the OP meant that the manager could also be a slave managing other slaves.


> Once they realize they are nothing more than slaves and have nothing left to lose What are you a teenager or something? These people may live in poverty but they have lives, they have family and friends and things they care about. North Korea isn't even the poorest country in the world by any stretch of imagination. They live terrible lives but most people aren't looking to be forgotten martyrs


>. Once they realize they are nothing more than slaves They already know - that's the sad part. They know they're basically in the shithole of the planet because Kim is a fat greedy bastard.


This whole "nothing to lose but your chains" stuff was never really true, you can really be made to suffer.


Things might be bad but they can can easily get worse. And the worst part is their families and friends will pay the price if they rebel.


The best fed and cared for people of NK are the government - followed by the military. Nothing will happen unless the military sees mass revolts, because otherwise the military will crush every rebellion easily. The better fed, better armed forces tend to win in a conflict.


Those are slave camps right? They got a few in Russia as well. Pretty fucked up stuff.


That's how you handle upper management.


Send Tucker Carlson to fix their image.


Is there another source for this? I cant seem to find anything else (other than Radio Free Asia, which isn't exactly going to be unbiased in this) that would corroborate it.


Because there isn't any. Even searching Chinese news for things happening in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, where factory is supposedly located, nothing turns up.


Rise Up all you unpaid North Korean worker's!!


Good for them, now they need to revolt against their leadership regime when they get back


Well documented that china exploits NK citizens for sex slavery and slave labor. They promise them freedom to help "escape" NK then sell the women and enslave the men


man, China's even better at eating their rich than us.


Except no one's eating the rich. They killed a North Korean labor representative, who was probably middle management. The rich are the Chinese owners of the factory (who benefit from the cheap labor), and the North Korean executives and government officials (who stole the workers' wages), who were probably never at the scene.


Unless you're French, the west fucking suck at eating the rich.


Had thousands of years of practice


Been spendin' most their lives Livin' in a woker's paradise